t t a w u 0) VIM ir "II 'r ' i. , !iy' vm.. AV. jPlV ' Hull Jh-).'J, I1.'3. - At Ifct strsnss of tun r(Wlinieiit av " fcrfinninj to bear rtllxr an lmcr ratio to the , rttrijto, the CJiitfr U rm,p( JU-.I to ak-pt nunc . jiUajhat promises a bttur rewsrd fur bi Ulop lfitoreTljojJmce m tuts fcBcc,liUio, ha been too tirtlrM, , 1'spcrs Lay b - M I gTcl aaeey are wnknown to the Mltvr", aether personally of by report tbef pay gl 50 . ia advance l end It seems that U !1 msny of them ever (ptand to pay, after receiving tbe psper one, t wp, and thrtt year. In future, the term of the Western CsroEiiia win be u follows i Thru dolLm I ijeaf, payablcyearly U advance. Every paper scat at -Laane, wdl bf dieo tlnued after the time bai aspired fur which It . hat been paid fur, unlets the subscriber! known t be good In the latter ease, the paper will be . eent until paid for tna oMerHi to be etopt Advertisements ill be Inserted at fifty cent per square fur (he Int Insertion, and twenty-fire centi fur each subsequent one. Advertisements fivra a distance mue be paid for, or their pay raent assumed by a responsible person, before they can be fmblUlied. - AH letters aMrest N the Wltor. wmt be fm-paid, or they will nof be attended to. .-. y. PII1LO WHITE. Vevt Arrangement. , THE public are retpectfully irformcd, that the Mmantttt Run tin which has been for a number of tears transacted by Djnitl Crews sen. of SlliJwry, will in f uture be con ducted by me, in the same b lldinjf i where ev. cry necessary attention aiw particularity will be given, to render satisfaction to those w bo may please to favor me with their custom. F.DWARI) CRESS. SaUttvry, Mart A 28, IHU.'Vxt Tbe Coppersmithing, and Tin Plate business, heretofore transacted by I). Cress, sen. will in future be conducted by me, at the same place. Those who favor me ith their custom, may de prnd on hat ing their work done with neatness, durability and despatch. : MtfU. EDWARD CRESS. SnteAsborn1 liota & Lands FOR RALE. O ,N the twenty -4bird dy of June neit, on the premises m ttie Town of Hnccdsborooirh, ttjIddeirneaTZKJUsr'ardleveraT tracts of Land, the prupcrtv ot the ne-dtboro' Town Company. Six and twelve months eredit will be given, and bond and security required of the purciusers. . JOHN JUVfl, - HIRAM JENNINGS, HIGH M'KENZIE. Aftnn for the Ctnpany. Bneedsboro1, May 23, 18X1. 3tJ8 -'IfiSt&to'of 3. a. Vtaraon. k T May Term of Rowan county court, 1823, JJL the subscriber obtained letters of admin, ietration on the estate tt Jesse A. Pearson, deceased. All persons indebted to laid estate, are re S tested to make payment without delay i and ose havinr demands against the same, are re quested to nae them duly prest-nted for settle. ment within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pled in bar of recovery. June, 1823 6wt61 A. NESB1TT, adm'r. eXotk. 17HX be sold, at Mocks Old Field, in Row. ft an county, on the twenty-third of June next, (the sale to continue from day to day) the personal property belonging to the estate of Sn. Jesse A. rearson t consisting of a large and liable stock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, lie. fanning utensils, household and kitchen furni. ture, and various other articles. Also, at the same time and place, will be of fered for sale, a number of valuable NEGROES, consisting of men, women, boys and girls. Terms of credit, &c. will be made known on the daye of asle. A. NESBITT, admr. Ma;, 28, 1833. 459 Windsor CUtur fHokltig. X PpiIF. subscribers respectfidly,. iiuoim-thoie 1.. frienJsJ.An4.JJie.publifr-ataiX(tbai:e aZ vsr pt the purpdse ef sajTying-oa the above "" businei Iri aH its branches, They Are well pre - pared to make all kinds of Wiiulsor and Fancv Cliairs, from Rl2 to R120 oer seL Gentlemeii i "'" n-jjii vuau wi kiiccs, may reiy up- ' Vfi.htnV.'illArvn ni Vln'Tu ...... 1 . on naving mem as elegantly, made at the ahop i pf ihe mhacriUssr-aa at anynhcrhrthrStaTe: - . Old chairs and settees repaired, at a reasonable I raw, and on snort notice. The subscribers are also comnlete'v nrenared. with a good stock of timber, to niake ail kinds of 4 Vciltteaih, at trom S3 tu g25. . : I tiEO. W. GRIMES, I . 39 JOHN COOPER. Twtiity DoWavs lieard. RAJS. AWAy.,fiwiv-4W negro fellow, named STEVENt a stout, well made, fellow, abour twenty-six ypars of age, soue down look, cross eyed.' upper fore teeth decayed, supposed to have On blile liii'srv rnut. liotit titnF : pantaloons r was bdujfht from a negro drover o J tlie name of Wilson, who said he bought him I My. Coleman, near DsnWlle, N, Carolina, I sdlncgTO ha wife and two children in that I neighborhood, and will, of course, make for that I . place. Any person taking up and confining said I negro in any jail, so that the ownetwih ret him. I shall receive the above reward, with all lawful I expenses paid. Letter! directed to Yorkville post office, S, C. WJ1 be thankfully received by ; ? 3t58! ' W. BAKROW. VNEW and well constructed Thrsshhif Ma chin fir sale, it the store iif XUmf U li k. A credit o( twelve months U be iten to the purchaser, - eVty;tota tor Aut. rilHKettbsertber Kwviitat )Uf session' last I ult lilted an wnlcr fur the stle of nine ne (rrors bcluiipm)( to the estate of Ale I. I roli jrk, dec M. will eipuse the unit to pul'lc mW, at the Court House ia ftelisburr, on l urwUv the 1st of July neit. The terms will be twelve mouths creJiV-nutea, ith approved securities. MICHAEL LUOWN.siVr. ie3,I823. i.J2 . louue for 8nc. WILL k11 my Hmise ainl Lot in Sa lisbury, on accomnMnlatinr terms. Apply to T, L. Cowsn, ri. or to myself. In tU leifh. 1 Dere Is footl office b.kiii(pnj to the km, convenient lor a uiwyer or i nvsirian, JOHN DP.CKW1TIL Sub. bury, M.trrk 8, 1823. -'4 Iff NOTICE. rTIIIR Coramissionrri appointed by Court for C tnt purpose, of contractmr for the buikl Ins of a l'mviHmn In the Town of CncrJ, w ill attend at the Court.Mouse in Concord, on the ith day of July neit, for the purpose of re ccivinf proposals for makm; and delivering' brick and lumber, and uumif the mason and car penter work of aaid Court J louse, &c . CEO. KLUTTH, ' P. BARRIXCr.K, ; AftRM C. M'KEE, VCsie JOHN PHI PER, ami JAtUU BIIKCWALO.J .Was 24, 1811.. 3U9 Woclor eMtct P f IAS arrived, and now offers bis 1 1 sr mere to thr ci'iens of tltr ton of Slibury, snl its iciiv, in the scveml di prtrnmH of his profession. He niay be found at Mr, SUujrliirrs lavrrn. &iAArv, Jv 3, 1H2J. 56 rOMIMW. 1 CENKUAL mrctinir of the stockholders of V the North Caruliita Cstahs Nsviiration Company, is re'iuirt-U at the ( ourt HMie in !jii colnton, on the 3 "h day of June nnt, at which time ami place an election will be hrld for Pres ident and Directors in sid ooiiinr, snd other ; business of importance to the nieres1i of the company rii,ct-d. All tliov iiilrrrr- a . . w - Board.- - - - 3tJ8 DVNCAN CAMPtTEf t; TVrVT. - Sign, 0 wV nid Uouae p EO. W. GRIMES begs leave to Inform the M citisens of halubury, am the surrouhdlMjf country, that be still continues to execute ail kinds of house, sign, coach, and ornamental Painting. Having procured an ample supply of niaicrtaia, ami naving, lor a numoer 01 years past, devoted almost his whole attention to ac quire a competent knowledge of this branch of business, he feels confident of being able to give satisfaction to those who mat, -be pleased to fa vor him with orders in the above line. Gilding and blazing win also be executed in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand, for sale, copal and Japan Varnith. Wanted, as an apprentice to the above bus! ness, one or two lads, from litol6 vearsof age. of steady and industrious habits i to whom, if they prove themselves deserving of it, a good cnance win oe given. Saitbury, Ftl S, 1823. S9 The thorough bred Iiorse DIO.V, WILL stand this season at my stable in Salisbury, and he let to mares at the price of eiirht O.AtvjC ""oars me season) nre uouars me lean, to be paid when the mare takes the horse, with liberty to turn to tne season should the mare not prove with foal. Dion is now nine years old. His dam was by the imported horse Charriot ; his sire, the old imported Dion, whose pedigree almost every person is well acquainted with. JQilin certainly ranks with the best horses ever trained on. 4h- 4tolM)wfr:4iyiamuPb"-.i iwmiui, mymviiti.y.taT.x)htz- Duine f aadthrce one-mile heats; also, the best three m five. . Dion Is a beautiful bav, riinir fifteen hands uigli. . Fur muscular power, and elegance of action, tie cannot be excelled. 1 here are a few nilts fTOlU uion i and tliouiru thcyre the produce 6f common mares, they are uncommon in point of size, form and beauty. The season har already commenced, and will terminate the 1st of August. " , ' "" MOSEs ATLOCKE. Salitbury, May IS, 1323. . 10t63; ' TubVic Entertainment. LTAKE this method to inform my friends, aiuLttiepublicavirge. " ow-occnpy the house- wherein Capt." Jseob Krkler formerly lived, and which has lately been in possession of Mr, Thos. Holmes, as a public bouse i where 1 am how prepared to accommodate travellers, and all others who may please to call. There are good stables attached to the establishment, which shall always be well attended, and well supplied with fodder and grain. ATew isarirrt w ill be taken, on moderate terms. .' A There is a rood store-room attached to the house, which will be rented from now to the 1st t of Mav, or perhaps lomrer, or for any inter- med idiate terra. . J.VO. SMI TH. :Sa!i$ouH,, MarcM7 l&XS i" ;i? lWtvwk wVtlcments T70R sale at the office' of the CroIi(Bn 1 .and, JL also, Constables1 Capjaaa. MI BATTLE OP irNG'i BOl'NTAt. "-f" " . ras tat srrot atrttts. TO THE I'tltLIC. Durln;th !M feif.Mr, Wm.fe. iVei- ton., a grand son of .Ik UCJ.. ymjuilhiitf Iliv40cjwf, MttCsrolin Camtlicll,msd ipubticstlonln !ic ticwv Us fessdiyt I wen! SO of 80 mllei I- in ripen, under U suture, anJ hndcfl r .sa.15n4.ure,. .rvj pfsocu .npbxll and (.ovemor Shcl colonel timpocll anl coventor anci bf . J P''oreiseI object ortl4lddrfis, Wil tOCUltn lor Ml ancestor, as cummin ilcrof tbe American forcei t the ImHlf of Klnj'i Mountain, the chief honera of mai vicior?, ana 10 comroven some sisie menu reunvo 10 mai u"J"U nisgs tome 01 m? pr vaie uiitrt 10 tne ute ,o vernor oevieroi icnncsK, sinicn ieucr came to the knowledre of the world, end of Mr. Preston, ty the Inadvertent aubll cation or lhtm by the eon of Governor Seier, after tbe death of his Wher. In the course of biiaddrea,Mr. Preiion has thought proper to question my veracity to deny the etetemenle made In taose let. lera, and to impute to me the most du- honorable motive! and purpose!. I paused and beaiuted lotir at to the course I ought to pursue. Conscioue of m inteKtitr, I tell a proud confidence, that my reputation coild not be effected nvtneproois snu eninuovtruons 01 Mr. rreiton that it was placed above the resrh of calumny and 41 attempts to dis- honor it. Out the UbondeDTorts that have been turd, to k'ivc the nost eatensive cir- cul-tiort and the most perminent e Bert to the publication of Mr. Preston, have de ternimed mr to reply tt It. lest bv my ai- Irnre I nnjht be roniilered as acquire- tiiK in the justice of hit aitertlona and impuutiuns, I It is with the moat sincere and heartfelt I xrel that I undertake the tatki because in the couraeof my defence it will be ne- ressry for me to apeak of circumstances,! a t a a a . a a sl - . " 1 I w iucn 1 naa ramer nave oeen constgnrq 1 to oblivion; circumstances calculated in some degree to affect the time of Col. Campbell, and perhaps to wound the feel- me,e 01 many 01 his numerous and moat respectable rtlativea and connections. But the Unexpected DUbllCsnon of mvlnreis on the next dav. aid Immediatelt , . - , , t 1 private. lettera to an old Iriefid, and thellsiued an order calling upon a the mill attack consequently made tipenene by Mr. I Pj?l0Pi C0!Dpel.me4laie4eVHyeif and painful end invldurma ea the task mar . . . - . . . . dc, 1 owe it tomyaelt, to my potterity, and to my country, toAertorra it- I could have wished moil earneitTy'lo have been I apared thia developement, but circumatan cea seem not to permit it. If, in the course of thia investigation, Ucta should be diKlosed, injurious to the ame of Lol. Campbell, let it be remem bered, that I have been forced into it by imperious necessity. Sacred aa the nsem- ory of Col. Campbell may be, It will be recollected, that I also have e character and reputation which are dear to me, and which it ia one of my highest dutiea to maintain and defend. Tie history of my ife haa never before been atained by an imputation of falsehood and dishonor. I am now in my seventy-third year, and a!- most the only object of worldly ambition that remains between me and the grave, is, that my memory may descend untar- nished to my posterity and to my coun- try that country which has appreciated, my services, perhaps too highiy, and with bountiful and generous hand, heaped up. on me rewarda and honors far beyond my this statement. poor deserving. Out how must ahe blush It aurely cannot detract from the raer at my name and the recollectioi of those ita of Col. Campbell that this expedition honors which her mistaken emitude baa waa not set on foot by him, but by oibera. conferred upon me, if I am guilty of the I raise. ioou sua aeiamauon, wun wnicn Air. 1 Preston has charged me ! I am not gull- y, my countrymen, and before any other tribunal than y.oura, I would have scorned to reply to the unworthy accusatlona with ,wiuvu a am aawMteor- 1 Tff JcndcmelfuW nd Iear, and to show the grounds upon which I have made the atatementa con-1 talhed in my private letters, I shall attempt 10 Rive some account 01 ine oaiue oiiaio oi uic ncaicat mum; . itciMwr-: VlmtrrtamrthtrrirnnnitccliiiLr stale, llus war aurely tbe natural which led, to it. Upon the defeat of Genera Gates and he American army at the battle of Cam-J den, on the leth of August, 1780, the Southern States were almost entirely abandoned to the cnemv. a The inteOi' I M'Dowell, and many of the refugees be gence of that disastrous affair, and Jthe. de-1 fore mentioned ; end when assembled, our feat of General Sumpter which soon fol-1 loed.BDread universal consternation and alarm." i?A!I the bodies C raifitia'that ere in arms through' the country, were com' pelled to fly before 1 thrf enemySomi of jhese tSetchrftentipart of wh mandrd) fled towards the .mountains and were holly pursued by Maj. Fergtisson,.of the"Bihish army, with a airottg forces Failing in his attempt to intercept their retreat, he took" pbs( at Gilbert Town., At that place .he paroled a prisoner! (one Samuel Philips, a distant connection of mine,) and instructed him to Inform the officers 00 the Western waters, that if. they did riot desist Jrom their opposition to the BritislrarinlijndiakeZpmeciion under, his standard be ould. march his irmr over iht mountain, hang their le de ri, and lay iheis country wait (th r atid sword.- rbiliips lived near to niv rasidenct, and cimo itlrcctly to rot Ms lntlltin4:o.' I then ommntlcd the ls uol. Jivlsr, who wiltkf t.(T- UM (Orn derof WainKtontovniy.N.Ciroli Col.Sevlsr.wbasastham. Unifommin. derofVah niii.ouni.. M. Carol na.ta i,lrurm tm 0f lh- roetM-t rtcrlv - ed. and to anncert with Mm messurea for our defence. After umi ennsuttatlon we determined to march with all the men e eyij r4Wf n Ufrnpt to inrpris fer mii, bf wckinir Mm in hie camp, or Bl i0y ril bef B w.i prepared for in. yt acrordinjrlf. appointed llm en. Ki,ce ,j rendf tsoua. It was known to us Mme two or thre. bundreJ en1Ti:1 w no hjd been under the command of Col M'Dowell. and were driven bv tbe tut Ceia of the eneme from the lower cotm ,r,f 9trt then on the weatero waters, am moitf i ,h couniy of Waiblntton, N c. We aaw tome of their efllcrrt belore e ptrtedj Col. Sevier en,'aerd to rive notice to these refureet. and to brln them Into our measure. On my part, I under- took to orocure the aid and ro orwation 0f Col. Vm. Campbell, of Wahlnjjton county, VrKli.i4, and the men of that I county if practicable. " IIvinir mude the arraneemrnta with Sevier. I returned home immediately, and drvoted mi self to all the necessary nrepa rationa for our intended enterprise. I l wrote to Col. Campbell, ioforminr blm wh.it Jrler and I had agreed on, and ur eed him to i .in us with all the men he could raise. 1 his letter I aent txprcaa 10 him at hia own hous;, forty mites distant. by my brother Moiea Shelby. Col. Camp bell wrote roe for answer, that he had de termincd to raiae what men he could and march down bv Flower-sD.to the South . . a ern Uortlers or Virginia, to oppose ixra Cornwallia when he approached that atate ; that he atili preferred thia courae to the one proposed by Sevier and myself, and therefore declined agreeing to meet us. Of thia I notified Col. Sevier by an ci r ' tU of tKc county to hold themselves in tmadmeit roinarcllinhe nmilffpoMeuTfoTcolnmandl submitted to what waa done. il fetuhowetier. aome disappointment at 1. - the reply of. Col. Campbell. 1 be t hero kee towns were not more than 80 or 100 miles from the frontiers of my county. and we had received Information that these Indiana were preparing for a formi- dabfe attack upon us in tbe courae of few weeks J I wai therefore unwilling we should take away the whole disposable force of eur countiea at auch e time and without the aid of the militia under Col. CampbeH'e command, I feared that we could not otherwise have 1 sufficient force to meet Fergusson. I therefore wrote a second letter to Col. Campbell, and sent the same messenger back with it Imme dutely.to whom I communicated at large our views and intentions, and directed him to urge them on Col. Campbell. This letter and meiaenger had the desired ef feet, and Campbell wrote me that he would meet us at the time arid place appointed, If Mr. Preston and his relations have been as. tareJwl aUUaJiai U -sfcey-siae been of aome othera, and will' publish them, they will prove tne correctness 01 He lived in Virginia, state of coropara live security anu wpir(iiuiuiiuui, own atate when ahe should be invaded.- We lived in North Carolina, a great pan of which suto ;a prostrate before the British arms. We were nearer to, the en? emyiftUH wc ctciiitaisucui mi ,u. 46e wva- iion'ahd vengeance meditated against us, and to strike the first blow. -1 o do this effectually, w asked for; and received the and ordinary courae of things. The 25th day of September, 1780, at Wataga, were the time and place appointed for ourren dezvous. cot. oevier naa sncceeaea in engaging in our enterprize Col. Charlea forces were as follows j" Col. Wm. Camp bell prlth- lOOnftnif n" frSrfi IWIsBIhgton cdun'tyvViyclln 1 Sevier, with 240. men from Washington county Nbrth Car otina ; Cot. Charles M'Dowell, with 160 men front the icoimttet t Burke 6ftd Ru thjerford, who had fled before the enemy to the .WestenJlVaUra?!-and 340 men from Sullivan dountyi North Carolina, tiu der my command. On the next day, (26th of the month,) we began our march, crossed the mountains, and oh the 30th were joined by Col. Benjamin Cleveland with 350 men from the counties of Wilkes and Surry, North Carolina. ' The little disorders and irregularities which began to prevail among our undisciplined troop. created muck uneasiness in the tomnun-J fflnf fifftcerv u,t colonr!s fonu'wr.f1 reRiments.' We mrt in the tvtt.i ; consulted abnutour futuie tprrii . . was resolved to en1 Ij t.rsj (:gnnt U .r a GentrslO.T.cerlo command r ! i!, fi the "weinM'Tf w. '"j'llimrtt ia t w, i ril evert lv i rleterminf eri jhe. r..f lire I to be pttMue Ua4 sppolnt cms cf t,ur Own bndt nut the rr Into eircuiion. I was pot sstIQel with this course, at I thought it rsUulsted to produce dcliy, hen etprr!liLn and despatch were all mpotnt to us. We were then within II or II miles of Gilbert Town, whera we aonnnsfdrertusson to be. I sugges ted these things to the council, and then observed to the officer, that we were all North Carolinians except Col. Campbell, . who was from Virginls t that I knew hint to hm a man of good sense snd warmly au larhed to the caute of his country that he commanded the largest regiment 1 ana that If they concurred with me, we would, nntil e general, cffif rr shenld arrive from head quarters, sppolnt Ante command ut, and march ImmriiUtrlr against the ene mv. Te this twopoai ion seme one' or' two said, 'agreed.. No wrliten mlnut or record was made ol it. . 1 m"l Ibt proposiiion to silence the evpeetattont of , Col. M'Diiwcll to command ushe bcinrj the commanding officer of ihe District we were theh In, and hd comrranded the ar miea of mlliiia assembled In that quarter all the summer before egainst the asm ' enemy, lie was a bave and patriotic, " man, but we considered him too far ad ' vanced in life, and too inactive for the command of au. h an enterpiixe as wo were then engaged In. 1 waa aurc he would not aerve under e tounger officer' rom his own state, and hoped thai his feel ings would, in some degree, be saved by the appointment rf Col. Campbell, In thia way, and upoB-mv-augweatlonr-wat ; Col Camplell raided to the command, end ' nor on account of any ufiru m'btary tut tntt or rxfirtienct he m tuftfioird 1 ftot , s e $rn. tie naa no previous acquaintance with any of the Colonels except myself, nor had he at that time acquired any expe rience of distinction In war that we knew . of. Cel. M'Dowell, who bad the good of - hia country more at heirjhininf tiUff a but wwerre! main he could not te ptrv mined to command, he would be the met aenger to re to Head Quartera for the general officer, lie accordingly started immediately, leaving hia men under hit brother lfj. Joseph M'Dowell, end Cel. Campbell asiumed the chief commandi te was, however, to be regulated end el V rected by the determinations of the Cole ' nels, who were te meet in council ever On tbe morning af.ef the appointment of Cot. Campbell we proceeded toward! Gilbert Tewn, but found that Fergusson, pprised of our approach, bad left there t . - few days before. On the next night it ' waa determined, in the council of officerlr- ' to pursue him unremittingly, with ea oia ny of our troops as could be well armed ', and well mounted,' leaving the weak hor' tea and footmen to follow on as fast as they Could. We accordingly started about ght the nett morning with 9J0. men - thus alecled. Continuiof diligently our pursuit all that day, we were joined at the ' Cow-pena on the 6th by Col. Joha WiJ.T Hams, ot bouth. Carolina, and sersral EelJ ; officera, with about 400 men. Leatbint; rom bim the situation and distance or tbe enemy, we travelled all that night and" the next day through heavy rains, and came up with them about three o'ctbek ia - he afternoon of tbe 7th of October. Tber were encamped on an-eminence called v. . iTnfV3ottnaiextebding frent East to Weswhichyjm::-. 500roWyarda;lorimi Our men were formed, .for battlt aa aUted . in the report of action made out and sign- i.-. ed by torrie ef the officers, and lately pub lished by Mr. Preston. This report, bow . ever, omits to mentions-thai the men who 1 ' had belonged to Col. M'DoweU'a com mand, which had been considerably aug mented on the march, formed a part of . " ' the wing -under Sevier.' Col. CampbelFi regiment and my own, composed the cen-, tre his on the right and mine on the left. ' . he right wing or column, was led by Maj. Winston and Col. Sevier : the left ' by ColonesCIeayeJndiand.WAlliaratr an mbl-of?:theiS''' wiftg' witf'jibour a strong as Campbell's regiment and rain " united.. Qui. plan wai. tsAurjwnd.'tbeu mountain andattack jhe alde.' rnlhirofderVland with this view, we marched immediately to the assault.' The attack wa commenced bf the centre column, w h ich attempted to ascend at tho eastern end of tnav mountain The bat tle here became furious and bloody,' and many that belonged to hevjera column were drcwu into the acdon at this point, to austain their comrndea. 1 Theualanci iuxtiteck. -, -C?o4 pcrffltmicrr-ihe cure : -but the physician Jakcih, tha monttl for it 'Jl,- 1. it! V- " 3" - -

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