Si N i fc V, 1 i VI I M ! " 1 hu A J M . VM.. VY. rfjVi TIC) i 1 1 il Al tbe SIMit of b' tabU'twent ar Wginn'mf to bear rather an i r' ' t the ,ur. tha EJ.tor u cofi.pi :m " - w plan that promiaet a better re f-r hi !..; U future, 1 nc rrracTjce in w.i mi r, m . s. ... k ....I... p. s. .- ii ,. . , it).- In advance) end it Kmi that i a'l rui'iv f them ik. two, and three yean. In future, ihe itrm f the Vtf(rn Carolinian ill be a follows: ThrdlUi eyer,pa)abUyeary in a hauce. I? try paper sent at a dittiKrf itl be diwon tnurd kAcrthe hn iirnl fur wliicli il fctl bfen Jid for, UnlrM Ike mluctibtti iaamu to be (nod In the Uttrr rur, the paper till be cut until paid forml ordrrrt! to be etopt. Ai!f rtirmiU will be inttrtrd a, fifty rrnte per fMar for ibe fifat nt-rti)n, ami te n'r-fife v-nia for each iiibaeqwrntime, AJveilitcmrnta frtxn a iuuc inua be paiJ for, or their p ment aatome'l by a rrjionible prraun, btfore tbey can be pobliahcd. All letter frldrciard to the F. lit or, murt be fMHtpaiJ, or thrj will not be at(rnlcl In. i-iiiLo win in. i:u.tixc. 01 F.O. W. r.KIMKM bi g lrre to inform the V citixciMi f Halittjurv, tixl the wirronn lini; omiiin', ttmt he it'll c mtiiHi- tn cirrute all kind of h'Hiir, mgn, corh, anil OnumrtiUt Ptintinr. Hating jirocnrnl n tniple avupply of nta'cnait, anil riM i(f, lur nmiiDrr in )tar pant, ilcotcd alniott hit wlmle atlmtion to c- qiiire a competent knolcilr of tlii Lmtifli ii til unit, he fi tU conhilcnt i lnnjf alile lojfic BJirWAdinn to tlic wliumav be pli-urtl to -fa-tor him iih orilcrt in the ahuve line. (liliCing ml (ilain(r will alon be executed in a m at mm Der, ami on reacHiahle teru t. He alio krrp On hamt, for mIc, Ci.pul and Japan YurniiK. Wanted, a an anprrntirr to ihe alnivr bui. Drs one or to Ij'lt, from I J to 16 tear ol apr, of ftraih anJ iniliKtrioill habit to wliorn, if they prore thennctve dcrrving of It, a good chance ill he jrivrn. Utr. V. 0, 132.1. 29 XOTICFa TUT. Conini'iMitncr appointed by Court for the purpose, of coniractinc for the build. tlf of a i'urt.llvn$e in tin Town of Cem -, ill attend at the t:Hir-lloue in Concord, on the 4th day of July neit, for the purpose of re reivinjr propria! for making and delivering' bHcJt and lumber, and doing the fnaann and car. - MtMlcr work f (xiiiJIouac, , t;B.JKLO T?. K HKRtVfJKtt, JOHN rtllFKK. and JACOB hFIUEWALI), NORTH CAROLINA RVafK COUNTY. SUPFRIOR Court of Uw, XUrh Term, 1?3. laivice reniiittin vt. Kckitl I'eninjfioii : retition tor divorce and ahmotiv. It appt-arin to the aatiifai'tion of the Court, that the de-fni. dant in thi canr rt tidr without the limi't of thi State, it it therefore ordered bv the Court, that publi.c&Uon. be luaJo th -WataTd; tetrti CwHwttfl Tot1 three ntbntti,'tliat Ue defendant appear? the ntt Siipcrio'Co irt of Lato he held fur the c.iutv of Kurke, at the Court-Mome in Moraiiton, on the fourth Mondav of Scptc m ber m rt, then .-td there to plead to wl petition, otherwiac the petition will be heard ct parte, and decreed accordingly. Copy tent, W; Y. EUWIV, C . B. S. C. L . ....... Pckttadv. - .imt&i NORTH CAROLINA. d widson. coi n rr. COURT or I'lea and Quarter Se;on 'April Seaaion, 1H2J. Nirholai Michael, v. Jolin V. Mataw : Original attachment let ied on lands. It appearing to tlie,satifactioji o the ctiurtrtJiat the defendant ii not an inhabitant of thi State, it is therefore onlttrd, that publication be made forix weeks successively, in the Western Caro. linian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant at our next Court of -flea ami Quarter Scion to be held for the county of Davidson, at the touft-T louse m I-cxington, on the ixM Mon- Test, DAVID MOCK, C. C. Price adv. g2. ' Ct62 " NORTH CAROLINA. COURT of Fleaa 'and Quarter Sessions, April .Session, 1823. Jesse Margrave r. John I. Mataw : Original attachment, levied on Land It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the 'defendant ia not an inhabitant ol this State, . it is therefore oitL-reil, that publication be made for six w eeks successively in the Western Caro linian, priced in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at wn- next Court of Flea and Qu-irtri Sessions to be held for the county of Davidson, at. the urWloiite inrt the 4tfv Mon day in July next, then and tWiVterrepIiriTsd flead, or jndgment will be taken accoiding to . tlie plaiitirF's demand a..,;.,.-.,. . Tes-t, .DAvm aciec'Laoi: Price adr. 2. 6t62 lioust tor SaVc. I WILL sell iny Ileuse and Lot in Fa lisbury, on'accommodutine terms. Apply to T. L. Cowan. Van. or to mvseif. in Ra leigh. There ia a good office, belonging to the lot, convenient for a Law ver'or Physician. JOHN BECK WITH. dav in Julu-oext, tUn-aiid lWr to replevy and . i it z,Lt tJii")t'lt 1IKHiaJwtr- -1 ' C. ' s JJATILK of KfNGM M'VM'AIN. , mm Tr sincir asraarta. 10 THE PUBLIC. , In the cauite el tbe battle, we were repeatedly repuUrd by the enemy, nd 'Vura d'ifi the mounulii. It thi ue- crstii'U ol rrpuiwun'i '"t,1i i m k t Jkufrour ia the pow luraeif p'e .c J. imn, jid a grot, part of rvier, were . - r m'. .1 ' : 1 .t : .. . r 1' f tt iniii i-u iot;eiiicr in mc couiuimmi i i me haute. Torrii the Utter pari of the ae lion the entritf nude C'ne ami fjllrt O'au'c tipim ui Irotn the eastern tummtt of the tnouniain, and drove uvnear t3 the f'Mit of it. I he retreat wt m) rapid. t!ut there wa great danger of its Seromitit; route. Wlillr I wa attempiltig to rHv the men. at the tliM.inre of lout 300 vard f'Oin where the ene f action h id lieriit l tiioked if'wn the m .wiloin, and 1a (lot. ('ainpUrll siding on bit bdd-f.rr hl.k hofir, n'xiiit 200 jrjnl further ofT. apparrtitlr lookini; liv;lt at tne. lie wa in the same trim 'with hit roit ofT) that he lixd put htifiac If in to Cl Hie taUle I topjtd mr horif, utxl riturd invnelf up in my ttirtupt. to the hint Hut I nw him. He did not move while I lvked at him. Our men were toon rallied, mtd turned back u;on the enemy, who, in a lew mtnutel after we i'in came into r lote anion with them, gave wi. We gained the eastern summit of the moun tain, and drove those who had been oppo sed to ui ulon.; the top of it. un'il thev were forced down the tsrttrrn end, alwut I00 yards, in a c rowd, to where the other prt of Ueir line had tx-e'i contending with Cicavrland and Williams, h lio were niaintairiin thnr groiiiul below them. Ii was liete that Fn gutvin. the 111 iiiiii i om tTi ii dc t , wi killril jnd a u l ite fl ,g totjn her hiu-d ly the enrmv, in 'oken cf unen'cr. I her wric ordered to throw fuMt their arm ; whirh thev did, and surrendered llu Him Ive pi Imiiu ii jt ditrrrtion. It a wiiif time before a complete cesjiion ol ft ing, on our part, rotild be cffcrJcd. Our men. wlm lud been tcanercd in the luttle, wric contin Uallv coiiiin up, and rontirut-d '( fiie, without romprt bending, in the- heat ol the moment, what had happened; and some, w'io hail heard, that at liufoiu" ilcfcat, the British had rclukrd cjnutcr to nunv who asked it, were wifli i' to follow rht bad example, t in; to thrc atie,the Ignorance' of some, and the iipovtm ofi ithcrs to rctatraie, it ieqmied Woiite tnne and some exertion on tin- p.irt ofthe ofii cer la put ait enure atopt lo the 6 After the surrender ul the enemv, our ttMrn gave, spontaneously, three loud ami long shouts. It was nut till 1 5 nr CQiiiinu'r after the encniv hoisted tftr flijj nf surrender, nor until some w.7'iM.v ufier fir thou't uf oai tri'ti had uvnnur.crd iff vutory, t hat I saw t'ol. ( iimplxll on the west point of the mountain, vnth hi tight colored coat but' .4rfv;iNrarmtTi trHan 'asr PJbXi with three others, 'all of whom I knew,) to where the ptisoners were. He came ditectly tome, and stood bt mv ide, and, Tier a shoit sjut e, ordered the prisoneit to sit down, tic then pioMied a second cheer, which, tlnx gh joined in by many, was neither so general nor so loud as the first.'-'- - -' tt? fWfeT6irC4'm-pteir' came' up,"tVe Hat; of the enemy, and the sword of their commanding ofTiccr Dupoister, bad been received, not by me, Lut by my brother, Major Evan Shelby. About 10 o'clock, on the day after ihe battle, I wus standing alone, about 40 yards south ofthe spot where Col. Camp bell came lo me after the surrender, cn jotinjj the wainith ofthe sun, for I had been very wet the day before, and wasex posed to the cold dew of the mountains aiLjjij;h.ti when ( saw Co. C leave.- the UaCr.t!ti;UWtlithaC lH-wulMiidr ln arm, till he:ram.e Maciouxlung he 4hn in a lower tone of voice than usual, and with a alight imile frn hit cnttntenanre. madn the fol lowing expression; .Vr, I cannot account fur my conduct in the latter fiart of the ac tion. An enterprJze!o darinp, end a victory so complete, was s'pposed to entitle the officers who had conducted arid achieved t he ni. to some testimonials of their roun d's 'a approbation. The legislature of Vir 4jiiUavoted..tQCoLIIamfbeiL.h North (Carolina, at.theii next session, were j!ese 'StrvtK"'iTv.i each cf us a sword. - Such is. the history the battle of iKMig's MotintairT, "and tjf the incidents tjonnected with if, so far aa they relate to Hie present controversy. Of those cir etimsitancel wokh relate to (ol. Camp bell personally, and which might haye a tenebpey to diminish his reputation,-1 have seldom spoken, except in confidence. or to those who were previous!? acquaint cd with them. I ant sure thtt I mar say with perfect truth that t have never ken of them In a aniHi of detraction I basl long teased to be citizen of Nit!i Carolina, The ordt voted bt her lt nevr yet been presented, al (hou.;ii ytm Kl p4ud e-f. Of the oite whlcft w voted tt ene I had for a .... i. . . Iok 4tnM arelr tloohl tintsl aJtamUhe vear 1 8 10, when the prospert of p proaching hiHiilnUs with (rsililMiriD turallv routed h me ancient feelings, and recollection of out Revolutionary war, and when, also, I learned from J relation of Mr. I'resiotii that the state of Virginia had Kiven to him, at the representative of Col. Campbell, the elegant iword which hart tieen voted tn the tatter, for hit services at the battle of King's Moun tin. Thete circumstances, and the re flections to which they gsve rise, did pro dure tome feeling of emulation and to liiitude, and a sense that epnl justice bad not lecn done loo who participated to that memorable achievement. In this state of mind, mv letters, bear ing date in 1810, were addressed to my old friend and fellow soldier, Col. Sevier. The object of them at to confer! with him the meant of reminding North va roliiu of her ancient pin mitf, and of oh t.nint; tUoe tworr't which, thirty yert before, h id been voud to us, as tne ho norable ir.rraitiils of our good conduct. and our country's approbation. In the course of thi corietpondenre. after men tioriiugthe mananirnous ex imple which lrt.1 la h..d glvi n to Carolina, by the houott conferred on the memory of Col. Campbell, I ventured to mike some com parison of the aerviret of Sevier and mv self with those of Col. Campbell. I sta ted, in suiistaucr, that the enterprise, which resulted in the battle of King's M iint.iin, was not set on foot bv Col. mphcll, but bv Sevier and myself, and that aomc address was necessary to in duce him to unite with us. J hat the greater part of the men who frosted the mountains on that occasion, may be fair- iv said n have been embodied by Sevier and myself ; thl Col. Campbell was not present in the latter part of the action, or when the enemy surrendered, nor for some minutes aficr; and that on the next day, he apologised tome for his conduct. I'hise slatcrucnts are all true within mv own knowledge. 1 hey are more par itt-ulaly eaplained n4 ill urn at d in the narrative which I fiave RiTerr above" of the battle ,'and the circumstances which led to it. Hut Mr. Preston hat denied (hrm has impeached my veraertve and imputed to me the vilest and most dis honorable motives. It ia yet in rr.y pow er to establish the truth of these state ment by the most respectable and un questionable testimony. They are vert ficd by the leltets of Col. Sevier, written in reply to mine; by the statements of Gen. I homat Kennedy, Col. John Saw vert, Jarnes Cooper, Henry Blevinsj John Loh'iiM'jor "vViTilafii DrTancV'i Cok'MaJ thew Willoughby, Cot John isharp, Wil liam King Ksi. George .Morrison. Jacob Isely, Jacob Dealer, Joseph Dealer, John Peters, Muj. Christopher Taylor, Kev. Felix Farncst, William Willoughby, Ro bert Llder, the affidavit of Col. Moacs Slnl!,and a multitude of others that mlfhr be idde- tltiiiateinn tlie Battle of King's Mountain, or speak from long tradition and the In formation of those who did, and who are now no more. In Col. Sevier's letter to tne of the 17th January, 1810, lie lays, "It is true that ( ol. Camnbcll was not within one quarter of a mile when the enemy sur rendered to yourself and -me." In uno other letter ofthe 27th of August, 1812, when speaking ol the battle of King's Mountain, he says' "It is well known you nxre in the- beavfhtritcrtaBiil fec4 queray.4aw-ywMnatflgftf first field officer i Tecoiiect wtiavmeen. I hat wo doubt you- mukt'recaallect Col. Campbell was some considerable distance Ht S I ISV 9UflVIVIS VVU S I W III you and myself spone on the subject the tame evening. 1 pel fectly recollect on ray seeinig you at the close of the action, that I swoie by G d they had burnt off your hair, for ii was much burnt on one side. It is well known by some hun dreds in Tennessee that you were Colo nel on that campaign, and that We were! the "Only - persona whe- ae t on- foot the- pedittoo, -and had lo get Campbejl to join us."- . Gen..enn edjr. L wiiu belonged , on that day "tatiiem was a captain in the battle of King's Mountain, and .fought on the eastwardly quarter WheriCampbeltV'r.egimeiit was alto engaged; that he sa.w me frequently i but does "not recollect to have seen Col Campbell during the action," Sic. In his statement lie further says, I waswithjn sixty or seventy yards of the enemy when they raised the flag, and was close in villi them In mlnutt or fwo ifterwaidi, and I well recollect to have tern ol. Shelby there, one of the Erst men I met with. I rr member to have heard several men en quirt for Col. Campbell before he came up, which was, I think, a'mut fifteen til nutea after the surrender. I tsn reroi lct in hve heard il talked uf in the ar mi after the action and for many years after whrn In conversation with men who were in that battle, thai Col. Canuibel was mtf- attbe, surrender, for Mint-time after the enemy had laid clown their arms Col. John Sawyers, dun whom there It no man more entitled to credit, as cetil- Bed by the most distinguished irentlemen of Tennessee, states, that MItaac Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky, held the com mnd of Colonel at Ihe tattle of King's Mountain; that I was a captain in hit re tciment, and know that he first planned the expedition ith John Sevier," 8tc. "He fShelbv) was also among the first al Ihe surrender. I taw him and Col. Se vier when ihe enemy laid clown their arms, but (Ii I not see Col. Campbell for some time afterward. I also state, that Maj. F.van Shelby, brother to Isaac, and not Isaac Shelby, Sevier, or Campbell, as I have heard that tome nowttate, rerriv ed the fl i? and sword. I ,o slate, th it. from this circumstance. I was led to think of Col. Campbell at the time, looking for him among the ofh ert, and do believe if he had been there I should have ren him, and that be did n t come up for IS or vO minutes f'er the enemy had laid down their arms and In-en placed under tuard. I alvi know that it was the general talk at the tim, and I have frequently since tteard it spoken of by men who were in the action, h an indisputable fact, that he was not in ihe latter part of the action, or at the ui render. 1 also recollect (lis- tinrtly to have heard it said amongtt the otTi" ert before we left the mountain, at well as on the av home, and since, that Campbell himself admitted it, and in a private conversation with Col. Shelby, on the mount in, had said he could not ac count fur it. I remember tu have intend ed to atk Col. Shelby if this was to, buf it has so happened that I have never men tioned this subject to him or him to me. Mat. ilium Dellaney states, thai, "1 was an orderly sergeant in the action of Kind's Mountain; that 1 was with Col. Shelby, and rode with him while plating a guard round the enemy after the ur render: that I did not see t'ol. Campbell in the latter part of the action," of t the surrender, for some minutes afterwards. and that I heard this spoken of at the time, as well as im e. - It is alto my be lief from what I understood at the time, (although I iid not see it myself,) that it was Major Evan Shelby, and neither of the four Colonels, that received the sword rom the British officer in command." Colonel Moset Shelby state upon oath, that he was twice wounded in the action on King's Mountain; that he was assisted down(tp ji .ir.Mich aomeaipal.cltstaiMio frrh the -foot of the mountain on the east end, and that he taw CotrCampbel! there, sitting on his black horse t this- was about the middle of the aciion, and he knows "that Col. Campbell did not leave that place until the battle was over, or until the firing had ceased." Jacob licaler states, that he was in Capt. King's Mountain, "and amongst the very first at the place of turrtnder." "The commander asked for our General, and gave bis sword first to Major Even Shel by, who kept it until Col. Campbell came uu, which was twenty minutes, and I think longer, afterwards. Frtn the dis course which I heard between Col. Shel by and the British officers, 1 know that Campbell was not there, and that it was that length of time before he came up." Joseph Dealer certifies, that, "I was at j he jr surrender-,. ilk-m jt Jcoilie Jacob- .vnai ne nas stated tt tne auovo cerun catcrimcHcnow ft to ber-tttternd Have tl- wayt .spoken xJibetiJi . and. heard them spoken of by those who were there, in ikh ..,.. -' ; John Peters also states, that he u was in Capt. Pembeton's company with Ja cob and Joseph Dealer, and amongst (he . . it . i . . t nrsi at tne surrenoer. nai i ksjw oi my own knowledge that what Jacob Mei er has stated in his certificate is true; that the enemy surrendered, and there was a ring made round them, 15 or 20 minutes before Hooked up aW sa w Col? (inpbeJt;ie6mmg' With two !or,three others down the mountain t this ft what have always1 ...heard and never heard iti contradt'ed."s:'"""'J'T".' The statements of the other individu als who are -above. nmed lencj to confirm the same facts They are subjoined. V ith respect to the certificates pub' ished by Mr; Preston, I shall leave the -public to compare with them the facta 1 have stated,, and form their own judg ment. I will observe, however,that John M'Culloch is- Hie only one of those) whose tutemma fcivf been published, that I hive had an opportunity (f totnmuti!cl ing with, and he his rernflrd that lit na ver signed the (crtl3cte publubed at b. The statement which he there makes, x that he ,li Col. ( sinphrll t tl rr. my's marque," kc. U ery unimpuiispl ind proves OOlhiiit. .That "mar'ie w ft at Hiearavt end of the"rnoii(iai ti"l JQ er600'VH frorrt-witr 'thr taentf furs "" " rendered. . . . . . The 4ettlnfiile wMrh ! henow ej -hlbited, will satisfy the world tl at thf statements contained In my Icttf ri irf . true. , I deeply and sincerely regret the ht cetsity that has been cast upon me of din cutting in defrnct of my on rharrttr, t subject to delicate and so Invldlnqt, , it a controversy that 1 have not sourf ht ' ' il it one that I would have avoided if an alternative had been left me, Mr Iciieii to Cot. Sevirr were written in all Ihe con. fidrnce of a private correspondence will) an old fi lend. I question not the mo. lives that influenced his ton to publish them after ihe death of hit father. ,Iiut certainly it was an event altogether un ripecled by me. I berirciimstanees un iter which those tetters were written, the person to whom addressed, snd their prl . vale and confidential character, must con vince the world that I did not write them for the purpose of defaming the memlry of Cel. Campbell, or with any design giving invidious publicity to the iinplea ant truths which they contain. And if . lo have spoken the truth require an spo loity -if one be due either to the living - or the dead, the circumstances of the case amply furnish it ; and ought to have miniated ihe Mole nee and injustice with which Mr. Preston has assailed me, I do not tay this to deprecate the. wrath or censure of any one for I m conscious of no impropriety and I fear no conte ' cpiencet. Mr. Preston states, that I hare charged Col. Campbell with cowardice. 1 have made no such charjrr. I have stated facts only, and cowardice is the inference or construction he chooses to makeVThr; farts staled, I know to be true, yet I do not believe Col. Campbell was a coward. I believe that in the commencement and - first part of the action he acted bravely; and mat bis subsequent conduct was tha effect of some. unaccountable, psnlet-to : which the bravest men are subject. Such at leastare thesentimentl whichlJliTsU. hiuui(cm ana cuciisncu (.ana incic iOmtv-: bined ith my regard for Col. Campbell, : : and hit relatives and connections, will not only furnish ready answer to tha ques tion so exulungly asked by Mr. Preston, why I did not long aeo denounce Ms an. cestor to the world as a coward and pal. troouf-but will also account for my long"" and habitual silence on the subject. They ' wm account, too, when taken in conjunc tion with Col. Campbell's good conduct during a. part of the aciion, for the ei tvtMipavvhio at used by me in the autograph , letterjo : ; which he alludes. I can only say that I have no recollection of th it letter. . nr tend not however to doubt its existence, since it is affirmed by Mr. Pres;on, and It i having ever been my wish to shield the " memory cf Cot.tmpbeiTrrom reproach. As to the document of "curious cha-... XaCterl4Jie . rera of H - Watt la, fttr tinned by the officers) to which Mr. Pres- ; ton so triumphantlr refers as furnishing ! cot t.adiciion to the statements ccntain ed in ray. letters; it maybe remarked that u was not drawn up on Klng-'s Maun tain, nor until some days after we had left ii that it It nothing more than a brief and hurried account in eeneral terms of the expedition and the battle, drawn up to , authenticate the Intelligence of our vie lor and eive tone to public rerjort. This document, inacturate. Indefinite as it is"" ia.vsocne- paHkttlar,turniheV fKnr has supposed to exist. --rwkout4.Hf. those -supposed -contradictions, he,. quotes that pail if it ; fwhich tates, The troops upon.the rAf -..n.J .t. 14-!. ..e .. ' t having- gained emttfmrgmt- nence, obliged the enemy to retreat along the top of ihe ridge to where Cok Cleave and commanded, and were there stopt. by his brave men a flag was hoisted" Ice. Havng interpolated, in parenthesis, after the word "rjht," in the above quo tation- the words 'Colonel Campbell divislan,' Mr. Preston exclaims, thus Si frgtrrn -tmder Colonjet Shelbyro-wn hahd " In Yttp; thafithe mtmf w routed by the diviaibn uncVr Colonel Campbell in - peraom I he dKUmn? euthorixea no. iWch'iidulio1&TMainr' it Is only rendered ' plauiible from the hiterfiatatian which h ws made. The truth iv avl-hsye be fore stated it, that ft great part of the to umn, commanded by Sevier owing to the teavy fir in front of the twp.cemre co umns. wa drawn into the action. This act is proved by the certificates of Messrs,' Kennedy . Taiyiors-and Earnest, who be. ioDjsd, utl3evicrs column on thtt day. : .utiaerteii.-i (.. v ' J :