i - i ' i i ''.iJtsiit.'.','ifcM' I t r M. ' duti'rr the- ViMa: n.-ji i- J, y in) the t in t I sir iia a iunri . ' I r. fKun rug kw-ru.nu ittttuif, THE F.ii.H tit's .or. Se(t it the Farmer' humble lot, L nkmiMii U kiibHui, c ire and stnf.-, llappv uiul peaceful in luit col. Hi- glide ado n the ll.lls of life ; To loin that vale i spread in Hotter), Ami jfmccd i'h an.aninlhiaii bowtni, An I plcuttire Mini delight are therr, And dove-eyed joy with laughing; air. Hum awt-ir' to fum at ghiterinj? dawn, Aduanthe t iolet iii)(lcd k''Ic, A diamond id on ever) lawn, A Tuneful choir in every lide; Anil fleecy clouds of purple d)e, Jfiitting athwart the vermeil ky, And lullt in vine raldme ten's. And wrapt in (fold their flatiiinf erf its. 0! let me ever, ever dwell, from vice and foil) far away, And run in ulnn the uoudlan 1 d II, Ami tune my rustic roundclai t Ami when old ae uitli snt decay, S'.cal the rote of youth aay, Tin ;i let tin- prrs the cypress wtca'.l). And cetly aleep the sleep of death. IIO THI. 1I.W KuSTHIT Mauaits-f. STAN. s F'Mf Mr -IC. I u.v, vthile t!ie earth a, tt rot, And 'ii.- Curt a in of Heaven atrf l'.ii:ig,l A tu, vv fill of halm from t'u- , t oVnhc face of a jlec;v laVe Ijuu , L rutfii il a ave un it t shore, And tin- at.lliivrt to billow tiav broken , Ti ale left it c&lm a bc-tore-, 1; slept a f nevc-ravvoken. Sot th-n with the dull tide of lif..-: One iht-ik may hr furrow e.i by werpinj, WU.lc, frve from the breci of vr.fe, Atiotherifl peace mav be klt'tpm. Tl.c wave once disturbed by the breeze, (. an trampnllv ilecp w-nn never, 1 ill destiny chill it, and freeze I he cairn ir had broken for tr. Vanitv'tthe very 1; tee of life. That rie it ail ita rtavor. rauK mi Tniirii ti v aiiiin, Sa' -rica Character niid hand mr dctfiption lit l.t t rv nt'en lo v trai I. i.t lual. itv. ii; M.ii,( if ! C) ri I'erjji rae. rai -Ute I for:. 1 v Fencb, b) a prrauii el Luior. ic.iit.lun, l6jS. '1 nr eXtr.tordin.ry prod ctiot.s of ;hc intrlii 1 1 u.d us w 1 11 ., I tin mate ril world, c linage "tirattcir.i n by thtir vrry eccn tricitv it is as n udi the Lusiness of pi ilos .p!nr t ! rve the course of the comet, or the w , drring iar, as ( t the plant t iaih, in its tb grre, contributes to the cxti r.sior. cf 11-1.ee. The sprcul .tior s f thi philosopher may b- tnrc grave and VcigV.ll, f)it the singular fabric ati ins cf he imaginative faculty are i f 1 qu I Use in astcrt.iiinrg the essential nat ,ie of minJ. Cyrano Hrrgrrae is a mar Vc'louslv strange writer hU thatai tcr, too, was o..t cl the iomm":i v ,i . Jlis chief passion appt ars t !u r I ten d.itll.ng; and. Irom the numerous ul iaiisol honor in whuh he was n,n crrntd in ihe course of ,1 vrr -.hurt Lfe, and the bravrry wh'uh he di-jl v cd on those- Oitasinns, fr ai quired t! 1 cognomen of he Iilrrf id. His friend and editor Le iSret, savshr w is rng t d in no less than one hundred d ,i Is lor Ins fric uds, and not one on his c n ationnt. Otlicrj however say, that, happening to have a nose somewhat awry, whoever was to unfortunate t r 40 rash as to laugh at it, w as sort- to be called upon to a swrr its iutn-pid ow ner in ti e field. Hut In w t w r this roav hr, it is indisputable that Cyrano Was 4 U st ingoisiied mom in.icoi-,: uTid a most eccentric writer. His pr tiut tit ns ab ond with antithetical th- lights tti-d ci rruMrati ns nf wit, pointed, an g :!ar and spaikliog, ,.s the framints cl .1 broken pill.r of ice wht n the sun .1m!us upon t'u m. Cons'idtrii-g pla r i ,. im a b .d i s high a av ri !.b r , and inft'Utrlv uorsr th ti manl,tuc;l,ter. it is pioh.tlvle he math it matter t f c' -ht it nre t ot to appropriate evm his sh ire 1 1 the id- as ami m ntitm nts c m 11:011 10 ail irrn, but forir.nl a ks'Io ti n r, wri'iiig like ih bod who had Tiitirtic-d bim. The frest r-t nlhc-- ti 11 w.i thr o!Tsp-i g of h vouthful t.u the o-iipi iiriug tif v'rin l.tn Cii s t' M,i of l it llltl lire t, v. ! h lii,!, Iii r prren p ihrovi ! he u.!; v vow slip i.'.d the p.ile p: ,iw:iiC ; ."Aw-N U is ir.iif il ptvgsK.nt with all the rai;i in iin..m c ui .1 rail diiti uiiliiracd soil, it uid.t s proiliietH vivacuy ol iniuci, w.i'uli, like a burning glasa, collect a ihuusaii'l scatitrcii rays to one puii.t. l.ei l)ut u tlinuglit present it!ll, and Ik- !ii.i..,it iIums it thruuijli all its Mtisii le t il iiiiii- i a.,cl il.jutjliii'V, till lie (.nil) loses him .ell m the in. .UHicrinys df hii tnvii l. ni) his whole soul 15 .iniin.iteil whit the w ild spinl ul j ) he ..itually leeU wild il:liv;ht. He posatsied a hit. pillar cast ol wit, wluei surprises us wuli tle most unfit ard oi rcsemblaiu rs the most novel discr-1 their intrllect more nccomplislu d, be dauces, but he minj-les thi tn, howcv it, j cause of the mixture of the l.-ure jual wiih the mi st t xqui-.itr bservati 11 ol 1 ities. This is the reason why red men nature, and the most bea-itilul iuiagi-( become not so uon grey as those that 11a inn-. The lalse, the allccUd, and are bl.tck, .is if fiat .re were vogry and the troe, ultimately and in such rapid un-.v illiiij; to destroy that, whuh she succession, as sejretly to he severed, i took a pleasure ir, making. In troth, 'lake the prisoned senses and I-p 'em in elysi im." Such is the vigoi, .,nd such tne vagaries, ol Cviauo. Uh,,i we shall ex-rait ma be (onsiderrd as mere snorts of fancv strange thi;.ij;s told in a Strang.: way ; and n are w 1 1 - would ne mi thi'.k ih.a tin ir flesh di- ! ishnu nt frcm vt-gttibles, both fVuits .lolm Dougherty, may be stated. He Ir g tu -t tht-v should he sue nsidend. v u! s its--It into otde tin . ads t -make and runs; the latter he dig, up by sl'.ot duwn a hison, nd leaving the car W'e sj) i idly beg the aoennon of ail! tin in a h. ,rdf I bpeak not of bl.u k ( means of h.s long lore claws. j case, wenttuobtain assistance totutch- l.idirs iihohae red hair, tu our an- b- irds, lor is well k o-1 ii ti.t dc in j I hat they foriiierly inh bited the tr it, but was surprised on his return to tm-r's ardent iodicaii.-n of its sunrc ' v e ire a . itiuntube but . 1 v tUt k , Atlantic States, and hat w c re then find that it had been dragged entire to miv. '(il .lions fruit of the essence of the! most b.uu.iful visible b,-i;,e! i t. tli - i t rtll-i t;- n ol t- r radic 1 tire f (UK ! mugs- f the sun, tin most per- feci ! 1 a n it !r i.isli to mis t.k. for mv fpietn, tin daugliterui him tl t mv ;iiic.. sots a k owhdgid lur th ir (iii'I. thriis 'ii moaned '.h- tail ol 1 r 1 row ii. in the ruiur I Apoii ' u nij.de- ; U line 1 f . sed m c nun .nd t e rid, vi hen she iU 10. d f.iC ost t-- i he !g" 1 :-.ilnii Hum lirs' iiep.m to in- Lvc m.iiki d. w itii sht to- k I r In r arms f use of the mjii isti r : lone as Piisi tli.l h.in r t" this universal I spirit, lur the r.) s th .1 she hi hi from him, four th n'sand e;irs roiild not make old the vigt-r of hrr m r arc J v , but being ready to see his im.iis lr km, he l ok nctuarv in l' q .n. fro.r. the abusisof hal)l,.n. j "A brave hr.td, covered vv itW rn! hair, is nothing else but th-.- s..n n th- ' midst of hisravs- or ihr sun ; 'hum If isonlv a creal'tve. ui drr a red n 11 W!K; vrt ah the vv rid sne-ks di of ii. In cause few h ivr the honor to be so. A d am m-K' ahuudft d ladies, vou s' a I h.rdiv ftil ne, fiecai."'-tto. v b: iot; st r.i from H .tven to command, it's n sary there siw old In: more MiiJ. ct-, ' ih t . s.A.-rt iriu. I) -wr not see that li thitr-s ii nit ore are more or hsse oble. -icorui'ig s tfe are more or I sc red; am" gt the elfmnits. he that t c-rt i s the in st essen: e, and the bast n.atrrror subst.tir, is tin fire, hrc.Mse ! his rol r ; gold ha recciv- ed 01 his dc. thr honor to reign over 1 hi nit lia'.! .. an,! . I .11 t:.r j 1. i,c s. the Minism-.stfoi.sicbrabh.oiirlvbridi.se t r i, m, is. ted ; the ha;rv comets thai II. op .md dvwn the skies, at Iht de -th l litres, art h.v n t the red must., ihotof tli. (i ,i!-,i',i i'ii j 1 , k IT lr r,'i.!e.: ( as-, r .u.d 1'ol.ux. th nth I '"-s that iv. kt sta.Mii Krettll ire ttdtf a sn tu,, .an tl t ht .u thing tNe in n i!u- ml hairs ol o. ivhih sli', 'ii uken (f 1 vt , st nd- f v - , ,,. , . . t j t-o-i . 1 n tint , Ii .,1 1: not t ti lor ih sire Jin n hi J lire 1 e t I a n li sl.t t p, the clor , f thir- t d n-s-gci'.s. would be 0 ,ht cranb 1 I t' is- t' i:i;s ihu never wen born, And ( t ship in irg vtt but a re cent in- smthr.) tin rieiis coiihl not h t to'd i.s that the world hath four p irtM . . X'po;!,), Vi-nu, ard I.ove, tin- buret div ini'Msof the p-n thi on, are dim son red; and Jupiter is brown bin ht .ht. dim, bt.iuse tf 1 hi mr.ik of his thin tb r. v. h cb b th ! la kt I im. hut ti the rx-.ttiph-s of inv thoh rit- do let s tisfu the obstin-.ue, h t tht m tt nsult hist' r, Sarnpso1 , whose strti.-'ih huncr at his let ks, did he ret rtcuvt his nvr.icul u, et trv fn tn tin 1 1 d- r.tsse tf his hair? Did no! 1! 1 d u-', oir- nub ihr eonitr-ation cf f t ijli pire of Athens, dt pt nd ujion one i.d hair e l Nisin.' And (tod, would ht nt t havi unit the ligl t 1 f l. ith to lh J'.thi pi.io , il he cotihl have found a m- nt'st if.tm but t ne ml ' One wonhi tu I ch uht of tin txctlbiil of ;!o. pt rs. ns, if ni t- n nsiJ, 1 , d, that all 11 .1 1 th t nre not mule l nu r0 am! It v hose Tinitif ( d hinist If chnvt- 1 ,; kreatled the substance, wen ml. Ad am, th t was tre.ttid b (1. d's own 1 hand, t tij-ht to bt thi most i,n nv.plhl.t I ol men l-c w.tsred And ..II :ir iti philosod-v ought to teach us ti at n -Hire which inditus V- the m)st peine tiun. dwair? entitair is, in ft rn iog a maai, to make i. red 01 1 , just r.s she : s- jures to irakr gold hi m. ko p e I tin t cury,bul that she, seldom hits ujiou it.! An archer m ftot eatcemeJ uniTiilfull, whi) Kiting thirty .irrowes Hie, but five or six hits the mark. As the lebt bal Liucd cunstitutii 11 is hat which is be tween tUgmatick and mellaiKhulv, me must nct'ils be verj happy, to hit ex actly a;i in-,hvi'.ible point. The llaxm and the blak ar besides it; 1h.1t is to say, the fi. kle and the obstinate; be tween b dh is the medium, where vis d iiti, 1:1 iavor of led nun, ha h lodged vcrtue, so their Ih sh is modi more del icatc, their bloi.d more pure, their 1-pi rits mure clarified, and const ptt ntly 1 S'-ldiim see a flaxen head i f hair, but I think of a distalf ill periwigM. Hut 1 gr . nt, that hiir w omen w ht n thry are vo; g, an pirasmg; but as .soon as ! t'irir ciu-i ks tn um to crow woollv, ir . 1 1 1 1 , OM ciixnwe musi an 01 ci-ine m.iv 1 s i" beautv . is ,t t.. l.o bctui lobe dc l'rit t(' ' l rei (loin o g .c. ncn.o s. than by h m jie . t "i ds. or iron feturs.' TIIK (.lfl.!. IlK.Mt. profit Mi 'i'- .o.,:'' ...',. .,. --i Ii :h 1. Tin (r . 1 a: i- oniilv d'tiiict from u v a., w 1. ,-nits t f f.i ar, by U'1' cn.iraik r ul me th- g led ! and rt, ,r ila s. jiut r tvni.- ai or s.it.i - iv -' "V"' . i-r - " " ' ' 1 paridtoitu A. pi o. r (L . i.riti,) u panic ila. iv 10 tru . lAtui.nvd r,. ty. 1 n.- il.. h, ever, ol these i rjear to t,- 01 1 ik usiui lorni, ar.u not ri-i g.u t iu.u the facial spir, in- c ,(uil tiemeiti the eves, is dtrpl) in- nlr i tnrV aUl) ddh r in their 11..1 - r-1 . and cbmb trei s, vi iiuh tht gr ,z- Z v b ar is never knovntodo. Lt w is and Ch-rk frequet dy saw nd tnre ) ars, dnr. ng their ( e!e-1 lir l J tX rtltt. on across the continent, 1 ht nin.t.-.none whiih v as r.'n e f ret I '"g. roin the r ose to the tip (S the l i e fore fo t of nnr,.htr was 9 ot hrs . cross, its hind loot eleven ,-nd ihrre quarters Ions, rxdu'ive ol the ,on,, RrVr" mchrs vije. Ihe t dons f a tMrd were six and une fotit th inches long; Ihev will not always attack even when wounded. As they fired, he did not attempt to att.ck, b ,t fb d w ah a most tremrn- d. us .oar, nd suth was its tenacity " '. 'hat although hr ho five balls Pe thr. ugb his Lngs, and five oih er wounds, be swam more than fall a ross the river to a s -nd bar, and sur- Vlved iwrnty minutes. He weighed brf.vrrn f,vc and six hundred pounds at bast, and measored eight feet seven ,n,l a 'all inches from the nose t th extrmiin- tif the hind feet." Lev ix onJCl.ri. ne lived two hours, after havinp hem h. t tbroi.gh the c-title of 1 - . .... , I .ik's, and w mist in tnis state, in- yr nt I for hiriisell a bed in the earth. 1 . o U t ut 1 j ai d fiv t lee t 1 rg. aio 1 r- nr.irij: a m-le and a half. T ht flcict .m l skin w-t re a hcaW burden for two men, and the oil amounted tu tight giihrns. Anocer, shot through the htait, r;:n at his usn.il pace nt.rlv a quartt r ol a mi!( ht ft re he It 11. I f.is spf.irs, they further inform j "110 the water, and swam about for u. n all its t ari .lions ol coloring, isjsomrtimr, rohd j;ttthyst by the Ch punuish j Mr. John I) 'Ugherty had seven, In ii.iiis. j narrow escapes from the griiziv bear These travellers mtntion unnther , He w as once hunting w ith a t ompan- sp-irsof bear, width Mens to be re- ,' lartd t" the .ipiie bear, and w I 11 h is n ost pre ba ! a ne w spt c'n s, licl.mhs fees, and m known t' the ( h punr.ish Indians. I-V the-navre of I'm-intl. Ti ej also intotm us tiiat liie iopu latig Mason octurs ah-ul the 13d t f .1 11 1. The Indian of the Missouri sc.nie 'tmespnt'. warin-m 11 units ag ins he gr l hi ar. and tti hits obiaii, dbou 1 is I otN an hig! 1 isticnu o and tluM-ifv he- fortin ate individu.. w ho o'li.ius thi in. Wr saw on tit p. elks 1 nuirv ol their wuniors t tik h.t t s con I st d 1 t the long ft iv t law v sip ra to lit-p, 'I 1 btt. ta-teiviby a' 1 ,11711! i; a 1 iliaiir.c 11.ar.nti ; ai 1 tne f the b. mi ol l'awite warrit-i' i hut t n em n it d a dt tathn t nt f e t part in. 1 th.. Ki t .a v iih;ge, w; so- i.tittt tl ui the t rt ir t kin if 1I.1 11 O11 w ith i1 e daw .s 1 1 n.a'u.ii.g 01. it, susjurdtd upun his Lrcast. It ii not a litdc veniartublc, that the griz.ly bear, which w is mentio ied at a very early period by L.ihanton, sub sequently by several writers, is not, cvc.11 at this day, established i.i the Zoological works, as a very distinct speiies; 1h.1t it is perfectly distinct Ironi any described species,, our de scription will prove, from the con current tistimony of those who have seen it in its native haunts, and who have hid .,11 1 pportuniiy of observing its manners, it is, w about doubt, the most daring and truly h rmidable anim d, that exists in the U ited States. He frequently pursues .aid , at icks hunters, and no animal, whose sv illness or art is not supi rior 10 his, c ,11 cv.,de bim. Hi kills the bison, ,'ikl dr.igs the pun - dcrnus carcase to a distance to devour l.mi .a bis leisure, as the calls of hun- ger may influence him. I he i-nzz'y bear is not exclusively carniverous, as has by s-.nu persims been imagined, but, also, and perhaps in a still greater degree, derives ih-ui- ttj.aily lormidable to die Indians, wc a considerable distance, by one of theso ha e some foundati. n fnr belief, in ' hears, and was now lodged in a concav the tradition i f tin Delaware Indians, itv of tlie earth, which the animal had 1. su iting he llig Naked Dear, the ' scooped out for its reception, last one .i which thty hi lie e former-! Notwit istandingthe lormidablechnr Iv ixisttd east of tiie Hodson river, ncttr of tills bear, we havenotmado and hi'h Mr. Heikwcldir as surra u:-; of any precautioiis against their 1 us, is ( ftrn arryi d by ih; Indian-, he , lor" 'he m. nds 01 tluiriryiiigcl-i.drtn, 1 i" ' rightt n tl.rm to q it ii ss. I dovt rnor Clinton in t ie notis up- . p i.ucii to hts .1 ..uttil Jutr:,. ; j; J ( u .t i.-r.-a. sas 5 iv.a 1 1'. ilulia , dial W 15 :;.ei. lect! . :;tv, it ' dn, u-ld a Jri.i:d 1 1 n : an. ma! had btci; sci.. ! 1 loir ; notwunsw O.lill.L- h..s bet n sometiniei dome Jk;t ,1 d, and 1 that an Indian i c ;on;'iv? to ;i inlj.- on the liead watei . ol tne M uo-i -,;pi, j hid one in a ecl.i.tmd state, v hich 1 he sportively directed to go h-to 1 ca- noe, belonging to anomr r tril.c cl Ir. j di.-ns, i!u n abou: inurring fn tn a '.s- : it ; the tear obeyed, and w 3 itru. L by Indian ; beirjj considered as oik- i.i the family, thin was deemed an i n 5 1, ! , was resented accordingly, and pr d.;- ! crd a war between these cation ; A half grown specimen una Upt ch.inrd in the yard of the M.sscii Fur Company, r.tar Eng'.n tr Canun- mei t, last winter j he was led holly on vegetable food, as it w .. o'-urvcJ th: he be- ame furious when too 5 ,ui- t.fullv si.ippUrd w ,th .n.n al fare. He w.iS 111 constant m-Hon d-.ra.; ir.e greater parte! .he dav. pin.g I ...cL wild and for, id. to the t. ni rd his chain. His attendants ventured to pLy with him, though u!w a) s in a rr- served nu.;ocr, fearful of trusting hun too f.r, or plaiirg thtrisrhtu . bso- lutriv wiitiin lus grasp; lie several t'lms hrokr or fiom bis chair, on .. 1 :. 1, . : 1. . 1.1 t-.. ;is an, I cl. srd i;u tr door ; he ap- joai -u mudv (Mr.tcJ wit,, nis tern- porar Iriedom ; he ran to the dog, 1 . 1 -ii'...! it h were straving about the yards. but thev avoided I nn. In his round hr came 10 me, .r.il rraritu; up, placed ! h-v j) v s t n m hrt ast ; w isli-r;' to rid mvsell f so tough a play fellow, 1 turned him round, upon winch he ran down the bmk of the river, j lunged ion, on one of the Upper tributaries ol j i the Missouri; In htaid the ie p. rt ol 1 11 11 " Cl asr 11 1; e ,w -a. u man 1 1 1 -" i. l . r . ri- ,, . , , wr.S lerveiit surtjlit uori ol fus olrsMrs j. utmost jo , rum mi -'. it ttu y.tulin' ' everv direction, rraiit.p up lus hind , 1 0 t.enCthe. our re.oluuon, and keep leet'and capering ahom. I w as ; rts- i our fers aw-ke, wea.e to mark the mis et.t at one of these ext. batons ; the j er-blc victims of the sin with arsu ty ur.J -q.iaws ard children bvlotigini' o the j teiror; toriKaid the sin itself as thetig.1 'taMishment ran i-iecip'.tati U to thi ir J v Ij 1IU! and to realize, that in ticivb h.s compani- n's lifle, and looking ' nr incnuv, in solemn ana .necijnK our round, he beheld h.m at a little dis- Ion urc, entreat, and perauatle us to ah tame endeavoring to escape from one : stain. Cmd commands: Christ solicits; of these bears, which b bad w(. uncled ; tl,e sjaiit of grace influences us to ab- it was advancing upon I im. Mr. I)ouc,lnrtv, attentive onlv to tlie pre st n ation of bis triiiuh in.mt diatelv t.astiiicd to tlntrt the atttntit ii and t 1 suit of the hear to himself, and ar- ivtd within rifle shot dist.u 11, just ii. ore to tile it his generous object : hi .lu'gtd his b II in tht .itiim-l, and w,s l l gtdtofn in his turn, whilst his it it nd, rt lit 1 d from in-mint nt tr. re r, .irtparrd !or nnrthti onstt. by ch tt; :-g his j it cc. wish which he aeono undrd the bear, and relit veil Mi I)noghtrt i'nm pursuit Inthismos' , arch us tncoiutet, ncitl ti t l ilm, - ;t ii jured, but the bear t as foitu ii.itcb tbttrox t tl t3evcral huiucrs were pursued Ly a grizzly bear, that gained rapidly up (4. them, a boy belonging to the party, possessed less Hpeed than his compa. iuiis, seeing the bear at his heels, fell with his face to the soil the Lear rear rd up on his feet over the boy, looked dowu for a moment upon hirrt, then bounded over him in pursuit of the fugitives. A hunter just arrived from a aolita- ry excursion to the Qui Court Hiver, informed me at Engineer Cantonment, that going one morning to examine his traps, he was pursued by a bear, and had merely time to get into a small tree, when the btar passed bectaih him, and without hailing, or even lookuuj up, passed on at the same j pace. Another hunter received a tloy from the fore paw of one of these un- itnals, which destroyed his eye and chetk hone, 1 In proof of the rreat muscular povv- ' er with which the; animal is endowed, a circumstance related to us by Mr. at . !.s, and althougn they have been '. rr;:l times prowling about us in the) ii'gl.t, thry have; rot evinced any dis position to attack us at that season. I hey appear to be more teadily in timidated by the voice, than by the ap pearance of m:;-i. f ON 111'.'. NKENNF.Sf. No rcptiuiioii, no wisdom, nor hardly " HUIllh s.tuic inau .,;ai,i-. : drurikrnr.css.. '1 fiiv Jin is found in the t cottrvjrc, and the p;Lce; in the Mudv cf the philosopher, ;,riri in the .acred desk ; he hill ttr e council, and on the It nclj tf ;usticc: mid contrary to what wotl-J rrni tl-.e dictates of nature, as well & delicacy, in tl.r female sex ; even in ir. stances, where distinction, understaiidin, ainiblcnrss md refinement, would p- rfsr ,a CTtn ,he upicion. Id most, if not all f ihcie cases, the eil i creeps insensibly rn theunhappy subject ; und otercomes kim before he is avvare. A p,;me 0,,;cc, t0 be here Tf,irM., ii clcfore l9'kfff) .,. t!trr clKayi tfcrr (o fee, .hai w- ' . . cu,kf !m ,rc ,n J"ter 5 and to cons.df r -bi'ual -i.d lively dreaJ of it as ur Lcs vaf. tv. We ro to form !o, vigorous ; i,d vt 3t."nig re. solutions that we will not be ovtrcoine- These we are invatiafe'17 ,Tui ni in the fear f God ; with a solrrno r,.(olC( tl0Mof hi prrvence ; with a hum- ble dependence on 1 1 im to bless us ; and int; to ii we se al our own reprobation. j -j-y all tti cto.iltia motives can never j w , Mu;lltui!cv cf the hinrst 11 import, and the most commanding cfl.ca cv, have hern ulicady suggested in lha progress of this discourse. I. very heart which is not formed of adamant, must feel its foirc. Nothing pleads for it except the nine appetite of strong drirk ; an sp petite, usii.d!v unns'.ural, and created ty rasu.il indulgence. All things else in heaven, and in eanh. exclaim against it with a single soke. Our health. our rep utation, eur safety, our reason, our useful- n( our lives, our souls, our families aiiJ st,.in ; Angels and gloiified Saints bchoii our condui t with such unxicty and alarm us h.'ppy btint'sc.n feel; and watch and hope to sec our escape. The Law wi:.i a tt Mi!!e voit c thui.dcrsv in our ears tha. die m'hilt'fiiunciatiiii) " Diunkiuds shad not in itiit Ir.r kingdom of Cod." Lvtn he !1 i'seif, hostile a ii is to our salvation, tollovvj the 1 est of the Universe; and in spi'e ol its o.vn nialevolence, subjoins its 1. 1 ratllul admonition, by marshaling before us the .niiuntciu'tde foil of wretches thii sin h.is crimen to iis mansions of despair l,n, ihal tJocs r,ot already sleep tl s( of 'tcatii, run teftise to hear, awaK end ht.-Ltx.izht't TicJ

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