Vtth tab 4 la l"l u M ' 1 KM'ilt'W , Ol.l. OS US, Sf (! 1H J'tv. Uti J Hutu, hir JYh! '.ht lf Cd I jl 5 d.KC Cf atoms, aawfrMlttulM, ffudiiCC M fegt,?,-( wf r, baf lij tf idf , TUty do "t Ar bS lf'."' f tr ' ' 9 h apnrt fcf 'ry tl"M, 4 pUr brrt, !ir ch U of chve, Oi!.r stew J ""mil1 ' Tr; 1 1; Muvm I be J, l) : I,-'. !c I ' V ! f 3 i, h' en.Uo tarti ' r-ot' sbanrt itai ' t U ri fftul'iif g the flora. Ar.d hsil'd tl ne-born tfy I f Or ttll mt, fcen 0t '' tp1 Tin nJrtMturf tf lan, ia tU womb, and bTJ hb IA. To rtch ftnJ tt Uf anl V hi ng in brut tb U nJf ftru I Tin tw t'h.g tbre J - Y bo cffltlu t i t 8cH ths hwJening boa, And weave the aiicnl skin bene Umt ths beer tod ft IV- stiver flood of ehy 1 I - lif t la the jaundkid gall eotifino Tbo aalirosVColiM b.l ft ho taught the wand'ring tide of 14ool le-lea' the vital urn, tads faiib in purple stream, Ami fMtUfuIljr return f ' Jlum know i th tun; U beiv and pant. And how the fringed lid To gutrd tht fearful rye, er bru i TU ndlicd ball unbkil How know tbo nerve th5r aetivo power, Tht liinfrd Kmbi lo wield f ?bc tongue ten tUoiifctitrf tci dIcrB- Tn tliouaml Mctuti yitld Sow dcUcktt the winding tu, Tt kfii etrjr mm t ,n tyt la catch the plotting leW, Ami tell tl ocent around. - - chned th head and tender heart, , ljft'a mciTe immediate throne, fiber fatij rery tmicli to dwell , . lnoiail'd in ouTid bo w ffba taufh the babe new launcU'd io tfe, ,1b Bulky f!r ehl arreeti l c:r jjhl f arret Or ttb'iW taf c 6iif:r rea -- -- The ecUrHrtrwipmfbTtairtl - - . Cr'wUo, with are too big for word ' The iroiher1 fciini warma. Uoni the rogyrd path oY ld Tobtarit in her arm , fl Cod ! a (d ! creat'tnn thout ; . A liod! aad inard eriet . ; JQt BKhlid in L f lm the earth, And bung h on the kit. Lci t trmke man,' O voice dirine, And ttamp a liod on clay, To foTcrn DaturcN hun bler birth And btar an earthly y, " ."' He aaidi ailhVrtnirth and hrifl'y thi, Young bcaHh In et'rj ein, . . With tr:ifat eu'n tn-d upon hiabrow, - V71kg Jorth nwjtic man. ' - Around hr-rmi hh wondrinf erea, All nattiN-'a worri aumja, Adit'hti tlie carji, himnV, th aViea "And trlu IJ toopte in praise. Te hill , J a1, ) tnrad and wood, . . Jli i(ht aun and. KUttering atrean f air en kturei'. till rut, if you know, . from whence and hat I am ? 4 1 bat" Tarent Power, all jfKat, all good. Do tlic around me own "' Tell me, Ut creaturra, tell me how 1' adoit the vat Vnknowoi - By horn yoa rrort thtHowhif field, " JkiMldriiilL turn uUeAaay-.-. i VSajr atro'fbe fcnmy plabaow fair . Each torn nt i, f the thade i nd aomt'thing bispra me within, ... All tlicic for thee were nude. What Parent Power, all great, all good, . .... ' , l)o these around me o t , . '.Xu nie, fair creaturts, ti 11 me bow ' .. " T adore Vlie vast t nknowni '.' 1 Wli6 give the wond'roua tongue to sound i ' 'l lie ound'rous ey e to see j ,'(" " . a, Vi bo g!ve the smaamg thought to aoar. jlb atnaiing sjouI to b, Tliat day of w rath, tliat' dreadful day, , IX hurt heaeeTi and earth !iati pass away, " V hat power-ha4b-th uiti4.-r's.tay' I .. . JIo a! mil h meet that dreadful day f. Whvh liriv,lling hke a parched scroll, , The Hwiiiug btavena together roll j . htu louder yet, and jet more dread, Swell the high trump that wake tha1 dcad! . ! on that day, that wrathful day, ; V ben man to judgment Wake from clay, JJe 1 HOI' tlie trembling tinner stay, ' 1 bough baayen sed eaxU, titall pasa aw ay. 1 ' Ri Tvff o!Jr it Bu i m l rjtiTit namri ict u lube l'u t'u.a arc derive J from Wi.itr. I4nir. Saori. K-iiheil, CJ- lijhily. llffAUitln, and otluri M by r taken from ifad-a na cnjt'j. miiKi 41 Wji.tr. Jiinuh, Wright, alor, Caok, UrJ oef uihta nf I'jirouYmaa, ai Ilicn.rdioa, I(frl i nt, Ituoi ao jornvji. ji4ru Th'inivin, Witi J.i. M rriUuhl. Htt(r(,(l,;ftJt. .fi.Sjh" A p.tifin none f ,rj -ti.Tirara, ft' f.nirt. iUw r,f t'ij'nt fc'atn oiuaary IdXWatC 175 til tne piace l WiUmfl, .Uilimbiwe, Kaiiin, Lerls;,n mother t i brinj to'my mmitlie Iiaiu ic( ri'jrjn, j.an, i'"'t"u i.' . i- aiftk.laKAAKmfll.ftif bl Hit. r nun v !" " rera nr dico'it'ir i at Kin. Lord. No btc, Kciwt, Steward, Cl.lk, Major and tilth clan are name of mim il, t egeU'le or uteoiils i Swan, Crow, D , Herring, U-icon, U.jilck, Ath, Ileech, K if, Ubm, Patlen. lJickle, Scakt H. C.umkrcr, and Kiuhen. Mr. ilr-dy, iu hit Criticil and Analytical Duurtavtion on the Namci of Partoni," tliinkt tat turnamc wire introduced inW England bv the Nor man, and art pattrrivf to armorial hra'iojaj a alt" to Chriuun name. Vet a(me formt of pertonal appellin m jtl hava preceded even the introduc tion of thrituanityj though tuch name were piOoably not hereditary. Mr. IJ. appear aurpriied to fitid o mjnv toiotirta Wftitc, Green, Yiiow ati l not oa Hrdj but, probably, thin . a a a I name hat been expanded into Held -nu lir ..I. Tne following humoroua pastageit characierutic ol Mr. bftmnner: uW. kav a .Mr. l.'uMt. whoae weight it nly one stone let than th Kwc, who i t'ac trndcrrtt and moat in nocent lifiibin th? nmvriM" ; a Mr. Plot, h Diver ilioiiglil in Iiit life; ar.d a Mad. me L' htrange, who it the e m moiust amriin upon town.ont ol the fairett Jadiet in the world U Mrt. Black more; and one of the fattest men Mr. L-an. Mr. Wiseman ii, without exi ption.thegre it t fool irt thenclgh b'o-'d in whuh he retiutt; ana Pricr is n.torioiuly the name, of a niin tif no pncfjnll!lrals wntt:!reT .. " 1 "hit pi puloyi city Bat been knrtwn to afford a t ry boncat perion,JLIrll, and Ir. Drrih a very .ingenious apo thecart, and lhc pJit. w orld cannot ao toon have lorotun Mr. Manly, who knottrd all the fringes of hi own nil- Ota, and his aunt's petticoat!. Laws , , . . i . i l . l I), pet np, aimot me oniy man in me world who docs jii;l know that there are any 1 ws in it. We never yet knew a Mr. Short who was much under aix feet in htight: and the friends c,f the two familiti twear that Mi. Goodrhild broke the he.rtt of hi tat' er md mo ther, and drove another ol his nearest relations to distraction, by i.is wicked and undutiftu brhaviour. Mr. Thr- oughgood turned out a comjdetc rogue 'b""- ' ; ' vab oi.cl at fi lecn years ol and was u a .apurtcd at the expense of the rovemment at five aifd twejiy. ir. Gotobtdianrverso hippy as when he tan tit op all night smcktrg and dtinkmi?. Mr. llotreisao wariicuUtlv - . - v a cleanly and. fiett.in his perstn as to be the admiration .l all his acquaintance. M. Armstrong hat scarcely physical CT 'power in either of nis arms to dance his own baby lor hvc minutes; and mr. Playfair is a notorious sharper. " It i with sincere rTtrrct tiiat rve feel ... . . v obliced .to add to this list, that w e Lnuvr m a Dean w ho is a common prottttute, a i.hnn. uKn- i a 111 . llrlLiir Iflj A Iftves blaspdie ison. M rs. Small is reported to be the lustiest vtomen in the tnree kingdoms. 1 he only Mr. Mallpenny the w oi id is at present acquainted with is not wiifth a fanhing. Many years have not claps- d since Horace drew beer at an .tie- house in Wappirig, and Hpmeriwas pattioularly famous for curingsore legs. Mrs. Furv, is perhaps, the quietest wo man in Kurope ; Mrs. Prate, as is well known, ha been always deal and dumb; Kr. Nightingale has ar worse voice than a rjvenf vMr.vLghtfoit "lia tost ne of his legs, nd got the gout in the other ; and poor Mrs. Ugte was bora blind." irS ALL MOONSHINE. When t was. boy; and lived with my erand mother at Willow-grove. I. reniembVr once walking out with her a(mong the Itecs that sheltered our green from the summer sun, one moon ight evening. .We had not got far, before the old lady.-' perceived some thing oa the ground that appeared like a t.l.itp. l.ri.'dif rd i. il n-, I p toi- i r. - t i), in'.CIit O'l Jut 1 1 t ! t ut it a (lt t lift" hi - tiro. !1 tije"tn in t'c - a?.ot us n.J tIlrJoul' ., l iii.mi,Miu, truly, iJ f'ft ru the 'trait bina htr fniacti ta ei !nt diiappmt. oif nt 1 M but. ,0.icr, ony people grasp t inortui hitit." 1 Nujlird at rnj f;raiJmMher ihtn, lut 1 hjve noCf 'lico -witnciied the tru h l her rrmafkt She. 1 ice af )un( nun purium? 'w..1'I,Jy t'JUrfrty yiil, ixrcaavr inc i m " ...... . My wxwatc oiU tor) J Uc pent wjun iv. nt i iaj- I . 1 jt A.ia& iinir 4 DM(liiini l km invwww Whan 1 tec plcaiure hunter, and ihote who are irtkm after happinr, plunge into diuipatin, or ark ga Mini giddy company, or drink dnp rl the cop of nemo.) I enjoy mcnt, 1 lee! lor them i theie are nt t tne pf'l f price, ihat bring wiifvHhem peace and con tent; thev are wtrthlen j they art nt- tiittf put moQiuhlu. VV hen I tee a gambler for eer at the billiard table, lth eagrr hope rl making moocy inert bv, and camii g with him the truant, by whi.h alone hii f irnily on be tupported. to cj un der it there) I think with a igh, how tadly that ptor man mtakt hc path ol witdorn, and labora after that whith is all miotttfini. lie i graiping at moonshine, wlm itriin in rkkv hia rfiM. fl iti'Cf in thr or(j v u uit j n, clothra, or an imp id a'ide-tjord; ami so i he who it -lining to miiiu a muua'uoa upon which toeKfitt himnelf in the emims ti.m of the werld, of tw thoutan j uf . -.i r I .'. . ljpJl!ly dollar ; for at Hun a s) 11ie rank U but lh fi a't ! amp ; 1 he mia'i the gtld lur all tha1. Ard none cat ever brtonu truly great lut tiio&e wlum nature h.i fitted tjbc m. " 7 Theie are ptainr palp iM ca$ci: I hv aomtthi i though: meu were grutping at nynnthine, who attrmpted to live by lit ratnre, or m kc m ny by printing r wipers f r drtamed of collecti tr lirir debts. rr of nciiv inn lrn-arirtiftrhce timci : VCt 3$ 'the 4t may bi c-b wni, t wtt not ptraiii i w a. a - .'.. fTkf-Jahim f i)wrlJ Hutfth ana Readerr liou wilt aooa be cljssc'l with thoe vvho have gone before thee. A new Cftvration will occupy thi ground y.vupow tread, and a frirndh rrcolLtiionJor a storied urn. be the only relict of thy Jjtity life. -Thy years i a rwi 1 1 a it most are lew : 1 ly nope n iiounj rd bv time! narrow limits, how vis- ionart ! Tly expettalions, if circum scribed within ale's little oound, how . . . m a pn cariou. I hy but, nolU ; 'rn.m that i in hincr ahideth not. Look round. I.arn from h,t has been, what may bf, . The under grass new ' a a a V merging laowluxurv, tlof-mtd by the (lIOfcl htoroing w inter ta fade and , dj -i rt;h.m.rai nw-r die,' may fftn iis ephemeral fl wrr when thy read shall be btnc;im rs sod when th; sun of thy mortal life hh;tli be sunk' beneath the hor-zon rf timr, and1dAf"'preieot pase"aaiou know thte no more forever. Thou hst other in etests thltn'thf fleeting cares of the present wot Id. Here thou art a pas senger, no a rrsider. Thou art iden tified only with the present moment. and a pilgrim and a sojourner, ?s l! our father were. Let not the toys o! this world 5 (mile you of the more sub tamUivijovf whieh-grow in r-iti 4oXu f ianxtiiiutiarid bloominmudomisi3at'h;- atcr cxrraiti tncif iragrame at every whence the fteultv of thv soul, tinfet- tered from the trammels of mottityy i t a t. '' ' am iiiuniinamu unncsanoi i nmi will explore in rapturous amazfment the glories of Goodness, the sublimity of W isdom, and the fervor of Love. Robbing church yards."- Stealing dead bodi from the grate, for the an- atmiiS, has become very common in England Certain men called raur reciion men, tnatchers, he. areTcon" stantly-cmployetl itt-this iasiaessw On examining; the graves in a country village, in-March last, it was ascer tained .that 19 bodies recently interred were missing, - The inhabitants .as sembled in a rage seized the grave digger,' who was in, league with the, snatchers, threw him into a grave, and were about to burry him alive, whdn he was rtscued;by the police. rtiv-'rf1it p"'' t n-s-'Mul! lj-f;-rn...1. ?.! ' I it,. Jl-rt.ih.'. -"' a1'1'1 I'M lr " ' . .... I t fl ..... I le a Mfll'r ff "": -7 Vft uf fkU, .r,, in r.r te J ,i eied bf me.imi.e Mme l .lid.. "'; to f m,,tl u,,f ..tiii. t.nwAtm ii CwnpeW hWnf . fl hfrrt.ri trantacted by . Crew, ill in future be conducted by mr, at tl-e m p. Ilrtae l.o faor me itb tl- "reborn, ma d prttdoa iMiof their aorailvtui ithfii tEitatror J.T.TT Vta(nr- VT M,y Term of Roan enn!y eoH, 1 i.3, t;, Pihcrier Drained ke re of admin iatnuinn t et' -( J A ,,ti,rvjn' deecMcd. All pcrwine Jmlrbtrd to d ft ate, are re- q.ietti-d lomke payment ai'himt dtlayi awl lltoae l.aviiitf dc n -anda a' he tame, are re qura'ed 10 lte tl.rm d.dy ptewn'wl "f He rn ent within th time prtarr.brd nr taw, or thia nmre will pled in br of recovery. yw,m.i. eta A.Nr.BiiTt-rfwr. UtirA Uvvurt., t A u a V from ih" brri Ii br, n thru r.tf ile tl ' . 1 i i man. or at lra Inralrer n.ais, ma, im - mm- kind f a fl fi rt Hcii r.e pawith him, aitUr I kr daaHi 'iri !! fmid l li'ipoa in h I, it h he f JI. d )i,m II :nel Kwi, I L. I .. . .. ,11 IK. r lia'i'l. 'i, hewH-.,rrai.othrr,hema g-r hi.inlia-me !er a!i tixik w-th 'li'ii I'il fe. naiini ;rarr. almtit 25 e.r l at'e, a a'tml b-r-i twwtunjn, pt-rt.apa 'n'.hr Mian htm, large ! ,t ra-ght ai d trim ndt. J I an frtl"!,',"',M erj and nf vt n r.fwlt nr'Hi. '! e ! atar " ti e (u't t.f In r r i.t leg, '.aV.mied ry a bum. ; Hhr in ttir l.abil of afnk' hT hair n.ioh It ' -- , . 1 1 . , .1 f . . 1 !...! ong, and t oita d np 'o th- rop f her i.rad, 'd tied. "I tc v hare both been rai-ul near ll.il iron vvorki, York. s.f. if t!n li ve tbl,l ti ptet tin y ill make rithf r to tlie north or fit. Any perwm taking up mi 1 nrfK-a, and deliver Ing' theni to me, bun in M. rklt nb irg county, N. C. near Thai totte, 's!l fee t it e the abovr re Ward and a!l r. at'in t'dc -r"ii paid ; or gl J, if cmhntd in aiv j ul, and a later e nt to ni by mad, to Cha'lotie. JAMES M. llLACat Junr 14, 1VJ 4t'6J Yiusot V3mr aMvkkiu?. rilliri utvnt)rra rraprximny tmonn thci. 1 e.,n,la ivl th ntibiic at arre. that they "have actaie1, under the finn of Cnm-i U Ctofxr, fr the puqioac of earning on tlie anove biaiuea In aH it branch. They are tll pre-, pared to make all kind of TViudaor and Fancy n.a'.rs from $2 m R120 per Kt. Gentlemen iahing el.vant thir,'or settcft, fr.ay rely up on having them aa( elegantly made at the shop ot the fiibrnben,'a at any other in the State. OiJ chaira and nettets repaired, at a reasonable rite ai,'1 0,1 3l ,,n """Ce. n L . i" Wn a'fw eomnleteJv nrenaretL frt'd stnt'k4 1'm r, to nae all kmdacti. .3,, JOIIS CDOI'Ktt. lit thorough bred A" mi -ttand thi.' .ean ' etjibl 1 , v T i .t f w 9. .mil- til i-.iitt. v K let to n r . the pr'c If f 1 . r 1 1 ... .1... . It-at'i, to be paid in hen tht mare lakes tiie Iion." j f V tltiiurs the s attin ; tne tniilk.''' " Nklt aith lih'rtv io furri fn'TTie ii'i.uii"sTitiidd"tL'tf : .... 1 mare not nrove with foal. thun la note nine, rars okl. th, imported horse Cliarriot. his si e, Uie old itiii.rti'il tlinn m lmu twit irrep itlitilml lrv I nerson ia v i!Facoiamtrd T-rth. " Ih'in certain!) runka with the beat horse ever traiiK-d on"th- Sa!ialiSir turf, Jiavii.g betn a running lwre since three year obL During thia time, be lias won six races tliree two-indc. a itl j one -mi If heat : also, the beat three in hve. Dhti U a betitiful bav,- rising fifteen bands liiirh. For nitucular nower. and -vleiranco ol action, ne cannot oe cxreiieu. There are a few colts from Dion; and though they are the produce of common mares, they are tmrrrmmon in point nf size, form and beauty ... .1 1 ne scaniii una aireaur euiunicuccu, ar.u hiii auv t uiiiintutcu, ar.u win rrotEsTiii'CwX1 icrimnaic iic i ui jirgiin. ri"!AKFA'tip, and commitWd to X the jail of Guilford coiintv, on die 3dof May lgiwHM slave, who aays he belongs to the estate of William Thomas dee'd, late of Marlboro' pistrict, Soulli Carolina. Said nerro calls hi m- KS&an atlfiufry is low and stoUt built, and appears to be 28 or M years ot age. I he executors or administrator of the said William Thomas, are desired to apply for and take tlie ajl negro away. J'OJ June 4, 1823. SAMUEt. GEREN', Jailor. . ROWAN COUNTY. SUPERIOR t3i-flwApiaiTtJiS?Pj. Jane Weaver til. William Weaver.,,...Peti- tion, divorcei It appet-ing to the satisfaction of 1 tne Cmirt that the iivtendant. i not n4.innaDi tantof .thi State, it is therefore ordered by the court, that pufiticatSoH be made for three months in tha Western Carolinian, orinted in Salisburv. that the defendant appear at the next Siiperitr Court of Law to be held for the county of Row an, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the se cond Monoay alter tne tounn nonoay in Sep tember next, then and there to DleaiL answer. or demur, or the petition will be beard ttx parte. PsvSe dv. gt, . imt7(t CI A'u. bi i n n Jj and ' " f "1 I and mUrir. In aty rr-a! , b!a.k V V awl aOa jjIi? Iwir, aith large '. ' sliUktra il'i fdit'tf round vi T J 1 arrii to the t.tlirr. tf il-, " on of li.lurj, ) 4 ' In ti e aerir.l dt trtl i' tklnily. ufin.rr,1 l b iy be IoudJ at ala. ...itil 'f"r J'' 3 S3 , nS Te KUy ftf next AtiRuat Coort, there w'dl nirnt (tablibment t fabtbutj, thrtt ow t from th t'.i.rt IIK.ib ptopVrty of th Wt Barttaba kridir, 1 he bou novby 30 fee with every contrnif nc pprraiirig to i pub lit hnitaf i i j t U k no a m la .r r bt a !. rn a ft" f'"'' l 1 tabfuha ' . :. . Il l ...... i. ll .1 ,1 k La uurli.1, ' MUM4liairof4iaofeMueca.li.e, Icroa of paytoeot wU U "c a Mtdfiliti tbt " '::" v. . ,. a. ..a ' wan iiimmn m tiiiai iiiiii aa h . arJar awuEnu. ..Uiiawnea, ISiJ oiw.- , Ytvtmfiir Sale. rpllP-HP. wi:ib t"ld,OA Wedi.ead, IJtbof X A'lgutf ti, if lt nreituV told at pri vair le, a trad of I .and lying on the water of Ur4nt' Creek, containing about acre, joiiW ing John IJtakrr d orlitr. A great rt o the We !rc Ii Cr,t "'la a gfol mi ado oi abmit trn tr twebt acre, the Halairfie of the land now under eultiatioa. A Ifwod dwalliiif Wtae, atill tnuf. barn, and (.tin r mil hot.-. I le aUure pumauon w iiftia Hid. aral ol alil.ury. J be aboro land l. lngiti ibe eat of l!r mdwi Kn l.r, d. t'd, "remit will be made, known on the day ef aul. - THOU. HOLIIKS. TJr S.tSthuru, Jun 24. loJl 8C6 mne for feiVe. '. T WllJ.ilj 07llo.iteaiulftinSa 1 ..i. n.furn.cni (r a Ijiauror rbt;a. , - m-.ttuilll Alt i ,.V,r.8. lH.'3.-l4tf tStnte tV eVortU CttruVina, erVTT. H I' of rlt a ami Uu.rur sertiont, siaf m . W W I , 1K2.1; ALrkham H. Jonct m. l5i i- nft ,.in Original Btttachment, levird, fcc, t appvarinn t. aat.afaction of Hn- court that ,iie nlini procraaof law cannot be t nt-d on ,v J, (ri,w, -i iatbcrefore Vwtb the ceurt, .1.. k, ....... kBanat uf three Wti t in th mill "H 1 .m-ii w - - ' . . , . . ii. i..fl... . .1... Wo'rrn t;.nii.ill, prluo in nanauury, u thr il ft n-iant appi-ar at dr next court of I'll aa atH Unniu-r Seif f', o be fwld for llowan, at lh I onrt Hiine in Sa!ihnr), oH.the third V.on hv in Aug- t ririi, tben and tin re lo ripfcvy 4i.il plead, or doit. ir, or j'idme ill b, tn'ea ti according to Hit pUntill ' den .and. I est. JNO. tiH-Et Cl'h. Price atlv, gl 25 3t6o ROWAN COUN1T. - COmT of Ple and Quarter Scas'on. If Seaaion, 1823 : A le lander NeaLit & Co-, Hal.Iaawf A ttuVlll Wratalaaaml aw ta-tar Vj ,It'Jl on three atfgrof. appearing to the anfte - tion of the Court, that the ordmafry procr or Uw etnnot be wrved on tbc defendant, it it therefore tracr-a vy inw un, uv Vuum pjw bv made for three week in the W ealcrn CartVi 1:..: .:i. , 1 ;., .r..!inn . that the defeniknl .. . - . . .1 .1 . .1 .i v..vr,ui.i,. - UlUU, 11UII.MJII I .'.'wji appear at our nest court of Pleaa ami Ruartet u.;nn. n K rr Ko. an. at the Court Ilottae in Saliabun, on the tliinl Monday i i Airgtiiit next, then and thereto replevy and plead, of demur, or judgment will be entered accordinf . .1 .-.I I. 1 1 r ...... muv nu tt. rfh. JL - 1 vat, (" p - - - f rice adv. gl 2J 3t60 NORTH CAROLINA. DV10 0S COUKTT. (1 OT'RT of Plena and Quarter 8esion, April J 8tttn, 1B23. Jiw llargraye w.John P. Ma'au": tiiigtnal attachment, levied on Inda, p appearing 10 the satisfaction of the court, thai .1,. .1. i'. ...1 ... nni u ;,.l,.),;int n thia State. u.i- '.1 tt una 11 . 1. iiui u I........ ...... ---- ' it ' tin nft re arrffrc, that publication be mdo t . . -.. . 1.. . I. U'urf.M ratfl. 1 - . k.refc a..ixtsiiveiy m 'e " ,'', punted in Salisbury, that the defendant " ,,.,. .' onr ti ?. '.rar k n.v- rvmH-nf- Ht-if ami Quarter p. ";ear 1. , r ,1 f lini.lwn. at ! . . -flVHI . ' ' Stss.. .w in ixinori, on the 4?h Mon . . . then and there to replevy an I , . " 1 Wilt OC Jaacii iiwNuiMj ww - ul the plaint, 'i Ut-;"- m MOCK. C. C. C. lest. Pripf adv. 9.2. SlttUot.VorUitav-OViua, IREDf LL COCKTf. Vflf SITF.RI0H Court of Law, Spring"! a. Catharine Cowan w.' ThoM aa CoW8.1l r tuion for divorce. In th.. case it the Court, that publication be V . Xi months the Mar, and Western croKy-- tne ocren(inni appear ai inc mt .j, 'iirijt;t r,reon the Moniai 1 -.i." .. !...' .:n had or oe denror, tlw jwlgeineat will.be had pro r. ..,.1 .i..T.i'..uIl.'oV..T':nSa bvill9, nv, ii win - J ' Witness, R. WOKKE, CVk. Price adv. 1. 3rnt71 . - COUHT of Pita and Quarter Sessions, Ihf Session, 1823. James Torrence W. Cbarle D. Conner...Origii!al sttachment, levied in tlie bands of Alfred D. Kerr, and he summoned a garnishee t also, on one negro boy. It appear ing to the aatiafaction of the Court that the de fendant in tliia cause reide out of this State, it nrAfrrA that nnhlicatioit be made in ' iK iv.u. r'.,r.r.;un frt Kr- mnntha jucces- ;IIC .1B'IIT VWiyH".'-". ; 1 IV. ttrt sively, tbat 'unless the oeienaanT sppear " be held for the county aforesaid, at btatesville, 00 tbHIr P leTT the property levied on, and plead to the. cause, inc piamun ui v - judgment rendered against aid defendant jto contessov fesv '"Z n. snmrov, en. Price adv. g4. v 3mt71 Tbn ale at the office of the Carolinian! sjV 1;, also, ConstahW Capuae. For taie at tois oiasa. 1

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