. . - i- mh 1 In th V.ir li re seal i t ; ri4 to If '"im o i hjM telf h.tnrall. f cf te1i if me 1.1 therm lii.ho'twn. Out of lh niott tiefu Cijr tr if t'-t n'rv J wii'uh lc o 4 ! i ;tl ol'l-n j dr wbkt , li Wa tcri-HX l,Uil rtiu'ttt .ite ralausti ally acconp.nv rh other, lhat tUe tytuirmte .f mi lra.1 He observer Ik look f,r on nr mora af e o'hert. In llll wf , the j;roiu woUld See vmft. I;m of n iron, a lead, or copper n.imr $ 4 (if li.netume, gypsum, f t!t and of gteat number of other useful minerals, where one unacquainted with the lawa nf ' ' ' the science, wool.1 nat uricl ihe jtait tence f any ghHc'n iu'SttantesV7 . . I s.hf Ul-wiihSitlhe J?Jf j-propmed-to fee'marler -twtht board ' , - cf agriculture, lo state the rctpeeiite q. Jitiet of the different kindt of our ort , , to determine how much metallic Iron . , tbey were respectively capable of afford . in what were the foreign substances - that were united wi'.h each, and bow these to'tgbt bf moit advantageously arparated - rr a and finally, to suggest every Improv. mrnt respecting the manufacturing af liiit ante let wnicn muni i in j ot session of the author of the report, whether de tived from euida c observation. If this k task, were fulfilled with decent ability, ! aubinhit to the manufacturer of iron, hcitcr it would not be furtiUhlng him tjtith a kind of information which he hat ,' , many a lime felt I he want of end which had he been In potsestlon of it. wruild lire wed him nom much uncertainty nd eil'n,iid perhaps also from many Turnout experiment! In do not intend, tlr, to bt thui minute tjrith retpect to ihe remaining article pro moted to be enumerated, both becaue rone of them are to Important at ihit. nd tutnj of the foifgoiinc uhwrtMiiunt appljr ttto W thfro in proportion lu their Importance-. With Ihit apoltv for de taining )tu to Ioiiki I rrntHin, hn, ret prrtfully our, tiliri illllOH. INTELLIGENCE " 1 Minjft of vtf, and of adenturei new." LAIC fKOM Kl'KOPE. KiW TOtK, JUNK 11. . th packet ahip John Weill, CfeU Harris, which arrived last cvrninjj - - SO daye frm Liverpool, the ed-tori of r- the New York Daily Advertiser hav received their regilar Bin of London taprn to the evening of May 8 h and " . J-tvrrpool paper to May 10th. :2 cneralXouiil iolUor at the head o ... .. ...ap. tha whole . aerond .corpte of the- French armri entered aarafrota on. the 36th -1 be LoimIoo "Coui ler of the lih M r. - atiteii that, tha fit? had been Inundated J! 'fporta thal morning, one. of which ; aitlut the rrench had captured Pam 'petunaanri that wat Immediately tuccee f tr inot her, that. the Uuka d'Anjtru leme had been antjitinated. .llh LiviXH.l ier of the I Oth of IMiVi containt a posttcript in which it i ; at.ited that "vanoua re port t prevail in --7 !BrH,M amonK-whtrh one wa, that" the u klnj' hud renewed hit former connexion r " i'h Uccnet,"nl that the latter would Boon be at the head of an administration 1 half liberal half ultra, and that Talleyrand ' was in dote union with Dcize. . The Courier of the 8'h di-crerlitt these , ; atorit t(- and rjuotet the Quuiidi nne ol ,iMon:la preceding in support of the im probdbtntr " By tSe"accountt, it iloet not appear ' the rrench hud made any progrcts to r "warda Madrid. They were at ihe latest ,". .Jate before Paninetuna. The rumour of ': ei'ortation "will pi oiwhif prove to be no thoj more than rumour. i . ... . iNor do wfl place any rttt reliance on , t the ttort of an expected chunee in the ' v Fiench Ministry, huchajneature would ; JnJirate a detetmination on the part o the Kng of France o recall hit troopv and brin about a peacet wuhoot having 'T"accoriipnhedbne i object for which he trtVheliukid!AftMuleiue bad mrjwmr " . Wauild, in conteuuence of whuh 30,000 -j. , aOuiUonal tnwps are ordered to the Pyre ; . fteta frpm the northern parts of France ; . v The last despatches from the head oiiar . -- trrf of th Fi-hrh "pDMLj.'f f nMrpTird tn bave ' tjr'ynjrlr urijed the Importance of ; immeoMie reinforcement. The neeessi , ty or reddi ing M. oabattiani rampeluna, , j r? - . ...j,u : . . . . r - eou t i,;urra, miu nc lmposM Jiiny 01 00 , " in;r tithcr with the force employed ea- ' "puin the grounds of the new levy. This . .is ih c-ue wf the paue In the advance 1 of the Fit nch arm. ' " . ' . ' 1 t. um n:itwt tstc. lhl u T?np, ,r r..., Srn.y it uit jpuUedTy assembled in the ;J)nt4Varr''whetheTtd''6verawt ,v .v JpjaBc'Rtniece of her own aohliers, or io pin we frentn in cpain. is not I A SomV ifprr ulatlon it elicited 6y.lhe ru. "mour'that the maftont Madrid it ttop ped'. artd that the hosplvxf'jttoria are crotidchi.;flyvwith ;ouned". ' flit con jecltued thnt aomethini; hatxfaken place vbich it , is not for the inteiifst"Df the Frencii gOYcrnmcnt to allow to be known. 'I I: if , iH c f ... I f. t" '' f if , , fMiri.iii . j t e c n thf jt ' 'it hi t v ; ,in ni l ( f , i !u! i ' J l','i lt)il f.il tir n'ih I fry IC rt j)ft nl id erry liitdott journal. Iie rnmrtjr c otitr hi tt wlnl nlie- ited to he rtitiio. Hut the French had ;.,,sr i,f Sira,v-j J it it tted lbt 'he f la'e It -!i;otrd t'l holj out alul ihe t ftcrof . , ' The htv ariillrry, il It tfatrd h ihe tl.fiooe n;f, whkh It htrndrd lor the .'icKft f Han Sebiljn and I'iUlptim i. betl to rtie. 'I her are rjr fae 21 potindert, mde at Touloute.. ,- . I ha I ranch atmv In ! wttl have ad vahred little beyond flurnot, lo which pjice the head Qj .itett luvc nut ret been r At f.. f i .... . reTnorgju-ou,,ingiu. n wm mm mpYnrwr ! le their pln to rsrrst on rmirh fuithcr at lue ta.Thtia ruit ra'Uer Iito. til'tn to ptute, wiiith, flounuets tut kiv- en tit la the numerout rejont of nejro clationt beiiifrrm foot, but which is muc h mora reasonably explained, by auppotine; Ihe irmr io be awaiting the approach of rrlnforremenit, which to the amount of 30,000 men, it it known, have been desi red bv the lender of the ioion. , The l'roilo.i Junta ol Spain it rom posed af Equia, prrtide U F.rollet, Go in re Galo'eroi and Jcah Daptitie d'r rra- lit au'hoflt) hat been solemnly reroti'ii ed by the Dole d'AnouIeme, nd in conteqoearc of its- formal and complete organization, it hat UtUi d its ordett to all f-nvernort and other authorities, to reco nize and yi -ld biedienre lo'il, Ki't in. ttruction, at the tame time with retort lo Ihe mode and forni of reverence with whirh il it to be aoMrettrd. t ' . 1 he fortretet of San Sebtlan and Pampelitna have not vet hern vigorous ly etnaolted i ihey, ronsfqneotlr, contin ue the inert impediment in Ihe way of ihe ot he raise smooth and easy courts of the intadiriK army. rraa.The horrors of the South are thickening to an ettrnt almost ioconcriv. able. Perhtps there were never in the hi ory of Irel tnd any scrnet nmpaiatle to those whirh hav e been ucled.for the last three or four months in ( oik an l.imer. !kk. Kten in the rehrllion of 1798, there ! were not, we are ahonol coi.vIik r l. dur b its entire rontinuaorei h many hnoset burnt; and though more proerly mutt h ive been destroyed throuichout the whole -. ... - . , " . kingdom, vet cerUinlv no two coun;iet have aulTcred to set eiely at Cork aod Li merick are doing at t? it moment. ifreaw'wj Pufiuluib n the Ruttian Em IT fETaaaoH, n. iR23. From the oIim ial slalcma-nt pibiishect by the Sy nod, fwhichr-however, includes nnly the memlieri of the Huttlan'Greek .Church) rt'ippeaxa. that ui he "tear 1820, there were in the-whole empire females, 7U.67J 5 T ,3703U9 Death, males, 467.683 . , airman ... females 44997? TtJ 917,680 Kxcea of Births 632,719 The deaths ef male rhlldren tinder 5 years of ajje were 743,029; being above one half ot the whole. SOVTU .1MF.RFC.1. rw toaa. tvxr. 9. liy ihe srhooner Kilipser, t'apt. Hath way, from La (iu rra, we have rectived Taraccas p.ipers to the 231 May. V ' A posthcrit in the L'olumbiano, of the lUt Mav, announce the imtmrtaiit inlrl '''X,,r.0XJLH.e'?Cy2?. I'L'he Jorirtsi ul San Lai lot, and consequently the lake und City of MatacDiho, bv the rolomhun for cct under (Jen. Montillv The infoima lion waa received through to niaiir chan- nrlvjui doubtiaere cjUatitiued. Ut wu thenticity. A salute Wat fired at Lacu as ra in consequence A divition of ben. Morale army (600 atrnnfrj u,tider the command of. vol. Go mei, which entered Coro, were lately defeated by the Colombian uoods ttndtr the command of Lieut. Col. Gontaltz. The Spanish Governor, with many others. were killed. y rtsscssKrsrs- -: The Spanith fneate waa still at Porto Cabello, not havirjR rrpoited the damage ahe received inv the late, acuon with the Colombian corvette. - . FROM VALPARAISO. We have been favored with the pern aal of a letter from an American centle man at Valparaiso, dated February 17, a, a. . . . tf wnicn we believe is a tew days later than our former advices. He says; "General Freire haa arrived here from Conception, with SJOO rnen, and" haa talen t"he Direc- QT prisoner. Freire hat, 300 wen oiv the road from ConceDtion to tha citrand 3Q0Q men irora.Cxjuimbo, ere about'two mrtei ftomttfte.cuy.aiWns: to- in hTmr Ihe Director arrived at Valparaiso the same day 1 re ire arrived in the - hathof: Id tlhe I)irector,L waa immediahclr nut Mlder.a strong guard SQQ men, and is yet a prisoner. Gen. Fre're afcprbathed near theicity on the 1 3th, w ith all his roopv Tie does not wish to take tha Di- rector's chair, but is determined to make complete change, and hive an elective Vf Ii ti c V.ViUir.'oi f I l.o i!i-m ;e w all ha bene- (v r f t i'it I ' -i i"r. riil.lt, i LfriMK M, m ho h lilcnllytt) :h-riV ( 1 Iimq ctemt have pot a tln;i io all bu-.k'iet for the lime J in fine, mar ket arc dUrotiriijirtjC. At one Season me luve thejfraiii crop fM'fiil tl another our 'ity , ttlakft) O id foundl'Mit by eaiV'i jiHtet; end, immediately after thi, etery ihlnf l uniel lopsriurvy by revo lution. To .Jiih. 37,Lwe had and II iei li, I her shock v n earthqualie, at about a Captain' comjiantes in nan, rnriiu a n'tl'Kk.- Ihe water h a lub in the yatd the Covtri-llooH In KaMttirj; on I'nday tht4h wat thrown oit, and the tu'i rolled - with " faj f aVy nit. It la hoped tUl ail the (Me ihe f rth, like Ihe mo'ioti of a boat. The atct will give Uteir pttnctwal atteiulioce,! one tliock continued ah two or three mi'-', of tha ol.Jtnlof tU pteeting Ut ke ar. ntet. t aha.II leae here at toon at posl , nu,,,,,, fu, eWirf person lo tttcn.1 lh hie for A uef it a . I'ha jsoveroment it ntrXz f0 f,,, Ml iiKlvifh,tla24 Urn- erf UBtcnilOf nq,nc -...n .... w.mn I J.. . 1 m. ,.t ......... a. I. n.h Eruurohan tha c?ernmeV2rr- A. C. ttJt. CltaiviToa, iovk 13. A letter from an oflii er it Coin- Poa Tra'a tqoadron, dated at llatana on the 17th oil. mentitnt that lwuitf;e aimed Spanish tch'nera, sailed from that port lotit i ww weeks previous, for Africa ; i they were manaed ,b upward of two? ?7,,w ,"r,,, V" T un "7T ly been enifKed in piratical acta, but find - KKn in piraucai acia, on. mm Mk it a raiher haiardout and unprofitable . , mi . , . . , ., busbtett of lae, have embarked In the I . t j . , ; pretext Iet danerout enierprite ; hit i --.in ..l ii. e, a ' ;,i tncy will ptooaoly nod tome oppoton iu,. ..v vii, ...v, ,iyiMi. on the coatt. C'cirT. A Chetkt Unman hid Il it either n unpleasant fad, that the Ugliest and tkwarrrr of brute anim.ls have the erratett resemblance to man ; the monk I ey and the hear. The monkey is unlv ; too (no vwa tliink) because he lv like man j at iKe hear it awkward. Ict..use the t.imhroui action of its huK.e p- teems in "c a ).Tpis(cious imita.ion oi pre,Krsteiou. imitation or the L.. L .. .1 . . . . I ni' 'ion ol ihe human hands. Men and apes are the onl animals that have h.irt no the under eve lid. Let Kint know this. . AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIKTY. The srvi nth ..nnkert.rv of the Ameri ran Bible Sot let v w. relchrated on tha j 8 h Irist. in the city of New. York. On Wedhesdav an adjourned meeting ent partt td the tountry, from whom mutt. iittrrtiUni' infji jiatioit rcpeiinK the tiivj.jtton andiircumttancea of iheir different Hotietiet was obtained. It was peculirlfpleating- to learn thai,'4n- ar and iiitcrrttjn promoting the benevolent objects of the parent institution are ex tensively prevalent. From tht tUtt menlain th alanaersj annual IrVport, it appear ttuUy during their tcventli year, the frcicty have printed of Ribh i in tie T.n);liili language, New leatameitt in do. t do ; In the Spanih language, Bihlrtprined at Lexington, Kenruckv, from ateteonpe plates belonging to to the Ktciety, 1 he Sociey have purchased Bible, in the Hi ri.an langtujrc, And they ilrthe nenvrd from the Bri. . ti.h amTF'irelgh Bible Society, ftps f, niab tlibtathrratiiitou. dittnbtition ' in Mcvit and fcoulh Amecica, 23,560 21,50 7,000 2,000 1,100 500 Making jntbe.wbola ...... - SSfojQ Which, al!l to the wtmher mention ed in tip last Report, vii : 268,177 Muke a tttal of ; " ; 325,777 In the first aprm years of the Society. "There hae bem issued from tbe Society Depository during the past year Bibles- T 28,443 Tcttanierta ; 26,357 I. - - r . ; 54,8v5 Which, with the Bibles, Testaments, Mohtwl. Gospels, and Delaware E pit lea, iss ied during the six prece iliag yelra, via. 193,8t8 MteJtotlsf-.. -24Jj623;i FWMlu-hwan;'f'ban Ungiifea,mOuht to 1,079 Arid the Testaments In the Spanish ann ercscn languages to , 3,055 Making a. Iptal of 4,134 l ' Ct'RIOUS BRIDGE. The. lt number of Silliman's Journal notices a Chain Biidger which is in a Mate of farwMness over the Menai, an tm of the Irish Sea, which separates Anglesea from-North.Walr a. It wilt have th unprecedented length pf 560 fecti be tween thehvo supports, one en each shore ; w44tt height above the water will brter foeu tjothat-t'f iself tn it .1- JL. 1. .. HaM "'JT' " r.i" midet fulf taU:1! uu .nrffiam feet high, over.which the' chains pass. Thetrtdgetlt3y. feet wide, containing a foot path of four feet wide, in thi ihiddie. It will COit 70Q)00 pwunds tterline; V On Friday, at the milfs af the Union manufaciuring company,on the Patspsco, Mrs. Ann Clegg was delivered of thkib itvz sou iU ' Baltimore Gazette. w me ooaro ol Managers w., hrld at the "T - - wc rt, of , fr u 1(K, rf ,h, Bible .Society's House for the pu.pnat .,.e.r obj.ct.on.ble, nm rf . u De. reeeleiAv Oelete. fiom AtmHi.iy "r fined to accompli, th. .at object. Ua . fc f)m ,he c Jt H et.es, where the Mn-Ker. were.hi?hy thai t a l..eh are eUrected Ihrwugb the tie. hum Qrwa- awrtr.bkd llilUaawaa7 lh. ih M.J. gra title d ill metleir Urxt iiunitwr of re . of Jhbft AwWi If antnun MiLipoted to . . ..... . r a . - . . ... , 1 . . r j MwIimI Holt iti the chur, tnd Jolin Ttvlor. a a a, ... sf 1 1 ftatl ! tt it ati.l tliM ai man rs . tt ltbtvrnraia.a nf i . - m w awsaa)i.tia m "ni suns i - vii' tmj awtv n ivuam uv iitwiiiivv an ea' w aarwa v y a s. ii .is nun v: TIT.sntY MottMVr Jt'LT I, m A mertlnf of tha Dtk-gaul from tht Krrl - , MA ' teat ajfa It U aahl, on (ivod sutliority, that the rreat race-horte Jlmryi ho tsme an near bettiny; the vaunted F-tlipie, cf Kc-Yotk, its native ofi thi IUU, and waa UrtJy ralaed here. Ildtey Bicharda, John Itichardl, Ind Flywt; ChiUi rs, Hce. Collin M'er, wf Fajetteville, wtit haa for the Beetett c our rs of the day, althmijlt now J fur aotnctntie p been inakinf arraneaiente ownej m Virginia, are North-Carolina horar. for jiubhshmf a volume of nrrmont, kc. jo be B0iitu,e lirginiana, who are now atniltbxtjU the -nouthern Kraacher," it no rtadr 1 1'wlt ts.perciliov.weaa of as imuginrd u) Keonwitl. Li. work, and wialaall aubacrip. 1 i...J:.w kk.-.i:.. ... ... ;. .... ... r H a fcff - UU v,.hKj-..I1.,. i V, ' ., ' , ,. .-: i fealLertinliitiretp! Ian il that Y rrrtnia . , . . .... , i nrrr vk ano iitu n am vr, aa lona; "r ' 7Z ... . , . . . .tte follows in the aake of the "Ancient , , rnthe latt paire of latt week's -Caron.iUn.M, oor reader will have teen; we gave place to a ' communication relative lo the formtt'.on of an Audliary Bible Society among the htudent of , the I'niveraity of North-Carolina. ! When, br a lapse of years, we ahall all be n..merd with il,e dead, tn.l oor d.-ed. and .,;, K. korn oi.lv lhrouirti t!,. muitr tom (...ton. our act.,, fbtnrr.drr.ee an,! oor dr.. U f .hM h murt btf h mo lik rly of any to mark the prrscnt age as One worth of Hie historian' prcuGar nntice. In fitiire irs thit will b- viewed a an epoch e eoml r-nlr to. tlir flcf. rma'ion, at nganlttlke frtat tfTor'i to reclaim man f-im the vicce T bit nature, and the nniveru.l d rmion of the charter of hi. talirtion, An.orij- all the sari- out effortt that are iiat-d in the ss orTJ at the prent day to trlvaiiee the real interest of be Cannot lir rvKj -t ,n Anitir it thrnucli the g ney vi ti.mcrtic B.ble Societies j fur he is time sowing seed, the fruit of which he bin self, or hi immediate ancestor wllf reap.- The anrft! T ti f .rianrl in mtt rnimffrv if iu-il r- k'-i . ancetor our happy form of government, mutt ' know that free institution are bated upon pub' lie virtue, and that virtu w where ao genendly abound a among those bote mind hare been amend.meiit of suitl ( onstitution. enlightened, and whose heart have been chriJ Jte$olvrJ, That Thomas Ruffin, Willia t tianized, by the mild influence of the gotpel. P- Manputn, James S. Smith and Mkhael With these considerations perpetually in our Holt be recommetKied to the freemen f mind, we cannot yew the formation of the i. county as proper penoni to repre- -etv named at the head of thi. article' ! without nt them in the meeting to be held on feelinir a ont.neo.. .vmpathy for the protpe. ritv of an institution w'hicj, promises to many benefit, to oor State. The fear, and sombre , ... ,., .... foreboding of those piou men in tint trction ' ... . of North-I ornhna uho were most dr.irouaof j founding the rm, c.ft-j. and most active in 1 uim "i" . tion, lest the mind of the present generation ' .a 1. . t 1 t s 1 in me Mate .Jiouw occome loo flcepiy miDuea: with the fashionable vices of the day, must mea surably be diapelled on witneasing jto pleasing an evidence of benevolent and virtuous feeling in the students of our University, as the forma tion of a Bible Society among' them" afford. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Wt ought aoonertobave noticed, that proro- al have bee,n iued forpubbshingthe fugitive a vry respectable celebration of tbe anniver Pocmt of Sellrck Otbeni. An opinion seem to w7 of tlie P"' at D;rth day of American Liberty, be widely spread, that our country iaunirenerolis ''he inhabitant of Charlotte 1 are generally a ' to the muses, that the aviU of liberty, is uncmC emaI. to4l grow th ot talent and batn'aticji br, or however the prevaibflg tentiment of the world may clash .with our repubfican ideaa, it is j certainly too ungrateful to our native feeling aa an American to admit the fact. Why ahould Amefieawsbc indifferent about eticoujfagini;and fostering genius and learning, when they serve as a pedettal on which the beautiful fabric of their free government rest? when they are "the rock of their (political) salvation f" We conceive that the reantfneas of American litera ture is not the natural consequence of a paucity of talent, nor of the want of proper patronage. Our country ia Comparatively so new, and pre sents jo many objects of profitable speculation 'titj'in'uatiid eitrpri''of.oiisi)i ture offer. Xonsequently, talents among us wliich. in t their germ, would not suffer by a comparison wit the first dawnings of intellect of the greatest Hterary wortliies jf the old world, have been frittered away on objects of hicsifie speculation; and wasted in the groVelling service of counting pence. ' 'But the present age it unfolding a mdre pleas ing prttpect to the kttrud of our aountry, In t1er.ltxy, hrw.nrf, a- I tn fnf, Amtri-a ritii'j' S r hrj nun (( to a"i( t the ntitc, nj tU f.troinf, f i!t.r n and tf furtlja Cuitittric. ' Mr, O.lurn, ahmti we Inlendr J to uoilce id (hit article, I a til knows a the author fcf a frtl nuutbrr of oecttional tfTufcoii, which hae tp pt tred in rKj ptptrl of the I'niied Stated f.e aiitreq or e'ritetn years put, llirplceca f cncraHy diiplay a Irtlliattt fancy, and a ffooj dial of pottc Ulant, lie b a printer by pro-' feitiot and education, and a worthy, pafriotla citlten by prartiea. Ill poem are la be printed in a at octavo volume, price one dollar, A friend lM aeut us a wibacrption ptpcr, and wa In He all thoaa who rt dupoaad t patronua . auite talent, I call at 6of oflW and H Wpba (We aoool clota thia article, widiwit direct J IniT" iha aitaiiiion'of our tf aura to aa advar. par, relative to the pullkaiion of the late Her, Dr. Daight'i Mrmona. Aa a pure system of tlieol.ir, it is tpckea of as btinf equal to any ' now etant; . Va wwuld alio mention, ia this place, that tha iout to be acnl in unmcdjttdy. Joseph W3n, Fq. it U said, his re'rned hi sppointmcul at Holicitor of the hutU Judicial UUtrict of ihit State. Mr. Vt Uon m a carxtU I . . .1 m . - . . -"e to repnteni uiecounivoi Mrckienbort; ia the next Legislature! tlda,ve presume, a tla inimcdiate causa of hit resignation a Solicitor, although more remote viewiibay have had thVir due inflMcnce in dvtcrmra.ig hint to lake thia Step. Whether tr. Vv ilaon be elriicd lo the Legitlature or not, ia matti-r, aa far -at we ca learn, of minor irriportance with the peop when compared aiili the rvgrct that it fck fof. (the Ua of hi. enrrgrt.c and prai.aaiea alo. . t . . i.. . (tuenee in me uitenare or in. ouuet u suto Advr-ate. In hit official capacity he bat ltng beco the terror of evil doer. rocc or the rzorLiL ORAXGF. COUNTY. i The cit sent of OraJigc,tubU bow the most popi.luu county in the State, have lately ma- nifitt.d a tpirit relative to tbe Convention que- jr. Secretary i w hen the foUoaing rcsolutiooi Rtitlvtd I bat the Lonstiiution Oht z state or North Carolina ia defeaive tndn oupht to be amended. " ' tacJ,-Thal the proceed tngt of the" jasi winter ai naicin oc approves, oy ioi meetine. Krtolvedt That we pledge, urse Ive to ne our best endeavors to obtain an ,he ccond Monday in November netr 81 toUt council together rela-, ,ive "'j11 f Constitution. , , Jtaohcdy rhat the sheriff of this coun v .... . , . j. ty, and hit deputies, be requested toopea) .. . , , , ' m-J-r- J ,he (ltn Asser.bly for four dele- kM ,0 i he meeting lobe- Held at KaieisO in Kovember next ; and that the vote! of . .a B persons Qualified by the tomtltullOB to vote for membera of tha licusa 1 Commons be Ltkcn. - - FOURTH OF JCLT. Our readers will have seen, by laat week'a- paper, that the citizens of the neighbouring town of Charlotte, liave made preparations for as wnntyxhmsthr merit' of being the first I ,n tne nd perhaps the first in the Union, which made a determined resistance, in 177 J, to the oppression and tyranny of the, British gpv-: ent towards her American coloniea. Preparations appear to be making ia almost every city, town, and village in the United States, to celebrate the approaching anniversary' of the Declaration of Independence- What are the xitizeni of Salisbury going to do on thia eventful dajfj in the history of our Republic i Surely, the public spirit, the liberality, and the patriotism of the people of our town and its vi cinity! will not suflerthera to palaver the birth.. feelintrs for that inestimable boon berrueathed to ua by the; fathers of our revolution, a frea government.'- ; .),..;V'v;-, -. The honoary degree of Doctor of Divinity wsa conferred onjhe Rev. John &. Ravensero" Bishop elect of North-Carolina, during the lata comroen,cemat af ow University at Chapd JC T-i,

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