s) IV) -i. vol. w. a ' it lK4 iirssta of this estaMisImwnt ei tc ginning to bear rather an ir ratio to the fHtiff, the Wjior I CMifctlctl loavh.pt some ' j)Uji0utr'itUfrrilf'rlhUbor in future. The practice Sn il.lt f.Uec, hitherto, ja Iff 5 too Carrie. Pp'lilt beeeit "to a rtt put vbo are Bti nowrl ti tt taHtar, eiihcr pcmiwUjf or lijrjtpurtilifX r El JJ fa sd ranee t aJ it seems that as all smaji of thetu rer Intend to py, kfler receiving the paper W, tvOrnd three la future, the termi U the Western Carolnia w ill he a fuUovit Ti Jtr, payable yearly In advance. Every piper aetit at a djttance, will be diaron ejnued after the time b.ts expired fcr which It ku been paid for, unties tin sXibecriber U known to b fowl 1 in tbe Utter me, the paper will be tent untl paid for and ordered to be stopt. Advertisement m ill be inserted a fifty centi per square fur tbe first Irwertioo. and twenty-five ' enu for eeJ subsequent one. Advertisementi from a tCetanc mue be put! for, or their pay Beot easuroed by responsible person, before City on be published- . All letter eddreased to the Editor, must be gtit-faid, or they will out be attended to. PHILO WHITE. Sign, ttoacAi, vu Uouae PALYTLYQ. GF.O. W. CM UK bep leave to inform the citiiena 4 Salisbury, and tbe suiroundirr eountrv, that he ft. 1 1 continue toeieeute all 'kinds of houte, aign,' coach, and ornamental FaiiilW. Having procured an ample aupply of knarerials, and having1, for a number of yeart at, devoted almost hit whole attention to ec ejuire a competent knowledge of tliia hranrh of business, be frela confident of being able to gn e satisfaction to tbeefjaho mar be pleased to fa vor b'tm with order In the above line. Gilding and (.Uiinf will also be eaccuted in a neat man. tarr, and on iraaonable term. He alio keep en hand, fortale, copal and Japan t'umith. i Wanted, a an apprentice to the above busi eta, one or two Uul, from 15 to 16 year of aye, f steady And lnduatrioua habit i to wliom, if .they prove themaelvea ilcacningcf it, a good hance will be r- " Suldur,, ft. 3,1323. 39 JAMES D. HAMPTON reactfully Inform the public, that he orcup.et the old abop ormerly owned by hia father, on Main-atreet, av Tew doori aoutii oi tbe t.oirUMouac, SUbur', hrre he -fr" wwpa'1,- m a jwod art f tAola, to repair aO kin4 of WATCHES tjf CLOCKS: . lie wiurei all who mar favor him with their ueUMW Utai Uicir work ahall be axecutcd in a good a atyle u at any other (hop in thi part of H country. -All kindaofold Jewelry repaired, and tome kind nude. Joba of every dacription In hi hue of buainesa, will be thankfully received, aniT executed on a abort notice. People who reside at a dirunce, by tending, may depend on twing their wuk aj faithfully attended to and wturuad, a 4i mH they wore re aentii.a Wy the old estJ)li)ied SJUbury prices charged. OV Tueaday of next Aurutt Court, there will be-' ofieeed Jie tle1 that tfjtW onvn. ment estabhthment in sahabtirr, three (low cut from the Court Houe,the property of the late Barnaba Krider. The houe i &J by 3u feet, with every convenience appertaining to a pub lic houiei it it well known a having been ccu pied a tuch for about 30 year. The etabiih tnent it ao well known, that it would be uaeleat to aay any thing of itt convenience, &c. l enut of payment will be made to accomhvtdat the wurchater. THOS. HOI.MKS, " " "JACOB KRTTJEn, Ex ecu tar. Satihnry, Jan 24, 1823. ' . 8t6S Yatm fur Sale. rpHEHE will be aold,on Wednetday, 13th of JL Augutt next, if not previously aold at pri vate aale, tract of Land lying on the watere of Grant' Creek, containing about 230 acres, join ing John Litaker and other. A great part of the above tract ta of the firat rate woodland, with fc good meadow of about ten or twrlve acrra, ' fhe balance "of the land now under ' cultivation. foodwltnt;4iewtll-ott,' bar.ind other ottt hotnefc The above pUnUtkaight TBe a.56 Iknd bclon gi to the estate w Bar aahaa Krider, dee'd,.- Terma will be made knoum .on the day of aale, " Tt tale wtfl take plact an ihti prtxiitrt. s 8t68 ;:r - , THOS. HOLMES, 'g'a rj June 24, lri0011 fV . Dollars livar A. RAN AWAY from the tub cribera, Kving in York District, S. t Carolina, on the 26lh May last, five Nerroea,Gilbert. Phalia, Littleton. Vnwik, nd 1larl:iql42.inMijft fellow about 35 years of age, stout made, black .cowpkwon :eryiivt.elligcnt.and gfojjntasieits hat do an look when itpoken to. Pbillia it about "20 ve.rt of age,- ha a light complexion, and a btht mulatto child a'Muf 3 monttit old. Littleton, dairlc complexion, ahdrfinlErboth the oont of Gilbert, about (even and eight years of - age, stout boya,- The above rewartl oThfty doU ars will be, givetwajwl all reasonable expcB)et paid j or twentjve' dollars will be givett fur ilbart ai dcJircred at Harrisburg. 8. C. J 4t62 . , HENRY MEACIIAM, " JOHN KIM8ELU Jmtm,; HOHY,COLTaftOI.: 3r mi fir. T WtJ, kB iy lloueeand Lot In , 1 Wry, on accommodating term Afpry to T. U Cowan, T. or to mywlf, in Ka k 'eH. Here (a a fw.l ofbee he-lflnajing to tlif lot, convenient fr a Uer or pirin. urns BKCKVVIT1I.. SaL4y,Mtrrk S, lB2X-'44tf VttKtA t-tttr 3 r a .... IWacm. - tlif .ilrnbrrob'amrd lrttrre -f aln.in- lairation on the tttaie U Jre A. rurio deceaaed. AO peraoM Indebted to aa'd efa'f, re re nueated to mak pavment without H lay i and inoao Ijitinr ilcmamCa (aint the " , arc re qu ttd lo U t.-m pieettel fur - 'tie ment within the time t.rtKr.bed b I, or tin notice will le pled In br of rrrovrry. Junr, im. 6-tW A.E'DITT, aJm'r.- H thorwigh bre ! llorae lint i. itaiHl this treton at mt kl.ble in kklabaiV. and b ffimTtL Id to BlrS at the price of rigt.t A jm i J ilulLra the arkMini five dollar the sn, to be paid wltcii the n.are takes Hie hore, al'.H hbertv to turn to tne Kaaon alioutd tre mare w-t prove wrth ful Ave is novr nine years old. Ills da! was b) the imported hone t'harrint i bi ire, the old imported Dion, hoe ed grce almoat eer) perton ia cll tA-qiainted ith. thtn crtii.ly ranis with the best horara ever trailed on tbe fa?ibury turf, having been a running h.re aince three years old. During thi t'-mc, he hat won i race three two-nuU', aid 3 one-mile h ati aim, the bett three in fve. iHm a b Mt fil bay, r'iig fifteen haml hiif'.. Yt nibcular noer, and elegance of act oi., in cannot be etccllcd. I here are a few col from Dion i and though thry are the produce of comnion marra, they are uncommon in puint f title, lortn and br i'.. I he v aon ha alredy lonmienced, and will trniiinatr tbe lat of AngMl. MOstS A. litfKK. Schtlury, M.f 15, U!Z. lirU 27i lit.Wura UwurA. I) AV AWA froimlii ti.bsrrl. I Ur, ill- 'i g" of the Bth ii.it , l.ri.-i.t n.i.l.ito man! named Sam, bet ecu 3l nv'i4D yeais of i aye, five feet 7 or ttlnil.r high, "a"d mi lling hray made, black and tri)(lit hair, ith Urge u lu.lrn i-ntriidiiiir round unde r ht rhin-'holil Ifxiken. nd not a VclT nlcasunt 1 couutcmuv e ; has peihapa, tome trait on hit head. I expect lie will try to paa tor a wnne man, r at lcat for a fne man, and mav hate some kind tf fyeetiit er tree pss with him. as the like ha been lately found in his poa aeamoH, in which h CuIUd himnelf Kamuel Knot, ,r .1 kv names, but all the tame hand. : U he proctirvj snot her, he maj. rire himrf some ouier nainc. jiv aiso iwn "u " - -"-i named Crave, about iS year of age, a stout hear ty oman, perhaps taller man mm, jarge uonco, , ttraight ai d trim made, pleaaant countenance, and not a very black negro. She h a acar on I the calf of her riRht leg, occasioned by a burn. I She ia in Die habit of scaring her hair midling LMig, and cotm d up to the top of her head, and fU.t Thtv tiarp hnfft lefn h.teJ fteif tritTl Iron Work, York, S. C. If thi-v letve that, I ex pect tliey will inake eithrrto ttienurth or weat. An) person taking up Mud ncgnM'(,.and deliver- inir t Ik-in to llir. hvillC ill MccklcnllUrif COUHtV, ' V n r.r rt.irlriil.- nhull rrri i i- tin abovt.- re- tward and all reanwwbhl tiwiSM faSd"t f RlJi t cmn'-d in any Jail, aJKi a leiier sui w ute oy mail, to I harloUc. JAMES M. PLACK. Junr R 1S23. 4f62 NORTH CAROLINA. DsVID'ON COVKTT. COURT of I'lea and Quarter Sesssions, April Si ttion, 1823. Jctse llargraye ti. John P. Mataw ; Original atUcliuieul.. Jcvied fin Laucli. It appearing to the satirfuction of tbe Court, that the defendant ia not an inhabitant oi hii State, It i therefore trimd, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Western Caro linian, printed in -8alibttry, that the defendant appear at our next Court of Plea and Quartet Sctaiont to be held fur the county of Davidson, at the Court-llouae !n lxington, on the 4th Mon day in Julv next, then and there to replevy and plead, or judgment will be taken according to the plantifr'a demand. Tctt, . . . DAVlD MOCK. V- & c. Price adv. 2. 662 rr.i Kt J VT r.- -v St PETllOR Court of Uw, Spring Term, 1823. Catharine Co wan vt. 1mu Cowan Pe tition for dl the CoOrt, that publication be made for three months in the Star, and Western Carolinian, that Im .Iffwmhuita4pnar at the next court ta be held for the county of Iredell, at the Court House in Statesville on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, antwe.', or demur, otherwise judgement will be had pro confesao, and the cause heard ex parte. . Witness, B. WOHKE, CPk. ' Price adv. g4. 3rat71 State o Xortl Carolina, ROWAN COUKTT. SUPERIOR Court of l-aw, April Term, 1823 i 1 Jane Weaver m. William We'arer...::.Pfti awce. 4t.eppet-Hif to,the MUafaciioB of the Court tliat the defendant is not an lhrraw tant td this State, it is therefore ordered by tbe court, that publication be made for three' months in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law te be held tor the countyW Mow an, t the Count House in Salisbury, on the te, cond Monday after the fourth Mcndar in Seg teniher next, then andthere la plfs'l, sntwer, or demur, or the petition will be heard e x parte. f BY. GILES, 4V. . Pricetdr.W, ;'. mtrj I,' n. I I tf AnVOWatedbimsetfatMoupt J 1 Vernon (Kwan toenty.J che ' by the aiore of Mr. Jaoob atruler, tjf , i i (rrs to the Inhabitants around tl.a t4r o prompt and aduoS (UrtiH (if tlit neural dutks of h prbfeasiona. ' jv.w.1 rrfi, Jb l. na. tut 1 Utir sl'Vl ny -c r i , .pitOM the buir tfinr.ln " stant", one Wound. ir lU(td boy, Jta about t ent ) r pf age, by the Li name of Jtk (Pwnt. ald boy ,) k a mulatto. re ens reeanl. ( will he given 10 v,f persos) de Jv-. ,vc ring sid bey t me, bit l0 thanks or charges paul. ANUW. If. TUT1LE. 7(w 2d, 1823. I.KOU ln suBrtiner,i.vnv m the county of Ko an, on the 9iik i. He. m ikrirra man named Ikwi t hit boy formerly be U.g d to Urn. J. A. Pearaon, ue u its is wtll know a L t oarritgr dri ver and Krvant. , lie is ull in tture,ofrry black con ph tim, about litem. -.ne years cf age, bis cMinng not recolUd'ed. I have no idea ebere be w ! . r . : . a I. fime. Any perm giwtr inioranauon .-yrilr.at Mock's Old Field, or Hcuringbim in jit, or otherwise, o as U may be again in my PKM taotu!ull rcccite tbeaboie reardrd. r I, M. PEARSON. Jmm 25, 1823. t l'tiat uiA eV;iS. milF. aubvnbers beg le.v to inrirra their 1 fne;.(U and the public at Jaf . hai they lim nd earning on tht Coach i cl t. g making b.iim-as, at the aliop lornKrriyfmdiictrd by A. K. Jump. They are wtll aupptied a ith a van cty of chaie-imbera. Ami tin e ftho ma) plrac to four tht-m ith their custom, ma r aasured their work will be acd exicited. AH km.le of repairing will be oW at the n,ot riauMublr trrma. ,(iun4jatsaud Yankee tg ri will be maik, bv applj ng to the ub Scrbtrs. CVHI n ttEr. rUANCISPl.vKSTON. Sal.tbury, July 1. 1823. 5t64 NORTH CAROLINA. tmiDsov cotarr ftOt'lIT of I'lm and Quarter hraion, April J X aiion, 1823. Nicholas l.icbat l, v. John P. Mataw : Or ginal attachment It vied on land. It appearing to the safiafartion nf the eoiirt.that .L- .1 f.l.... ma & n InV.h'.tkTit nf ihil Atatr. IIIC ll.ICIHIH ! ,IV w. . - w it i therefore trjerrd, thai pu'Tcalioit be made srr-werkesueeewively, in timMttmt Ca. limtn, printed in Baftstwiy, in tne. aciemiam ,Prsr at rrstt Ca-itol ncas .wyu.ne icsiioiai to be held lor .we cwmj jbi jiarKwm. . the Court-Uouse in.Lxinffton.onxhe 4ih Moiu day in Julv iieit, then ami tlu re to replevy and pifBII, CTT Jtnijnirn 0 rt luntiM drmanit. " " ' " " I . . ...a. f Trt, JJAIU MUVN . i v. Price adv. g2. 6i 62 NORTH CAROLINA. BtKXrC0tJ!TXi SUPERIOR Court of la , March Term, 1823. latvice. Penington ft. Fztkiel Peningtom Petition for divotee-awl aliMy. It appearing to the aatiafaction of the Cwir that the defen dant in this eae r tidrt without the limits of this StM. It isliierttare. otd-ard hx the (luuiUilol puhl'cat ion-be "made -in th wiir and Wettern Carolinian for three months, mat ttic ctrtemtant apiiear at the next Si ai-rior Court of law, to be held for the county of Burke, at the Court-Home in Morganton, on the foucth Monday of htptim ber ne xt, tlien and there to plead to said petition, otherwiae the petition ill be heurd ex parte, and decreed accordingly. Copy test, W. W. ERWIN, C. It. S. C. X. Price adv. g4. 3mt69 Noirrn ctakolina: IRTDKLL COUNT. COURT of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, May Session, 1823. James! orrencev. Charles D. Conner Original attachment, levied in the hand of Alfred D. Kerr, and he aummoned as gjimitbee also, in one negro bey. It appear ing to the satisfaction of the Court that the de fendant in thi cause resides out of this State, it it tlierefore ordered, that publication be made in the Weatern Carolinian for three montha ucce tively, that unleu the defendant appear before this Court on the first day of the next term to be.hehlTorihecotintyaforeaai6'rtateslle,ofl thethird -Monday. iit.jAli &i limMrtv -levied onjtudpl cause, the nlaintiff will be heard ex parte, and judgment rendered againat aaid defendant pro eojmjssxn----""'-''-''"-" - - - - Test, K. SIMONTON, CT. Price adv. g4. i..1fct71 nUaTPis'ttSi or fet6cirr- 1 ROM the (ubKnber, on the 4th Julv, mulatto ' fellow named BILL, 23 or 24 years of sge, 5 -.. inri inches hirh. with a remarkable sin nilar mark' ontherignt side of his nose, rather of a purple colour, nis ciouung noi rccuuccicu; he has been uvthe jsil of Salisbury . i wilt ri! a reward of 10 dollars, to snv per son who will deliver the said negro to me, or se- . ... . . a . i-,Jii .! cu re him in jail so I may get mm j or oouar mi dflivrrv of him and tlie thief. If he has a.ftee pass, I will ciye a reward of 50 -dol- iai't; tor the oelivery oi uira anu uie pcrmi ,uu cue it to hinu,UMO S1 bew&MifdS3fftoM veil that be i tne pcraon. i puraiaaeu am ne gro of Dr. Isaac Philips of Rockingham count. . 'if. . BAHiWI-Jj HI I. IrtdfU Count, ith Juh,K23. ' 62tf . . AJittUKOs ft the various kinds commonly mo.se, for sale ) at the Office ef the Wrmnii Camtinsii for sale 1t this OlSqc. Frm tie JTaJW4 JTWer, asat JGRlCrLTURE Of NORTHS A ROIJX A, ItTTKI IT. salt AD tlMtlTOH. To taurjes Ktalier, T. lecrtHary tt the Row Agricultural feocicl. . Shi Tho remstkiofrcrrd la trf IsH letter rttperilng Gypsum spply eo to saitiIM I hH bf.vcrrtiUcf on ibU ariuu notwlihiunulhs Ui Rrist rni)tor- ttnter- Indeed tt it almnet e eofrsteftt tocUte f Cj txura ; ina Geolae;Usl point m a .a a . I oi vtew, nearly tne tsmf app'y 10 both i and where we find one 61 them. e may lock with crest ctpcctstlon for iho other, it rosy not, however, t iro proper te remark, that few people $rt prttbably aware, how profuarlf beneB- rent Viwiflerr ha ryrovMed. fof ll.e UM tif man, this auhetanro which It n indif pcniulde to hit hatpincss. All it it truOi cannot but know that the wide ocean ton fjs it to every shore but all, perhaps. ate not awsre to what exleiit the solid earth itself is e'orrd with it hctraylng itrlf in one place, by in nutations on the sin lift, si.d in another br copious and neretmlal. sprinica of b'nr iifcli(f here into iofly hills, and sinking thcte into the sbvstei of the earth. I allude to these facts to show thst we might derive some little hope of finding Salt enoi ourselves, merely reas iAe txttni tj tur ttrriitry. But, wi h regard to actual indications, there appear to be the following. Throughout that part of the lliue Kicge which paswcsthrotigntnis Slate, and 'throughout that part of the State which lies westward of it, Salt ma be looked for with the grcateit probability of success. Gpum,it is said, has al readv been discorded there: if so, I (Mild tilmost venture to predict that SJl ta constant companion, wtll ie lounu iherc also. nh retard to the oilier .... am. W i i tne Mate, the piotMiuuty oi nna Slt ri sts on. very nearly the lame L'louixi is that of finding Ctpium, and het wtic pointed out in my l-st letter As in th.tfdie.so in the present, the pro b.l-ility is not ury strong from any indi rations hitherto tdmrved t butsiill, they are deemed sufficient to encouraee lorne search, and this, as was shown with rei ned to ('i pum, would be greatly aisitted by thelights of Geology. - In regard lo ft luuject so tmponant trtl mf.tnlT desirable rhat tbe pub . . .. . lnformed U wh otlculal fo , v.; - : - '. . u wbereu would b o1m to-Mirch for it .what are regarded at fcitftli of Slt . - Q-ga lull IIUW Bill II 11 lull ..llllil.iiyil li. l - I..-.-J A 'k.. ..U is to be conducted and what would be the best mode of carrying on the rnanu factute of the article when found. In formation on ell these Dointi,- is tmnlr supplied bjr Jbopejrjence of jplberitkadJ ih deposited lor our use in works oi tne highest authority. In the proposed M Re, port"' to the Board of Agriculture,-this subject, in all in details, might be pre stnied before that box.6D4-.AhjQUgh iKem to 'Ibeti hlbtted" be fore ihcpublk. l iMXsTOxt. In considering the two last articles (Gypium and bait) cur zeal haa been some w h,it tempered by the want of any very encouraging probability of SW' i - I TTJ . . 1 I L . ah...aa,4 hnding tnem cui, in me iw -jrcaciii case, we hare every thing to encourage us. No part of our State is unfavorable in its geological itruciure,lo tbe exis tence bl' Limtitonet indeed in most patts of the State it is already known to exist in larger or smal.erxjUaDtitics.l be Low Countiy yields the Shell Umcitoue and Marl; the Upper Country, the finest Mountain l imestone and the western most district afford the Blue Limestone in the gteatest abundance. Having of fered itseJf to our notice already, in nu merous places,, with little or no search, and there being, ao far at geological ob servation can .'decide,.,, great rea son for auppownt tttt.it Mi9Wn.4!La.i'i0U-W ,pj(8,iftthirSjatt motive jo bend our attention, inhe first place towards discovering Limestdne,'and in fhe second plaCenowardltliii in'tfoduc lion of it into far more general use. j There are three reiDect in whicb Lime isartiruiariy-impotant- f octety-t-i ' . , . . i ; . :i ,-.-n ' I namely, in irciuiciiuioi to .viciuurgyi and in Agriculture. 1. It is well known that great quanti ties of Lime are required for tbe purpo ses of A8CHITE.CTU&S. Public build ings, a the Capitol at Raleigh, a College at the University, i Court-bouse, or a Church, - are occaMonallf erected in the interior of the State where is fully dis played the fmportfctie - of bi irtule, l JI.UUI M'v i.u, .mw ... '-y tpTKIniirW I 1 . . a . 1 r V. m. Vnt,trAt fk ftll-K t..2l.1in tcjs wvuiu uc y.;.vj(wiMv.fiM,a; a the Canitol. I his orobablv could not I , r m - - 4--rz.- -- -- be furnished for a less um than from four to five dollars per barrel, including trans portation fiero Feyettevillt. We- wifl J, t. tt. .... Bni-'fou- dollars the r. ?PPe l t0" nl7 "r. flOllartllten Itne L-iroe lor iikii a nuiiuing wvuia com 1600 dollar!; No w in tome part of our rnnnirv.' where Lime-Quarries are, ahun the Lime for such a building would cost riant, this article el!i for one roiUr pti. hirrell were surh a qatrry t!lrevef4 nesr the eity of Ralrljjh, the tavlng In th tindertsklng supjiod, wmiW be 1101 dol lar and the remaining 4W would bt ripended amonr, u lira, instead of be ing sent to fordn "market. This In stance my furnMi an averape estimatt of the eatravarant jiibe fid l'r Iime thmiirilirur nlf h SiVi Vnrisl'.lt being " (bur lime II Diu'ch lt Irwntild tt ,werf beds of i ormn among fcurret to fMrtilah the rrotiisito quantlte if Urot (every builder, in M own tidniiy. . , I have Sir, no data from which lo estW ; mate the quantity of lime at prrvnt Im pored Into the r'tete, nd f onvryed from ur sea-port Into the Interior! ho', fur, sakeofillustrt.ii.in. we will suppose It to -be onlr 3000 bjrreU annually ; and thst th, in'cliidinr transportstion, will ev' . rsgejat the price of h ur dollsr per bar. . rel. OoUTneupposl'ion,thetstebsyi RIJJJOO tear, for an article which.lt it believed with much eor.fidence, oil' ' within her own territory In numerou pUcr beside those already noticed (Id ohice sufficiently numerous Indeed, supplr more tban all our need. If tht firt be so, we are-pa in t at least 6000 dollars annually fir nnneceary carriages - and 6000 more to fuietn ntrkrit for an article which we could manufacture at very small expense among ourselves. In ome parte of our country, a ha been mentioned already, lime issjtdatlhe kiln for only one dollar per barrel, ami Kill af fords handsome pfoGt tlhe m;-hunc ... tnreri. I he proprietor oi me te w suns f. treadr established in thi ttate do not sell it at so low a pi Ire, and prorbly cannot afford to do o t but'thenaiural lendencr " of niuMplfingesUblishmf ht of thli kind, is to introduce skill and rtonomy into trio v, management of them t and no reason ap- . pear to prevtnt the supposition, that, wert Limestone found as abiindintlv In ' N. Carolina as in 'the plate above refer red to, Lime also would becoVne as f heap hare aa n ia mere, .iiuiaoe iriuicu - oOfthst in the forecoing estimate (or ra tber il'utiration) of the expenses incur, red for thi article in foreign markets, w have only contemplated the quantity . , which I consumed in the itwrhr, leaf , ing out of r'rew the great amount re quired to eupply the wanta'of ourcomw rfVoftwIUw- nnia of ro k rcir -able to aupply iheso exiencU 'ii onrr our domesUc resource. -rrz2' Tzrrrr But mother torisidenilofp vlne; In -t the same manner, the importance of fiid ing JJrot!oneJnKreatejr .quanuiy an frequency among ourselves, io order ta supply material for building. I alludey ' to tht grrat advantage thai &uld tttult , io Architecture from uung Lime more fret i- Fatiiie jMkeiiLilluf'tri'ilow wiiirt supposed, that 3000 barrel of thi art let are initually Hited in the Interior of UP State, besides what la manufactured e mong ourselve. hether this quantity correspxmdeJa.My. degreo w It h. A ho mount actilallr consumed, or not, theri '"' can be no ftoubt that an adequate supply - of Ume for the same district of country, would itqulre, rot three ihtutand barrels , or.l) , but thirty thwandt I apeak merely of a aupply for architectural purpose It willoccor to a little rt flection, r at least it will be found hv a little experi. ence, how vastly mote fiim.and durable) all atructute of brick or tone are when tTTT laid in good lime-mortar, than when aturk together with Ovud.- It mas be added thitr " were Lime abundant andrhejpiio-''a walli wruld be found much more eroho mical than ceiling. They would cost lest at fi.t i if well executrd, the would bo . at least du'able bring easilv washed or colored they are, not, like tinplnte ciiling, o liable to wear a feu or gloomy aapect and when the nc r pirv pf C house is plaistered within, the rtnuinde W.loTpiii'W mpved ililitbaref pairir urface a a nouie eniii ely wiled wtthinv Many persons have been discouraged ft orr . Using iirnirntf:'laW celled wall, on account of the ui.Uiifut manner in which thoso of mortar hav been1 executed. " Mttch-atroiind'Ol plaint, without doubt, exist on thi pointj v but wo must reflect thst a more frequent-. , use of thi anitle, will bo the meanof; . introducing better workmen, and of im. ; proving thoe already amontr J. In Ar ; chitecture, therefore, durability beauty ' and economy, are all intimately connect; ed with ra full supply of Lime. , 'Zt::y: 2. In MiTAtttnof. or tho art of ;' tractinB'me stetie is often of indispensable oe' Som j " witboutr'itidi and in almost all caaet where iron ore ia reduced by fusion In furnace, Limetone it employed as a flux to assist the fiision.l it hprt ardjy bnoL of the Art can be carried on upon i ' Targe scale without the aid of a great nunv , ber of natural substances. .Thus the maw -nufketurer of Ironf before he engages ex " $ .bfhcl;iii ! Ir y .:.

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