wa Val Wtlltts ttl1l. 7A irfl C si . mxf tirl, 1 ' Olb U Jri. t iniirijf. It goMen ryt Mending M'J tJf cf .ltt I-iinn, fir ti'frtit etb'ht, Who fuTUrtt'l lvr4 prfu!!, lilt night's kin! sang Vm.Ur, Aa4 lltiptr, itt truUrr, ato kvl sight i A p)r OvwaM vt riving F.v's lauiifs lurrrjrnf, EtcounUrci) furm micU arnjda ra;ght wear, yW'tMnbf Hun"" .- s" f'.'er' greeted Aurora ! Willi charms to rrple!an t ihor.ln tl.il fTf, J Jala TTr ;'flfgTf i r",cf beauty t1i7iir 8," ' riw Wa rwrtt )f Crrtnr Urtem. , , Fond sepbyr were eoartlrif, The lovci round her pr!inf, And tie grace, twtet trio, fcer step horcrM tri YHibrt in mbtnh concealed, lief gold ringlet revealed, Vbere Cop d, sly rJer, a wont to appear, ' IVa Circa ronnA la borer . , FW"d lingerM bef lover ' TranaporUd ba rvieil-hii rapt tout la bit eye, And eft, with SubrtuMiufl, V rreferrei hi petition. That tha fuf be aiored might retpoad bW tuft - lb for the virtues ami graces united convene ' 1 Tnu, rW ffwrrt Crvrreiwr Cret. tlcf Soft, titiud glance, His beart io entrance, Tbat, kneeling, be profferM Lit fortune and hand i Hit ye whh lot beaming, And tender trntb teerbinf, . Ftlr FrSa, bit loved one, sot long could itl Jtia tender boon franted. Her fentla betrt pant ed, At aealcd waitlie compact with IotVi (tolen kin. - Kow tviftry flew the hour, 1 In beauty'i Lloominr bower, T31 II men, at the ahar, Mnclioned 0wU' bli VhB be eluped ta bit boom, with npturoui mien, ISl ItttAjft, twttt Wo, tf Grnxntr Crc. LUerutj Extracts, &c. TUB VIIXACK IHX3T0R. "Doctor Elnthan Todd, for auch Wat the unworthy name of the roan of physic, was conamobly thought to be, . ; among the aettlera, a gentleman cf rreat rnmt endowment jndhs was v" ,"4iafedly f rare person pronottons. I n heigath be m eaiyutd.j' ith hia ihors, "rr1 xae ly"1x feet and fcraf fnchrip-lJji -r;irr hai.Ui, feet And knee, corresponded . InlfVfy reipect with this formidable itature but every other part of hi . frame appeared to hive been intended for man rveTil aizei smaller, if we except die length of his limbs. His , ahoulders wrre square, in one sense at leastrbrifrg- in-sj Ttght line-frnm-rne- .tide tu the other; but they Were so barrow, that the long dangling arms r-r"xhat" they supported, seems to -Isaue ': T out of hvback HianeckJossrssed, ,1a aa eminent degree, the property ol - 4 length to which we have alluded, an it was topped by a rm.ll bullet-head T . that exhibited, on one side, a bush o ' bristling brown hair, and on the other 4 a ahort, twinkling 'isage, that appear- r ed to maipt .in a constant atrugglc wuh A . itself ia order to look wise. He was the youngest son ol ft farmtf of Massa- . chusetts, who, being somewhat in easy . circumstiinces, had allowed this boy to ahoot up to the height we have men tioncd withont the ordi.iarv interruo H, tiona of , field labor, wood-chopping, r ' and such other toils as were imposed . on his brothers, hlnatnan was indebt . ; . ed for this exemptinn from labor, in iome-nteasure, to -his extraordinary ahlm a' c,-art tl li t lessV- nd U eeit "hft teri- KdertnoiKar to prnne-him,4 sWk - Jy b'iy, and one that was not equil to , ivbTe, bul wlio hiigTiTafn uLving'com- fortaUc ertongh b taking to pleading fox turning fninittcr innf, or some sitch like easy calling.1 Stil ; thete waa a great uncertainty which of . : thtse vacutons the youth was.best en ; " dowed to fill" with credit and, profit j&ut having no Othe" employ mtnt. the strip ling was constantly lounging about the homestead, rnunchiog green apples, Vf 4 and huatipg for torrel ; when the same "rr(: w , iag mi laieni laicpr, acizeu upon uut cir - cumstancei aSTaxfurlfiri'fHlHT: ; world M Llnathan was cut out for a doctor," she.knew,' for fee was forev er digging frr yarb, and tasting'of all . kinds of things that growd about the lots. Thenanunhe had anateraflnve , , for doctorstuff, for when she had left the bilious pills nut for her man, all nicely covered with maple sugar, just ready to take, Nathan had come in, ir.A s-. ;!'.- r I tlem, f.,r ' ic w:ill it U they were noihlsi-, w!,,! Ithabod (her l.u-W.d) C'iuIJ never r-t on ojn without nuking litth k j-cntc faces, that it was awful to look on." This discovery t'cciJc'd the iiuttrr. hlaathan, then about fifteen, was, much like wild colt, caught and trimmed, by dipping hit bushy locks, drcsiid in t suit of homespun dyed in the tut tr4 tcrnOl bark J furnished witli a New TcitamcnV" and a Wtbueri SpcV ling-book' and sent to school. A the boy was by nature quite shrewd enough, and had previously, at odd the foyrrdition cf reading, Iwrltin? and arithmetic, h was soon c JL r aenooi ior nia icjrn Ing. 'TltedelIg1itrd7"olhTr bad the gratification of he'ar'mg from the lips of the master, that her ion was a M pro. digioui bov, and far above all his class.1' lie alto thought that the youth had a natural love for doctoring, he bad known him frequently advise the smaller children againtt eating too much) and once or twice, when the ignorant little things had persevered in opposition to Elnatbao's advice, he rud known her ton tdempty the school-baskets with his own mouth, to prevent the consequences. MSoon after this comfortable decla ration from his school matter, the Ltd was removed la the house of the village doctor, a gentleman whose early career had not been unlike that of our hero, where he was to be seen sometime wa tering a horse, at others watering med icincs, blue, yellow, nd red j then again he might be noticed, lolling under an apple tree, with Hiidimju'a hxiir Grammar in his hand, and a corner ol Dcuman's Midwifery itiiking out of the pocket of his coat t fur hi instruc tor held it absurd to tt ich his pupil how to despatch a patitnt regularly from thi wot Id, In fore he knew how to briit? him into if. "This kind of life continued for a twelve month, wlitn he kuddcnlv ap peared at meeling jn a long coat (and well did it deserve the name !) .f black homespun, with littTe tootet bound with uncoloiirrd calf-tkin,for the want of red morocco. Soon after he wai seen shaving with a doll razo ; and but three or four montSs elapsed before aever.tl elderly ladiearwere "observed hastening toward the house of a poor wnmau in the vil lage, while" other ivere running tonnd fro,in-grtnt' pppirertt J3Ifrr"-' OtV rr: two boys svere mnnnted bareback on horses, and sent off at speed in va rious direction. Scvcr.il indirect auestions w'ere put concerning where the physician was last observed; but .ill would not do; and at length Klna thau was seen issuing from his door, with verv-grve- ir, preceded -4y I'titlc white-headed bov, who, out ol breath, was trotting before him. Tbr following day the youth app ared in the street, as the highway was c tiled, and the neighborhood was astonished in obser ing how much he had grown late ly. The aame week he bought a new rwzor and the succeeding Sond.ty he entered the meeting-house with a red silk handkerchief in his hand, and w ita an extremely demur countenance.- In the evening he called upon a yonng U Oman 'bt- hi own tlass in Tifu, for there were no others to be found, and when he was left alone with the fair, he ws called, for the first time in his life. Doctor Todd, by her prudent mo ther. The ice once broke in this man ner, Elnath.m was greeted from every mouth with his official appellation. 'Another year was passed under the auperitcnderjtfiL.of th. me m- refrduririrwhtch thtf'YeOYig physician: 1 1 1 ini tnc -ere cm jot tio j ng w ho inf) kj ttocior'fcaitriotjgtrtheyregenetally observed to travel different roads. At the "e ncTof KH pc "r lod BrrTod Jat t a i n- ed his legal majontv. He then took t w rines, and, as some intimated, to walk the hospital we know not how the latter might have been, but if true, he soon walked through-it, for he return- d .within a fortnight, bringing w ith him a suspicious looking boi tkat smelt strongly of brimstone. ' 'The next Sunday he Was married ; andJth'fpTlc a one horse sleich with his bride, hav- ip -Tj-eiorrlnm'tn Ponsrwe n a ve iottr tlbhifwItFInmhe made KousehbTd nhnenv a paper cover ed trunk with a red umbrella Ltshcd tdf it, a pair quiternew raddle bats, and a bandbox. : .The next lotellicence that hia friends received of the. bride and bridegroom! was, that the "latter was setded in the new counties, ttfid well to-do as a doctor, ta Tcmplctdn ia York state." , v tAt'Cttx". uIntTcrtiw a i'rrr.ch. mao l4 i!it!t-y smile, they gri i.thcy ihrug up their ahouljers, they daote, they cry lis! and Cicll but thry nev er give themselves t0 l"itcrous and unlimited laughter. Tley have always reign upon their lungs and their muscle ara drilled tu order. Their mirth docs not Savonr of fleh and blood, i do uot o.ean to contend for that pampered laugji which grows less and lci,in priypouni at it is Uh fed (so gin given to children stops their growth) but for a good broad humorous Kngliih laugh, such as be lceif so sv farei" or a fair. -Tba- QH mans laugrt tomcttmrs, tne I icmminp often.'the Irth alwaj s t the SpanUrdV ficeirf ased: iftd thrSfotmanUii thawed Intoi laugh) but a Frenchman never laugh. They smile indetd. but what thenf Tbeir'smile is like their aoupe maigre, thin) their merriment squeezrd and strained there it me thing in it of the acid ol their saUUs, something orthe 'pungency of jheir sauces, but nothing substantial: it is ntithrr solid nor cthcrhl -but a thing between wind and water, nor of earth nor heaven gd nr bad, but vlllan ously indifferent, and not to be admit ted as mirth." London Mofazine. A pretty bird.-t Irishman who had never fired a gun in his life, took il into hit head to go a shooting. Il was not l-ng bef re he saw a little wood-pecker busily employed in per forating a tall cherry tree. Pat crept alyly up as far as he could w hhoutalarm tr.g the bird, and after making two or three circumbendibuses around the tree, as the little feathered mi chat ic pi-formed a similar revolution round its trunk, he tho .ght h- had at. ljt a good chance lor a shot ; so, huiii-g both eyes fast, he blazed away. The bird more sc .red than hurt by the at tack, took to his wings, while Pat, sure that he had brought down hi .me, commenced searching for il auinc;M the weeds at the root of the tree. As he was thus cngag-d a frog started up before him and began hopping ground the tree. Pat in an exstacy ol y,y i.t having found, aa he support t, the ob- jret ot nis search, t seiz.-u poor a rroaler, and while he cved hit tanurri jawt nnd freckled tktn with Somewhat of .aaaiemcntr"- cxctiiTmen ArrdHtratd. world, aa louo- eDveloped in clrk- now, but jure you were j pretty bird before I thit ail thejtathert 'Jf ysu. . SMOtXKiXOHiOVtJjlBER 6. The f liowing dreadful event lately cetrred in this neighborhood. '1 he owficr of n lin y coitgt beit! out on j chase, a beggrr, to all appe. r t ce old and weak, entered il .it noon J.iv, aiui jtked alms of the w mm v ho a; lu-e with uulv her two vuuiiji..iLiLit ren. The kin I hcartt d woman in iteb him to rest h mself, while ahe cjots t ret him something to eat and drink. After the beggar had samfi. o! h'vhuti ger he"tothe " n smalfliRTom SrTnTeTiT of the woman, assumed a difT tent L.,- Hti.ge, and w'nhn throtntng v ice tie ma.nderi the mot cy, which he knew, he said, her husband had in the house 1 he w retch rushing on her w ith a large bread knife, to force her to acknowl edge here it was deposited, she decla red fiersenre1nyl'o gTv'e Kim what mo ney she. had, and for this puqmse she mounted a ladder leading to the loft above. As soon as she h.-d mounted, she drew, up the ldder. after her, so that it was impossible for him to get at her. Finding that she disregarded his manaces, he seized her two children, and swore he would either kill or maim them, if frhedid not immediately cemt dowranr deliver tv-tc promised - -1 he woman re cnaaned in thelbrt7nd s through the thatch and call for help. While ! she "was" ''thusremplbyedrilie monster cut cfl" their ears at. il nttses, 41 nocents, scornfully proclaiming to the motnertne murcjerhe had committed. Fortunately, however, her cries were beared by an officer who was passing bv in an open carriage, who sent his servant (while he remained, sitting in the crriagej to inquire what was the matter. The servant hastenedr tolhe spot, but bir entering the cottage was met bv the murderer, who plunged the .nererr surpris ed' at Tiis delay, went himsdf to the cottage, wheire, preceiving the horrid scene, he attempted to stnp' the fiiehf of the murderer, and with his 6abre cut off all the fingers of his right handi but, was not able tqf hinder him from embracing the opportunity to estape , through the door as Jt stood open The Women had, while all this was p.u r..ais Ut wiy tWougH the rouf, and run to the village, which was at a pretty considerable distance, to fetch assistance. Meantime the hus band oo bis way home mtets the blood stained murderer, whora'he recogniz es as the beggsr who frequented that part cf the Country. The hypocrite, concealing hit fears under affected la mentation, held upiJs mutilated runu, saying, make hast! there is ia your boute a murderer, who has killed your children,-and Ukewite man who at ti tripled t defend them, and from whom I have narrowly escspeu in me rfffytiMA . J-oii- aecH, The . tcrri ficd countryman, while the atrocicKit villain hastens ta eicapc, Hict, with his loaded gtm to-hit hxndrtrthc-tottafr,ptr eeives through the open door the on cer and the bloody corpses of his chil dren. takes him of course for the mur derer. levels hi piece, and s'.ioots him dead on the pot. The wife coming up with the villager, hears the shot, sees the oth er tall, otters a piercing cry. exclaiming, ''you have killed our deliverer not he, but the beggar is the murdererlof our children. I he bus band, whose whole frame is shaken by the horror of the secne, and att ill more by his own rash dctd, stands a few moments petrified: and, motionless, Nils back in a fit and expires. A 'own in RiiMia, espita) of a pwernment ot Uio tame name. RELIGIOUS. SrUileJ y.r tlw We$tr Canliitian. Extract fio lr. Dwi(ht' sermon on the anii ablenct of Chrnt. 44 No attribute which forn i, no ac tion which becomes, the pcrlett cha racter, is wanting in him. With all .things in his hand ; with all excel lence and enjoyment in his mind ; he pitied ut, miserable worms of the cluit; descended from heaven ; hecan.c ntan; lived, and died, and rose again j that we might live forever. With his own will he prod ined, in the tidings ol the test, the very thing which he ha done and suffered, and the i'vfmitc bles- i'.gi, whuh io this manner, he-has purchased for mankind. ' There is tiutv," he cries "rloru togodin the high- j rt while there is, ptaee on earth and I good wtll towardt men. In im ru- ness, so log deformed by bin, so long wasted by miserv j where giut, and sorrow, and aoffriingi have spread dis trrss without control, and mourning without hop? ; where war asd oppres sion have ravaged without, and re morr.e and despair consumed within ; hrre-Satah, has e salted hit ihmiu above the ttars rf God, while its sottish :n.liMt)s haebeut before him in rclf-i'-'-y -wprjhip; in this ruiotd world, where, since the apostney, veal good was never found, and w here tidings of !uch good were never proclaimed) 'Vtn here, I announce the tidings of -xpntrd sin a pardtwing god ; a re new ing spirit ; un opening heaven; ..nil a dawnine imniortantv. llrre le;ice anew shall lift her olive branch over mat. kind. Here salvation from sin :md woe frhallanew be found : at.d here (od bhall dwell, and reign, the (jod of Gion." " " Every messenger of good news is, of course, desirable and lovelv in the eyes of those, who are deeply in terested ; and a part of that lustre, be longing to the tidings themstlves, is by a natural', association diffused a round him, by whom they are borne ; especially because he is regarded as voluntarily announcing good to us, and as rejoicing in our jov. How-don o'usY'how1' lovelyVlhen dncV CTrist ap ycr wncju. coming .waia au me mne rent eplendour and beauty of his cha racter, and th transcendant dignity of his stadon, to pfoctai mlcTurndings mnnitelv desirable, of good infinitely aaarv and inbatuIv-grcaU-AIcta him were wholly unnecessarv. Had 11 their millions been blotted out of the kingdom of god ; they would not even have left a blank in the; creation. With a word he could have formed, yf the stones cf the street, Other -mil lions, wise'r, better, and happier; mnre dutiful, and more desirable. How di- fie the tidings, which he brings of his 6wh liivpwh? une xampled!lu5l nnrsTtla" bours ""and aufferinps. without which good tidings could never have reached trs, and real good never been found in this miserable world I How' divinely amiable does he appear, when. not withstanding the apostacy and tuilt of the race ot Adam, he came, of his own m m m ar w accord, tA publish these. ridings of imi mortal good to rebels and enemies if and wltle procLinurg them, raJ in tht hab'ttahle parti ef the n.rl 'i, tr. found his r ui'i lU nr.t rf men. What, then, mut te tie guilt, what the debarment, cf thoif, who are regardless cf tht glorious declara tions, botiila to the benevolent de signs, and tnscnsible to the perfect character, of this divine herald f How blind, and deaf, and stupid, mutt they be to all that is beautiful, engaging, and lovely I How grovelling must be their moral taste? How wortdcrul their neglect of their own well-being t How evidently it their ingratitude as tWain-of wVbclkraftr -and their stub bomnei at iquiiy and idolatry i Wer -these tidiwgti to be prlaiowd U bU itself j one can scircely fill to Imigiats that all the malice, impiety and blaa phemy, io that dreary w rid would be suspended that fiends would cease to tnflict with fiends j that sorrow would dry the stream of never-ending tearsj . thafrcm'lse would reverseand blunt, hit tting that despair would lift tp. his pale front with a. commencing; , imilct that the prisoners of wrath then pritoneri hope would shake , their chains in transport J and that all ihe gloomy caverns would echo to the sounds of gratitude and J -y. in our own world, once equally hapless, these tiding are actually proclaimed. What must be the spirit of those who re fuse to hear V WIU. be old, at tha Court !ioue la Woa : rnton. on Monday, th 18th day of At ipist oet, the lollowiiif traeu of Larwl, or ae aitich tliereof as will be wifftcient to t:tfy tha -Uxct due Diertoa, fur iLe jcart.ltciO aad 1821 , via : ' Motel Teare. 400 acre, on tba Water of Ijnle ner, fica in for the year 1820 and , lbil, value- CJO dollar fur tbe former j tar, and r iM t.,lut f r tht latter. IUmimjh l un.er, 3W acres, on the water of l.itile river, at 200 dullar-f for 1830 1 2u0acrea on Jo. fur 1821, jriven ia at 200 doar. - Joint Tunier, 2J0 a re, on the water of tatUe rire r, at IM) dullurt tor 1820 1 and tha beir of Julm Turner, UrcM. 40U am for lle year cf 1) mr on do. given in at 050 dollar. . airvmnii bnnca acrea, jvjo; on ma va. . ter i ol ( Va ha, for the year lb.'U, value 150 dot- i, aii.l iVr lB2f.2Micrti; rivlft ariWdolbrti Urs, Hully Crair. fur 1820, lvW acre, Kutfr on lh waters of WiTaon' creek, given in at 200 dollars, ' Jmci L'n.nlirie.50acre. lviniron tha aatera of John's rot r, giien in at 50 dollar. Julm (IjUttbroofe, 96 acres, lying on Ue ten of C'ata ba. nen in at 80 dolkr. . tcn uf Gunpoutr, riven ia ataJO dollars. 200 acrca, lyinr on Drowninr creek, tba OVf iter not anown, imI U lana ot murnea. John Teaare, 100 acres. Irinroo liitla rv i given in at 1U0 dollar. t - John Johnston, Jnn. 150 acre, lyinf em tba waters of Little river, gicn in at 200 dollar Charles Daley. 100 acre, lyinr on the waters. of Little river, given in at 100 diillar. lames 1 earr, 70 a ores, l ing on JJlUa met give u in at 7u duUara.-.- 1 Moici Juitiee, 150 acres, tying on the wateas uf Little river, riven in at 200 dollar. . l amia Rmrdoii, 100 acre, mnrontiitwa. Wraul iatUiiguijimallwJdol'arJk. Abraham Max field, 100 acre, lying on 8mokj creek, given in at 27 dollars. ' Jacob mitb, 22 acre, h ing on tne waters of. Ciinnowdir. riven in at 55 dollar. Daniel Carr, 160 acres, given in for 1821, rji ing- on little hrer, given in at 500 dollars. . 1 Kichaid ('. Clary, 250 acres for 1821, lying on the water of Litile river, given In at 250eola A'andiver 1 e aire, 150 acre, hinr on the wa" t rs of Little river, given In at 300 dollar. , John PenncI, 240 cre, lying on the water , of Little river, given in at 4o0 dollars, for tae ) ear of 1821. Alexander Moore, 76 acre, lying on the wa tew of Gunpowder, for 1821, given in at 76 dola. ' ' M'illiani llkkionj 40 acres, lying oh the '"" tcr of Little river, for 1821, given m at 80 dolsv Jamti Clark, 96 acres, lying on Little river, for the jear of 121, riven ia at 50 dollar. ; s Thoniu Sargent, 291 acre, lyingon tb v& ten of Catawba, for 1821, given in at250abla. Alexander MaccalL 186 acres, lying on Jamsf , Mill creek, for 182L given in at 300 dollars. Georre Shook, 160 acres, lvinr on Drowninjf creek, for 1821 j given in at 150 dollars. - Ephraim Shuford, 202 acres, ly ing on tba wa tcr of Gunpowder, for 1821, given in at 201 J aoiiarr. " ' Jarnci CotlTrsi'lOO afresltvlritr 6h the of Lcioa creek, for Iii21j-rrvrn in at 50'dolhr .iuhe ItjdiIOOacresiJ John's river, for JS21,.given in at 80 dollar; Lli iith White. 400 acra. Kin? on John' rivet ' nd Mirfbtinvlbr lS2Trgiven"ti itl0()0'rlollx iteuoen w lute, 50 acrea, lying on jonn nvcrs for 1821,1 given in at 50 dollars. v ' v"; ' '. A. SKPPAKTH, JUh t, ,nn-jp. June 18, 1823. , t63. l!VEDlf COUHTT. - COrRT of Pleas and Quarter Seasion, May, Seiiion, 1823 William Talla ft. Charle I). Conner; Mntlnn tn take the deDOSltion of Theophilu Fall. The plan tiff, by hi counsel Thomai W, Wilson, came into court, and moved far Inavr tn tstr th ilonncitinn of Tbeonliilus FaHi to be read M'tckMjatnaause.i ani, it annearinir to tlie aatisfnttion of this court toat . the 'defendant Is not a resident of thi State, w ' 'CarorifoWfbur' wescevaft"tt oruyrea, inav TTtroucanon off inauc ii?vw - - he may attend t the Cta-Hoijse tn wwrenceji ville, in the county of Lawrence, in tbe State of TenneMee. on the firtL second, and third day of July next, and -arow croine the aid Tb ofthdu Falla?Hihoe deposition wM then tBere b taken, and will be offered tbe res u evidence in this cause, upon' thia notice.-' . Te, K. S1MONTUN. w - r Price dr. Zl Tf. ' ' 4t63 r ! For fide t tLis Office.