o 'M.. W. tt.AMSlUHVi, .V. 11. 'HSV.SW.Vi, "2, 1823. A the iOikii of tun eiiaiUiiment art e ginning to b-r raiher an later r'iJ to rvcWaea, the fi-Ltor la ( jtt'U-J lo adopt fc'roe Im Unt prom! if 1 a tt tftr reasrd ftr hit 1-Jx-t 4 future, TM mtK la tin t.Tc, litiherto, j baa been too carrl. , fp'rrs have ba Sent ."uLe ptr2r we by report OkJT pay gt in advance i and it secmathat ia til mini I uicm ftr intend to py, fcAer receiving tin paper me, two, and tlire year. In future, tlit tern. of tlit Western Carolinian will b a follow i JV e&r.a year, pyallyearly la advance. Itvery paper tent at ft di-tance, will be tLacyn fjnoed after the time hat expired for which it La been paid for, unWta the ubcriber la known - to be good, U the Utur cw, the pfe will be lent until paid for and ordered to bo alopt AdvertWmentt ill bo inserted at fifty cent per oquare for the Crat insertion, and twenty-five eent for each aubacqucnt one. Advertneroent ' Iron t distance mua to paid for, or tbeir pay joent assumed by responsible person, before tutj can bo pubbshed. All letters addrcaaed to,the Editor, must be ')0$t-faid, or they will not be attended to, PIIILt) W HITE. Sign, Uoac, and Uouae GEO. W. GRIME beg leave to inforn tba ciliicn ( Balisbury, and tbc surrounding ountrv, that bo atill continue to circuit all kind of bouse, sign, coach, and ornamental fainting. Having procured an ample supply of materials, and having, for a number of year past, devoted almoat liia whole attention to ac quire a competent knowledge of tliit branch of uaineaa, he fcela confident of bring able to give AWisfaction to thoae who mar be pleased to fa Tor him with ordcri in the above line. tlding end Glazing will alao be executed in a neat man er, and on reasonable terma. lie alao keep tn hand, for aale, copal and Japan YanuiL Wanted, as aa apprentice to the above buii- teaa, one or two Uls from 15 to 16 wen of agr, of oteady and induatnoui babitt i to uom, they prove fhemaelvea (learning of it, a good banco wtil le given. SaXtbin, F,b. 1813. W Ik. ratrAtfVYf , r f AVI.'JO lofaleJ bltiadfat Mount f bf tlio anr of Mrf )vAt ItrnWr, of. J ki frra to tH inWuUnta arotinl th . rot iirfjmnt and aaid ioia tierciae of the atvrral dutc t - f hta ftni aan M,nlV'J.WL 6ltf fTllE'imfc "ore '"rVtpeci&flr Inf nnririlut 1. the Mntitt ftudi witch baa been P.r 'l" nu'iibcr IT Vean V aaWlf 3TXf Phicl Cres . of Daliaqurr, will in future bo con d'icied by rut, In the xune building i where er. rry ncceaaary attention and particularity Will be given, to rrmler Mtiftction to thoae whom ay picaae io iaf ni tut meir eiieiom. r.nWAHl) CHESS. S.M,hury, Monk S8, 13.'3.-4rtf Tlie CopprMmithing, ami Tin Plate biInr, hrrettfforw trmnacled by I. treaa, arn. will in fu'nre be conducted bv me, at the aame place. Tl.oar who Uvime with tlnir cua'oui, may dr. prnd nn having their work done with neatneaa, durability and dcipatch. .Vwr 14. RDWATUJ CRKSS. - WaltU lUvaVtVn, tie. JAMES B. riAMPTOS roaprcOully infrtrnia the public, that he occupjea the okl a'. op formerly owned by hta father, on Maln-a'net, ft few door aoutli of theCourt-Kotiac-, Saliahtin-, whert be Ji now prepared, with a good aU of eoou, o repair au ainua ui WATCHES. V CLOCKS: ; He aaaore all who mar ftror Wiii itn tlicir mtmn,that their rork ihl'i he "executed in ai rood a ayle as at any other eMp in ttya pa,rt of the country. AU fcimla of old Jewcl-y repaired, aod aome kinds made. Job of every ikfcription In hi line of business will be t liankfull v received, and executed on a short notice. People who rende at a tance, by sending, may depend on taring their work aa faithfully attaodad to and returned, as though they were present. ......jind tnljf the old established Snlishury prices charged. LaXeculTif&Vi; f S Tuesday of next August Court, there will J be Offered for sale, that large nmi ctmvc nlent esubluhment in Saliaburv. three doors east from tlie Court House, the property of the hte Bamabaa Krider.1 he hoW ia 6o by 3u f.tt. widi every convenience appertaining to a pub 1'chotisei it is w ell known as having been occn. pied aa such for about 33 years. Tlie establish roent is so well known, that it w nuld be useless to say any thing of its conveniences, &c. Terms of payment will be nude to accommodate the purchaser. THUrf. IIOLMK, JACOB KimiEH. JEjveKlor. SaVtbttr,'Jme 24, 1823. " 8tC6 (iriu f ut Sale. THERE will be sold, on Wednesday, pih o XiitCt next, if not previously sold at pri. rate oJe, a tftCt of lanj lying on the water of Graof Creek, containing oout ijj acres, jom. ,, lng John Litaler and others. A great part of ! the above ract if of the first rate woodland, vith good meadow of about ten or twelve acres, the balance of the land now under cultivation. A good dwelling4iOHe( still bouto, bam, and - l Wut HouscjuriTbo above fdatrfatHKt i eight -mtlWest-k-8arishtrrT.--- Xbvaba land belongs to thje-estaty nf Rrfc "Tt0ar alndefieca Term will be mar known on the day of sale. JTht ml imlUlak plat tit prtmitM, - JACOB KKIDKK, llie tliorough bred Horse allO.V, "liril.1- stand this sesaon st my V V? ' ,ul,c sr',",r? ''d be fji let to n.art at the price i4 eight S)a J .dolUrs the seann fve d llar die leaf), to be pid whew the mare Ukr tlie horar. With liberty to turn to the acaaon aJiould tba mare not prove with foal. ), is now nine yraia oi l. IT'S dim wa by he imported horse fharriKti hi aire, the old imjortrd Iin, whoe ped gree alirxitt every pcraon is well arqua utrd witli. JJtn certa'uih ranks with the best horrs ever trained on the Salisbury turf, bavins; been a running horw since three tear old lluring th ii time, he liaw won sis races three two.mile, aid 3 one-mite heats i alvi, the best three in five. Jh'.n is a btanliful bay, riaiug fifteen hands high. For muscular pwer, and elegance of action, he cannot be eirelled. There are a few col'.afroin )ion j snd though they are the prod ice of common niarea,thi-y.are uncommon in point of iir, firm and beau' v. Tlie i,a,on lias already rrnimenctd, anJ will terminate the 1st of Augurt. MO.sES A. I.OCKR. SuliAuru, ,jf 13, 18 )M 10 iltwnrA iltth alwa IKOM the subrnber,Iiing in the county of How an, on tli 24th June, a negro man named l)itwf this boy forme rl belonged to Cen. J. A. PriHon," dre'dj h is well know as his carriage dri--yemrtd aervanC ' 111 i tall in tattrrr, of TeTTMsckr eomtrtcluon: about twenlyone year of age, his clothing not raeoBected. : l" have pa idea w here he ia gone. Any person giving information to the subscriber, at Mock's Old Field, or securing him in jail, or otherwise, so a lie may be again in my piiaaeaaion, shall receive the above rewarded 11. M. PKAttSON, "i 35, 1835. 60 ft II- I kmrmg to the rei 1 e of the property, be. the M'K ! Jcaae A. re anon. eeear4 will eomnwncr t ItorksOld he U in thf .rkaof the Talk: a , Wednesday the 13ih of Atirtat heft, and eoi u,u from day to day until all (a li conaiatingy tCUOEH, Horses, a st k bf bkcly Cattle, farming l'tenals, llouie kM and Kjtcjtea furaimrv, and variety of (dher property. All wbieb, will bo sold without .) bawrai lettaat 'Wtuca wOi wo ati kaowa oa tbrdaytof sale. A ivEiDrrr, AUtc y-',4, 1823. 66 Wank fttotk, on CrtdU. ON Tliursday the ilat of Aitguat nctt, (being Thursday of the County Court.) One bun drer and ninety 4om Htiart Mock of the state Dank of iorut-Caro.ifu. And Kfty-atl Shares Atock of the flank f Capo Pear, belonging to the estate of Darnel creaa late of B tstxirv. dre'd, will be aoldon a credit of ail mouths Hoods with at least two good securities wiQ be required, and other particular made known oa the day of aale by lie executor. EjWAhu CHESS, JOSHUA flAY, ALEXANDER CBAIf AM. XaSftium, Juh, M IS23. 6167 Tlie P.diior of the Ralrign Btar, Kegiater and Fayetleville iMiaervtr, will please in-rt the hove advertiarment in tbeir respective paper five timr nd forward tbeir account to tins of Are for paynient. fTil E subscribers repectfu!1y inform their 1 frien.la, and the nubUc at argo, that thrt have eatoriatrd, under the firm of Unmet (j Cfhrr, for the purpoae of carrying on the above a . I. .v .. bith'nraa in an ia urancaea. I iey are wen pre. p ired to make all kinds of Windsor and Fancy Chain, from gl2 to per set. Gentlemen w iabihg elegant chairs, or settees, may rtlv up. on having them aa elegantly made at the shop of the subscriber, as at any other in tlie Mate. Old chairs and settee repaired, at a reasonable rate, and on ahort notice, The aubarribers are abo completely prepared. w ith a good stock of timser, to make ail k.nda of Ulead, at Irom gj tc fyii. GEO. W. CRIMES, 39 . JOHN COOPEH. t! Wvi Away IltOM the suWriber living in . Burke countv, on the 17ih in TffiriTofirliWffld or Indented bor,- ft Knut t wntv t m nt iw kv - -r - . j -ft ". nam uf J.xk fhmM Isaul kv is s mulatto. Five cents reward will le given to any person de livcrinc said boy to me. but no tbantt or charges paid. "" ANDW. H. TTJTTLE. .me 28,1813. 3t63 I7tnoMtliesubsci'iber,onthe4thJulv,amulatto fellow named BILI- 23 or 24 year of age, 5 fecL.4 or 5 indies high, wtta a remarkable sin-' gutar murk on the right aide of hi nose, rather j ljUt of Letters. Rmainlnj in the rut.fjflct at Charlotte, X. C. h the 1.1 day Jul f 1823. A. Capt YVm. Alexander, Elwio Alexander, 2, John II. Alexander, Hubert Allen, Doct Ah drrwin, Sample Alexander, Jeaae Acock. B. F.. A. Beatv, Bebeeca IHcckry, wis Brawner, 2, Eliiabrth S. Biggar, V'm. Kiggara, Josiab Brown, Mirhard Bartlett, John Bouden, C t;n. Carfington. Alexander Cawley, Wm. F. Cowan, David Chamber, I'm Csshman, 1Kma S. Cockfan, Wm. Campbell, Bobert Cockran, Nathaniel Cmtningham. D".Obedience IJin-' Vmx, t.ewir lymkint, MargarrrrK. DlnklnaTSa rah Dinkins, Jane Binkhis, James Dinkina 4, Halter Davia, John II. Davidson, John Dickey. K. John Erwing. F Jrycmiali Freeman, Jo seph Flinn. G. Thorns Galoway, James II. Goodwin, Joaiah Grady, Alexander Garden. II. Eiekial Ham, David Harry, 2, 1 ippo 8. Hender ano, Jairtr Hogan, M. at N. P. Hall, Reuben Hills, 2, David Hawell, John Hannon, llatthew Hall, FJam Hunter, John Hunter. K, alyer Kimble, James Kirk, 2. Lj l itus lancey, John Little, W m. Little. M. John B. Mosa, Jamea M'Clenny, W, Maaon, Daniel Moore, Juhn UlorTUjO, AJelmeJ) Milton Osborne. P Edmund Palmes Mary Potla, Joaeph J. Pun i ance. tt. Cyrus Query 2. Rv Charles Rich niond, W m. P. Robinson, Permenia Rodger, F.2ekial Hubinton, M. L. Riclioldson. S. F.Ii slia Smartt. David Smith, Hngh hmith, Robt. Si. mona, Alexander Spears, James . Sinimons, Ja cob Marn. T. Wm. 1 oler, Cliarlc F. Toom er, John T)-e. W. Godfrey Williams, Leander Z. Williamson, Thomu B. William. 3t64r WM 8MI1 H, P. M. Ttm tb Jfolfl4 Jtfjiiur, AGRICULTURE Of NOtlTII-CAnOLJ.IA. 4 tKTTtl TCOAL SD rLVMSiOO. To Clarle Fiaher, P.aq. Secretary i4 Uo Row of a purple colour, hi cluthir.g.not recollected; he haa been in the ja I of Salisbury. I will we a reward of Id dollar, id any per son wbo will deliver the said negro to me, or se en re htm in jail so I may get him ;,or 25 dollar if stolen, on ielivery at luiu and the thief. If he has a free paw, I will rive a reward of 53 dol lar, for the delivery of him and the person who gave it to him, upon it being satisfactorily pro ven that he ia the person. I purchased laid ne. grp of Dr. Isaac Philip of Rockingham county. KAMUiJL, UUl - - yi?tA,ry, Jitnt 24, 1823. Ex'r. Coac and 0g wMaUVng. THE ubcriber beg leave to inform their friend and the pubhe at large, that they intend carrying on the Coach and Gig making business, at the shop formerly conducted by A. . K. Jump. Thew are well supplied with a vari ety of chaifeHunber. And those who may please to favour tbem with their custom, may rest aasured'thefr work will be well executed. . AU kinds of repairing will he done st tlie moat , reasonable terms, 'Gun-boats and Yankee Wag gnns will be made, by applying to the sub- " . . , FttASClS PIN&STON Salisbury; Julr I, 1823. - - 5t64 Uouse for Salt, v WILL tell my House and Lot in Sa. -fobWf Unaccommodating; term; Apply to T. L. Cowan, Esq. or to myself, in Ba- k-igli. " There ia a good office belonging tp tlie ftrt, wttyenient for Lawyer or Physician. 1 - - john BECKwrrir. tUtbwj,Martht, 1823,-'44i' aw ea mi July ttl. lBiJ. A.-TTHltarn ' A11eilTsoiv'Al)raham Area, Ben- jamio Alexander," Sarah Allison. B. George . . -a. . . . t . I nl 1 ' i. Harnnart, uiiuain wncr, amuei uiacn, jane n. Bingham, PtILJIugcrJCWillkmCratiiivl' Daniel Coleman, John Case, William Cosset, Able Comne. F, Jacob File, Jacob Friexier, Lewia Fitlier, George B. Friend. G.-rSamuc1 Ganger. Christian Gregoryv. Il.George Har. vey, Doct, Elam Harri, Joseph Hamilton, Wash ington Harris, Samuel Hudson, Aaron Houston, Joseph Barvel, EliaabetlTJIarryeut. K. Ro bert Kirkpatrick, Francia Kirkpatrick, Laird Kirkpatrick, Mary Keith, Jacob Keny. M. Mary Mayer, Macarny Morgan, John Misenh't mer, Samuel Moore, Thoma Motly, Richard M'Kee. N.BobcriKuI. ?.-B6bert;Ferkins; John Patterson, Margaret Phillip, Thoma Pa UngeA4:aUIa4WPhjfcr, Eha JPaffiljOnl Pbderv H-Jopfi lUmiMmm'Mn L. Ross, Jobs Iticbey, David Ueese, Parmenio Roger. S.Fward Smith, Elia Snell, Elijah Smith, Januf "lon, Samuel Hhinn, Alexander Scott. Trt-Joabua Tuter. WSamuel Wal lace, Doct. James Wilson, Jesse Wilon."t. James Toiing.i, ' ' : 3r63e D. 8T0BKE, A, 'P.M. Wnts V enllU0Tl louas . for 4e at this OIHcr, To Country tMeTcautB and OTHERS. IF, owner of the Pteam-Boat MAID OP ORLEANS, laving formed the deaign of T running her next aeason, ana toereatter, as a public freighting BOAT, between Charleston and Cheraw t and finding if indispensable 16 her success that ahe should at ail time have full freight and diipatcb, liave re solved, when there happen to be a deficiency of freight to supply it themselves with the leading articles of Mer chandise, viz t Salt, Iron, Sugar, Molasses, Cof fee, hi. to be sold in quantiliea by their agent at Cheraw, at cost, charges, and a small compila tion. Having Uiemidnce in New-York and Charleston, the ownert do' not hesitate to assure WeWhBcvW"ific1ravir)fi 'toFMiioliU' ojwucparcJitiM not aarpasaa -W)Miat Uiewf prices snau oa-re iiJiirand at;factbry to sill ratibhal buyerv to tmuch so as to make it the interert of the mer- ehantto purchase mttch of his aupphe of them, pither than submit to the inconvenience and de lay of getting then! from diptant niarkct,Vnd through other channels. In comTiencenient of this dcsig!!, they now offer for tale, by their a gents, Messrs. Mebane & Co. the following ar ticles, auitable for country retailer i 40 Hhda. prime Molasses, 20 Hhds. of allqualitie Sugar, and 500 Sack prime Liverpool Bait. : BEERS & BUNNELL. CAerow. June 4, 1823. ' . 4t63 State of ot Carolina, , BOW AN C0ONTT. SUPEM0R pourt of 1 w April Tjt.rji4 1823 t Jane Weaver ." William WeaverPeti Uon, divorce. It appearing to the? aatisfaction of :.4jMyBtrtJr tent of h StateV U 'Miereftire ordered by the court, that publicationlie made for three month in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at ihe next Superior Court of Law to fceJiekWbr the county of Row an, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the se cond Monday after the" fourtb-McrodrTn. Sep tember next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or the petition will be heard ei parte. . . r HY.-01LE9, C.S.C. Price adr. g4.- : mt70 ; Sir Fomi Coal Uio liulo tied, or veil known In thi tstf, that proUMi mn of or lnbtliaiiU.,pi;i atrd lo "ie UMr Ibai wo rtfsr to combustible) tub uncti futmtf In the inlrHor of the tArtL tho oxIaling'tLer in inch abundance! at to' furnUb the moil old and nonuloui coun tries the ratet part of their fuel. TM iQbttance U or tucb value to tngiand that without It the would be uittrlr una Me to carry on her manufacturing opera tionii indeed without It the could hardly supply lurwll with fuel for the ordinary purpose of life. Tbc following facte will how.both bow abundantly Coal film In nature, and what vnt ute Itmade of It In certain countries. One of the greatest Coal-1 ormation known, ia that of Now Cattle in the north of England. Thit hai already been worked for eeral hundred yean, and ttill if it citimated, that the formation contain! enough to hit 1000 years longer, although not let than T3- 000,000 are can led from it annually. Ln don alone require for her monthly aup ply 2,3:6,000 bushels ! (Antult of I'hilo tonhy 4,411) Owing to ihe abundant retource for fuel afforded by our interminable forest, the Udited btttet hate not hitherto em ployed 1 oil t'c-al, except on a very li mited ecale. Bui the forest embraced within the older Stalct, are by no meant inethauttiule i every year they are bow ing before the xr, and already have our more populous district legun lo feel ihe scat city ar.d expensivenrit of fuel. A our country become more thickly act- led, and our forest more eitensively cleared, a moil to tuUerranean tupplio or lurl will every day become more and more common, in levetal puce alrea dy, where large manufacturing establWh incut have made great destruclion.of tbe surrounding lore!, co-1 hat become in- 4j-penable to, their progrtM, In the mot iwpulous artt of the United Slates, it daily become more and more impor tant to preserve the timber from destruc tion ; and the time i by no metn rlii- tant, when most o( the fires that are light ed in the oldest lections of oui count iji will be fed from. tbe. aiorca that now. lie for th most part undisturbed below 1 he surface. Hence we infer that Caallidtf lined it iWK, ( fie very distant day, an article ' in much greater drmund- i our country than it i$ at fir cent j that to such States a contain it in abundance within themelve, jLwiJLbfi j tery valuable pos aeaaion, and, when their own wanta are Mippiicd, 4nay afford the means of a lu crative commerce in aupplyingthe wants of those State, which do not contain it. We may cite the sitter Slate of ViieinU for err example of the Tommencementtif tiiis tr.ltic, which is, in out view, to be come tvciitually to important. Among those States which will be so fortunate a to embrace a lull supply of this article vaithin he ir own territory, ihe State of North Carolina will undoubtedly be one : nor will this privilege be small, although she has displayed little but cold indifference, while a limited geological research has added to her native riches, three apparently ample beds of this mine ral, and has traced out a region extending not less than a hundred miles from north to south through, the-ver centre of the State where. one of these beds ia found, and where numerous other beds may be looked fori with the greatest probability of success the whole being, without doubt, a continuation of thoae tich beds of Coal, that lie on the border or James Rvver. But tnetbinks.1 bear some one say, " Of what vib are these bed! of Coal supply us with fuel f And although these St rttarId"ve--err--m -ihereihity-f two of our largmrhersTyel lliose nveri are not navigable, tt.d e cannot send the article to foreign markets.' Poor narrow-minded policy ! that can see nothing yrdwWe-tn-1 herrreh wtfrTHexTtm unlets they can al) be enjoyed by Itself, although they be fraught with incalcula ble advantages to that age which will cer tainly arrive i (be it a hundreds be it five hundred years distant) when a Rreat part of our forests will have been cut down large and numerous manufactures estab lishedand the little impediments that so dishearten the present generation, be iwc ous fame of William renn, that in found rnlghrenfaln unemployed for centuries. In my last letter alto, it wa tUerved, that grrut numbrr (J natun,l tuh'afr& at rtquthtty re$uirtd la frrt a tin glr Art ft idvtntigr, and that a plr where thtte su?ihra are fmind In h J greatest ihundancj and the rlosevt rrn nexion, Isbeii fitted fore nailing its it. ha bitabt ta el U- the arts stMl mrife rores,'luleihe'TUrfy l1r,of Itcslllrj f ; loyoor rrr oiler t ion thee Wea( brritntr' " Ihr y rerrive so good sn illustration In the article before lis. A Coat Mine Is aa important pot session toe Sta'e, although hundreds of years should .roll sway be fore the mineral can be brought into eg lenIve ute. - , "- . T are the foltr of tietlecting ihe ni lurst advtntsges wl lth are conferred on a place by the presence of a ri Led f Coal, let us suppote tlssst the cotnpaBj ef " adventurers, who first penetrated the wet 1 tern wilds of Pennylvania te (he spot where the buy and . flourishing city of,1 : . . rittsburg now stands, accidentally fell in :" with the led of Coal which are deposited there.. Perchance some one.of the partr had witnessed the vast bettffit which Kngland had derived firrn her Coal beds,' nd hajling with enthusiasm so fortunate a ditcovery, represented it lo his tompa' Hons as a circumstance which conferred - - oil those lands a peculiar value.. Another perchapcr, who was unacquainted with . the uftnc itself, and unaccuitomed to ' extend- his views beyond the, present mo. ment, demanded in deilslon, "Of whajt ue ran more fuel be in this wide wilder ness t Are not the forests that surround us sufficient lo supply itj And U H not a better to cut down tbi wood, which we , v . wish to clear away, than to drive in the dirk caverns of the earth after Col f . " And if we should not need It for our " selves, pny what uto could we make of it i Should we send it down the Ohio to he Western Indian I If Ihen we could neither ue it ourselves, nor sell it too there, pray what would it be good for, and tow can any but vtioNry thrmtf sup - -- pose that (his land derives an additional value ft omits containing so useleit a jb - . . stance f'loone whose views were too li "" mited to penetrate a line beyond the little -. pan of his own exUtence, aod who was ready Jo condemn every enterprise as vl. slooary which ho could not achieve by his - owivpowerilOould te vainlb ure that-r on day perhaps those, forests would ba cur down 1 hero 'f 'rpUIous cltv'wouldl arise jthe regions far to. the wtst and theo"gtb and tbe norths would be filed with inhabtants, and numerous arts might be carried on at this spot to supply the wants of all that region arts that could proceed only by the aid of thit substance Men -Providence hid stored here ter baps for that very, purpose. ' How well these supposed visions have been realit ed, the following account may show, ta a m .a f Ken irom tne lateat geographical notice oE Ptttsbwtgi uAlHhecottney-wrrnind the city is full, of Coal, and aVf the city and the suburbs ate so admirably t.1 tuated lor such manufacturing establish ' ments as requite the ue or fuel, ard e great many surh eatablishments' have 4J been erected Here are steam mills t glasa houte, in which yery. kind of. glass, from poner bottle nd a window pane, to the most elegant crystal pi. t is manulactured, to the amount of 200.000 dollars annually ; 4 air furnaces i i brew . erics ; numerous" flour-milla, notttiies 'orges, blast-furnacesi rolling-miita, slit ting-mills, distilletieStwnd othe t mill and -.-r- manufactures too numerous iO be parti cularized.". To those who believe . that North Carolina is doomed to remain sts lionary, or even to retrograde, while all the other Stalea are advancing in the grand march of Improvement, to such, doubtlesst the foregoing analogy will ap fdrcti?inrprollaed ior the exigencies of generations' unborn, and of extending in full view before him through. the long yjsta cf. tirht . ..,. , I Uft leave to recur to the ideas offered in mjr first lcJuer, respecting the Impoi -tant bearing on the interests of a State, oi those possessions which stamp an iritrin de value en Ha ttrrittrjr although they pear wholly irrelevant ; but to those who Here thai ahe is even now advancing ia this career with renid Dace. .and that sha will "rtmuertcf-iidtance t rilli" accelra""T Iedslep,ltwu7Vppm i - fraught with a useful and important le'aw pLDMiAeo pr DiACi LEADr-The si: , mtlaTtr7thi-Tibn5ntrTJ CoilTli Hi . ' " peels its composition, is the reason for in troduclng it here. It occurs frequently among the iron beds of the West, and a large deposite haa been noticed rot far from the Pilot Mountain but the forma t tion which deserves patticular notice, is that in the county of Wake- the most . abundant deposit of Black Lead, is! ful, ly .believe, that is to be found on teford. ' It. would.. bo easy to adduce proofs' J o easy to adduce proots to show that this is a treasure, "Whole value tnfRFM underTtoodir ppreti-. aieo oy tne pr&pie o? tins Mate ; out i ; leave all details of this kind to such as may he entrusted with making out the Kert" tirojoscd to be made to the - . : Board of Agriculture, should that body tl ink proper to take the subject under iher patronage. That the foregoing considerations will command the ausnueoof tbe Powan H A"

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