'I I--.''-:'.- ''I I ". .!t!l u'.m, till, f jj'lu',1 . UC; ,tl I .V i. t '. V A S t.lCtJ V.ITC SCCtl Was riiher rov iving. , j ,.vj:irr,:.i 'nil In; w.ilcr, U wiionUltc Lju.iIs ''MAH'.li I a.--I he Warhct'.Vecnl'nni f ;uc o , (ti.,u, fn- an. I jiu i) uss'tmei Vi.t y u.ty ,i more tlreatening assert. Cotton ,, derlini.nl Void I 1-C to 2 .ions, within th h;it two duys; ho.vcvcr, they have rallied again, Jil l about ) bales Upliiils, of out 7 fit (M.ility, jjivu hcenhoiight up at lor gtjutt fuir, would be paid '.!.' h iiii'l line 24 M march 15. I lis t!.y before yester. day, then: w as souv: business done in Cot tonsi and to-day i f pW lias improved. The s des of the lw I.. ,i days, amount to about 2000 halts j the cieVer pan of Ceoriri.is, which wc in r,(T i,t 21 to 24 sum; LouMana, 2ri ". U'e expect momently to bear of the commencement of hostilities the funds 1.1 C daily docli- J'i't,,! Citrrai.-i We learn from Cur- nieou, that it wai it: parted at th.it place, th.it .in embargo w;r laid on all vessels at ligu'rt, l .i' lh; purpose, sis was suppo sed, (,f cutting elf the rctic.il of ien. Morales. 15 tpti'f Irvina escaped from his pi i'.on in Cunaooa,, but was retaken 6 hours after. The United Slates' schr. Shark, Cam. Peiiv, ariived at Cunacoa on the VJnd ofj Were the faluablc. piopcriici of tin March, from Laguira. " ! grans (asitis'eimcd) and i lie vaiionsu.es j to which it may !c applied, more gcncral- iui timouk, Ai-Hit. f'i. jy known, c i.rc sure it would be deem- ( hui , t i -1 iw- handed ii, I he lot- s.iLism ay : II T.sllAV iKiltMM;. MY0. I ' h mii.i i: I . On the first parcel' this week's paper, our agtirnltuia! readers will find an inte r esting article mi t be culture of ; gn . towing fxinids from a letter received per cd woitli occupying a separate paragraph Spain ; her bucccss in the ihrt i.tf ncd vO', would be a triumph of liberal principles throughout the world. Tin: pjti.'-iiJK.vcv. I'riacttot C,7'. The R.-v. pHf If Lniu, lately the Vi" Prtsr. ,.o ' Princeton Colle-e, ls been un.iM.nt.a .! tiiri ti rhhe Preside!,; of lb ;t inv'i-u i '','., and the Uen-rcmi J.iu : 1- I' -- Vice 1'rt.ident. AJ..10 tMA. I 'nm the MM" .!';; . A letter which we opy from the frank lin ('.aeite on the Presidential (Question is wiitlen with m '!;! iibili'.y mid Willi i i !..: refetciico to !'..cts. The wii'rr eonl.! riot , tout It on AlaUm , wiiliom -ulvi. ri.i,; o j t' e patronse i-xen.isl by th;-. f rr i.iii y ' I)eprlii)ent, that p .trtjiia'c vihi'hii so : deleterious to the p'ibli. ;r.r. !!ut . - f T heic know that the piiron i ii i'i i i.. i : . . . ,, Ol aim; ott.1 r.iai ) , v n i r ' i ir i i, '- ., . ,j hi-hs is not confined to I'aiiks of I'.w l. ud ,',,,... , ; Otb'Ts. Jt cxieiKis to ccrv oi:i'-'-i.iioci ), c-mi I .'-; S;,a ''.'',;. y !)r. Iluv. . p'-bbsheil i .u laib; t ii ol l!i:.t ' ;, Nil' i'-'ii l.i il.f Mtu r - v Ii ta;iit . bell, r fm Job i 1. i'Mir in I'c ii !i tl. ! . ' .' it. I' t.,v ;.'!b (.)o;n: t i i',t s;, i k ii'ii. , than I dt mil . '!.' . II ('": II 'i , ill?' r.'in:n , on, "('.:. From If.ivivi i lly a p:isseni?er in the Spanish schr. ( j.dle:.), arrived at Norfolk, nforinatioit ii received that the schooner Pilot, Hanks, Irom Norfolk, was captured hy a pirate on the niht of the 2t"ih of March, .10 miles to windwnrd nl Havana. On boarding, the Captain t;avc orders tiiat all should Le put to dcaJ) and thrown over board, but, fortunately, a Spanish pas .scnp.cr on fioard bct'Rcd lor cpi li ters, in his native tongue, stid the orders were countci mantli.-d. The ctew and passen gers were detained four days, and after ,vatds landed. Capt. Hjnks, in coining tliroui;h ?,latanzas, recognized a jr.t p ut fcf his caro, which was there olToiii'. for alc, but was stronlv advised Ly his friends to be silent, a hi life might be 'J it- forfeit. During the time captain !5 remained at Ilivana, he saw the Piiot boirl several Vessrls within two miles of the MoroCas tle.hirb she robbed of clothing. Anions the vssels robbed, were the Mechanic of Portland and i'hree Sis'ers of Ho . ton The mate of the Three Sisiers Wasacci dcntally drowned bv the sinkin;; of the hot', which the pirates hid ordcicd to be sent on board them. J ('apt. U. heard that there were 36 piratical vcs'.els on the oast of Cub i. The U. S. schr. Jark.-.ll, lA. Com. Ste vens, called off Havana about the 1st April, ent in a boat, and offiMc I convoy to Amc r'n an vessels. The .1. was the first ofrom. Porter's sipiadron that had been oflf IIjv . The to'n. was then at Matanz.u. Capt. 1). sent information to him icspect in the capture of his vessrl, dcscri!;ini; htr and the sc.hr. which had captured her, and aKo informed the commander of the U. S. schr. then oiTthe port of the trans action. The Pilot was tec ipuired by one of the schooners of com P's squadron and the bar,;e Gallynipper, in F.scondido Hiy, I", .ifiti tier tapune by the pirates, and arrived at Ilivana the day captain IS. 1( 0 tliTc. t!ic pirates rndcavorcd to run her ashoie, but did not succeed, ('apt. B un 'erstoo(f that several of the p:r.itcs were killed, the rest escaped on shore, wi'h the rxrep '.ion of one man, who was H'ne. sl'tp .f '.'.;, at l .d;;ai t c. n, Mass. from Pacifiic. It is d.it"d the . to i - oininend an experiment of it by those ! (;(,(K.r;, irovttnrjicii'.. '()ur ;entleiiien who have so laudably devoted " Valiir,U:a, lire. 15, m'i. their time, talents, and property, towards About the f,t of November appi:ared , . . lhe :,ulllre of tllC statc tb; new ( oinmetrial) Urgiamrntu which ' . r . lor reason mcn-ion. d below, I think will I Last SCJSon' 0,IC ,,f 1,10 rounuc of be very slum iind. We were endeavor-j Virginia, a considerable 'niuiniiy of millet inp;, althoiiijh inelfertu ally, to bc'in bil-j was sown. Its luxuiiant growth exceed- bMW'UU lin.lll flwx:.. hl.J I'll'.h! lltllllU. ll'llAI, . . . t . . ....vj. Mi...... it ...... . ...... ...y.. ., t.w.t ,VJiru ritU'lll:!! inn. It nrr.rlllriwl III t.t. v. ; v , --w on lhe evening of the I'Jtli ult. we wete v'u ited by the most tremendous earlhpn,ke. I'he ( i r i I and most seven- sliock c.oiitin- riy instances, two tons of bay, and thirty bushels of bred, to the acre. It answers ued about two and an hi.lf minutes, and a double purpose, -a farinaceous and a levelled nearly the whole of Valparaiso to , (o(i(er tn,p, yrc (J(H, obtuincl at one bar- the trronnd. All the Churches, all Al- . ,, . ,, r . , r i- veslitiK. I be stalks nnd bl ules remain mcndrai, all Queledra of St. 1 rancisro, , .,, , .neaheapofrnins-uboutachzenoi twen-i1" "Uctuler.t state till the teed nprns. ty houses h the port remain habitable. 1 1 lie hay made from it is said to be eaten Jiid ;e has ar.'ivrd it t an whi. b (. , ."ti repot e. lie i. iu allluent r.ir-ti:u-:t uiccs and leaving Ccort'.ia to come into the j wilderneas nt th'' time he tUd, together j with the connexion which has I ir a long : lime subsided between hi'ts and M.. Crawford, can leave no doubt of his hav ing come heie on a political tai .ion. ! he Marshal is of the suiie IVatei nit v. Th. Distrii t Attot nt v.Willi un !'r aw lord, I'.s'p of St. Stephens, is u'so lie: c ivcr c,l J'.r- lic Monies in the land ohVi; at ili.it place. So that if he conducts himself improperly there is no one to make iv; 'i.iics or is port the fads. There i-. in one to fjvc notice to the Treasury Dep-ntniei.!, id , the c bee k to necess .i y for the pub!:: ;ood ! )i ,'i ii.t ' 'I'lalil'.. '-. s "!, t; ' n. , '. i i' 1 j , lb',. ., . , . ,. ,-r... ... ,,lr., I: .:: i',s, m r i l y . ' J i -ij '''.He, f , j i !,n.'i't , ' ) I-, 1 i in 7 ) . ! .. in, , i. I a ( ', it I rl '.I', I , : if i " .njo, J; i ! , C! an I mi, loo in l '"' ; r u: I ; ilM'SiVS'.', ". I .. i ; , iron, ' :''-, :., pt.- (7.i,?;,:vmv M.utKi.T, .?-.' i'"i 1 I '!)V I he- f ,t t'n n v i.i ''.. iii! .i.'-v ' 1 1. ir i I it tn, I.i I gt- a:, 1 1 li.- , rcn'i r ! ' ' ' ' i i - :i h'K Ii. i ,i iuniigiil d la a In a. t' c i ' . A H'ni'l tl' d l':i'i 'it i a l lo'i'i,; i i '' ; pri . 4 l.v.i' 'lot i. If r-d. I h- ' 'i 1 I '"' ' ''" ami liiid ll'ieg ac-iina.l.i'"i. : i'. .. t i -r ' !. ;. Iiliiih ,irr ll'u ii 'i In y, ( i iiti; K M.'l '', ' ' '.'..I i S i , .'';'( ''.'', m s k' , Ir.iiil f, ) 'n .' ( r,-i,'!i, M'U.VS I i th ti"' lit" 1 1 lie, ' ' ; ' I'M'i, I i .A" O ' run .i U ..1. ir ti.y. J From two to three hundred lives are lost, ; with greater avidity, by all kiixKef cr.ti le, i is taken way. The Co! let to but none whom you know. J lie sborl.s . ,,)al) , 0tticr ki. of ,;(CI, n,c weiK!n have continued as ohen as three or four . . ... ... , , , , , . . , ., , ,'ol thi cni is Uiiotit i lbs. to the bushel, each dav, cc:y ciay since, until the. last i two day's. but not generally very severe.) XVI' li'oun.J. it ImJ, a rnc-a itiat c:n In addi'.ioo to this second calaniiiity is j be piofiubly used in making piovendci the insurrection of (ieneral I'reyrc, in i for hmses and iieat tattle, ami in fattening - .- i . i . i' . wi ntepnon ; no n. s aoproacneo as .ar as ; faf ,. e nti,lu I aii-u in lni c u. a ru rc lias necn sent iu out to mr.e' him, but it is supposed lie is too Miong to accept any tcim. sho-t of j 'her tloveror timothy ii is s: id to afford better ..' -or than ci- overtbto'.ving the present government. He is a gieat ftvntiii- with tim people, and pi'ib.'ps the revolt r.uy not be disad- v:iii!j.;i oi; to the country. At anv rate, So much hasbce:i said (or rather .n-. iid). about this grass, that we hope .o', ;e tf the farmers of lo'v ui, oi the m joj:i- il,i. :,r -c !".V- 'I'O' :, ,,;t t.,e i-.iir: c.l i ,r.p ! -i- i i tbeie can scarcely be a cham-c for the i 'K counties, will get a Ir.lie st-etl.tifid try woi .c." pi .re it .Ko ro,it7);.:,ter. -ni j thini's in.'.v af.ie.ir al.toa!, tl'.e er'lu less tun . It a c omriio i thin r ' state to hear ;i o;.b' w Ir o i the negligence, iii..itri,i.i.;, ty of an odii rr tir.dcr th- ei nine nt, to av Jt llie s one 'iom . ,; . ii il does ii'i good to couipl iiii, f i !,.. i , inuc d by the si c:i tary t f tl.e I tcisirc " ()neol ll'i1 cf.'ii:( :'i aboie ..'ouili d to h. s done r.o t! . v for .i'.x'Ut tao tars cs pt to i : five io' pav. !!. i, r i ein r oi ibe i.'.u i of!i-c which is lip' i i this pi. c ''.u;e two or three mo: 'h ,'mi , b; c.iiiic .ir from Pi-n-acola, white he iesi''f., n et ived his ino:,e;, , a:. ! v. ..s o:V t:i a '.aii-''tiit. III!.!), 1 '.'.! A,,).!, at lnl ;v V C .-.'...'.,;.'. I l .s'p '.lit '.."'.'i Ii' l":al',in !,i I'.iill fun''. , K :.::.: :i, Mi H'. ll'u-i. 'i, laic Stiu'i.r ::i t g- -i iVi.tii i'ii' S':i'f. );, it. A mere exptiiineiit c.iu.ot co-.t mt:'.!i. And if It only proves hml as vjluahle a . K'uu-iry ! I ' tiers from Pet nambuco ! i, js alledgt'l to he by those who haw. state, tiiat, in the 1 it'.cr pat . o! 1 tbt uarv, . ,.MjbC(j jt) ;t Wic people oi tint piare reiuseu losuoiuit to the f.mpcror, and deuunded a change of govctntuent, fimil.tr to that ol the Uni-- Wc know not whetC any of sect'.. ted S'jtes, v. the head of which ,'V -.vi'i-J ran be procured, without sending a co:i j sicn i inc. ipH-siioh, ii'h shall ir ;ur rd fj f-'.'iff ''' ''!' ', '"' "''"' "" ' kMrfl,U(IUt-,ri.foril : l.t.l slwi.,1,1 1 Lis n:,r. 1 If. I J'lim.t, nt t I) I X 111 J t U 1 C , Vtt the Cii.sC ,',it will l e a cry Csci';;! cr' p it) : this sec tion of North-Caiolina. I .V J 1 USK", . '. it : .'.. 'I'u.tMi I'rii' .Ir. 'i 1 ti'O.'tl wc haxe limit''!.', ! 'X v Vi '.u- v . 4 M'AV .,:.! i. II inn ..;., I I 'no-1 , :3 i A i liji'i' f..i-1 ,!.-. at 'In- sVh i,l . ' . . l.jti ; Air i-'.' I ' ! I" i-lvi- t;.oii'li ,' I :; ; tl,.' 'i " i :, fll I'S Im t it.i' l li i.,1, Ir, !a,: u'. h-.-i". , I nt i ,-..' i!r '.g'.t . j'.t, i, as (. a hi. . it !,.T M in ', nil s, n iii-, his now jcirtvi! 1 1 il r'i'ii'il ,V ' . ' ' Wi I !ht i v aii'l 1 1 "iv, ,, l li i- su'i- i.'i, :-i jii'iipn.,.' to tl.. if Irtvi A, i.i h nth ai,d S .,i!h '.ii'oiiii:i, to fr. ',,-!,! l!,i ,r n ,'. uii.l i ruihiK- at tin- i.siial -t -j i, ll u". pvr . , ! wild tin ( M 1 ;; on r,f s:i!'. 'I li- Ii..,.' i ill lie ufld. r '.hi- pur'a tilan un a t.I t o.rf'tum ' f i-lthir i't' tin- vliisr,', n r,, II- l:r A ' M .lb-: , ai I hir:.', Iii'i 'jarii.tr Kiti', a ( ...!, .n.l II. 1. I.a:ilt.s J;M,. M..,'".''i a', .t CI i "ii Ii .iiiii .1. I.A.Mti T. A!iln- Ap:,l 17, 1C5 . r,i37 om-o-ro. o a, t, give ttth r .'.i.. ; "tr ; observation of anv i ''f llic ,; , : 'li"' f.-.t.UM'r.'i (,;;;;; nghls. On tne 48 11 ol . . ' I th -.'., from the best inlormation w Frhnnry, a skirmish took pl-ee hctwtcn : Kcntl-man svho haUhc sen! in his J o .scv j .,Lj, tM Cf,.cft, alllj nc ,jve uku, A'.V 1 V T" ,1" 1 r,' V' '1' "' . 1 . . ,, .,.(-, i . i tl.i i-1,' note nr ai i ount, u l.i 1 1 -. ii i I them and the troops ol the g . i runiei.t, smn. he li rcspt t .luny rttpiesteu to 1 j:-, n, ulr p-i:is to asccrlniii puobc seu- t, ., t,c .,rard l .ke payn.er.t, a, lv in which several on bo'h sides wen- slain. ! warj a smj;j (jvunlitv to the olTicc of the j tii:.ttit, Mr. Aims at present stands p.r irni I'g-ect- cwewt be vm. ' and the forme, wcict'tfcate.l. The Irad-.. Western Carolinian," or t. anv ger.l'.e- ,n,!rl' ''h" '" St"c t,u'" , A. J. Wot;K!:. ei of llic iiisunccti at, was nude pn ,oncr, . ,. . .., , ' , 'candidate- Nixt to him. probably, t, i -'A'1 '' s - ' 'jjj and was sent to Kio J.nciio on th 7tb ,njn " '''"" """"--) lu ''"''' Mr. C.M now. Mr. (himokh, solar! .!..,!. C, i. i.i Tim u .'it rrr.l l'i, .im.wi faithful use of It I It SO Ciclili', be W .! ,. , .... I... .in. '.., !.,:. .- ' ... -,... VII, ..v,-... - .,- "..v.. .I.WII., ...... v.. y... .. V" expiefses an apprehension that t!ie gov- tender an acccptihle serv'uc lo hi s ftllon- .," i. -. .,.' ;. j , rrniiift.t cf that p,oi-.i..n ol Hiail will 1IIK.lt!: v ,!l lie sold mi 1 in.l.,v ,f !, t:.v o iit ik .s', if not p; eK,iis! kohl r :,v .. On the d.tv ra H IS left ILvar.j, t.oof ( i evcti'.u iliv b toes M: I in the l.an ls of the imil.il t'l.'r .-iJr. The brig Ti.iullti, Pl.clp., timr.un- il,, I ;n.ir net! v. Iiollv bv r: ii t!ie I' S, schrs n imes unk iown, with tiie l arge (ja!lvni per, wen- ell' tiiat place. Tic I'. S'ltf,' sh ij I'e.iCK r. and team g ihiot Sr. Cull, wc re at Key Wrsl, w here the new town bail been called Allen's Town, h honor "f th e laincnitd I:, comdt . Win II. An.ii. .V;..-rr. if tf.r Ih T-y." Capt. Cofiin, of :!.r bt i ; Cbatle's, ar ) ive.l ut (. luriestoli, l.'th iiist. in X d ivs p n-ige l:om Mit.ui z..s, understood, prev imis to hi sailing, th.-? a letter had been I I'ltivt l at that port, f .'',!.. "::,i"J from H. ivana. stating that tour ha.lbcrn gtcit destruction ai.mng ce Pit., tcs. ofT Cape- Antonio, bv the U. S . 'bio Dcc.iv.rair. ai-s Keatnev. I be sto-.J ,,,,'Kit- Ty '.vi, Mit'MS to !"t (Jo- Pii.ite boat - (;,;!(-,: igun :!ic Sl.cn i;Vi : Wednesday l ist, j : cmens. I A crop of mi let will do well, ii :.ov.:i at almost any time duiing this motv.h mm: icy .Yi'.na We have achiics from Trance to the' has ;inii.d ;t Nf-i!. t!!or.! from a wh.i-j luu' vova M- to t!ii- est In..irs z :A l Wt sum 1 d.irds. ( ).i the '.th r:!t. n alter ... ..... - . i ... i. ... nt . ... . . rriija i'i"n i.i r t'.inii i'i ises i,o I lancis 1 o: !, wlien the f irmer threw r.d he was drowned, oy all to be inevitable" what the cilatorvmovr turntsol ti c I i NOHTl! CAUOt ISA. e have noticed that among Ike ti'i- , 1j:s who have enlisted with such zeal in ! the c oiliest fvir "who si all be in xt Pic si- vile, 4 trai t ol I jml n,g mi the v4'i-r, . (.rint's r?-i k, eo'i'riiiiiii- a'muf 2') a ics.ji.r ii.g .li.lm Lhaker urn! ottr. A prea' pav . tin- ihnvo trrif is nt tin- first r i'- u. mm'.! in wt'i a :-.! iiitadnw i f a'mut tin o.-t.-', a, r. s, !hi. !d..iicc (.(' ttic lalil in in- u-.ili r cu:: va'iuu. A jrim.1 bu ll.; g-houi , ki.!l.houe, Ii.,, ,.. ih! other i I't-hi ii-i s. The s um 'eila .ni i ri.-l.l in.t,. 1-. . -' i,l S'J:sitiM AUi mi.. , H . t.ti.rig ite etc iw.,j.i. secure ,,!a,tf jl; ,.: 4:ut V i wirs ii.m.t J . '-. tl.Mli M.ircli, at which d.itc war hail hot-,,, (1cnv helmii.g r.iaiorrv ol votes lor Kusher mid oih.-rs. I bis n !1 w(.o.!Li.,l, U ir; jdci t," sevcial have alrca 'u di-po-ed of 'the diiTcreTit rt.itc, Hcconiiug to t.'-.cir I yet commenced, although. i' w.is hrlicved i their f-vcii'c cahtiiila'c . ohsftjtjc t'.e !.i''er ovct'io.ii Si;g'.le was ronfined in irons, biougbt to Nov uci': ji'd. ati 1 committed for itial. .V. .V l.L'v. Wc know I.tly ! tvithm fie it :!e of .disbury. A 1 t ''ni'5'1'' nt A gen'ctl man, vi ho l'..'.s a I.nr.il . , . eur good frit nds have ollkiattdloi us. ;:t,d V'";V'':i ' ': lu Uu- t state et L.rr.a!. Sr I; '"'..i - . d,i..l lit:!'- il! he ii aloknioii m, . i :) mote than one 1i-,s!..IKC . . .rt.-Unrv-i ( f ! no. 1U.MI, ? . lis ut c!ovv:i with great tfitotdetK r. us JA. KitlDl.H. army is io ur an. muicu to, ui,i-,s n nc l J.i,(-.,;s l0 a in an. atid oi i on; si- to it-..-the unfavorable light iti which the I'lenchl tcr her fiftet n vi,tcs i:i f..or ol Mr. Craw f.i.V view 'he war, and the symptom' ol V ,r iifsinilii- t.rmi'tit uhirb t 'iip.-.'pr, I-, i-iorn 1 ' ' - ' "I - " ,i I. . lilt ins, . , t Now tl.i i may ;dl b- vty wpII, . as it L ics to amuse thtor wader,, iti li is stated in some I ..I . i ii the: r... p3' Sa'i. .('". M.ii. I. !tS.'J. N. 1!. All tluoi- la d 'bt to Sil l est i'.e, by t r i. ioV a. iini', ar.i reipiestt'd ta itukc i-r.b-ri .: : ;u..' .'.iii-v hivirg fUiiu la prevnt thi r, I r I.4-. . iiu il in. y appear to s'cur c f i'lgj ati- .' I - di.'i !ir Un ;ie, ii,ts!.ik jhg her ..r a mei ari, t . I . t im d bun 'hit If had been sc er.d j ol the 1 renc h p ipei tuat tue co'n'nn.c e l tug j:i n t!m v.c do it A ct cive their j , i: jn'.m.iii, fl'i'i! Uii t aj''i. imi i-i ii. mi ii.ivsou a t.oiicw; i i:, n mtoMi'tcu, ;mii mint ol hoftiiitirs was i.cn-nrd to th-.-; kiiil nun ss .n a in ire g;-fh.t!s i.'...,mc r .i.i i .... . niaita t r:one "1 " ,l 1 1 Jr ! -nt. a a lavor. ttut an atvrtinen; in Hulv V .Vr.VftnViua, srOKtS COl'NIT. s:,,r, .i.s l.c j ;i U. S. sthr. 1 no h'. b a-.-i nt ' i.mi. until be Ui; lUaibl I . .. t ( ( ives the " -i i. braid it at Matani s. lhe L. S. schr. Ji,;,; iriover hi, wo-itid sar.ity. I ho Wih! Ca. I-ictit. C? m. It. C. W. Skinner, j shn howrscr, h.ivi.t.; iibon h.rre of ! tV US schr ..;.;!e, I.: ( u.n It- J . s,,( , saieiv iiu..!v. ftidurtet'i him to T. NVwton. s i'.td f.-iro M.U.im?i on the a c'.m.ber l.) w in ighhcurimr tavt rn, ft"! in,t. Th t v hat! 1 crn i;i Se4ppu ( wu-!e ,r promised in remain until th. i-f .1 rr'iirnru li.elH i f .. . . .1' .1 .. , .1.. ,.!.! I. ...I,.'..l .v.w ..-.. - Ill t, ll III! 7.11.1 ill t...ini nun ili.l I- i' ,, i... , jt.; i r. I!,' rcturncu ti.ein e r.., i, i ii. v:r...m u Mat.,u.-..s. On the If' inst. Ihry Iclljjn a t lime, ho vtvi r, he iibairh. led i t v. i h lhe .hi') 'i'raj.n, finra Portsmouth, j i,, r jchts, and, idler taking unother dram N'. Il fi- Hav. uia rct.o.;ii.t'!l vvitll her J al ,!,,!,,., i,.,(!,: hi way to the j .il :i.'.ain. . . . . , , ,. i. ... ... .,; .1..., . t i!i.'b the day ;. ,cl "r '"O1" ""J"1 J n. Its . wmdv '."'I 01 H'-'iJ- r. i . t iMonr, aiiii;. IT.. Wr Ivi-. f.'om ri,l"- -'mi!",,. ,v,, i i . rii rd i ' in t;ict SCl.r . 1 . t 1 ! v I t T V .1 1 . c - !lav '113, that a few ... ; n Iron) i!aUpr,vi.ustrhisviie.ar.ritish brig ofwarlVilinvviuv a pi tiy'l tvvo top-Sal! !.r..:-.c: rf?.' Cap- Ani.vno, of sis guns ' ,.n honrbed ail, tV.C..'.! Il"-"- v., iv,.. ;thor April. This dtlav il,'fte c f-e .. i,h .11 r.o i . i ,t , our ci itoii..! Lift itcn. tt.-t the iinrtis dk . , ., , ,,; ... , ... (. v ., tectuady rn.i.i.e. .-ulusi toirpd the i::va-, x. , ,. , , , J 1 rt J--1" '" !'! jrl- " ' - J ' .. . . Ncitli t. ;,,,,m.i ar t- ,r:m: V j-i-!;;c r.r. J .,. ., i;, a. :,u, his vi.tV. I hr.s' i'. . .. . i-i i .. i . . i - simio, i.CTCouiim.iiy i;mm: tier utlif '.'urt f,, utu whenevjr the pc- 1 Z i ar.,,,-,, HosiaVn nut., nimu i h aj'u. incrruse and cvg.u,:.-.; It r armv, a:.c cr- j t u, ,r thoosin,- electors h.s itiiivtd, 1 .:-:.'.en:.;u, svn. aM-.l, t !inti--i II " i-t ' led and -pplv the resourrrsof the i.a.jti.ey nl,wc -,e u.i.f.dtr.t, n.akc a f.rlcc - 1 ,! ''' -'"T' ccutors yt :,.4 j..!;., Z; r 1 I , . , , , I n. in. svii. i. I'lasid, ii. Jn..n .in.:. u . i tiontohcr riefnne. Pottwg.d wi'l "i-n fit. them as Autciii :) r t c- r, .,, r.,M . illIU L.'.J. :..v a , !... . i ,, . i tnun. Iti rctiMn .or these civi'.iiiesoi our ,,. r', , ,,, j,,,n ,,,lln,.rni,,, , c,ttttron cause w.:l, .-,,.,n ; .uu' the lv,,,,,,, ,,, (i:,cs! wo-.M-hc p.ophets. ! - .1.0. ,..U h ,,.!. It appeng ,.. .!,-s., ,.. niotvi.itiits ol th.c 1 ter.ch at my m.n i wrjo jiau. ,:i,.,,,.c. of ti r S'..e in favor .f ! : !' : : itt j..:m an,l liri,.,:,l l-'ivp the P..rlii:-ir mil nirr In M.-. ( ' r:, !' rb i w f Wf.uhl rvli-l'.! lntt'.ra "! '"'i- I n till Cas. , . if.. vv hen the SheriiT yielding to his in.poi m-' .0,)cra,c ,!lc;. IKi ;hbr,rs the Sp.u.-i"1(' .rictMSIy rauiim. thut ifthev seriously j'.J Jt'pSUci'inc o.cM ?s nilies, locked him up, stipulating at the same time, as the only condition upon wb'hh he could enjoy t be hem fit of the pri.ci), ih;.t he shoidd hot ask for l'tniior. I'!,c poor fellow upon hcim li'i,ia'cd yes!" : relay, thanked lhe Sbeti',1' for hi-, hos pit d'ty, imd marched glV highlv pleased and satisfied. ,cjtt Laglt. rf R-r'' Wei 'In, tt ! ui to rsta'dish their prophetical rep-it . (.,,.,...,, vnMc M ai1:,u, x tion. tliev sbould build on a better ton-)-I sii 1 ih limner alotigside, the. crcv.' "I'the srboo jr. h.s been convicted of murder, in Ohio, j IJriiiih n,,ion uin Cvrntu.!!v he cm S " h , . .... I I. t it.. lf. I... !...,. (i.,.,.iw Irs I i.uds in the first fhock of the tinea cni llict. l'.nglai.d, it has been trpiV.e 1 ; ); by due of the London papcts, will remain j strictly r.cutrd; but as the sympathy of the I A new paper Ii;a j-ist been est ddi-,:-. llritish . u':lc is enlisted on the title of Spain, and the ministry very liberal on the subjret) o confident hope is c hei ished that 3 rf! C'f the immense lesiiiil'Ct S tif t'.iC !eii !..iit appear M th. f. v ( I'm.' 'vii :ia,'t'. rflic'-, 8n.-rl.i;.!his.,i,l,whi!cincon:inementIbisc !ucl : en to a.sist 5p.,.n tn her st.ug -,c tor ., , - ,,7,iSJ3. j J y ; . r,ie, .... , , C ;.t-cl too- p jsstssi.. - , , ..r;tt..r,...h.l. hnt afterward shown-.-. one Crty and tl-r'to:tal i'ldepelide'l.-e. I J wndown in th,- London ilarko ..t .! I .. ' '"'',. ' ' ' " . - r fVt'l! 11 '11 ' a CnLr., i" I ........ ; t ; i - - i ; -1, m.' . -'. '-r i.np, s an i ,i,n i i '" ".ii' e -vv be '.m''. A P.r.'l' J fi :g- mirks of penitence:. IHs motk.-t. at) I'.scit iltotilj Spain an I Pot tug I Ir I '.licie wei c C pauper.-; ung out iu t',.- j n , -., g a;-.-. !.;...:.' . N..;al J i- i. , '-e.-evme un and rave e'linsc to Irish vvoman of ahn.it 7-J veus of ;, jcn li rontcud alone with tho Ftench j ".hip llu Uon to w-V..ik, sent ly tl c i a v.m -bee,;.-. I a; uamg :.. t, , . , . , c.'Lthe ' irates visited hi n "bile in f,i i.o-v, ml loctti' cd I ,r...i.- , paiis'i of F.ah..tM, UC.if Uatilc i.n Sussex, I ' '"". "'t i!..'.'. r he 1 1'. am u ca ptuie.l lirr im .-' y . , ' , Irnups liirre are yet hope o! .V.i ult.ni i'e 1 . , . . t,ttr if ''oi s- it i'i th- tc' ,i ',;,.. r..i.iiiu'dtolhti''h:mtthiietict: M. -:', ly the fi-v . ' , i cnicis' v. ig-u, h-j pud l.ttfir p " . :' ' " '. .r"; d with hi'.!ve. j and ii shortly lobe h: ed lo assist Spain in her s: niggle for lib- at l.lizi!;cth Ci'.v.Noitii Citioiin.:, by Mi. V.j'.CV'i .V. .'' f', l.te of Washington ci VjtiiUicel the 2..'t:.:h,:h C .'v Fij .; liifu'v to le '...en For '.'i, at the (' .rt-!i';:ii ii' ti . . ,' ;. .'ii l' ! i; v .,:ti rthi: f.i'.irt!. Sl'ii tc. i-i 'o in v. iii i-l pl.'nl misjri i i r .1- . ir, ih !',: !..- pro cui.lorfi iig.ii.ot tti.- n it !.. :r I ';. :'. . Cupv It-en tn ii'-'-. , T. st .t'JIlN' f. I!!.' M. t . . ;, ! ("... i V.'.V'c it ftyv-V'AV.t.t r."scoMrr v my. n. or It Iii'itupb. The rhivaii i' spii i' iiml .,ve i ( ,.,....,.. in el il ! i,', r ft III l " ' , r t . 1 1. i-i r -sCutH'. ; f ' V ! :: "I '1st 't'e ! ''.' ,l,.il,rvM,;,it, ii,i,,o...i - , . , . . l ... , i. , i:,t I.: i. i Ts b id bet a teceived at jl-iv.tl.a ; I evtr i.l i-ni nine name in inn ,u.;i i,-") """" """ " it v...g'e I to tie f "Oi;, i.ikc a !, .en 'ii'tlellt Uts.pjni.ilf,, II Stl.l latent in Vn- ACco: hat an action Ivul taken ph.ee nea . . . i I ,l nf .1 llMltsll VioiTiiu ueiwLvu ..... - - - - loop of war and a piratical schooner d ix guns and sixtv men, sttppos. d oe he schr. '.iat i. After a Tew mii-mcs, '. -irate blew np ; and, when the ?mohe cf and rh-e r up "in' spn Us ; ang ., t i-y uf ,,:,. ,, y ,.!s! t..)!v niTijp ! i tl. thi-v c .n do no in"' e !i o m. mv . . , , ,, w, , ii. ' i''inn'S a pt opcr rxt itfinctit, to !m coin- dirhiif. be. then h. in i ! hi.o si me whiskre, and took her leave- An atTtc- r"' r'1 " '"" P''-1'"'' mthtisi ,s, 'ton lie mother tt fie fu: i ,t..i en'.. i' ..in n. i in I.. I .- s v ,i . -1. : an,! g.ivv liirni tn iitev tn st irt v. ben i , : - ( t. V(. ( ( . (.(. at ii ed in tla IV.teJ States ;'. I t'trr t . u,,t,- r at th m-t r,i.,r-"t ,.t pat tslte s n.ust do ibe s.rmc or thev v i!l he j i e,o r smo'i, to ha h-! 1 fe- '., t.'l by them. M .ill IT psrihe?!, :.le iti II n.e, , ;.t the ( oiirt-ll'i ;." :i A ' ;r,t slate th A the lau.l' is worth lathing ' l-' Tuh ,u '. 'h';'' 1 iniii i r, a- vv hi. a a. -i i, I"-1.. ei ir, i r i i in toe ndlptd, and I see no tenietlv s- -,, i' , ,,, ' I i , I 'm- d i. I- is ii - .ne-t I .eai, u . pt setn.mg ihc cstta popt;'.at.i'n sjriit'' 1 ,,i ;i'. :m , ' . vhirc" j ' t o-, si?; mi: : f S- t I,.' il ! lie vv mis at! "i ! 1 if -v - ' w C. .

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