1 it y.i ir !l fc,rt k 1 tut .... off 1.1 r.ar.v t Irv'.r.; i ? -.!ili.t'..,M, Whose IftC C.lapp7 ipala I wUl Ms await , Thy bright end tlootninf, shore I i Of BxxMKtil Irtftitd, tho lurking k Whose jtoics procblm forful faf .v.To Loir, or be no ftAre ! ... -lleV k the Wm U LunUj( flood Of rrpl strength and rfl Of king who ada through teal of blood, To ll'hl Rix' freedom la th bud, And Hot lie's Iritf.teat part! VHt tbr tinrnov'd the ten peat brave, Vnyieldiof n.ee1 lit fo f rrvd 'I 1 d ai ran ft fir, Your country from oprn.on e, 1 And Sard lb in pt ndinf blow I" Or 'h k ntT, and k'M li rod Of purpk pride and power I And aliafl that fa h fv be trod, H b'th Ird thy of rprinr from their Cod, And o.M of kU the door t fiothou haaf set the bleated light. And dmtik of freedom's ctip i flu felt the curat of alavery'abfyh tern abilm'd ia superstition's niht, And belttn hath raited tbet op. Tb day hath dawn'Jj tL raJUnf yoke, Tb fvttert c tht alaee, ' As lightninp rend the rnarled oak. Tit ftpanlard'a arm in twain hath broke, Xlo tobe dam bi br I And yon j spoilers of a world, t T cruwo'dincUttiig thing! Id tain jour boha of vengeance borl'd, The Dag of "pain no more la furled, But to the King of Kings! The Cght of soulof reason's ttj Tbo gloriooJ manb uf m'in ttboee courae no aceptred land can etay, tflel the Jealoul traftt'a May, Xa& Irt aa'froo OirtH mankind. 1 AOsruffBAtD. ...... r .. . ioa Tai pilot. . THE SOLDIEtt'i CItAVfL Theft rttta upon the Soldier'i grarc A form av tpotlata, tad pure. That teara of fond aBeetlo la To tilLand alt the toul endure. TleoLicblitUiMUTariV Shall bloom 4th foliago ecrgreei - - How brar the tenant once bad been. S Tie widoer ahaD lo grief repair, TO thia, the gloomy 6ckl of death, 4 And breathe to Him, "a broken tear," That 'gate and aeon withdrew hia bixath. The Orphan to", aliall trarn to weep, " I And Mck ihc land hia aire bat trod I , TTJiere aide b aide tlx tleroei alrrp, ' Own'd by their Country'aad their Cod. VkteTttt HxtracUa Sec. '. 4 . faew a rai tteia. The ipetch of the Ptoidcnt of the - V. butto, on cpening the new eenion ejf cJrtgreii, is evo more intertatinj ? thaa tlie iptecliei prouounctd oo that t lttun6ccaaipoaJwayiref .. Immoye I . tlie the oik which bravei the wmvei ' . that ltortn aioutid it, the ijoveroment ejrthrUiittetrSUTervrewrtrom-in gate position the tempem by which V the whole et ooutn- America, ana a part of. Europe,' are desolated, and tBe threatening- clauds which are,, even now, acCumtilaung over the remainder ESSIES - TT " Whit a picture this prowine world frrefentttO'WRoaUmUOi renovatei tBebearisjbf IHoie jdifgujtt 'iiawei oiope; ! '"A ; - KTcnue of 100,000,000 (frncs) with out direct taxea j , which leaves, a aur . Dlut of 12 or 15,000,000 after All the " expenaetof government are paid an army icviea irora me miast oi wc na tive citiisos of the country, which weighi''peliherob.lU"'i)opulatloa' nor ' tresary, and oUtrs nt dangers to as f ibrrt-y i the tnaratime frontiers ot the ' at Jte jecetvmg, all at once tromart, tho dficienciea which nature task ft thrra unprovided wun t a p ' lnci'easinjr without end aM wi Ail u. J iuturl attiow it i.u j'ttl.-d 1) tnue prticuljr $nd 'mJiiitiul later tits ihah, etiewhere tpinl sttatk, ucrctly undcrmitr far wiluiy alur and dnuiie them. . IU tstcutiie Uad cf t!e govern, metit vf Uie United Ctatrl haa to e preii Lis f Uvs on those detpl; inter tiling circumaianccs, in whi.h both Europe and America arc now Uvolv' cd. With bat gravity, with whst exquisite judgment and foresight, he has done it ! How every thing ia dais cd In his speech with clearness and precision ii it. ords are jhoae ol truth, cf reason, tf justice, and of hu iaac)ty t-r ,w, T r- South America viz.tne new states of South America (he ays) are now strone enough to rest oq what, they hd 3lj'med. To continue a contest hh ui anv b pes of obtaining an ob ject, would' be both inhuman and un just. The whole qucation of Ameri ca Independence is umipristd in ihotc (tw mortis. The firat of snv eovrrnment. the United Slates have proclaimed their withes fr the succeatlul istue ol tne mil lr ttrupffle in wl ich the Greeks are emr.erdi ihev have (ou-d in another labour, which were discovered t the i.t.hrrr. amtimenti which would commencement of the modern excava have honored th. se who are nearer to lions. An inacriplion aiao va lound. them, and owe, perhaps, a greater debt which is supposed to allude tojhe tame f rr,i.tu7fe to their ancestors. attempt. The modern ducovrry .i SVbiUt Kurope is filled with detla- made by occsion of the digging of a motions against ihe revolution ol Spam well on the spot, in tte grrunus -i tne sod Fortgral, America sets only in prince of tlbeuf, near bis residence. ihoe oTtmi events, an improvement in This wa a h'nur bi.ilt upon the aca the condition of a part of the human shore, on n cka of lava, near a Fran rair.iuwhith hcrown children belonei ciatan cloiater. ! sirkirg the well, ahe felicitates her brothers on having the labourers struck g-inai a flight ol pcouired the blesaings ol a new and stone stairs, but. piercingthrough them, T .1 free she which now aits to decide on the .latt of Spain, and judge its inaiitutions, will not sit at Washington. The Abbe La Mennis, Athille de Jouffroy, would not even be listened to in the cabinets or churches ol a plain oeople. of sober ood-ene, It u maxim sicrrd to nur governmrnt and people, says the president, " thaf every tiulcpenarnt nation nss tne ngnt of imnroviup its own institutions and irr j,.;-,t rr.CM'-.r.f J Ui IU I.fc in U i.i g j.r.ld M n.j4 t'j gratify I ii curri ,iity t jort ti. ; great ! ' ' n 'i.-m I nature. , Ihemyfcl IVmpeii anJsonic smaller pbtes were buried nt the same time. Jltrtulaneum wit cct, n Wmckclnun sits, covered in the fint imtance bf the lava, but by showrrs ol glowing cinders and hot ashes, cement rd shoitly sfur they had fallen, by torrents of rain. Up'n Ut first cov erlng.the burning streams . f lava pour ed and filed the ci'V with a mass, which as it cooled psistd into stone. I hat the inhabitants had time to save themselves, and Iheir nuet valuable possessions, appears from the tircum unce that few skeletons; jtwcls, or prttious 'artlclei nf 'any-kind, hate been found. A t SlaVianhre't lclulie figures were discovered, of which one was apparently a servant, and was carrying a w ooden caaket: the two oth er figures had g ldeu biacelels and earrings, which are now preserved io the museum at Naples and at Ponv prii according to Eustace, sixty skele tons have been found. That attempts oad, at some former period, been made to explore these rumsia rendered pro ruble, by the tubteraneous patsies in to them, evidently the work ol muh existence at a cheaper rate than continued their work till they Cf.meto did U rat If. liut the congress a firm soil, conait i g f the aab of Vesuvius. Three f male Htuea w ere here found, wh:ch of all the discover ies of Hereubneum are, ua yet, the most celebrated, peihapa ih m st val uable, and v hich aie in the gillery of antiuues at Dresden, under we nmi of the Vestals :. J si tlie frequently t:.-.r.!.,.n. i 9 - - - tlli.fe sn.org thertiuhes, lmny quarrels tUf 10 suth a I.eigVt, tl.at U auihi-rity c-f ihc l.uU.r.i.d csn ro longer preserve peace in his household. In ituH eases the ictrrffrtr.ee of Mumbo Jumbe is Called in to settle sUairs. This strange minister of lusiice (who is supposed to be the husband himself or some person instructed by biro) dis guised ia the mk above mentioned, asd armed with the rod of pubic au thority,' announces Ms coming h) loud and dismal acresmi In the woods near the sown. He begins the pstomimi at the anoroach cf nJiht and as soon at it is dark he enuri the town and proceeds trrthe CntangT-Whtre thaTfluabl nt4mmediately assemblta. .Jl iuy brcarily tvfposed that this exhibition it not mucn rriisnca vj mm iun.aj for as the person in disguise is entirely unknown to them, every one suspects that the visit m-y possibly be iftfended for herself, but they dare no! refuse to appear when they are summoned, and the ceremony commences with songs and dances, which continue until roio- nieht.'-about which time Mumbo fixes on the seized verely scourged with M umbo's rod, amid the shouts and derisi ns of the whole assembly the rest of the women are generally loudest in ibeir accuma tions on this occasion rsinst their un hsppy aistr r. Da) light puts an end to this indecent and tnhumun scene. U A ,,it I! ... SPARTA. At Sparta, as soon as children were born, they were r-bligid to be tken to that no owe hs any right to interfere certain persons, and examined. J hose in this sub ecu" The " Letters Irom that were wen mde and vigorous were St. James, ( woik of M. Chateau- preserved. auch as'were weak or de vieux) have never touched with- more binned, were left at the foot of Mount sajrscity on tne nrintipiei oi tnese con-1 i agcciu, iu ptmu. a ujo, volslons which agitato" Europe atlit- were at seven yeara of agcAf nt Id Ihe bating themjojhe '."false posittorMu puMic.' scfio'Is, ThHr .cducatirtn ex1- w hich the ArUtrtcracy 1s place d. "Tht rinded every embellishment, and cher President says in this subject, 44 It is ished only the severer virtues. It evident that, if any convulsiijn takes taughrthc duties of rHigion, obedience place in that part of the world, it must to the laws, respect for parents, revcr prt ceed from causes not amongst us, nee for old age, inflexible honour, Un as we hive but one order here the duunted courage, contempt of danger order of the people." - and death, and above all lb love of glo Thus,iothe opinion of a disinterest- ry and their-country. .Youth -were ed j'idge, if Kurope ia again involved taught to subdue the feelings of human in war, ahe will owe it to the Arittoc- ity, and slaves were trotrd with the racu. Those words of the President most barbarous rigour, frequently being refer to us the fundamental difference put to death for sport. between our situation-and thnt off All the cld amlaUver io eirtolation America. There everv thing is plain was withdrawn, and fnlv iron money btfore you; you build on a soil where was permitted to be given in exchange. you meet with no obstructions nor ob-1 I hi com was made ol iron heated in tt i.tt, it.a fvlloaliig ti'.'a 4 I '.!, .r a n.uth tUrti-f as 'J La at-tU.er.t to a'r t!.o tales due tUrti-n, f,r tie ys t"-J ai4 itul, iii r Itoaes Tes, C"0 acrt. n tLa wUra cf Utile ntf, in In I t t!.e jr.n IV-iJ avl )8'.'l, ,lua 1m do'.l.is tut lie ijnmt tr, and yjO dbilnri S-r the Uttf r. lUrtiton Turner, 300 aerea, t.n tl waters t4? Little rieer, at rw dollars Uf m StXiaots on d. lit m, t itta la at Ul du!:n. Mn Turner, UvQ aehs, on the iatrrs of little river, at 'M do!!n fur lbOi ar d th beirs i4 John Turner, cWe'd. 4U) aers fr the year uf 1821, lyirr en do.' given In at CJO fU, liars. Jcrtndch r.nnea 3b0 arrea, lying cm the wa fers of Lata ba, fur lh year 1 8.U, ulua 1 JO doU Lra. U 200 sere a, titca St iJ dbUaN. L.BaU .Craig, ,fvf 18JU. 100 ama, King en tt waters U w rlaun'o ci, gtvn mnv cmuuw, JOMa faaphriea, Waerw. lyig on ilm wateaw of John's rief, gien in at M dollars. ters of Cataaba, giea In st t dollara. Kaae UartiN dee'd. 408 acres, Ifine on the Sr. ters of Cunpowder, given ia at J0 dollars, 200 ami, lying on Drowning creek, the o iter hot known, and tht Und not returned. John Teire, 100 acres, lying oa Little r.eer, given in at IU0 dollars. John Johnston, JunliO seres, lying oa the waters of IJnle rier, eieerf hi St 200 dollars. CharlelDaleyriW arts, Ting emu suf of lJnJrlvtr,givenlnatlwUelollra. . , stripped, tied td a post end at- piii juiftptW ae lyinf en the wste Csnfls llrofd.1, 1JW aCrea, lying oa the war ttra of fjttle mer. rften in at IWidollara. ii i ii.. ft.Lt rnri t-ra. Kinr on 8mnV4 nrk, given in at 37 dollara. Jat.b mK 12 acres, l)bif ea the waters ml Cip'.ader, given in at iS doUara. Dnirl Crr, lb utti, iven In fr 1821, j4 ing ou iJtth river, given in at 300 dollars. Kichard V.. CUry, 2SQ tciti, fcr 18?!, lying on tlie aUri of little river, gWea in at 250 dola Vsudivrr I raRe, 130 acres, King on the wV trrs of I jitia river, given in at 30U dollars. John fennel 2S0 ar rca, lying on tb water of Little nver, given In at 4o0 dollars, for the year of 1821. Ale under Moore, 76 acrea, lying on the wa ter of tiunroder. for 18J1, ren in at 76 dols. I illiam Dickaon, 40 acrta, lying on the wa ir i I jiti rirr r. lur 10.1. nca in i ow uwa Jsrros lt.rk, 96 acres, lying on Lttie river for the year nl 121, eiven in at 50 dollars. Thoinss tiarrent. 291 acres, King on the waa ten of CaUwba, for 1821. given in at 230 dols. Alexander Marralt, 186 acres, lying on Jamtr Mill creek, for 181. gi"" io 300 dollar, at LaWkS-sTS kKnok. l&jcrra. hire on Drowning ererk, for 1821, giren in at f50 dollar. En ira m .Shuford. 203 acrea, ivineon tne wa. 1 r . tera v Gunpowder, for 1821, given in at ZUZ dollars. Junta Collirc 100 sfreulvirr on the watersa r.f t ..k C IK'21 in in al 50 dollars V. mirummt viv. . ' J.na ki.llv. 100 acres. Ivirr oo the btad cf John's river, for 1821, given in at 80 dollars." Elijah White, 400 scj es, lying on John's rive ami Mulburv, for 1821, given in at 1000 dollars. Heuben White, 50 acres, lying oa jonn s nver. . if. lor 1B1, given in at aw etoijara. . j- A. SUvHAKilI VtwU oMj, z Jwn 18. 1823.- . . 4163. r.VENTNC. . I think there are two periods in the life of man in which the evening hour is peculiarly interestingin youth and in old age. In youth we Lse it for its mellow moonliaht, its millirn stars its then tich and soothing shades, its still aerenity ; amid these we can com mune with emr loves, or twine the wreaths of friendship, while there is ni ne to bear us witness but the hea vens and the spirits that hold their end- ens sabbath there or b-ok into the deep bosrm of creaiion, spread abroad like a am py nbove us, and look and listen till we can almost see and hear the waving wings and melting songs of other worlds to youih the even ing is delightful, it accords with the flow of his light spirits, the fervency of his fancy, and the softness of his heart.. Evening is also delightful to virtuous age it affords hours of un disturbed contemplation it seems an , emblem of the calm and tranquil close i of abusv life serene, placid and mild with the impress of its great crearor inatamped upon it, it spreads its quiet wines over the grave, and seems to promise that all snail oe peace oeyona it ritniLEGE OF FRANKING. The Uie Admiral Lord K- had franktd an envelope for a letter tntended to be written to one ot his re latives; he died before the day for which it was dated, and the frank was actually used to cover a letter to the same relative, to announce the death of the fioble writer. The fourth anniversary of the Amer ican Society for meliorating the condi staclesj here you must both demolish the fire, and ccx bd in vinegar, th it it)ton ef the Jws, was eelebrated at the and build up at the same time. Your might be rendered brittle and unfit for j City Hotel, N. York, oo Friday last work is rfoubled the. prescription of other uses, and from that time com-L The receipts into the treasury, fear vuri jxfiWZf Cutnr, will admit of its increase r 4 flag which waves over every sea j the arts of manufacturing idduatry developing themselves every day oi a soil-which we looked .'oo aanlylsdapteJ tMHe toils of agricuhurc ; Sachr is the pic tare which is offered to u by. tht Unit? cd States of America, in the fohy.fifth year f tVk existence aa a cation ages, and of 1400 years of barbarism merce was annihilated, und the useful and feudality exclaim against you, w id -rt were abolished. Lvcurgut, to rtn havoc and destruction, to prevent the der his laws stable and permanent, ob- establishmentnf an-orderly-and har-jtatrird airoath1rom-trnr Lectdimcii mouious system, which they hate ; welans that they would observe them on must both neht and build up amidst til he returned Irom Delphi, where hav ruins. But Amertca, happily, knows ing obt lined a favourable repose from of no such impediments. t She sprung the orscle, he is said to have starved to life full grown, and propotioned at himself, while others say he died in once for all the relations of social ex- Crete.rommandinRthathisashes&hould iste'ncenneriifthralt was pure, ra-jbe thrown into theea'r b-feahrpr lioii thereia LaeedemOTianrjnlghitJcoE rootnforw aophiwjrcf thrmbf- j selves as reieasetr irom tht if oath. uous for the cootesta between . old and new interests victors and Van-1 UVMTtO. JUMBO. quished j heldead bnried or rooted f - In Park's Travels we have the fol from "their craves j and. where cveryjtowing singular account of the me wheel in the political machine moves I some of the negroes adopt, to correct without noise and without expense, their ladies, for unruly behavior, and during the !stj ear, amount to 5834 all of .which has been received since the 8th d.iy pf AugusLla5U!QLthis HERCl'LAN'EUM. Herculaneum was a city on the Ital ian coast in Campania, between Pom peii and NapTes, and is often mention- edTn tie cImsIc which it ivtoowe the European continents and- some times Hertulaoeum. a it is called in Jingla'nd . and America. It suffered considerable by an earthquake under tne rctgn ot tne emperor XMero j ana under the reign or the fimperor J itus, and In the time oCPliny tle elder, was buried beneath the streams of lava from mount Vesuvius The celebrated wri- reduce! them to proper subjection. l a .a . a' ii is to oe nope a tnac none oi our ousy, useful, sensible sort of men, will ever take into tht ir heads to teaze and wor ry the public into any Such plans of uTlrtrtnh1rcoQnrJtr-TlT' V.:-Mr:?iVfctf village of Mallaa tort of masquerade habit made of bark, hanging-upon j tree, and, upon 'inquiry,' he was told it belonged to JMumbo Jumbo, This is a strange bugbear, common in all the M andingo towns, and much employed by the natives in keeping their women ia subjectian ; for ai they are not re stricted in the number of their wives every oofi marries as many as he caul sum. auxiliary societies have comribut ed Si 653, subscribers, doners, and life members 563, and the residue. being 3619, has been collected and remitted by the Rev. Mr. Frey. The batance in the treasury is 4918. At: the above celthration, aapeech was made by a Mr. J a do wjd i ky , a i on -wertiPc4iait zrrrr- Wheri t)6ut departing for" theVace course on Tuesday last, Mr. Randolph suggested to some gentlemen that it would be a Rood time to elect a Presi- ent of the United States, as there would be an assembly of 50 or 60,000 people from the different parts of the Union, and probably every state would be represented. On his return how ever to the city, he remarked that he was glad his proposition had not been acceded to, as he had no doubt that if tnFelection hiu taken place there "Piir the) rider I Eclipse) -ivcutd nocV tern mm ntr- etf Xftwn tftTftina ... lannttL COUNTT. .if nT -r m... mnA Oiiavt fijituona.' Ifsfa V Sesnon, 1823.. .WUliani Falla w. Charlaw . Conner i Slotion to use me ocpoaiuon u Theophilus Falls." The plantiff, by bis eouneef Tliomas W. M ilaon, came into court, and moved! t for leave to take the depoaition of rheophtfua Fall, to be read In evidence in thia cauae i and it appearing to die aatiafattion eif Ui'ia couK thai the defendant is hot a resident of this State, it ia ordered, that publication be made in the Wea iem v' , he may CUend at the Court-Houae w Lawrence tille, in the cocnty of Lawrence, ia the Sut of 1 enneseee, on the (r Svcond, and third day ,f l,,lv n.t .nrt erfiM eiaiTU)e th Uld IB- onhihia Falls, whoas depoaition Will then and ihr h. uken. and will be offered to be read as evidence in this cause, upon this noUce. Tret, B. SIMON PN. cn. Trice adv. SU 7J. 4t'63 NORTH CAROLINA, BtJBXl COVRTT- - V. SUFETUOK Court of Uw, March Term, 1835. Lprice Penintton rt. Kieticl PeningtonI a . " . r I I f Ia - . ! tuossi iab fiLinur ana aaitsasaiasiar . w nssawaiaiaiat In tks taf isrTirt utn nf th Tniiff. that thr rfrfriw flartt ,1, f hit rakjt fv.til, mnthnlit th Imiiti fit thtl Sfafe. Tfu uVcrcfore ordered by the Court, that . publication be made in the Star and Westers ' Carolinian for three months, that the defendant, appear at tlie next Superior Court of Law, to bs . held for the county of Burke, at the Court-Mouse-, in Morganton, on the fourth Monday of Septera- ber next, then and there to dead to aaid Dctitioa, L. otherwise the petition will be heard ex parte, f and decreed accorrlirrly. ... Etymology extraordinary- Hero' int. is, perhaps, as peculiar a word as wyTrjHfjbraWMager titers oi ii are jnaie, me nrsi mree etnale, the first four a brave man, and the whole word a brave woman It read thus het her. hero heroinet iVORTirCAROLINA . 1BE0KLI7 COdbTi. COURT of Picas and Quarter Sessions, May Session, 1821 James Torrence w. Charles D. Conner..;..Orijral attachment, levied in the hands of Alfred D. Kerr, and he summoned a inff to the aatisTactinn of the Court that the de fendant in thia cause resides out of this State, it ia therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western fjarohnian for three months aacees. -sively, that upleas the defendant appear before this Court on the firat dav of the nest terra to be held fur the county aforesaid, st SUteaville.oa the third Monday in August next, and rcpievr the property levied on, and plead to the aaid cause, the tihiiittirT will lit heard ex Darte. and . . ' . . ... r A , " " judipnent rendcrea agaaist aam acienuam ( i.v...--..7 r.-v!.'. .. .....k It,. SIMU 1 vi 'Prie'adT."R4.''" "'. Hmt7l '. ' "' Si T iiatawVia VaVljialVon mAKE NOTICE, that a fourth Instalment of X Ten Dollars, on each, and every anare w stock' subscribed, in the N. C. Catawba ompa ny, is required to be paid, lo the Treasurer ia Charlotte on or before the firat day of January 1823. By order of tlie Board,. .1 DUNCAlf CJLMTttELL, Trtr s ."S

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