1 1 III 1;,;, ;l 4 I MX .4 J llu w, :- i)ri".!. Hv! solo ; ' . :.!. Ii'.n Iv i- ; I ii;- it !', : , An! k;-. hai.d o.i't !.. I .r. . li .!! 1.4 IV altC:.pl '. V. ., S Mint lot ihe mark that eil.t i 'u'', Aial cringe to all that tm Imn. Say m, your u!-jctt av-1 j i-i-io-.-, Too much lnnnilii y tmi I, an Too iin;ch uboti' r ligitin i dive me ttimc witch mid wi.'.ar 1 tali', Of ilip-thiHl limtfi, itll lint and icah Or leathern, like a pigeon i love to rrail, another cries, Those nion.troiu f.i-ihionuhle lie tn other words, those novels, Ci inioeil of kiii'i, and i-nctim, and loiilt), Of holder warn, mid (indue hordci, 1 but i lied to live itt hovel. Ho, no, crk one, we've had tnu$h W 'icli ciinloiii.ded love-siek Uit!, To ctxv i!ic lir creation ; fciu' n me rcet'tit fore'gii news, Of Hjmuiij, 'lurk, lh Creek KiiJ Jen, Or any otlir im'.ion. 1 tu nun of iliill nehoimtic lore, 1r on Id hkc to '.'C it little mom In let-ups of Creek miJ Latin; The men hunt rather have the prica Of utr.i-rn iiul.'i and rice, Or Imi ii. ki and ntin. Another civs, I want more fin; A witty Anecdote or pit ; A rebim or a r d lle. Some I'oi lor niiiiiury news, A: il iiie 'l w oddly earnal :evifc, Wotihl rather hear a fiddle.. The critic, too, (if hic skill, 3B.nt dip in gill In gander ij'iill, And toawl Uk,-uin-t the paper, Of all the liteiari !'!&, B:- I in our rc!u cs ami schot L, He en' '.he silliiit caper. Another tri 'n, I uati'. to ito A j'iiii! Ud lip variety aric tt i" all ti.iisgt; A iet Mur.ioui liiiiljj'e poiljff" print, C-'' "M'J I i l ly gave the hint, Of tnul'ilunous snail thinp. J ai.l vine uamaf new, aj M n, U to. ViitS II J highl it kl.v, I o !'i.ir of w eiSjififfi plenty , for ia 4 tittle of general run, Mo it infer fruit ilrui jjlit, 't! pla:i, At Icj not cue in twinty. I ni t to hear f-l ikatht, t4 one, C; i - le '( v" .;' , ; - r. . A ' v . i en f .11 1 a .i ., I'j riMt r I e ih; fit' yr- 1 r.- Of r-ar.ion ki" a. ill b aicr. S?'n.e iijrt if m crct 4ih, I'.ir i.ttw an ! then a sutorr Of pehiii t wiit them ; F"t here e n t at prrfect raic, rVr "ilioi.Ul tin v uear tlie no' n chrese, W e titfur shoiiM tljpntc them. Or jjr-avtr or liimiotiron ihl or tan.e Lot' v or low 'ti all the nan.e loo l.anhtv or too humble ; An.l every editorial wijch', i -.fijHit to iu Jinl hut i t'('V, AiJ let the f,iti!iihfem grumble. i .,..: t he jci-iTiitti J l4 . Into t'J.iil, as i i -li ;va !vi rvc.!li-cvi.i.i will m:! Vc n.t. 'Mi-.: ntctl ht'l I,, v.) uiiiiii 'd "i trtt i t i tit t i'.if iM;ik, "Mit,cd and ciiuippctl I ;'i v l.tw liirci-ti," tli.tii to f ay, n'uh ! a j".ni ami tartriilt'c lnix .tt !t ;.tt. Lut, ; .',;-( tvfl hy l.r.v I'thf Uf.ht d Si itf, ''villi a '' cl life-'.cik, u ss;:.cie ;.t l.ty- on-. t, (I .i ;i'.!ih with a l)t- to con- D i-1,1:9 winner ! fhos:t tfiat l:avn?t j here any longer. You kiiow I'm &3 i,o i in 111 1 r t'i tht'tr guna ncid uoi j jjOdil as you any day. 1 can buy two itr.iw hut otil) ni.ik'i tlic mition ; it u ill j o( yuti." iloj'istiti well, uitd nave a great cbali i'hc captain behaved with great spi dt tiiitf. , tit on this ocrasion, and a rtiiart cullu- Jultrn rummer ! Very wll a.dn ! (jtiy ensued; when at length becoming Hut t!;::t v;ut,!dliave been t'one, I tiii'tk, j exa'perat d 10 the lajttlejjtte he rotind vvi'.lt j(rt.-.itcr fxpertncsu, if ytu 'iid j ly avttrted tliat soldier ought never rhirnicd the motion with a little mere tain ii' t lets" than twenty -lour stimctcr.t i il xtei i;y. iarui'1--i of I'tiuder and bail." At j -V, A, 0, w, , 'JfntMr.ftolL' Very twelve,Jubmit cne-thiid, perhaps on.-; hand'icru-ly done indeed ; put your half ol the men h itl oillti tml, and an utfi on die other bhotd.h r, entlemcu. iiisp-ttur't Htuin t.fthr number j t t 1 OrJcrJ'yJ.k! Not tpiiti: so well, gen- ent. and of their arms, would haw ; d-meu not quite altogether, but per- fctond tlitii : t capt.in; 1 lieutenant ''ps I did not 5 prak loud ( nwudi for ensign, none; lArs m.ne ; pi ate, : "u t hear me all at out e. Try once present, '.!.! ; tlu ahsenf, 50 ; ),''', ;. ""ore il you please ; I hi.pf: you will initih.iki, 12; ramr.ji!, K);ii!h ruueii-i pttient gtatkntcn, we will sooti be J 1 1 . 1 .1 ...1. es, 3; liayontti, none; r.01 sea nipt, iiu-niu. walkinc canes and umhrtllas, A little before one, the c.'pt tin, whom I shall di'jtinjiis!) bv the name of Clod pole, enve (lirrctiouti fir forming the line of parade. In o'lt-dience to thi Older, one ,f t. her.Miits, whose lutic,s had long s ipflin! the pi ice ol drum and fiiV, placed hinnell in I'ront of the house, at .1 began to b:?wl widi great velumence, " All captain Clod, pi le's company parade here ! come (icnlh.-nnn, p.irade here! and .ill you that hasn't gunb fall into tin lower , lie might have bawled till this lime w littl Rmiesi as the S) itns sunp to Ulvsu'i, had he not th.mgid hib pusi to .1 neighbr.ritig sh.ulc. '1 here he w,.s immedijifly j'limtl by all who Order, fa'Jk ! Handsomely dene, gentlemen ! very handsomely done ! and all together too, except that a few of )ou wtre a lev tic too soon, and some others a hrtlc too late. In l.i in g down your guns, gentle nun, t ike care to lay the loiks up, the other sides down. '1'entiun the whole! Ground jo'Ak ! Very well. ti'irge ticttjCiutts ! Some of the men.") Thai i.iii't be light, t.-ptain ; pray look .'liain, lur how can wc charge bayonet w itlidut our guns ? (('.upturn-J 1 don't know as to that, but I know I'm likjht, lor here 'tis pun oil in 1 hi book c, h, a, t, yes, tharge funOKi i th.,1 b riglil.lh .ts the word, ii at that time 1 ngaged either as parties or spect.it' r';, at a game ol hws, .mo tould not ju ;t then .it tend. However, in less than half an hntirthe g me was finishes!, and tn- captain mabled to Jfoim his toir.pmv i.r, I ; n.teid in tin j duties t.f the d iv. 1 Loci t) t'u- r.:. '', tnid i.''-.ot.' were then at lciv.irc ; the titers were! I kn-iu how to read; conic gentlemen, ill prav ci arge bayonet! Charge, I s.iv ! V1. don't on ih.rgc.' 1) jou thii k it ati't iff Do you think 1 have i.vcd to 1. lis lime o'day and don't know hat ilurge b yiiutis' lb re come and ie yourselves, i 's a pbin as the tios- on o. r la n p! s:ano! hah ! no! no! 1'a'uh ! I'm vvrong, 1 turned o 1 1 two Ka cs at ence, hut I beg vour non-eon notrii nid 1 flii ei j l. tetl in a ; udon, gentle men ; we will tiot stay straight lilt;-, but as e 1 ry man w..s anx- j tit long, and we'll have something to ious to see how th-; test Moo, tlio'-t - n'tiui, as soon as we have done. Come on the 4vin;M pressed bmv.iid for tlu-ibo!., get ttf the stumps and Iog- and purpese till the whole Inn- asiuned t.ike ji your guns, w c 11 soon be done ; nc to think hard of the orders of his of ficer ; and finally he went no fur as to s ty that he did not think any gentle man on that ground had any just cause to be olfendcd with him. The dispute was finally settled by the captain's fu'nd'mg lor some grog for ih ir pri !,tnt attached lu the beast fvwich had carfi ed him so far and so faithfully. Their bridles therefore were taken off, an they were turned loose, upon the beach. As they moved off, they passed some of the country horses and mares, which were feeding at a little distance. A scene ensued such as probably never before was witnessed. The Spanish horses are not mutilated, and these were sensible that they were nolongef under .any restraint of human power. A general conflict ensued, in which, retaining the discipline they had learnt, they (barged each other in squadror.n accommodation, and ncreeiut' to omit iof ten or twenty together, then closely reading the military law, as dnected j engaged, striking with their forefeet, by a late act, and alio all the military and biting and tearingcach other with moimiivres. rr;ct it two or three such j the most ferot ious rage, and trampling easy and simple ones us could be per-'over these which were braten down, formed within the compasi of the ! till the shore, in the course of a quar shade. After they had drank the ir iter of an hour, was strewn with thrr dead and disabled, rait ol Uiem had been set free on a rising ground at a distance; they no sooner heard the rour of battle than they came thunder ing down over the intermediate hedges, and catching the contagious-madnesi, plunged into the fight with equal fury, 'iuhlime as the scene wart, it was too horrible to be long conttmplfted, and l.'omana, in mtrcy, gave orders for de sinning them; but it was found too dangerous to attempt th'13 ; and after the last boats quitted the beach, the few horses that remained werr seen still engaged in the dreadful work of mutual destruction." Tiuv wire noon I v die help of the .r!v the f rm of a 4 1 st et t. ' U'hv I "k at 'tin,'' a the rp- ; tain ; " why goth men, yn are all a excuse me if ou ple.ise. .v biiijunets ! AJvume amx ! Very well done. . croi kirghere atb th cci",so that you Turn the stocks ol our gi.ns in iront , ma g 1 on me ov a .0 o eniiu, een- . out inen, anu mai w in oring 111c o;t 1 tlcnui., cns.t ! dn .' 1 his was ,.cc relii gly thme ; hut im grog and had spread themselves, they were divided into platoons. 'lention the whole! To the right wheel ! Each man faced to the right about. Why. gentlemen! I didn't mean for every man to stand still and turn him self jrfturally ight round; but when I told you to the right, I intended for ycu to wheel round to the right as it were. Please to try that again, gen tlemen ; every right hand man must stand fast, and only the other turn round, In a previous part of the exercuc it l.nd, lor the purpose of sizing, In en ntcessary to denominate every siCond person a right baud man. A very nat 1 ral consequence was, that on the pres ent occasion these rifthth..nd men main tained their position, all the interme diate ones facing abct.t as before ' A VAI.I A!I!.F. I'l.ANT. Fit met from a li-tor on the gefdoy nd p-4. ilnctioiii , rto ;!!, puLLsliC'l iii tl.c Cliai !e. ton Coiinet'. I'hc tnriffuif of Mexico, the plan Why look at m now! exclaimed fnm which is drawn the liquor called the explain, in extreme- vexation; i'II j ::h'f;et ol universal use and ctlcbrity bt darned if sou tan ur.tlttM.ud a in that country, is not a native cf l-'lo-word I say. Excuse rue, gtn'J'rr.cn, rida, but thrives as well as if it v..i.-. for it rahf seems as if you could not j It forms a plant, when full grown, rome at it exactly. In wheeling to; from five to eight feet high in tor. the right, the light hand rr.Wof the ! body, and from ten tu eighteen inchc: platoons stand fast and the other eendi'm diameter ; the leaves of it, if I may rel behind ; and hold them str ight up and down il ou t lease. Let go with 're!!ed bv the 1. r.u nv.tive ;o b, lore.'vou Kit hand and t.ke hold with our jthev soon resumed tinirh inn r figure, j liht just above the guard. Steuben ! a; (I so thev wen pi 1 tni' ud 'o 1 1 m tin. s..v s tlie gun must be held p, c, r, per j Now iith men, s ",v s thf i ai.tain, I '( Y.r yes, ou must alw ysmiedand am goir.g to carry v .1 1 r r, ,,,h t'-e 1 ;-1 h Id v . ur guns very pertie'lar. Now r 1 11 :.t t tit- m.i i.r p..rt'u 1 1 1 :; rt.si. anil I ,b vs attention tl r whole. I .r atu utioii to thr": n ! . .ctK ,ii I i;iv e 1 ! o 1 .4 ill ii .vt a lmlf ' t'i J'n:ent, urms ! Vcy handio nu ly 111 . hold the Cups e v t r t'other k 1 r ; comes round like a swingle tree; them on the outside must march faster than tl cm on the inside, and them on the in side not near so fast as them on the outside. Yu JtaTUinly understand me now gentlemen, and now please to try nut mote. In this they were somewhat more be allowed the term, for they app:ar more like huge limbs than leaves but they must be called leaves, as they are the only lungs of the plant, descend from the top to the ground, and are so thick and heavy that two or three wouW make a man's load. At the age of frc in six to eight years old, it flowers, sticces'-liu. ov spooling up a stamina nom 1... to Trillion die whole; To the Itft sixteen ftct above the plant, gurgeous- , tight that is, the liftIr:ecn ly hung w i:h fiowers, like a may-pole. Me right lejt xificcl ! ir.cn h! Just bcfoie it sends Irrth this exuuer- In u is 1 1 wa strictly obeyed, some j ante, a change in the color of the plant whet led to the right, lelt, or both wa s. ir.t'.itatrs its rear approach, when a S.op ! halt ! let us try again. I could ! bowl formed cavity is tut in the head ol lif t .if thn tell mv rigt-t hand Iromjthe plant, and a cane introducec in the inv Kit! You must excuse me, rendt-, side of it to draw t (T the liquor. I - ach 11 , s ort 01 j h ase. .'t.'d . . i.d if I hi a i'.!irr ci irori turn vour haiv.U n 1 rd Hale aid rose iht'm I itdur di.iw !n.in, it cu 1 lease ; t xperit nee m..kts ; plant yields from 50 D 150 gal'.t.r s ot ih.- - ;hi r foot baek ! Now von at ne. r- S p ttVct. as the s..irv is ; lor. gas I have ! bquor, and dies immediately altt r , but r sT IMjIAN tilt, ar'i r 'a'k if W .! nis g'ooniv s. ..c lt:e the .'tr.,1 who ' u! !o Ta .Iri A l.. tl juJ thai o'.r ri'eS Kreiin the m.!,'r,c rf the tahlr ; Wh.i learnt I.U44 tiifhth, flcilly paw I hit o;l.l a id all thai' n I', Fr.iii ti.e bumper th.a tut cn.vua In Ard ,g. it nain rcM ti.aa.u. 1) liian oiid ,'i.rpj i.h!n tl c mine, I h ru.irl hene a'.1! the vva'er, i o troth, im rt precious, ilaell. in wine, lie s-r ' nun ri. iiaiiithter ! At I lu lu- t.ui p;ie hi r clia-tlit like l.m , I '! ' In ne hk. I.iro e-hta-n hi r, M ! o dan ran, Id e Lran h r, s4 im '1 1 n -nj-'i parkliiif C nU to Mn her I t to 0 ; p tit; ! IM i)e ; go'm-t ".rr.s. I . 1 ' ..!;'utd tody il J.. vi rv wnl no. e cimli mis ;jlrvcJ, I l.nd ' mcti.irg r.ew t-. Ie..rn is succett:ed In suckers Hit in the if aitvoi v. w,gfT.t!cm ... : , ut me tight c. have in.piov.d vastlv sine I fi,,t ett: da, but ail's one lur that. Now, jrultuti to keep upaconstant succession. I ag-.in, for I mean ahfo th. b. s-.and l's.iu u ; tm are getting too .; k JrVx 'b mer. do that ni'.tir-r. e.nce n.rrr. ;1 ri juire. carried through a stnou e yoo will excise me, it you phase.; ....'; ;v ! What., charming tl.trp v is the tu !; 1 1 a non-c-mmi-sioi.rd ; lermertaticn, ot comes a liquor rr sent- t t. ,.rr 111 r crtM eatn t .ati on. tn? irihrci idtr. ot.t more spirituous, wnici ut cckdthis ttmc with f '.rr.ibir ngu-iia sought with aviditv by ail ranms of laritv. Uotietv ; in boiling and clarifying, it N'44,l)i,vs, sou must ti v to w hct I ' ft c nus a w ine ; and on distillation, Ia 5iis;i us; ain'iil iit is i e thing in Uilords a hue brandv. The ovitwarJ ' arii 'lar which I have tu rcqutsl lroat f the leaves jitlds a mrmbra- nttus substance used lcr the mar.utac- tt.re of cordage ; an inner toat gives 1 1 1 .An t on-tmng, gentlemen, 1 must can-1 to sec nun u thr g oJ disiipi ue ton v u Jgdnst, in p.trtic'hir, and th.ft Now, ger.tlt men, we tome to ihi I i' 1 11 not to iruke any mistatcs 11 you enn I possibly help it, and the best way to do j th.tr., will b to tin all the motions right J ! ... r. 1 .1 . ..'.11 -l 1 i .. . A j at hr-t, and that will also Snip us t tv pigglcty I get along Tilth lister, and we-11 try 10 have it over as soon as nos-oble. clutiint but, lord, mrn, you h.n t gi t nil in a sort rf a snxtl, as 1 ni. v av ; 1 11. . 11 . 1 1 , now oiu you get an into such a u.ggu -1 et v Conic, bovs, come J'J.,r. fnli: C'.ci.ftol, I i.Lc. i.i'r A'.;.-;..';t: I rrrcili tt r 1 1 a slitjuh I he fact was. the shade haJ mrwrJl)' Id'tUnuo, ,ul ii.u this, not to 1, iih r'il.lv in it,- , ,..ivr-.r.l ,.,,l u n ri 1 ia. k e iiTi blunder in oi.r whceliiic. ex osetl the li-ht w it '- of these hanh 1 ' ,u "a,, i";!-d and keep at wheeling ' a finer substatne for clothing ; and the- hardsonuh done. vet; r.tns to a g.dlii-2 ! rr of the r.ua. lh ing but pooriy pr-vidrd j t ! om- ihreu.is at this tnd cf the line, thev !.c:rtriJ'c.'. w toat 'irinrt ten ' no ; l ire .' lutiud it coin t nient to fellow the shade, distance, nil not tail in the rank-., nor eternal part ol the le d is an article rl get out of sie ai;ain ; lor I want you J focd. So that this productive plant, to do this no uon will, and not to regarded by the .Mexicans as oneel make any blunder now. the most beautiful rifts of nature, al us next ! and in hi hlhnp- U die h it f, r thi , pur-! Tcntic n the whole ! Ihj dh-h.hv to lords them cider, wine, brandy, cor- o.ifS, tioining, locu ami no i. i n m to takin aim, according to LuciiLea ; j pu:.e had changtd the ligurc ol tli-ir t ': rizl.i w'ncl .' V'f'i ; .' !mt with your permiv.if.n, gntkmrn, I'll r the w. rdsj ist t nt!v as the are printed in the hook, anil then I shall he righ O yes! read it, (exclaimed 20 J x .i. ... .. t . vvi' i i ;i-'ri.i,i4'l.'l ,,iti .i. .nut. bre from that of a crei.tnt to one In doit this, it fumed as if bed- which more nearly i csembicd a pi.irof hm hv 'Tn I'se evciv roan tor. n,,i linrlt ' Ithe rrmmand : Net so last on the 12 to 15,(x;() mulc;i are daiiy cmplowd m supplying the city of Mexico, frrm the surrcundirg plantations, with pul- Co.n rt: ntlemen, (says the cap ht ! Slow, now. Haul down them 'que, which is the liquor in a cidtrous Itain.) srr i i vourselvcs outaciin ir.:oiun'!)r'''ni' l;at' r on the lilt ! Keep i state. Great estates are held in that " I ' ' '"!i i . i!..i . a. ..i' iv i .i ... 1 1 !..l' -i..r...i 1 ' i .ia,.,.. ,.. in, .... ,i,i .... .... ,i ... , a,. i.tii .1 c i tic nunicrovu so ,r lurarv m in s a i c r o luiiuri. i observe, gentlemen, that at the woid ! w luihn;-, and other matters as scon 1 11 ,,d lT vour Pun- Slow ! lu faster is in the fiov.crirgof this plant, in a ftrr von mu't fire, that if any o as possible." jtberc! taster ! Who trcd on my degenerate state, in colder climates, fvour guiia arc Lad, n!, om must not ! Hut this was -tren.nu--Iv epposcci lv ! ! our ll,u's ' Keep back ! Stop us, j tint we r,e deceived by supposing r i shoot in ,,r,.ni, st. but nnlv make ore. 1 the sol !:. rs. 11,,.,- .i.-.'tr-d tu Min-'capis-. tl(J st'"P " ' 'stir t-'ere f;the that Howcrs once in a cri.tt.ry . I he ! vvrii'rii ii v. , u h . I ni't Tin 4i e.i ti t Minis ii I 'h.v. H i; Mji'iitc ici e of leaiiinr vi as i i 'i i4 1 n i! ri J'-j. id " .. - m.p'v (.'ori'ia. ft vi.mlir.t nidi. i the Monitor, ahout ten or lil'ti hi r.ii ! ke ln-in n print, d in tii.uiv of 'he j ;. c. i :, ; k-. ai i a i eoui,'i 4 an 1 i,i I. hi; Ian, I , .X, ; , I:, t . ' '. PC . ! Ill i would have h- en v",' tie, 'if mi ii nl'tit ioiu ;! ii. st- ad ol siu ttili ; pan ; !)' V Oil W I'llt I'Otit ill!'. N , tcr.ee l'.'.e, andou gentlemen fellow j into tln-si rrf;.'.7.'; at I, in js nun ii i I've lost tr.v shoe! Get up again, Ned! this f.owirsiii i ight or ten ears in such. ! soldiers w ho's armed w it!, no:hinr but ! a i tor r oh r was , xircmely h"t, they 1,;,!t ' R ,u!c- i 1 "mates, and is n.it perhaps of the alu . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . - - . f ..... i ..... i .i . i - i-m... ...-..!..:. . .i . r -i. . stuk,. r.i.ir.csA itches, m mm stalks. I alrt..dv had been kpt in the held tip- su I' ; " 1 )" !"" 5 " lv P'ioifces mn oi tue loetdtit t', t. rcg'i the I. inn' p vuirstlvt s to voursi !v, s. V. rv t.tll d i .S I . . . . ? . . : r -i. OVU " II 111 Ol 'IIIV 4 llllll 11 I 1 Ol lj Ul j hey reminded the captain of bis rr-' mii ", c i: r. tan 1, hi i n r.u:i'ated : t I nr. .' I I. ad i'toniin' to he :-. short as he p iv i r.'i.id. Mid it as you stop . 4 liy tins time they hat! got into utter and itn xtricalle confuniup, and so I clear he muld ! ,c,t ihcm. timothy cuahsu au. I r. i.. a. ii.f.i.iii ami 4 it oie an iwr I as o i n n: n i il ii- miimhi i iia- ii . i it i v i.iii i " ; hi i m,i the Sa"...iai.ih mi rto , Cal'tr. ell .with all th nu ll same v u i i hose. Thev weie dinr :.ri'-;,.co i WAit liriKSI.S. nauseous bitter nor cathartic qualities Ct tile aiOCS WC ait- uveuairitcd w. ;.u J.ougivi:;; '"the ;r.4c. A licr--r . the pri'pt ity of the-Compar.y c f Pro pticloise! the Mtrey and Irwt'd Na tl.it Kko .V..-I. ran . .vM i i . ;,r.t m, j , 'fn'.ioii t ii ) that m 'lion , !v ei iv tldrs'v. and if I.r would ' l'r-.ni Sii'iOirvMlistKrv ol the IVnh.vi'ar Yv ;,v, i ligation, was lattlv freed Irom furthi: V. ;..iss tlum.thcy dcclired thev " 'i'isX i'l-lt'l. I labour, and sent t grnc away the re- ! ii. . tT tiit'imi- 4 .!irn''.irn nml I Two t l the tentnitllts wllltll l;ul maiiuler I his d,l S' I lls t.llth Ul go ol i TN D.ur sit i . ti ca; t. iii' ' lit i M ItIA Ml Mfir. in rrrt i un ;i. 'i I'll IT' l I 1.1 ! rr (.'Ml t.-at , 1 V t l i; v O'l I ;i..ppi tu a not loco e pt sent at i!k ir.u.vtt r of lo.T.pary m a rer.u-tc p.u t r t ' o!. 1 1., i he counties, and 104 i;o , vrrv v.-i . o 1 d ( U' .rr.l it v. oh ; ' i ei - ' 1 t 1 1 v :;n . r r i : ., t ' ::i o'"i oh 4 ol :!it sit hitvin.ei.is ol tl:v o.a, I ,' crtri iii' ti iprovr ,fiiif hii'plv. ' .' I'l ettv w t 11 1 o- o.d itwronk! ( :i.! I irem -.' i t ib- cattii.l;: m.t o! our r.i! b;: oi: ih in ; ,t v. iii t.'.t rr Ji i. n thing to diink. slid lie itsi-bt i bt 1 p quaitcred in fimi n wen e.iv air;. ,' serv ant died this r.tonth, at an ngf dm am 'mourt'.d cn fine h..ck lor-g tailed An- which has seldom hem recorded cf .1 It v. as ini' lac'ic. ble ,' ho.-oc : he was m his fJd year. to il t.'i .t iht v v eri; v. (!;!.! do ,i., oe to pay t:ieir t g.v with nt drink to p'e ;av, H.t.osiai, a 1 st s , to bi iii'' oil' ;! esc hor scs. ut 1KH) in '. ' uuld 'i' t ',; n witr nt urink to poessr . hod ; and they swore tin y would 'tmtidcr; and lvoman.i was no: a nun v. r vote for another captain who 1 w'n o iruM nh r them to be tli s'roved I Lnglish paper. llishon Tav lor once said to a lady vv!is 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . .1. ... 1 ..1 1 1 11 . .1. . 1... -.1. . 1 . . . . . . r . :. . o m 'i t oc so uni tasonaoiv vti ict. ; u se tin y su .11.11 1.01 ino ioe imhus i'i , riruierti u tue rttueation ot ncr fon, " Aia On. el' t't" na n was so iiisiihi.t a-, to , t -t- Fn rth: he was fond of horses !..tn. if von !on'l rill vour child's head ; :.v.!. i-.-t, " l'il not be dragged abaut ! liitr.iill, ur.tl krew thattviry una nasi -with iomcdl.ing, the d"vil will."

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