Tl.Tl 1 ' . . I "- fL 5 1 ,,.,'.-. v . .- ... - 4 sJ v v w jw M m. 'vo K.UiUlX, .V. 15. TUVafcim, 3V1A 1, lft-M. iK la.'J. ), A b Bl'itia of U eiialil.s'.inrrK i lefinoinf l bear r:'t r an Utf rati li t'tf Pftim. lb f-XlOr it C'!lrij4fl bp frtttr , j,Un tUi pfwlr t botur re 1 far hi labor lit fature, ,Tb prsH m Una osi-, wwn'S ),M been too earvb.. ParKrt ) t "la i'T at WMjrfc'to r unkrwwirt The H ; tWfi rrtwWaHy wfcf frpwrti'ef W ft1 n JM(i i aJ It it ou UaLb atl flianv fif llir jri ever inland lo f ay, afir rrerlir.f the paper nr, two, ami three year, in ruior, in icr.i.t lit Wetter) Carohmart will b a toUovti 7A V?.i y eat, pavabh: yearly in d :. Ztrfffwr wot dVtM-e, will ff d:f on. tiourd atrrtb timr lha etpirrd for hie It it in keen pMKr, tintr th wtbarrbrr it kiwn to t pod i ia th Uttff t, tli ptj rr'will he cut until pt'ul for and orWrrd 1 bv tfnpt. . AdvcrtittnriH4 be in rtr J firty f t-ntl jer jtire for ib firti incr'.io, n4 Um'f-fif e cc ill t fur rmli t.jt)tcf(ient one. AflrtrtltcinciiU t from ditttie mut be pid for, or their r ent iMumrd b) rttjMjniblc ptrton,' before tkry co b pubnJitd. All Utter xbiiTMcd to th felltor, mutt be pit 'pJtd, or they will not be attended to, rillLO WHITE.' Sign, Coaci, inA Uouac GRO. MT. r.fiiUES brf letreto Inform th ciiiet t K!it!ur), aiKl lb t4jrround;n rountrv, tlit he tt-ll continue! to eiecute ll tin U iif, i'gn, cofh, nd ommntl fiiniinif. ' ja1n(f nrocnrrd n ample t-ipply of . matcrwla. ami hvin, for a nunbcr of )esrt part, devoted alnn bit tirntioii t ac- 'tire a cnufB-trnt kno ledjji- f '' branch f btitinem, he frelt confidcni tit hi jnjf able to , auiMi'wtxin lo i:im honwk be nkatrdto fa- ap I. in with ond ra in the a!j(re line, ti.liimir and Glailnp will alw h exeru'ed in a n-at roti- i Her, and on rvaonatle crr . lie iw acc;i n hand, for tle, Cpl a-'d Jpan f umith. Winttjl, at an apprtnu r 'c anTf tnrv pr.v, 11.,-,. u..rvinj. m . t nancr will Do C'tn. AW Afr. Vt. 3. 1823. J9 ttvrs li. MAMf iON n-attrctlidlv iiiforna "' -"l" - " . etonr orto lda, from IStn 151)1 ajfv, ', a'i;I eiilplo)!.! niy COI respgn of rr 4.1 and in !u'r?wa ImViH to 'ion, if t,., anniC or mjrcwnj a thaii bt f'ON r-jfrftlt.liy ml'! !C nff'lUn- ihi' id I I K. f irr. on .Mam-Vt t -where he ii iu nfiDam.l. a ith a srwKl wt cr tooU tntmr kiwi .f - He ttfirct Hit t In mav t? hit" uifn ihef Ow'om, that tbcir-wnrk ihall bf f UC itvd m at mt'om, Miai tncnvwnrK iiuii or rxec iuu n ai I tie niiiii'o,"tlia 'ic 'cri;.. ihi' tA I thp! : M mmr hodifi itdcfd whi.h tlie countn. An kinltrM lr. ry narrd, , -enc of iie(iiril. h . fir lit r,jerl, ' to - jmI om lilada nutb. .. Jvfc.1 nf ryrry flr.'r.r ;nl44rjrr.4 jn. what iiiinr:il at luve in lahitlineofbut.niu.willU unkhiy riiviwd, '(j, ,uif uK hri'u'er ,.ri or mv iH-ein Icti te at a pn.i nr, mr dirnd on ''L . i bwnj their Work at (U r!,f..'lv .ttemlr 1 1.. n-l f 1,fc "r l,u h ,njV rtlo,n1P teturnedTaa tbonirh tttevw Nt,',r. nd-W'fit lu U aUi... ia i U t suiu. ntheoldesUhr:' e.I 'ilmhuri pne ar nrjfi 1. ' nirirt." Wr ww'i lokno hrlhr sum .Sn;ry. .frf. 13. 2?. '14 Vrfi ,, s jU,j mi,e, d h.ivi lrrr -he nl NORTH C 110!. IN V. ,li"lrOe,e , ' nliUMlOIIOl exial also ' BURKK couvTT ' ,iii ottirr pU. et n- vei nmivvd; whrihe' ' T C'rP'EllltlS Cmntlttir Tr r-H; 1K2J ! W a1u ildc .fculxUa O Loice P- ilnton w. K-ki I 'tfniii(f. 1 1 rra of Hie tatne rl .. wiili h Ii ie lioi !kii Pet'tion foriliv;rce amali nnv. It ap;v iring- ium m all, hc-ue Ihev rt not known ; to the anfiifaction of thet'onrt, tha- tin dcfi-n- jn, whnhtr we h.e not wiil.iii'our lim daitinthiaca4eriii.lpawiiiiH.ul.i- li,.!.of ihia wm f for W(il h me n-)l(. i( . , State, it it therefore onWre I "tv the Co'.rt, tliat , . f , ... n- t , .. . . .. , . . ... . i Urire tumt oi nvifiet .iUwmcI. h hr u i d V. ,. r .i .i ,i . ... i r .. i ;nr,i f .f I hi k iiki krp liilllili. Mini rr all i ;,ro'.nia ii rmrrc ii.omu.x iiuii ine iu'iciuani p ji at at the nest Superior Court of l-aw, to be beld for the county of Iturke, at the Conrt-Houtc in Murjfanton, an the fourth Mamby of Srp't jn iJut,4bcn aiitltiuercLto petition, , othtriae the petition will be heard ex parte, and decreed accor -tinglf.' Copy teat, - r. IV. ERU IV, C. B. S. C. L. Price ad. 6- 3mt64 ' NOHTIICAHOUNA. D Wl&JO" COL VI f CbmT of lMeflt and Quart, r StMiont, April Station, 1323. Nichoiat Viichacl, m. John P. Mataw v Origiiud attachment letieiiun Umi, i. .:...! .La Qil.fiolinn nf the court, that appealing w v i. th rfrpn..nt ia not an inhabitant of thit Stato, . ? ..... U n aiiftAd. Vt llfl II CCess vi IA in ine nMiorni.. - ppr'rat oururTtowt of f Irw-atit T'larteT Sca-iohs f6bf btld.for therotinty of l)sd:n, at J4iUtiIwjri-he4tW Mfl ' Jav7n"Jidvr-neirrrhftnindth?w to rr;i'eTy and Vfd, or judgment .will be tkeneor(ling to Hit DiMi "' r t A Test. DAVII) MOCK, C. C. Prce-au'iS , 6i6i . ... . . I'k Iw iti iir from the tub .sr.bert, living in ok District, , Ca-rnUna, on the Sfith Mav last, five ' roci,ilillbtrC; ' fclloV about $5 year of stout, made, black i uuipkxiari, inn !TlgctoMgPtil'ift bat a dp n look when apol'en to. I'inllia is and a brifht muktto child about 3 montli o!dv T ttfla inn rlirlr okilinlftSrlAli- Oflil Pranks h.itli the ont of Giiert, abiiuV eeve'n and eiht year p age, mU boy Tb above reward of bt'ty 4d , art will be gien, and all reatonable eipente pa'dt o twetrn -five dollar wrll be given for Ubert akme. delivered at llarrisbur?, S. C , .. Aid ' HENHY MKACIIAM, -----'2, .-v"-'1-; john KTMitn.1, ' ' " ''Jane 3,1425. ' (4 ENRV COL iliCCP. - ACItlCt LTl Itr. OrV'MI I It CAHrtLWA. ' itttm i -I'O Clirk yl"-r, r'.. rtbi7 f lb So t an Agrictihitral Hoeietr. fui ILiiu,; au.uf.tri1 om cener. f Jiii1p!p,'btrh I tMxV Clrit lo R irrn tiln wt(rf 'ri1 impe ihc .f4ifrtuJftte"f piwcAltMi (Hefwrrd ot twtctlf in tho awbjef I ol four .1i1irVr " lVni i!T 'l-ll-fid thif ari'ir jr'ipliio5, M in haf ReulKScltur. tjnf lhrit4te lkrn,M eiiiSrurftartob rtt whli'h hit an impoiUnt lerint( on l ie luteie! of tjl oiuire I 1' rert-ln wht titer the titati toil pri- p it likely i b the bnt thil could be tciimJ, inr tummt or ti mtoei. eiuiiuii. U'lt proef.iliiiOii the ground (h-l venloilftl ure d lhe Ule 1 , nmi in!rrrt!lrtif and Imiiorturit idtiect, we rmw leaf the narticuljr rnwJe b? wbirh il it lo be accompli trl lo futoro dicu J(i. Mr prrirni o'ljftt It,' to our r my reutont far thinning to favorably cf the athnnc itMtif. I hu.ri i hat ilirectrd mr reading of Uc Ki4rd Hie aludy v K'ruti on ac conn! of Itt tupp'jted praclic! ten.lrnr, ki I da not n.oUtt m ui mr tiil.Srrt i Mild deMlillf 10 C1U till tilt HU brller, boih for (ormii an r pritinj; ine t)Ojel, i nwn you natt m iltrd the allention of our citizrnt, and f' offerln mr reont for that opinion when lormru. I haie obtained imm rirni, no it with H it wlenre, detailed ttatement rejTliii,r the oAr t.f a rro luilfal turwey, anil in uavamu , w men may be Xpeted to -rriuc f om il loihe nuijlic. 1 am hi liberty iiioieoirr, to nijka audi ue of tnia iifi nmion I n!rr. iii ahall Mierelore aiuil niv-elfnf r t It, to a tun i lerblc etriil, m I he filo i'i(C.obkcrva(ii:t ; itlet tli audi prtt at I deem nioM import nt in my preteni U),lvfK.n, Ii nooeart nut efolocrr. in a acteniifir trine, i ' the widv of ilie Carih em '.larinx ihoir iniiiiuute tu!surtet whi h ur naiurjiU fouid fin or belov ih! ur ,--V. .1.1-. . ' .. . . 7 . T . . number ol p intculura.. uh ny tmmn HH. V ' irt-40-1 vi'rrv pL. i" 1 " fi-Hrr '44Mri4'uliw4i4ve -rery Ji'tk ti dq T th he fHoiiioiiun tour ohi rt and mine . S,,0":u' . - . - . j i - - - liounrrd to the publi' I r wih to kuo of wlul Hi they are wnl It the-biti meaMof hi i"K'nK tor m into u e ant! how t fflif turn them t nr t-l accMMii. We Heiire, thertlore, not only lo have (teolonicarsiurver nude", but to have the reiult published in suh a form, that it may be penerally uhdf rstontl, nnd. so far as is expedient, reducrd. to.prui lice. I theicfore, tir, entirely approve of your suggestion respecting the expediency or havine the result of such surveys lun made, Uid before the briard of aricuM '; .i i. j ...L.I". . i - ture. to be nuhlished. either wholiV or Hi - ,., .,.. n- ftr it.. ..U. r'"'fe7i:l.ilif.i?i". ?r. nrn ai rf thi iiW rteiT'tl ,T-l CIHHK W Ill-M ini': gedoRkstllartcyi'of 'tbe auie t Such. 1 i,iT7confident, are the views which prevail here. TMii ttinc h rc'ppcrln? The ctjrrt nf the proposed suitey. Id the copious de tails which my fiiend has been o good as to fiiiniah rcipecliriff thr advantage vihkh vfiil accrue to i he public, from such jd uti (leititkinVhe husiiuisteJ that the respec tabiiity o.f the state will 'be 'much-promo-ted by il and Uii enough. 'been; Irea. dy disrpvered to intltire ..compelyjnjjjnjfcj To beiieve, lhat fmufT rc searches in our even hintect, that NWib-VarotitTrmaK when she has a f ir cljim to appear con. spit uous ; that her mineralogy orctipica no little space In work that treat of H is stjciee thit a fnrtiijner would Mippoe $ho ti in this Jcspect ?he least Rll'td td any state tr the Union i whereas, thrif is reason to be lie ve, that all this feniint dcfiriency'ls oing tathe: act,, that J et mineral treasure .have ; bitbeito' ben scarcely At all eapioicil" .but ibat, weie Ihrv full devtloped tn the f iirnt that fioin prefn up .tt.n' 'bey be liird lo rlt North t ..,'.n .'ould no! only he freed I. o n jr (!i.rcc lit Ih rnnndrioii of Imf rpineraly with hl i.f brr tUttr states, but woulJ command nrniaUe diatitullon. f renfrti, I feel im t little fnotN b rn'ilrrafions profrstedly toikbinr the Kmtnf tapf Cblily ofSCr t tAjf ihrn I re Bert that litest m mm do not w "th'Vb ttnirrn u"irprf ent at lftoe which re more mmtdiielf conneried with our ftrtuniaru inter'. Motive like lhee eern more proper to be ad rlr ttrd to mr lrilatu'e than to our agrl cultural tor ir lies i I'r are not o much in puryiii of honor at profit. I ht there fure thought beat to paa over such ton iderli'n a the foretoin. 'o eti,trr no'iirdi-ie Iv oniheminiry, U Tsl;i. ir'fu o aomri'iTiai t mt ui- CH4IC "Tt DllITt f ROM THK MIKK L IIVODOM t AiiiTn toe' moat importaot of lbese( are the loIiowinK t ! Iron, J , 2. (ivpvum, 3. Silt, 4. Limestone, 6. 'rrrtorif , including rnitilej , . 7. P-int and d)C.itu(Taf ; 8 SUiev, ) , 8 Mculli oret. I.ti at dwell a little on encH oflhee ti')tianre xp-iratrlr) rutuMne, t the iimo time, ho farjhr tooud survey will foiitnUutc to promote lb ducovery of them, and to inttodure ihein into such notice as may condute lo the public good- Of th Irtu MiUtt and ManhfiUlwrf e.MrlA iron fonatittite the fcvtit of all the arts ; that the inilrumenf by which all mrchaiiral i peration are carried on, are l.,lnirntrd ol mil metul ! ht ettn the mplt f f all arts, tht of lilting the Bioiind, iIU for it aid either lo Nthloii or loniiiiiite every oneuf itsimplrmrn! , are 'points wunivefirfDv'ltn'rwTU'thsr it i upc: ilnou to dwflf on the tjses of mm, or to ii' ire how much we if imlrbi. e-l to the mineral kingdom, fc arTouiinK i i w ma uch fthaustlr abtmdaiice. 4M,HM4f-T.1vWMl4, thjt liort tinJiteiiable imrpo, . --'-1 '-V! V "iif""-'" 1 whatever ma e mt1 faimit;; ami ercry Liftii.r will Ktant, that ie dt and roiKt employ 'jfrt qiiitVrni-'"of tbi tfh le mr year. .1 Jt be Ir.g mirt'tllrd ihrn Ibat mnt have rvjwrlhe rpir rorr i,-Aw . munvftC'U' fii ffsr cerrM, of tkult we i ifi'jri it from uhr'td1 The only plea thai 1 f .ii Link of in Ltor of obuiiing i' fioiu tiio .d. is. that wt can buy it thraier than ip - tun mike jLUhti isi ?f cin do htlr ! emplovinK our labourers in aRrirul tine, and exchanging our cross foi iron, limn wr can i!n,by transferrint them from this employ ment to the manufacturing of probably would be unnecessary ; for w. irintw fir lt lor enterpiir l.ild open bv the cttntve manulacture ol any ol our native uiHteri da, and etreci.dly the rue titiiler rnusideration, a rsoatiropo'r- Irtht inrans would le introduced lor at-ir-'ini; the liibr ol emiuralioijj aritTa most initiii) object would be pres? nti J to fo reign miner and tn-nulacturtrs to rrttle h4fMlv be-rer f be, b--the way. wotil l hiinalonu with them iJcgree of skill exceedingly" favorableT the' im provement of our -arts. A ouuber of otberjeanona occur lo me why it ia better to manufacture tins article if ye can, a much as is sufficient for ourselves at IfiSt,- thn to depend on foreign aup. pliesJauilbcg leave to atalt-ihese rea sons in order. - .. The manufafture f ifonliint w nalu fron'rxu ueni tmfilui mml Uiflik e rho"st other., orih4rtSt--it -fa pb'iipHt T iriwily fo-4b"ttltJ miml m rail as aRriculiurer Jn these reptt lt a Ij)v contrast tt these manufac turing employmenU, which ricbintatethe fiartic, debase the mind," pollute the mo mis. and -pgtrmijUr imnuir the watiwnal slrcni-th. Noemplofment probidily tends more tnan in is, to creair enicnniin indusulous habits ; and it isproyerbjal for1 its peruihir pijwer to nerve the arm, and imivrorate the breast of man. , . ( , 3. In' a neruoiarv 'noint. of view, it h khtji-ctto ciV than almost any o'ber phiLlovme nt that can be tumea. i oo J L! ZLZZl.. - ..... : b sid)iccl. to Wit- ftWiftaff-; fltwtuatWBVfiE tLririmBtjtif Udhneetea ita b up? ply of alii urw tver to Pocut of use,' or indeed to have its' iise in any comiderable degree . . m . ' ! I . m ruled, A change ot time may mouce o m rlr. without a thousand fuxunet in hir It we were aecustome&foirrrulKe. Htnc the manufaciute ol auchartrciet & drafted, not so much on the wants on the pride of man, are subject 10 the most sudden reverie. but aucb an ani iU as iron, w'lch must he htd at a lirnts, and under eerv emergency, l irr in dnt;er of filling atilUTily Jnio i(!i-iur, and ruining th manufacturer. In oUie where not enough of tbit article is made to aupply home rontumptton, a the cat amonK ouraelvet, the safety ol t hi kind of butine It itrmely obvious I'eare demand mor than w ran tnuk war turs Wil fofr Un iuprtnc,lin(ltni' har.ret the price of what Unwde at hnrne N'i jnan therefore. rn pnttiblybe in sfcr buainrtt with prudrnl management than the manufjcture of Iron. rc au war rants Ih fbrricoinK ertionsi for (tvkI manKrment and persevering industry do,' ! think, sir, utu Hy terurf to tho tnsiced in ills bulnet a hamlsome pro Ct, and not unfrfqucnily torducLthfiTi to (he buhett rpulcnct. I have, in more than one Inaunce. known n individual, who ha by this meant made himself trrt wrabhv from small I Klnnlncs, and that too under t)is.idan(j;es with reiprfl lo ore and a maiket, which would not be espriltnifd in this aiate.' Inr'rrJ thiHe of our cititens who hate entgrd in f Itt htitinrss are wiintstct and proofs of the foregoing potion i many of them hate made handsome, states , other have turni d a tins Icr rapiul to tood act ounl : and if any have failed entirtlr. their wanl of turrets it believed to htve been, in most raes, if not in all, attiibuted to can tes wl l'h were independcnl of the bus! nets undrr ronsi leration. Dut if these establishment are profitable now, they michi undoubtedly be rendered far mote so, as I hope to show by and by, were they condoned with tbe requisite skill and economy 9. In addition to those arguments in favor of ihe manufacture of iron, which arise from the natutc of the business li st If, considered as an rtitrrpiize both tli cible and nfe. in addition to these, I tay, .Mr in iwotna nut maurrmturt 19 turn hrr attrnti n 19 thl t 'ubjert wh ch e prtuHar'tv he"rlf. 1 0 thcae I invite tery part'n uur atteMiorir " In the firtt (dace, North Carolina is mrtjt bumitly furnished wiih .in 6ret. So pli-nteiiUsly hat I hi moat useful of ail ihe, metallic ore letn bealowed 011 out state, thai not less tbiui 30 distiuct beds of it havealrtady bern opened J' the touti ilra 0 -dlClkrtlOuii; -:- ahrtif i HM scarcely a single ridjfe ofU that tract ol country which liea between twenty and thirty p.JKi f ast of the Blue Ridge is dej ti ute of induationt, that a aimiUr trea ore lies toniealed below "The counry of lincolniiii particular, has already di. dosed Innumerable depositories of Itoft. Indeed iheie is scarcelva county amoiiK the . billr and. mountainous' din lets, of North I arolina, where a bed of iron 01 e hat not euber .actually bero dirovred. or wbere suffi' lrnl indie ions of. It have not been ntrired, to justify a reasonable hope of finding beds of it. In many parts of ihe low country also. ia found a species of Iron or'e'r Men', IlhoughTiiferiof lo that tr' the" upper - country r-i nenerxhcleas. much the same kind as that which most of the Biltikh iron it made, and it might perhaps be wrought to advantage. In'the second place the w which ii thu firofuirfy ttored beneath our toil, it generally tf the b'tl f uutfy. Wiih the exception of the lower country, just mro lionedjf consists mostly of te klndde- nominated bylmliitraloKUis, JIagnetic Oxide, containing from 75 to 80 per cent. of.jnttaIlic iiooFahd the less abundant vaiieties. namely tbe Sptculator Ore, Ued Oxide, and Micaceou uxiie,j are all rich ores, yiddinj, rooie than 60 pet cent. of. the metal. The exh.uMless a bundance, therefore, of the magnetic ore nf the west ; its excellent quality, being similar to the best Swedish ore t the ne- ver.faiiing supply-ol ChiVCQaL rofrstrtali afTcirrj with riftlc of no expense but -that ff burmgthtrhr- .,-t, i... t. I-.' ,?.-r-vt; k;:.;'- bit4? othef prctiliai ly adapted to mat secuon 01 ur state, and noitit out this article as entitled, .3 -the, '-other klfu of cdnsidered as constituting the innerenl riches ol our western counties, t !., tiiihrrto contemDlatcd the man ufacture of iron merely as ValTotiing to individuals an inymng held lorenterpuse, inj niVmriiMiif retaining wilhin the stete the mooerwhich is expended or this article airoaa..; ..pus ,iww ""J!""?" irhyTrwtrtoy-ot-aiiiiHp ilav b-rfime verv considerable arti ru f'r.f..t. Were the TadMn afldW rs .. k.n,u pd..iiaa'iokDa.--lw& etc mishit speeW njoy:the drlightfuf spce tade of boat without number flowing r,Art. ihrir tributaries, laden with these native riches, and destined for foreign markets.j Aitbough the art t mainu-cr tnrintr this "article itfwhhout doubt, much less perfectly understood than ji might be, , yet, soexceilent is our ore, uia, u. k I. imrv ! ailnwrd. een now, to sn in iulitjr. .with' the bast io the maiket , tod with the InnuTierabl dvinte which a Tee ni.ti m w,m'd, Ha'e f N'otth t''i nl ;i.t niifnlii th tale of kr iiuu Wi n irn bt I Hutti. Jit ihe blkrl rMl'm M.rre dislriclsof thfl ir-'t' e'ti couii'itft tf I f- ; ropr more thiticj-inlnsiarift itffti J ! of opulent hdfmVJ eitif t bsvkib,!. , u, irt Consj'l'iw a of ibosa ois t inj.-. iis-tn!1! ,trivtH''arrWii:;rlri;aur" of, jron om lAllff !!!it tJj:MJ r - ' lutioit which limits our view of what our . own great in eret itcmvndi rrmlJ w j mr aajr beronJ the little horizon of wr own etistence, and think and frd f"f " our children snd our children children, . it wiiiild then b no tport of f-ary ta tee, In the tislontof futiiltt,biighi v'iN birei Liid thronerd cities ti drtir on the fe inofftt triWatie of our wrrn waitrt. Hut ssftfs our present inipe(linnt Av tranportation 'and the wsnt of k!t ti4 eronomy in our mo.le wf mjniiraeit, lh,r 't Iron, etrn Kngbinl supplies toihli pirt of wbal North-Carolina herself, , alilidiiuli the ore fmm whii h it It m.iilu. fiCturei are rbiiflf of the piorrt -sort, " tirldjng bnh 30 pr frht. of Jmn. Kor furl also He English art blijjfd l mko Use of t'ke p rpared ftom pit ccmI, thiiro Is Irmit aWKl, t kli.dof fir whii h it both mote tpenslvr tbn our rhsrroal, and grei'ly i.ifetlorio that in respect to the qualm of I lie Iron t with it. .Vet. under all these lu'U' il ois adyantage such Js idvanr tif sf .tr'of th mechanic arts atn'ng the!i, ihiif they iriumph over He sun. rl n b y which nature herself has rWs!nv J ,4 us. hr tellinir their iron at so H V" t. ire, ' is to tempt us to use it in the h v '" Ghes 01 our mines and manulac Mir, j , ri.r are so Itianv a'.'ana '. a -j.52U resell from muItiiiMnefron woiki, itt I . . ' rould wish to see' more lh-n one tv .h- lishment of the kind in every tout) in the tte where the ore can lebiaiid. N..r kl.utild I' aTioreliend'thnt'tnch au in .... . . . - -rr . i.l t.i..iV... MTdil.l dninr iiiiure . IKH9V in irj'mn if. j I io lh prcaem pr jptiitlors of uch .works, .! .., Ju,,.a . atf rnmnili!iin MiHC t;iair tatvkjiw w s.vim- '' ..U 1. a laa U.i.tnkat aa I . aa a - louiainiruuuLEiu'.i i,.si.,i,"'!?.".i"a a-' of akiil: fordrn woikmcn, when tucba demand was opened fr their but, would resoit bi'lwr, and bring sln'ocr - liththem lb impocmeis of iheir res r rei u ed piu.aud an. riiiptovu quality Aritrla wl h.nicl and Sf Ottly tlltlf It lm jn 'i ilr l"of txDort."Tbeiie Urctf.tTiivt. crs, I think, would amply rompuJSHe ih7 manufattu trs of iron for the tedtKtrort -" of prc e wbirh tbe arjcle mtglit usruiij2 by being thiown intoth maiket In n creased ahun(liox--iloreoveri a rcdutai -' . lion in the price of so in iipe"V'de an Jr. llrl a iron, ta far at is compatible with aair proSijiojhejn nufictutefi U public benefit. ('oulducfiTmpiov-t memsbc fn troduced that it could be afforded at one ,K cent jess in a pound than Itjt sold at pre. 3 sent, many tl)0Ut..iid cjollar would be aved o tlje State, ever yean lor expense mat arise from a deffefencyor itf It Or bad tro nomy, or a total loss, and do no body any good. One obvious advantage also acr t u log from a reduction in the price of iron, that the community may W iire.f ti ty, and thus increase the stability and cs rellence ol all their mechanical struc tures, as building bridges, kc. and im prove the qolitX.and durability of the nous instrument 01 an, ana uicnMi 01 husbandry. Eipen'ses, moreoverx incur. red by tlis'anee liom maraet, are a oeaa ln. n this means ihe articles we bur cost tts more, and tboe we exchange for ; them biingul iri less. A , ' " One of ihe great auvamages 1 nave ever Trvm th mnintr of rur rt lUHU IIIVII.H ' f f, w " vr. tk tbeVihndi lunit the- wilt afford u .for sending to market such artic les as tha . .... j m .ALttramvK.' antrini Ksneri. ,yrIis auch ao aeiit. I ahotil41ivsaa. of the staple torn modhiesjpf it ik ronsidersttons, I think ' St U rind-reft evident lliatjt is the inter est of North Carolina lo turn her4itten tion, in no ordinary "degree towards her mii. e.f iron ore t that she has peculiar. inducements to do so from the abundance -nd exct Hence of the ore i'seir? that his -Important to makii the moist of those beds -' 01 II wiiivil nao wti.11 t..j and to bring to libt such as may yet be concealed n different parts of the etate . ..1: . .. k.'.Y.!lVl.Ha'.i.nAmu Milikl.i! . ami, in at greater bmu bm j,ii so far a is practicable to be inn oducdT" tnTo;ihrnriiactare of AhUrtts; mstoasirv-to ijiquiroWhethVr; tbe ;iocaHtiVvN5y nroposed, will contribuie.t ihe-promotioo ; ul tne loregoing oojrvia. .. this in a tery high tjegree, will, I tbI5i4s be apparent from ihe following "state. ments. ........ - , It would be the object of such n un? lertaking, to ascertain the efctent ancl di. reetion of those bds of' iron 01 e which , have fclreadj been opened j' and henca to . n.i:-- . " if : mm

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