( i i4 . S i 4 X,.. , Ml Vttl.. IV. Ag Olt f tll Jtl(!rf-,t lift trpmiinjf ta bear rather an httrne r'in ti the rrWM, the lljtr U cm pcllr-l H sbpt '.Mr - . .. . - I. .. If.l!. I kA. t)Ill that JironMKl B uciu r f.aaru .if l.i. In future. The pnn tlrt in liti -yllW, lii'.htrto, ) bet loo earth, I'sp'r hat-eb. i ifKl " ' o great loan, ifm are wnliion Ii ita F-di'or, either prr.-nilr or by n p,.H .they j.ay g 5J C ndusnr iiQ'X.i uiilu.j it-, aj.m evtr le"4 r7i cr rrteivinf the paper , tw, and Iljre year. In future, the tm (ib W e Cr'KfiiI iH b foJWi I lV6 ..4s year, pav abliytaHy in advance. . Itery p!" """I dittancc, will be d. on tfnucd after time lui tspirrd f r wSht'i it 'Ju been paid for, unlets the iSt ri(ri kii'twn o I tmmI j In 'he r , K pfx.r 'n Acnt until ai.l for tivl onlervvt U) be rto"' jLdrcrtitcmentt be imcrtcJ it f H jffrUre f.rtli firttl" io. ! . f rntifor tvh iuWijiii nt'Mif. 1 (' i fo (l'nince mi br j 4! t'.r, .r -t.r ... ' fuent wiroed by r r.j, .ui'jic ji ;t .n, !. f-,t: dry can be pubHtlic t. All let'ere Mrei4cl ti O.e F. l.tr, r.i.t L. fttl-piud, or tlicy will tKit bp n - I I". J'tJii.u win i n. Sign, V!oir, Wousc ' i.ir.Yn:tj. GEO. W. r.HlviF.H l.f(( !. iv t0 hforrn'Ke ciicn f ..iilim, ! i rnmn.lii!? Win'n, t.al hr ?;ll t'.'' n'; tu if - s'i ltd It of hanr, !jfn, .'!,, , l 'in. .ni.-"t J Fiin'ilij. Ilvin)f pt r I ai u r.; k s rir! "f B.B'ert mi luri",;, f ii iui r of eari JtwM, HcnHcU iinim' li'i --l.t'l' i'.t- TMon to c-. 'iire cnfiji -ni V'.a k l;: a i ("ik1i of tuinrs !: ff 1 i Wi'U'nt j 'Jt to jjni ' 4tiirir.tim to t'. ho ii i pltlV J to Ou tor dim wi'li onlere in the jow line. i.jj ; tnJ filktinjr will ilo hecucu'cJ It I fV kt m-n-i gM-r i"don riauiatl terti t. Il- alto krtpi n hiV, for tak-, c pa' anj Jij l umn. , WaiiTt J, ii an apprtn'.icc thr bovr bui. kts one or two Mi, from U to 10 vrn of f ready an l iiilu'ri(."iJiab':M ; to whom, if Iley prove t!rlne d:rlr.g of it, a good fiance be gwin. iulitbtiry, f'rb. J, J5 i '- ' T ' ' tl the cubiic, that lie otiupica the old tiiop.aonjof (jilbrrt, about atvfn awl ttiftit teart oi tformerly owned bv h'.i fa'lirr, on Main t'rect, . it few rtiwri aoirtn ol the toun-ttouH', aiiurr, --where he ii now pn pared, with a good ic,t of Itmila, to xcpair alt timta or Tr.JTCf:S y CLOCKS: 11a a mi' ret JI whrttway fv him "wrth thrrr larfmn, tbat their work ahtl he executed in at tfftod i ityie a at any other t!op in thit part of the" Country." All klndiotoM Jewelry repaired, And lome kind mdc. Jul of every dearription a hia line of buainett, will be thankfully rt-reived, nd executed on a ahort notice. People who etid at a dirUnee, by aend n;,', may depend on kvinjr their work at faithfully attended to and returned; aa though they were priitaiid 0hi'j the ald4ablithed &IliWy pi ic eburged. Vnfiftiry, .fir. 13, 1872. 'Ut'tiG NORTH CAROLINA. BCHIK COUNTT- St'PF.niOR Court of Lau, Mar h Term, 1823 Lovioe Peuininon rt. Lzek.it! Pcitiuglon : Pitition for divorce and ahmonv. It appeunnr to the Mtufaetion of the Court, that the defen- j i d b tTjl nmes bu, M xUt ine !nt in thit cate retidea without the hmitt of tt.n . ,f h(, aiK,ther, he may (five himaeirmc tate, if it therefore ordered by the Court, that 0hvf (ianje tf &m took wilh lim hii wife, publication be made in the btar ami V Iti'ern MmeA (;rACt.f ,bout 25 veart ofajrr, a ttout hear Carolinian for three montha, that the defendant . WWH(W)r ,n?, niter than hinr.birirt boned; -4nratthenetr8upcfi6rC6irf.fUw,tobci : , .,', mad! i,emnt countenance, tieldfortbe county of Burke, at the CoiuH-Uouae ih Morjfanton, on the fourth Monday of Septem ber next, theii and there to plead to aaid petition, otberwite the petition will be bean! ex parte, iiwnrviTcti BLtunuiii. Copv tent, . W. ERWIN, C. H. S. C. L. 'Price adv. g4. 3mt6? NORTH CAROLINA. I A i i: 1.. . ihf.dkli. count. COUHT of Pkaa and Quarter Peniona, May Seation, 1823. Jaine Torre nee v. Cbarlei D. Conner Oriripal attachment, levied in tne hand of Alfred 1). Ktrr, and he iomn.oned at rarn tbee t also, on one iitgro .boilLspp?r.'.l Ing lo lhe aafisbtc'ion of the Court tlwt the de. ... .: fentLiM in .thj,caufct rtauka oia-itia .Wat., tt ' lr.. ..-.l i il l.l:..:,.- li- m..lii ia l elteid ftiounty foVeW.l itSta.eM ille.on ti.-. .. :J . , ... ..I... the periv U vied on, and plead to the taWIety 'f chse-timbera. And thfe who may juuXioont remlcred against aaid defendant pro eonfetio. Tett, R. SIMOXTON, CCk.. Price adv. g4. , 3mt71 . NORTH CAROLINA. v DATID50H COTJVTT. COmT of Plea and Quarter Sewiont, April fessioni 1823. -Nicho.liis Michael, tt. John P. Mataw : Original attachment Levied on Lndi. , Itapearinf t be tajiafketion of 'thexofltfJIhaT ...v,njjg K'Temiani ts not an injiaoitant ot tmswc, me ifc-tendant is not an Jnjiabitanl or thi Stat, for x week successively, ia tbAAVcstern Cwo- rmiw;Jfimca W Baltabury, that the detendant appear at our next C L'l IIIIV U 4U WSMMvllI I w wlliiih 4)tS tV. llViSWil I I ' . , . 1 at our next Court of Pleas aniiiijich StaSeldfor' mScSXSiSy of pavidson, at wiihing.tlegant chairs, or settees, mty reiy np- HesRffnttODe tieia lor me county the Court-House in. lxioffton, on the 4th Moir day in Julv next, then and thtrela-rcplevy and Jleadi of judgment will be -taken according lo, le planUti ! demand. " r Test, PAHD MOCK, C. C. C. Price adv. S?- " 4 6t62 for iale at tli'u Office. f nrt Anjriit Court, tVr 1 r le, that Urjf? i.r comrt t In slihur, thnt dor I MoiiM-,tli p flftWf of the f. 1lji!NMeiby 30 fret, ' iir f pi raiflli tii a pub til know - t'ylnflMen M'di . . lltf eililt mi !i - V"'",-, " ."f"' ?, ' J5 p-urii;jirrr. ;j7 Vi.s'iiouikv- ' " , JACOB KWDKM, in ) any ihinjf nl n-r, ie, aiire, me ?4, 1123. Vurm fur ue. rTHP.HF. mill be t il l, nn Wf.li.ral, tf I L A iilit e', if nut firr'.v;l a,l'J .t tri. )v( Or, t 'raft l I ai ! ';! fill'.,!! W.Ura Ui "..-.S er......ffefr,t .... .UanS. hto .. ," !.. ui .i. n.1 u n I twelve acr a, i: i. lu.ii now un Irr f j't,tiin. '! ,i Jmiiar, t',?l hiuf, barn, an1 . Hie ab'ite phntat oii ie e'.it l fa'USi.ry. at-. flit r i ' Mi t 1 4 1 i i . '.bntr Un.! bilonpto the et'a'e of I t K'ller, dre'd. Itrui will be made I . n i.n 'be day of tale, i W 'i' ie itic th f remiift, bsta -ir rj'tt.MF.s, . . J A 1 KHIDF.M, tbwPtn ?4, 18:3. - - Vn. for "'Tj. Iabtiry, on accommodatinr ternia. Apply to T. I.. Cowan, Kan. or to myarlf, in Ha-l-!(h. 1 l ire it a pmMl oflice tttonritijr to tbe tot, convenient for a lawyer or I'Mwrian. JOHN nnCKWlTH. Snh,bri,Mrch 8, 1823. 44tf f r TAX AWAY M IL Iromtbeiub. Kribert, Kiti in Vofk Dittrict, . Carolina, ou the ?6th May Uft, five I'l.illk Littleton- frank, and Fliim Mulatto child. . Gilbert ll a rllow about 33 Tcr of irge, ttout wadr, bLck eompiexion, very IttcHiKciit.and fowl maniera i hat a doan liok when apoken to. Phillia ia about 20 yeart of age, baa a l!(fht complexion, ami a brijfbt mulatto child about J. montba old. LWtit ton. dark complexion, ami Frank, both the !aje, itout boyi. The fcboire reward of Mty flow I 'II 1 . I -ll .-I.I- .mrl.i'i ;ara win nc jficn, mna u iri paid i. or Ucutyvo doilara wll bepven for ilbert alone, delivered at llanitbnrf , S. ' 4tn " Iir.NTiV 'MF.AClt.lH, JtiHN KIMBELU .m. 2, m lit.SUY COL1H.IOP. . r Dollars Iltward RAN AWAY from the aubtcn. ber, on tbe nijbt of the 8th mat. a bright mulatto man, named w binkeit extendinir round under Li chin, bold t))uitn, and not a very pleaaant jcmuitan mce i hat, perhaps iome Bear on bit head. I expect he will try to pata for a-white ! mud, or at leant fjr a free man, and may have aoine kind of a fale certificate or free paii with j him, a the like hat been lately found in hit pot- ' mmann in u l.irK f-allcrl ttimwir SaHlllel RnOX. . . . ... ... , and not a very black nerro. She ha a tear on the calf of her ripht leg, occasioned by a but a. j. mi, phmi ., rff1r " D( tl. hewL gnil She ia in the liamt ol wearing ner nair nimiji g -r - ' . . . tied. I hcv have both been raised near Hill a Iron Work, York, S.C. If they leave that,lex pect they will make either to the north or weat Am person taking up aaid nefrruea, and deliver inp them to roe, living in Mecklenburg county, K. C. near Charlotte, hall receive tne aoove re- ward and all reaaonable expentei paid i or gl5, if confined in any jail, and a letter ient to me by , mail, to Charlotte. JAMES M. ftLACK. JuneHri&Zi. buamet et the aliop formerly conducted by A N. Jumn. 1 hev are well supplied with a tin- ret atsureil their wortc will ne weu execuieu. imLAaai ' " , All kind of repairing will be done at the most reasonable ternia. Gun-boats and Yankee Wag iron will be made, by applying to tbe sub- scnoers. . ' titi's c-i FRANCIS P1NKSTON. Salisbury, July 1, 1823. Sk6 Windsor iiar iSialcVng. fTIHE subscribers, respectfully inform their X-tnend have iMociated, under the firm of jCrfmei tf - . . business in all its brAucLes.,TAey frc(well pre. fiared to male all kinds of W indsor and Fancy on riavinp Uiem a eieinuiuy niauc .u.iiUu of the subacriheM as at an other ia the &tate. Old chain and settees repaireu, at a :uiiu rate, and on short notice. ;" - Th miKacriLert are also completely prepared, with a good stock of timber, to make ail kind of (A nirnt ct ll, U'e bf aitb en Ik Inn iM. i 7 i Si f?j4 bet a ee n 30 and 40 year of h I 'Pe' "vc k1 ' or 8 ,ncn,i f' j I and midlinir heavy made, black ?( I and MrahrM hair, alih larjre BaUtewU, at trora SJ to " - . tiEO. -VV. GRIMES, . ji9) , . JOHN COOPEH. . ACB1CVLTUHE Of NOimiCAROUNA. HI. anil'. T Clulci I"Uher, r.. Secretary of tin Bjw. , kit Africttltaral ftticUty, . ! I tn ehumera in ihoto mbyartcei v ljuh ih Mlir! KiiyJun aToHe r AiciUuhttr an ti e Am, ttse tihintf liM h Vt'tcionr ;'rn i- h ht 10 irerh ,y "Uiu ' It . 'i ffjt ti i 4 ma dure , lit ersin prf rf mir rrun'r.lhat boif i'Tc li4 l-rrn frti'ir"1 ind frtSv ei.rii ,ti by 4 ; nd the ii diiivir l ir of t!teliftn Jtrr-.ny t nhaficeciiii it e !in'oery r,f be of t! in tbe Mnl'v. S' Y.'ik it to lo tusi ettnhat Krr'' f4' t,nU' U m,l Chilled jove r llial Slate, or if M to other COUMnea. CrrMim U.abundinUV unedtn most of the eas'rtn stjtjt. It ii ciiicfly obtained Irom Novs Srotia, no extf stilt bed of it hav. inn been dtK-overea in New-EngUnd. Souicful has it ptored on tome of the I.. t in the interior of those States, that Ihe firmtrt hare Coned their Interest in tt oriinR; it ihlrt) or forty milet arid frequently lo a still eattr distance over land.' Irt Virelnia.lt il said to have ben uae viiih mot admirable ttfict i ind i is re norted, (hat some of the upper counties, have been greatly bentEttcd by the di covery of a Ud of it near the Abingdon SJi Works In tbe astern st.tes, C; y fr turn is found In aikV abundanre, as- fo rons'itutenotmall patt of the nauyeiich ei of that section of the Union'. " Z . The loudest encomiums hae resched us from the north, respecting ie utility there and the opinion of its virtue as a manure, seems lo be the same in V'tri- .... r AU I he lollowinr testimony oi n ei- feet, it' giiin In Taifor'a Arstor, an au thoiiiy generally: rtpcied amonR our Farmers. I he Immediate benefit of Gypsum' to Indian fun (says this writerj is, sastly greatar than to an ofher'crop, except clover, whilst lis benefit to land it equally great. Unptiatered piacis, left across large field ol cloter, have, jn sun dry instances, produced a third or fotittb only of the adjoining pListered clover. UnplatsicltrspttCes4i4,tia Urge fielJsof corn, have been trrcptrntiy .hible durrnir the whole crop, pflxiut.lr.gi hp.i an i equ d, lut a considerable t Mi.rjiiice.tCi u'vi I clover, and inclosing, in conjunction, have within ny own knowledge, doubtert,triD' led, and, in a very favorable soil, quadru pled the value of land, in the space of twelve or fifteen tears, whilst the land regularly produced wo exhausting crops, those of corn and wheat," in every lour years of the period ; and these Crops wer continually increasing. flanuretno doubt, are the food! lane, as the productions of L'nd itself are the food of animals. Both alike languish without their respective aliments. To testoie to land under cultivation, an equi valent for the amount of exhaustion "which each croo occasions,' is the way to pre vent it from wearing out forever ; and it the food thus supplied, exceeds the loss of strength induced" bfropprngT'o'" year Jo year, lancLwiil obviQUSlXKicj more fertile the longer it; ia cultivated. Hence, the economy of manure their pdicioua application, are, ptohably to be regarded at the most important subjects that can be presented before the ... f , r I farmer, every panic le oi manure saveu, helps to form a sinking fund to cancel those Urge drafts, which he is continually making on his land. Hence the inesti mable advantage of Thing near a bed of Gypsum. I have before alluded to the extensive and profitable use that aaid to be. made of fiyixjum m the .New-England'-Statea. Btjrttierefe'Teaiiofii ;vy'?f13.J55T, inrnrirrifir culUf fUnjrss oXibeir climal for grazing,' induces them to keep a much larger stock of cattle than we do, in proportion to their farms: and the length and severity of Thetrwtnters, compel ihem loeTpThTs Urge stock inclosed in yards, or even in stables, at least twicers longat we are ac customed to do it in the colder parta of this State. By these meana,they acquire Urge beds of alable manure, which, in tbe spring, ia carried out to enrich Their lands; Although their farms are much smaller than ours, and they accumulate Hih -more-stal-le nwmirev y et they find it greatlf to thttradvantege to aentt to I T r ri..i.. .nrl a-u.i.f It cwetiandfbT twentfthirtytor forty roiled We slJouldj.njfX,fncirt TarmTfa of North-Carolina, who labour under so much greater disadvantage for obtaining.a quantity of stable manure, ade iixtuc to their wants, would derive still ercaier benefittfrom the use of Plaster of Paris. But a great part of our State is ao far frpra the tea-ports, and thii article is so heavy,, that the expense ol carriage musit, ia most case, greatly, diminish the nrofi! lilfli foitJJ therwlmi icrrtje from iti ue, and, h' many Inttuncei, rt ri der it quite unprofitable. All f bete things r ontidVid, It is moat drtirable nhjecl to OU' grirullitrkl inter rttt, to yUfovcr beds fif (iipum within our own State. Nonr, so fjf I know, fitthe no Ufn dhcotert ;eJrofrl Plif Ilidi;e, ' . . . tihuftw ft.rUt!v IfUfaer Xi'jfMUm'H The kthdnf rerlt amon(j shjr h Ofp' sum occurs, it writ knorfii to Geologist, and they can at once decide that lare sections of country do no contsin It, and (hit it would be unlets lo!uk for it there. In scrnrd.iice with IhesO f-rncral ptinc i pie t, f mut sdminh-iaiis eoiaKical Icaturri of the trreaier pill of our State are Inrompstible with the exit met of berfl of Cypttiin Mtd no ptoir'ttt' . . ' I . .11 !. I , cil ootemtiont ntve eytcnnru, 11 wouki be uteleif lo look for it here, trxrrpt i'l iwoorlhrc limited districts. Nr, in cited, have any tery tJrrisive indicaiions of the substance in question, been h. biled hitherto in ei herof these (litrifli( nr can we tm verjr sanctiine in expecting to find in them so desirable treasure, But it I at !"! aof ineomiit'tit tv'iA the lav tf jfroofv. lo I'tok f'r Gtptum 1,1 both these ili.tiirts; ond the Importnnce of the object would w arrant some rcaeai ch. whete there is only a am.ill probbiiitv o( Mircess.' Morroter, wilhinttoe lare tracts of countrri whoe -' festures ate so unfavorable, othir liiu'ed disticl nuy rmr to liijht.' of the pioper kind fur. aiToioin (iipum. '. le may alao tlrive encourage mt-ni from the w.f1l known fad that thit'subatance, like most other substances particularly useful and important to society, cxiftr in the earth iifvery ureal abundanee, and that h.rJIy uny trtiiteuv gn the fre of the globe so extensive at ours, and so dive isificd'in it sfru.-ture, it probJilir dettitu'e of it. Nor. when the above .mer.tioned ulstilclt. .whfre'Cjvpsum might be reaaonbly look cd for, we snid lo be amitrdy in tbem ielvrs.' They are limited only when com pared wit hi he extent of the whole state J hitt the fact iVlhey contain more lhan 1700 squirt? miles. SuppuaiDcUheht that this most fertil- iiiim mnuie may exUUn our State, let us ne tr4m. , m- - ' li'tiufd ltf O JutfeatJurVty fittftbtrdi f endue :f f4 (l Atcof cry ' z ' L" (.fClQKJtby. lifichln; thalCyptum is revet' found amorig certain kindsof rocks, and other- mineral formations," cuts at once a great part of the State, and ihut presents fruitless researches, lly thus limitinu the field olobsertation, to a com parative narrow space, we increase, prer ponionally, the charjeeof. makinii the. desired disxoverj. I he arRument is pre cisely this : an article of Kftat value is supposed to lie concealed aomrwAerr in the State of Ni rth-CaiWui that is. somewhere in the space of 40.000 miles. It seems a hopeless tusk to search for it. but just as weartL..itacl4rus-etf4t I ii i - - I ..... i..;,- we are imormru, tn uuu auuiunvy, um in nineteen twrntieths of this tpie, it is already ascertained notHKxisWand thete fore we mat coi fine our search to the COII1 purttlt.Kty ot v iiiii.iv mw..v Eveix. one can see how much our e Haute oi finding the tteusure would be increaatd 1 he particular niir-erais wna w ruoa Gyosum is associated ia well known, the occurrence ol one or more o tnee ne quently leads to the ciscovery of the min- " . at It f . a. I " m . a a' era! sought, snouia u c nance 10 ue found in any place, ihe rulea ol Geology would make us decide upon its probable extent, and by ascertaining the course or direction of the bed, to point out other plttccajshctc might reasonably be look edlor, andf specify, at the lame timer at what dcotb it wirurdhe below the aurroce! if rncrcy rr any vj wimm . Ceological Survey, conducted wuh the renuistte ability, will have a great tenden- c? to biina them to light. In case, also, of the discovery of Gypsum, a great ya riely of uselul and necessary information respecting it might be communicated in the proposed 44 Report" to the' Board ol AeTiculiure.: Besidee including -infor mation respecting tome of the foregoing particulars, namely, the probable extent, the course, the placet in the tame range where It "might Be found again, and at what depth below the surface the Ke- port rrnight poiot out ariou cither pKtif ctflars' trtsfng; out or tne wuowmg corsi neWiiW ftOrnerotr "arletiea of Gyp aumusMUy-iburaA -iii .the aame bedtiMl it becomet 'important to learn which of them is the beat adapted to tbe purposes or manure-::----Some kinds of land receives great ben eSt from this substance : others none at J A4k' 'K' all. Nor are the kinds t land sow ei known as to render it unnecessary to in stitute experiments'' on the soil of every county, where it U applied, llenca the utility cf r!l condactid f irimtntt, t rrslil? of whlrh shall he m-d kton 10 the public losive ri1ii.iuat fiom liteltil and waateful iipencei. Gtpsuni, though n exrellcHt mitiuti when pMperlr uvil, nCy ell brcorrrf unprofitable, or e en hni!f.l. ' It jtidl Uous"apprKii'"nr. Jll'lrV l' '"' Tauiarti -. et)M-cillf nerrstrv lothfe wh if tir areottrime'rf th nii; JT he fe'rivlKi . forniiTnlhe tTcport.'whriher tlerlt'ed from perv.nsl expeilence. op ihe et etl ence of others, at found recorded in woiki . of gf-od authority. ' , I trust, air, the foregoing ron!!irH!iri$ brink Ihe aubjetr lo viih they reluli fairly before the public. While they ra , otencici te shotr-te utui'y m Utosam as a nunure, and the pniiir '"-fteHt whlc h our Agriculture niihlrecen c from i were irlwind among ourMTvt,iol ' they are not intended lo lntpi'6 an fU$ hopct at to the piuhLnili' of findinu if, "ut it nwy lff t-ndouhllvhe un'lcrstitot!, ., ' that a smaller degree of prtbai,i:i'y, mi twth a degree at U evidently efTo'ded ti ut, it auflieni lo induce us lo bilrg ii all Ihe lights which (Oology c-n aiTord to , aid our attempit lo discover it, 'f ; I remain, air, jour obed't sertr,int, , , VVAITIB JtALt.0lT, , mmmmmmmmmm --,.,. , - - - - , - ' 'EXTUAOniilNAMVANATfCsVI. wifzaaiAND, MaCHk2i.-The L lira ot toe reiuiou'i its,' oi -which. M had not beard anr Ihit'if for sotne timet , have iusl been renewed in the same pUca " tht formerly acre the theatie of theta ; oirentepiCMe(ilnga. AdUgu jing acena , ' too piiec soinc dya ago In village of rioiikonlnihecant n)fZurih. , Adiit en inditirtuJs.' men and whpen, ahul Iheniifclves lipid ahode, um er prrtcil '. , of praying. A-ihburafierwatdtadrc uii , noite .wt heard, The people .sseinbU.d," -the inhabit, ntt of Ihe neighborhood hast rnrd to the apow and demanded rt Vail thal.the. house houhiMOracnei.--Me4a -lime the tumult Increased every moment the doorwaiat length, forced open, and these wretched people: were all found stretched on the, ground In variom groups " . closely embraaing each other.. They wera t all arresieL- Their depot! lioni preteut nothing but instances of deplorable folly r-... . her pretend to be inspired by Uod, ana a girl who Ts pregnant la Jwayi thergar4 Z" ; by which his will is JDsnifested t rhera. Sorrie ol theru bava oeen taken to tna,.L. rnad-lioflae" -- f-r-r r :iT.:'-ir " -P. S. it traa liobed that measure! taken nr.u. by Ihe Governrneni of Zurich would suf fice to enlighten the fanatics, or at least V to restrain them within bounds, but the re d'n uJoqs jcenr . w hicXluolt. place 7oon, have suddenly been tucreeded by ot hen that are traglr al and horrible . : 1 . In the night of the I4tn, a young1 lemsie risionary pretended that Uunniprte had " appeared' to her, and iad Inspired her mih the letolmion to file, to sate several thousand of w tils. ' hla appriiioo infla mtil tpe imaytnatlt'ti of scverhl faUttiiiaa ! and ihe.sjrritice was ins'tantlf icsolved uj-on. Men, women, and )ung gi'is, immediely prtpartdiiiatiumeuts forth" sxecuiion,faaUnedlhe unlortuimU totinj t v oruan to a .board, and umidsv the. uica - of Joy uttered hy""the'h nm, thty drove ; "f. nails into her feet and hands, lore .her.' breast, dashed her .h?df ft'.'.!.X mallet, and sung pious hymns to celebrate - fier tleath. . The .ViagUtrates hcin in fotmed hasten to' the-spot. Six or.th guilty have been arrested, and the hWes ligation is still going on. , ' Later accounts just announce to nuchas j a sister of this unhappy joung womtniiae T " also peiished in the most cruel toriuits, likewise a victim of religious rage, tier brother-in-Uwr has declared himtell ttf t havr PcerrtieT asjassinj tnittiepretcnuTrrd have. lttlfiUc.clJjhAJitt 9lJ&uAtMm of hia trtoe-A-w i8aiiaa!Bnse 7 ; It ii aaicl tliatTilma. in playing latin I Ijr at Paris, productd ao great a aen ' jf iUlilill i. ting Napoleoti in hit uie, and io cur ruing hit hands behind Aim, as to pro voke the inttricrcnce oi tne govern-: ment, who prohibited i. repetition, of ' the ojfencc; What aT comment is thia Y upon Monarchy ! " One might writer ' ; volumes against u, vrisaout saying as s much as is contained in this anecdote. HowererfirmrjtabHshcd ijnjheifllr' sense andliffccUbna of the per pie 'utuat I i ii. nn-iiiiii'iii iwtiMiiaii'w'i... --r"?r ; rjrrnat goveriirncni. ror.u own. secu3 ritV is obliged o prshibii a vian front. rf&WJJuttioX. Tirhind htm Thanks to Uemocracj ," every Ame r kanmiyr ithout askiag permission? of gOvenimtnt.iAiffn.Ai wigsvidcar-jz cy hit hunch i behind tit his own iiktngT JWfirthem paper n " -' ' ") Credulity on one part is a ftronf temptabttn 1 U iessit en the ether. ' ' . V;'..;: . ... . ' . i

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