w.BwmM .M IV. l! Mnt. ii w.i,ern. To ut friend. Si4 hru!.l he UA.kthVf.! !?V prion cf Hw pufip.. GmmtTfte. Clc.tcd oy a tnili tm.i .r it. !......... u ,f?t', 10 " - tlrrn km! (tar.!. .....I-, k - ' i . . Tl JW ! been, With the Ur.rrl saJ LJkU branch., of e.I,;e.tK,V J l.h tmnar, rilbmrtic a,l rtOLrraphr rbiiovnrihr. AatnmiMn. I ,-:.. trt,.-. .. tUr ratcoi 11 km t . 7 " . V th naf at utillta U .k. . - -"" t J"1 .' kept In iw, iAn,;re : TIIKinL InifimiMii. 1: .... ... ... ' t ,,Up,,, r,:7 V. imiVK! ma In f, .. T wi.Hi.min. in u nr. l.t il - r- J" Piluf tkailiuuon r,fr, will be fc.. i.n! ' tU . .... . . ? ' ,rT w'" y.614 r If X V'" r "ition. to biro. K m. n, f,Il 1 im' ii- i..- "'" "Pproved minmin burat, l7' w aeui, Park Fort M Pro'r:" ?f de py.kc L "' "15 -miW Mre,VJ.JJ hlu . Lb!ieB, pn"red ' ,0 bich h P"pil ? Ceornpbr X .. ' ,aCI"ta,te ,1r f Tone Wi,fbtr ... " - 7 - eoiiectmn of w h...T"Z rr;Vmn"9 . ... .r.'urr ' -i. " . "iK have hecn nrorklcd. '".IMrM Mition Will be vr..:, SL" ! ". into tba h.l. of .edtoacT. l- h. k co a- J",V'AN OTIH PHEEMA.V l1 ttnl a. County, mad - thi n.i;iu trrm . CtitmbertL Georra ow .n,t ,:r. ik nrnan xaA wife, .Uitil!owui(r vahiabl Undi will be expoa.4 to MWAalr, at the Court llon-e in Sal-Bury, on Jtu& tU S4lli iU of June Onetract coiitaininr x hundred and forty acrea, W oa both aidW Cran Creek, raH. d the Sr ita trtct Th1 bod wf Um, lata about tr U from Vliabun , and Lm up on it art iccWnt dwelli houae, where the Y? MWt? Cmbl n an.l after him John Chamber.. .t haa allhe ntceawry out. houaea, alablea, lik Convejjont lothe dwell inr it ahouw ,forcanjf AAmng b,lsi. neu. There .a ilsok,,, tnJ pro,luctive mea. dowm eaccllent orde nfa most XtUMt eiUblnhment .ituated fhi, trtlCt Jurrf. 1 hta tannery un.tai inntogn as any in the state. It h number of at.in eiceUcnUrder i Jl.BMlK, wctni11 frrrwnwK atrnwhmjrlrj-,-lTl---j preaervinr the bark i a houi i-mw,,,- on thc ahoe-makinp business. Sec. i barVv ,jwtVi be obtained at thia e.tahlishmrnt in HUgiiantitiet, and on very reasmmble terms ; anere j yrava ready aa, for the leather. . One tract, of ab mt forty acres, Von it north aide of Crane creek, adjoininj tliSBp,;,, Uill tract. "X One tract, containing about twenty aefV jy inij u the main road lending from talisbiiV:. the Trading frd, about one mile from Kababi One tract, containinir one hundred and thirfJof fivt acres, lyinfr aliout tliree miles from Saliabu - iants rv, a ljonntiir tne land ot m. Snntn, itenrv J i .7 . ! j .. :.u ...i lern, ann iniien. inn unu u covi-ito n i on account of iU vicinity to aevend saw-mills. j -i. . . -i .e i r.. I saw-mills. iity. which w ill led-tract'ftr" n it, iiie sen i turn nm a Tcrj jjtuii ijui One tract of six-tenths m an acre. be sold with the liwt above. ujcntipned-traCt i ia vilnahlr fnr ati frfili-nl. aorinc on it. (hie. other tract, nf one hundred three an inaa vjuljoinin)r. tbfvwu. JjtfMJtf. ! Ilemlieiiian V fibe timber'on thii'tracrM valuable, - bemj ao convenient to the said mills. The conditions of the tale ia, a crwlit of twelve months for one half of the purchase money, and of eighteen months for the other half. Bonds with aftiiruyJ aeiaurilira will be remiiredi . GEO. LOCKE, C. M. E. 7vvt58 Jfty4,-1833(, Sign, Coaca anA Uqust GEO. MT. GRIMES U-gs leave to inform the citixens of Salisbury, and the surrounding rountrv, that he still continues to execute all kinds of hnuscj, wjcoaeh and ornamental Tainting." Having 'procured 'aiTimple tvipply of matenals, and hiving, for a number of yefrs -jKt;deyoted almost lua n'-holie" attention to ac (uire a competent knowledge of this branch of business, fa feeb) confident efbeinp abh to give atisfaction to those who may be pleased to fa vor liim witk ordrralri the show line. Gildtntr y .and Glaring wWl ftlo-be executed ih a neat .man. tier, ami on reasonable tf-K s. He ubo lecpt n hand, for Mle, copal and Japan Farnittu Vante.1, u an apprentice to the above busU iPV ness, one or two lids, from 15 to 15 year of age, Ik. . . - tj-.. a t ' a.. ot treaay ana tnaustrious nauus; to wnom, u they prove themselves deses vinj of it, a good chance will be given. : IHO. "W W W. ..... I TVT1 t T tf.Me in Salisbury, anil p.'4!rr,vc. wj"n in in,n , fS. d .firs l f. Ut hm na.il atlirn ll.a - 1 .it i ' . m amwn'in v HW Hilt Lfut tmu.it tut - . - . : it do y,n fnt!m prrMi ii vtll a.uinlrd .ti. Am CrrUlnlv raiiki .H. D,. U I.-. trainrj on Jh Ha'!gfy uff, inf b,, , running h.. aince tl.rsr r.r. oil. D.innf Una t'nir. Ike hit n ' r.r. il . : " - . Mm Sa tuMui'.fiit Vv k'- 1 i i InrH, l or mnmiUr power. a,..i tlrraiK-t , . Thin urt a frw rr.li. rmn. n: . ...i . mry arc the pMilurr nf comm'Mi inarrt, thry ar flOil.l tif ir. form ami .. 1 Kt Hh liaa alrruiv rm,m.....,l .. .I ,;J Suflur.. ,r,tm 1 f tan i ,i, , UDLO.V. t - fF"E ",,.,cr',, '"C p.ircl.a- -Mxi from k.T. ! OY, VU 1 a. ara luun.och ailmirtd Morar i formcro ner. Ur hli.. i , ; -....., nm ii inr riinii continu. b,m at thr .,!, k ' I j , reimctton in price arrma to b callril for by the muni i.-.. . - , i 'i (i.iitani inc dollar, (o ina.tr. An; gentlrman puttinr Cv, mrct, w mow, tAall L a drduciwr, o on racn,irom Ihr abore prier lh nb. jcrjbrr borua, from thia deduction in ,r.ca, that ' jiu.ica mtTna, JNO. K. PHIFEB. t(T all J at.it-a "-iM.i.ii.nT.iv, f.. j-' . .rr-i"" '"e uki mop rwf,enl.D'r, u,"ir- on lin-atrcc .her, he u ' " 'lu tooli. to .ii t 5"T UBU " tool,torrpair!lkii)diof . He assures ail who m f.rn. iv. .t I riod a ttylt? a at any other ihop In this p.rt of the 'country. All kindaof old Jewtlry repaired. and tme kinds nuuie. Jobs of errry dcacription i nil bne of buaunvaa. w'.ll k. i..-i-...i ? , v u, ,rlr worll w,tU elenitt(J jn M ,mA m. ...i T" " L . "7 "-ceiven, V-vintT their work u IMthlulIj rtuikto 'retnrwd. aiihuh t). - returned, as tlwMh lliry werejreent.,.1jind tnfy the old ettabhJie J Sarisbury pricc charired. daauri. .iuf 1944. . -'4t'6b State of Xort-CiToViia, klaCRLCNtUROCOVNTT. - aTlOUHT of I'Uaa and Quarter Beaaiona. P. K. J niarT Term. 1823 t'rraiflent anil Iliiwrl.iM or me nani: oi Newbem ti. John Siracaon, jr. irr. An. i.cviea in trie narxlsof Othn.cl Ste art. It aDDeariniT to the latiifuf tion nf the ri.urt Ih.l the defendant it not an inhabitant of this state: It is then lure Onkrrd, that publication be made six weeks succewirely in the Western Carolj. nian, that the defendant be tnd appear at our next Court to be held for the count v nf iwkr. I lenbtirg', at the Court-House in Charlotte, on wie(iounn Monuay in May next, then a ad there Plead mi Jemuror Judsnwot.wUlboBteiBd against Linj aecwxiin to the plamtifts' demand. ISAAC ALEXANDER, CMC. 'tnt'SR. Price adv. g. State of Xorl-CaroVna, alOlTRT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions !nng j J Term, 1823. Samuel Chunn vi. Pavid Ko-t-ers, Alexander Ropers, and John Ror,....... 7. , .,..,..,1 Inrk mmninnrd as t girnishee, ike. It appearing to the satifaction the Court, that the defendants are not inhab- put publication be maue iorf !k . .i r'.wl'm'i.n fnr III neten. A publication be made fur six weeks sncces- tiv m hic lunun v..- to appear at tne next vwin w . -he held for the county of B'in,(be tt lhe Court-House in Athville, on the fit ..., :n iniw n.Tt. then and there to u,,nVbe, at the Court-House m Ashv.lle, on ,he HMwduy in July next, then and there to replevjtod plead, or demur, or judgment final ttteTered ; against theWH agreeably to the 'l"l'flikmau!L.:. . . , S'tXES COUNTY. COVUT of Efy, April 1 eni., 1323. J'ncob Fola and Be wife, Jacob Snider and fiarah his wife, Johthrock and Caty his wife, Zimmerman, Kosinatitjmmerman widow ot Jonn Zimmerman, ten. deccied, rhristian Hanesand Henry Shore, executoaNpf aaid John Kmmer man,aen. deceased, w.fhn Zimmerman and Vhilin 7iminennn: OriiI bill. nra.in&r that the real estate of John .Ziimcrmhn, sen, decea sed, shouUpe sold. Happening to tne satisiac tion of the Court that John at Philip Zimmer man, the defendants in tb.it ca. do not reside wityA the-limkaof thia Statef deretl, that publication be.ma4ekba Wcstera CaroLwatK nripted at SaBsburyr 0 lintearHiBr said defeniLnts annear at the neU Court of Ecjuitv to be holden for the County b StoVes; a ure VUH-lWJt III V. t.i....., Monday after the fourth Monday in September . . i -1...I ,i k Kti tn nexi, anu piciau ai.avrer ui uciuui, be taken pro confeuo RffainHt them and tht.caje heard ex parte. Copy from minutes, ! Test JOHN C. J5I.UM, t-V.H. Z, JlprO, 1933.-. . . 6vrt'57 A C Diiatales' "' AitteVmeut T?QR tale at the -office of the Carolinian ; and, JJ - flso. Constablet Caoiases." BMMfc of 3. A. Vtarson. 4 T ifiy Tms i4an rt.nfy nwi' - w - v 1 VI KMflllf t . U.a All PtTm I,, t bfr.! fa a. t a-., autai -: rff wt rii iirf uVv' 1 " " Mir i irm im rv T a .n t ,T f . . . ....,., ,.rTirM.Vi ov ww.iif .... iwi ' - at FirtiT VnWer . nrilXb at Vwk.OU Jir, h ail ttihinf.. u IS i . .. ,.i u it.:, i r - - -I n -m'Ti'iini i i ncu. (tna aale to eotiiumr f ,(., i,. .i... Prwinai prinjirrty trlnf.i; to ti f,.,,, Jraan At, l'rar.n( roit..t,(1r if a lar- a I ...... . . '"Tfi ..rn.uijr Min,,ia, ho. ami kiicJ.cu turm. Cirr, arvl nniii ot'irr ari.rl-. Alvi. at 1 dr ar tin.. .! ..I.. - :n i irrrrt fur lr, a iiiiii.bf of taJuajlc Li.Ur. II v..,nif i nu n, Mnn, Ix.vt ami r'k Trrrna uf credit, ate mil IM 1(1 . 1.. L . .1.1 . , ' "wn wn u. uaja Of aair. A. ,N Elt I T. a.r Catawba .Vacation ' 4 CENKIIAI. mrrlinr of ti.r it.x-kboMcra of i tn North Can.lliif l-.i.k. I ; ...Tan, , n rt.j.i.r.Hl at t!ir Co.,rt H.iu it. .!wn- i., -'"f sT iiraiiifii i coln.on, on the J(h !ay oi Juut ant, .t ahid, .yu u.arr an CM-dHiq will Uc lirld for I'lrt- ."-, ana u.rectora ut a,J crui,uv, an.t other Dllft ha! faf imnrf ... .1 V . ' . . w. flilMJI laiKC III Ilil 1 11 T a uf .B M.k company .H be trmnaacte.L AU tl..Hii,trrr ifi ar. requcttrd to att.ivi. Hv order of the DINCAV CAMrilr.M, 7Vr.rrr. ImnA for fttp,. IWII.I. mIJ, on 71nira., the 28th it AtifUat nut, on the rrrn.iart in It itar of i.,i. n County, oa Hun. no -.b . ,i..ai. . . . .. ii.uic in.li ij una. containing .177 ...ti ........ ... u..urw, corn, cotton, toljaico, and rii. All fentlemen wantinr to p.irdiaae, 3 f.j Ifcntlcmcn wantinr to nuroW. rcconimrnda- n, .nu woumaoueii to ctn.a an. I look nil,. and look at tJir lnd before the day of al,-, 1 am drterm nca i.l - WCV neXT l. Pl"l.,litv fcivkiiiijn tnere nuy he a bfcrjaia htl in this f.rt.em .. .... - - . . . Myl, 18?5. - -3ii7f --- A. Ml If I If I I Cotton atvw ti., . :.XTT.n. I J htcr rwctf.y .nforms I i t ,nd the PaW,e naw , Warooda.ionlrr.frri.rrH.:. rit.. i.... ... v ... - " SnSr LYr aorkmanhke style. People in . j fawavai aljaeent Crtnntlei, whO'Viah to purchase (".ins, are invited to call and examine Lr il.n U.. aa a number wUl be kept constantly on hand, fcr aaie. OunSmUlnx. The tubacriber will also cam on the Ihiihi oi nne maainjrana stocimg, repairin, fcc. Door oGka.-aml loeka. of all tiew-nntmi.i u IM be carefully repaired, on .rasonable terms, and ai anon notice, i tie tnosenber will partiruiHr ly attend himself to stocking riies and guns, fcr. A liberal price will be paid fir '25 or 3 ) curl .1 maple riflle atocka, delivered W the suSacnhcr's ....... f oop. on main-arreet. a lew tibora r.i imn Court-House, in Salisbury. S A Ml F.I. FRALEY. Jf.ircA 24, 183.3. -Windsor Chair Mnkirr THE subscribers respcclMly inform their friends, and the Dublic at artre. that tiiev have associated, under the ft-in of C.nmn tj Caafter. for the Durnoae of eam-inr on tin. .!... busineas in all its branchmi. Thev are U'l-fl niv. pared to make all kinds of Windsor and Fancy w i alun? ele ?atTT "Cliai rar tw- e 1 1 re-, r .. -. . on having them as elegantly mule at the shop of lhe subscribers, as at any other in thc State. .... 1 . aj.tfrMi.rilt Old chairs ami acuecs repaircu, . "- rate, and on short notice. The subscribers are also completely prepared, with a good stock of timber, to make all kinds ot JWrtr-A.at from 3 togas. lalM'. . tii av i .39 JOHN COOI'Elt. ! 1A e V. pt t fthuWC 1 it T TAKE this method to inform my friends. L and the public at Urge; tnt i now oceu .1... 1,n.ia wherein Cant. Jacob Knder formerl Kktiand.wntcnn MrJ I tial Holinesi K'flTa.lrten,:!?,-lHT of i, as a pupae iimiw i i am Wkl " I stab esattacntfoioecK......". - alwavt be wen aKieau-, -r--- finlder and grain. A few harden will be taken, alwayt be well on moderate terms. as pnwuv i - - - ki:..v,mMt uliii li shall j'Ulujeia-a.goQL5torc-r"w nace.i house, which will be rented n-oni -1st of May, or perhaps longer, or for any i inter mediate term. 'f;'?'iUin' Satitbuiy, Mam 17, tgjo. Twent YioWars T11N AWAY from whe sub- IB twriKpF. nn the 24th inst. his fiegro fellow, named StEVENt ',Tte:irmielitlW"8JHnT ;'CtfWBT5tw-- -aT?W' 3 i . .1. muA limierfore ....v. A'fivA- aunnosed to have ki..a i;.i.f.ir root, iiem bhit pantalooni s of Wilson, who said he Wight him me name oi wfn, c. from a Mr. Culcman. near. naiiviUe, V Carolina Said negro nas IZZTZZ: tZ u t neieliborbooo, ana win, oi wi . i place. Any person taking up aftd confimng taid negro many jail, so that me vw,.; shall receive the above reward, with all laaful lexnenset Baw. a-e" ."- " knet nffiee. s. C. will bc'thankfully recek-a cj V StiSr W. BAHHOW H23, 'UM7 A.liillA r.ifl. l.n ft.. ..h... IT,., I tflmr'a UIm.1 if. i . . ..- . lr , v, i,, H k.JI.jI , Pvttro.,, "1 tp"cmut!c f. (W t a ui. i iriin urn u ! m i tint art butt) l .U.Al.t, , cl atwl 1 i i r u Kure to the aiaiiaioiij of tl, bV nnrn iit(.i.i Innocrnce aarendt. Home angel brMer than the rtf Ibe ajHHh as spirit's filgM attend.; lurir .i. f h1 Oa WH.fr f etstaer ty rite Ueyoiid where aorl.! n.airriJ roll. Till KMiie r. i urf.. .j ,k. .i Heccivei the unrjolL.t.,1 .h.I TI.ere .1 th' Alm'u) ri!n r's band, Nearrsi the throne of Ij.ine liht. 1 be ch.Mr, f infant serap'a aaiid, AiuJ utLi al.ior, whm alt are brit. Chaiii'd for a dreary IcngtS of ye art ion td these elrmrtits below. Some stain tha strJx.rn t-ilnt .-. ' " Extracted frm this world of o. 11.at unet.mjrui.luble beam. With dnat onitarl at t.'.k fcbedsTniarr dandie.or'd gleam. The more it lingers on this earth. Cls'! in thia dark .hn l. ,.f .1.. . - - .' I he,strram of glory f4.nfy burin Nor unobacur'd the lucid ray. To its own native foynt reiurus. Dot when th.fl ord of mortal hreaOi nerrces luabminty t resuri.e. And point Hie silent shaft of death, Which speeds an infant to the torab i Ko passion fU-re; nlpw dcalre, Has piencbed the radiarfre of (he flame : Hack to its Uod the living fire Reverts, unclouded as it came, t Oh Mary ! be that s Jaee thinr ; . . Let hope her healing tharm impart. And soothe with melodies alivine 1 he anguish of a motbera heart. (Mi think the darlings of thy love, Oieted of this arthlv clod, 171 w Q MOiiiroytm.n'imui (Jf their short' pilgrimage on earth 8tiH tender intagea remain j Still, atill they bless thee for tlieir birth, Still filial gratitude retain. The day of pain, the nightaof cire, lhe bosom's agoniiiiig stnl' Tlie pangi. which thot for ihem didat bear, No ! they forget them not with life. Scarce eould their germing thought conceive, While in this vale of tears they dwelt, Scarce tlieir fond sympathy relieve The sufPrance thou for them hast felt. But there the toul's perennial Sower Expand in never fdirjp Mown i'v Spurns at the grave's poor transient hour, And shoots immortal from the tomb. No weak unfnrm'd idea there Tods, the mere promise of a mind; 1 be tide of intellect flows clear. I II II S I 1 i iii That wrung for them the parent breast, DweHs or. remembrances in the sky, . Amid the rapturet of the blest. O'er thee with looks of love they bend, For thee the Lord of life implore t, And oft from sainted bliss descend, Thy wounded quiet to pVstore. Oft in the etillnesi of the night, . They amooth llve pillowjor thy bed $, 6ft till the morn't returning light - -Stitt watchful hover Vr Uiy:bed., ... Calirt the perturbed heart to joy,; And bid the streaming sorrow cease. Then dry henceforth the bitter tear, v Thou wert lAeir guardian angel here, They guardian angels now to thee. The follow beir pan ana nunc nn.i .. 1 1 ing anecdote was sent by a young lady . ur invr. whose name was Nott, a JLSC vw - lefore tkeir noajriaee.?-- I V yi a,vaw . - - 4a.. The "twpttal knot was tieo aonn i n the discerning love decypjered its import. . Why urge, dear tif, a "bashful maid To change a tingle lot i When well yoii know l'v often taid. In truth, 1 love you, Nott. Sot all your pain, I do, Nott, care, v And trust me, on my life, Though you have millions, I declare 1 would, Nett, be -your wife,. . , -"Tk UUL r" JV-r . Who Ii Alc4n ietrf Li ;.i 5 ,f.l.. ; rrr.Jcncef i';uiai Wfy lt fr. ; ci fcf ABttf'u ? Why, ibrtt i,n, s". aj-. .. . : . t- . . ' . . ! '7 :7'.'i.,VSi '- 'vi. :bJcr, FreJer-r ! J-VnrtMi, "thtti tntn ti .thJlow p4lrar trivrn? -'tinr1.--f, n o mert and detf rminf i.ri.J !i ihia iilrful bein rrquntrd'ot d it, the (ate and conJiiion of ifcrfionif pie optjrti hivn no rigM, vhn hav. in? b.nJa cf ractfirBuSna Lt .iheli httfl'coniliiutfi iith rijhriho c!ar,.iiin pf which t6uldafloakck, iiig them clT iJtc'itage on J.ich ihty are aitiug io iliglcioui p,-J, Tour Prirtti. the firatti fttsmin Catholic, the arcund an F.rsei D.lian. (he third a Prtibvtcriart and ibe fourth Uaptiit. atirt tu Jnat LDoa i.' fun. W ithout rrrr fKa Itnmaa (Cnhrilic hrtprd himitlMO trtird , of tilt) fuh. comnr. hrfl!rMr ika iSrurl ard trr4Vclv rxr-Limprf Pahtrti etu pttt coclnie Hi. P..p-f lh- head cf . tuol another third? OJ the b. torn. - . prthtrtdins thir taiL ob.etintr Firth , . ' j - 9 coronal oflnti' Tne end crown ibe ik. i Pretbj tf riiin next helped limtcif to the rcnairuler. eiclaiitiiBg, i mrdt9 rot vrri tat. i Itwh lira bet ween rx.remra.j 1 he modtlt Bip- lUt being left witi.out any thinj to e4t, took up a dith af drawn buttsrr. uud apljshcd it over his companiona, vtci i . r.. . i . . . r. i i .imiiiij, oupuzo vci; II uzr yen. 1 Ancient Manvtcrfyu. A few of tie" Manuscriptt recently lound at Ditroit. tuincrbren loraarrird in VV..k n rtn City, and on examination by the Pro icaai.ri of the College in (itorpetflwa. 14 tw iwr .ri saw ""as. -"ia are ascirtaiord to be written in rtA, ' truly cUtlical. with the txceniian I tome fault in the onhoajjfcyT-TKl aubjcct.it chiefly ercleiiaitieal, ",""r " me ra-ouscrtpii are auDDOaed to havr .. OIL OP BALSAM OP GILEAD, :- mw rraia. This excellent family oil. whirl should be kept in every house, is mad in thc frlloring titnplc manner. Pv ' 1 ostiy into a bottle ot any size, a many balms of gilead floweri as wiL rtrach to about one third part of it, hnghth, then neatly fill up the" bottle with good awett oil; and after ahak. ing it a little occasionally. nd letting it infuse a clay r.r two. it is fit for use. It must be very closely stopped, and will then obrooly keep for) -car pbur'1 oe tne Dctter lor keeping. When it is about half used, ihe bottle may again be fillctl up with oil, and well shaken; ind in two r three days, it will be .u good is the first. The most alarm- : r nittt i f ihi akin wlir1 d in a lew da4 I iJiIv- run n !V,V"-V. . , ' . . times in a lew hours, ov n-n incump r..ble oil.-A'ew England farmer. ARDENT SPIRITS. An aMoc'iatu n has been formed in Up)r Freehold, Monmouth county, N. J. to check, 'Dy precept ana -...-" ih.- immoderate use nf ardent li quors. This is - a tn.at praise wor thy - attempt to suppress a growi. a .,ki.9 m,n bv the name of HtRftY r.i..,.s. ard about -22 tears, aoidtive ol fljlrimfff i jnmpf d overbourd from a boat at the wharf, on the 30th uit. m a tit of intoxication, ana was arowncn a. U. ttk tmt ' LET 'EMALOXE!" On the 1st inst. a man of1 temperate a at . . habits, in Queensbury, Warren com uy, at and killed: one of bis neignoorsv wlu J-.,- ir-.-a- :J... -.:,t-rwJ-ilsr'V;iaiVa1 had aiior tiy oe tore lnancreu ... .-r" quarrel between him and bis wife. v BOSTON. MT It is saulsome tnow sttll remtiined h ; the interior :of ew.IIampWttj. H fc day since ;;- J " A vessel that was on vapo .vwu Monday, last week, had her deik cot. ered with snow to the depth of three in ches. Tallai. ;:'"' V

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