SJLiSHVIlY: I CKSDAV MOKMMl, Al'lill. WW. The inicn-htin communication rela tive lo lucdl transactions during tins Kev ciiutionary war, shall be published in our next. " I'hilunton Juicon" bhall be attended t in One season. ' Caleb in a ijuanJun is so ' perplexed with mazes, and harassed bv doubts,' that Me see no living hopes fur him, except it be in the enjoyment of " Heaven's last bet Cii" In this paper we publish a circular from a committee of the merchants of 1'avtte villc, which ouht to have been published befoic ; but a short delay cannot have' ren dered it uninteresting. We hope this measure of the Fayetteville merchants "ill have a tendency to direct a l.irr portion of that trade of North-Carolina which has hitherto gone to neighboring slates, tl ru' its proper and natural channel lonur cent maritime towns, and contribute towards their increase and prosperity, and the i.--spcctability and independence of the state. SUPFMtUR COrftT. At the sptintf term of the Supciior Court for Rowan countv , held in this town week before l ist, Judge I'axion presiding, there were three indicimcnts fur murder, on twoof which t lie i e wcic convii tions of manslaughter, and the other an aquiti.d. John Divines was sentenced to 12 months impi isonmtnt, anJ lo stand committed till all cost and charge are paid. I he sentence of the court in the case ol Hen ry Harrow, was suspended till next tcim of the Court. It is lut justice to state, that in the case of Illizabrlh Owens, who was indicted for murdering her infant child, almost the whole of the testimony was conclusive thai the child was dead-born. At this term of ihe Supnior Court, itf S.lisbuiy and its vicinity, lor tin tr kind lias been genrrjillr rcmaiked. "greater jness in extending to us the Use of their progress was made in the Wcs, enter- (,,"ril,' "u l,,CI', '"' 1 lr liospr.alitv to the menibeisol the cd in the docket, than at any or,r -erm ,Ju.n.i,Ji for a long time previous. I he pa'iente . and in 'ustry of Jude Paxtoii nf no-1 tiied and tropei ly comuii nJcd by nil wl attended coart. ! Tllll CU.STL.VI I t.V Of the I' 1 .jits, ,1 ('bur-hut North-Carolina bfi;.iti i's ainni'l mrr'irg in the t huicli in 'his town on llnnsd iv. the I0 h, and ionipl-t'd rs business on r J.Ionday, the M-li ini. Not hnving had rrrmi. , a ,I.a 1. ,,r., A a i.f I 11 f "(ill,' fit I,, 11 uilliliu lilt j'tilllLin '., .-... it.,-., i, we rannoi p.micu' nlv tle'ail their pro-1 Cfcdmgs, hut have cnl.ei tt tl inbi'tnrionj en those points which arc of most imme diate interest. 'I lie Hev. .1. am Ilmf.if was chosen pre biJei.t of the Conveiui'n ; and the Hev Hirhird S. Mason, secietatv. In addi tion to the tier tion of the Rr. Dr. 15, ve list i(fl Lis!)((p of tl.C Dim ess t T North (,'arulin?, we btuf!, i,o'i ed in out last, wc Icam that (here were seven clcr ;;vnun i'i -.fendjiH e ; ihd seven new conre.itiui.s have been oijian'h'fd since last Convention ; and, actoniin; to the drums of the thurch, were ret lived in'o, union ttuis makinrr, tntncwitoie, twcn - tv-bvc behiiiL'intr to the Duress, most of ' " ,1,3.,, mud ui te Convention. ,.,i,r. r Tom. is, icrc ucietM is whirhweic 1 ('presented intl the seven candidates for '.ttended ; three of w bom were Torn diXe-rcnt churches, and the other na, .1 corditi)1- to tis ie, udmittcd to i.n honorary scat ; bui no ordinations could ta'.,e place, on acrount of 1 he unavoidable absence of the vctirrnUe Hisltop Moore, of Viipiuia. Divine service was pcrlo ni ce! every tnornin:' nml evrnin;; dinin-;; the ression of the Convention; and the se cular busincsi was transacted in the after noon of each day. 'e pencrally attended the sctvices each day, and were pcculiaily gratified in witnessing the respectful deportment of the several crowded coiijrrei;aiions which reyularly ovci flowed the church before the hour of cotnmenetniciit, md the in tene interest with 'vhich they listened to lli c many evangelical ami excellent dis ionises which weic tit livcicd. To judo from our own limited observ;,lion, we think the churclj is fortunate in its srlcc- in of 1 !; rrvn, who '-re genera!!)' ujan4 Ameiicr.i. Wc Rive four of them, lio.iv of leirnr.l, pio'is, and jealous men, la a specimen of lite national Ice ling of most of whom are in the prime of lilu ; ahobc perseverance in pastoral labors has been instrumental, under divine Provi dence, in raising the" church, within seven years, from an utterlv desolate state, to bright hope and approaching pro'.pcrity . A missionary sermon whs preached on Sunday, by the Hev. Mr. Hooper; in which was exhibited a vivid ami most in lercs'intf iew ol the moral wonders whi'h have been accomplished by sending llie gospel amont; the heathen. A collcciiir was afterwards made, in aid of mission'. in 'Air (,-;.( ittafr, winch ha, been rcprc senti d .is ninnitice ot ; and ivr know that the field was not tflrunnl. Immediately afterwards, an impressive address was de livered by the Rev. Mr. l'.mpie, prepara tory to the administration of the Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. A respect able number of commun'ii i.nts sat down to 'he communion table the precise num ber vw have not ascertained. Thee were present in the Convention, two tieryinen and two lay men as dele gates' from the Lutheran Synod. i he next Convention is to be held at W'j1 i .'if.', in Granville couir., on the tiii' 1 i huisday after faster, 1824. I hoiii.'.li of a different persuasion from the l.pise opal chuich, as Christians we cannot withhold our wishes for the suc cess of iheir labors ; for we are more full v convinced, the more we see of the world, lhat the tine glory of a nation, as wt II as j an be no valid reason vv hy 'he n,,ti should nut hr its nnmiiiJ ulv. avs munio- I't'-eln I' d. Hut if be , to be re-ebtod, Congress t r -,- - r ted by the spiead , Clii istianity and ibr difl'-ision (f tlic suMime morality of the ; Co'-prl. Pif vioi's to adjournment, the Convi n- lion pa,Mil the following resolution, cksive ol their sentiments toatds the citicns of Salisbury a 1 1 its vicinity : to ... '( . . . , lisliing, trom the- liuliij-li li'i;.'lel, a i,J which we .ll add our own testimony,! h ... ' I il, h rr:,'.iilg e iiiinuii, eat mis rri.hvc to On .v.; that the hospitality end kindly feelings j (j o,, a) , st (i( rJ (j imJ. s,:l, shown to the members of the Convention j , ,lt. n,llllb,.rs ari. i,,, n,.- .inn.ig the was never more apparent on any oct- iwitiintertiasoti, wlie-tt ih.-r- is- m-rally atUaiih biaIl ; ! ul lot al new t, the) tainut lad uladui 'lin,; tn'.i r- l'r7ivrd, I'hnt the thanks of this Con vention be tciidcied to the ci'i.ens of l're.-U :i':l .l'r.ii;utni: A number of thf mi'in'x ' s nf t ;j!h branches of the I-e-v;i-.ri"c of the State of Louisiana, con vene.' ie N'rvv .(.)i leans ori the I 5'h March, fur the pmpose of holli'illaling Some J'CI' -ii sin ( tl Mr. Monrtic, when his ti'ii f . rti ' '.I -11 have expired. A resolution v.sfPiitt' notniiut:!: Mr. as a t itidl'1 or, a i 1 anniher rt.solu- 3t,iils, , uI,v ,1(,mination . . On hill.- 'be i.' , 1 , vol, d a,,"! '--. -n iV-'g : soiiiii'a'i'Vi, and 3 in Uvor i'i M.'. ('uv us .4 1 ainbdaU . i)F 1 itt ri i r. s mi:t. On v,ti:ii! ,v vei-ing the ."'.'lli, and Sun t!iv momi -g the "t'lh .f Maich, a nnot vi, it. lent an I ilcstruitivc storm was expeu 1 d en the whole letvth tf coast lioin Nul if is tO N'-' VV -Ylll k I be destruction in s'ii; pi,i ki . was iminciisr, aiu! the . - . '- , . ... 1 . 1 ... ou't.ut r 01 lives ioi is reprcsenieu 10 nave bi t ii gif it. " As a sttikinj proof of the violenrcof the wind on, says the New-Yotk 'tiazttie, we have only to observe, that I the balls i f snow falling from the tu es en jnu; -jinry, ilt ,nr mimt of tonuot' in i contact iih the snow on the mouini, iitiii.n 1 lit. 01, .-,1..... p,,', ' ji j,i,ii..i.,.,'. ..,, ,, . kept lolling lv the force or the wind,'l0i. as tar as piarti. alde their naJc j ' tn.; il some of tiieni actpiirr I neatly the I tout..' on state, bate been i!scncd ttii hMts snw ,hus p,eaM.,e by their fei.o 1, Leas in this! ,,rInritt, ,t 2 fen indiametci. We j;ic seciion of tnc state It the -me s;ui it i , r . 1 tin 111 11, n 1 mi 11, . i....,,. -!, '- I . .. , r ., this in) on the authority 01 a peniicmaii w ho witnesM d the t ire unistatice, and niea- Miied several of the halls. oir'i!' Sn Snow commenced fd till); half past one o'clock vesterdtv morn im;, and rwiMnucd sieaiiiiv l.a'.f j'. ..t five o'tlock yrstrrdav afternoon. The wind w isl'mht from N. V- and the wrath- rr tnili!. t he drtilh of stiuvv, ulthmnrh i. inr! rnntst. w is it leaet fUht 1HC It's, Dutinrt the heavy fall of snow ytsM r- jUuce of ul 1 kinds is cheaper in V tlutii dav, several persons wire nraily la lied tor., th. n in any other port in the Atl.-u- bv itslailiiiir ironi the roofs of houss. l-i wo or three instances, the eon u c yu',is came down with the s.iovv,atid in one in instance a gentleman was nearly killed .6. I) .:r:r ti M'. ('!.; On 'he 29th ul'. a number of the ciii.ens of Philadelphia gave a splendid dinner to Mr. (V.f, in its limutiy of their respect for him as a man and a politician. The sentiments deliv e:rJ Rt the tabic, wcte purely patriotic the company. Agriculture, the Mechanic Arts, Man ufacture and Commerce, the four pillars of national prosperity all entitled to the fostering care ol (,'overnment. I he identity ol the intcicsls of the north and south, the east and the west : May the real interests, of" one sei ii )ii of the Union never be sacrificed to the fan cied interests of another. Kxpahded views of our Ntiioual Le gislature, commensurate with the niagnr tude of our territory, and ihe lii-h elcsti- I nes to whii h we are called. I he illustiinns patriots of Crec e and Spain I'.ngaged in 1 i'lnno is siiug'iu in ihe Mipres'Tipnlile lights ol nii'iiaii nature; may heaven crown their r)!o;ls with suet ess. On a tompliuirrtai y toast being given to Mr. (May, he rose and delivered an an imated and cloi'uetit Cidress lo ihe cum- I'"")'' V The Jl,n. LUIL'I.L SAH Yt.ll. Tlie l.!i.aln tli City Star, of the lit hist, coii laiiiklhe circular of tltij Jt.,tinviuklirl riiitfimm , in wliiclt he gives hit constituent, and the vuild, tu understand lliat lit ha no objection to return (not to (.Wo w fur it is a ii'itoiioin, lacl.tliat dnrin(,' the last ciui he uppcareJ in (Joii(;ii sk Hall but unci , and thei onl) to exhibit hii ' rueful toi.iiii-iiaiice' lor a lev moments but) to tli I City cf Washington. The Star olijn ts to hi ' ri di ction, iiuisii uclt k he, some tniie since, in liis last vv.ll and trstailie-i.t, UinmlUil away the It ,hit t to one of bis friei.iU Hut the Star should ri meinhir that mlU may V levokcd, or iWi attacht-d 0 theni. Tliii.thc-n, ol iu If, ""K'''' '' adolintttii,Kiuthefall, 0. bold iw ; . . ., t , ., ., iJ,; ... , ; iiiasna.i h a Mr. Saw ver s n.iiiil :u Wlv , hii I lii irilig tin; Vernal alMI llll'iiiei si iiviiii, : boh fri lik, in tlic a inter ; Icil ii the koi inj; ami swmw r, hr eiijujs ekar inulbcu and hudd; cx-lnr. In a fe w vvi.-i ki, w- sliall t unnii in e r - pub- taiimn nl and iuMruititiii tu a jreat. iiiaj"iiiy ci our reader. -W- DLAin or i.i i i r. coca . StV V OH K AriUL3 Alrlln IlolllS'.. ! I d-lcil l I Itn idi. i;Hes the pa; - j ticuUrs eil l e death oi I.t oikc: "Il appeals that Lieut- C- was com maiulcr of ihe scln . IV. one d the Iket ; under the tominaiid ol l on. I'onei. w.i , approaching me luiiioi ol l'uilo Itno at j ihe lime to otiar vt ssi 1I im lit!f uml i and lk.H'le.1 ol the siu..oroii tic iving j in pott. I he v-iuveiiioi iiiiuimcu v apt . - . . . . . John I'orter. ol tlic (rt) hound, (,u.e.!i,i r of t urn 1' ) that only Iwo would be pt 1 i.ilted to be in port at one lin.i. but I ,.1 I'. fOllhl not LOIiillililileale Willi li.C ,.p- proaching schooner in ron-ciiUciii e of the lieavy suif ' hen she had come wi bio gun shot of the Muro I astie, to y,i.iis with blank cartndge weic i'i ed nt her,; I, ut ihe l'.,nt.,iii Old not think, them llitrll- 1 ,i.l ... 1.;.., I,., vt..d on inii..i,U ti.. li.ii-. ui u leii 11, in, mv ......w,. .w - - - . .. ,- 1 r ,1 i bo.. A gun was then ned f.o... l,r .M-.. 10, Willi tikl.ieu l.KUl IUUC. M.C sc,,,. iniinttiiali 1) 1 amc 10 anchor among the 1 l... A.., .,,.! .!.! ( 'v lili.U U .,s I ..I 1 II.! i t(,llSl, U.l vj-,- - J on shore, and Umcd with mifilaiy l.oii'.is I he il icc st then coetid 10 jnin llie sii.droti .iln! commtiiiiwatj vvitn the 1 omnioiioie. since which n ubii.i' has , bun heard at sj. Iiomas from tin 111 1 V. 1 .. . fit it, I i.l I hi- 1111 1 jil Imi e tu VI s. , v,n "- .w., - - . the Ameiieaii vessels in poil I.i t -ttsl il.tir colors halt liiast " l'aef.l v.lii, Mail II 1 IT' The pioieeotiie,s cl a muting tlic t met, hauls and u.iiu n.t Ia.ti.;lt 0:1 the j I subject ol the lU pu eutioii ol our, na: , r m 11 vinia. w i;h the tiett-i niiiia:!uii 1 1 . . . niiimii i'i u,i t, ............ . , . . .. . . .' . j b ililluscii iiirouiioiii me state, we n-vi- no doubt but thai tt will pioiUnc a b.''!' ICVoUl'.ioll ill the H ade ol N'lllll CaU-hllu. If llie llie'UlialilS til llie LOUUtiy Call Old) l. 1...I r .... ,. .11 r.. w ,, t ,'f ut iiuiueeu ia J,.v uni v.i .i.j,i,,j trial, ihcy wiii Iniu it thei: ' i'n'm.i lo con - iiiiiic tl.c ir.dst ut lea! s" fat- s ii-caid heir supplies of jrrocetits. A f.ifat ma- ny ai'i'MineiUS arc at hand insiippoit ,,( this ciiinion. but we will nly Hate a lew nrntumenl laels 1 II S. West Inula In O- j tic Mates. Croctiics.JkUar.iod'iT.tuni) molasses, co) are fietpiiiitly shipped to Ho, tun, New -Vol k, lialiimoic, Not led and many othur places, there puuhi-rd and ri shipped to lVtcuhurt;, mid s. bl t; N. Caioli'ia mcrchnus. Jayii:,; hfi or three !iei(;hts, commissions and pubis, besides the cnomtotis C, of v ap.on- W arc fiont IVicrsburK Second, Ir.t Po r .i i . .'i i - I" .. . - ... .1... I eiiiccr,! tlic I'lcsnaustunc micst m. ..n t!ape 1 tar, allnrd employment lor a lat fce tptafti'v t! ;btppm. wli-h chera'.! brinp, in s.:lt cr West Ind'u roods, to pur chase their outward cui goes, theirby af fording a constant and superabundant sup ply ot these loiuiuottitics. I bird, I In meri(;an tonnage enured in the stale ol North-Carolina, the year ending the lOtli September, T2, was 23,700, in irin ia during the same period, 16 301; thi fact proven that wt liuve not bet n acmum ted with our own trade, and resources. Wr contend, without adverting to the measures adopted by the merchants of Pe tersburg, or without taking into consider- moo the depreciated slate of our money : ill Virginia, that the 111 nsliirc t ol inime- ! !i.trt- In-nelit is a sufikient inclm ement tu (,m mercli-mts and platitei s to online the heavy pail of l In ii trade lo o'ir own t.UlC rt I 1 ;, we sk Im: t.:pci inn lit. There ate tvo steam l'iats, Resides a number ol iV boats ami Ihi's, constatitlv rimuicg on 1 lie Cape lev, beiween I'av etteville and Wilmingt'iii- It rrquiies only two or t i t c dav s to g-t mv arii' lit that may be warned Ironi Wilmington ; and the prices generally are ..imut th same, wiih ihe addiiion f 'he fieihi, which i only about 20it. p r in 1. John M. I) ii:iis, I)t SCAN I II MM f OV, Cit.oiiOK M Num., Ja.MKs l ow M'.S, IJesj mis Sai.tkii CoriuntilitO'i' of th" Mi iraaii I jvctttville. , F.1I r VTI VII.l.E I'lUVl.S, .7;.;o' 1'). Cotton, li to 10 j flour, fine, S7 ; ""'I" rliiu', 7 il; w in a', 1J3; w hiskev, 4 ) ; pearli brand.-., 5 J to 7 j ; apple do. 4 3 J o, -it. 1 k.-'i, 7 ; t 7$ , Ici eon, f j to 10 ; s il', I ni ks I Ol a ha, h tin buhel , n,nla-.v s, '2J ;, iiiiish ovadn, K lo l ; cipfli.r, (il iilii- ' ii, '.'7 t' JH : -d and J I qiiahtv, .'1 to .'0 j la, h)5 hi, IVMo 1 1 J, l!a:. b. ed, tij to 'JJ , Ul.iw, H to 'J i . :.'s. ( uij.r.sro.v M.Mk i. r, J;ui 7. Vytii t niak, - ,)v ulrI ,,,, , j,... l( u, , , I il;,ii,, i:, i- r n '.' o trnui i "i 1 - ' , t,i , greatest s.iliK at l'l to 1,1. I lie ' k on hau l i lai v-, and uln i Iv put to II. .h '.. '. S a I'.1 m .s b'ive"ii'i' alni'-.l f.n-the h.-f, - l'i y an v.iy .i'il! .,t 1H In J ( ei u'.i, to;'.,.;', U fir laatv l-r in !.. I n iii.ln, s'.-ady at H 1 'o ,' l-'J, -nd it i, I. I l.kelv a' pres. lit to i. , ii . . ( , ii Hi.- ilin.and is ! ...-'.! i a' ( ') " ' '"' ' (;. No a.' ra'ion. l iii.- yr. eli, w'.i'.ih i, ..:', i , I hi 1 1 "-') a -T fell' i i.- ! "" -!'. .S , ,-I. a, I SO:' u ad ,i s nl'' -a MP'. - -t ', :,n. ;it V . I ,t, rn.i- 7 a M.', V u ' li Ii '.' a '... r.i.Attis 6 a 6. Wh.n l ' al-. 'I I r i, I., ! I.i 'Ie j; ,-,1 iuubtv s ,;ai at n.aiket, ."'. t!,, i ' ,-1 1 , uid ..r it is steady . .).',',. ' .- Nn t liangc. Vltst In,!. a y(j7. Havana .3: ,Nev -I tlleans !u a ,1. .s,',in;f hiskev iuhlidi. b.i sold at 1- t - 'it-., i.i.N. :. .V..'. - vi k has ill' ii ' d and r,e, i are niui.ii'ul. I inks Nlaud li a 5 . Iavrrp.n.1 43. I ,.i -las. f K.'('. I .iir t rv dull, giaiil l at at tiurket :m l it'Hs hniliiiiil at idiu'l' .'-IcinV lur best .JJ ineli. N.Caniblia Hank ti lls, 3 a fipifulit. uia. , Ijioi ,Jia do. sj a 5 .s i n iom' .1. ii at r, .'," '' Ci.ttmi, upLii'.'N 1'' '" 1-: N w.l r!i ans. I-'" i 1 I ; 'lentil va e, V to 1"! ; -d'. I inks l.l.iit, S ( ail,, 4' to 4.'. Clin. Ual ",ivc .' eoiid H'l.ibty, .'5 to '.'6. , , , . i-i We l,avl,ada viry d and e-envc lU tliaiid for c .Hoti tl.riit;sh out ibe v. b ,e ol toe 1 .1.1... 1. .Hi- t.r.-.. aM.niil.'. oi ' .n -. ; .- t .,. - ing to ::;:) bags. iii ;i Mvl'tf. t't ' The il 11, ..i l I' r tnttou thf pis' '.' k, has i aiisi-d an a lvaim- ol loi'.v id l r II.. , t . , . 1 , ' .1, s imi 1 1! (. b ,1". i In rv uti s;i. ' n 1 .. .-J. h,.,,,,:, :, Ul .V .a' .- 7 , . ,,, s . , , ,,, .-. '.(.. i i.t- ro' n ark. t I. is btrn .r .li.l'.t the W.ik. pt , , s .( Ilowid hi oijC-a I ..- :.dt KM id I ,s , .. 1 ! o . r elist r,,ti us Iron, id lo j 1 pi r lb I ! " s,'., amount tn .(3o bal. . M., tin fit f'l. '.!' I v 'b !;, v W-. : r-!, .Ii-. An "iv, I'.- ;. t 1 M s I' .1 1 1 hi t 1 Iln. , da'. V er "f l..! l!. .iv'.i', Its p :.'! of 1'ii.rke eiiioity nun, 11 Tui v'.av fie i' s'ant, M.s M-y .1 S.. . i:;i, a -d ,-,!.o':t IS yrars. Ihr l-fo'lu-r 1". la at.!, .., -.1 7 s e d . I a IV v , k --. f ,SI1S4 V 1 V ' ' 1 i U I V V. , UHIC 11M". vv'M 1 vp.-.s.-1., pt.',' e ,!.. at tV Cu-i ) Uo.-.n v b-Viry. .., ?, i tUy of M., ; ' 1 ,,,, , 1,.,.;. , , i. ,. , ot L',i', 1 .in il.ti. i n 1 rc.t "I nine an.ttvviivi ,. ,f a, ,,w,,u I , !u, ,- ,.t,m , i;, ,,-wi :.t the plant..' m ' ,,f ijlC f,-,- ArelnbaM lUluli r 'l. Information, I -as re;;..:d. t' tpab'v, istl !w be bad tmm Col. I I IS II l .1. I.. III. s l'l.' 's, , v ,. ! '.l'l iL l). r. 1 Ai.i r.1.1.. .,,v.;is. vr.. -tai NWTlliV. I r r u;i M,eh p( I s.m.s M h.i h ive aiit. ri'i. .1 , I t!,c rt rair:!-- and n.-a -I, n. ,1 H" . but V ,i,t' cr.'i'.ia! Ji.'":i','";r "f I ii'n. inn I lints n, i i-r m bo ii, .ty let 1 imy interest in tlir, are vl , ,i tn meit in ll.c t hir,h on p.ilurdav llie ,,,v f May, lor tb, p..rp,.,e o, ,r. ,l, v, 1. it -itti-rs us ir .-.i- he t'i,,n it tie. 1 1 ssarv . .v.i'i''o,rS.js-i'':i. is:... :iji IK I w .si a n.-.r.'.il hdv, 1 1 in .! on',. in' roilin.inv , ,1 lulv, I would not bo cxlwlt cm tne HUin-nor last I . I i .-, ,,f n,l nis .and. let I, lilt be III Mat. ,ni , f ks nun h' as b" possiblv iMiuld, As b. id one the oxlwr .lay, on . visit i to t.,e ! , . .. .... 1 ' I kt I ,..! .. .lb I m s" lltll'liC I'JIV'i Lllv - ttV viivti ninmnii t t . 1 ... 1 If ..4' ... . . ... . . , . . , ., -, , i( Mtl) v. rry ihspisting to tlie ta-i nf f,, ntYUin Vw v ij-'ut imi 4 Cf.M.ltM. , 1 tins' Coinim Illi-i I'li;' ,.l lli,- ,t'i, Hi')M i- iinv W.ll Or I,, 1,1 n l!.- I oh ii id' I nt, ii l oi VI.- ny, on I bur, la , tin in t, A. IJ. Ml KI'iH, ' l'l, U23. 1 latfl f-;,,l,,' Suw, 3 aii'lioii,.! A tn f iv w i ', h' 'lie r, 'j-ii V 't' a nii'n'a r it' !(.-; 1 'able i'H!, ,11 mi, I I,,, a'"' Imi, V'm(, h.i '.!.. .m I' 7 ,,. 1,1 ' In- lort II in S:,! il' , r Inn .1 ! ot t,r.,' ". n,' I'l.v 1'. ,i Ant I I I, I I : 'i 'V lilt: s., r .-I r iii -ii m v. t'.i I,.-. ,.' 1 . n !irraii:' , 'il 1 1. in nit' -I n h I'ti :iv:,l. I,;, : I 11 'i, trn i, I., tion, Iln 111,1a !- in, 1 I of it, HI l 'l II' llio Hi.tlVldM.'ll ! '(Ill 1 i n. mid tin- ii,Mi , I,,.- I i',k vw'n runiiili in, li,r purl n in i if I li.-ir . ,'!",:... ,'t-. I,i t, , inii r, ,t nj-, an I important lnjil.' Il, nl, In- l nl'il'i so. ' nt Tn- i:i.Ih r i, -. ajipli' .ill ni ,U 1.., i. I..'i i , :,' , v .,;' ( tn r , ,m , , ni,,',,,, v. i u i 1, i '.i ,o 'I l.y a i 'in', n i.'n; in, ill, p I ' .iim.'-, and ; ri, ntl'.i -1 - -. i hv lainC I.. i:"'!iti aii'l y'uT 'i.ali, w ii' n.a' I i' dr j,- ii lo ,;,i t tin l i.i i! Iiii'i ,,,id .(!! Iiii'lcr hn I an-, hi- wad In-. iiiirl,, thj' !ni nliiri't In ivi r ti-eii, vu'lilhi; l:ini;n:ii " a ri l,;,;ln I' lil'.iucht ol -i k a' mti, n on 'r j th'i, .'i i in, '.i Ii '1,,'t i.f l'i ai'iii', v. n'.n j-, l.ii;;!.1,'! -r ' n o, arilliiin Ik and y . 'v'i '') III ud'lil.'di I i Hi, v tljlln,',, (hi- tisctul ami ,i n . i .H , it VI I'ln liia'.'.s, Natural lilid in -1 I'll, In' 'ij.,iv , am.iiiii , l.ogi' , I'ii' Uiiir, Itis'n rv in- ! in unit , wlii-u ri-,ii,r I, will U- .. I' ml' , tn. pi ih': im'i-iii.liiiii nl I'-i'ial' I1 ' ii'ar .. tn w'.il !',- adnpli i. Iln- oh'r't 'V'il lie, l'i i i"ii r tin ,n i :,! and n,'cri-i'i i! ' on. HA ; a'nl in diii:,t'..'n , Ill'iH- hi .is w nil ui in !!.!' H, V, 'l. a ;,i of i; , i nt tin- e i , ,t I, lil t V ,11 ' ot I.I. , I' VI I II ! ri- c a i iji' i n.r ,1' grrr '.I a 1 -'if, on. Om- o t i ' t vi .,1 i v r be k pi in v ( ni. ,i I, pupil vi i' h a '!','; ii. g"e U . 1 '' ' ' '" ' labluli loriMt iii-ifal and r-C,,,!,, t n--.'. ! :u 'mid , a'i , n i' ',i i,i p. li' ..! so' ' (, !'-, lo nn r. . hi! I iiin .i d, Hill-1 iifo'is, n i l l,i . li' .mis i'.i'e' . hi l'"'.'i ' ', al I in pt.j.ds i.ii, i v ag' , i1" ' te...'.ti v ill be ia d t" s;,. iiuig, f-a.'n., , V n'.' an ! ' on pi.-,,' .on. In fn-e, " p '. ;..;. 'bos. i ,,n II, "-d l'i I, far., Hi th.- best i'.--. 'ill h.a'i,- , t"- I in ir I it ni i di's' ;na' ,' ui in I.I-, . .'1 In- his n. ( i ;. Iln . ,,n ! 'In s .n alt, n'l'.i, v- .tl b. ;. . 1 t , l'i" I..' ''- T.' ,l !i s !,'i ,1', ! l'i '.. ' a!," al'" I- s -;,e, I I ,r In,' li- r iiisi ,t id .1 s'ui- I. i'i.. II i'i , , I, nn lo Mat- , il,', ri t a' ie" " I .'in and (." I .'I'w'i i'-s. C l,r . ).. t. I Vie 4 I ,. I , I , I t i M I' , I l-,r a I . in t'i ll.'.st I I il oi . d . f'.'iii; .i ' i !e i I,.,, I'or 'I' ,, ;,u-. v, !,.- !, are ' ..' I . ' i ', " .. , , '.. I ' vt .,;.s of II : !'',,, " if , k-. a id Iln: i-t tl. m, li'i. il, II k'-nboi g, (ei'idr.el:, ", . i , K' . iun li. en pro! en d , '0 v. li - ' ": ' . ha-..- I !.'-. t r. i' r. I I ' s- ' (, ft;;l.y, an ee. II. ut t ol Iji .1- , a I, it ,.s- , 'i and i.'hc r A'I..' , and .' i oll i. tiiin of tl... i's, hair lie, l ,r,, -I, ! I In- j,rt:t !i.i of tonion vv.ll In- hu , s v. jev. n doliats, paid in H'lvall' r, in'u Iln iiai -' I biiiiias 1.. ( ovvan, F.p who has u, ; y ... St ri'ed to a' s nt for the sulisrr l-r. .HtVA I'll AN O i ls Hil'.KM N. .Vu'.i'b-i., Mirth A, UV.-'i7 rnilK virll bred h-.rsr Il'd fi I a Iv-an'il il diili iijv , v. r 1 Idarl ! pi, mailt- -nl tail, ha', . so'lu 1 loaikrd v. ,'h ihrre ' ' ' Ii e', loll fil'i '-il hands two inrlii l.i'i, no r.- ! in - si V 1 an "!d, in f ill v ioi' an i 1,,1'h -,-1. r . lion, Mi'Is'.iiil tli rrs' ii'ij ii.'iiil (!i,ii I .s ;ilr( ,(N ,,,,, ,;,,!( ail, Ul:t , . 1 n ,(,,. ; , ( ( ju, j .,,,, i .',., ,,, ,,1.,, , s , . .,, ,P .. ... , . ' .. . I art. s, 1 1 n.'ir s.iiti, a -1 ironi -ai.jii. - , , '. I'.c Hiani r ..d I. ad eg '11 Cl.arU ', , un .' i .iil, n t, lorl, Millb,- M 'I11t.1i s ah ! ,'i i,n a 1 hr 'hb. of Mr. slail. , 'IV S;.' ,. PV , SV e ilil S.U' ',,! 1 li'll via v l- I at l- hl. f 1. At. . t'vni l.liis J' r s- m. 1 1 :i al I'ni-l iiud -.!'. rdavs M vull i a" ,e 1 1! r.i'i- r 1 e o) on nllars ?ti m !, . r '..Is t!u- s I, p. !t a'i, '11 !ll ,il.l M.c s, rv sir " ": id ,, 1. .ii.-! t t, iiis'iii a 11.. .. , t ' . I 'al . a r 111, 1 . v .,- .1 Hi I as i' , as il is j, i-r . : .''i 'be n.a,-. fort I li is 11 rtailif I"-' . til. od all'! i-ir ' - r tl .r '0 I . ! si" ii rs . II, lorn , 1 ',. r p. iv . r s 1. 1 '. , - li w r. I . v ii- .t ',. o-l "1 , u, tn ab j r. I. 'v, b. e, ii, ,;. bo .1 ( 11 t) I ',' -' , , '!.-! r. , 'la' i'i f.-.'i v 'i , ! 1 1 ,......- tl... r.. s.i 1 1 I'n't I, ,. i 01 , I to, !,.'i.'o a,;.'. 'I, " I . , . In, l.,x Ul II. : .1 ii, U J-' I .,!'. ' n l.i.sMcr. vit o .ill . -U-. a '',t! lilsfil ai'.v Vilid, lint va I : t v 1 1 , .,i. I lo tin! n a j: ,t 1 y oiu l)n ' ''; ,r,"i,j!:";!,, J" ' ,' V'"" ' X i ''''i'.' ,, -. P; a !....-, .; iiwt Uun tlu of a mu, eiitM tl hi to r.jtl, lilil' s I, r ;... it M. li t if Dobiti, I Ic Mi I, !ii, d ,1 k, u i r. fu'. of bolb, ',i lorn. n I i i , .I," a wo-.iM lie siitu.'',. nt to 1'". , 'I ' e, .i.u'.i:.. a h ii d iirw v 1'. s. liolmi w 11 be i.e. a.i n !. i ! ' i s, ,!,!., ai l s, III tin; Hi ij'h', it i,.- i . a'l.l l,,, i . d.i s, i t rintrM-, he Vl.l I .'1 be Ci.j.ei ' d ' : :,;-.!.r i A. 1!. 11. .c-iMii, i8:t. S'uUr uV .VuvWi-V'ttvtiUn-A, in-1 PI'RKF C'lL'SIV. Itli , ... ... w ,, u,t n , .n. . ' ' 1 1 "" ' " 'l orn' , ' In i. i ien l ie as It kp;ier, v the satisfic'ion of Ibr Court t' al llie 'it its, ,' Ie S a'T wn'i.lf Without ihr l.nuH t,f tl -, M , - j ii via, tbertlon' onlered by the ( uuf, ' h it , ncmon ne ina ii inr hit. -: io mi r f ,ii(i'i..K. lll.les i:te aal III irs "! t. '. a. i I 1'ntlv arr aopear m our n vt Coon to l, l . i-t me ' '.'. ' " . , . . r ! ir.nliill mllt I.HItlil ill.ttlli. lit .11 lit l. HU , '"""(''s - - . ! In s n- 'irtb n,'ir, ja.l.'M lit lor lb-- ;i , tt'. ' 1 - b be lakl n ,--o.s I "I I . I.KW I S, ( 1'neeaiv. fel 25. t.'? r

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