! I . I I I ' 1, tf (; ., It nniw. I t : !,rr,' ' iiiio'i ..; I'.e ti t i a lurcti 1 .f ft I t n ftii I rr . ! (f lh' i. r.i rs M hf I I ii, f ,r r p-j,; -e .f tilth) f, i It 4ti r ' -ii Ir.r -fifl r.f ii. joi'njf .-f the fif f -run t.f (1.11 Up the pr , liptjf f.f f rflH.i cotyj-;'.ugti t' imf nJ fon'itii'i,n id" lUt st.te j and - as the t-' jc and ? .nt that mec'iog are no! wrll understood br m.ny of our frllow rliltrnt, ihU'c o.nmitif t b-g leave to submit the fr lilnif observations ta the consideration of the citUena of this county. I; is an undcnlaMa f.rt, that the eon l ' 'Ull'i tLbLoUAAUU-Alttf'i tali. sup reme iTruirt by. which we are governed. it m the frtTif mtj-ntfof the frre tnh fcf ilJe f'lTlil w their broper cat alter or a roe n 4 t but tbt will of a trujiiitr f our freemen. Thut aome amendmrritt in our coniti Hf "V V ; ? . ' anlnliii l mint ni aiir mml lnll,iv.al T . V .L tZiJ. Mil 7 V ahould b msda, w.t a quesiioa, for a ma. W,.y ofHif freemen to sWev - le U Iht anaioui wisk of m-nf th.t ihe opi- can flory io ir republic, or deserve the 1 . i . ;se a . jisme oi tn American, mm win oene to a Mujnriijr of our freemen the privikt of tpeakinft their sentiment! concerning their sovereign riahtt I Totffect this object, repested appli rejetted them. It tat refused to permit you to sar whether you wished your con atitution amended or not it haa rcatriin cd you, as far as it could, from exercising any rlr,ht over that which belongs eidu aively to yourselves, and over which no other power could exercise any right d refusale, that thoe rnembera of the last leelsNnire, who were willing that the -,.i.i.la. that lhnni memhera nl Ihm ffAi.n vi I r. . w ni,tnriii inmi i tut .nin. ...... . . i .. t m m in.. . t i . W . t . . . 111 1 . . . . - I , iiujiitii oi nur r, iii irrHiucr luo.iyii more man tnt prectjiritr seven coun I In I ui wiiw..i inwumrew.f T fir ntf , Hq im fioienc oi pjinifs nere at ttutltios; et she aemlt but three mcmbcrt, I. man nt mie ataia artirtir simullarteoul. I fim. 1 kJ ,..1... If....... ...I .l.... - i. ,, I .1 , i wn-. i.i.wi, in,, .j, whiic inir, wim niuca imftuar iKipuia ihat. ng fu in nun .... imii.iiv n me cawi? insiona oi inoe limn, wn cn nn wm lam ..mi caUons b.va been m.dt to your leKUU. ,h-n three or f,ur d.ys.out of a lon ses- , Zl" " ; "TTI,, .V'Z; ,51'01 est oitn.i puce, mere are tnra to pats some resolutions, recom.!Jon, wer, devoted to this object and Lhi twenty-even counties, which .end eh- mending the jj Fjr j. that, too, when they w.re not elided in inS pSn" cxpresi their with whether they would other businest Krowinir out or the situi To th. fr.fl rjo.i.tlorj er th- .k,.- fuU,,on ' 3" "5- 11 ,nf "Rn7-one t,,ee their constitution altered or not. ,ion of ihe limes. To jude from the welJe counia.d 1..1 " "t Jl" Th,w reaolu-ion. would have command. joWJ, it appears to have been consider- li. 'tZEtwtnlXtS k "V .k" V. should all baft toted together for or only intended for a tempor.ry govern- den, Currituck, Fr-,klin, Hertford, IUy. rjc jA un re presented o. w...-...,-.. iigtiary airuic. Hanover, Onslow, Fit, Pasquot.nk, I'er- " . , rl introduced, so often haa your legislature I -Your committee will fwrbear to expressL:mAn. w.rr-n v..- p.r. n hu! representntion f 1 he east claims a freemen of this state should at least have n opportunity of expressing their senti. " xnents on tht subject, co-operated to as- certain what those aentimentt were t and " to effect thle, a Renerarcorreapondi.ig Commltuei and a corresponding commit . tee for each codhty, were appointed. -The - objectt - of thesa corresponding - 4mrai5ee are, to bibu; the tubject be. fore the people ;" to cast evey light on It that.may be in their power, lhat the peo- Jle-fny-lorm at correc Ofiuiona on the uijcct at possible to adopt such mea aures as they may think proper in lur iterance of the subject ; and to ascertain at fr at posaible the public se htunent ; and by corresponding with the genera committee, the counties will be brought to art together, and hr thesejneans the eentiments of the majority can be pretty well ascertained. The friends of a convention, were well ware that many of our respectable citi zens, htle they acknowledge the opprre iieulcfccttJa-acsral parts of our con- ttiiution, were yet opposed to culling a convention for its amendment, believing . that that convention would have unlimit , cd powers over the whole constitution, and might, perhaps, endanger those parts thai all mut acknowledge art excellent. .Jka-this -t'ojecikxi-hat icreat reaton-in tt, and asirhad its full weight whh ltuny of friends of the couven- tion, the meeting at Kaleign last winter, wisely recommended to the freemen of this state, at their next election, to a p. point delegates to meet at Rsleigh on the second Monday in November next. 1 he object of this meeting will be, to devise tome way more completely to ascertain tlepubnctentiment,'and Id effect the aniendra conuuutioa wuhout- endwigexinK the Those delegates will, therefore. Doint .nnt,i.l-ii-W.fi.i, ....-..-iiin! n , ; chu Tiucn pans oi yourconstivuuon as mey believe require amendment ; and it will be .submitted 'to, you' hereafter,, to tay S: whether yog appoint .delegates to . 1 meet In" general convention, whu power, specially delegated 'to them to alter ora- mend thoso parts of your constitution vn. Uich shall have been pre. ou.ly pointed , i out as delecUk'e, aod with no .other pow ers. , ,. - , I ' It is recommended that the different ;; : r counties in this state, shall send one de. .legate for every $ 000 of our federal po- -,.r- j. federai popuiiMion cf 13,866, wiittoft. .;tcqtiemlrbe entitled to two delegate,! ; - freemen of .this county, .to meet "on tne , . ; last Fridajf In". September next, at ihe ui - . tul place of holding elections, and select from among yo'trie U es tiic two delegates for this county. - . v- i i. : - ! j ,'iri f. , -. t .-,;,, J ( . v-i.';-, i f bit !if, wtirrt i; Jintfd, they will lu e u!ifiii'ed tonirnl t.vcr Us wli,!e of vour r f)!jj!injtij. Your committee be l -tr, ih ,t roitumitit'.if itdH J -lc it pow ers 1;i ll.g ij'ti i that in tiuli can ilrlftii) ihem i anJ tlut one iadiiJul. lijr utifiiini; io inuintr power io uo certain act, thereby dciepatet to tht whrr unlimited poen to do any ad tht he htinr!f mlht do, hdocirlnl too ab - -.l -. l! .J J ..i.l turdi'i impjtoon theaound unt!entadin? . I . . no refutation Iron! thlt comfiilnee. lour tomtnittef are aiMcerelra'l.ched to our preient tontitution $ jret they are connratned to ackmwledgi It hae defect, Wbf.4.Mwlrttrttrt ttTrti oi ihia countrf, ana cooiequentlf fteeU.jih money tht ona olyoa ptftl or doeil at rtmpltlrwi Tat III amendment ti toa'djfew autemcntt whwl ahoar the tinjint- le i'ublw Uifitr. autea ttftljjjfji of bur prewot reoreaeniatlon. me itm propiuotia. roiuuai paniei no Jtfaireruuatncl tmx.umuf-iauifatr t ectlonel feelinira disturb the quietude of out of the- aiibieel of thit addfetil aod v.. vn mi. inii.iMn " ' " " "7t i .1!...-.. I.. .I.r..,. ! Vr' . ' 1 in-fn4ioeieeit,Mouunoitauau prise ua, when we look .t the journal ,k - j, he cnntres th4l r.,nnedr.rlJtl.e ,me it j t formed. To fell ou .hat wis the burst our political bmdt; and our fathrrs 1 . . ... H. .hintAM 1 1 . n Atll'i a t Minn ,v .... r,t,.,v.7 v, ..f,K a convention, or as to iterin or amend- ing anr part of our constitution. These are sovereign rights, which they will ex- rtMe asciuzcni, wncn.mca uponioao so ; and it becomes every citixen, on this sunject, toact and to think lor himsell; ataial . .akMa-k. - awa -4 arV Im, sW a, an I i. . . u . ..... -f k. . :f had acted the psrt of the tyrant, if by any conduct of theirs they should have an undue influence over the decision of the humblest of their fellow citizens. Your committee will point out the fea- turesof our constitu'ion which, by many, are considered ohieciionable. By our constitution, the appointment of the governor is vested in the legisla- lure Tlda isihe higheM office of our ae, htsothrer predict over our lives, hl tnt I ,.. Ik. ... . I .n- t...i . .i. r ,1,1 I . - I .n. .Si.a7h!,r ihi, H.Vr. i , ,,fi. . ' . " " Mae, M4ru, no,r of R-le lh, there are ihirtyfour countiei tens theathinic heir d-Kiers i.i each Kthf , lhf p conuU fr whl(e eud" Wike,) which send into v'our thers breasts. From the journals of the Ln.,inn r n, .2. D,..n .-h niinV ,x.c,lua,nK vhew wnicn scna inio your rontrrri. whlrh a.1,.1 Ihli.anH frr 33.3.6. Kjwin and Utanfte e K t lasC u re one hundred and two mem- congress which sat at ll'liUx and formed con, . 37.31. whfchis T4I man than . A. r. l: 1..1 r our constitution, it. ptrs th.t no. more ,k. ,r -l" .... " . "V.."""" -"l'ruon ' our liberty, and our property. Notwith- re Jrf ,ffcc. gnreprcjf ned. Here are eastern counties, having a free white po aunding ihe great interest erery citizen 30,5,3 ., thoe twelve smalt counties, pulrtion of bur fittle more thtn one third nu inTPTn ine ppoinimc.i. . .u,nn executive officer; vet his appointment is entirely independent of Ihem ; nor can they hate any control over it, but what little influence they can have through their representatives. Should we vest in others, powers to appoint an officer, in whom we are all sMieef4y interested I or won! I we not better secure our liberties and air independence, to make that ap pointment by ourselves alone f a-. a I me appaintmenta oi.our juages, is likewise vested inour legislature. I'heae ar.xppDinrmefirrtn"wnicirairm5TTeei great interest ; at they are organs through .l.i f ... ,.j I .r..l I,. .... SkAt.1,1 trtt.t t nthpra. "L Sre. tec intm ki .k-..,m k,M.r;.- ,. ki. should e ' father choose fof ourselves tl ...V.. "'"Uln. V..-...V...V V, V WI I Thesl are two'of the features of the constitution, that are considered obiectT enable but your committee be leave to be a little more explicit 00 another p-rl of our constitution; which seems to de- mand the attentiorrof every citizen who regards his freedom or his rightt. Aa in a r,,n(r Kk ntirs. rvt tn ho superiors but the laws of' the land. " w . -F -7 w w v I wsfahouldview'ourie aiilcyijaalijwyiJiALnete Me-Ametficwchariw W-ETHBSS I"infJ II II inilr SCCP IIS 18- I . . . .L i. i ; . . . ... ffisUUife.Jaurxcs.purntMd.uncoiUaminal ted by political arhbitioh of phrehzied de-1 mocracy, it will arrive at a frttch of moral j ana political eranaeur.tnat tne rest oi the I world may envy, but can never equal. l our legislature, as it is now compos- ed, is the creature of that Dart of four constitution which givei to each one of Again s'. The who! of the disburse your countiet a senator and two com- ments at the treasury for the iast-ywis moners, and ta each one of tbo borough 136.701 dol!s. 69J cents, which sura di towns one member. V'"M by 0 gives aa each county's pro- . That one county should have as much ponional part thereof 2,043 dolls,s7 cents weitrht in vour letrislatura as another, and for the above seven counties 14,304 without regard to its wealth tewito.rx.cii!!!?:. ??L5!J,.llT.l 3?Mhti9$&. jpopuTaAionVta "aa7aFsurd,"aa" that one indK.Mttfto" Public treasu, for the last ear, mt tWmWibim M?Srwm cVnthichleavei a b7 tho af the rTkV -should have ; much poliucalijowcriis WhpKM!" for orfiv'e otVers resldrne T parti or that ihasamelndividualthould, V jhis re sidene e j unpopukMit vat, ttercDjr increase the I weight he has in ytur legislature fire or I 1 !. - , , .1 I a It . i.-,-f I, tf I j l i-f !rr ( if l itrl M i ! i f j r-;.rr If sti lus a fif a Tht c-.. t f (;o,:f a.) 6 rviiu's-H t fif lift) 3 Wiiiiiajt ifi county lut i lf e hi pi pul4iort tf 3,3 4 J. Iltrl Nit eou'itf U entitUl to thr mcr.t ett 14 our Uzi I,itur,uprt pr't!vlp!iifq,i4!hr, (I illifordl in t(mj tnWUQ 10 Mf nuen mem'Jeri. Should oris eiflifrt ti Withinrtori hia I much weight h i"5if l"t;l!ture at al jfi!in of Guilfurii! Uara ha pif into . . . . . the ouWlc treasure nf hi et.te. alt timet ii i; .! .I.- .. Waihinton furrmli ktr lit aoldiori, fori everjr ti that GuUford furnnhei, when her territory, and kef property, and her citixene ar lob prviectedf YjrrTtammlTFe' WflfjeeTTWlmtTT l he tree white poptlii9n r Wethlnj- toitVoe,Gfef Ctrerfndotum7ti07y Yf bui, fio coumiea, U 53,397. The fret or0iCh 0f foreign ppretalon ett ii kid iiwnm wnuutnn ni uuiliora II I ,ot bein? fS mora than (ha fwtnuljilnn ofihel aooe nrt counueu yenne nae out iore ,1 . L ... -. . r, rnamaer., wnutiney nao nueen. , lo ihe Brt named le countiei, adJ Brunswick and TrrfelLlbt frcwhita p.ulition of these aee cou.iUe is.ll,- 341. Il.w.n- h.. M.l J. which is I.- To the above seven ccuntiea, add five I ... . . . nuimnni. Warrnn. Wavi Kichmond ; theae thirty-three counties cont.ini free while puUiionof 138,9 1 1 th,n one.nird ,he free white population of the wiole state, (which Is iiu.onn ik..nrl nm ..,p U.S.. U(ure ninety.nine members, being over , majority of the wble legislature. I . ' - l:.,-nil,.Jll.j yt.4t. mmrr. iki. . r wth the popu.tio1 of the foiloalng twtvt counties, Duke, Guilford, Iredell, Lincoln, Meckleiilurg, Randolph, O- H.nkrfrH. In..n. Surrr. Stokes, ,nfi iv.ke. whirh h.e m ftee Doniiution I,, a.i4. n.u tD-miti nH in . qUi number of memers to your legis aWre while thete is a lifference in their frwhite population ti.fis-our-of the Uiler 'iw,l,c coumiea sf 118.320. who who .end to vour leifishtute th rtv six members, while there is 1 18,30 of our fellow citizens, in those twelve large counties, that are, in efltel, unrcpre- sented. These twelve lartre rouniei. we have seen, hare a free-h aopulatton oftlk U.3tij be.nfc .U.6i2 nisre than one third of the whole free whte population or the state ; yet they sen only thirty .1 1 1 - . - t ! 1 . . l ! 1 . , . . P ... , i m mrm ien inio 1 tnr iPt7Kiaaiurt wniie , .7 Iw - mrr - Tciiow c.uaa,. .cnu one nunoreo vine 1 1 1 1 ' J w t,iiict,aiat ac lltj VI It? IIUIIUI CU I and fifty -seven menbers. 'Pl . . r . . r- 1 If... I ne counties 01 nsne.ioiumcus, nay 1 I t...i U.X - j rs. I "J" s-ricrei, ...u wu.- rituck, paid into public tre.surv of tents; acd to this ibu dollars paid to their , I ,nrn" iemeni ao ,heke countl" C0;Lthe r,,t of Mlnj ta? th5m nlh enougn ..loJllcjLlJbrLJp fthTTelaltjei doJU. 10 cenU t0 P'" lheir OW, nembertj to W"" we wotel for, to make Uw$ for UV wh?" ,ntereiti heT do not Lc nd for which, perh,, they do not 1 rr' 1 " ou" ercpre.cm.iive o c iiiiicih iuuiiugu uwi wu i.kuii I . a I ana P' IV,leKe ; of" tie depart mehtsj7',cn;Tor ctomm"tee can only TCpIy, dolfe Sncents il j mm . ..nt. m. n, t v. m Mitii..n rn 7 . r . , 1 "sr w,vn4iiMni 4iie"- Chairman of the Corresponding -fltjmwsj 'ttTO,MCiratiaeff T to the above, sum of 1341 dolls. 10 cents, 'nB aous. oo criwi ine cicar an- nual expense which the,e coun ie are to puo .c trceaury, ov.r u .oc wnai ' Pd in by them I 'Tnt atateftienuahowr qjjwlity of senuUot, exist, in every iSS.JS ... t-u,- 'JT ,h. rnmnhnnH v;. the report. " w-wr 1 , -w --jf -a, aaawM a4aa. ; i t i ( f I ' -' I ' I t I . ' -r I 1 w , . . ! j f - T t c f ( it U't ji'irll Uf ' it ll c ; . l.it ii.jtf t r l rrmrcif.!. In ( (r our rr jrt irhU'uc . I Hen ir cf a vrrri$ 1 tiht tn I our fu'uri tt Itirnce, tl frea ni hppf pi-old pcmU tjpnti ihe frte ati4 ejul eiertUe cf it. i M it th gre.iett uurce f imr t)0ef an I of tur (rtedom. l.t tMt te corrupter), or Id u bdrprle4 tf lt,nd v your iegti-iure mm iccomt oofiy o eofrumtori cf ofipreflon. It il .1 , ... I p- apprettlft Uws ii will appoint in I eo juJgM, aftj iti own ettcutive to cr I rr Ihem into execution! and rod will be tht vicumi. morakxhiratfef ftf a pt opli Je penfj, upon holeome Jei;iUtlHi t and , m b h ,ia lo eipect a republic lo ttu when ita itlifi kia lot their 'mclliutterTrTd rwTrTi rtrtrilot j utf tlfen, tepuriegHl4lic rihtewith , yD.eed tictlanct, n4 meet ih Jr. f iort f ihem at the ihre.hoH, Our I ln.l. anrl nur Iwailrn rrrmhlira arit thm ......... t..lu.. ....t. br our g ancc.aawe haieby tbeln I r"' r ' If our preunt aratem of repreaehta ion la unjust, in any part of our atate, it bt to t remedied r but more p.rd- cujrJr, if if KWea lo a larce aection an . M.. Jl.Tsii ' ... Juanct with even the representative oi free people ; and history teaches us', at eorernmenta grow old, intereit becomes more corrupting. What it Ihe aituation of our ttate i East ritfht to more repre-entsuves, in con.e quence of their having mart neg-oes, and having more wealth. Did wealth pur chase your freedom, or did s'aves fight the battles of your revolu ion i Freemen ! freemen wrested it from the hand of despotltm ; and the patriotic feel inrs of seventv-sii must shudder, to hear the Detty lordlinzof a lew slaves.f laim the same weight in a representative govern- ,nc"J in consequence t f the number of unfortunate fellow I cings he tyrannixes over and uerns with t. ( !.!, as an e- number f freemer. .jiquU Jure And is not wealth satisfied with its own enjoyments; hut mut it hava political n1 constitutional power I Say not so in thciaid.ca' free meat-, , - "-' It nur henrtd. that ' thovrii those of the whole state, do aend a ante ma jority of members to the legislature to appoint our rules ; to impose taxes upon us; and make laws to govern us; yet they have generally acted with liberality and justness. If this assertion be true -fiejwnt applicaiions of ihOitizens " nowin mr a umsion oiinai couniy, which in the legislature has always been man eastern ana western question, win nitl Af e. an as v irawnr as f!taffriilK A nA l,h - .rmtm-nt'that tkM minori.r k. . MI " 'vv. wa " r r - - - J ' r -w ,hpX o it well, might suit the " divine ri.rkt r.f L illf. ai tK t. knl. .lli.n. " hul Americans would iririi. frnm lh -is -., " ", mouth, of their cannon.be fer ti,uld suppose the eastern countiet should ooi u- any mingoui iree wniia persons ' ... T . demand. of government; what would be the tax on the east in proportion to that of the west i ,et they would have their "roes and their wealth to pay it with. hey have the power to do so: they uie majority 01 ,nr legislature. mu utay mc aa.u, uior, ucrnaus, win neT." 00 Bre" " ct 01 lnJusUc 5 10 t K . . n mJn07 9lJiV i l i ' l j .-.uu. '".i i i. umou.i, Corhniittee tf CuilfortT Tl0 . .... ts.t:.l ,rOWTTratlt?M - w mharThe pacha or governor of Eerpt is the only h or trovernor of E?vot is the onit merchant in the country. He furnishes the shoemaker with leather and pays him so much a day far hit labor ; the shoes are deposited in a general store, and told to the public for the benefit of the pacha who pockets all the profits It tt the same with cloth. 'He provides the wea tr with yatn;r;pay hlin aboM 6 enti fief art clea at ret. . and th .ir.tr r.r.5. a haadsoaie profit. '. ' W--W ataata -aSSatV-a IMiil.l.iCi'-.M.i LAI l it I M'AP,, w.Vtti, Jn i 8 tl I'tui I.-., 1 1, J .nrt.4 ' itf !r. rtrritfd !li,tlln,rt ti ',ii'iiHth full,,. pon( uu I . lli .: to In 31 tiitt from M. I I ri, ll rr i ,iflr J la Ht.t b't, on tiif d.f tht fairs aatlrd, I stay ZU) (list the I'mi' It srni, ha I etilrrtj Italml, snj that th fut1'irrM troop ersitrr J f..r the d. friwt of flriain had ft vulttd rsfulinf to J'H lL pamH cause. rio tai aiw iimkii, my 11. The ship New York, Maxwell, trriveJ this morning from Liverpool. Wa have our Iondon ppers to the evening of Sat urday, 31st of May, inclusive, together with Lloyds lists, Ihe complexion of tljLZ-fwiijUVa itLlhst Item.whlchiavf kjesthe tret son of count-DAblshsl, turrh at' previous accounts tisd led us to expect-1 ha- French-aTny-enttt ed Ma '7, gouleme in person on the 34th. A ra gency, lo ta composed c( Ihe dukes Da San Carlos and Del fnfantado, and-of our old acquaintance, the Marquis da Cata Yrjijo, was (o administer the government in the name of Ferdinand, until, In tht , , language of the French ultras, thaUnon. arch wasTesTortifo fife and BUrly. The . duke del Infantado it reported however to have declined serving 1 one cf the re gents. The course of operation! teemi ; to have been thus i at tht French army approached the Spanish capital, AWishbl, who had been charzed by the contlitu tionaiitts with its defence, wis tampered -with by Montijo, whose letter, together with AaisBAL'a suspicious reply, is to be ' found below. Abiibal having then deter mined to evacuate Madrid, issued his pro clamationi of the sixteenth, which we alto insert, and which, taken by Itself, docs not prove much against hint, and then re tired. On Ihe 3 1st, between te pemd when the Spanish regular force was with drawn, and the entry ef the French, the servile genercl Bessiers endeavoured to force his way to (he capital, bui was re pulsed by the militia, it is said, with great loss. Of Ahishal'a conduct no sa isfactory explanation is given, even as to- hit fate, the accounts, according to tht limes, are contradictory, that p'pet adds : " Some say he has been seized by Ms soldiers, and is to be tried by a court martial. We believe it was never ex pected that he should defend Madrid t he is aaid to have marked out Eatramadura s the place where military operations might commence with success. We also, suspect, that without virtue enough to be a patriot, he had wanted courage to be a decisive traitor. If so he will have t incurred the hatred and be exposed to tht' vengeance of both parties." - T Other vurmites.are, that count Abis 1 hil's defection to which Motillo, Ballas' tero, and t-ven Mint are supposed ta . ' have been privy, vr is a concerted acheme,---by means of which a door or accommo dation would be more rapidly opened and we snail riot be surprised tt find tht""" conjecture. which we sometime since ha xirded confirmed, that the arrival off he ' French might lead to immediate negoci ations. In other parts of Spain nothing dlscou raging to the Spaniards had occurred.- On the contrary, in a sortie from St. Se bastlan, the Spanish troops obtained a de cisive advantage ; and as to the victory La his ' Bobadil" despatch, general Donna- dieu claims to have obtainedovf r Mi"8 foTrertn TJoTaTonia, we suspect a few more such would ruin the French gen eral. As far as we can make out, Mina would seem to have baffled his pursuers. and to have thrown hjmselCilltoBart- lowtr- :,r The French funds had declined, owlnr ' as it is supposed, to the intention which " had been announced of negociating a new" of borrowine 500 million franes a suns exceeding the whole debt of the United Statea and that all for the pleasure of im posing, or trying to impose, an absolute King, on the Spaniards. ,"' '" . The disturbances in Ireland continued unabated. l v Acc'trVdingto an article from the Times, there would seem to be a determination" on the part of the Holy Allies, to inter is..Ajlja tj'."l.-svw,-.a v.tjMfvi-rsi r.i fendrby compenintf hlHo'ktrictiheti-r' wpa a rt tajitrt t n aa rratannm ni .wiiTrr berty of ti,c press, and to banish from ' her bosot j the unfor tunftte 4 of Other Tiari ons, to whom the has afforded an asylum, j I hus daring and insolent, have those col . - lg"edjyranu PCCPnC'.- " -"( T - - auTnkoai, nn 14. Our columns to-dav are crowded, to the ex clusion of almost every thing else, with late and . important intelligence from Europe, particularly that from the seat of war. The accounts are only two days later than those heretofore pub lished. The entrance of the French into siaana is no more than what haa been calculated upotl ; ' ' but the treasonable defection of the Spanish 'gmrl''nS8ax;tlil't1)iff cause he hatl.twom -to nJstttta'm, hf eveir wHei caused thedeepeat " concern among the triendi of Spanish freedora.' ... Arid when we take into the Account, the appar- tt apathy of the? Splsnish "people; we ffi there it too much reason to fear that this svar will end like that of the Neapolitan in uncondluonal submisaion. Some, however, are of opinion, that -the Spanish cause is about to take a triumphant ctmrse, At the' reader baa all .before turn he V win judge for himself. It is a subject en which :.. tpccuJauoakloff.- t t 1 , j

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