It ... m' W.r, Hh! ,f a Kfii'litrS fir ch taut-ton, vr 3. The 7wj ttuiihl Ixmdon ppert t the 5iih April. I hrf art priupf 1 Ird with, detail of opefailmt of h. I'remli arndrt It, Mp,n.t ,ken from Pij P'pff. Fr-m the t4tr of the Prcttii 1 ' f. nothing hut favoiabte account 1 1 f n'M frntu plr are Imertrd In the 1 ltd. h papers, ami these must cf court Lr tjkf it a thing colour and i roun It n t r, to affaire that mi be wri remote !.. ib truib. On the vther hanl, each It(lfr p-i r publishes whatever chimes irrwrth The views of its editor and of thote Ho tuppdrt Mnii and thus i wo pi pert of that city of the unit date will often exhl Lit statements contradictory cf cich other. The Duke d'Angoulerne arrived at Vlttorli on the 17th April, and It It tald that he wat received with the greatest -enthuslasmby the inhabitant with Vve, bonfires rintrhr of bIUt Ice. The Duke of Rrggio was proceeding twirds Dgrtrot.havlng crossed tht Ebroal - Miranda. - Durgow It it tild htd submit- ted It icimi certain hat Bilboa htd. . Some detertiont hive taken place among the arm? of the Faith, and the garrison of Puycerda replied o the proclamation or u"adt, the royalist general, by cry Ing ut M I he Constitution or Death." - Tere it no opposition in the North of pew to te Frtnch armlet and the coun try if oc-upled bv them tt fast at they marth over It. The garrlsont of St. Se- bttltRt and Pa m pel una still held thra towns- which the -French were preparing t to besiege in form. , Letters from Warsaw contradict the 'accounts of a Russian army beta about . to rnrch to the ittwtanre of France. " Iieland wit In a erv unruly slate, and It was . feared that the Insurrection act " irould have to be renew rd. It is tald that the (ireeki have taken V: mm. 'j T'T.ruf MottMvr. jvsr, ir, td.i; tv r tA.VgtA in d. f. ptilr,'iirjf rhr tm. mimU-kiSnfi yrUiUa In tbr f .mufWm of s fi9. iKarv Tt'thtt ofMr amotif the mnAmiitj Chip, rl tlill. It 0-11 to hii mpf rd anm tett rv hirt It hr irIl rirr pg anirf, Tlriltjr, peii1a qmkI tt,lnV wt f iwrf tn rMtf ka trll rW rrvrr tht tl,''r,',."J"' f t"l'K ? thv ; )H ifh . tpruind ta. t Vra are-U He', t WtlM la. it5irr?miiitfly,riWh rf r1'ifrrd t nVpMl and unpt'td, it ou1l not nl h a tirrr of npprt tivt eiprnae.Ut tbo of lnaiftrmtla Jmpowlioo. 7V fforr tht Rat The afvoftlnf pH of tht warH hu bea all ir. fr thrta or frmr werkt pttr. to-lnovttir rai1t of the trrat match ree on jnrf UWnd t towUv vt rwiI'h the prt'f ulirt. V U )piinv'clorimi,lMtt it It hit lat victory. He how kavet the tur and tjhui perpctuatet W fmt. tn eonejif r of inir cihimna Wicjr m-lrd Hh original rommtinirationa, we hae tken t'ie trOnhte ta eoitomift arh ariicVa i4 ifierr i Oiir tapm furni4ted, ami arrange them iirnlfr the tfter1 head of Donteatic ami fwign Sum. marv. IWlievinir thia pUn a ludirimit one, ly which we tUH be tnUd to rondriwe a creat deal within a amall crrp, r thill tkke aome paina, hereafter, to prewnt wir rrlera rh a column' of oiiKellaneoua itema of intellirenca each week. In otir laft we ronvilrd minf Kj with the hope of being a'le Wt teV to nrramt our rra1r ra Ith inten-atirf drtil thr ar'.ke operationt in Spain brt we have hern Hapfo'intel. Otir the itnortnt laUnd of I haao, and lh.tjf,'M froTn F,iron' areto daalater. indrel, they have rnatle a auccetful devrnt uptiti I ,h'" I,,t " ' ! n,rt 'h' intrliijrrnce ti er ftimii.h the cojtt of Macedonia. J heir fleet all : ' ftf I'tt'e intrrert. V lie ptrna frcm the ride triumphant, and ine blockaded Tri froi,t I'Dlhtftle vVl.f!e population. A .re at projHirtioti cf th men are eciged i ara Iiii pumn'm. . Mi. Matthew, the great lrtillili com. 'dim, hat withdrawn a proennion for a 1 agal'iat the Uditor of the U nion V,t utf, ! lhtU(htt pnituhly, that Returtiinjt wtre n ai bl at t gw o'er," Andiew Hiergi F.j. a rrj.uLllrun, hat 'wt n nomioated fr (uverrtor In I'cnnty ! vnii, in eppoltton to John -A. hhutif Faq. , ' t: . , . . Mr. SheUeB Clatk, of Con. hat lately prraented' to Yale College, the 4um of H JUOO, which it tald to txi the Urgeit turn ' ver given Idlhat iuafiiutiott by an irwU . Jt aalirftian hrlii CharlcitotiiJibf J 751 n and 37ih tilt.-for a representative to the K. C. legiMatrjre, there wat a r be tween the Candidate!, Mettrt. Middle ton nd Aiken each receiving 61) vote. 1 hey will have to jo through that motion agln. . The cahinet-makertof New-York hive remdnttratcd titain'1 tlie emptoymenl of convlrttln the penitentiary, in cabinet rhakiig. It arguea b!ly for the trade. hat tiere are rruiijr of thit line of luU neat It the penitentiary. 1 he Motion ppcrt deny thtt any te rif.ut (RNulty will result from the t!it mia U 50 Mudenta of the tenior clt of Hrtrd U iiiverit v, in ronaccjuence of a rebellion nong the ttudrntt of that in ttinttin. The Hev. Dr. Carnthan.of the Diatricl of Odtirrdiia. hat been appointed Preaident of the College of New Jeraey, the He. Mr. I.indaley haviig declined the office. 1 he Ncw-Yoik banka now rrcrivt ' (arrtm t only eihteen rentt each, and not twerity crntt, at formerly. 1 he Rev. Dr. lavmtert wat, on the 23d tit a! an unuuially Urge and rrvpec i-ble (General C'oention-of the Fpiaco. pl Church in the U- S. aaaertibled in Phil, adtlpl b, ronaecrttcd Uithop of the Dio rea of North Carolina. Mi Mgiin Trtritoty it taid to be in rrraing in popul.tion very rapidly, and it detuned aoon to become a populoui and the hnd be good, produce two Ion lu the err The Hon. John PhiilSpt, of Doitori, a Senator in the Maatachuaetlt Igivlitiire. died on the 30th ult. He wat in hit teat in the Senate chamber cm Wttlnetday j and on Friday, wat a torpaa. , - Mr. Adlum. of Georgetown, D. C. In a letter to Mr. Skinner, Editor of the American Farmer, tayt he hat no doubt but the cultivation of the fine in the U. Statet will, be fore, the end of thit century, add SIOO.000.000 annually to the agricul tural prwlurtlont of the country. There U jn abundance of fiative grapet near Slil)iiry, which, we thotild think, miht yearly be gathered and turned to advan tage, imiead of being suffered to fall Jo the ground, and rot. , J. " " le increased with t W ta ti e iuj rncotation of the pullic rrvrrue. If the existing tiri.T tl'ull, during the .rcic nt teuton tj Congrctt, be judU ciojly revittd fur the purpote of au j meriting the revenue, tt it confidently ijclirvcd that it will not only be amply t tjflicicnt to tjefray ail the demand! upon the tre atury at preicot authnrli ed by law, but thtt there will reroaia an annual turplut, lubject to tuch dit- fxjjition, for the promitioo tf the pub c welfare, at the witdom of Congrcit may direct." ' "w''"iaa" ttt wtt-rtta taaotiataa."'"" r.oon, t the f ommirn, are rin didatet fr rnembcfa of the licit LfgiaU lure from Orange county. We litt werk rertived the rit num Ur of the New-York Patriot, a dtly and teml weekl piper, printed on an impe rUI theet. Were we to jid?c from the tpiiit and ability di -.played in the firtt number, we Uom14 not heaitata in recom. mending the New-York Patriot at enable and orthodoi republican paper. The price of the paper, twice a week, 84 per annum. .. . The improvement la tteim'enginet by our countryman in I.ondon, Mr. 'rrirrt, it it sld, will redure Jhe yoi-ae acroi tne-AtinTKicta'Amitf i; to ten -oayt tt Anthony Dey, Kt. of Nerkr.Nr J. aty a 1m hat a Unct btJtaT-whicft-w WTjrsiM lJt;...llJr foa ti vmiu etaautua, THE TARIFF. Mf. frhti 11a Tarif ia a auhje ct a good deal talked of in connection with the Corgrra aional election in thia'diatrkt One of tht ran. didatea, we ara told, contenda for t anutl modiS. Cation of existing dutite on certain trt! -let, ith a view to an increase of the revenue the other.) w ltoretber onpoaad to any chanira. In onler ! Mr, F.tktfi Neat tatha Contention question. tha mt of the gretieat itttercat at tla time to the people of North-Carolina ia tha approaching Prraidcntikl f.U ctio. When we brisk lite aW yoke that our n.attera of the RaM bold aver ua, then the peotiU will ba In ooaaeseioa of their 4it rights and powers, and will eteniacthem jf tin aottlionuioo of our Jutcrual tflaira, ta ttt as wisdom and one reaowrcet may justify. But tiill wt cannot la free to h ag at the pUul ynke hanga on our notka. We must throw lltia ofT too, before we can ataod entirely rcdceii44 , and emaneipaied. . Htevee bumiliting looor prxle, it iain vaia , to deny it, that North-Carolina haa been ovef. hstiowt d by a hat ia called Virginia ivJiitHtt. a kind of political charm that haa for jeart eft circled ns, and drawn nt along in her wake. hat haa been tha eonsequenee I 1 he charae ter of our hUte baa become almost degradi-d in the estimation of our Mat era of tno t'nion. Virginia hcraeH from the data of Patrick llny to tl pwiirt kiM, ntr'in.Mit aWtla ntpect for us. Rrmtmbcr the speech of that orator in tha Virginia Contention j when the name of North-Carolina vat mentioned aa hav ing adopted the Federal Constitution, "Talk not of North-Carolina," exclaima he, "poorde graded Htatc !" Tiiia expresaion of their idoTi. aed orator hu acted like a charm ow tha haughty Mrjriniana, and Ella their mimls with prrjiuiret agaoist us. it w a acntiment Ult towarUa ua by aw, from the presumptuous ttro in his toga, to poll and tpread alarm all along the coatt , r of JJrbry. ... J'herr'were great doingt in Indon on theSi'hof April, St Georgr'tDtv, and - the- dat when the King tclcbrated hit ... birth. Illuminations, roial talutra, and fertivitiea of all aorta were the o-dcr ol the day) but hit Majeaty could not join . in ant of the metre inakinga, being ion ned avitk tLe.ycau ."." . . - Lotrooir. AfilL 24. I 23. -The frtneti avmr, tlMHieh in Srm" f:ht'csnn Vrreurvwl atrtrraor.fM.(ti;! rxiwetful Stnte. Several humlredt of auit the tate of wr readrra: 11e lsue of the j ople have emigrated thither Irom New- great c-ntcat hetaeett France ami ?paln. aliui Yo,k' ,hf Pr''l aeton, betldet a great Peartntiam twrewa I.iheHv, etill envelorted in tmttiral unrertainty, which contingencica alone can devehipe. ni-n irom otner turn. An exirnsne bed of coal hat been discovered in the ter ntory. Two vill-int lately pted through a vill-ire in New York, telling perfumed ti irk a of Ullow for fiomaium, and colored tnd -.rented built t f common grease for I.. .-IT U.,l.nt l.l.aM m aaaa.a..u that ta. people n..y better unletand the bnw. whr( , ,.f torpt nru. you will be so oblir.riir u to pubiuh in , ... . n : ' i 4l : . r H a j At. aa t wit mm T aa m ittHurer. ajtitu veitart) etiau arutca tu iil fj )Our paper the following rx-ract from the " an. ck of h we U J ; S'W?nt. Tr.f",n W"- '' Aa long a. the 23 Deccniber last. It will be rrcolWtrd, that . , , . , f . . . . , .l .n, i . a it j . I, pewdc of North-Carolina follow the can and bid !k Jl a , ' 8 k7 ! J "f Virgin can we expect any other treat, the pr,Lhcdbtw,U become payable. 1 1... tun,. " . n,r'l,n, ' aJL John Q. Adamt at The rmmrwr, the teneih, and the intere-ting nature of the orir'nal cntrtnmnirntinna we nnh. Bh th's w eelr. wT! ritrsd our annlrp- for excliu i built d'ng manv ahiahV artle'es rrarked ( fT for the One ihoUaann1 Copies of the fiew Amer ptTrrrlt"t re.t'irnitrl tie rhsntf 1 were tfrtriirixr-woTelr errit4 the Wildarwt! -iaTme.tff ImrweaAWmaatt-it'-and- favor ua every wet k itj were old in New-ori in leva tfrn lour in I w mi ran mi a ninar ajrv rritira. - i.vmi n.i pi'it wmwr- w it'i-t an iHHtr u 11 vuvr " r - - we hear of teveral rapture at tea n Immm cogitation., but could not fail rf affording our g" T0 undertake another novel 3ldettand we Infer that the war on thjt . element will be carried, on with ap'nit. ' . ..U JH The pqllf y and determination of thTt Country are evidently neutrality ut if It . bf true, at it rumoured, that Kuia hat intimated an intention to ataitl France. e should think it impottiblc for ut to . keep out of the conaict." s f . , rant, ar ril 11. ' By a Telegraphic detp'atch received from Bayonne,on the 2 1 at of April, it it announced that the French army found 31 pieces of cannon at Pancorvo, with bumbt .evnd ball. The Head Quarter! were at ..Vittoria,. where bit royal highnett the Duke waa received with enthusiasm. Lepers from I run sjatethat the f-fikers cf the regiment In that town, atd who re.ordered to, join the. ai my , are. to be r-rmed;with mutkets,aa in-the4att war. The -roads are already bleated with Gu- crillas. who are audacioua, even at a short . diatance fiom the army. ' The Duke has ordered that no soldier whall attempt to join the arniyoone; they ' tnust go in it body for fear of being pick edeffbv the Guerillas - ' Arcortling to the Bulletin of yesterday, the Head Quarters appear to be at Vitto- V na hence Jhe army has advanced 40 """Idattue ainto Suain. rradrr a "fraat of reason, anff a flow of aHd.Bj At the late testinn of the Legislature Thte rif Pur friindt ho hare timr, talents, and I of Penntylvapia, an act wmpjixaed incot ad;poaitiontoaMiatua inoirendrsorttoren-P0,''ntf tt Company to erec a R il-Road der the Weetem Carolinian a journal worthy of 'fO"" Philadelphia to Cchirolla in that Its parrenage, are moat earnestly invited to con- '""e- tinue and increaae their favora. J,,hn CIpepper ia again a candidate to represent the Fayetteville diattict tn tht w ..... next Congreaa. In apeaking of the ran- We ire much graced In enabled ths ' for thf Mt presidfnfy, hf (lors week to announce the formatirmrf the .Va.Afr,;no, ,d himself to anv one: but in n hires .i Frmatt .lurifiary .VaWrtv fir MrH rvfc'nr the CmiHtim tf thf J-w. Vhen the Hr. tr. Frey pawed through Sal'-borv, a few weeks aince, naming them. the head ol thr lM. Col- Jmes " .iller, Governor of Arkan- at hit auggistion the l.u'l" of the town vrrv i saa, in about to Isavc that 'ritilorv. the promptly atepped forwur., to h- n'iniher of . climate not agreeing with his i onstt'u'ion about fc rtv, rearV a'l in tow n 'f M ature fe, I At a Supt riot ( ourt in Newll. mp and entered their names for tl.e purpose cf far-1 t'.ire, a vetdi t w obtained on an at count ming the above Society. Since then, a eaptiou rw, hoae always shrink within their own boUi df a wooden ww&ortey and a duck a week old ! The tietsurer pf the Ameriran Bible Society atknoalrdgps the rVreipt ol S. 519 37 cents, for the monihof Arii ; jiui states that he hut distributed Bihle nut' Trtiamentt of the value of S56l 52jct4. 1 hrW4rVf "Spitnfae tt o Ch&roberV.Gbve fmnrjiirnt ;prorojue, but-merely -adjourn themVun- ; der the idea that new leMlaUve meatmea ; , (a new Lojnnq doubt) may have to be discussed- -"; , j Prrfltgnan, April 12 cdro, had received on express, announ . cing that Mint had stnt Prorlamationt to - Repoll whkb, were received .with the fjreateat enthusiasm. Mint announces that the French would be able to enter Catatonia he therefore exhorts the f'ata- loniant to be firm, and assures them that .if they remain united, ihey will be vie to (lwo regiments of women have been formed in Barcelona for the service of ihe pldce. ift case It shall be beitegrd. 1 will je Ter0rihrcte3'hat dHrig tlie wr.-of In dependence! a similar battalion was form v ; ed'at Gerona, whose Courage in Catalonia" Marshal St. Cj r to much praised. , .; ; AfomtB' arHit l.s. ' , The elimion ol Geneijai Cnuuel is or dered to succeed that of Bourke btfore St. Sebastian's. Panipeluoa appeal scle- termined to make a vigo-out resistance. It appears that the Spaniards are concen ' tratinfj all their forces on the right, with a view, it is said, of enabjinK Mini inif Bal- : . iasteroa toorm a juDCtion. , , ritrt .)! 4fc. kuvmMinn f an hjeet of Cliristian vbarity, have been btm at their car. dings, with a v'ew to depreaa tbw ardor of tha ladies, to paralyze their efforts, and finally to .. .. ..... duriuir the tame month Br.W'tntwoortnreejexcept,onMne..d1e.ol A nun nan,cd y on the North P.nsbnrr have been and w,n continue to be tn.ejSin,fet s r. fMnnir ,10me one tKhl to their first generout reacdut.on.-fbr woman', i H.nR hc. te taction, waa seized by ieav-taenee, like woman's low, la fixed but the f(llir n,er)t bfll(jf thrown into a hot on firmer jn her heart the more it it thwarted in iti ,he river, hrairn to de-th, and the body .PVT??!?-.. ... thrown. ovejarcl. JXewwtVynf ladies of. the Society, most cheerfiifly puohsR" Hem IFe unAlk. b mi papMheiy pre2im did our limits admit ofit.i but we.tM oj?ljjre.d.tff 'K 1. rif in J !' iCl.w'rl 'jlUC. defer Ihem for want wf room.- We ewbardv ton 1ki4, b -on- iuiuki abf pect into Ihe tiver, nod hdd fliaitd past ihe bout, i 'ern..lel tunkint; a:d ri in aniidsl the . I l.J ... .1. . ..r iL. .uCU , , -.urmi. , u. , c co,puiB that they reiterated meiit, will exceed the revenue of that vtar more . .,. w' mu ' T " , , r i ii if it-., l the a oma of Patrick Henry" Poor degraded than one million of dollars. 1 his J-Jlnt can be , . ,r ,,. 1 . , " . . , ... . . j tate IT we would have tha world reaped raised only In one of three waya, either bv a ! . . . , . , , i u : i . l j '. h-'t ft first u-arn to respect ourselves, ana Uan, bv interna! lam, or bv an increase of in- , ., . .it i'r " ' i . . . i i r ahow that e can think ami act for ourselvea. He on certain articlra of importation i which of , ,v . r i j .- j ..... .. Init nff An vmr Artnntinn iffli v. ha-l the President four President. ..i. 1 1.. -i. . .i ... t . .i i . . . 'hi i-.i.rin-aruiiiia iiaa iiciifru iicr iu cicvl Unas and thereby raise the money f 1 he t.ovenimen', , .. . ... j. .... . 1 1 .. .i lotir. Ami now sir am. she considers Haaamat nr on certain articles oi iinportatioti men ol , v r ne i j i. . i ii i i . ii , . Out of 36 vears amcet headoi theae ak-rnalives should be adopted r lo tar !.. . .- . J . . .i ii i i . l eral Conritution, irginia haa h the people, -to inrreae the public debt b a f . M ,,,'. , t , . . ii ir. ,l T.'ir '"r J2 of them : ahe lias had (on, or tn make a s i all a'tjit on to the Ur.fl, i , r k . i . . ... i . ami North-Carolina haa helped not denning it wise at this time to add to the burdens of the people. Lave recommc-iukd a ter of course, lhat we musi- help brr to elect small mod ficatioo of'the Ur.fT, tber. hy fully ex, ; . ' JnZl J. i . , , .... i . . f ,qo, North Carolina will not vote wt the appfoaehlr k . T . . clecl,on for her candidate, knd he will laugh yo - meet the drficrt of that year. a.ata. , .Q . . -Z I'o provide firr the estimated deficit luug, that ahe Uiinka we cannot divide from her. of the yeam 18.5 and well-iTlo i hat hat an th.ttitrncron rorpart meet any extraordinarv demand upon the . ,. .. , . ... . . tributeo, more than all other causes put togeUv I reasuty, whtrh -unforeseen extgrnries er , ,ink otir tniing in the estimation f tho hiiiy U believed In be expeui , other atatcar .Virginia hat had the bejtoament enl that the revenue should he increased. of aJ the. loaves ami fishes) and w,hie sjie dealt Thi may be ronvenieml efTerted bv a . them out liberally tbjeahere, it hat notJieeaV- judirimit revision of the t.tifT; hirh,l,0frweV0Plh,fur 1 ' . : the fragmcnta. Out now again, ahe calla upsa while It wtll not prove onerous to the con-, u, t0 ht,p ,)er ,0 rIcCtt fo;Prf,iderit M0e9 sumcr. will simplify ihe labors of the of ;0f hernaiivia. f i7M-a II. CruwM. fi. era of the revenue. At present, arti ( People of North-Carolina ! . the approaching;, les conipoved of wool, cotton, flax, and j Presidential F.lection ia an important epoch in hemp. p..v different rates of duty. Diffi '"r P0"11 y0V ) yo? "T to . . , 1 - . . j drag along in the trad of irginia, or will yoa .uln.t frequently occur in determining L, arouie joumlvetTthiT.k for youf.- the duties to which such articles aie tub- aeKet, and act for ynurselvet . Where ia that ert. Ihe provision in the tanft, tbat j state pride, that should swell the bosom of every 'he dut) upon articles composed of vari oi,s nuieti.ds shall be regulated by the material of chief value of which it it com posed, i productive of frequent erobar true son of Carolina i It hat tlcpt for years; but it now awakens, and spreads its patriotic influence. Dut how are we to manage, so as to get o(T from supporting thw Virginia candidate t 8ho It . has promised uso him j andiier leading paper,- ruasment und much inconvenience is, therefore, respectfully submitted JJ articles composed ot wool, cotton 1 . . . .. ca nt dominion." 1 here is only one way, -take matenalt is a component part, ne tunject . up cHirafrtlf tnd Aecttt independence, at did to a duty of twenty-five per cent ad valo our forefathera in timet paatf What true ton lem. lot North-Carolina that does, not rejoice alina itted. that (the Kiclimond Enquirer, hu proclaimed it The Hon, fliX, ' promise, moreover, ta eotifirmed by aoma of our - .r ii,... 1 citiiena reaidini along the bordert of the "an- ' oi tnese .. , . . , : i ..i.. ' I he dutiet upon glass, pi,; r, upon iron ; "P'nt now prevailing among our people, to con and lead, and upon all articles composed' '.,e M" tr i!hin 'J tlTM name the officers they are aa follow; Mrs (.ilea, Pmidnts Mrs. Stesle, Vra. .tane The IntUi'ifniti' VVlltf rK'nipirtt Mwtvtty"i ' Mm Vb.inrh, lira Sl-nifrkUiyAlra. A huhhling erlriieiirf thf Mm m ; nt thwt in of the two latter materials, may a ho he increased ith a iew of augmentation of the revenue. Ip all these raes, except silk, it is probdde th.-.t the effort of the propose d u meiiL.tioiu of ., dutie s, will gradually lead on tin -imple supply ol iankieirmfcUfi.dp,mKtt.mauufw ' ftowaieivpic&uni 't-wilt r.onnue to he- lgmtntert-br-the purposed alterations in the tariff Unlit the public debt shall have been redeemed; after 'which the public eirpendltui. in Torrencej and Mrs. Moore, Vice Pridenti Mrs. . A nt, coung n Mosea . Locke, fimnUne Srtt'rii Miss Jusan J ,lc tCHm-S(f.t, p Drawn, Trtitnt t Mrs. Dr. Long. airs. Martin, Mrs. Thomas Holmes, Mrs. F.vans, 'rs. Charles Fisher, Mrs. Tho. I.. Cowan, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Fcrrand, Mrs. F ihon, Mrs. White, Mr. George I-ncke, Mrs. Indey, Mrs. Hamilton C. Jonts. Mrs, Murphy, and Mrs. Reevea, Ihrttttrt, -J, hZf.hf-S ''! e heW. In the.tJovrtjJIouse, oft Saturflav evening next, tlw 21st Instant, 4 o'clock f the bell will be rung at Jialf paat three. Tbe ritizf nt of the town of Alexandria, Disc. Cd. hich'Contatna a population of 9 or iO-QOO souls, ahd.haa been a large town about 1 OH ycart) are fosCtoniHrring jibe propriety of boring tnto-jfhe earth to piocore dnnkinp; water.. I hey have here tofore been snpplieu wit h water" from a fountain a mile, and a half from tow n, which it carried injssks; an' dealt out to- the inhabitants bv gallons quarts, cc. There are 437 wirjowiio Xebort,R. I entlemuti. a strapper in .t, phinged into the tiveraf ter the youik l-d ; al'ier stritguin'K the water a'tVoit time, thty were both saved hy a sn)l boat. An insurrection lately took place anions the convict inv Newgate, X'otuuctkut. 1 hty werefjrfd upti trv the RU-rd, enct and aide and anrrth with a bat,tiet. They were soon ton qijcie d, yndtw filled ih their cells. 1 here 109-in'prisoh"." ' " C6rn: mmirht u. s. m- f.rtry, haa latily been uied by) a court martlitl at fVrtnn Rruge,'bn vaiioua chat gesv one of4 whit h was for "ly ipg,"- afid acquitted bv 'the louit ; the tentenre of theVourt was subsequently approved by -Gen' Gainee. ' ' .. Gen. b-niel Brfrrinirer, and Willie P laivfjtlm,.q.,aVe' rahdidiites foj.Con; gress from the '-Raleigli district. "5 Duncah Cm tn, F.tq for the Senate, and -.?. AltbaitV M'Auleyi abd Joh& ; ' tttn Of 1 DCi1 rxtent of the sinking fund, which is, at present, g IO.OOO.i 00. But if contrary to present antic ipaiions, the proposed a tig mentation of duties should, before the pu'hlic debt be redeemed, produce a dimi' nu'icinr f the revenue arising from the importatlisn of those- imtiiea, corres ponding, if not greater, augrnentation rirar'firtpB.rdemlr. ur articles tmponca into m yauca States. This supp aitibn rests upon he iwd-fold conviction,' that foreign frtictcs, irearly equal to the valu of the domestic eJtporta, will be imported ind rbnsumed j; and that the aubstitn-' tion of. particular classes of domestic articles for those of foreign nations not only does not necessarily diminish the value of domestic, exports, but usually tends to increase that value The dutiet upon various. other artt- clea, not in an degree Connected with bur dbmBsticrindiiStry', may'Jikew wt, Virrinia haa for years fattened on tha profits of our internal commerce w e have built up one of her most important towns, Petersburg j and let the late proceedings of the merchant and brokers of this same Petersburg show what re- turna we have received for it. lnaulta and rid kide::ircthf chanat for our commodities. But at all this, iwesfitfiM r4Kce, aiece.ii.iaa bsu wir, gnw. w wct.aOaaiirltt VVfc jarrp.tf5t ' of our peo markets. The example of the people f Itafclglt" on this occasion, is truly worthy of imitation. For many years before the late proceeding! in Petersburg against us, the merchant! tn Ktiagti la the' tmded altogathaiia rettrsburgUutancclhriU out of all the merchants m that city tYy $nt nat been, found to return' to that market, all the others have told their produce and made their Eurchaaea in Faj etteviue, and did it, too, on etter terms than they were used to do in Pe tersburg. ' , ' This ia a good beginning, and promiaet well to North-Carolina. Put we must not stop here s k ia Jiot alone sufficient that we turn our trade from Virginia to oor own marketa j our eharao ter and 1nwrst Teqaire thaf we- ahottW alaoae.--ttp fur wtrtelvetia pliti t f -When we aticeeed in both of tliese'partlculars, then Ncrth-Carolina may hold up her head, and itand at a STATE ' among States.-'"r . ' It doc a indeed seem M to againtt the very, grain of the " ancient dominion, to allow the Ieaat credit or honor to jorth.Carci'lna, Lit any . respect, Ifven now, a 1rginianjt laboring wltb, all his might to atrip otir forctathera, who are aleeping in their gravet, of the glory they won with their blood in the battle of Kmgt Mountain I Yea, not only to deprive them of their juatly -won ( glory, but furthery to heap disgrace upon their memories, by accuaationt of cowardice t Witieae . the publication of Mt- Preston, of rirgima, dur iriff th bistinter, and even now, Nevertheless, we are called upon to help Virginia to elect aa Fretidenv.frm.i7. Grawfird, another itaftf ";.r -

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