i.,:li' w Iu' 't r tin- iiujiri , VI, vr. i I '.i-1. mi ' il '' t .n iiHr-... n i rr. V;' vjt' n rvU .V i t.s. IS'.' it'cn At morn, a jumh: sky, A hraven ka blue .u ln'.m'j ' eve : JJui luiih' rre noon, d junction's funH Was ruling on the whirlwind turtn. J've letn the bark with snowy tad K.de proudly on the suclhuer; jult , I've tunieil as'uiii- the niounuui wave sVa vmatlimg o'er lu-r coral grave. I've seen the gay ami laughing bride, M ith health au.t splendor at hi r side ; I've look'd agun the wed ling ring W a wrapt in death's cold covering. I've een the hero's tyrant bruw dtvimuM With the laurel bough; Hut h' olivion'i sable pall Ila d.mm'J the blooming cororul. Aul such is lite a changing teem- it hlivie " lew and Car bet-aeeii," To-ill), the iur.shine of dchght Tomorrow, wretchedness and nigh'.. How many barda hav e sung of youth, fl'hen all via novelty and truth ; And dtcW'd m garb of fairy drc5 I'. da) I of light and Kivehueai. Jteversc. t!,e picturetime will shuW It (l.itiiig shades of joy an.! wo, And though its smiles are bright to-day To-morrow act them fade away. Tl.e fjllowiRg lines are said to be the last thai ever Cow per rote : To Jims, the crown of my !ii;e. My soul ii in l.ste to be g'ne ; Oh 1 bear me, e cherubim, up, Anl waft me away to his throne. My Sar.our' whom absent I love, Whom not havirg seen I adore, hus tmine is exalted above Ail g'.jey. Jcniin;on and power. Liw ihe thou the lands that detain My sod from her portion in thee ; Oil ' str.ke off the adan.ant chain, And ttufcc me tternlly free. Then that happy era kegmi, V hen arrayed in thy gWrj I shine, And nolofger pierce with my ir. The boim on which I recline. Var.c'y's the very piee of IJ;, lliat gives it all it rlavor. raoa tui nu itic ratal. THE ROCKY MOLM AI.Na. One of the most valuable and best of this people. Seeing that his father written bcAs touching the immediate had taken a place in our cavalcade on interests of the United States, which 'the left cf Major OT'ullon, he rode up has issued from our press, is this day on his r'gnt, to the exclusion of a published by Messrs. Can & Lee. It brave nfTuer wh? had prev iously occu as in two volunus of 500 pgcs each, pied that sit iati.n, and now regarded and acconipau cd widwn atlas. 'I he him with an apparently stern aspect. jTuchanual part of t e book is well but in which there was perhaps more executed. Ve have hastily, but with of idmiration than of irritation at this d -p iuttrcsr, perused those two vol- un-xp -rtnl intrusion. The young Ume. 1 hey tcntain a mass of inlor- chirl c mr.t the look, and retorted TTiatioo as to the country and Indians. ! with an eve Uut seemed never tn have Its face and resources, its rivers ind ! been reverted through fe ir. The name Other natural nclus, r.ow lcr the fit ot Petdeihiroo is connected with the time spread before, expand our minds abolition of a custm formerly preva . almost to embrace the future pop-'.Kn' in this nation, at which humanity ulation and greatness of the L'mud si. under. States. hile t ur imaginatii.iis w an-1 The Pawnee Loups heretofore ex tier over the tillage and hunting 'hi' i:rd the singular anomalv, am ngt grounds cf the Indians, nd our eves the American natives, ol a people ad niav be saia to bchoid them in the en- dieted tn the inhuman, superstitious cv memo! l.caith and activity, and our rites of making procitiary jtre-ings of ta-s to hear the rloq ence which pro- human victims to Venus, the (ireat n :-t$ so much, f the mind whence it were cultivated; when 'hesc ob- . t prtsent themselves we cannot but istcd previous to their intercourse w ith rcgutthat the) will seen be no more.he white traders. This solemn cere- It seems a dispensation ol Providence tat the In lian race must, every where, fail before the sevthe of civ ili z.aii n. submit a quotation from the ptditiun to the Koiky Mountains, v hich, while it presents a fair specimen ol the work, convevs intc imation of nn interesting character. The party un der Majcr Long, were within two m ies t f the Pawnee village when an Indian messenger requested them l halt to enable the Chu Is to make suit o! le arr.ir.gemet.ts to meet the repre je iitatives of a ration ' so great ant! powerful 3s th. t of the Big Knives." Alter waiting a short time, we ob served, at the distasce cf a mile be fore us, a great number of motmird In d ans emerging suddenly pj-parrntly from the plain itself, for wt ctukl not thtn stle a rnvir.e that h.ul prei uslv c ncraled them from our view. They immediately began to ride in various 4-'t-ti'. d to perfeim rumercus f viaiuuons ur.nl the whole were arrac- i it hi a wi ilcly extended Hue. These rapid movements, which attracted our attention from other objects, having ceased, we perceived a small body of men in front, whose movements were independent of the others, and who were ads atuinij at a moderate pace. When all wcr-r formed, they net for ward slowly at first, but gradually in creased their speed as they approached, until ihcy surrounded us in full charge. It is impossible by description to do justice to the scene cf savage magnifi cence that was now displayed. 15c tweeo three and four hundred mount ed Indians, dressed in their richest ha biliments of war, were rushing round us in every direction, with streaming feather, war weapons, and with loud shouts and yells. The few whom we hud observed in advance of the main body, and whom, as they came near, we recognized to be the chief men. pre sented a perfect contract to the others in their lo.v movements, and simpli city of dress. Courtesy obliged us to shake hands with each individual as they came to us in succcssioa for that purpose, nor was a single soldier of our train forgotten on this occasiou by any of them, i'hey expressed great satisfaction on account of our visit, rubbing thejr breasts in token of their sincerity ol this pleasure. Many re marked that the natiou had been mourn ing for their grievous losses in a recent battle with an enemy; but that grief should give place to rejoicing. M Jor OT'alloti addressed the Indians, ..s usual after which we again moved on towards the village. Latelesha. the grand thief, perceiving thai the divis ion of his warrior that were on our left, raised some dust on the march, ordered th-m to leeward tht we might not be incommoded. Almost from the beginning of this interesting fete, o lr attention hail bem attracted to a young m .n who seemed ing performed, her dread of a mn-t : first rank among the literati ot the day. to be the leader or partizan of the war-j terrible deati was about V be termi- j 'I his Scholar, ha ing ascertained that riors. He was about 23 vears of age, j nated by the torn jhawk ,tnd the arrow, a c met would make us appearance on of the finest furm, tall, mut.cul..r, ex- At this critical juncture, Pctalrsharco, ! the 4th CUtobcr, 1712, announced the ceedinj graceful, and am st prrpos- ; (son of K it:-i hiet,) st' ped f rward i fact to the public, added that total dis seising countenance. His head dress 1 into the arra.and in a tt r r x d and firm j solution ot the w orld would be the im of war eaglrs' feathers, descending in ! manner, declued that it w as his lather's ' mediate consequence. He fixed the i double series upon his buck like j wish to abolish this sacrifice j that for ' day on which the conflagration was to wings, to his saddle croup, his shield ! himself, he fad presented himst It br-j ukc place. Thi3 led to many ludicrous was highly - decorated, 'and his loi g ' f re ihem for the purpose of living ouurrtnecs. Some took possession ol lance was ornamented by a plated ra- , down his life upon the spot, or for the ; all the small boats c the river I hamcs, sing of red and blue cloth. On it. qui- ! purpose of releasing -hf vic tim. He sagaciously concluding, chat dunog a ring of the interpreter, our admiration ' then cut the cords which bound her to fire, the wattr was the safest place. was autnetcd by 1c irning that he was no other than Petaisharoo, with whose name and character we were already familiar. He is the most intrepid w ar rior of the n ition, eldest son of La telesha, destined as w ell by mental and physical qualification, as bv his distin guished birth, to be the future leader Star. 1 he origin ol this sanguinary sacrifice is unknow n probably it ex- mony was perlormed annually, and nn- mediately preceded their horticultural operations, for the success of which it "tx-ippcars to have been instituted. A breach of this duty, the perfurma; ce f w hich they bilicve to be required bv iiic (lcrtt Star, it Was Suj postil Would be succeeded by the totul failure of their creeps t,f maize, hears, and pump kit, s, ard the consequent total priva tion of their vegetable food. To obviate a national calamity so formidable, any ptrs. n was at liber'v io rfTcr up a prisoner of either mx, that by his prow ess in war he had be come posessed of. Thedcvctcd individual was clothed in the gtyest aid most costly attire profustly supplied with the choicest i od, and constantly attended by the magi, who anticipated all his Wants, cautiously concealed from him the re al t hject of their sedulous attention and endravortd to preserve his mil c tn a state of cheerfulness, with a view of producing obesity, aacl thereby ren der the sacrifice more acceptable to their Ceres.' When the victim was thus sufficient ly fattened for the purpose, a suitable day was appointed for the performance of the rite, that the whole nation might attend. The victim was bound t a cross, in presence of the assembled multitude, when a solemn dance was performed, and after some other ceremonies, the warrior whose prisoner he had been, cleaved his head with the tomahawk, and his speedy death was insured by numerous archers, who penetrated his body with their arrows. A trader informs us thathe squaws cut pieces of flesh from the deceased, with which they grease their hoes; but this was denied by another who had ben present at tj f these sacrifices. However this ti'J br, the ceremony was believed toMave called down a blessing upon the Isliours of the field, and they proceeded to planting without delay. The present mild and humane chief of thenation, Lattlesha.or Knile-chicf, had loni; reg rded this sacrifice as an unnecessary and cruel exhiuition of power, exercised upon unfortunate and defenceless individuals, whom they were bound to protect, and he vainly endeavored to abolish it by philanthro pic admonitions. A' letan woman who was brought captive into the village, was doomed to the G taiS.er. bv the w arrior, whose property she had become by the fate of war. She underwent the usual prep iratiom, aod on the appointed day, was b d to the cross, amidst a great concourse ol people, as eager, perhaps, as their tiwlided fellow-men, to wit ness the horors of .n execution. The victim was bourd to the cross with th( ngs cf sk.n, and the ceremonies be - the cross, carried her swittly through the crowd to a horse, which he pre sen ted tn her, and having mounted anoth er himself, he censeved her bevond the rcich rf immediate pursuit ; when. alterhavirgsuppliedherwithfood,andjthe banks. A Dutch Capt-in then in admonish'n g her to make the best of , the river, threw his cargo, gunpowder, her way to hrr own nation, which w as J overboard, that the ah.p might out be at the distanceof.it least four hun-j damaged, l he Archbish p ol Loii dred miles, he was constrained to re-1 don's alace was crowded by divines, turn to his village, l he emancipated ; c nsultir-gthrirchiel asto IcrmolLrayer letan had, however, the good fortune, i n her journey of the subs opient day, to mett with a war party ot her own p?ep1c, by whom she was conveved to her family in salety. This daring deed would, almost to a certainty, have terminated in an un successful attempt, under the arm of any other warrior, and lYtalesharoo was. n-'duubt, ir.debted fortius suc cessful and noble achie veme nt to the distinguished renown, which his feats ; i f i hi v airy had already pai d fir him, ; and wnicn commanded trie nigh res pect of ail his rival warriors. Notwuhsijti.dit.tr the s enal success of tl entcrpi izc . ani'. her c!;m-!.iv of: the firmness and determin.tti n t the people, bv a wr.urwhu has ilevcr.bed the ( h yourg w Trior w as rtquirrd, t aSolish ne'ensvc fortrsi'i ef the vannu tribes, hen this fi icnfue, it is to he honed forever, they crc at Urcsien in the Catnrun of lbl5. I he succccdii g spring n warrior who had captured a fine Spanish liny, v ow-, ! ed to jae rifue him t the Grtat Star, ; tier tow ards another joung lady, like land accordingly placed him u'idcr thejwise of a genteel family, who, cut cl care ol magi lor that purpose. The Knife-chief learning the deter- j mir.ati' n ol the warrior, consulted w ith ! against all sorts of weather, had direct his son resjetting the best means ofjed that no fire should be made in the preventing a repetition of the horrible I quarters destined lor them. Though rcremony. I will rescue the boy," j the almanac had fpr some days un said I t.lesl.aroo,,,-F.a vv-rrior should, ' ncur.ccd the return of h!1 re viv ino; spring j')v force j" but the Knife-chief, unwil- i mg that his son should again expose himself to a danger so imminent, as that which he had once encourtered in i his cause, hoped to compel the war tier to exchange his victim for a large quantity of merchandize, which he would endeavor to obtain with that i view. For this purpose he repaired to ) Mr. I'appan, who happened to be in the village for the purpose of trade, and communicated to him his inten sions. Mr. Pappan generously con ributed a considerable quantity of mer chandize, and much w as added by him self, IMalesharo and other Indians. All this treasure was laid up in a heap together, in the lodge of the Knife chief, who, thereupon, aummoacd the warrior before him. The chief armed himsulf with his war-club, and explain ed the object of his call, commanding the warrior to accept of the merchan dize, and yield up the boy, or prepare for instant death. The warrior refus ed, and the chief waved his dub in the air tow ards the warrior. Strike, said Petalesharoo, who stood near to sup port his father, " I will meet the ven geaucc of his friends." Uut the more piudent and politic chief, added a few more articles to the mass ol merchan dire, in order to give the w arrior an other opportunity of acquiescing with out breaking his w ord. This t xpedient succeeded ; the goods were reluctantly accepted, arid the boy was liberated, and was subsequently couducted to St. Louis by the tr,iders. The merchandize was sacrificed in place of the boy ; the cloth was cut in shreds and suspended by poles at the ptace of sacrifice, ar.d many of the val uables were consumed by fire. It is not expected that another attempt will be made to immolate a human victim, durit g the life of Petaleshiiroo, or ol his benign father. Till: COMET. It is little more than a century since the appearance of one of tin sc interest ing visitors excited the utmost conster nation: it was considered the terrific harbinger of some terrible calannnty to the human race, if not the entire dissolution of the world. Nor was this infatuation confined to the ignorant multitude: menot science ml i. forma tion entertained the same apprehen sion, and give weight to the p re veiling opinion, by openly expressing their fears. A remarkable ins'-mce tf this sort occurred iu the case of the tile brat'd Mr. Whhton, who at the pe- ! riod to which we allude, occupied the Some attornies who had rrnched them j selves by the rum of their clients, gave public notice that trey wcie ready t make restitution. I he st.-cks Jell con siderably, atid there was a great run on ; to be used on this alarming occasion. Si me of the Queen's maids of hon or burr t their prolane books, and substi tuted works of piety in theii place; and on the day previous to that on which conflagration was looked for, several nobleme who kept mistresses, attendc d church w ith trem in order to get mar ried. 1 he Cc met made "us ap peaiaiicr ! t 1 1 'la charge tOuK place in tne minus oi ; those who had made restitutu n for the wrongs they had committed : a ihar.e, however, which prov rd ef little set vice to them. Sut AJvaaie. TIIF. COSSJCl'S. The f Asv.-c .!tes arc reived ef thce "The nurvcte el these people were (was) expressed in a very different man- economy, and supposing her gues. to be so inured to hardbhip as to be prool the Cossacks experienced none of its enlivening t fleets in the uncomlortable quarters, dissattshed wan the place, they sallied out in quest of warmer lod ging. It was not long before they dis covered one. This w as the apartment of the young lady of the house. Ah ! I AnfU'rw here coed statuithmam sell, a strong position against the cold in mamseir rubm ; thither all their bag. gage also was soon transported. Mam- sell, unless she had chosen to turn Los sacks too, was obliged to relinquish her apartment to her gallant guest, and to procure in another the climate that she had quitted. "A servant maid. 'groaning tirdcr the weight of a large I basket of damped linen, met a party ol Cossacks. They took the basket frofti her, convinced her by their gestures that tliey intended no harm, and intim ated by signs to the poor girl, to show them which way she was going: They not only carried the basket to the man gle, but helped to turn it for a whole hour ; and, when they had done, dc&i rcd nothing but a kiss for their pains. "A Cossuck surrounded by a legion of boys, whom he sometimes took by the band snd hi metimes tet a running by throwing his cap for them to bring back again, nut a lad selling cakes. He immcdiaulv laid an embargo on the whole stock of the itinerant trader, which he divided among his merry companions, reserving for himself about a dozen cakes, which he put into the pocket of his wide breeches. Whilst occupied in housing them, he sp'ed an elegant lady coming towards him, but who was about to turn off to avoid the croud of hoys. The Cossack ran up to hrr, pulled the cakes three at a time out of the magazine, and offered them to the lad), half dead with fright, Mam ell, good ! Dobre, mumsell ! said he, w ith a lriendly smile. W hen howev er neither kind words nor gestures could prevail on munnell to accept the cakes, he thrust them into her reticule, and respectfully kissed her fair hands, in spite of all her endeavors to disen gage them from his grasp. The lady made a precipitate retreat, and the Cos sack watched as long as she was iu sight w ith a look of concern. "1 he booksel lers' shop, where representations of all the Kussian nation w ere to be seen in the window?, were always beset with crowds of Cossacks, who manifested the greatest joy on discovering them selves among them. 'The Cossack colonel Prince G n, was quaitcrcd with a lady cf rank. 1 lu !oot:n.n, on the latter g' ing out of the house one evening about nine o' clock, observed a Cossack before the door holding two horses. To his utter astonishment, he soon discoveud that it was no other than Prince G. his mis tress's guest. Good God!' said he, 'is your highness holding horscsr' 'Yes ; a Cossack who did not know me, just, as I was ce ming out of the house, ask ed tnr to hi-ld them for a moment. I did not like to refuse him. But the fellow stays rather too lorg; 1 have been standing here almost an hour.' 'Let me take the bridle; I will hold tie horses.' 'No; I muit keep the promise which I have given a Coss.ick. A Cossack never breaks his word.' hile the servant was expressing hii surprise at this kind cf observant e oi" the w ord of a Prince, the Cossack c ame up, recognized the illustrious horse holder, and threw himself at the fete ot his colonel, who mildly said, as he went away, Another time don't sta so long.' ritOVlDF.NCE. " otijht so vile, that on the earth doth liei ' Hut toii.e earth soti.e spec. a! good cloth tyc." The various orders ol vegubles which have been provided lor tho countless furmsof animated existence, in the dillerent quarters of the globe, are eminently illutrativc cf the provi dent care of the creator, and show us how great and how good is the Father o! the l.imdics cl the whole earth. The follow ir g passage horn St. Picire, is to wtll calculated to impiess this truth, that it is unnecessary to apolo gize lor its introduction. "The slug gish ccw pastures in the cavity of the valley ; the bounding sheep on the de clisityof the hill; the scrambling goat browses among the shrubs ol the re t k ; the duck feeds on the wattr jlants ot" the river; the hen, with attentive eye, picks up every grain that is scattered and lost in the field ; the pigeon, of ra pid wing, colli cts a similar tribute from the refuse of the grove ; and the frugal bee turns to account even the smal' tiubt on the flower. 1 here is no cor ner of the earth where the whole vege table crop may not be reaped. Those pLr.ts which sre rejected by err, pre a delicacy to another, and even among the finny tribes, contribute to their fat ness, lhe hog devours the hog-tail and henbane ; the goat, the thistle and hemlock. All return in the evening to the habitation of man, with murmurs, bleatings, with cries of joy, bringing back to him, the delicious tribute of in numerable plants, transformed by a process the most inconceivable, into ho ney, milk, butter, eggs and cream." A Magnet, weighing itself 32 pounds, and capable of suspending 162 pounds basbten made at Philadelphiaundcr the direction of Mr. Lvikcns. It is said to be the most powerful mspntt known.