7L. "' t? .vii. u. 41 (1 11 tft PHI vr;n lain I'Uiil.ruu.t,, nvrnr ti khihv, Br BINGHAM ; W.ilTK. Tut Ms ; - Hv uli.v.rij.tiwn to t!. V.' r-T'-u : ('ini.ium is Three Italian per annum, pi.) ;,!..- I. .!: ydy '.ft advance. CIj'No pnper v. il! !)- (;: ,:.')!, t',;r;'; . i" '.'I all irrcr:ifi! ore p".u!, iinlevi at ilic cliyretmn of the Fditors: and ativ sub-ei-iVr fad'ni" ( ' fdv" notice ill'!. is ui-h to th -.("i1 i 1 1 1 1 lit the t in t oi a year, w ill I).' oil .'.den d a i w i-thinf- to continue the paper, v. !ii ( ti will be sent accordingly. "tVhoerer will become rt-.;nsi't.1' fir llu; lynic'it of t in'. papcr-i, shall l-'j'ti1. . a tenth Anvrnnsrtii.srs will lie inserted on the ens-' fomary term. ,',1'crs ,ii- Hcmling in Advcr t'ncinentK, must specify ! i r- mimberof times they wiah them iiucrteiL, or they will be continued till ordered out, an 1 charged ai -eordinfU'. N'i advertisement in.utcd until it lias been aaid fur, or it payment as.aimed byaome person hi this town, or its vicinity. CCj" All letters to the. editors must be jur-t-litud or they will not be attended to. flHF, subscriber having Biade an arrant. 1 inent with the proprietors of this iiistitu lino, the niaiiiieineiil (d it, ith its av;iU, has hc onir his individual concern. To 'iii iiiends, nnd the public, lie looks w itb confidence tor a portion of their patronage, u this interesting, mid important employ incut, he ventures to prom ise the industrious application of more than twenty years' experirne! ; united with a zeal, rxritid by a com irtion of its importance, and t'.renillicucd by habit. To parents and iruar- li.ins, who may be disposed to place their chil dren amlwar'ls under Ins care, he ouM re-1 mark, that his object has ever been, with the lamjuaes and higher branches of education, to unite a thorooj;li know ledn'e of reading, w ritinc;, Htiyjllsh (jraiiuiia.-, andi'iietir and K or.iphy. 1 In addition to thesf things, the useful and prac tical parts (.f MjlbeliMt:: -s, Natural and Mural rhiluMiph) , Atro lo'tiv , I.opic, Itlictorie, Histo ry and Cliemi itn , when r-()..ireil, wdl be at trnded to. In t!ie iii.tntrtinii o f. nules, rctr. 'liar )sti-m w II be a lo;, te l. he !ji ct u ill be, to render tlieni ratlomd and in'cnv.uur coin punions ; and in ir rdueation, as well an in tliat of the Ci'.lltr sex, those br.ov lies, which fcro of the pretest i.tibty in the pmr-.-ss of life, w .11 receive a snperiorderee tf a'.t . ntion. One ebject will cut he kept in view to inspire hi pupils with a due dcip-ie of seif.respe t, to es ubbsh correi I m.iial .ual religious viiw and on '.uct, and, v i;h parental soheiti.d'-, to eerrect n! i'-.n. r-!. I. ! ' t. , - .d I. t ;:..'; habits, lu both tries, atid in pup,!, t.f ivery a'i-, aiten tctitimi will be paid tos;x Hinjj, r,-:ei;ii, w tiling a:i 1 eunipositmn. In fine, to prepare thos-.; cum TTofed to Ins Care, in the bet po.-lble in.itiner, for their future destination in hl, will be l.i.im. fasiiiff aim ; 'Old the ime attrn'ion v. ill he pai I to '!,rii,-re riii.lidi m.1 -,lt, aitjllir-'c v. ho are (h -urnrd f ir hicUer iiistitutiont. J" .'ice tii him. eil reipures hiTTi to s's'r, that, in tca!in:,; the I.a'ln and C'ee'; aiijru;it'S the thorough ami er tii .d rin lie, I rei (iintm n.led L) the M s rs. di- I'ort l!oal, 'i ! so admirably pursur't.it our I luvers ty, has he"ii, fur a Ion; !':n , a i ip'.. : '.. To ctiab!." him to c fleet th'.s, an extens.M" codcrtioii i t' the most npy-oicl prsnrmart and frMcu'.s, atnony which ar the I he.ur.is, nf Auisniirib, ti.e I cNleons of lledrricus Park-liur-.!, Je. ;ri I the fr'aoeuars ot the Mesv. dc I'ort I!o .1, II. n keiilnu-j-, (.tHxIririi, Xlixue, . fy, hv e ! el procur"'! ; to 'r. "i hi popiU I; ne h'lety to r; tT. 1 o fa-ilca'c the studv ol (ei'CMphy, ft i ci lb nt si t i,f tiluhes t'!i t.ivo,. in ' and other Allin S .ed an eli n-ivc coil, -i 'i'n i t map", have h t n i h 1. Hi- -"i.hs of 1 1 . i" ii'ii Vill I" f.'e, vi, a:: ', . n il.it; ii s pal,', in ah ' '''. ii ' itlii' l!.u,,!sit I hn'li is I . Ct nn, I'so ( ' ha !y con st uti I t i art jt s'.fi't I t the suS-'Tii'er. " ni n mis i ur.iiM . IN M1.1V1' i;V. .'!:llM VliOi.lW, 15 Y .VAVtVPis luc. rp'H4 !cr' t ' t'd'shm-n'. s'tn-tN t tt the B i ii-th to-w r i t the. t.our-M"i"e, it met t."cd t'p n a r.c ' .".r.d s-.perinr s" le, lor the ri r, p-',;;) t f ( o ;n . I be nati tt pa'.. ii hate i'- a takt I ' t !,-.-.' ire for t'.iU estauiivuneitt, fur .i'ur e,'c rv t't.-r'Mi.vt, m r, -vary f ,r the t"iii'ti- -i I : ft iVrs. T.i.' in.).' . p-.r-.t..l srr- ai.ts have be-u tch-cted, web p-t-at earc ; the Sar stM-.ketl with r!i ice litpt'tr, and the stahh-s "."i i,!,- i :i oii'i.'i" .-f,'i,! Vl"Htis- lio',b.-ri. The tn.vt -n't "if of ;iii.t ,.1'iou for b'!.;ncs is r .1 tos.it in the plt'e. I lo-hie: c'i-.'.al'.'.s a ne")-lcrtip-lv.!.- r. i -. i, well ea!. .il-.U-.l lor t!u: 5. co, n.i -I'vLtti. i.i of 1 inrilers and Itoard.-rs; a'-- ' to uh'c'i lh re is a lliv (i iod Hild Hook I . Ill 1 1! --r who n. iV pie ic tn c ill on him, I hop,!, I, (Ju-"rf fore, that" ent'eioe'i who b il t'.is tlict tliat ii, i v'. .shall bt? spare,! j no-ed t.i er.ouui..-' the raising ' i I horse-;, !.- .. ..r t i ri n i eir i iv itiim'titaih' and pleas' it;; JAMl'.S III It'.. V,;VcA 'ov.vv:, ic. 5 AM!'-! t. IIUHM'MN revoei.-tlully '.ah r:ti'. the pr.lil't, tin: l.e fiein-ili the oil shop ' "-inerl rot ni d he n father, it. i Main ';, , :, a few tloisrs "mi'l uf the Co'irt-Uoiis ', .-a!idi'tn, uhcre h: 'f. mev prt p irod, with a cpio.l set of U;o!, t.i repair ail kinds of mrn'iir.s y clock-;. lhnttitTi nil yvlei mav faMivhi'.i xtitat' tlr etintni,', "hat their wot k "1'all ' eer :'cd'ia rs e-ond a s')lc at f. any ntht r shop in this part el the eo'ilitrv. ,i 5a'' 'so. old .'i v. , lev r o i''-, ,;, !jniKeme 5,11-,' m de. ,lo t , nft y . rt t! viip'.'tu tn hit line cfho'ii in s ill ! thaiddui') r i eil, and execute I pi a !nut ntitler. I'rnpl:; v.hn r. sale at a tlftanet,hy s, tiding, n ay depend m I'tvimj tin i" work us faifialnll) a'.tendt u t.i and ft turneil, as tbi.tiirh tht y t r pc ut "id rnh tie' old e.t thhslied --ididliin ' rid sel'.ared, .Vi,V. -,'".". ,1r. l.',.iri . 'lit'C-j r.ii.vrxi:. fl'.n. V, ;t:il s B citi.ens of S:t 1 1 1, i hers leave to miurin the tli.iit'iH, and the sunoiiiidin country, th:it li; still coiiiinues to evn ill- all kinds of lion-."', hi,.. n, roach, .and ornamental I'.iinlini;-, Having ti'iC,.tifd an ample supply of materials, mid liaMii;:, for a number of yens pa tlcvtrti."! ithnct hi'-. i-!il mi. ntt-Mi to ae on ve. a roinpetciit . n"', li:il'."-' i.f tins l ":i'.r.'li of bi'hinevi, ,r i'i-t-1 i ; i ii . ! i - it of 1'i'iii; ; ;d'!.' to 'jiv l'; ,!'if'i;:i t'i tti'".j '.'; MM V !! pl.-:ised to fi or him willi orilets iil t'u' ali(",v line, (eld'.ie; and (iliiinj; will ab.o b- txtnHcd in a neat r.;:.n ll'T, Mild on eaioii:iii lerilW. aro kei.i on leiiul, tor sale, f'pal aim I ana h. Wantoil, as an ajipreutieo to tin: alio Imsi nesi, oiu; or two l.wt'., IVom 1.0 to l'i y .' of a;fe, of steady and iudtt'.' noiij lia'iits ; tow liom, if they prove tli'Mii'.el.eii d( -sen in;1; of i'., a ood e.lianec will be (ji vfii. Snlhhwy, m. 3, 18U ) .ii:n.LVi::i. CRIIK briber i-'sp' ttlull) inli.ritr' hit , l l . l .11- .!..! .. I . .. B raerni'i aim wie puma, inai ne na. nine on hand a irood tnpplv of material 1 of the heit ciial- ; I'), ana lias in lint employ two in si ran: work men, v hu h will enablt! hit" to make the m-st i i . i ...... . . . . . i . ... i i i hi, a oi i.ouo n :,aw i.ins, ex. e mo. . a m.raoi... and workmanlike si) .-. l. ople ill th.s, and the ; adiae-nt count,.-., who w to pure ha'.e (.on, j are inxitetl to call and eranune tor tli'. i.K' Ives, as a nuiiiM r will lie kf pi cousianuy on im..iu, ; Iv ,,!..:.' tale. (iM-.','ii:. The subsr rilit r will ",l.n carry on the btisinei;t of rill makirt; and fctockiiiir, iruti ri pairin,', !. . Door lo' ki, and locks, ol all t'eseriptioii ., will be (nrefell) repaired, on .-caseo-i'ile ternit, and at short notice. The Mi!ecber w id par'ic'ibir-' tbr a uunibi.:' ,.f enri transacted by Daniel ly a'teliil liiiusidl'to MueVmj rifles ami j:tms, k-: l'n s,,seii. t f Salithnry, ill in future be too A liberal price v. dl be ptiid for or i eui I d ducted by inc, in the .--atiie buildiii;;; where ev maple rii'lo Sim Vs. tb lot red at the siibo la'iei 'a en lu -i i-vuy atl't;tiou and particulari'V will be shoo, mi .M.ti:t.f it II w th:; : east t.u n tiiC ! triti.il, to render iatiilitCtion to tliOf; itlio inav Court .llji.i;,, in -:.' .AMi'j'i. n:ir.v, '4'j ftUvU'. tV .,tvP.i-V,nvAut, MICK Montr 1 1 i l. Of 1 v. H'.-'it r s-.'-siims,' I't b- -1'iesidt n' ,md liirec'ors ' of the i'.ank of Not I .f.hii '.inn son. jr. . I Mr. Alt. I.e ltd i'l tie' il "nil i I ( lioliiel Sit t arl. I' appt trin to the t- eiilaCioii of the court, that the d feiitbnt is no, an ;....:lt . .; 4" tins tlate : It i theri lore Oi iU r ', d at pu'd. cation he Dottle sit u ecks snccr-Vivc'v in tie Wotcrn C.troh- .... ,'.,il t',. . . 1.,,! I,t t... m.: I . .11. If "It (' ,r i !...( , 1,1.. ..II. 14 e I- ...MV HI n,, , ,y,., , next t (it'.r; to !, tn-i l trr tne coor, v ot sieck. i lenburtr, ut the Cl,ort!!o "i C lot't on tie-fourdi Moud. a-in Mtv ii-N', tun and th-re , . . . . . .. : i . p-ean t'ru.-,r,r, t.r i.i ,.-ne.., - , .e r. m -o , fa ' 1 ' I "tlttl.-s I, Isaac ai r. wnr.it, cm. c. 3irf .il I'rice adv. m. I'AK!', this nielli' 1 1 i ii.fi.m n.) hit .id,, ao hoi t tin- puloic ;tt 1 1 ,s'. , Ilia; I tmiv oectipy - w 'i.-re;ll C I, ',!, nnd wl.li 'i hai I; ttdv hern in Jin n .oii o. Vr. 'I hot. Ibilmi s, at a pu'ilie house ; where I am lion -its -pared t" accommodat" trtveilers, and all otle rs , lionu" ph a-.ti) call. I'll re are fin I ,' i'd t attach,-.! to the i stahh'.hu'f m, wb, -Il shall :.la .i s he fid ler and en moder.. oi!i d, and wt il soppiii 1 itli A fe a will be taken, ti-rirs l l.i " is a e-tM.i! Oire-roo'ii Vtat !o d to tne hou. -, wliii 'i t ill he rented Irom now to the 1,1 t.f M r,, or pi;! I . ..I. tiu.li ite term. .t".'. MI I II .V.;.'..'o'T. "'''' IT, 1 VI. ' ' r pur. ut it ! ,'.-! hi nm.nv. )iai k h r. III ne ar l t .'l. I.aod ,t .)im K marked v.i'lt thr whit- 1. lull 1,t'e-- ,,lt ei,s two n:e:: ! i,;li, no -a ri-1 ..'ii si c..r. oh', in b.'.l 1 1 - i' : u '. In'i Oil I. u ii, sl.nel t'te t il,,..U f . .!. !. f , : '-tec-! i, a!rv t ! t -.iiiii! cur, ,!, mi'l v. i'l ii.i en th- Jmh tf ,loii ) a' the f.ilh'V. in;; pi i a , t v. il - V Mr. i'aru V) mil..- ou.h-' 't f:e;'i .! -' .;', oi ,- ii.:.' i let.',,.. ; l t 'o e i !', tvo .t.t- ai i-a- lt in i V, w Lit Ii v. -II V '.,-i '..) ; a-. ' ' u i-ill-. ,! at'h.' a'-1' i .' Mr i.. !', I i ..'.. ' rv, We.ht. -idr. t fid T! u-.! bli t.f X'..'. An ii .- o, t Ii. -, J ' I 1 r.d its and .t'"s!.. n H ' v ad ..t l! '(', '!.. v. - 1 : -",- ,'1 moderate prh " T' tt It dollars the M ai ' ; tit e do'l.irs ilis .ii.'l ' h tp. to !' ! lid at th. ti.-ne of srrsii". ; an ! 1.'.. I o .1 . . to o oi.' a m to lie i'l full, la I..' .1 .it .toil a. it is a pertained shi is i'l Io:d ; 'laftiif; r. ih the ti; ir - f in it-, t'e: insur i u c ttute . I li t is cert .o.ty li .erllei'i anv hor.,' i f !l,,tii'! blood and f e-oi has t.u r i,'.ood t r in t!.i. ci uutrv. Ill-, ionu is ene tiona'ih', h'S lii.-.i.i lar potter ,ri a ; i d as t In r'.ty.isc'p'.-illei! ')'( and ree!i" 1 by no ie I'l , M.iteiiieiit t ill, ii, r'1 probability, he d usli! rd be t.iiuv who t. r e in t seen the hoi h- ; M is vill call at one o! t!le t amis and '. ,t .v ben, ami ' jii,t,:e dr thi'i. -adti . Il lxi yy dl be kept by a j eart lul and 'it'en'.ite hovler, yyho ui'd 1 1 d.r.iv.ir ! ... ..f. .. ut art th iiti ul'aiiv hind, Lul u.d net !.j , .-' '" ... . .'tit- ler on . .,; ".-:.. ..!)..! vi via-: Pet by. .Id Dolon. yt w ; ire .,s (.: I'lvoiieif lath; lol.i'i's dun ': llol.ian.h r, he by .h i-sj Ins Cnm.! en by IVar- ' ' : ';!'s-:';s.i. coed sutoeirnt ; ... . JKr;;';:,, ,.;!,. hi.., it, p. spvet, ,,, ss he himai If merits ! . . . ' t l!'.-.t ii IVh;:i, !' k' ' o ,;.(, , re ties- i ( ft, , . re iles t!,t !')pi'aia:ii'0 liU vvnui ,,f hiit!,, 'i s lor a an- lie s'ifli -tt'til t 't enineieii I lum. . V. it. I K'F itl-'.linv. s. I y." " -ru'. ia'!' -.h'b'.l. d -tt I". iv.h'c H it, i'n 11 . 1 ;,!:.!!. I-,..' !! : t't! t on t,i j'.: ' a e. r no .1 , he vid Hot lie t pe. I.d at l,,s s Litis. A. 11. H. . i a is:t. VA'AUkr., l? tie' vat i it": kilfls ee:'ii;ii)aly '11 use, !',,: sale 9X tlie C'lluv' ol the si 1 as (' iiiomsi vn. t 1 f-xJ v lie . A. .'Vtc.'.U, r-Jl ?-UMKnT. Si-;.;,,, ti i;i tl.r. ry 'i'i'-d ta'.-, S.i, :: are V"-.-- " at:iliofi.c.l to say w ill, at tie. n 'ii-st ' . i of a iiiiiulier of reset.tall1: ei'i.cus ' of llii! town, it "rive mid !o atj liim..elf i-i bttrv, v i'liin a f-. wks, I'ort'i': nnr.K v of , " ''tifcin l'liv i.e. an I S:ir;:e:v. ..;i n, i)!.'.;.-'i:);f , f f ACHt-S of la id in the U)jier end of ZJ U J Cabarrus county, on Ki.ekv livi i; of wbich then' arc cleared ubotit 50 aeres lit for culiivation, w ilb a jjood ti-aine dsvellinjj.lioijsc, barn, and other iieees-.arv oiit.lio'w. s. Atv, a food Mill, .rit Mill, and Cotton Cin, Said place is generally ki)own by Iirowii'if Mill. Any person wis.liin(f to fiureliasu, ma) have an ojipor t.unity nf iUni a ;oo 1 'iirain, by a;pliiii to the suli rib(.r, luinj; in t!i lowi r end of In deil county, lour miles from liettie's Pord, AI.liVAMJKli Idlilir.XCi:. Jpil 1, lrt..'J. :'H I'.'I 'I r.Ii ad Ires d'o the Slierili'of l.'n . an nutiiv, on ollieial biisinei.'i, mint 'n'r, after I lie lio 'l-tiiuil, or lliey v nl not tie al'eiMle'l to. As He are ):! a! nun. Of rs letters audri 'd to m fl.,( , rmitil &c , ;aV(. ulll! h m.. n,ri j... ( j , M m f () s;(W. mv !(.(,-(. ()( -u ,,., . ,,.,,.,;,. , , , , ,.,.,'." , ,, ,i ,. ,.t.. ,,.. ' " .' ?" ' " el.t Dl o'tii i' people pot Uets. Z 1 ' SAMt K.I, JON );:,- .V,,;,,'.,,,.-, , t,22. " iv v, A r v . c mi' , '1" II- public are respectlully mloiinei!, tliat II the ..;. '.' H-trneu whiidl Ids been pltatv- to favor me w ith their custom. Kim Aim t la.ss. .V.i'i.-'...-i,.W.tecA ZZ, mi. M7if AOC T acres of I.AM) on Dutchman's Cret k, in the Forkt of the adloii. SoiiiC uf tliit latul it ern.,I to any in the ,.,'(, and may be ii'in I a.ed on vcrv n a-oi.able, terms by aii- phin;- ) the subicnber at Ka etteville. j.tt53e KDW hl) M'KAV. riSlir f 'e.niliiiiiitifilit.r lor riiiitarinff llii r nissioners forcenterir .. . .. " of l)aidtoii, jito public notice that they vtill atlenil at the site ol tlie ncf lou ot .su- itttenil at tbe site ol the ntv in salil counts, on tin: first 'I ,....' , f '. n .'..i.r.. . , te.Ai, i"r tin; ''ii ui n tout; ai iitii'in .tt, next, for the puqm.sc of ndlinj- put' t , (... ; , Tov;.,lt . to nit As- teiiihlv. The site of tii,-l on ol Marion is on the K,1,-Th "f L;xi..;fton. JOSKIMI SI'tTUiEN TIIO.MAS I! AMI-TON MM. IIODKNM AMIil liASSOM I1A1IHIS, N A I'll AN Itll.KY. :. lis:.'. 5fjj ! Jl;. nAi. Vuy Svv'. ' -j Mill. ll niyllou.e and Iat i:i St- .Ll ti.. I'sbun, on accommotlatiiij- tt ni s. App'e tti I . I.. Cowan, t.tii. or to invsell, in II i. ., , i . n" . i I.;,,.'. ,i ! Ie'::,'!i. 'I here is a pood ufliec I't-liiiij-iinj to the it, ( onvt nient tor a I.aa v er or rlijsf lan. N. I!, Those who ha'.e not et closed the r nc coimlswi'li me, will find 'hem in the hands of Mr.;, 1 l'.. I , It 4t.f l I '..hp! ..tli.pu ink in t .r. I, . .,, K i t 'i'l li. er. JOHN IW.CKM 1 i ll. .V. ie i,.lton A8, 1 jJj. '4-i .1 uUn .Vvv ry:utuii COMPANY. 4 l.KMIII .I . oui I I MI'll i, ... I,., r ,, tli,. VI... I',,. I.i. Ti (if ............... p-tltv w.lli'C held in the It, an i.fj on Ihuiv!,), the ZZ1 t!ay of May ar:.t. A. I). Ml Ul'llI.V. .'. 4'".; to. i SlftU V .VtVl-VnVuU'., itf it K r roi'M V. - I' f ..r I'l. , . ni. I Ui: l-t. f S. lit . M ,r !l X 1 ISJj. Cliailis M I m ell .. .lolm Turn it us i icn lacia.-i itapptari",;-!! tbe ,t-;'.c li.et of tne Cetirt that the le art t t I'll iv Saarr i v le t ,t'e nt tbe !. :i.it s. of th s r it w.t. tlteri lor,' teslert ,1 hv the Cimtt, th. pnh. I - tt ion be ii.vle for three ecks ia the ll'rr ( i I.-!., that iinb-'t the H.ii,l In in dl the sa;.l I'ol!'. . arr r.;';-,'. ar at our lit Co..;! tv be I., lit Irrtiie said c at the Cieir'.-liiiiec oi Mor- antoii, on th. ort'l Monday i.l.lu!v r. -V. r.nd pi., id t.i i-isne di-mur. j..lmeiit for th;? p! .1 . ! 't.'i ; iU"m."..! ;.l l'c t.o.en aa.rst t:,i in, - , p;,, t. v, .1. t'dlVtiN. ( Price :i.lv. S' - ' vll"iJ fJi lK. snlMernu-r. v sp-v.bdly m!.,rui t.'r.rj U In.'i'.l -, and t'n: t.-abli.' at are, tii.tl th.vii J-st.i'i.t'e.l. Illl. let' tin: ft 11 It n 1. . , - t - . . .. .. .. . . ( , forthe '-i-pAo' pi eirrMi-;n:it'ie rd-eyo ii'iv'i. 's in a'l its braiiihc They are wed p-c- "'.i-fl to in iki ail kine, ti. l titiNur a.1.1 1 ai.. t lux in s : il V,. I nor . l.i-oii.in j,!,;,, m- s'...;... s .3V..' .'"'v ol ty. 1 lie expense oi ximu ,-,y?.f tt'I.-n, , , , ,';.r. ' , ,. ,,ic th-i-"d in the accurate nuiniier tthich I , j, ,.,,!,, rs ;, . at'a "r .'..hir ia the S'.-ylo. ' h.ivo dt'ailed. it n-.t W prent 3S ut f.rst , ,1A;.., S( tu., , .,;.,.,!, :.r ;,- x-t w..;a ;.rrCa:-. A tosc t.fj;ooJ s-scn lr tn '7 , -. - i"-" rrc,r1 so,..crih.-rsa-vah c impT. !, ;. j -rv '-t.-ed. I ajcr ,.,rnc ,!;i)-. yvmild recomnt.nd -.y t i rt-ka I J.t L' .s limli.'t l,i i . i i nl L iuiIl t I , ... c f t , ' ' w. ......... w ' a;uv.(ii:iMHS -,) .KMIN" I'lioi'i'.'!. ' TWO 1iVVU'V'.A U tj" AN I I'd) by the tui's-nhcr, t th mttkinir husi'iess, not under I .', shoe - not oyer ' 1 :sot'(e. I n sober and unlcs! rloi's laJt, 1 i: ' 1 t'l portnttity ii miyy nlfcrc I, t' learn a I r id , d" writ ..lhmrth Kni'Nrazr.w wckson. Sj.:. ';,rr, Mm', I 1, r;?j.--,ii ACSUcuiniijAr,. -.,1 . y... r- f . 'I , s M.-.'.-'f.:-:iV.;-,"-'fT ! '' ' J". """'' ' ' Hail! first of Arts, source of doi:,eic case ; I'j'itie of the land, and patron of the teat. MIU.t'T. To the President of the reiuisylvat, Al. cul tural Society ; I have made many xjcrimc.!iU on various RoiU and at difTe-rcrit se.oiis, to ascertain the product, us well us the properties of millet. Upon light land, m good condition, it succeeds bc-d. It requires, in all casts, fine tilth, and as iri"(.ii strength of Brtil as is necessary to produce heavy oaf. I have not seen, either in Europe or America. any green crop'-i, wiiicli so largely re ward iu'curaie title go and plcrdiki! supplies ol M ..inure, as the species ol iniiiet usua!lv iM'o-.vn in tlls and die adjacent counties. I lave sown it Itom the first -f May ! the twentieth ol J iae, and have iuv ai 'iaoly obtained more ladder titan could have heen had li (uti any p.ia.i r Litutl.tr cirtun- stant.es. In ; :e ;-.-i'!::iit eir r.tv !)ii:,.'iels :m ei: hty on ,.'; ol can -.tic lur 1- ':re, wen stivwed swar .a,: c it was inline- dmtch SOW!) plou-hed, thr,:. !) harrowed, iyc. ir.d rdleu he rye rid M.V lil the -i t'.'.pa' t':rcd in the winter a ceec orn ariv m lar.d ' pli,t:r iied ::r,ain, tlifr lime and deiosnpi.-icd veget;tldc tnatttr, v. ere tlu:-j retttnv.-'l to th'- surface a'.'Of.t tluve v;e!:s alter, it harrowed t destiov w eed e;iilv in May it was again htirov.'ed for the same put pose within a fortnight it was stirred by lieatson's t-cariher to the deptn of nine inches, harrowed, sown with millet and rolled. The crop was luirlv es- I tim.ited at three tons per acre. Altet ... t.:e r..t I'.t vscnt,tne neiJ wasstirren . i i t j aiKj repeatedlv harrowed to destrov ..c afu.r ' th ()f noxi0, plants. I iiiteiuled to again sow rye, rot only to (ditaln pasture, hut to protect the soil Ir.u.i tlu- tlvalatiom of the sun. I lu tlii -iicteedit'g sprir.r-, bligSt j dress of li esh manure was plotighrtl 1 under ; the scarifier, roller, and harrow wire trd at intervals as before. tjC r;l;i 0f av fu K bushels oi mil- ' . Ii t si-eil v. ere sown on lmir acies- -on t!,e id.'' of Jane, the trop was hauh-d and ts;in.a ed ;it four tmis per acre. i .j.' .,.,,, (,... ,(lIls - " 'irom sixteen act i s. ot w nica tour oniy . r i. c r (were ni.ti'.urcd ; the remainder could not ihavr boir.e a cood wheat crop. One 'of ti.' loads vt.s weighed, an account I c .' i . .u-:. Ol litem was legiii.uiy rcju, liicn mc ... ai ItiaslC as rrarlV equal ?S POSMlllC. If UVt. ; ru'r?'!-.' used a largr tjuantity of M-ed. as tint r.t ne than two thirds ol i tho- , v.hii.h are gu rally tr.vu egc- itare vi,i;s, my 0i.n rv.;.stjmcJ millet in i i; , ..-rern state, they pcrlotnud tlieir woi k I ... , iiiAM ;..,; I Kiwi li - r.r t L .11 lli-v I, .,! . . t !,.,. , shown since. cxrfM .- , ..,.., s ,i ,e ,.ii It I . . ' I It ' I ..1 r . .1 ., I. ... V HI i.v , v, , 1 . tuefer i: ; otii red ar.J vthitc tl j rr i..' n.e.iuow I 1 art t.rt (.i-: o-cri tn cultivate it as a f : !! tt et tis ct'-;', -lt. -C I liaC f.uind rteat 'ilil'.t rl:y in proiccie it from the i:tv.n;cs r : - . . i' . . t . . r i. :...!.. .. i : t. :. "! '''"' "c ' . " '" li at t t .tin; m rcuii:i It vt:.netciiiiy eat . . :i. event a l..t ;C jut t f the Riain fie. in .t it on dij cr,v.;:u!. 1 lie seeds on i the t pner p . .t of the sluikt generally t i :d f..!J,!.rf..rc those below hate been 1 'thcTtf.i: ; cut it when the upper i pt 'i ..: hi:.!. iris rf thr hidi ef the licatis routatn ... , t ... ..rt.'j -..rt n ,ri .All mi I, arrvn. . - eri.i itvti bii. ..w-.-.- ; .trr.s have eor,.rnieu mc in tne OCliCt. ;t,.,t , ;hit s'aCt it a fiords fodder mote nit more .asdw " llUce thall , ... . r.'n: m,J!.-, n't till fCjV I"f t's value as It'OlI, Jl.'.t I-' the men it HortU of makmK 'clem the land, without tummtr failure : ,. (',-,:! rr ,',-. I he inpeniout arcu- I mt i.ts .yhit li h.ive hien n'ldticcd to ptote, jih.Mt ,lt:ep sin unr- between Rrotttn crops is -.ulvatratrcous to tliem s-.tia tne sotii ate f.iiiniied 1, pou l n;lish espeneticc, pro yfile i'irecti.d by cloo attention to tht cllec ts ef a moist ciinutc. Sonic ofou. trrjV,-rj lute asatrlct! that as " dew dropti" are found on the lenvei rf plant 3 after deep stirring has been t',,vt n in a time ol i, ,eaf Ut'ou, l,N the p i or tii e is wjuivI. ! should MiKucM, :' I were idlowtul, tliat innis'iiic lead bc'.ifr be, ; ii ,li' ' lines ro'.vcj ' lf tin f(.o''.i, thai, ! rii.-'.cu - t'i, d I be 1 1, :t u n . or pl.it'rd ml tlifi " li-ne erii.t'isted his -, sb dl v lu.d,!- ;; us cd'ijio',1 m 1 1 Mires, it'i 'dv ss-'inic' thf cons luii.i f'.rv dre;) 'tiering to ; er itsiii cKlem, in ,' ue- thei . then-forr. i -n povei ishes the V ill- Deep plot;hin, it fifiirr seasons, is, I coii' irvi , ibe basts ot iS cood f.trtnin;' Su'di crops, s te dl ciiahlu'lic liiis'i iri invin io f xt'.i p.i'e !'.t ami ithlain I nrr M.ppttes td' fodder. 'rh- t)Ut lilllt II ey.ll tll' tiol). sboul l be the ;M Ht tdijerts for bis .iini, I would piopuse, that x loul svtard receive its proju r o, i u tity of rj'jick lime, which ',i,..n ic spit .id, ,.,, ,!',u ;hed nriiler in iis r. -i-uc Male in', let .; U p.m of n.ptrnihr,i a . i' fit hi lc furrowed sijrni.ieiitl i.owo mil rye,al the rale of two bushels pirnic. ..s c; oi,- .it pos.itile that it It. ! p.vjtd lu'c i'lH'.'j ai.t'iiT'.ii.aiid erly m the !ii: tii itiii ld yiile i . ai,, ploiii'iit I ui .e iiicliet tiecp r d, ii, :n f,iie .out ji hi ,jr towed .it s: kl; t.irii the small ncoi bc IMIl to ipp'Vl e.tlv in Jll'ie, oil ft shuUid he Mtifu in Au,;ust iht t . tt be. rt ;iiit'! ..lo r il.e I t iur of r , A lurvest sh dl bt. b- eo peilorme I. I'lio field siioi.ld be siiirdy liariowcd, m S left ihriH).:liuU5 S ptetrditr, fW the. (',' ', tfuction ol t-.ecds Itefoie In Ocfftiici it mav he trim tired and sown with whea'. or left fur crop of Indian corn. 1 am yours, ke. JOMN HAliC POMXl' DIVERSITY. . Silt ISAAC NHW10K. Dr. Hay I nd makes the followinr; re iii iik'ton the character and writiitof this o,rt . t p' il'is-'phrr. "la Sir Jsi..c Nev7 ton's Disserta t. ma on D.uiel and the l.evelat on, yo i see tne gr ' iti st g-'imetrician tr. the t oild, w'.o und. rstoocl the nut .ru ol demonstration, as well i.ny man thai ever hvt d, howing his undt rstan dinj; to the revelati.in t t God, and stu dying th it revd.it i. ot all hi days : we ar:' :n'.!ir-ii, ihit h'ts lldile was al-vavL. liii)T ,:, iiis table or drsk btfure him. l'hc thar: cter a..d pt .cite oi this jr. at man, is ttiore th t.. siitft' icnt tyyi.h. ilowa to ett ;.t::v all th H'dtui'hM.i, :t and llti'iK-!,, M.it's e ius :.nd V -i a ., that ever live', f r th .t e t r w ni 1, tr. the end ol tin. . L t lie m uf i : c thinkers, rr r.ttl er half ihinktrs i ,n thinkcrv, hide thtit heads in cor I v n and darkness, instead of atand'u g p with impudence it,st to great .1 m .: -trr of reason a.i.i ,d '' tvphy." s rn. ixc 1: nt. 1 i t: l 1. h. n. A It Iter from Sierra l.eono, dated Noy . C, s.e 5 " I cntertai. cd, ) esurdav, jh c-ra-ordinary a traveller as perhaps tver existed. He is a Tartar by birt , an Knropean snhjrct at present, and it Christian. He travelled from I'e?. o Tripoli, front Tripoli throurjh I'eza, Agady Morolr.e,to Ashanteeand Cape Coast, where he tcok shipping for Sierra Leone. He is a very intelligent mar:, appears u have been accustomed t fjo.i'l conijiany, and is well actjuainlrx w'y.h all the Mediterranean sea, i:i wh'uh he at one time commanded vessel. He ban r.ot vet made up h';c mind whether he will wall; haik, ru take a passage ta Knsland; h it evi dt ntlv leans to the former muds 1 1 tting liomc." The fa her of the Hritish I.orJ A't'tp,--ton, who w.15 rcnrarkabic for the tta'cli ni'ss'ol his nut.! ct, 0:1c da vri.ii'i;; !lir-".'. a illji-,e in tho ticinity of Oxford, 11. ;t . lad drajtcinj a ralf Jmp the road. ! when his Lordship cttiii' ,.p 'o hint, tn i h a stop, and stated him full i 1 the tar-.--Mis Letdship yd.rd the bev it be I" r liitii. He iipli-'d, ' r.es "-' What i. t . name ?" s.iJ hi. Lrrilihi;) Why, I .t.;.,.vl,1,., tPnl'tit tlie lad. l hcti, don't tou t ike i.fj" your r...t " So I w.'. zur," said the bov," " ifve'i! I. dd tlie tad " From Jt i- hr f.Vv'.-f. .SiiiN.i-it . v, r . 1 i:, the K .'hit, ,t 1 1' mily Visitor, pa oolcr t" I'to'i t'e' espen litur. ol families !1 fUS'i K'te hem , 'lea, .',-'-, ore pnte that l if ..- " .f" ' - ' t':ot 1 I '"- I, j tilled litr tea and codec II sat s it is a t ie.1 some and pleasant bftrratre, ami if it gr m . in the Faster V "t Indie-, it would In- r - irtt-1, as a hitun . 11 ' msrli ' that l e r-- wa-. a t. when ship load. t a-taf-.is root acre rtrr from Am-rica to FpRlaml, ytlirrc it as sot (;erly souitbt lur that tbe F-a-t India romp:' at leik-th I'lH u iH i'il parbameiit ' prohibit tu tast:.fras trad-, h-t it "liooM s ipplajit t- t lialia tea trade. S'wt that t.'tie "inat-as !;.. been utgh eieL ie'. i ; t VI r I rt s I i i. ' V ' " 'ttj" J- - ' . t

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