4 tirf f I U J I i . .! k i it of t!id Wck'rtn Cuh Wa, on ! i fi'i iKt'i'l li tit turnl. tO ! V M !f f lin.ti.tsS i f tome cf hi fi lends lit loi, to l tl.a fl lr rial management of h's Jrf in their charge du-injf his ftfr ttc, from tht tharatler md quaMcatioi v( ilinse friends ahohtve prtm r tlf!r sss.aat.ee, the I'. !.iir an wirin tUt li par will not titfTir wh.l b U absent. Wa are auibotitt 4 t anhtmnea Abraham ft Afll, as eamll lt ta represent the people of Ui entity of Cabsmis, in the llie . Commons of the ntikt U'laiJ Assembly of Anhe prr sen! ifrm'cif the Supreme "" Court of this fctalt', hlch' 1 now in set lion it H-lclh, tl following ireMlemrn "were Admitted to practice in the mer! County Court! of the State i , DiW L. fiwainl Buncwmbe J Charlet . L. Torrcnce, Salisbury j Charlet Hunt and Aleiander Little Anson: Joseph!). AVhiiCt hdenton J Ale samler II. MicHae, retteil!e Robert II. owati, WH "'tnlngtnn I 1 tiomas Carney, Newbern; Jesse Wl'vit), Prujuinion and John D. ' Pipkin, Gates county. An Agtlcultural Society nat been form 9 erf In thai hum count) i of which Itode rick ('ottnn, Kkj. ipjoiuied Preti dent, tnd Col. Jinrt Tjrlor nd Will'um Underwood, Vl(e-Prfldcnti j Woodson Lea, Trenurtr and Librarian i Jo. Sra .11, Secrcttry and Benjamin William. Jo. lUckntf, jr. Jit. Urooki, Ivlmurxl Piinie. - WillUm U Hi, Cha. J William, AmbiO've K. Rmay, I homat iiiil, Itit hard Free nun, and J. L. Vaughan, . IManager. ' There are ai5 to br TO'X) Lawyer In the Sta'e of New-York, innudinf M. M. Koii V. , Editor of the N. V. National Advocate. Cuntrrfrittr deprrite Ranfr of cminieruitrr in Hanoi w. rramtlv t broken up. One of the pan wa kihrd. end four takrn and cumn.iurrt to j il, two of whom were wounded One of the rit lzrnt watdangciouly wounded in the at tack. Hard limrt.l hr Philadelphia Frank lin gazette, of Saturday i nntdint the Dime of enr hundrrdand mt v eperon h"'reppliia; to the Jmfea of the Court of ( oininon Piens of lit riu am! ' county of Philadelphia, for the but. fit of the inMjlvtnt Uwaol the btate of Pinn- Frederickfchurt in.'ireima, haa aain ufTned bv a detrurtie Ji't-. On the $t h ult. tare aUbIerbc1'iiTiii( 'o pub Iichou, ditcoTf rrftta be nn'fiift - it wa to rapill ronaumi-d.that Ynm Sortee p risUd in the fl me ! A other large stable, adjoining the alnjv, , th-ied ,the nme and fourteen r!elItnK ISouoe were li'irnt to the ground, before the fire could be yot'under. I li, i the third time, within four or five jeara. thht Fredeiirkburg has suffered tremtndini losses by fire. A most shocking murder wmromnni ted in Rhode Inland laielv,bv a man nam ed Hi iningioit. While his ile was set ting the table fur dinner, he went out of doors, brought iuiaaxt, and barbaioutlv murdered her with it. He then went to the closet, took a small butcher kiufe.at.rJt cut hi on throat Irom ear to ejr. AH this was the ronsi qiience of the excessive use of ardent dunk ! 'three storv Brick House, with all its win dows, doors, &c. standing, was witnessed t INew-York on the 31 inst. 1 he house . tvas lituated on M jden-fane, was 33 feet ide, by 45 feel in length, and was remor- a at jee.t. . Utefgry Intelligrncf.Mot Daw'on, tr ' tncioDati. has issued proposa s for . publishing " Memoirs of the life and pub TMumkmsT- Guif vr if ::';tiJ'J.tfin aSPQages t 1 in Ivi-rd, w b4tiJ . a ii. . ' ... ' '. . . Mr. Wat. J. Stonb, an' enterpnzing engraver at the City of Washington, hat oompleted. after a Llitir n.f thrreejfjusa Jae i'milie of the Original e. f ihe Dec lara tion of Independence. It is f d to be ex ecuted with the gratest exactness, and Ihe T Drpartment of State bus hero me the pur chaser, of the plate. - CAa. Coitrier ,The totes' for Governoj n! Lieuten, ant Governor of Massachuset's were i!e clared on the 29th tilt, as foHnrwa : For, ,,..th Hon. Wm. EustiN,3f4Q2;.X"r ib? IIon-vHarrison OtisvJ0,i7U:sWter irf(7-7H f whole number, 65 330. The . majority fr f4r Eutis is 3474 - ;7"fce ; Convention of Congregational liyiinwier in M;lsacfiuseft'st met at Bov , ion-tff VXednta? the 58ib elt. 1 H Committee! on foe question, " tl'hat ton ntM(K(0 Chri,'i0n Church ' made a re port aocorft'ing i.ih the doctrines of Ca,1 tin Inn tntncJurlt-cJ withihe remark, that the xonyenKoi no power, to do sny thing anlif r Ahan eprc5J an opinicnv It f t'i'elh l! " T.V ; ti l! 4 u''f,f s;iri'lrt tf I If, t i t!.r 24 huM r.Ueted the mili i I thrum's f vsel at the h a r v r t , i. i! r tfi'l't sides of I s!.!m,-s, and th.it ttrnt rcrtiiL!iiig f l iuiU wrre srrrt fUath along ihe air l'hit Fly 1 t' rcscnib'e iht ephe nicra, cr day Fly aaiictctiUcd by Iljibat, Ut f M ny. -Uy the laws of Ibll ana, whatetei Interest mn cnntrcit to pay fur inont y, can recotercd ol him. , Si ram v'an The steam Iris K Vork, piling Ut ween that putt and Nor folk, t nistanre of 400 miles, mkti i p ji;e once $ week regularlftind perform iun 31 to 40 houra at mi, from ort n -TW i.w4eewt. is ia4.wil.H .n - lerjglrei to Complete- nf-;r; In the neighborhood of St. Johns, New HrunswUki sery fatal tllee ragtd a mongthe people, which r-rticd them off dailt called the f'd jrvtt J A ship to earrr 0 Kuni, n be culled the Piinee Hegriit. hs been I -imk hrrt in F.nKimd. She Is 244 feel lonkf. ii feel in width, and 64 feet in depth. Ikr bur. then is 1,430 too. It Is stated In the London Marstine, that Doctor MaCcilioch has preset ed salmon, whitit.gt and cod, in a dry late, and perfectly fresh, by means of tutor alone, and even by ery small quantity. Fresh 6h may be kept by this mean for sever! days, tnd when boiled are the lame at if newly caught. The Emperor of Austria hat been de clared a bankrupt he will consequent! be under the necessity of compounding with hit credi'or. Woat dividend will England get for her loan f In the DritUh IIoue of Commont, on the 331 pill. V.i. CanniiiK said thai to hi knowle'ttre. no treat hd been tutnrd ? the Allied Poer at Verona, to up port h'rnre in her invasion of Spain. i Another fii k'e lover ha been made to py rlenr for i (Minion. A' I lei ford at Mie, in KnRl..nd, a Cltrfyman a mulct i'i 80O pounds ttamaxrt lor a breach of niai i ije promise. I he Re. gentleman had been betrothe d to a vouug lady, worth TO.tKHD. ; bit his affection, f oin some tratit(e impetu. tot k a new flight, and settle. I uon hischtmer maid, whom he married. , wtvxtMaiox.vpR. 10. On the 2 i ii.ki.Mr. Aton-N'irroorf. of litis town, sheared frrof,e4?iheep. eiKhteeti pound nd fourfet n ounrrs of whed wcml i 'w iit.Ty H of a t;ro i qu.iiif) , and about viiteet irv he in- letli. 4 he sheep i- frttsr yenM old this se.iMn, arid wiilihed with the fl. ece on, one hundred atid t.evi niv-t i(bt pounds. This we be lieve to be the largest fh ere ever trtearcd in Vermont, or perhaps in the United htatei, Cazcltr. THE PHEIDRNTT. To thne h feel a liveU interest in thi-tqueHtion.the following items respecl inc; the number of electors, and the mode of chosing them In the several ttaies, mav be acceptable t Main 9 electors, br the prople in districts New H mnshlre 8. Keneral ticket by the people Massachu setts lS.in district by ihe people RbrKle hunft 4, general ticket CoitM-t t'u ut ireneral ticket by the pet.p'e Vermont T, by the legislature New-York 36, by the legisliture New Jrrst-v 8. trenernl ticket bv the people PmnsvUania 28, Kfoeral. tkkel by the peopU- Delawaie 3, by the IcKislalure Matylaod II. in districts ha the.people Virginia 34- gen eral ticket bv the people North Caroli na 1 5, general ticket by the people South Carolina II, bv the lei;UI 'ur Georgia oy the legislature h.etiuck 14. in three divii. is by the people Ohio 16. general tlt kel bv the people Indiana 5,bv the IrgM'T'ire Illinois 3. in disttktt bv ',he oplel he pc.op'le Louisiana 57 by the leijiajji. tH-tite v4oj.. wa.. in ctivr r k i s y ne pt ople.' Total in 24 states, 261. The time when the elections in the different states take place, Mill hereafter be given. Jty.JTm funttmaiti NEW-YORK. Extract from a communication to the Editor of " tile Washii gtpn Itepiiblican, dated Brown'a' llotts, VTaahington City, June 5, 1823. " I am. just from New York, and can assure oU thai the- people are quite unde termined as to the person whom l hey Will support in that state for the pre sidency ; but Mr. Calhoun p.itptt of iwcess h urffrtre3fionj;ihhttr, eyen inhls lime", than .Mr. C ra foittV . .WONDERFI'L M ACHINE I -Hr. Cburtrh i no.ii lliraiingham. preparing his. new Ptinttng-Prfss. I he conipoHior has only to set down aft his rut ius piece of mechanism is he. would at a piano forte, and at he sttikes the keys, the types all full from the case into their proper plates, wiih velocity thai t t ;i '.i krd t,ir, ll.e i tilt li H!If tn,t, fl I Itt ty mes t a . t i im i; m wbich It is re'U'nrd tf.ii in im il i I ta'e, j rt hoot anv diniint.tii.ii i.f m-ii . i !, nd Ihtiite tiiattibMte J iiidi the .!(i!e tiew. One of ihee prewri j! (rd at he bar of ihe IIme of t'r.mtrn.t--., wimi! I lv I lnure a rorrect repn the de 'jie. Dr. tihurc h the inventor, U a ria tte of (oton. U New.F.nvfUft4.f Nuw we rwni dtvootly liopa that r,ciirtH, f tome other invetu'iet grnjus. Will art hlmclr about devia.ng atwna kiwJ of median iam, by a.lh ac'tent'.fie, fitrrary aH oilier cornpoaiiirms rr.y be proihite.l, arvj tA tav eittur Vewsfiapert, euthiiM, ke, he UliM'Utt and f' y ;'t Uy piiliUH, An invention tlLl tmn'to- lm our hunMe rVii.irfh, U M prurfltuik th one Ai scribed Ut the ankle sbe, foe arttlnf tvpet. , It CmnhnUtm, Capum HodKers, th.U'-cev and Mor tU, L'i.l'e'1 State' navy, temuiUsioners, now in this riiy, were arretted tes'erday mt.n.lnif, at the suit, of J)avJ Lem-n. Marksn ith.of Charleston, Mass, and held to b..il for their appearance f the lien temt of the court of enniaion pleas lo be h-ldrn at ( .onrorrU in the routily of Mid . . a a a dlew s, in Ttcpirmixr ie. I be report of the (ommisstontrt. .which was pun lished in the ictull ef a teutt of etwiuirt (I the esse of cxpi-lt Hull, some months tnre, we understand, is the Cause of .c tion. The damagct arelaid ef , j(00 dollan. ; ' ' - eaaawBMaww Mortieatlfn-m.Dr, Alrsle. of the fl i tisb Fast India Company, hit written a letter to the editor of the (otnL-r. t..tiiK that the balsam of Prru isa aoveteiitn re medy to arrest the proirrr of moriifiea lion. I he mode of using it, is to di a piece of linen in the hafcam and .y it over the hti.clen prtvth moment mor tifieation appears ; this is to lie prepared nHirnintc and evrninx un'fi hr-l'hy gruim .iiion shotl appear, thet inip'e diessiiiR will answer. Ihe D"'or s.ys he wa fiist induced to lrvlh rfTirary of the hals.-m in Ihe tor ' r,in roneqnence rf its aniisrep'ii qndiiim and its peniliar irrateful ur, w lr h hdnniabl con reals the iff - r of piittfi lion i He lays it m nt a j(o id deal for a minute or two. and then feel qtiile RrtfuT.", ItJi a v lit ble discovery it u Muld prove cfnra ciout, j DR. FBAW.if. The late Dr. Franklin oncludea a letter to but friend C-AVhatley, Ka.(wTten Msrt8 17UT.) m iW lUWaf srswOaw Vnu rv jpw J6 and I m 82. Ylu treat? lasS.PO my hU i bill lhuugb Duh-iVe more stern g I and spirit, you cannot come up- 1th -ie till" J ' t"p. wli.h must he very sotn j for I have grow n so old, as to base buried W' st of the friends J my rotfhi tnd, I riovy oftenhear persons, whon 1 knew when children, oiled old Such-t-one, to distinguish them frim their s ns, now men grown and it hui ess ; s that hv living 12 t ears byond D ivid's period, I seem to have ntrntliu cd my self into the rompa-v of posterity, when I ought to he'abtd and .sleep. Y-t, had I gone at 70, it would have cut i ff twelve of the mM active years of mv life, employed, (no, in mn(trrs lerpi J see . '. I he f'-nn l i i I 'eof ihe greatest importatie ; hut wheth '! er I hve Keen doing g')r! or mischief. is for time to discover. I ot.ly xn-w that I intended Will j dnf hope all will end well." , ' The following short but jiiiht dialogue pasted between two negroes soon after the surrender of ,6rd CorsaIlis, at the seiir of lattle Yotkt - M ago Halloo, brudder Sam, how yon do ? . . ' ' .9am Oh, doone no, brudder Mingo, mighty poorlv., LMig9T-.wvl,LladttA-Lyon.tM hear '.fSdmmmiia. Whiilsrttews?7 -- gretrhtnatr dey-eall t'rrrn wallls 1 Jam Yes, I hear nUff hu! him, shoot inpr arter'de wite folk mII over cle country'. Mlvgo Well, I spoae jou know. Gen- fral - VVashingninf Sam 0 yes. I knows o!e massa. Mingip Well, I tell yAu what ; he net Cot.nwalIis now, he CVaJlis Ginral Washington shell all de coro offhim, too tick. "". ' ' mm e ' ? , FATF.TI F flU.K PRICKS, jhmt 19. , ' Cotton, S tell i flour, fine, Ti tperfine,725t wheat 1 25s biskej.3S f'h brand v, 50 ar5jj apple no. 4 j toar eorn, to oriacnn,o a iv ; SftltrTttrtsWaml, 60 a 65ertOO biihlai Tno Uwh, 3'i to38'. sugar, mcovdo,S to JO eofTte, fuuua--.rIl8 to SO t 2d and 3d quality 23 to 27 ; tea, hvson, 100 to 120 1 flax-seed 80 to 90t tallow, 8 a'9i beeswax, 3d a 32 1 rice, 3 5) to 4, nr. 100 Jbs, j iron, 4 yjw 5 24, pr. lOu lb tobacco leaf, 2 75 a 3 50t mMiifyuta.bn 5t. Cttttn. A short notice from the Fayetteville (Observer office, dated the' 21st "tilt, mentions that " the demand for Cotton has gfeatlv rncrea ed. In cnnt.'qoence of advices fiem New. York, home advance in prices has taken place, l he demand is brisk, and probably will coatmue to tor some lioie umev f.' JiA, IJ a .1 Ma'.'M .1.1... U I It, IT a U. r;.-.rt !..!., VJ a li- rurif, .,t.Jl, I he n ti trl iif -mn , rt In" J I ( '.I. '.. jii.r .dirty .( tl.v finer ;n it. .! tiiM.Mi ii. i,n fit, ' " "fT" ! e a4 Inverhen, (43 Uli) 8ct.i, .Su'( -JlfrpK4f(re,4J aJJct. pctbuao tl, I k Ul.n.1. 3) a 6J. r lurt Unrta, 24 a 55 Infer, to food a i4. . , , , hurtJi-Tamlin Bnk fl'.lt 7 a 1 per rent till. C ore.a riank il il 7a 7 per cent, d.ao, , ' " "T TO rtartTa. fi'm next week. .S'unciu U mxUr contU- trttioa. XvhtnihrtH &U, lJ.t$rtfitcV,4i JHC'rduly"aMef.:ed toi asaoon si wtflm) - M.muir.n, U Lincoln county, ow 1 buUy teenlnf, tht J'h of June, hy tl.e Kcv.PanWI Mirr, Mr. f I H T, Lawrrnct, to llias VaawttMil .!, daugb. tar of Frederick Hoke, Fjm. - ' Da Thursday Sveninf, lilh June, hy the Rev. Francis II. ForUr.Ikici. ey li. IL I'Ulpt, U t'wtonville, Hr O tirMiw IMtiiheik futttn, daii(bteruf Mrjaine Patton,uf Abvdlc,N.C. IM t:. ; hiF.n, ; - On TuewUy last, 24' h h. Mr. Mirjrm r Cnrkle, relirl of the late Kev. lr. hnmtl Me Corkle, pas'or uf thiatyra conjrrepit'ion. A mre paktdar notice Will be giea of the de. cravd in onr neit. In this town, on $atirJy evenlnf, tl !4'h ult. Mr. lAt ibetMJtuH, aed 'i tr. "Wan .A v.' 115 1 .' 't i s aa tiie cotinty of I to an, nn the llrfHI I La. ...Kw'k.s rseinav IM 24'h June, a negro man nanu-d Act a, th'.s boy formerly brUmgrd lo (a-n. J. A. reseaon, dre'di he is Well know a his carribge dri ver am! ervant. lie ia lull in stature, of verv black con.plrtii n, about tw t-nvy-t-iyfit years of sge, hi cloihing not recolUtted. I have no idea whire he i gnne. Any person yrivinjr infbrma'inn to the ihenlR-r,at slock' ll reitUfr ecunnuim In j il,r other ise, so a he may he again in my ptisst ft.on,ukU De IiDeraiiv reariirii. iw23,1823 6J ZhtxWiSrtt, "IinLl. be ai.ll, at the Court H.aise in aloe. pnton, rfflMOTKlayi vhCTmff nay ;rt Ao. rust next, the knowing traeta of Utul, or aa. ntnch thereof as will be sufficient to attisfv the . tstf due thereon, for ibty.au ling rtim,:t If I - Mote Tesrr. &X acres,' on the vsteW 6T. IJt-te nver, riv.n in for he year 1820 and 1821. value 600 dollars for the former year, and SJQ d' llart fr the latter. i Manlaon Turner. 3'JO acres, on the waters of Ijttlo mer, at 200 dt tlars for 1823 1 2t acres on do. for 1821,riveninat2o0d"llr. John rwmer,twu arret, on the waierat.r Little river, at 200 dollars for 182U and the heir of John Turner, dee'd, 40 acr.-a4or the year of 13.1, n iniC on u.. f i,cn u...na Ji remian r,nras. avwacrs s, oinronine wsn dfL nneas, 200 acn a, lsinr on he f,ntc of ,he work as to bring it with-n the abll- K.I,,l5a?rear i,,,,U!!;itvofa Urge p.""" of reade-a to purchase,' or 1821a 200 acres, riven at 1J0 K ho b di.,errc, fa . ters of Cataa dollars, and for 18 dollar. I r,.1BTft IIV1 irc nnv nn th waters of Wilson creek, given In at 200 dollars. "nf John's rWre. riven in at 5 J dollars. - t John (;iasabrook, 90 acre tmrm nt Catavba irivrM in at acres, Ivinr on the s- ! iH.m ivinvnnthrsvaT' " .. si.M; a?a a..H.M iv-MthsvarTcotdributed more than anyoth tor of fiunpoadee, riven in at 450 dollar.--- - j . . ... I 200 acres, Ivinir on row nine: creek, toe ow. : ice not kn-wiL and tl.e land not returned.- I JohnTeaire. 100 acre, hitie on Little -r. ver, in .t 100 dotlart, " . John JohnotH Jun. 1J0 icrlt, lylrTg on tbe wstrrs of Little river, pren In at 2"J0 dollar. ! th.rh t tlalev, 100 a. r, t, h ing on the watert j of little river.'riven in at 100 dollar. of little river, given in at 100 dollar. . at . . . . James Tesge, 70 actea, lying on utue river, riven inVru dollara.- ' i ..-. .1 Sipses jusiicc, ijv acres, n oi(r nn uig vicr , of Little river, given in at 200 dollars. . Tanna Brotrdon. lOO acres, lying on the wa tM nt little rivrr. iriven in at 1D0 dollars. Abralitm MavfiaUT.lQOaeaa, tywgon Smoky- creek, rien in at 37 do''r. .. .. .. T !- aaeiA Rfoith, i-Ty W tivtnwdwjTfvewlr-arWonar 'rjJinltl Crr163 acri : v given 4.. .li.ll)s inr bh llrttt? trter. irivfm in at 300 dnfltfrV" H Kic.iard V. Clary, X5U acre, lor ivi, ivtpg on the waters of Little river, given In at 2J0 dolt, Vandiver Teaire, 150 acres, lyinr on the wa- tera of- Little mer, riven in at ooiia;. t John Fennel, 24ii acre, lyinr on Uie waters Of I.11119 nvcr, givn 111 fii iw wjimhiui iu year of 1321. . ' - ' Alexander Moore, 76 acres, lying on the wa ter Of Gunpowder, for 1821, g' ven in at 76 dolt. H iH'uuiV Dick ton, 40 acres,, lying on the wa ters of Utile river, for 1821,given m st80dols. Jamet Clark, 96 acrea, lying on Little rivar, for the year of 121, (riven in at 50 dollars. -, Thonias Sarrcnt, 291 acre,' Ivlnron the wa. - a. ji t,.tl ... C.kai.'m ,r a - ..m.' t.' i. i tera of Catawba, -Mr. riven in ti iwoaiaj . - . a rtjm- ' f . Abh a a " Aleiander MaccaOftfi ac rxs, lyinr on Jaaea'TheoDWhta Mill cretkfor 182L eiven in atdollaTa. ""CeO'rre ' Shook. I W acre, hlnr on Drownine cre k, for l21f '-givea4n SU.4S01 dBamamiFj1te tw-eeswl toil4rie'iii th'f eavtse 1 and - ters of Gtinpowder, for , 1821, riven in at 202 . 'ollatt. - . - 1 . James CoIUps, 100 acres, Ivinr on the wsters Jamet Kidlyr J00 acres, tyinc stv tb hi ad of John's river, for 1821, given in at 80 oollara. . - Elijah V bite, 4f0 ecret, lying on John's river, and Mulbutv. for 1821, given in at 1000 dollars. Keubc h Wtiite, 53 acres, tying on John's river, for 1821, given in at 50 dollars. A. St VUAU III, Pep 'I. Slt'J. Junt 18, 1823." ' - 4wt63. , rlV'tr" !., r1M 'K leate itt ,.'.. ni ht't 1. I ....' n I ..,!.ln- j , ,t it tf intrnj eairv'i f r tl.e t"..', i 1. 1 . ' v An t et of lha'r-i(lt bt. And V e S.l ( if plraaotn liime tl..niil'i tin if f,n ti-f f. st kM rrt t Ir tti.ik i'i i.a a, Il tic ,t. I, AH liiwUiif rrisSrinf he d.m at tl.e n-i-st rsiatiMifcbl.- tirtna, Uun-b s'lmilli .U M wiU l hv Si i.ljm t do tub svritt. t'Vht sy - rKsNUMlT-ClTON., afrtrf, July 1. , f j 'VoCouUi5 Vitr;uita iuA it I'll 1 A'.f , Tilt of IS t-H(4,it IHIO Or' im.r. Uvhr't f "ffl the fli: tK - runniiijr hef nest tt ; jln tr'ii ), K freifhrmjr h' Itt, li-fen t;larletis stv! CheTsw j and fiwtitte tt Iml pena.lde to h-' tnrerts, that the SooU a,l t'ni he f.ll freirt!l and dilated, have resnlvejt, ben tht rsa happen lo ha a dckk y of frelgM to jly K tHeniaehet with Iht Irtdirg aHirb-s M.-r elin.li4t, viii lalt. Iruh, Oi)rsr, lMa-4, t of. fat, I.C. lo he aottl in qitan'Hirt by tlirirf t.it at 1 It raw, at cost, chart-es, and a small cnomiss. sim. Ilavins; tbeir roul, nee in New. York n4 CnarWitnrt, ibc nner dn not Jirs'tatc M assure .... 11. p.ibr.c thai lluir adanta(t fur the ftar4 fa torahU p.irehia. by etrgo and othrrwiae, are fMit njiawrd 1 smI that theif J,rix sliafl h re ' lT.Ur a.al wh40'itf So all rational thty trs, i much so a lo na.it it the intrreat of the rrn r chant In pnreltaae tnorh of hi snpfst rtof then, rather than tnbrt.it Intl.f ine nntrn i-m-e S'vl dr. lav of teM.nr. tin m frntn d'.Vant mark- l lfirois;H iilher edanntl. , la emHtM ncement of hit drsim, ihey nf utfee foe snle, by th. ir a. f. n'a, M asea. M, bane a. Co. tu lolkiain ar. tklei anitahL- foe eotltttry retail. Hi 41 ln(s. prime MuU, 20 llh.!. uf all qua) lies N.ifSrt, ami 5J0 fcacka wrSme I,e?MKit Xatt. ' , nr.r.tt'i k m Nr.LW i . i - roti ri Bt.i miso it si acatriio, 4 tSRts?n or Uynta c In m amee .Vwwaiia, Ay T'SM-Mf fhmglt, D, D. ., P. Xcitnj frhUut. , (. SCONVr.HE, having contracted wi'li tk heirs nf the M lr. Iijrl. f.thrf iture ' rlgtit to pnt.l sli his Sjttm e.f The'.ln prn Coaet to publish a aecond ed.tiott nf tl t VaLnu W work, turrwttiftf, a soon aa ..itat.lr pr, pa. ration fr to es pensive a publication rail I- ma.lf. At this late hour, it it unnr-eear to ay, that, foe aonn I cmnnvm tense, forfofe of intellect, fororiginalily of thought, fur c' "s . . of n.eihod, fop tijfor and bhiiianry of I- ajri. nation, fr convrtnras nf tasie, for a happy (tyle an-1 elasical language, and f 't impaM.ooed elioquonre, foe Candor arai catholic'ttni; t a siiv- " I fie ee to the truth, for fenent piety scal ar (JhI, foe lose of the souls of men, for lert drrneM of fitlnf and manner, fur a clear and natural eiplanat.on of the more difflcuh d-ie. ' triors of the Bible, ami for ftoble ami esslu-.l views of fiod, of hit attribntts of Ji proynknee, of h s works, esptcalW bit treat work, the . rf rloriont avatem of tmths unfohb-d in - Work Of NnJi-mfiiuM C AH t i. Ai W ".iHiMwrowsr, ilw'tgwl r.-abeews.trp. l 1 . J . i .,r. ... 1. . , bi vw tl h -. fflirhl axlilirstsAa KsiSI lkH lA X flif fuafb lift ,T.L- ...J...-'..n..,i " ' . rIref nee, U a .plet fTUre ' ii,. ..i,.; .j ,k. h ,,hk j " ,1 -n a... .nim.. n. ,,. ;,. ivn. .IM. t .j . 1 :L. an t u 1. , . ...u ... ,Ti:.L " w JltWl nWUi-.filiJ.wnJ , ,kim ct 1 k. i ka , ;ork wib( M W(. rlrC,e,, ; ,n npeciU ' ,Lal - tfc. .J:f!,; m.A iM;iSr Hat.- Un tf he M hf K(lt,e ,ht f mg K. 1,'io.K ttir nf tbm hruika. ' . . ' C' " '. JVVs.2fuivn, Dct. 24, 182J. J Theinhabitantt of U'eslern Carolma will now pjwiuniiy or mpf.n mg ttu ow. et ' J ,ow P" "1 i,hL 'l1 contributeu more than anyothrr to nose the-, , 17 0d CbrutUntl aracter of our ltaptihlie, 1 ha tsustsAtl Im t Ka tSMil aM thaa d. Il t . t . thas . ... .. ...... ... " ,)e,c: Mx yfm wh" ,,,',i0 v,hm !Tbe for th.a work, can do ao by. ca Hng oi eimeror mo ioiiowina;feniienien, e.a ur uvw. """V"' H ""u- Pn n . ?V tncke Daniel Gould, Jamei M Ree. D. 1). John "ob,n .If"' C' Vdl" Jnhn "'.V i,n ?uel . inmson, and Cha.;ncey Eddy , or Jnuei w Hi.amwn, ano na-.ncev r.nuy , or Uoaaisa l hnmaa I . 'nsft'ti rt Aha I l.rwnam lit- - "Jjn. Joseph Young, Davtd Bcanhart, , and John Fintllv. ... , - - - - J;ne 10tA, 1823. 363 YoUct. m w r - wT-air -tr Aj1 ntt rtaat-r f f. . -an Countvf on the t went vhir4 'Janetx: mm V sawj,f ass mvva.awii - isww n perapnaX'pjrtjncxtjf ..belonging. 1a the tte of - JeM4kajra of t targe and VaTiiabTe itocV'Of "TTOTsesrCalTle. f Inrt.- fce. r- farming utentls, hottehoIl and kitcben furnt- J ure, ami variou other articles.' . Alan, at the time time and olace. will be of. ffrerf for sle,' a n"mh-f nr n consittinr of men. women, bova and rirls. Terma of credit, 8tc. will be made known on the days of tale, A. KEBITT, vaW. 58, 18J3.... 4wJ2 taror.Lt COUSTT- COITRT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,' May Session,. 1 823.. MWU)iam Palls t k Charles ' D. Conner t Motion to take the depositloit of. moved" for leave to take the llepoaitimrw fheophilua the defendant is not a resident of this State, it is oroerea, inai. pupucaiion o niauc m suo vvea tern Carolinian for four weeks successively, that . yille, in the county, of Lawrence, in the State of Tennessee, on the first, aecond, and tliird daya off July, next, and cross examine the aaid The. ophilua Falls, whose' deposition will then and there be taken, and will be offered to be read aa evidence in this cause, upon this notice. 1 est, - ' i. WMUN I ON. CFk, ' . rricedv,gl 75. 4f$3 aiEUiKsMw;

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