TKDAY MOKMVC, AH'II. ' We arc authorized to state, t hat Wu.- rx i . .. i : HAW 1M V I DSO t i.mj. Having urcu sum i- tcd by many of his fellow citizens, is a oandidateto represent tliis lilcvcnth Con gressional District, competed of the coun ties of Mecklenburg, (,'ubatrus, and I-in-cxdri, in the eighteenth Congress of the United States. iMrosrnox. The rule which we adopted, some rjjorths since, not to publish any marriage communicated anonymously, we thought would secure us against impositions; but we have been disappointed. In our paper of April I, we published the marriage of lames Avery, V.- of Morganton, with out the reme-tebl suspicion, that by a fraud, as despicable, asthc motives which promp ted it were unfeeling and malicious, we were doing that which would very sensi bly wound the feelings of that gentleman and his amiable lady. The imposition oonsisted in substituting for the name of Bliss Brown, the young; lady to whom he was married, a fictitious one, to gratify passions as little indicate of a good hcait, as of the refined and delicate feelings of a gentleman. The marriage came to us under the re uponsibility of a name ; bui we are f 4tTul now, that that also, may prove to be ficti tious. Hut we will give it ; and perhaps that, with the manuscript, which is in our possession, may furnish a clue to the dis covery of the author; the name is I'tirr tl'ftiturniunt, r .it her cacophonous, wheth er real or ficticious. I he letter is post marked " I.inrjtnt',n, 24lt March," and fits, under the superscription, the words rreJrom I'. If." We hope this cir cumstance may bring to the recollection of the Post Master at Line olnton the name ef the person who deposited the letter in lis office. It is due to the community that he should be discovered, and, if not amenable to the laws of his country, ex posed to the just reproaches of the puhlic- Hereafter, in publishing deaths and tfiarriages, we shall not only require the Same of persons communicating them, but those names must be resfiwtible. It is absolutely necessary to pursue this course, to guard ourselves and the public against future impositions of the kind. On Sunday, the Cth inst. the dead bo dv of a negro man, who is supposed to have been drowned, was found lodged against a rock in the Yadkin river, about a rr"m lhe Harper". Ferry (Va.) free Tres. tmle above Pet.nington's fei rv, Montgom- TnT.1I. F.Cl.ll'sr. OF TltF. SI'.Y. try county. It had on a pair of blue cas- On the 27ll of June, 182. a: 34 min- simere pantaloons and vest, coarse yam "V s v,st ,our 'clok ,hc "''.f10"" . ,. . , will rnd the piesent ( hahlcan pcuod, and -stockings, and a blue bandanna ctav4t. , r . r . i . . . , leave us for the spnee cd twohouis and The corpse was in u state c.r putrefaction; f,r,T u.inu-es in sublime and pleading as the skull, bones of the face, and one arm, tonMunent. as night will be rcalied atnl were completely denuded, tan Monday evening. It was butied'.u.T'. A very ;i'i! 'ing tlejt'i as rcl. ted toil'.rlipse : thev re mule for the meridian us last week, bv a gcn-lrmati from David-1"' 11 rprr'. Ferrv, in latitude 2 . sf ; ,ltii longi'ude 7:r 'J V. of Crecuwich, and son counts. Mi. J.f.h J.hl, a totint. , ' h i!os : it m. man about ye-rs cl 1, accorrrsn.ed by I'e,,,,;,, f hc ei ,psc. 4 31 nftcrnnon. another young man, both of Davidson. Total darkness, - 5 56 went into the bon'eis of Guilford countv. Pud f 21 fir lha ntirrvisp .,f r,i,tin mil rmnlinr- Duration, ... 2 AO ....... . . . ? ntuis, on tnc Wlh o. January las. ; t.urmg the day, young Mr. Id j! went a short tanre into the woods to fell a tree, while his fellow. laborer remained to split what timber was already dow n ; ufter he had, he went to where Idol had been at woik, und there found his lifeless body . crushed between the trunk of the tree and the hard fion earth. The tire, in failing, ia supposed to have struck the point of a hill on which it stood, and "whirled round and recoiled back so rapid ly, that the unfortunate young man was unable to get out of the way before he vyas struck to the ground. Mr. Idol's character was most unex cfptiotubly good ; (0 j,;s industry and exertions, o mother and two sisters were tilniost wholly indebted for the it main fainanre. He was utiiveraally esteemed while living; ami his death is mojined md lamented by all who knew him What gave unusual poiirnnnrv to the in iel of his relatives and the sympathy ol Ids! ivirtbs w4?,ilmt hftjjasd u;iij hcjjtwctc' l i,j. 1 1 ; i a;;i ,w. yon:.'; .,..y ir.e iK'i jliboi'iiood ; who were, in a few days, Ik line been united in the eulearii,; re lation of nun and wile. His remains were followed to the grave by u larger concourse of citizens than was ever bef ue witnessed on a similar, or per haps any other, occasion, in that county. r.l'ISCDl'JL COXfF.Xl'tOX. The Convention of the Protestant Kp-is- copal Church of the Diocess of Noi til Carolina assembled in thistown on I hut s day, the 10th inst. and had not adjournei when our paper went to press. We are, therefore, unable to give our readers its proceedings in tliis week's paper. We can barely say, that the Convention elect ed unanimously, the Rev. Dr. Havenscroi, of Virginia, Hishopof the Dioccbs of N. Carolina. The proceedings of the Convention were unusually interesting; and we hope to be able, next week, to notice them more fully. Dinner o Cut. Ilnuli nn-t. On Thurs- day, the 2Tih ult. the citizens of Haleigh J sapling which had been bent by tiie pres gave a dinner to Col. Henderson, who was I cure of the tree, and was freed by the aoout to uepart will! his latmiy lor tnc Chit kas.iw country, which is to become! his future residence. At S o'clock, a ve ly numerous company assembled at the Hell Cavern, and sat down to ihe excel lent repast provided bv Mr. Wynne, for the occasion. Col. Polk and (ien. Jones, presided. After the cloth was removed, Col. Polk gave as a toast, " Our much re spected townsman, Col. Thomas Hender son." To this Col. P. added a lom ise and handsome encomium on the character ol the guest whom they had met to honor, and concluded with an expression of the brst wishes which the kindliest feelings of his best friends could dictate. The toast was drank standing, with loud applauses. Col. Henderson rose, evidently under the excitement of strong feelings, and exptcssi d his thanks in a very appropri ate manner for the honor done him by the met ting, and for the st ntiments just ex pressed; sentiments valuable in them selves ; dcr to him. as comint,' from such friend as his fellow townsmen had al ways proved themselves to be, and more highly tppreciatfd as rxpressed through one whose standing in Society and revo lutionary services, gave an impress of pc culiar value upon every thing he uttered. I o thr citizens of Haleigh, and to the State at large, Col. 11 said, his obligations were i;ri it: to this partiality ant' undevi ating frie ndship, he owed that which gave to life nt in v of its enjoyment! : and let his destinies rarrr him wheresoever they might, atd place him timler whatever cir cumstances thev would, he should ever retain the -most affectionate regard for the people of Raleigh, and feel pride as well as pleasure, in the recollection that he was a son of North Carolina. He beg ged leave to propose " The health of the citizens of Raleigh." The Colonel sat down i'tnidst the loud cheerings of the company. Ka'.n-jh licUtt r. '' v's'','t'' our atmosphetc should be fue horn clouds. The writer of this artii U" Ins tindv-i taken the agreeable task j of m.'kiut' eh ul.i'.itiiis relstne to the dil tfetenf l.h ses and a-prcts of this pi cat The return of this phenomenon bciuir ; vaIjjljlc jn c(,niC(tlcncc , ,c rctroc: dis-.Mon 0f the lunar nodes, which is 19 de gicss and 2') minute every ycr. It y means of this variation, it is seldom seen in anv countty mote than twice in an nge. It will not he visible in I.nrope, but will to the American continents, and part of lhe Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In this instance of etlipse. the moon's inhabitants on the side next the earth if any such there be) will see her t,hdow, like a dark spot, travelling over the earth's surface about twire as fast as her equato ii..lpart moves from est to caM, for ihe spate of about fic thousand mile, tlo breadth van ing according to the sun's ob liquity. P. S. Since Ihe above was written, the calculation has hern pursued, and the I i lowing lesui's nntained : l he next total etiipse will occur thr ?thof Julv, I83. ut 16 minutes 4 1 sc rinds past 12 in the innming. It will!., invi- 'o us, if coin m. I he sut ( i ( i iug total eelipse. Inn-cur, will be iM. lc in the t'tiin d St;i . t (! will h. j!i i on tl'f '.' tb tlav i f Jul !.'"t !' a 50 nn-'tl'es CSst-f oiids 7 V ill the h-1 1 1 1.1 ti. ;v:''.-i"" 1 c. ju. .i.ii,.', i, fai.iMt tvicthn. 6apt. (J. (i. Ridge ly his pi es'-ntd lu the University of rvlahd, lor the Museum, a collection of Minerals formed during his late visit t South America, and which includes sev eialof the most interesting productions of Peru and Chili, principally from their Gold and Silver Mines. Capt. R. has al so presented, with other general curiosi ties, a couple of specimens of Larthen Ware, found near the totnbs of Ineas, which shew that considerable skill in the art of Pottery existed among the ancient Peruvians. These specimens, when com pared with the fragments of similar works found in the Western States, nwy possi bly throw some light on the probable his tory of the civilized tribes who appear to have once inhabited that portion of our continent. Such attention to the interests of Sri. etire is one of numerous evidences of the enthusiastic devotion of the officers )f our navy to every object that can promote the honor and welfare of their country. Halt. American. A man by the name of John Cheever was killed lately by the falling of a tree, on hit own farm in Pennsylvania The I accident was produced by the recoil of a breaking of the branch hich confined it. The danger arising from this cause in clearing forest lands is very a.rtA to tin practised woodmen, and a list of deaths from similar accidents in a settlement of Scotch on thj Canada side of the St. Law rence, a few years since, in' luded, as we arc told, nearly onr third of the able bod ied iaboters of the colony. PosTSCE A gentleman of Manches ter, (Film lately had to pav for a letter, one pound, fourteen shillings and ten pence It contained a gown of the value of twelve shillings, sen' as a present to his wile, and ordered through mistake by post." This reminds us of a member of Con gress, not f. r fem South Carolina, ho franked Scott's Family liible, and sent it in the mail from Waihinton to his wife- The late Mr. Chancier, while Post .Master General, availed himself of his Plivileee of troVellillL- rratuilOUsU i'l the I r n rs Mail Coaches but on one occasion the driver not apprized of his station, toll him that if he wished to go free, hs must get fnfo the mail. This expedient- which was totally impracticable, was fortunately unnecessary Chan. Courier. m MADAME tE STAEL This Celebrated l.irlv, on visiting the metropolis of (ireat Britain, had scarcely alighted from her n.k. rh .r. u.-.,n h- ;Kl ,.A ,(,- u dt.-r tn post, when she asked the watte r to show her the tomb or Richardson. " Richardson ! Richardson !" thought the waiter ;" it cannot be Richardson, the ta- w,n I nr. in f Wm flnnli-n. fnr U is alive and bustling about his business ; it I,. P.,l,..r,K r..i!,L ...t r no doubt the elder partner has died, and this lady has some claim upon his assets." To Ccrnhill, therefore, our sentimt ntal traveller was dircitfd. Not a moment w,n lost. She drives off. lights front, lur hackney (oath, pushes bv the clerks in the f i on' shop, and addressing a grave looking man in Ma k, perched up in a kind of pulpit, asks with a fat eiing voice fur' the tomb of Rirhatdsm." " I he tomb of Richardson, M idame ! Mr. P.irh arilson was never in better hcalh ; he lias at this moment set off for his country seat." 41 You misapprehend nic. I mean the divine Richardson." "Oh! a clergy rn.m ! I know no person of the nuir " " Na, Sir. not a clergynrin, but t.'ic Ii it h anlson of laiissa " " Really we l.tiou no gentlemsn tif the name who keeps a i lariv." At length a rcfeietirc to the K,.,;; seller on the other side of the sticet et the fair enthusiast tiht. She hurt its tdT to St. Clrnirnt Danes, in the Strind; roused a kindred spiiit of intlii!-.;..' n i the sexton by a talism.mic applic.tti : ' I five shilltne-s : follows his lan'trm "i' :i ! was imw dark, t. !,t, A , t , O. . . I t I """ " i"" '"""U Kcivped the mud and moi-KI of years f Ta flat stmie, close to the palish p.uinp ; reads the long sought name, drops ti her knees to kiss the hallowed inaible, ar.d on rising up and surveying her wet ami era.; gled garments, finds too late that lhe ttsmhof Riihardson is the ol tii liment Xcw MjntltUj Afjguzit.c - r A Frenchman being in contpanr at a ta drinking j'.irty did not obieivc that it was cus'omaiv to put the spoon into the up when any body hail dnuik enough, and the mistress of the. I.ousc imaginitit; he was fond of tea, hy the tunissiuii, sent him cup after cup, till he hud dunk i,boc a dozen dishes rf tea, which hr.witli the puli'rncss so peculiar to his countrymen, could not icluse. At length, l.uecr, seeing the servant approach wi;h more, re rose and exclaimed, " i(..t, ,"jf , m' tu c.arurrr, c( jr n'en u.'i f.lus." ? n H;f.A gentleman expressing his . uisf.u tion that Lord Londoiulei ry would ' t no more State Meetings in Lurnpc- Yci ip mistaken," ,epliulhis fiiend. Ii 1 t is Lordship is emc lo thu Hut oj ?! l.T.'.-te. XX. St. a. .. .-J - 1 Jt ft M.niniEj), On the instant, by Wm. W. Wis, m.-.ri, l'..'p Mr. Ki hard Owens, juri. to Miss Holly Wilson, both of Davidson count v. liocV. i. .MUetwU, IJOKMKULY a Surgnm io the 1 I luted States' Ny, we Mr imthurii'il to say w ill, at thr- r-'l st of a number n( r speitabli- i iticns oftlic town, am r and loiate himself in Salisbury, within a I' ls, tor the purpose of practising Pli sic and Surgery. April 14, lK.'i Utf ' V kV Sv,v; h h' u v u . flllli 1 st vol. of the above uck missing. It 1 has the name of Henry K. M'( nllnli, and al sii that of Thus Prolinck, in it. Miocer hai tin: honk in possession, will please to return it to this ofiii e. Also, the 3d vol. of I'ope'a worU U n h 'iff. It has Henry E. M'C'illloh and Thoiiias I'rol.o. k' namei unitun in i, and the naiin- nt John Tru nin k firtutett and pasted inside of the (uur. Whoever huii it, nil! also ph-ase return it to th' printing ofhee. .Snli.bmy, .1,nl 11, 18J3. .It'il (1AME ut ni) h'mse in dicllor I toiinty, near i ... ... ,i..... .,..i ..i...... i s ......... ,.r - ' ...v. -' ' K' : ho si.s that her name is !! t,.n on, and thai ! In r father's name is I'cter Itaicon, from Curri tuck count , and had rclno ed to Hon an count , and lett in Orange U'oii', With Mr lieime haiie'i, fi i t s. i r, hut '.v :is to rm d o"l of doors hv llit- oersei r' wih', and Ins aim l been hunting her father, ic. Any information on the vibj'-c t ill be tliank fully received, hv ' i::t ii m:d hot.miv, jim. Apr ! 6, 1HJI. .'.I Tin lViW.vvs UvW'.vvA. fs It i KOV f.S MOlil.'l-, an io !. led a.i'iti n peil troill n, einpliAlNvnt on '.,'.nr".a, ( 3 Il ins!, lie IS aomit tli' ! i I tell nil .,' Ii yll, , w i II ina li-, an.l a i.a'l coioreiiatirv. ii was Liiomt to tnv in NUeti.her t t learn tin- C.,i,-,.!ak.lig bns.ness. ami I. l.'-.-n en;ra- e;. d in t'.at l.iiiiics hetori , has ii.;. le consnh r-a'il'- pri i-'- H a"1 u I1' to (,i t wmk in that I nc ol biisi:i'"s. I ht rel. ,n.', oai h-:i,.,k . rs, a , ! clhi r pcrotis, ap- fore warned aai:isl i in iil i i. huii. Ihe uhoe reward will he eiutt, prmid- d he is Mr. n-.i to me in (.I.arlctte, and - ( ail reasonable tvpciivi anl. .1. , M'iU-K. C'n.-rVif.V, .?,V1.'7, H:i.- ;ti YislnU n fvwH I'ti-sa, tvn. 1, rK. w ill ennse to sale, on tl luM day of Ma, at .lie lionseot tlie la'c Dan- 1 ',,1 rnu. urn. lien aw-L in the town of Salislm. rv, the follow ii'g property, to w it : l.k en I k.- j lv N, proct, among whom there is one alnablc coppersitii'h b trade ; the working tools ap- '. pertaining to said trade ; all the epp, ron hand, ,m Ph'e, tin ware, and --fal stills of arionn ' iti; , J( r 4 , tljl s , ( 0,m. , ri. . c,iM-tr , f,mr.wu.,.,.,, , A,u i,, 0,.s . Horses and 1attle, ami a ipanti- o Itaion. At the same time and i !j c. uc will sell a Mouse ' itvl ljt in the tow tl o I S.d ,s'nif . foi tin rl l"-"pcrty ,f John A!hr;Kl,t : also, three o-hcr ; lots in saul town, w Inch w ,11 he descr.he.l on the ; da ot sale ; w ith a r ol otlier arti' .Vs, too tedums t niention. i hc talr will commence ' 1'J, and ; eont.nue from da; today until all the said prop. en is m.lil. A rrniii oi twelve niontr.s .u no irivrn ; bond, with approved s-c'iri'v, w.llbe rcipurc. I llll III, I IM . i 1. ...... i . . t , r ,. JOslH A t. Y, N. H. All person i-nlibtt d to s..'. I estate, b j note or book a,'(on'' are ri 'i'n vi ! to n.-k settlrn.ent j and those l.aing i!a;n , to pres, nt them for pa . V.. C. w' J. Ii. VI I. persoii' of ( apt. 1! is l a uiir i I. oils :i-.;a-i;'T in. ." st- tii. Hi an, i.'eci as, I, l.i e r ed to present tot In ' t'.e s ..x ri.o-r, I, f.r..!, au theiUi ated, I'T x ttltil.rl.t ; an I a!! 'T . : s V. !,o aru'bt. I to is itc, will b i"- co'iii forwurd and make' setilcimi.t, v. it Is as l.!t!e de la a.s r.osv idt . it. vn.t i::r, .v. A' - i (';. -. 1 1, I '.J t.-ii- i 'i :S,- :.Oj..:: , ( V. C. O'l the 1 I .J .If 'i.', U : .. -Kev. Ahrain idi rs"f, Sainp'e Alexin. 1', i:i..s II Ar.V, .1, An.eV, I'-ek'. I Mi' I. r. I!. idi. V rib I". V. W m. t ' . ,t;.. I! .m..,l t .l... II.!,!, II .VI ', ,.f . p.iJc., -, j,,,,,; i;.,'. ' (-. I fVrriab Cocklmrn, Jon.- tcl.ti', lr t'i!.ii-...n, Junes Covnr, .las, ('range, ,ln!,:i t'osten, Jo!i ('...moil, r.rustus Ca'O i ( !.dj!i (nshii an, llr. wi p-.on Cu. 1). W id.atn li.irnall, Ju i s Hiri-i, 1 iwis llitikiiis, Uai,i 11. iioniap, joim 1) ni ts. in. 1'. Jam- I'mrrson, I'reiU r n k l.vw r, Kc'-ert !.. t'.ltnunds .', Charles I.l 1. s. f.( r. llieiit 'd.!er, Joseph I 'linn. Ii I lionias t.i' rluivt, .Nudliam (.-iths James (, Aarmt (.dl.i.iti.l, atnufl (ionlon, II. II. ftloMT, llov. Is.ia'- (.rur.!. II Joh'i W. Iltrr t, ll-ir-is, John Harris 2, I'euhrn tl.lls, Ari li,:ial,l Hall, Miles lllii, f iles iiwov , .l.on. -. !)..., k'l N. Hull. J. Miss J.ida, I'bdl Johnston. K. (ii-ortre Kiker. I.. U m. Law ing, Jt.lui I. it- tie J, Marv !.ei-s Win. I.iitle. M. va ll.a n 1'.. M'licr, W illis Matthews Mia:u! -r M ! are, It. Mnrma, W. Mason. N. .1. Nisi. ( - F.dw in 1 o ..1 1, 11.' i. i.nsoornr j, i.m; rsauinn hit. i . auini reiijnca, joii., 1 aoeioii, a.ii line 1 ih-.s, auiiuii 1 I'rowlean, JtmcS I'lunkitt, Win. I'ri'-i-. it. Vlda J. Itobiiiwn, Jesses- W.!jp-r, John nude, Uni. JUcd. S. John A. Small, Milton Mir lbs, M.rg-ret Springs J'u' Sw aim, Catherine Sim. inoos, Asa m. phciii, Smg, Springs (V.irrirc fcliinn. T. Mary Thompson, Vm. fill, r, Junes I cmJI. V. He. Win. Wilson, Jatu: Wullaer, jMm Wallace, Joint M. Wilson 'J, Jots'i.m Williamson, Ka'hau W'ostoT Jol.n 1). W liiirido, vleorge Wrutc, Holiert Wilh-m. otal WM.SMHH, V. M. , 1 1.1. n ... . 4 , t:.. 1, . .. 1; I ' rer It t'l WVh?. si s.di .m.r I to W illiuill lladrii's, f oil s of the V.' on 'I lmrii!;v evening, tin 1'nli .f A; i.l, W ay IhiIIk:, it pocket -hook, Man. in;; a S -on the Stale Hank of South Cjictn.u. No als i, a number of notes ol hiu. I, e . ,,n M i I lanes for ftl'il aid vmus ccnH , ii lie ct . I'arker foruUmt ft.lU j also, ('..nrnot. son .1., ('.iwinl'-l, ow: 4j, one 16, one an ', .n,t- ' all mi interest j al-.ii, a r ceipt for v. rf ,1 , I'aikes, dated Dili Apnl, H , ain.t !.i r 1 1. for 'OO mi .l.iini farl.t i, d.'ted Jul' , 1 'I In- atio e notes are pa aide to .luu l;n . v nil . 1 th and assigni-d i" n. e. All . imiiis are i-s.. ed againnt irad.i.g for a.. nous, Jc. ' a stOii-d tl..' Hi in' n1 t.l i,.i 'ii. J lie d' I. 'i -! ward wdl l i i . ; -,-H-r lie ) ; or a reasonable Ic.ia'd foi '. kct-hooi a.'Ul ',a; i s oi il v . ' t . U I ! JDM'.S'. M. Y,:Si,,, . ). 1 T IIE solisf riln-r made made an ana:i;:. iiii-nl .wthtlu: rnooi iclors ef this nu:.'il '.ion, the iri..'i:i. iniiit of it, villi i's avails, ! a:l bi.-toiin- his i ' :d'ial concern. To 'i' f; i n U, and the iolil.i, he looks a it h eonlidt m c l"i a. fec t'nii ol their iff 0 i i-e. I I this in'er. stiiij;, .tin I ci.iiort.i it ( .n'li' Wr' it', Ii" cut .ri -s to proii.- i-.- the iiIniiti.oiis ap; Ii' Mi'iii ot ui..n .ail i a', .ml twenty v cars' t spencnee ; un.ti d wi'li i v it' d hv a con iction of its importnn. . sin ngtl.i-iieil hy l.a' i'. To parei.'s and ;'iar' iliahK, whomav !, dispoS' d to d.n e tie 'I' '.ii -dreti and wards nodi r Ins rare, he would re-' mail, that Ins object lueer been, u.'.i, llij latiU'.i.i;." s and higher branches ol el'idli'ii, i iiiiite a tiiorooti knowledge of r adinc, r' i', Knlish graininur, aritlunetie and ?e"g'.: In addition n these thiiiiis. 'he i's I'd and ;..i.c. , r .. ., .. .... I ... I t, . . pars ol Ha.lienia'i'.., .... 'i-i ami ooi.,, I'hdoSol.hv. Aeonoln. -e. I: ii tori'', II r and t hpiiii-.t:v, whn ri .joired, will he a'. -t. iid' d to. In the ins'riietioii of Icmalt . a r'-i; u!ar ss!.rii will he adopted. 'I In: o! j. il w .II be, lo ri nd'-r 'hi in rational and !.'( v s' i . . i n-' paiiions ; Hill in r'iei- i-dnevion, ..s wi.i:.s n that ot the o'htr se, tl.i,..- ! am hi '.. . i.-'ii an-of the gnaleit lilil.ty in the;'ress of I.le, W ill receive a "ieiionii (;la -' ot ll'.o:'. 1 Mii ohjei t Willi XT Id' I.' pt in .i w to ii ,,.r, (,, piii's it !i a din ih ;,rec ol s ', to . tatil sll C'."i'it ou r . I and n hioos ieu$ a-.-l Coii'li;i ', and, w it. i parental m.Iic."i e, to ro all in 'nor. d, nuli voroii'i, an I I.e. nt.i.i. Iii.'i (J v.v. ulll, , .,.,. !s , , ,.v , . ,, ,, ;i I i to .pi i:!, v I 'i . an I c',iii',ie..lion., to'.r lli ll.ittcl t't h, I il-.-. II) UK- hes' t."Se'e I l,ll--r. J .t, ... ,'. ,tinat .on in l.te. wil! . Ii-s :m- cii'" mi ; a I it I I'll .iiiie ,,t . t ion ' e to 'l,e Hn-re l.i ,;l sti s'-lio: if, as to I," are ii. s'irr.i-d for l,.!.i-r .tis'it:.'.oii. .!.: .e, to h.'i s.ll reijoii es loin t'i -'ati , t ,a', in t a, !, : latin si, 1 Or ,'k liipiagis, the thiif-ni ...I i,.!ii.d noihod rerotnii'itvl-d bv the M - -'. de 'nt1 lie ,!, and so adtni; -?--. ' . . ,; I l'nii-rity, I. as been, lor a .i.g t.iu, , -: ; r.' To enable bi.n to il'.'n I lb', an e' o ollcc'ion of tin- in'mt aporovi d gran.n.a'- d Xifons, ainotif' w Inch are ti e I le .j - , it,r . i. till, tin- l.cvcons ot H.ileieiis, l.nrst. s.e. an I tl..- cram i ar oi u.c i l'ort ItoVal, liar keldnirir, .oo!-ic!i. Mo. r . ' ,!- p,, i.e . bav, been prnred ; to w, r i, haw lihrm to relcr. Io (arditate ti.i , : . X (lei raph, an excellent .-t ol l.loi,. s, -ti I-avoisne' and other Atlases and an M i t rolkctinnof Itisps, l'Sc l.ern pro 'd- d. ; 1hr rade. of tuitn.n w dl b-, s. ... ! ' ,-, dollars paid in advanr.-, .i,o the h.-nl, : . I bonm I ( ow an, who las kuiJU cor,.' scntid to act as agent lor tin- sohv r.her. . Jtt.NA I'llSN "Ills riT.I.Ml. Sa j um, Mirth 31, 1 .. '47 i ILMMHII ' '.II. . . . in M, 0 felt Up !uv.v;iy fS 1 ' from , ) Il on the -i'h ins'ant, a ne; rn t' h" tiamed Cro'-f, about 2or 5') Ci cars of a-e.of eliow cntnplo . n:, i ,"' thin, liiii forehead, sp...k "Li wow ant ti.s incti, ojj a iioan cast has lost 'nine t hu fort teeth. If - appear. ol ! r ti n He tix-k a ili Ti in an t ic. rea!' is. horse, v it U a bald face, aHout i or 1 j years oi aj-e, :,ti I aVict lr) hands high : on black hor.e, tin-' e i - a 1 1 ol I, aliotil 1 i bai lis high, and Iteicli ri'!el I- m tb- w aon. If to- k w.'S I, in a w'l te g. id, IS or .'J yeafs of agi-, sandv' h.iir, r.i.H r inrluw d to be- red, lite and fid; bieas'e !. It is more than probable that he ill a''-ti'pt to p.isi, in rotisi-ipience ot having t!w? - r! m"'i I' -:ti I will give nv reaon',le p-. neiiui !-i :n person that will take the aforeaaa.', in-ro an ! .nrc into his posssion, jothatlh s'.I-s' n'" r li'.iv get thein. nwir.r. w.kism:. .V..-1. '.,ri.,.,Sr, 5, ISM. 4vf ,vv,nnis t'ir l (f." at C.r.r.,iJ, X. C. Jful 1, IHJl. IWN'siiN Ah Sander", Abr.,hitn sa, sjra', i n. .l..mtl.Al.-saJer, i5:t, K . ,i,-i, ehi n h :l!ider, Thomas All, son. It r. s-p I'l.H k, Jol.n llarr t.trer, J.,lm Han. mi. Holier? Hi'irir, J.-a-Jili Itakcr, Andrew I'a, ', li..nol I.I.11 k, ( apt. Hla k, John Ilitiii r, !i -. I I'la, kw, Idi r. He. I.. II.. it r. John Hn i.l. ( .;.!,. Hit' kuelilcr. ('. a'i,tu M Crnie, Jo'. 1 Ci,-. j-, , !).,;. i thnr, Joseph Cn.Uil, .l,s. ; h iv. per, A'.leiit -,HmrM :;ijbtll,.l.i, '. ('..I'-inse, Jane fas.-, vioses I urriki r, Mn,.a ' It j. I ;!,-:-. I'. (-tir-rc U. Km n.l, f I 1', k I . I .t.d. A' Sander Fergus it', Aliraa m. I. I .! j s-a'i I' .. (,. II. J. t..irdt.i r, s,isa;:i'aii t .' M , ( .- (.'lo 'mft'i. II. lolm .,t..m, ,'1 a; 1 I! . .s-on lolmli leii an, II iph llavr, .Wirr II pr. I I, ,'. cth Ham cut. Dr. V. W. Il.irt,s V,-,n ; to,, i;.,.r; a '.. r UaSK'...H Ai'.v.i u.r.-: H , J.,n,i s Madly, I nomas H d'on, r. h l-i'oil, l d: 111 u tun, Sih.s II i-'i , .1 1 o 1 p,u, . . Xtthnlas lhower. h.--.t ,;-t, K 1 , r. ( ir .up!,! r I.'.ot, J ;-i I .,-, -., topb.-r .i;. r. M. iltiaiu M't rva, s,, . 1 . . , siorrc.oii , ,i,.,-im l I ism, Ii. ,1 .iiilinu r, .lohti Mieii!nm. r.fapt. MTahh. U 'b, rt M"i loch. Wilnaiii "ikam. James M'cl.m, Job" t. . Morgan, .lane Me, k, Abrsham C. M'Crs e, Sr !. ibald MTiird. I'. Mart.n HI, it. r. Marti . I',-. ningen, IKtirv V. Pharr, Heujamm I'hmk. I, lot.'. I'at'erson, VMIham FatVs Nathan Phili ps I.'. J .s.p'i ILwA, I'e'er Itnmple, K. Rss. II, i "i. I .'sii.' Hi l.Ci'. li.ise.Cars-'ii II. .; ' S. -Uiliu'iiiV.s.i, n-H, I'hiiip hie, N.i n o n, 'I ln.r's (i.lSrrt . soii-ars, Sa'tcrwhiie lnii, M-i ha, 1 1.. sm,,oii. I . Lewis I iKker.t.e r--Tiicki r, Ih ti r I rout. 1 an. W . vmnn i lace, l u' I V.'.'i'ti r. V. das nn r, H id?, uui)!j.'.il y sTuukr., .!. r. I.OtsT, on lite rn. I

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