1 1 t? a? M4IVll.ll ASH l' Bl.lslll.il, i.vi.ut it t.tLHX, lk 1MM.1IAM Will I E. 'tin; subscription to tin; W i:tmii L' ikhi imai is Three IMUirt per umiiliii, put abb: half yearly ill aibam e. f 7" No IW'H'!' will be discoutiuHc-l until all arrearages arc paw!, uulew 'lit the Kilitor; anil anv Mtlncribcr discretion (it ;i 1 1 1 1 to K'v notice ol his wish to discontinue at tin- end of a year, will ! considered a wish ntf to cot)t:ititf the paper, which will be. scut uccmdingly . Whoever will become !"' oimblt! fir the payment of nine papers, !i.ill receive tenth jrulu. Auvmrii;tvr will be inserted on the cus tnmary term. ,,,l'ersons sending in Aiber tiseine nlii, must specify the number of times thee wish tlicm inserted, or tr.ry w ill oe continued 'ill ordered out, and chirjred arcordinjrl). No advertisement inserted until it hat been paid for, or itt payment ssiiiited by some peisu" ill tbi town, or itt vicinity. CO All letter to the editors must be p'ut-paW itr hey will not be attended to. Illlllll V PQHTiUl HOl.'SE. f iVlt'. public arc informed, that the subscriber 1 bat removed to llii Hr-w r.uAWi'ieif, oil .i . r .i r- ., ' lilt oooos.ic nun- ill uiv Mitv.1 ii'm mi mm iibi yand, where he intend, to keep a constant upplv of .n-and I'oner; tl.eU-cr "ill be .IJ by the barrel or .mailer meagre, uud the por. t-r either bottled or draught. I he K,er and ' 1'orter lloime will be kept open tvery day in the , W. ek.ravW.Vm.ov. . ' . . - . . . .. t Ilic house i lartfe and plcataiit, WHU well fiunpbed s'ablet attached to it. It is well adapt cil to aliord comfort and Coneliiein e to travel Jit.., and others w ho may please to call. A few boarder will be taken, on reasonable lennt. Childieu fi-om the country, K'""K' tcbool iii town, will be bum led at a moderate )jrire, and every attention paid to their moral uud coDilurt. THOMAS IlKLMUS. f.ii 'bury, .March 24, ldJ.i. Mtilf WiivAsov lv 2AwXC, n l!IK u!i,criber retpectfullv mlo.-ni their 1 friend, and the publ.C at a-ve, that thev lave associated, under the hnn of (innui if C'ot,frr, for the purpose of Carry iiij; on ttie above buiiiei ill all itt brain lies. I In V all Well pre pre.i l.i make all kilt Is of Windsor and Fanry Cli iirt, tr'jin S12 to Sl-'J per tt. li ntlemeli Wis'iiu elegant clum, or setters, may nlv up- j on having them a i h fTftii'ly n. ade at the shop J f the subscriber, as at ai.v other in th! State. . Oi l cha r an I cUee repaired, at a reasonable : cail. I'nvaey an I hit b it endcawet to a co-u-Tat", and on short t'otice, tu" iatc are pr-.tnise I for a nas itialue con-snl-c- 'I t... c.il.rril-... utn i.H-.l..i.'.f ' ra-ti-Cfl. iih a jrood stock of l.mfier, to n.ar all kinds of Jji'liit-ul:, at from J to S-''- (.ID W. .;:IMF.S, JullV t oiii'F.II. F.LF.GAN I C'iiiu't VvvvmUwe. TW. IHKF.K respectfully iulorms the eitljf .s of sjl.s'jnry and its vitiiiity, tent Ik- has.t (a!ditlied, a fev doors catt of the C.iurt-H.iu", a t'lilnnrt Hurt lijti-n, where he has rrreive 1 tfui his Fa'tory in Fayettetille, aid i lua S'.enii'., a lar:- and general assortment of jr.iiiou.ixr FL N.vn riif., wliiih I).- will sell on terms to suit the times. Aware tlut the Cituens of Sal.nbory bine been ttfe'.ert'ie nerew.i'y of wjonin tin ir furniture a Kfe-'t d stance, :it considerable lu.:.ird of inju- I '. be tlaitcts hit.iself tln v will find it to their re..' to ml!, at bis furn.ture u all of the latest S'l I most approve! t.isiiinns, S.I .... .vt51 iv.v.... . -vs: l.i ss . ... v ;iuiuv-i;Ku2; uusim'ss. 'I' IF. s.ibs.-r.her inlonns the t it., en of s.il.s. r, and the siirroundinu Ci.utitry, (hat be , il eii'it.nur to rarvv on tin ( ih. in t liiisini iis .'ioji in ..hs:iiiry, on l.itn-Btrcci. three j ! -'..vs ta ot V-. Maui'Ver 1..U rn. He has' j.is. reci r.id a 'i ek of ..:, rtpi.d, d nut su- i pi r.or, tu any l.i the St'.. , of State growth; which ho will work up i t I' ir'i.ture .n a rt a- j .-.,h! trr:ns as ca't be ib -,'i d, for cash or short : r. I t. I.N AMIF.I! I!UM). .V...';rf.'(u,.1f;ei.24, LS2J. llwt'JG N. 11. Fuller d-i u ill he I ii'n'.slir.l in thi het ... I . ... I . -i. . . i. . .i . . .. .i ! m , auu on irri soon nni.ie, iir ajier liiail llic custoiii.irv chariTet. iftn, Cvne, nA Umvsii P.U.VILYC. f1 F.O. W. r.KlMI'.s hct h ave to inform the ' citien of Salisbury, and the tiirroundiiuj en ititrv. that he Mill continue to execute alii jiui lt el' hmise, aijjn, coacli, and oritatiietiial Pv nt l"l". i'j. Having procurrd an ample supply of ial, and having, fr x iiuinbi r of years j n. a en -. rfV'.'f ; 2:1"! fvl VV'"'e 2,',,,'!n!1 '0 quire a competent knowledge of tliit branch of business, he feels confident -f b. inij able Iodise .' sf.,iti(in to those who lliav be pleased tu fa t.ir him with nnh rs in the ahove line, (iildintr an I Glazing will ali be executed in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. He alto keep en hand, f"r sale, copal and Japan n-nitA. Wanted, as an apprentice to the above bust-.-.ess, one or two lad,, from 15 to 16 y ears of age, f steady and industri .us habits ; to whom, if tin y prove themselves deserving of a good chance will be jriven. fiii'i.-hury, teh. S, is:.i. 39 "1ITAN1 F.l) by the subscriber, at the SI.dc tievking business, nut under 12, nor over 15 yearsof ajre. To sober and industrious lads (rood opportunity is now offered, to learn a S id trade, if we'd followed. F.llFNF.F.It D'C KVV .v.i'i.fi;, .ir..-c la, it;: ;. i ' V m AmUW k w '.lit . 1 THE 1st ol. of the above work is uiisnhil;-. It bait the name id ll- nry I;. vt'ddluli, n I J tut that of Thus Frohock, in it. hotur hits the book in possesion, will pleuse to return it to thin office. Aho, the id vol. of 1'ope'n w ork is rn'issni..'. It hat Henry 1'. M'l.'iillnii and Thuiiuis Frolmi k'n names written in i', and the iciine of John I "r -hois' jinnu.l and pasted insdi- of the rinn'. W hm-u r h it it, will a!v pleaji return it to tLc printing ii'lice. .W...i.,-i, .Ipnl 11, 1SJ.J. .Vil IilK pubic are respectfully informed, that L tin; .1 iiuiittle llittiiiru which bat been I for a number of years tiana.h .1 by Daniel Cress, ten. I Salisbury, will in future be Con dueled by mc, in the satin; building where ev ery necessary attention and particularity will be Kiwi), to tender satisfaction tu those w ho may please to favor nit with their custom. l'.DWAIill ci(i:ss. SilliJ-un; March 28, 1-i-J.). UOTTU.V. 1 K vibicriberj olt'cr fjf sale about srur.ty bales of lttun, of L'. tod quality, on a cred T it of eight and twelve months. J.NO. I.. IIKNIlEHMlN, I). F. CALDWELL. April 4, 182J. 5t52 sthihwij, kt. i t, is::. hi i mis iUiircsseu to me siienn oi inaao . , . . 1 ' i'"""V. " ofhcial bme-vs, must lu rialv r -'-.or they will not be attend. -J to. A '" c Rr.-al Humbert o k tters addr. v . to " countu s ir. I have luuud it cets.ny to adopt tint course in order to aw . Se f the c-xh use ol pay.iiK rather an inu on, ort- . i i.. ....... ... i... i.t . . . .... ... ('... t,.n. i.-.i. "" ebt "t other im.ui'I'- t ii'icki X. sami 1:1. jiim'.s, shruf. w .Ms Viv S,i'. f r At Kl of la'.d At of la'.d ri the linprr tl.'l -t lut rut t oiu.'v, i n Ii i . in river, nf which tbe:e are iharrd about ) ai rttfit lur Cill'.iv a'.on, wrtha io.hI t'rallie diu !lilih'-h'iUHc, barn, and o'her im tn) out boiisi . Alt", a jrood Sa v M ;!, (.,-,-t Mill, and Coltoii aid JilaC'.- it j; -".era!!) know it by It.iittiiS Vldl. Any pi r.-ii v isiirt: tj ptir -'ute, n.av have an oppor tune of t!i-t'.M,i' a iroo'! trca ti. In atipbitiir to i. J,,!,,, r 'n r. hiiiV ill t!i.. I .er i in (i! Iredell i couutv, four null s t ti t lit att i ' Kofd. Al F.X A.NDKIi lOiiliKNCF.. 'i, l:.!. vtx'ji 1; Vv'wr.tv Vivvnvnl, ,' i i ii 'i, '(. i..'.c i l'o..X. C. li. 1. ll'ir.N-MI I F, at the Ke I House, will he ti.a ikti.i it traiellert and others March. H."! 5wf.'l V ui v v www nl . I 1 I'AKF. t'i'S nut! 1 to in' .rTi ti. v frn nd, I 1 and the p ibl c a! Ia:y '. tba' I In ik i tnie j the liuuse wln 'ei't t .; t. Jiinh Sri ler lormerly' , bved, an I v, l.r h has lati !y be.-n in possession of Mr. I 'i s. Holme ., as a pu'dic bii'ie ; w In te I am now p" ire I to i- i..:.:nr.!a-1; avellers, ami all .'e I s w li i li a I pie. to Call. 'I In re are pood St.. lbs j"ae ,. .', .,, (I, f.-.lipsbtlH lit. which slu'l n l.w will a"- i.t. '1, and w ell suppl.ed w iih , t ! i. r a;, i (.r.eti. tew inU'd-rt will be taken, ' i.u i.. lu' ti r: s. ! I'.ir. is ) f ...I fnre-roo'n a'.t.n bed to the oo'ise, v.hich wi l So ren'ed Isoin now to C.e t W of U' , or pi rbaps lot . r. or tor anv ii.ter ' tnob itc ti r:n ,ln. SMI I II. ' s...-n,'!;M.i.rh ir, . M Wvx'v VysAmh-Vl's Vswi'. rni if. sub. 1 l..s) . ' itsiriber liavtii:; (at Feiiruary Court d'l.uestra'.on no ' as. d, re'ioi 's tallied b'tti r i f ; t'l. is ate t Ah , r I mlmck, pi t'S'iiis !i.i s i.t elaiti'.s ajjai.isl s..,d ( s'.ite to IS au'V i.'.w'ol, and 'hn-r Hid. 'tiled, a IV p ipes'i d tu pav imiie.!,aU'l Ml( II ALL F.'ltiw.V, Jds .v.r(h::, is::. : ji 'S..,.i v.vvtis l tk. liall. SIV llj.llll I II III. ill Iltllll A LI. per.etis l av i f,' cl.i'ei s aj;auist the .state el I a:'t. Ilri.j. Ilea!1, ' i i a. d., are ri u iest- cd t present tin ':i '.i t!u- .'isfn! r, I. j:..llv a't tiler. !i. ate I, f r settlement ; ati.l all pcrvn.s. v. I n are itidibted to saul estate, will phase come forw ard and nuke si t'.lttiu ti', . i'h as little de bit a pos.ibie. H. M Gl IliF., ..'i.-iV. AVi.ii Co. .t-.'M-t, LS.Vi. tilr uivw.un 'ntv. (1AMF. at niv house in C.u.ll'i"sl county , near ,1 (in .unborn', a Ctrl, about 15 tears ol nij.-. who saysthat her name is Sally llarcon, and that l.tr father's name is I'eter llarcon, futn Cnni- l.tr fatii -r's name is I'eter llarcon, hum Cnni- tuck county, and had removed to How an county , and left her in Orange county, With Mr. Unine- lisn's (iv-Wf hot w :is tlirile.l lint of door hv tbe overseer's wife, and has incc been bunting her father, Jic. Any infoni.ation on the subject will be tliarik fullv received, bv ' IIICIKkl) DOTiHIN, Jun. April f, 18:. .Jt'51 Wuwsc for v2. ( .7 g J WILL sill my House and Lot in S, L-.l 3" bsSiiry, on acionnnnda'.'.inr tet i.s. Aj ply to T. I.. Co'.tan, F.s. or to myself, in Ita leigh. There is a good nthec heloiuririg to the lot, convenient for a Lawyer or I'bysniaii. N. II. Those w ho have nut t . t cbwed their ae e.iiuiis with Hie, w ill find them in the bands of Mr. Low an, till Aprd Court, afterward in the hands of an olli-rr. JOHN HFXKM 1 1 li. S,ui,h,vv, .lf.iiy s 8. 1H2.5 'Utf nsis, 0, F the tat inns kindsrnniiii'inlv in ttie, for salo ' tJis; Ullice of the Wasraii.t Cirolim tlfK willevpohc to pobbr. .ale, du the first ?? day of Ma), at "lie bousi of the late l.n iel (:re, eli. di Ceased, in the town of Salisbu ry, the following property, to w it : Kleven like ly Ne(froe, anionp w'lioit'i there U one valuable caipiersllli'h by trade; the Working toolt ap pertaining to .aid trade; all the cooper on baud, tin plati-, tin ware, aul evi ral S'. lis of tat'ioiit rapacitii-a j also, i ) or li bale of Cotton j a ri diiij; chair, a loii' -w be. led carriage and harm-vi i Hortet and ( uttlr, am. a(nantity o! Hacou. At the tame time and pi. re, we will si II a llou.e and Lot in the town of Salisbury, lonuerly the property of .lohn A IbiiLr . also, three other lot. in said town, wbi;h will be described on the day of sale ; with a in iiibtruf other atUcles, too tedious to mention. The gale w ill cotiiinence at l JoVioek, and continue from day today uutd all the said prop, eriy it sold. A credl of twelve month will be ; it c u ; outnl, Willi ipprovril aeclintv, Will lie rcijuired. F.I)UAI(I) Uf.SS, ,, , JOSI I A GAY, , "' N. B. All person indebted to said estate, by note or book account, arr leipictte I tu make tettlemeiit ; and tho.i having claims, to present lliein for pa. t. '. d' J. O. .ipnl 14, 1H2.5 .It. 1 UAirs U nvi. (1UOVF.S MOKKIS, an imlebteil appreti'ice, I eloped from my cniploymetit on laturdav, .'itli iiitt. He is about live fei t tell inelu high, will made, and a lead couii,en''.nce !: was bound me in Noveiiiber L to b arn the Coicb-Makin' business ; :.n I haul),' been e:i;:i j;i d in tliat biisitit ss brlui'e, hat ' ade roim.di r .ilile prorus, He wdl attempt ") cet work in that Hue of b'l'.lics. I hcreforc, :oa'.h-liiak ft, ami otln r persons, are forew arn. ai.ust em ployin;; Imn. i he above rewardwdl In- Kiven, provided be in dehvereil to rue in Charlotte, and all reasxiiable expensi paid. I. 5. M')l?s;. ( KaihjUr, .Ipnll, IS .' i. '5 I I.t"!, 011 the road I a hii.r bin. S dishurv ! ! ' I to W ilium Ha. li'li's, Fo ks.ftl.e Vrelkitl, on 'I hursdav tveni. '' t,, loth o ptil. on tov way home, a pot ket-1ook, eootaniii a bill on 'the State Hank of 'oi.tb-Callina. No. 7 ; 1 also, a number ( no'i s i f I.uim!, i le on M.i ha. 1 , limes lor Js 121 ;.n I )me ci n'. , one on South ' I'.ii ker for alien' S ''' ' ''''" ' '"r t on Jaun-s Calender, one 4 , one lf; oi.i ,'tij and one i2, all on interest ; also, a r n :pt tin Vlij of James : I'alki s, dateil H'll April, 18-' j a. other receipt for ft5i'i on James I'arkes, dated 2d July, 1S2. 1 I be above note are pav able to .siu, Dou'het, I and Ateined to me. All person are forewarn- '. ed aait fading for said no'es, Jc. as I have : stopped thr pay nil n' of theni. Fi-e doll..rtre-1 win! will be risen for the papers and in uiev ; .11 ...... -l ... i -i.i i. i 1 or a n asotiablc rew ard lor the pii kit-l ook and . . . . .... ' paper ou.y, Jtil WILLI M S. .Ipnl 12, 1S2J. JDNLS. Furl I tf FiiiW 'l, AN AW A from scrib. r. on the .' i' the i IV b ry last, a lu-jjro inani'iiu r.l nil N, , aiiont jUy.arsol .t-, fe tet7 I I XT r d u " r"Mb ' I I hi.ma Gilbert A. Spear. Sa'terw bill U I r.ivij, yTt- j) ion, stout n.ade, anil sp. aks 1 , M.cbail L. SUimiii. T. Iwis 'l u, ki r, G. ..-jje 1 jt F.nplish. (bisicmiitiiiaiice not ve- i ker, I'eter 'Froiitn ati. W . Sain.nl S a ry pleasant.) together with hi ,Ce, lvid Waster. Y. Sda YiHine, Ku'hy wifeJtniiyaiidtwobiSyih.Ur.il. Slcitamu- latto wnti. an, about 24 years of a'e, stout uurtc, ha. a -car on her nh'ht arm, be'wevu the wrist ' and ilhuw, occasioned by a bum. One of h.rj ihildnn is about three year o age, tin- utlivr j about fuir niuliths old . bo'h of i !b,W t en 1 ll X- i ion. Any person taking up said iiirpiis and d' hu rm them to me ti ar H ti' tefry , .m ' Salu.U r.ier, in Lilvliild Di.tnct, S. C.' shall receive the above rew ard, and all reasonable expenses paid; or $1 1 if i.mhmd iii any ,jid and a I. tter sent tu nie b nail to Ncwbi.rv Courtllouti'. t nM'SS JAMI.S K. C'LF.MAN. AN awav trotii Hie ti;:-'r.acr, on the 4'h ili.'aut, a t.t .ro boy nann d a'.. ..it JSi.r.t.) e. it's el ajje.iil v i llo i iui.pl. un, lo'ij; chin, Ii iii I.ir- Vi .. 1. ;ak slow and disMu th, b .s a i!"'H ' iat look. Mid has lusl someol li.s lorv in ilu He appea.soldi r than in-really is. He to. away with b in .in .11 horse, W '.ti a bald ln, ahoi.t 1 1 or 13 y i i i t nK'e, and about l(i hands 'o'i ; one hlack I" -.se, three years old, about 15 luinls hlj;h, and liuu'li rubbed bv working in the waon. lie took with him a white prl, IS or 2o years of :..re, miiu'.v hair, r.i'her inclined to be r.d, laiite and fill brexste 1. It is n.orc than prohatile that he will attempt to pass, in con-.cipict.iv of h .v ii-.j; the firl with him. I will pie any rvasonalde ire ininm to any person that will take the afori sawl ne cvo and lu.rst - into lu possession, to 'dial t.i subscriber may git them. 1JAMF.L YKiaiLF.. .V.i.V. Aiit k, .Ipri! 5, 182J. 4S;f Vuc Uxuuviwi, i'e. AMKS It. HAMI'IIIN respectfully inform the public, tlut he occupies the old simp .1 formerly owned by his father, on Main-street, a r.'t d'Hir outh of tbe(,'ourt-lliise,Saiishury, where he is now prepared, w illi a ood bit if tools, tu repair all kinds of )iTcm:s y clocks. He as iires all who niav favor bini v. itli ibeir cnstoiii, that their wotk ball be rxc 'otc.l it) as cood a sttle as at anv other shon in this t ,rt nt the country. All kind of old Jetvi It v repute I. j Court ol Fieus ti.'. Quarter Sesaimm to be hold and tome kinds made. Jobs of every .'let. rinlioli l b'r the couiity i f Hulherford, at the Court- in his line of business, w ill be thankfully recti, ed, ami txecute.l en a stiort notice, reople win1 resido at a dntaiice, by i inloig, may ib in nd en bit ing theit; wotk s faithfuhy attet.dt J to and returned, ss though they were preset. t and e'i't the old established S.sJisbury prci s charged. XaLitiw , .luf. 1J. 1822. 'U 2xnuUAll,, r.xvcuWun F;r $iSi a. .!.' Ofiice. ItrmMiiingin llur l':itffi? ut t hm lutli , . V. C. on the 1 ,t uf .Ipnl, 1,'3. F.V. Abrain nderson, Sample Alexander Ionian H. Aeoik, Jesse Acock, I'..eliel Mexander. II. Lliabeib Hcatv, Win. Hodkin , I'liilip llarm ti, .lohn Ilibb, I lion.m M. Hur nett, Joseph Itlaekwoml, lion, a liarss. (I. Keiiah Cockbiirn, Jonas CoIm m, Iim Cimlirnaii, .lame-. Couiu-r, .las. Craupe, Jrilm (, listen, Job Caiiiion, F.ratt us Case i'o. lialph ruslnnaii, Dr. Swepton Cox. I). V illeiiii harnall, J.itne: Dunn, Lewis Dmkiiis, Hand I!. llnnlai, John Davidson. F.. Jane F.nieivu,, Freili i. k F.lmer, Hubert I.. Ldmund 2, Claih-t F.lm. F. Cle. ineiit 1'osier, .lone till Flint). I lion, at Gil christ, Needlnttit Gnllis, Jam- (iJlipie, Aaroii (idlilalid, i I n 1 1 1 I Gordon, II. II. filuvcr, lieV.I Isaac Greer 3. II. John V. Mi rron, Jooa'ban ' Harris .lohn ll.irris 'i, Iteiiben Hdi, Ar. lo'.a'.d , Hall, Miles II. 'I, F.llfV Utiles, Janiei, Hall, I Ian-; i.il Y Hall. J. Mis', J. i. la, I'bdl .Iniiiisioii. K.j George Kiker. L. Wni. Lawiue, John Lit-' tie 'J, Man r.ees. Win. Little. M.- U ill. am K. ! M'Kee, W illi Matthews, MeXaiuler M'Lure, II. I Morroa, W. Mason. ,. J. Neal. (). I.dain J. Orsborne .1, Lon' Nathan Opr. I'. .lohii Peoplo, John I'attei'yin, Ad line I'o'ts, 'au uelj Frowlean, Jauie I'lunke't, Win. I'ik e. U. ' Mda .1. Kobiiis in, lessn "m ! j-e in, John Under, Win. Reed. S John . Small, Milton Shelby , Margaret Sprinpi, Jatin j Sw ami, (.'a'ln rine Sini moms, Aw Stephiiii, John Smj, l.li spiins, ('atherme Sliiim. T, Mary Fhompsun, Win. I'oler, Janu I odd. W. U . in. Wilson, Jane Wallace, John Wallace, John M. Wilson 2, Jordan Williamson, Nathan t onstrr, John I) W hitridre, t.corjje lute, Uohert Wilson. .iiW WM SMI I II. r. M Jtrmuimni' in the l'iit-tlfin at fniwrd, , lpil, l.'i. x. r. i; AWSON Alexandir, Abrabani Ara. Sara'', sou, Stephen Af xainli r, I lioioas All, son. H F.s.pure lllack, Jnhii H.rri i . John I'.artiliart, llobi rt l.'t'ar, Joseph '...ki r, tnli a IS. me, mi. 1 lilin h, I 'apt. Illiu k, .1 1 . 1 1 It in . r, D ton I It!... kw.'ld. r.U ItoL'- r. John l; ...lis. Chals. I I'lai k w 1 1 le. V. Samuel Cot un , John (.'or- r. II, D.iM 1 ( bin , Jo, pll Crottold, Joseph t loo pit', AllellC ae, Hugh' allipbell, Jat oh Coh Hull, Jal.e Case, Most s CaiTikcr, los s ( !u"V, II' nj. Cal- SJ" George It. Fi ieinl, f red. ri. k I'l i's laii.TfleX ii.d. i Fergus n, iral. ei. F Fo, Ju M.ill l'o. t. 1 1. J. G.ilduer, Sus.ii ll.ci t biv.-r, t.eots'i l.oo.lmaii. II John llouso.ii, W ill.aul llouslon.lohi, lldelliall.il. i(;h Ha r, 'mi r tlo)e, l.li..beth llaii. ctit, Dr. K. W . Harris, ,.siiiii.' toii Harris, Abm r llaniiit, Altr.'d Harris, Siut Huie, Jatin llaillv, I boiiias lloltrnt, Ari l. .bald llou-Hon, l.y .lia II iin'iili, '.!a Higle, J'l.'ob Hons.1. I i liol.ui Isahow tr. K. John Kii b r. L. Christopher Lot, Jona Loe, t'hri;,. in i r i.iner. si n ui.aui ji i.m , .aiuufi .- i . Miiriisoii, vt illiain M tlaiD. I obus Ms. iiluiner, . . 1 I ' II si 1. .11 .... .... - . I John Misenhimer, ( apt. M'Cal.b. Robert M'f id- Iik.Ii, A illi.itu Means, James M'Clan, John W. Monrun, Jane Meek, Abraham C. M Crcc, An h- ibald M'Curdy . I'. Martin I'lufer, Martin IVn- luusieii, Henry N. l'harr, Renjainin rinnket, John I I'atti tMn, U illiam Talks, .Nathan I'liillip. H Jt.ta ph H. i d. l'ct.-r lliiii.ph , F. lint, Djiid Keese, Fraici HosS.G. n .Hose, ('arson Holers. S. W .lliaui . " titan. I'lubt) ShiM . N.uirv "sluni. )oiiii' wt 3 1). S'lOHKn, .1. '. .1. Ml CKl NBl HC. COL' VI Y. III' of I'h at siul Qua-t. r Sissioiis, F.b- " ' ruary T. nn. lSJ.). Satuuel Craij; n. Jona- than Cia ir Orijrinal a'tarhnieiit, levied in the bands of James DCri't,'. It appearme; to the tal.tlact'..m of the cmrt, that the il.f. ilan is not an inhabitant of tins state : It is thervloic t) il. rtt, that publica'inii be sot cessivrlv in the t. stern C II. a 1. , w . I irol.iiian, that tli d- fete!, t he hid. t !" and appear at cor in V ottrt to ti rt'n- conii'v it M. . kh ii'iiiri', at the Coiirt-II.Misr in Chariotte, on the fourth Monday in Mat i.t st, tin n and tin rc ph vl or di riiur, or pi! Client will be eliii red aga.list Iniii ai f " -r.l.iig to the Jilaii.tdV ib tiuiiil. Is A W AI.LXANDF.K, C..U. f. fiw 5 I -jjr. adv. .."'r VuVe nV Vtiviii-V.'nvtAuiu. Ml CKl J Mil Rt". COVM V. SOITir of Fleas ami . alter Sessmi'ss, Fib ( nun I ertn, ls:.i President and H rer'ors of the I! ..li. .1 Newluni t, John Sine vin, jr. Orr. Att. L. vied t:i the bands ..I (llhii'n I Stewart. It appearing to tht slif.irtioii of the court, lb.it I he ib fen.lant is Hot an inhabitant of this state : It is therefore OMfVrr.', that publication be made n w ei ks ucc ssii'i ly in the Western Caroli nian, that 'he defendant be and appear at our n. xt Coert t" he In Id for the county of M. ck I. iihurg, at the Court-lloue it) Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in Mat next, then and there ph ad or demur, or judgment will be entered against him according to the pla'ntihV demand. ls.AC AI.F.AM)KH, CM. C. Zwi'j. I'rtce adv. J4. hints' iV XnYU-V!vYiAni, Rl THF.KFDltU COUNTY. I ANT AMY Sensions, 18.vi 1 Imn.as I.J les vt. IP b.-rt Lylet Original attachment la v. ied in one negm man, named Abrain. It ap pearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the di.K iid itit in thir case if got an inhabitant of this state: (hji-retl, therifore, that publication be made for sit weeks in the VA etteni Caruhuian, i.-r the d. feinlant to appear at our next county ll-'us.; m V.ntbet'i rd'oit, vn the third Mon.lay af.o- the fourth M iinlay in Marih n.xt, then and I here 1 1 piead or demur, IT judgment by tkfaull f.ial will be 1 1 itt li J up against him. Wi'iie., ISAAC CBAION, C. C. ut5j Trice Jv. $'2. vucs, iwc II Y the dozen, or single one, fur Sale at ttu 1 1 1 1't cf the Wes'cm t'axwLtwaxs Saiisburj. i)i:scniinn: Li trm l from ,tim H riUl'i I iru if Suaelj and Mmnrri in Anu,ni a. u Next moi ii. iii.; t hi l (If in a lit tlc wugon, iindei ,i i 1 i imio sun, anil a rrlreshin Ijn i i . Scttn miles ol u pleasant ro A wlii.h ran up the ridc wc had olsi rvicl tlie jin-ccding riijht, brought us id the. ru'iract. in the w;iy we alighted to look ijown from a broad pla: lorin ol roik, oh tlic ttip(c of tin- pn cip'u c, at a fine bend of the ri ver. I ii rn hir.ee tht IJiit ixpantie of he OhLirio hour.chd a third ol the lioiiZon j lort Niagara o i ihc Ameri t hi biii -rc ; fort Ct-orc;c ou tlic Cuna diai, tr'MnJinj; the mouth d the rixir, w here it opens into the lake ; the h.aiks, rising as they approached us. Curly tvooiii tl, an 1 winding, now hidi and now revealing the majestic waters of the thanm!. Never td.all I forgci the) iiiotnc nt when, throwing down my ever, I f.rt he he Id the deep, slow, solemn tide, dear as a crystal, and gff' ii as iht; oitan, wti ping threngb its: channel of rocks with a sullen dig nity of lnot on and sound, far hry. riil all that 1 had heard, or could ( v er htive comeived. You saw and Jilt immediately that it wa no river )ou beheld, but an imprisoned sea; for such ini!eed are the lakes of thee re gions. Thr velocity f the waters, alter the hap, until the issue from the ih.ism ai ( leeniton, flawing ovrra rough ..ud ".helving bed, must actu lly be i;re.it ; but, In.m their vast (li p:li they move with an apparent m.'jcsiy, that seems to temper their vtheimnce, rolling onwards in heavy volumes, and with a h..ll)tv sound, as if laboring and groanitig ith their own weignt. I car. (onvrv to you no idea of the so lemiiitv of this moving ocean. Our eyes followed iu wave until the ached with gazing: and had not our little gu de and wago. cr btartled us, by hurling .. fragment ol rock lroni the precipice. I know not when we si-o ili have awakened from our dream. A mile firther, we caught a first and partial glimpse of the Cataract, on which the oppo&ing sun flashed lor a moment, as on a silvery screen that hung ausprnded in the sky. It disap peared again behind the forest, adj save the white cloud that rose far i4j into the air, and marked the spot lrm whence the thunder came. We now pressed forward with increasing impa tience, and after a few miles reaching a small inn we left our rude equipage, nd hastened in the directiou that w&j pointed to us. Two loot-bridgci have lately been thrown, by darit g and dexterous hands, In.m island to island across the Amer ican side of the channel, seime hundred ol feet above the brink of the fall; gaining in this manner the great island which divides the cata'act into two un - q parts, we m-dc its circuit at rn p Iiisuie. l'roni its lower point, wr i b tained paiiial and imperfect vien .,f the falling titer ; from tht higiitr, wc C nuuiianded .. fine prospect ol the up per lii.ttiiiel. Nothing here denw ts the drradft.l cuniinn ion so sent. a.. )ut to t.k plate ; the njndcr, indeed, is In-hind uu, ..nd the rapids are rolling and dash ng on either hand; hut, hr--."re, the v..st river erne sweeping down its broad and smoh waters l- tween banks low and gentle as those of the Tlumts. Heturning, sve again stood long on the bridges, gazing i n the rapid that rolled above and beneath us ; the waters of the tleiprst srj green, ensted with silver, shouting un der our feet with the velocity of light nine, till, reaching the brink, the vase W des scimed to pause, as if gathering tlieir vtren.-iK for the tetmrliii iijt. plunge. Formerly it was r.ot unusual for the mure adventurous traveller to drop d"wn to the island in a well imn ned and well guided boat. This v as done by keeping between the mrrrnts, as they rush on cither side f the isl and, thus leaving a narrow stteam, which fljws gently to its point ; and l. as to the eye, contrasted with the ra pidity of the tide, where to the rihr and It ft the w ater is sucked to the I dls, the appearance of a sttong back cur r. nt. It is but an inconsiderable portion i I t'.js imprisoned s a which flows on i America side, but even t" is w rt uiiicitnt to fix the f t ia adaintlrr..

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