I !, t!.c pre' ;i i it ol ev er ''!! ''' Ul..nr :v.i !n i . ion',!; ik''s. il v."4i .;', real ;:t,f.f l--.il. C: .'ofti.n'ol l!. Jjy, fh.n i; 1 ! i i! .; sa.-jj'-eiicnd ri'' l'i..u ; ! c ,v..s o'iv.il;ti-.! fir' .'i. i",ioi', and vr, uu.r i '"' '' "'" in mi. I ; w.. to ny '.:v: J. c ..'- uiiiioh ami tC t under ti.i ii I'n.tiiil ; -:il seat, on emerge inks, to act tit consr.i.in der. And he i appniiiit'd iu that sta tion for the follow in-: r.-tv.i.s: 1st. lie was a stranger, who had come from a different slate to ansi-t N'-rh far. t.lina, together will) their neighbours of $tith Carolina, to ditvo the enemy from Jier borders ; 2d. He had the greatest number of troops under hit command of any cru: of ficer ; 3d. He was cither anions the most ju idor ofliters of that rank, or the very youngest in commission, aiwl his appoint-tn-nt. therefore. couUl considered in insult to no particular otluer, more than . to all ; and 4th He was esteetnrd an officer of nc tivity. etiterprizi", and twri' ; an I the fore going reasons for his appointment could be urged in his fivor without ohji c turn on that score, or the disgust of the Coop,. But at the same ti ne it it proper 'o . state, that the suprn-fity of Co!. ': ."ip bell to hit brother oftV . s "t opi 1 r de. in merit, o:- ju lifica'ion of am kind fir the omirund, w as neither atsi. 'K d or ad mi' ted us a renonof hit iipp iinMocnt ; jnd even the possiljilitv of Hi- ,sntmp. ti-.n of such h thiti4 a' a Miseipient pi ' i od. nut t all tnou'ht ot it ih- time. 11 owed hit appni'i'incnt to im.tivi of couitcsv, and of pnli v. as .ihove tr I. In the ll4ti!e of Kiiiij's v,otin'airi. it ha- li been understooii hce that IV!. ' ' imp. fc'- I disgraced liinit if, as stated t v (ioy. S i :bv. he lepo.iaU lyshai'ii en. tli.it Col. ClevtUnd fuimht w'nti a fier c and fc.'le.s valor; Col. shfhv ..ml Col- Sea Tin, with their iinul anim t inn . courage m i m-ci ; Col Lu,and hit set nd in Vimm.nd, Col. Hid. wiiii levilution t d br..vt-ryi Col- Camphfll whh imrcpiditv and skill; tul ( l II iniiiht w..s in the heat of the battle, and had tnoie mi ti kill ed in proportion to the iiurnber uinlir his command. than anyotlu rtlTp-rr. Iw fine, ; it ouU sectii that ncirlv Jill, both i Ma ers j n 1 men, eicrted thrmelvts wi.n so mm h valor nd sucre'-s, that at the dote of ''ie attioo. and ever after, e ch one as Cii'ied the victors to ois own biavci y. Cases of wavciin or ilerelit'.iwti weie lew. AmotiR these, I have heard ih.t Coi. Hid stated that Col Wihijmt it tiutl and kepi himself out of the tn(;a-.en ent i i' he found that the bj'.tlt wa, tir lv ui oy M friends ; that he then came hr svrd with loud exultations and bo .tip nd was shot by Col. Lacy. This ri- cumstancc was knon to few. As tin f ' ifi had not ceased between the conten ding armies, it was Kcne ralW believed that Col Williams w as wounded b the enemy C'ol. Wil.i.ims. Col Lacv, and Lt. Col Hi':, were Tom South-Carulina. The had under their command, in all, perhaps bi wern two and three hundred nun. when they joined the advaniiiii; army; but pethaps no' quite so many. Il it to Uc teuret'ed, that one of the fiietulsof Col- Campbell should have al lo ed himself, during the unfortunate .1 tension wi'.h (lov. Shelby, to int vs- in inr( lives against the troops of North Carolina ; and with all the delight ol tti umnh. to hold uu to derision the reci etnt coot uc! of S'-tnc of our Militia t the b.i'- tk of (itiilf'.id. Uet rimiiiatio. s vottld b' easy Hat to reproach and insult a 1. .'riour i': ' cre.it S.te with V r. '.oduf 1 te with t' e '.t.(!u t of a few ill cm ip'.inrd men, is as il ilu r .l j a.,,! 1 ninvt. a it U is litatitiL' and useless. 1 .... ..i.l ,1... I .! f 11 I,',,,.. ! A dill l'V,:u- vvil tin. v... ....... 1 se',1 wiiulu lit t with su h freliisvts hive luei.'iotied the tfoor-s of North l arolin 1. Mtn. i:i cci'junc'ioti with whom l e h..d ir.atchtd against the enemv ol our rom moticounti y ; who ha:i exert i-ctl the cour. lesv of appointing him. a junior ofli' er, to the principal and active command, iu pu ft mice tj oflicctsof their ow n State ot equal niciit, at least, lonerexpcrirnce ami greater strviies; by whoc sides he fought in a well contested ind bloody bat tle, and who hid never been too spaiin in their pr.,ise of his conduct ; would so ely have received different iccom j rr.se at hit hands, had he lived. Not in sin h manner, unless I am misuken in his t!v .'rr. would he hate uqni'ed those wlo haj plated him in a situa'i'n which enabled hnn to render good mvice to his couniiy, and jailer lauiels lor himself; ami whose bravcy and blood, nobly exer ted and litclv shed, acquired for him the n.oa splendid achievem.pi of his lifr mociAS. j-ko.- i Cctt-i.', Jt-,n!9i,, XS2X inn thi. miOM r iHnLltu.t M i:n.HX VOl.lH.H. Mtssits I-.nnons: 1 was almost sure that some of your correspondents ot,hl, I e fore tl is tinie, have favored us ui h an a "er to ti e (pierv of " .,o; :..,." I he jn it ki d the sentin t nt ol his puce I do hi . 1 . 1 v a( pi ove. f.r this Lin reason, he i 'f irs t,f my plan i t uhtainiin; lunus f. 1 W t stern (. ollrt. II sipirv is"sluuhi not the Prev-iiKin ' i ei i.v.J call inteMHi ol toe I rus-C- . 1 :-.( Il as possible '." 1 al.svcr 111 ;!.-; .n'.-.iti'.'.:. At :!i 1 1'. uc there me four i ma. i. mi me Mi'ijt-ii t'l the college : '1 in: h r & t ii'il most general opinion is, tii..t the College is .on; the second m, that a change in loea'icti would ensure suc cess , the mil J it, that the I tustees tuylu to appropriate the subscriptions, itinl torn i c I lit- bondings ; the loiirih is, tiiat tiir. t ull;-i: it not titad, and that a change of location cotil.l not, at pic.ient, answer any valuable pui pose. 1'ioni thii new of the opinions of the more enlightened citizens of die nest, i; appeal s io in c that a meeting of the hoard, at uu Utue, wouid trcate intieh inipiopcr lecling- and give a final death stioke to the College- Some ineinbcis woulomovt: a change in Kit location ; ;o picvcnl tlii, others would urge, and endc.voi lo prove thai all ..I'lilnMl itiou ot the substitution. and com. m he t. Hi' lit ol tlx: buildings, would give new ulc to the business. 1' any ot these should sm cced, wlial would be gained: In my Jidg tnenti nothing at all- l.vti y county cnnol have a college, .t . . . .i r i ii "ot net one ; aim our itinus wouiu he so c ivuied. that we iwiuld 'oon see that we mu-.t jjivc up the Wtsttrn College. Out strength lies in our unanimity . It upiie irs tome, thtrtlme, thai the inter. st ot ihe (.ollege requires a postpone rnuit ol a mtetitit ol the 1 tu-..rts, until wise nu n have time to consioei whether it wouid nut contribute to the public ood to enileunir to enlist the whole energies ami 1 1 jourccs ol the west, in endowing and establishing a OjUrgr, latner than to attempt to lotce into exia'.eiut a little somt-thin.clui tei ed for a college bun would do but little ood. It wouid be ult My answer to the pjtry ot Ann us is, there-lure, that it ouid be inuvh oetter, alul llltii h mnri- f i1cmn..i.1 . lui li.u i in... tees neve, to meet a,;.,in, and .el the coi 1,,-e ll, a . ...ao lor tli. ... .r. - o ' meet toel' er, iinl, in soieiiiii ce.ibeia Hun, to tucrtr its o'e'atli. OUM, AI.(1 IS V ."". i hose who luxe cxiuescij in ir fears on ti.e sii'.j' tt. ni.iv he j,miui uut ' .llUIk" hat ii. .d II ) liatlll III w i lllhu, ..Ii) Clt fllr llll- Ollllt Ik II.. .I..I I.. r. . . ' v ' I." ! si.iions nu he comd loin, a new eo- l aroliniah on '.iic sub'K i ot im ti'iim ,. i ., , ' i viii.ii.tiii o mis ii, ey assented, kiiu it Ud Ut "Jl t,ts ,L.UI1.f K u, iUtioir.e,p.,ise,.u.,t,v.i.,api,Rh. - ro thi. v in i rimiLiMts. Vll.il. k.l.t.L I .A.V. ltssKs . m roi I's. A ti.c iL.in lor which Air. Muiiioc tvat (iiost n l'rtsuleiii is ui awiii; ;,, a 1 .')-e. ii is t rrtliil jno- per thai 1-. , ei pu s.iuti.i; Lein 10 t. sioer ii his s-. ' 1 lie. -s. ; a !it p.iSoii to ciiu us lis Lctoiius tiie r..'jicl'1'e bum ot Sal. Loieiio. -.r.r.e ulc so iii.ny (.oci-j 1 nt e-;oitM.oii ol munitions of war .0 t.'.at t.it. post, ibcu 'In pain i.u her ot pcnoeiicits. is pei iiiit- 1 a ;.i!.. it 1 s t t It al . : ii. 1 about iUil a UU- ! ate on- I "( of , hi ee 1 1 ci.cie 01 pi.pui.ir 1.1 11. ed t.icni. 1 Ait soinethi: I r.i rnoi ; li. si iipi al ! li 11. t : . ..I ' the loi ( 1 ol i.'t taie; . . 1 . once ..I '! .! 1 LaU of the l( i 1. I leinemt'r his toll it t ( r w a1 , and al e. its isi-. r ft: atid v 1 . t tu. n ol intn.in 1 . ai ion e the .it ho. n ini.it s ni . .1 ; he has titi 11 Scirctarv o! W ,r : t)l lr '' 't , . I also nil, en 1 1 r 1 lie Km pie I t 1 1 ft TV Cut lions o! 1 is ii, n t ehite . u: Mil rc he mis been set ut -ir ul St.'-'.e. alt l.-e sh in : him t he 1 be tne atcomr iishe.l ,n iii'-v- '-e d tlctits. .-!,! statcsmui. I ran. the retire eat;iy rr ; why i it th..t Mr. CaJi-.un ami '.'.r. ne si) iii,K-b talked cf as fit perons ( f r (be next 1'iesident. Hut. fur lhr- 1 1 f ol me, I am at a loss to find out the grounds of Mr. t'rav.rj't pi eteiisions to that hih station. I hve now been a t on y.ant tender of newspapers for nearly twemv years, an I have jet to Ic.irn wl-.at this Mr. Crawfurd has done to rhc him pthe 'east claims to tlic Pnsideticv. None other than men of the profound est talents, and 1 lie most tnsuilied iotc rity. men that have ieu proofs ol those tjualificauons, by ucti and dm.', not vcrd, should ever be exalted to the first sta tion in this rtat republic ! I have nrvei yet heard of l"r- C raw fold's doiisi; any ihin in this way. Hut pet haps his achievements were ail perlormcd iietore my remembrance II so, I should be ilai! to be told of them ; and I do tunv inost repe rifullv oli it tome of his hi' iiHs and .ylvoc ates. to ans w er this q lery It jii r Im ' t )n the follouirii; o,y he depaited for Jal pfr. Crav.j.rd ever d'inr ti rruile hnn 1 v br .'pa. On bisaiilvul there, a correspon-f-w.:- I'rtn,dent'Jthre I'httvd Stutr, ? Lei,dcnre con mem eo between him and the I. he answer ontain no tmptv -ssi i tioos ; tninister of r, which resulted in hollo Vet it state simple fact, the vu-n, the u. ol iniport.,nce. On the 1 7th, a j;reat nd the h,i in pl.'m worts, und in it w. a fit H KK r Alt M F n . i'il Qlh. 132.1. JKITK l I. IV 'F : lt.N-!.A Io. An iiiiiot tutiaie mistake o tiiirtd some time a in t: aiisiatii the Si lipuit t s i"-1 passed on his way to the Palace. On ar- j republic in the same peiiod, to I 74ft. 107 to one ol the I dt'ern Uniruat;es. T' jw.'x , 'ivini; at the p..l.ite, he with St Anna, pic- j dollars, exhibiting a balance contideraLly as imtiri stood in the sense -J ''& tr Mlstntert iheniseivt-s.it the balronies with.inoui favor f a trade w hit h. it is argued. tt'iJt ''ir jtiicr. and the M-iiteut e j'"-'$' i, us! u- ti- jutted, was translated J n ,t justice liust justice le dn unto y.u. London uitr. lnti;uj(;i:nci:. LATEST UtOM Kl'HOI'K. The ship Columbia, arrived at New Votk, has brought accounts from Liver pool of the 5th, and from London ol the 4th Murth, 5 days la er than the advices in our Ust week's paper War had not yet commenced between l uiice and Spain. In a lale debate in the House of t onitnotis, Mr. Cunning said, " ihe li jiri oj in nerving mice bi tivini iliikt fi'j-tvert Mitre tttatci iullij dimiiihtd, HIT NOT DEbTHOVtD." It is said that 1' t uiiee has informed the lititish Minister al i'aiis, that his Umber t.tternpts to mediate between the 1 leneh and Spanish oveiiuiienls would Le una railing. In lianccthe movement of the (loops townds Spain continued. The question on the ..pp.opriation bill of 10-; millions, was not yet tletiued in the Chambets. Ihe debate on the subject coMiuucd stormy. 1 he fleet from Hi est had sailed, and ii was reported they were dcstineu aaiiut t. aulZ ljuatletiion has f.ppcaicd amont; the 1 reni n troops on the juiiih 1 roiiiier. i be Spanish Cortes are said to have giautei. letters of marque against I reneh vessils -and 4U coinmissions had been takcl) t he Session of the Spanish extraordi haiy Co:liswas tei miiiated on the I9th 1 ebi tiat ) . l.oNuos uhch 4 Despatches arri veu )istcu.u, in in Aati id. dated 22a of lebituij. It .j pears that the accounts w n nu hue been uolished in the lunch p-ptis weie tx.t med. It is true, that t nc umovai ui me Kinp horn Mdi id was b ,U 'N"'";! e Kn.B I ,t,U"' ,W "e P"-1' "'t MlhlS- teis, in coi. sequence, resigned. A con-siuei-Liic le.a.th. then took dace ; and the oiits utd 1'auee wtie assailed by li.e peopie, viu, violent and ticasoiiable outu ie. 1 1 Kin iiccame alai nicd.ii(i 1 1 e in -tu to icuivc tne lesihaiioh ol the iM... virs, eir.itatin them lo letiiain in ..... , " 7 ." 11 .el. 1 1 l ..ii. Hit lit. .. 1 1. .us in ..ui i .f'11.1 Ii ..peais ihai l aiiunichi has agreed m u iiouuioi. ot ixei 10 the amount of t j ' tu ouu. .r. I aiiniiig has deelaied tii.it iiiit uii that can be proposed for the leu. or the a,jii uituiai interest. A puo.n. oiiiiici a- to or K'cn at the Lola n . uvelh on the 7ih .Niarch.to the ; p.ii.isn aiiu 1'oiuiucse nimisteis. and I ; 'id IU I ii,laliU 1 laliCC Is filling out StV- eiai xju 1. 1 cos 101 sea. I wo vesselsaie said to have sai!tdfrm l.n(;.anu lot Spuin, viih aims and ammu- A 1 l ion 1: t. t-i. i 1 Hies ailowinj; arms to be expoiled t i -:'' "1 in it it pKiojtd in Ireland to ! ! . 1 i 1 1 1 :i ' 11 t'-'ii o s it.: ; (i service. I 11 . u .t t i smocih Hihtu I We hear thai ts . 1 '' ..i ut. u. if u d his m i vices 10 i. 1 j Miiali cpi.eroii ol observa .o i! j to 0. In eu cut in ius( d 0 s ui'wtt 1. 1 latue .11 u Spain Ke 1 1 le - I . i . ct n srm on 1 to r o in (01 o' nuiinstu the 1, uu. bet 1 ll. tis. t.l ( i lumoiis About , i t. qui u toi ibis pui poic. l.All. JM.M Ml.XK't). j t w 0R. AIRII. 9 Ihe Vtty fast st nr y 11 , v ;.it rovk. ainved v i pl roy h laic yesiert'ay Irom N'era t nu. having li .: tlui port en the evening of the 2 1 it iih We air .b.iiii;;lv lavou-d by tHpt M ih the loi;bwir atcount ol the state . of allairs in Mcx'co, up to the date of hh t'rj jt ti rr, an.: front our knowledge of his tharat ter, we let! uthoiied 10 vouch tor its torrettnrjs. I his .rrount eluciiUtet j many cl ti e recent occurences in tl. ,.t : quoiter. wi.u h nave hithr.io appeauit m?stcriou.-.V, .firi.V .Iher! ,rr. On the 26th ol Jaiuiaiy. negotiations comment eu on the pait ol the In pnil army then bcsicginc Veia Cruz, with (ieti. St. Anna. ih Hepublitan chief Many propositions ere m..i!e by (itn. r.chavarra, the omm.inder of the besieg tn army, c 11 ol which were rtjec ted. nn-! tciing the ports of Hayti, under penalty til the first of I'thim.., when the stipu- of the confiscation of such scssclsand cv lationsof St. Anna weie complied with. cry thitiR on hoard and has also prohib .nil the sicv;t laiscd. Iti the aliei noon 1 jtt d all sessels helonsinjj to Ilavti fiom ol that uav Cim. Lthavarra entered the ' communicating w ith the Islands under the tty . amidst the hoizasof the pcopic . lb- was met by Ct n St. Anna ai the joules ,ot the city, and itetived with open aims, !nd was ihcn.i; s(()iicd to the Palace. Kt pubii.-.m thitf, CiUadaloupe Vietoiia, I thttieil 'era I rui with every manilesta- tionol joy. In anticipation of this event, the crown of Lurbme had been burnt in the pub.ii squ.it, and the tiee of libt-ity planted upon n. under whic h Vietoiia "it. tbs of huin on their brows, which would be greatly augmented by the rccip th piopie iiisi,td upon their weniintj ; local appoihtmctit ol authoiisctl agents in A itw t.avt al ti this, the M.'rquis de i- the two countries bai.io, comniaiidet oi the tmpciial troopil C. Ctty Uaz. at Purbls, tleclai del for N'ictoiia, St. An. na, mid JLiberty ! '1 he Lmperor, immediately on his hear itij; of this, dispatched to I'utbla two com missioners, Cjen. Negrete, und Hcrrere, Secretary of State, to treat in sonic man ner for the preservation of himself and the crown. On their ariival, Cien. Ne K 1 c t c immediately embraced the popular cause, end Hcrrere returned without any pai tii tdar audience with the l.epublicaii thills. 'Ihe Lmperor then proposed to establish the congress and to proceed agreeably to ils decrees. 'I his was re fused, a demand was made of his crown, with a pioii ise of protection lo his per son, until a confess should convene, who ukne i-hould i.ii eel in what manner he should he dibvm-d . The Lmperor on receiving this, Jell tin: city of Mexico, j ( Jl,tr aimi!'C 1,,c ,"d,'," I"'l)ul ilth , bord' k,',vus alul k' ition ) for U1.411J11) uu, win; league oiauiin He also formed an alliance with the (iiand Cado, an Indian chief of the interior, who whs eii);aj;cd to luihish him with ten thousand Warriors, upon condition thttt he shall be Kmpeior of one hall ol Mexico, and Lur bide of the other. I his thief had left Mexico for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of the co-partnership. On tho 21st of Murth, a dt-jpalrh was received al Vera Cruz, dated at 1'ucbla 011 the U'h. statinj.' thai the aimy was to move J 1 out Ihat place on the following day to sunound ltiiibidc, who, it was said, was about to dep.. it from ' ucabayou for Valadola, supposed for the uipusc of lorminj; a junction with his Indian tol- ltal(Ue. The Ivepubliran army is divided and directed as foliows :- den. liravo advan ces fr ( halo; Im Inc. for loluca Ne Ricte, for Aetta, l .thavurra, for Cuada loupe j and llatraan, f-i (.Uutillaii. An other division isordeied for S. Augustine de Las Cactas. (ien. irtoiia touiiiiaii deti at V'eial'ruj. (itn. I.cl.irto .i at (iuanianthc, with ( CO men. Ihe whole Kipublicait forte was estimated at 7 10 (ToO: that of the I'.mpci or consisted el 1000 to 1500. (.ei . St. Anna sailed fron the IslanJ of Saciifue (one league from Vera Cruz,' on the 2 1st of March, with a smiadion ol 1 biiK' and four schooners, hi ting on board Zi0 10 400 tioopt, for '1'ainpiro I lie supposed bject of this eipedilion was to inttnep: the sliipmcnt of a laire sum of money, tlorij;ini to Itutbide, said to be on Ion d a Spanish packet w hich Was to s.,il next day for Havana. Ihe squadron lately purchased in the V. statrsby Iturdide.isentiicly fauledup, with the exception of one gun boat and one schooner, and the officers and men, with the exception of a scry few, dis charged. I he British sloop of war Ranker arri ved at Ver C'n 2 on the 22d of l'cbiua ry. with a Mi . Makay, an at;cr.t of the gw-vi-mmeM. on board, who was to have pro rtedrd to the Lmptior; tut on findii; ti e to'ji try in the hands of the Ilipubli tans, he embarked on bund the Kan; er, and sailtd, as was i-uid, lor Havana. ItAL HMORl. ADllL 7. m Conf.rctf.. . e ,-ie inrtbtid to the ro i'tness ot Cap;. Shearman of the Ibiij, Sam. uriivtri at this j oit yevtcidaV, h r the L-test mtt llictntt Irom Canirca- t by. In ti e province of i utatan. a ron- 'ii ticn was held, a'tet.ded by the miiiia i and all the disaffected of Vera Cruz, wl irh (! chord in fa'cr oi the ronptess. A o inp'tte revolution had taken place at i an pi at hy the imperial mcmor h.id l. ui tumid rut ol ofl'.ce and impiisotied, .. . . . i... .. .' . .. . i. .. . ....i. t ii j aim a i.c imr iii cicu 117 niv i r.j.it. .111 ;thr prisnneis, who rre toi.fu,td by or- dtrol the emperor Itutbide, wcte Itl ct ated ; and nothing was heard or seen, Lut rejoicings and illuminations. I he emperor s person was con-mcrrd vri v I'nmfe. as the rrreral r rv vas " dow n .. ,i,. ,, .;. i, .,',,, .!, ,,,,.,.. v. t nil uii nui'vt t H'lit iiiiiy mi. 'i.ivuva it. DisatVection every where rtincd. I w ,,1(,h w heightened by the prohi .ution jof ie SJ,C of uA)0 ln lh-t ,,Jlt oi lhe j peninsula. luiri. President Hover has issued prorlama- Hon dated 20th Match. mterdictiiiK all cs sc's lie in the West It tli., Island lioin en ,iinc penally, with the addition olii.,j..U onment of the captains and crew ot such vessels. CA. Mtrrvry. ST. DOMINC.O. The acknowledgment ol the indepen dence of this island by our govern nient. is strongly recommended in some of our ndthcin tommertial panels; on the ciound of obtaining the advantage ol j a favoicd n crrantile enteicruise with that j new loundcd empire. 'I he imports Irom 'the island into the United States, in the i last trcsurv year, amounted in value to 2.C41, 817 dollars, and ihe exports to that Captain Selby of the brig Nancy, ar rived at Philadelphia on Saturday, from Havana, sailed on the 20th March, in com pany with nineteen sail, Lnlish, Dutch, and American, under convoy of the Ln glisli sloop of war Ranker, of 2a guns Vessels ran so great a risk in coming in to or fcoiny out of Havana, that Capt. S. deemed il advisable to wait three days for convoy. lie saw the pirates take a bri; in siht of Moro Castle, and chase a Uuicli ship close to the Moro. The biij.; which was capitncd was a Dutch vessel, from Amsterdam, as was asctilaiued by tho niaiks of some of the p,oods which vvero landed. The crew b believed to have been murdered. 'J'ie utrouttex ccmmiiied on liin Q'Ott are (J the tr.it ticking .V cri.ti'jrt. The men are murdered und the women ravished. No Atnetican vessel oi' war was there tu afford protection to ot'.r commerce. I o the eastward of Matanzas, the hou ses arc filled with fcoods. In jjeneral, twij utk only u douLlooti for a Itorsc-ioud uf menfiurulize. The following, however, i the Matanias'rurfu I'nce Current, tniX" fully collected liom actual sales, up to the last date, hussia Shcctmi; lair, lo i;w,d, id; Gin, per case, g I 50; Nails, pel cask. fc4 ; assorted invoices, $600 lo" g 8,000 til st tost Ball. ted. Jetu. ll'jrrii 1'iraaj '. ! ' Captain Ivobinson, arrived yesterday from Nt'.v Oilcans, inlorms that the bii;; , Perkins, ol ki limbeck, aniveu at me liaii.c on the 21st ult. li oui I'oit u Piince and Lampcathy. (. aptain lt. was inloi hi ed that khe was boarded in entering tuu haibour of Carnpeacliy by a piratnal schooner of about 40 tons, manned by oi 4b men. who asked lor money, but (.'apt. P itemed having any. 1 hey then sto bed him in social places aud out oil outs ol his arms, hcn iie told tiicin w here (be money was (.0') doubioair.J which they took and pioceet'ed lo murder him in o.r. most inhuman mat. net . He was liistde pnved ol the other ai m ami one ol his iu,;v ihey Ihtn dipped oakum in oil. put some; in his mouth and tinucr him ; set u on hrc and tnus (ermitiaicd his sulietins 1 ! ! 1 he mate was stabbed with a spear in the thih- They also robbed the Oil,; ol an chors and cables, sails, rigini;, quadrants, charts, Looks, papers, and nearly a. I tnc provisions and water. On the parage irom Carnpeacliy to the liaiue, she Mat piovidentially supplied with piovisions. Stc. by vessels which she Ml m with, or they must inevitably have perished. A. Y. Mer. .tJv .Indher simrrica-x v.urjrred ! The bri Alert of Portsmouth, froa. Ntw Oilcans, with a deck load of hogs, ariived at ILvat a on the 29th ult. Oil tho Mciio. she was boarded in the ni;ht by two piratical boats with nine men each, and I apt-in ( luiles lilunt vc ki.;, J cnl ihrtnt cve'hourd. 1 he Cook was stab bed and thrown amon the hogs, and near ly eaten tip beloie being discovered. .H' veial ol the ctcw weie badlv wounded, and the bri robbed Mt. h:el. It appears by a letter received at lloston from l niton, (jiving the pat tit ulais of the fiie at that plate, that the houses at Canton aie built of bamboo. 1 hey ore one story hih, and contiguous, and the lanes or streets arc only a few feel wide. Sm h htiildinjs extend as far as the eve tan reach. The Factories were two or three stories hih, built of brick, and finished in the I utopcan style, lt is st;jy-.td upwards of CC.t'CO persons weie rendered houseless by the calamniir-aiid as the e ii net much humanity cr ability among tho Chinese, it is supp scd they to .1J hut find siiclicr or support any where- A'dai'A Hrgitter. A proclama'.iiui in the Spanish and Iln p'isli lngu.ipes. is published iri the Na tional Advoca'e of the 2oth ult. signed "the People ol L't itcd States." It invites the inhabitants of Cuba to declare them selves independent, it pledges the supjott cfthc United States to such a measure. 1 his trick of tloatl.ing a piece of comp i sitioti in the ;uisc of an iflicL:l thtumrnt, may be vciy amusing, but can answer no good purpose. I he pcrplc of Cuba arc well aware of the good feeling of lhe peo ple ol ;!;c L'ni'.cd Statcsi and i! they ste tie tt i mined, as we trust they are ion resist ing all exchange which is to transfer thci: territory .md their persons, like slaves and piopeity, to a lorciRn master, they will doubtless write their own proclama tions, ..nd may confidently rely upon that totirsc of conduct fiom the United States prompted both by just feelings und true polity. Ciartcntv'i Citj Gazette. The act for punishment of frauds com mitted on the government of the U. Stales n,Res it felony to alter, forge or counter feit, uny deed, power of attorney, ordcrt icrtihiate, tcciipt, or other wriiing for the put pose ol obtaining money from the I'. States orany of their olTucrs or agents, punishable by imprisonment at hard labour from one lo ten y cai s, or by imprisonment riol exceeding fne years, and fine not ex ceeding one thousand dollars.