li.iu Yr (in Vu V . vi. I ll.i t'liii l .11 II ;n lii.Ti - - t . . MOl It s I i; um , in V No kIitv I covet, no ii. li"4 I wai.t, A nil);' ;uii is Hi n i 1 1 1 1 j" tu me , Tin mil !'hih; I li ftr"' k.n.l I ! ivi I I .1 11.,'ld null ll'.'llil' lll 4'. I 111'.'. 1 i .1.1, Vi'li i;i i uiis niir'illli'il, tiiitaiutr.l tvith priili-, IK i-i ..on ; 1 1 v I h li1' liir v;u.i:c ; T.'.u uaiiNnf in) ii.iiiH'r are rh.a'K ti j j 1 ,i-il, ml (Sir rt ji an lint full, an I care. Tin- bli-ssiii,,' whirli I'mvi li iicc frith lent, t !l j.iV h ,iinl en.t. tulK prize ; lii!! M tit llil'l'., Int. mi, .1111! r!iM rft'l (ViHtcM, SOiaU lli..lf 11. e I; ''i In aldilul uii.l sr. Ill till1 I I Hlil'iU p'tllt II - ssml. tl,v I ' 11. iii ,' ! I'll 1 li.illi 1 1 1 J i;t . ;!!' for 1 V' la.r 11I irct 11 v f.n 1 .in siirvty. Cuiiti ibuti '0 K'lj.Mt-n im In .1:1. Ifavt tumly, tliMun'i i'.f'mi'o t r iiti an.l 1" The nun v their l..hitm ctnjilov 1 SJiriri- all tli.i1 H mil ilelith"f'll i" I'll', JU ill, it' they !r:ijc, may crj'-y. 1 1 IF. nl.. I-. tii k hiv. j. mui r 1 11) J ''"H iui-t to think, t'lilt ulicll I .In-, There ' one will ImM in Unu.J head, At"l let nit on licr Imson I"-, ' I'll rvrrrv breath of lite '. lied. inl when tln.fce beaming vei !mll closf, Vi I l.f lit U tht-r ti! "K' r-'.v JF,, ill' 1 hi lc rrjio'-f, lir'll watch bcsiili1 my lj'rlf it c!v . Tit vAi'tt to tlutik that win-11 I'm iltJ, Her i vf wi'l tiiji.r ; t not u-t t tr fl-T liiiil "111111 Hiv eT' rti tu-f sht j The totre'e-.' fl.rrof the Year. '1 ,1 sc t to tlniik ue bu'li jJm'l lie, K-- liny, sti'hiti one cihiiiiiiiii mii'i; 'T.ll, t'ro-n Ur i'li'i Iwinil rileasM, r tie Tj thi-ic tltt real 1 b. y "mi it lno;!!. IMPH'i. Ml' IT. On ri.-..J h ihr sp. t-ch the two ( ii. ' , 1' hi- ki.i ,' of J'ro-1 r to .litre t.e " iiivok-. s !!;: (...J of M 1 o'i.," V '!ie l.oii nt I.o'i'it tin- t'.od of 1 s ill ' ' ? iftinn "un '1 in'. 1 1 n t t' i C I ' il. rivet! ".at " p.u I..- "mst ft". A a '.--:i fmi.ur.U, to t. r ' .-ii 4 t ! SI-.. ' . .-: -, ( lion'.'i . 1 ,, ..,.,1 ..,, ' r ''inn t: n.arcli t the t. .i 1 : .. .; .n. WHVN Y.tfUf!, NC. j ri 1 '. 1 iin' u ri si- 1 . m it ni! i's ii FM ' r in .Mi j:i . n - . J ". I. ML. or l.WV 1 UIM.'UL. .. re ..v"i Van ;. ', 1 Law, as appiic.diit lo haii. .11 con-du-1 in gitutal, ma be d lined a iu! Ol moral action proceeding Irom a su pi nor living right to loti.masid, ar;d di'ectrd to mtenors bound t. o.xv. 1 ()i tins authority on toe ..i t hand, nd ; obi g lion to on the cth 1, 1 the Inundation or principie t:u-r a; - , ntss 11 inosi I., w rv m inc tun- is A - 1 - I I th ute.!. II t.'ir ru.e docs n a V.atiUaiiV 1 ontemplale nr.i ii..i'i mess. , it has procer.h d w ithout the torre-.-poiidert authoiitv in the Miperiur, and is r' I'hliatorv fn the ndt-i t,r. rom ;he various rclatior-s in whiih ;he htiin .ii sjieiics is placed, arise Va j in,.s 1 lassts or dcnoininatioiis ol law ; s me ir.tre, others less gnur. I : as 1. I rom th - rdati -n in which man S' .mils t. the Deity, arise re.ii;i t r j ;lv :';:;: liw, c.-mprrheiitling those 1 iltiies wbiti, as a creature v ariouslv J endow rd, he ov ts to the Creator Irom whom tile see 1 dnwmrtits proceed. I'ps srssii.jj hie, nioi.d ptttipi,or., re;;:.;-:;, ti t thcti.nis ol the heart, and nil ihe ether ye uices ol enjoyment incident l hi enndii on, he tect griies thr eh t ol gratlnii.'r, as at oiiie touiitle d in n.. tu'..l Minimi nt, ..nd demanded bv it O. ' i- fonabi. nes-. To'-si ssi g intelligence bv wbith f . d- f iv i s a glimpse 1 1 that infinite w isdon ui.d p w t r wbith appi ar to p.ty.iot t'.atii.n, be in soii.e m inicr ..eki.owl tdins at once the Mntinunt a d tin du of JM.'MI. D piiidti.r In. in dav t .lav I r r t j iv t "'d be 1 ni y , .iihI cii'ii'iis i thi inoo'dtn iifuitrc. 1 ' n iiii n so bt p. h us 1 I I L- icti w ith a liein; ct rt, M now ei hi s. po;, he ItiU tt' n to ft ,er. and dti gl ts in the ex ere 'se ol it. 1'niuvitg. in fie, what a Usually tailed the evih ol I. ft cannot, Mi co.u'.'.tci: '. with the notions ol' per-1 iiied, ami applied by a sovereign puw. 1. .li .1 v. null lie h toixi-il trum cvtryjer in a state. 1 ii:)IiIl r.itiuii to lutmgl the divine iu- l Nothing should be so dear to a jn-o-tviir, lie nthcrwibc regarded thuu as pic an laws, when intended to he a ultimately connected with a scheme d itiiuite beiuTiet nee ; and awaiting upon j;r. 1,1:1.1. d" the Iii lu-.t reason, an mi - in mality tk oad the pre sent txiiume, whiMetlupcrlci . 1 vi isdomof th..tkthenic shall be hilly disclosed, he rcti.g'.'Zto the duty of tetijfnatisii, and d.rivi.s from the pi.u net .d it, a support and satisfjciimi inhoitcly he) ond the reacli ol any philosophical pnetpti unton- netted w 1 h that priiuiple. I'lius. I.'i.m the vaiions points of re- lation between man id his treat if, . , . , . 1 III .IV liedeUaiCU l"e V.ll lollS nunc 01 religion, or those divine laws w hu h tin- IJeitv hs made it at onee the duty and ihc happiness ol his rational crea tures; to obst rvi. li it to these obligations, which are Cwmmon to all the sptcits, being the duties 1 1 mere natural religion, the ;i-jc ti : n.-si and duties of revealed reli gion ire t( be superadded,, as Cin istians,we arc m like i bound lulieve and ;ra.tice. j 2. From the rtl.iMO'n itj ft Inch, as p .it.iKing 01 .11c ictrmo.i n.iuir. , mr (JHierent indiv lciuai 01 me species, un j di-r whatever g Vt ri,:n- nt, or in what ever r. gi n of the ij! he they may be pi. 1. ed, stand to one .., !- er, arises, the fihlmati ,11 ol viorn'.itu 'X v. Hence" t!)e duty of !:e:itvJfiit e -r an ..iltction-1 ate desire ol the happiness of ad men,) prompting us 10 the act. ,al ji. rlwi maiu e of every kn.d otlue within ur p.- er j Hence, l.kew ie, the o ;.e inn 1 ''" tier, truth, t::n,hr, and all the o:!. -r duties whi h form the prop, r sui j-ct of the nvrali-.t. o. Fioni ti.e relation subsist, ng hr - tweeo mr 1 as cons'itutin .1 tfercnt n - ti'ins, comn.u'-.itit's or !) Uu s politic, is derived r 7: y.'i j.' av, t r as it is usually. t!i -ugli h ss .it. curattlv called, the un' 'J r.utijiis. f. Ft ni the relation subsisting be- Itw.eii th di:h ro t induiduds w ho j to. up s- one nation r common tv, j ari-it s 1 , :'n or maun ijuil Uw ; bring thai b dv "I ruies, wli.ih, issuing trmn a s.ipie ne amlvnitv, duly coi'st.Hitt d by j tuti 11.1l const- t, limn r nnpU' el, .uc oh '-uiiry nil r.tch individual .dike. I- r .he g od . f all. I h.:-, there ate as m m. --!. ir.t!e svstnns f tiv il r inn - ni ipd lie, as there .re s. par.itt and lrd ;i ndtiu cmnuiiii'in : lur in pi tin ixit :n a suite 01 uni n nn o'it sti m r, rules .1 s me "rt nr an'it' rr, ! v vhi h their mo. hat m.. he more or If ss rig .Lt d an lcor.ttu hd. K.icli f thisr ral (h p .rtnv . ts or s rts ol iv .tiram be Uiv !. ni'iv ,1, si 1 ret ub at h. . .a I d: t ) tne i'-j- if nr 1 1 i 1 uuisi . :. r. t- whirn tli.-v in.iri i'i no ! li iv rt f r. I h,is c. il . i 1 10 v 1 1 .I :i the I'.i'l.v.v iog i. pal im n s ur I.-nu- Si 1,' V . j.'-, v 1: ''. .. : 7. .. hitli rt bites to the 1; !- I tne (lottM-ni ion ol to , ;oi,! toe rights ar.l d.dies v the " j a- d venni rd.ilive to nv- v. hieh refers t - the f tiie citi' n, in t asts j. ral c rd.u t ,l such a'.rc city as are tl.ourjhi in atled . 1 " 1 1'. .-1 he p! pca-.r ana wcu.tre 01 tne c-mmnritv ana Ckll iinr, in a restricted sense c f the term, are those rules which, in contra- j distinction to criminal and oU'.er bran-' 1 ties of the municipal code, refer to the Prime t.l Wales C oiler House, C n- l!;og s.iht ol h.uul e I th..t rviglity n,,. contrails, snctessiin, 5c. dun-street, as wash:? usual custom. Mid g if'.m, the Shtrifl ol Nevv-Vi ik thi 'IV lair cj ' frscess. comprehending sat down .ml re..d the papers r I ii,. dv. ' -(1uibs and cr ikers" that make ; the struciarr of c urts ol law, and the A dashing fellow , and. as he tlmuglit j in the H:!::i Sttit(.i;,,n and various modes ulapn-.l ti various t ir- hin t If, a first rate hh od, e nter. il al- J'ntri;t. or the -"ber, didaciic iulmoiii- cunist.nces, by w nh tiv.l suits as well' as criminal procedure must hr tun- ducted. And soil ihe otht r general departments of law. To tlese mav 1 I be add. d .uv the r divisi-n Fxrlfi'istictil inc, whuh relates mort in iiirdiatelv to the police ef re- Iigioii, : nd the rii-hts ol the chunh ..nd it f uncnoi aries, as in Kngl.u.d. I he obligatory fori c of an u.Jcmr law.mav t. eoiisiticn tl as nu re imme diately iirrsvrd Irom .hat whiih is su fun:r to it. I lius with it gard to h.m d'ts, enrpi rations and ntlnr suburiii oate siau ties, we can pnscrihe in ig vvlnth is cot trary to the laws i I stair ol wluih thev a p 11 1 : ; he mil' law of particular t.ite must mcsrr.h? no'line that 1 i "i:iiary 10 r-.r law el lo i r ns ; ;nu . 1 . e d his Ian must, in its turn, be e ;' -ist- out bt tli Ins c i-.ile , and mire d o hi nt with those essential prituipii". f seat, li .oing v. iih r. ge aiullorv , th. ooralitv and religion, w hn h the I). : in.l-e-n 11 beau to. r-d out, " V v. it 1 1 . idr-ntiv int. ruled to be obliatnn on wry inrliv11h1.1I of m.itikir.d. And u. gi.rnl 1 iv il F wi an iu th'i g . Is. than natural lav', hstlt, detailed, in .d-" rampart aunm despotism th sul) 1 stance ami satc-ynard of a rational ; liheriy, and the means, in .short, ol ! rendering ihcin god, s ise and h;.p) . 1 It i:i the law and not man that ought ' to rule. This constitutes the essential dilkrt nee Letwttn a tree and arbitrary ;ovcrtnntnt. , I he style of laws should he simple, d( liniie, cont ise hurdciud as little as 'possible with exuptions, limit tioiis, modifications w in, out subtdty, le- cause On v are not a j stem ol di.lec - . . . 1 k- 1 1 nil niim .1.11111., "u.un. uu 11 prime intention I ting to advance the ' public morals, prosperity and happi ness, thev .should speak 11, the puicst spiiit of innocence and candour. ARC AM'S. Ifl.lSl Till WIMIIIiUII Itl't Ml IClSI. NAI'dl l.i i.N. Napoleon liotiapaite is de .d! .ml Iroin 1 he busy scene ol life h .s disaj. v peared one ol the greatest nu n iliat ev er livid. History stands there btnoi cl t, ,Ilf.; t ornjnuil!) trops aiear Napoleon rose from noibng: he fad toioiiteod against the r.jndiccs ol'all Kts; and. nevertheless tic rose to one ol th'- highest pinnacles ol glory ever mortal m in did. beginning as a pu pil ol the I'd) tei hnic school, he bc C4ine trnjtforof the French; and that ; w i Ui .... help but his sword, ..nd no h()je (,ut j, ctnius. He w aJOVr t!ie ii whuh he lived, and would , j, ,V(. be(t A n pubhea-. il ma; kind had j.rcu ju for jt. He knew m..nkind, and thirel re he was hated. "1 don't , slaves, but rhc slaves wanted a , master," was his reply to a person wh . asked him a reason h,r some of his co- Hg. tic measure. In bin was ji iried what oature could lorm splendid in piint nl mind ..nd geiiiu. 'Ihe best gtiicrul 1. 1 th'- age, a grot politician, a v;ood classical rnc!ar w . li ersed in ju 1 isprud. vxt , the genthman. Wh.rt v er he w nt, he drew a gaLxj ol tvr r) thine, ,hat w;.s splendid in tier.iii. J around him. Sir 11 ninhriy Dav jot "c ac.eiem;ci prize ov nu uireu -.n ; ('-tthc "t ihe h gun I honor. '1 he ' I'dcs adored him , liicetc ! bid op . t" liiin ; andvMierevtr he trod, there il unslird science, litf r.itur 1 , belles let- ires .0 d the arts. I) .v is ami Lai;"-, a ! w ire his favori'es, and his off., ers w tre a co!h etion id cl.iv alr , sph iut r ol t'.ie mind, and models ot y :.t.!i;v lie turmtd th. 111. aid tl.eV Knew m n n ii a? w ill run liov n t!' ra ,'s lh. ( k at die new s r t hi- it, .11, d V tr dt.lth. 11 rn prror ol the Fn ih, .nd ; !. 1 ti r I ivtiv to. i is i.i bh r I au tilui His 01 v -i ll p. 1; 1 1 tun , juste 1 '. an lo .hMi't .!(', v. ill ret t bun a u . r Ijdin iiioininiriit. Hisciritu I, .id nu e 'p;! ; it c.ivn .1 tl 1.1 rse. M'.M'l! 10 Mil, Hi; k. H l.f n d.c d de N-p.,!- "hmus r..':. 1! ).. fl.irf J'lsi-r. . I f .... 11 : 1 1 . 1 . 1 fix rrwil vt 1I1 h in t 1' 11 m 1 I n ; . r 1 f, .e I, 1 j! ir', r : 1 t " a ii"t., actiti 1 1 ss .1' 1 1 . in w 11 I t.i li nc.-, t! .il !.. ( ' 1 ' .' 1 ' Hi- r'iiin.-. uml ...;i,.i li .,' '. ! 'I v tl, semt ef t! 1 1 'ii . p 1. ,;.-n T'i ( 11 1 : 1 fir- t;. - !.. dr. p 11 siht uit 1 t! irti',n cf ii 4i.k.rd. r lit s , 41 . 1 AMCimil'. ( The late Lord L. n.wilord, i f iltiel- lir,'- notoriety, en'ir.d r ne i terw utls, and threw hi 11 sell n th- op- posite seated the i rue box, . uni in a onsrepu ctial tone bawhdrut. ai-1 le r ! bring me a pint ol Madura, and ia couple v.1 w..x tandles, and put them 'in the rat box." He fh-.n ilrrw tn'dcnt. We shoulu hi willing to eihgh- himsell l.orc' Cainritnid's lai.dlc, ..i.t! he - pan to read. His Lordship then plante il a look e I ti digiutie n, ton- tinned reado g his pape r. The "waiter sin. iv re-1 pcan 0 , and Min.unerd tin comp'utti 11 ol tlit gertleman's ini mai ds ; who immediately F imped round t'lhis own box Lou! (.'.ito.l lord f.risli(i his r..r;'rr;n I , lalhd out in .1 munic tone," niter. brini nu a pan ol sni.lhis ! Ih weir (jo'nklv broupht, wlunhis Lord- si t;i Fori .low n his ji pi r, w aued r.niiit the t !' in vt h tile ;;. sat. tm fl. d ": it.t, w tie eh v il is this liU'W.jthc public treasury to eniiih his pri- that d.o is to insult a gt ntli : hai is hi : W h .1 do the v 1 all Ion. Lotd Canav.iliotd, Sir," teplitd the! other, in a tunc scarcely audible, Tlu coxcomb, horror struck at his danger, said, trembling, "what have I to pay r" On being told, he laid dow n his money nd sneaked away, without even tast- , ing h'13 iMaderia. l'riiii Siliimuii' Jiuiriiul of Scitiuc, fur the llioiitli 11I Jul), 1K."J. Lunar i'ulcanutH I Jr. Olbcrs observed on the 5th of l ist Feb. the phenomenon which some philosopbeis hae atributed to vcleulioes in the moon. lie de.elured that he never pi rt rived i( more disiinclly. f la spot cdled A1isr.11 1 litis, threw out a eiy vnid lit;ht, and appeared like a star of the i "l" -iT"mmc, ii.ntu uu ..... ...i.-.. i-.. 01 tne moon. 1 hp e.eiuii ' 01 oir o 11 mi- happily was riot so line as tl the pre ir.dii"' da , and l)i . (). could nut pursue; his obser vuiions. buiibe I .n;;lish Jutii oals aiiniiunce tlut t apt. toter l.a.i made on the 7 1 li of Feb. a lepmt to the Ihival iSo liciv of London, in which he affirms that he had seen a lunar volcano in aciual erup tion. Dr. )lbeis ihinks that the obser vations ol (. apt. K iiinride exactly with hi i.w u, but be difl.Ts h oin hini wi'h 1 es peel to the ( ause. He (ioi s not ailmi the existence of the ohano in the moon ; he thinkstlial the pli. iionici.on which ( p'.. K- regards as sin li. is pioiluced l,y the ie of the lh;ht cast by (lie earth jii the immense open rocks of a smooth sur face. siiUatcd on the part of the; moon called .1n.,tarciUf. Should these recks says Dr. O send lack only a ten'h r..rt cl the lilit wl.'uh they r reive Imui the earth, Jour mino itiuin nr h:.!! ol ihe incident lij;lil) the 1 lit c t would he equal to a star cl the M".'h nianitiiut. F is in this way that Di. Olbei -cir.un' for u;i alwayi seeing thov spots in the s.iiuc plane, and ;ds rtliy they du i,:,' show lliemselves at each luii.uto.i. On th? oth of .Match, Dr. Oib.-rs cold tli-.ti . 1 f v m-c ull the kpo's ol the iiioou ; (oiin.i'Jj Co- pericu.. Kepki, Ni;u.i,l .1 1, I.e. The li)pothesi. of vi,U..:iot in the mom i not lnod'jin. .rid ut pivsent it is alnmst lejcrtcd. and the e 'A.:.r 0 ol ti .11 .1 , ,1 in. Uiiieis is iieiici-ir. aLiiuiit'!. 1 Le Upf.t Ir.m trc.'.u., is plainly to ',e seen w hi 11 th, tnoon i, by the sun. and uc i' is lutuiJ that t vleviM appear heme c is iiatuul mat it app nioie luminous than th 1 't..l 1 !ir cti -. ...1... ..!'...i... . . .1 . 1. .1 . - .... 'T.ltll .1 .3 IIIIJIIIUIVI. W.f, ' T ...i. C 111,. a .-I ' ', 11 1 1 .vi. -1 1 1 ' 'i i . A io tne vaiu ion t,i estc :d V. .... il is I m..tkrd c muioi.U in thr m-m at the br - gn nin ol a hiii..inn. the !.erionitn -. cl ithac'icr, proihred by the r li'iwn el th: moori near the hoii "n, art M.h'a lent i txtl.ii. it ithou". li.inir.; rtcoutsc Vj Li X'aicanvcs. IROM TTI M tl'.t.iSU 'HUT. mm un: .r.M rni.Mi: ..m. Wc aie not anai ' the nu:v. er of e i- use Fd; tu I 1, nu 1 K , . i- ,1 lec.dr ! 5er;i.t t.i es ol the Ctsi' ir. :! 1 t..!rri place in the new s ipcr: relative to the candidates for the prts;u.-i ky. N- bar tn lan h'p; . n to tiie 1 a'.- : Irom lite iivcstigati n ol tluiril im-. and (!' t:h ters , and 1 ,b the I'n.i !'. ix' f.fii el quahi.s wb'uh tlirri to f.t lor that log! and tr-poi. .'uc ol, thi r.t.i - t hulnitr . r. k- U- r .n.l Iiattd, si ii uthil'.e V. t nave s) ec- I it n . mil, d, to w un es-, ih. vi ,. 1 bun t.s . ! 1 tu. tu. 1! Lib t'! k: ( w vtl i.i in. -i o .n.ti in. i-i 1 1 1 Hi' -l '. f I iS'il e!i 111 , f. !. 1 a. u ; '.u; IV 1 1 V t f( I n I a 11 ..I'll . v. 1 h 1,1 ... I . , til ill J I .11 I 1 1 1 1,1 .0 .1 t.l ,1 1! !..( us I r 1 1 1! 11; w 1 ii t ; i . 1 t.i ;ni .he (.Cl.: 1 rn i.:.!.a!l 'W e d I. .ii ds t t 1 .1 j'.o, a I . t Ik: cks lh. m livtrs (I In ni te rs !.. ir r,( i ruio'.ah the run down the patriotic c'.i el - l;nl Aim F srj. e r tin shuf 11. 11 s t.l Mr. '. P, J DrpuxJ. vvliose Weekly Kipirt, never lails to bring w ith it a case or two of reasons from j" first rate soun. " (v idilictt, his ow 11 lead) why Xr. r.1 oulil he pre si ten the public mitvi with our s.-gacity ard fore sight, but Irom a multiplicity .1 other kflairs huh ouupy our whr le p'.tention. wc have re solved nor t" trouble oursclve s about the t K cioi s rescrvirg to ourselves, heiw ever, the right to gruwl'lc and a(5i'. il eiilurs ih not elect stub a mar as we like, and to .'Vinse the suiresslul iaiu!iil.rc .is muih as w e please il he should do ..ny thirg. whit h in e ur v i-i!i in. we -l.m.ld think 1 -milled to Mtih a t . v I nu rt : tend- sing, also, t it v I e It will rot lie an era ed e'u tl lee lit cs to n in ; hut one who w ill have iniepiity and ii de peiulence enough to tli-nii liomol bit any r rr . ge nt, who rob. vate purse, .r p.tvrris I i- p'-wit n tppi.-s nm better pnd more honest than litmsilf. I'LI ITf IXU'lltiM'E. Human lile is like a road, of which the determination is a Irigfitlul preci pice. c wire warned of it at our first step j but the law is passed, and wc must continue to advances I would willingly retrace my steps; but unw aril, onward, nu invincible weight, an irre sistible power ever hurries us, and we are compelled to advance, without rett ing, towards the precipice. A thou sand crosses, a thousand pains trouble us 011 the road. Ytt could 1 but avoid that liightlulpucipice.' No, no ; 1 am lurced to proiced, to rt.n ; such is tho rapidity ol one ) ear rolling alter an other. W e ate consoled, how ever, be cause irom time to time we meet oh- jt tts that divert us, limped btrcariib, auu Ilowcrs, mat jiass away, vv e are anxious to stop Onward, onward ' and yet we beh. Id all that we have passed falling behind us, in fearful dev olaion, inevitable. Still wc comfort ourselves because we carry c j! some ll.-wers, gathered as we pass, which vv: see wither between our hands, Irota morning to evening, and some lruitu, which we lose while wc taste thenij enchantment! illusion all! Drawn on forever, wc approach the irigfuiul gulf) already, all around begins to be ding ured ; gardens are less blooming, How trs less brilliant, their colours less live ly, the meadows less smiling, the wa ters less clear; all is tarnisned, all i' cflaced. Ihe shade of death present 1 it il itself. We begin to feel the spproach 1 I the fatal gull ; but it is cjtc'ccd that wt n tit still advance. One step moie : already hniror agitates the senses, the 1. cad swims, the eyes arc bewildered. We must v. t advanie, most eageily Ci wc desire to rt tun. but it is not possi ble, all is lalli n, all is vanished. 10 Al l. ( lllil.SIIANS, It is an 1 1 rt r to believe, that det- ,;. rKnr-s a spirit tt sevtiitv, i:. ,,,.,,., , ... , .....1 ri,.ir',t r 4 udm 0! th. maimers and character j ol s. Under this rcproat h, it ha r I , . . . , I I so long sl he red 11. the world, that, with 5' . l10" "-"'- ,ht -IfelUUon ol devout, sucr csts no other tharacti r, but tha c a sour and recluse bigot, win- dchg;.ti in censure. iJut the reprcaihis t : just: such a spirit is entuely j p sity to the nature of true devout 11. i 1. Crst traces which this imprints on mt; mind, arc candour and hi.niility. It principles are liberal ; its genius i t unassumiiig nd mild. Severe only to every allowance for oth eis which humanity can suggest. It claims no privilcgcof looking into thi .v l.c.T'.t, or ol deiidir.g vvith respect t their eternal state, li u ,vr suppose J iii vo'.'.on produce contrary elhcts; if it infuse haishncss in vour!, ar.d acrimony into ycur ".pitch; )uj m.'V co;.tlude that, under a serious ap pearance. pas-ions lurk. And, d ever it shall 5.0 far lilt you up with self toniiit, as to make you establish our 11 e pimons as an infallible Mat -dud for the whole christian world, an J le ad ou to ct.t.-ij.'ii to pertlition all v ho c.r. r In in 011, either in clocti i: al te r rt -. 1 r ii. d.e ti. I'.e 1 f rxpn ssit g th. " 1 i n r.ia ri st tsurid, tliJt to too m ui I v. ti have j. il.'d nu;ih igta t.u . t . bu'.h I the nature ol devctu n, . u c". ll.t (. ei ( f Chriit. ll.t.l ;r a DOMFIH ri Al.U.l Minx. It wis Ltily s'..O.I in th-- I'l lsh ..n.-t ti flmnet-n, .! j;i.v.l b) atfidaM s, tl.jt 1...!. HoMn .Intl., . .Iv t the t4rl 1 t I 1 r's iiu', ', l -l is rati t r . ak III hill.,!, tta III llif ! jlut . I - ' '.; hrr hn.iu'.i!, '. x.'.rn hr y.ui ifrrmt!, . 111 tifit unuitsrtli cm.'lAn the C.f M f.t '...I p,. 'nr. Si.nie y en.n sv. ho In t .l .11 the Ijiu d,d pisr.ltlial the!pii' wus welii o , ' . hul tht striitits and liiiMi.'br dt posr l d l the eil 4S t hippt-il ni.ut erui I!), 4ml tht l.e I.U.I Inrlilnanl l.i tlV nut r.unli 1 ' litre 4. li. C ul Itmkc'j H onMhian tupitali'.' An Irish pig merchant, who f ti.or.ey in his pocket than h:. rnggtd appearance denoted, lock an in- siih in one of out eca-.'.- c, during the late severe Irost. A dai.d),, c l the f.rst order, who was a fell w pa-sei gir, ws evidently arm "V ed by the presence of Fat j anil havit- n issed his handkerchief, tasked h r.. with having pit keel his pocket, threat en.rg to have him taken be fure a ma" gistrateat the next stage, llcfore they arrivrd ihere, howe ver, the exquisite loond his handkerchief, which he hau tie pi sit. d in his hat. He made a very awkwaid kind of an apology upon tht .ei..snti; bi t Pat stepped him short w ith .his rt-m.-rk, u Make yourself ra- -v . my hone) ; thtrc is no occasion f ti) hotlur about the matter, ioutot-me- for a thief, and I took you lor a let 1 tl rrar ; and we . re both mistaken: that's all, my honey." Uv. Mamr

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