' '-v ., i i.i.t ,; I ii.:1 i W C ul C ill i ' li and smai t.ii or ih1. l.s.ni' .!', hii.i'lv.J, breath!. ''"' j j. the wind Ittin;; urul blow'-i;; ri!it against us. A ttnij jrii'.Lii.,n, w ii incjuti -msi v veiuiwcil a kv su ps far ther, was drown upottjo luck, and 1 lu J ajiue apprehension, from the na ture of the ground upon whith he fell, was seriously hurt; lie escaped, how ever, from the blast, upon hand and prices, with a few slight bruises. Turn ing the corner of toe rock (where do Sccnding less precipitously, it is wood ed to the bottom) to recover our breath, and wring the water from oar hair anil clothes, we saw on lilting o.jr tycs, a corner ol the summit ol this graceful ; division of the cataract hanging above the projecting massuf trees, as it were in mid air, like the s.iowy top ol a mountain. Above, the d.tzz'ing unite of the shivertd water was drown into contrast with the Jeep blu? of toe un spotted heavens ; below, with the liv ing giecti of trie summer foliage, fresh ai d sparkling in the eternal shower ol j the nsinz at d falling spray. The wind, which, for the space of an hour, blew with 9. me fury, rushing down W'th the river, flung showers t spray! Jrom the crest ol tne tail. 1 tie sun ra.s glancing on these b;g drops, and sometimes on feathery streams thrown fa vasticallv from the main hodvol the water, transformed them into silvery stars, or beams of 1 1 ht ; w hi le the graceful rainbow, now arching over Our heads, and now circling in the va pour at our Let, siill Hew before us as we moved. The greater division of the cataract was here concealed from Our sight by the dense volumes of va por which the wind, drove with fury across the immense basin directly to wards us ; sometimes, indeed, a teer ing gust parted for a moment the thick clouds, and partially revealed the thic k columns, that seemed more like fixed p'.'arj of moving emrrald than living sheets cf water. Here seating our selves at the brink of this troubled Ocan, beneath the giZ" of the sum ' hat a full advantage oi a vapour rung roar, tne darkness and the sti.rmv b'.'T ; the fervid ravs drying our gar- whirlwind in wnich we stood, I could XDr-nrs one moment, and a blast from! have I meed these masy vol tnes the ihf. basin drenched them next. The j wall of s me fairv place living em V ! t lengtn having v. mew hat aba-jeralds chased in stiver. Never sure-t- . and the fcrrvman being willing to (Iy d.d nature throw togednr so fan at' npt the pas-iage. we here crossed ; t.isihrdiv so much beauty with .sui h in a bftlc boat to the Canada side. The, terrific grandeur. Nor let me pass Dt i vousarm of a single rower stemmed ( without '.otu-e the lovclv rainbow that this heavy current, jut brlow the basin a', tl.-.s irmment hung over the oppo Cf the falls, and ret in the whnl ncc 5 ng div m hi of the cataract as parted sioi.-d bv them ; the stormy northwest by the isla.id, cmbr.tci g the wh' k cl dug the waters yet more. Mind- breadth in itssp.m. Midway of this sil ed a ve were by the columns l n- vrr, screen f sliivered water, stretch-p-r winch were driven i:p-n us, t e 1 a hro.td belt of blaz ng gold and 1'. ' te panoramic view - I the c.tia- crimson, into w hu h the rainb vv drop rac , which, in cahntr hours, or with pul ii4 bin s, and ecimd t" have b.is-oth-.-r winds, msv be seen in this pas- td its art li. Dirfert-nt from all oiler sa,-. Ihc angrv Waters, and the an- ientsol nature that has come under r ainds together, drove us larther my observation, the cataract f N. aga d" n tlcchatmel than W4S rpiir agree- raissun inmost advanage tuuh r a a!;i., scer.g th't a few rods mine, and powtrhd and exposing sun : the hues our h Hop rnu.-t hive been whirled assumed bv the vapor ire then bv far in t kers, Irom which ten such the most varied and brillant ; and cl the arms a "0e cl its skilful londucior beautv f thtse hues I can give von ro could tu t have rcd cmnl it. , idea. The gloom of the cavtrn (lor I Ikir.g I tided two-thii ds cf a iru!e!sp.,ik always as if under the Table ! 1-w the C4t.-r.ict, scramble, at f:rvt H k) netds no assistance from the verv it tr cate, thr ugh, and over, and (;a J; ut 1 vci ing ; and t!ie terri!)h gr:m tjrdrr hi.ge masse, of rotk which t.c- deur f I trie whule is not lelt the less casion. l!y sr med to d' i,v all passage, r being distinctly seen. We now a-i-J ..rrorg whi b nur guide 1 ften Uis- .scciuhd the precipice oil the Catudi u; ;je r d from cur wandering ey r, sid.-, and h .v ing takrn a I ng gaze from p1 ird us at the fuot of the ladder l y the Table IvVik, sought drv tlothcsat d wniih thr traveller decends cn the relrrsiunet t at a ncighborit g ir.n. C.n.da side. Vr m htnre a rt ugh Wc I: ve agiin visited ti. is wonder v k a! )rg a hlviig ledge of l-osc of nature in our return from lake I'.ric ; stones broc ght us to thr i.ivern lorm-, and have no ga.-d upon it in all bphts, ed t. th- y roject'.on ff the ledge tjvei .nul at all h"nr. under the ri'ing, svni the water roils, pml whith is meridian, und setting sun, and under In n by the nnme of th.e Table Hoi k. the pale moon, when Th-- gloom d this vast c.vtrn, the .. lMmg tn lirr Hi n,m .. vl'tldwmd that ever plas ii, it, the , ... ., .. ., . . , . 1 t . Treeuceol the table K 1 k is not cl frr .n? rt.ar, the vast ribvss of con- , , ., . , ... . .Li 11 1 . j nro.icht d v itlv ut tern ; at the latter v.: srt! w. ters beneath 011, the fall, 12 i ' 1 .... ... , u . v. '..ii n'lour. I he laitv hut sare now all t. e : .. . . sfur, not up' n tne rars anci ev t b t , lv upi n the heart. For the first few tnt)nu nts, the subume is wrought to tin titni lr. This position inrfispi t -bh tl r f.nest, is no h nger one i I saftty. A :.rt of the l a'de H'.i k fell last year, ant! in that still ren uii;ii , the t e tra .t n alarming fissure, Irom the very i li mit of the pnjecting le(!i;e ovct r Pu h th w att r rolls j so that the ceil itp f thi c'atk cavtrn seems rent from the pretip'ue, ard whatever le its h' M, it i v idi nih fast iehling to the w ater. You tannt 1 1 t,k i p t the ere She, mil down tpon the enormous rr -ss which latelv bjl, with a hock rr t.kt n b the hi ighbotii g inhabi. ta is for that i f an eartl qiiikr, wiih Oi.! ' ' it k in? i t the drtatllul Pi sibili. ry which nni crush )ou beneath ru-i t-rt..rnuu. than those which In; at voitr feet. Fli : civtra formed by ihc projection ( j i' this ruck, exit-nil some feet behind id j v.Mtcr, ;ind, could you breathe, to sun J behind the edge of the thect were pcrfectiv r.tsy. I have seen those who have i ,1.1 mo they have clime so; for myself warn 1 descended within a few pices of this dark recess, 1 was obli ged to hurry back some yards to draw breath. Mine to be sure are not the best of lungs, but theirs mint be Utile short of miraculous, that can plav in the wind and foam that push front the hidden depths of this watt ry cave. It is probable, however, that the late Irac ture of the nek has considerably nar rowed this recess; and thus increased the force of the blast that mceti the intruder. f rom this spot, (beneath the Table Hock,) you ee, in ire than from auy other, the h .ght of the cataract, and the weight of its waters. It seems a tumbling ocean ; and you yourself what a helpless atom amid these vast and eternal workings of gigantic nature! The wmd was now abated, and what was better, we wire now under the lee, a- d could admire its sport with the va 'nor, instead of bcinr blinded bv it Irom the enormou3 basin into which the waters preiipitate themselves in a clear leap of 140 feet, the clouds f strike ros.' in white volumes, like the roundhe ided clouds you have some times seen in the evening horizon of a summer sky, and then shot up in poin ted pinnacles, like the mountain gla ciers. Caiignt by the wind, it was now borne down the channel, then, re collecting its strength, the tremulous vapor again sought the upper air, till, broken and dispersed in the blue se rene, it spread against it the onlv sil very veil which spotted the pure azure. In the centre ol the (all, where the wa ter is the heaviest, it takes the leap in an unbroken massed the deepest green, and in many places reaches the but torn in cryst.il columns ol the same hue, till they meet the snow white foam that heaves and roils convtilsedly in the enormous basin. Hut for the draf- n Si i nt.rr. ir.drrd 'he rami pt.r, :r.arru, the rynOuw. w the ghost of what it was, nv pans a datk impervious abyss. The ravs til the sweet planet but lethlv pierce tie c! id dense vapor that tl. gs ti e at-mo-hcre; they t idy kiss, and c Jo'lij ki-"s, the waters at the hi ink, and faint iv show the upper half ol the k h im s, now black as tboiy, jhiriMng irt, rstom-tnssrd sea td rruiky th ' whose depth and btmndaties are alike unern. It is thr storm of the de ments in (haos. The siivring nor tal stands t n the brink, like the Mar lit ti fiend. " On the h:re nii'sidc nf Mm worl.I, " t'iietraiii v!iii.li, in ocean or in air." " buja e otnpajjna " I ri mo ti t'nrie. elie ilelln j:,c t ill o "Iu.tri'.e di iudure ajicyr im bna." ii't I'lCi'-i INTKLMCKNCK. I.A I f.Sl' I'KOM KL'ltOI'K. boston, ma tic li 31 Arrived at this port yesterday, hiig Jew, Capt. Doaiie, from (.ibraltar, whence hasailed on the SCd February. Capt. I), states verbally, tha' his merchant informed him previous to sailing, that the last mail bi ought in telligence that war had actually taktn place between France and Spjin. By tiie above uriival, (.i'jiailar papers to 19th February have been received, from which wc make th$ following summary extracts : The C'oites have vited to raiie 30.000 addhioiul men, increasing the army to 2i S7'J men, with stin t instructions to tlic Provisional Deputjiions to see tliern raised and fitted for service within a month's lime. Ouvernnieiit is also an tlioiized to enlist tijtivts as wed as for eigners, and to introduce inio the rmnnry everv speeiesof warlike mores, aims & . ; and, also, to build, purchase, or embargo, as much cr.ift as rnav be rccpiired to fit out 150 cum vessels, for the protection of the Spanish coast, to be manned by 3300 sailors. ticneral Mina is confirmed in the com mand of the urmv ii, ( atalonii. (.enrr al B.dlcsteros is it (pointed to tfie armies of Arragon and N'uvirre. An arinv of if serre is to be assembled near Madrid, to he comni Jinld by ( our,; Abi-.bal, ho, wiili 'he befoie named, is to he Commandants General in eucli di, triet. Six persons imprisoned at Grenada as conspirator, aains' the constitutional sy , tent, had teen massacred bv a mob in their prison. 1 hanks were voted u(jen. Mina and his armv.bv me fortes, frr having ob tdne l co!)m nd of t tie forts of Urel, whuli we Mjrrcndncd on the -J Feb. st.w tour nrhlL 3 Laily tliijiuorn fs i' ' iti'i' tuned that there was a Ship tt ioo, from London, and the uunosi anxiety t mar.ifrs'tt! dining the whole innrning, Is business men and others, to learn the ies. I he Ship was ettiri.;j up in sc isn, vc have delayed our pu'di-1 cation t:tii f!t 4 o'clm.lt, and have now j the suti-f iition of annouiK in ttie ai rival1 of the l.onlon fielift Ship lluiisr.n. ( jp(. ( liamplin. in ZO days from the I ,lc ofi Wight, oiihiriritf '.he F.dimtstd the Com-' merrial Ajvrr'.iser copious bits of the London and pr vim id papers, down to the J7di Februirv, inclusive. ( In the silting ol the S)jnish Cnrtc of the I5'h, it was resolved ;kat thr A'.iy nh'Mni 'pair iq C,rui'hi, and on (ic It :h, his Majesty, with the royal family, Was to set out lor that phrc j The I'onuuuese Minister has rcrehrJ orders to tpiit I'aiis. on the Ficnch enter-1 in(r Sp.un If o, the I'oUugucsc will; nuke common cause. i Cc'it. lirri', . i xrdl'vtn The follow. in p.iragr tph. if true, is more in.pm tai.t than itiv o 'tier itt in th.it Ins met oj, v icw : ' " In lot ni.ei'm las nti lud ihe Admii.iltv j from Itsia. slating tint urn iiavh'a'ors h id a ro-iipli ,hed ttie objett of tin ir vny-i ,r;r. the ships having tn en spoken oir ry Cup', by srveial vesstls btionning lo K .mp's'hatWa ll this he rorrrct, the i;rr . eor,'rapi irj pi oh, em is soUe.!. .u.u prohrthlv our l)olrl navi-ttors aic now cn ilrir way home, bv wav of the I'oitic o'ean " I tds we corn fuon the iijih ampton 1'hitmii.le of the 27th, the Lti! ftitr rrcivtj. ' he Mncltan of Pij.ideaiit have peii iioiiei! the xvernmcnt in faioi of the i on-; iiiiu..ni.e cf iirarc ; ami, .t( oi ;iui; to pi i - v.'f letters from Havre, tlie oissvisUc tion ut Marseilles neatlv ..r.icuit;, t. uie-' voit. i 1st t of wir.HT- rrB 27. The Fiehth ! paorisol I hu. s n mIh! 1 iia iy,wi:h some p:iatc letters of the Same cii't-s. have ar rived. In the latst r it is sta't d (hat (.e French airiy will enter Spin c:i or be fore the 15th of March JO.O o tnen bv ' Havonne, and 25.00 1 by way of I i-ueis j One or two ( oluinns of lilit tiops, up- j ported bv " 1 lie faithful." will advance on L'riteboron .Mufpiinena. It was be-, lieved tint ihe Spanish iei;iilrir troops would all retreat behind ihc Fbro, with: the exception of those in i;di iicn ai Dar-; celonu, l.tti la and I' unpelima. j 'Ihc papers tont.-in lurilier accounts cf skimiisfirs between the tontetu inK lac-1 tioo.s in Sjijin. but tl-ey are not woithj mentic)iiiiiK' in ilctail. lmiccd. if the b.dl , ;l...t b: en !! were Hue. there would j be no more Spaniards to tiouide the French, "r earli other. i nvftuv. rpn. '20 Ve have tinwliinir hefote us letters and iotn Hals to the 7th j instant, inclusive, from M diid, received I by espiess. I heir contents are mostim-j port oit. 'i hr -ri echof the Hint; ol France I it at bed the Spanish Ministry on the 5th inst. 'I hey immediately came down to he Coi'cs, then sitting, witn a proposi tion ior fAucn t; ihc urmu cn (hr Ju'A t:'ur r. ta!-i'i-,'.irititf aiul the nation in a iitafe tVr , ; i r hy l-i'ifl v.t,'l na. I hi y consider the spet t h as cvi t y other iiulrpendent nation would, if tipplicd to them, a ticclaration of war! The debate in the Cortes on the 6th, which followed this proposition, was tiimated by the same enthusiasm whhh n atkrdthe celebrated discussion cn the Nth Jaiiiuu y, cn the notes of the All'ed, I'ovcrs- Wc ihall give enc specimen of I the spirit thai pervaded that av-;cmh1y. (t is from the speech of Canga Arguelles, and is tut answer tu that passage in the King's speech, of France, which contains the memorable invocation to the God of St. I.ouis. "Let us," said the orator, " reply to the pi oud power that tin eauns us with an army protected by the (.od of Saint Lou is. We will invoke the aid of that God who protected the Spaniard, in Homes v.dles; to their appeal to the God of St. I.ouis, willw; answer by calliiv; on the God which gave us victory in the battle of St. Quintin j and if the beloved son c I the Kiru of France comes hither at the h?ad of the 1'rei ch troops, we will :;bow lum the tower in which Francis the I iist wa1; detained a nriioncr. Finally, we will t,ay, not to the French riat'o'i, but tri its gov enmieiit, under the influetxe of the bigo ted faction, that Sjiaiiiardi, who will nut he slaves, shall invoke the God cf justice, and trust in him for Ihc victory." The other spcci hes rnaniiest the greatest con fidence in the national resources, and the utmost enthusiasm to vtpport the national honor. May this spectacle of a united nation have its t fleet on the French coun fils, or a war is about to commence, of which it has been will cbseivetl, that we may bear the f.rst cannon, but the child unbotn will not hear the lust I'.ni; li flimun. The following exhibits a significant cx presssion of the F.nglish feeling with ic gard to the war between France and Spain. " 1 he Duke of San Lorenzo. Spanish Ambassador to I'aiis, ;Ti i'T d at Dover in the r.team p,i( ket Dasher, on die Kj'.Ii Feb ruary. On tils landing, hi wai greeted wi'.h thiitc thite cheers. On his ap proaching ihc capital, bi buses were ta ken from his carriage, and he was drawn to the house of the Spanish l'.n:'aasy in IV-l.nd I'lacc." French Chimber if I),.ut:e, F,b. 24. I lie order of the tl.iv. brciiun ihc bill I for laising ihc sum of Ijj' Qj. ' O, fur the extraordinai y txpcioe ol 18. J, was called up. M. liovrr I ollard opposed the law, and spoke !nid!v against iiiikin wai upon Spain. lie insisted tn-t the w.u was not coiictivt d hy the kin;; n.r pc-ojile of France, and that the jititniples tpon w hie li it w as nndei taken, iiittiati u 1 i ante as will as Spain. A motion to ha'.c this speech printed, was negatived. Mr. Delesscrt detii'jed the war as un just, ioipolidc, dangerous and itrermina ble. He asserted that t!ie UitgoandQui toira. and ail the factious, who have ait.u k td ihe i-overnmcnt cf the Kin; of Siiain. K . . a. ..1..I.I InttM.,!! Sf.il!l.lirrilfhl,.rf,J na.e . iii;ii - - .... 1 fx ir fanv. For his own pa't, be would r!her nuke wai upon ihc Hhine arainst 50 (Ji.Hl Anslrians. Itussialis, alld I'm, siins.th n man h to m-kc wjrupon'M o' O Desc.t misados. Gen. Fov atthutcd the vrar to a con cealed 1'iwer who would ( oiiimeui t though Spain, a war against oui ins'itu 1 1-.us. I'tie poarr dtas l i.it.ee wheit sh.e ',es nr.! wish ;o ro. nd so tires out the Minister that thev wilhcndcr w ar in evita'. le. M. de Yi'.lele. th.e Mr iter of Finance, defended the nert ssitv of the m:' sidles ih a such was the si'.ua'ion (( Sji.iui. ilut France could not wiM"ut uis'.riate avoil ti,!!,;; to war he -poki of mist ept escii i at ions and of ( pposi'ion tveu l.i the French I libune. II s. id, " the u stioii confines itself to this c an vou ioinc sta'e of Urn.entation in wLhh Sp in is. wit:i thaw the rmv jou have ipen ti I'vif i.ees, for it is i ii this tend ion vo i wii, h.,ve peace. In fine, ted it ti tle t-e jpv other I JI'. th-l r;.r. te at'oou d for tiie satttv tf France, and the h'-nor or tne fiowr,, than th-t which the king ha ad iptcd:" Ii is said a let'er has readied town which StatCS. that t,ne Of I'j Jl,apl!c's CiJ- tingnished Gttictals. (.(..--':..: w . at Barcelona, occupied in laisiio; a ccitpsc cl 10.000 men, ion, post d of 1 renrhmen ('.is afiectedto the ) esent Government, who were to be tailed In Cheiahm de It Lib rrrr;andiu esse of War breaking out he 'wteti Spain and Frame, were to march into the Ivter country under ihe ui-colo-n d liaunt r. with the obicct id i xcnng all insui rccticn, diiviog out ihe IloinOoiis, and seating ihe young Napoleon on the ibroiie of Lit father X. Y. Mr. Jdv. SOU! II AMFHICA. The F.ditorof the Uahimore Wecklv 4 r gister' has letters from hi IrieiidCol. Todd, dated Hag.i, Utb January 1 lie Congress had not yet formed Rio rum, chicflv because the tnembeis liom Caraccas and (uito had not anived- Fa vorable account had, however, been re ceived of the general state of the repub lic, and it was undi rstood that the people of (Viiii were about to supersede their military government ly a rcinHtuttuixl (, nc that the Cr!tre. tf J'rru was ex pected to K've "be people a republican form of government I he accounts td the coronation ol llurbidc had not been well received at Hagota. I Ids city contains 30.000 inhabitants, with the climate of our October and the verdure of July ; the tempciature varying not mote than 5 degress throughout the year. The site is beautiful at the fuot of the mountains. Within six leagin s. there is a cascade six hundred niidffty feet high. Salt is taken out of the moun tains, 8 leagues riistunt 1 fine and beauti ful for table use' realizing Mr. Jeffer son's idea of salt mountains, which was so much ridiculed a few years ago. Col. Todd adds " In the vicinity ol the salt works is a lake, where, from the, first conquest, it has been u religious cus tom to deposhe articles of gold and mI vcr. There is a company now engaged in e.sanunitnr. il. Among other articles, tlieie was loun.l a latge piece of gold, modelled into the shape of u monkey, whnh the owner roposes to present to the President of the dined States. There i; also in tlu vicinity, a natural blidge, ex ceeding in grandeur the celebrated bridge near Lexington, Virginia ; and, while wc are in the climate arid pioductions of our October, there is a valley just below n. which gives us daily all the fruits of the tropics." From the J'hilailrlihia C'uzcHc. MEXICO. Capt I law ley of the si homier Fame,at rived ot ibis port, Mates that according to the last reports received at Alvarado from the interior ptoiincc, Puehla, Oxaivia and V'eia Cruz have al declared in favour i t the liberal sv stem of government, and tha'. the c. plain General Lchevcrea w as at Ihc city ( f I'tu bla, at the head of 6000 men, and would march immediately for the city of Mexico. The emperor was then in the ri'y of Mex'u o, and was said to be fui -lifting it; icports say that be also had 5000 men. 'A.W,-,',.,.!, .V.iii.7. 20. We learn, by advices Irom Mexico, tha. the an aiigcineht which has t-ken place between huibide and the Congiess, isnoi as IjVliiJiIc to the cause of the mushiooiu cnipeior, a was anticipated. He ietaii... the name and the insignia of royalty ; but tveiy tiling real and substantial, respeii ing the joveiiunciit, is ti aiidci red. as it should be, to the Congress. We have con vened with a gentleman lately fioin Mex ii o. v, lio ha liail all oppo: tunit V of becom ing aUjU.iimtd w r b ihe feelings ol peo ple, ami lie is bt opinion, that this up; i iciit calm is bui the iuieumner ol a tem po!, wiiiLii aill sweep the ephemeral l.mpcior lu oulniou. I'KOM HAVANA. Tlie biig Alonzo, C jpu'm Gold, aniv ed at baliimoie on Sunday, Cth inst. iu ten Oaystiruii Havana 1 iv c Ca) s pilot to her sailing, the Uig Alert, laic blunt, .Hi'iit-it t'l.in 'e -Oi leans. ' l,e ti, previous to her arrival otf the M ho, sl.c was boarded by the piratical boat; lh. captain and cook were killed, and one man nioitally wouni.td- No Ameiican vessel ol war being in port at the time, mt- 'icl as-islaixe was iminediatelv rendered by tlie lliiush Irigatc llypciioti, I.illicre; L-'j comrniiidcr. Vessels were daily aniving at tiir Ih vana wbii.li lud be en plundered off in, coast by the Piiates. some of which h.ii been cntiitly unloaded, and their cargot", publicly t'llelfd for Sale ill MatallZas 1 he pirates continue to inlcst the coa-' uioic iiumeioiisly than ever. lie X.tiitsU M. ria:h;l of the 25th c' lic li i ont.iiiis .ill account of the proi ec di.igs ,f a iik e'ing held at lliv.in.i- a' !.icb ttie ( apt iiii-gencral presided- A'l dresses to the King and fortes of Sp.,i., ctc adopu'J. in which the meeting for diallv approve c l the stand takiti bv the Sp.,tish gmei ntiit til against ihe conu ni plated it.teilereiK t of the Allied Power in Ihe intcinal concerns of Spain. M'.vV Sdl 11U:HN tiT.Mf.. Vn I ...J'.-i- .1 ..ni:l, ,1,-r. 1 7, I'T'. Wc i c a i ved this mo! uin hv the vum boat t'onneitivUt the Providence 1'-.'. iot ol yesterday, Lv which we find that t ,c p-oumeol St. Sialvador. con posing nist ol ihc old kingdom of Guatim.da, havun been yisappuii.ud in an otTet nude to too Mexican empire of becoming incorpota led wi.h it on certain conditions, has ce i ided lo mAc the offer of an w::.n re :'. the I'.'iiir I Sutrt on ihe principles of oir coDktitution, on ci ndition ot being adinit ted on an e(pial footing with the other states, and the Congress ol the ptovincc in their last session declare that thry drf.nd it ii thr r.awj :ur guvrrnwt ',! i;7;t c A Ih u cv'Mncr tl.eirnh cn an :;'! dace. W e have no lime ! speculate eti tiiis proccedi i or its coiiseipiunccs. 1 he Pall "lot says, hf province of St. Salvador de Gua-tutu-la extends from the Gulf of Mcxn i to the Pacific ocean, and is situated be tween Mexico proper and the Republic n: Colombia. It contains aLuut I7t,00o in habitants, including one or two conM.hr atile cities; and produces in great abnn dance, Indian com, cattle, cocoa. cochineal, cotton, and the best indigo in the woild " ruhidelphia, March 27. The report that liaptist Irvine, and the otbei s who were engaged in the Porto Kk t .peditio;i, had been sentenced to thi.ty years imprisonment, proves to be u'-i' founded. When Captain Scars, of the Morgiaiia, arrived at this pott, left Cu; racoa, their trial had not concluded. 1' was supposed that no very severe puiuh inent would be inlhctcd on them- Cazeue-