'i : Ir. t nn.ur.s't'ic. i i iA" t :u"i.r i . 1 1 i.i.ii.i m .. f f l t 'l I I f j ' t . i;i!t l .! I". v ; t 1 1 f (d, Ju . r. i 1:11-11 mi ur, -I, I I.r :rvnf 'i tl mti J i. ,if hv .(,( i f. i .r ( . ' 'i 1 t f r r I. . r ,. un. rl 'P f f ''' t i" ' . of njni g Mr. I tc.f t ! i.. l!, f . 1,,I ii ,;..! ett fir. ii i-i inr i i.r rii 11 ne, t imjf Iiici piie, da'.nl ofThiint J liuruj'i. 3lt It., l.J. IhJt which wt pudithrd ye a'crdar CH'Uin every thing of conv enience, cf J t H e fiJ!uwt.i; i i,'fa, whit. It wat overlooked. "IS H. rin r.Titriiir, 5 fJAl. 7Js JA-i 31, nu. 5 mrtrfemrrf ef F If.illle VilZ ha4 hit nutrbtr cfijflctri and mm, time her tlfftrlurt frm tht (qI t .ifia. I)'t. Vll94PU" I'wttr AfWOrjo, SfiJtKfi. man, Km It etterwarj tffittrt, f aiml JoiTf mtn, havt fallen ittlmt , Thl death of Lieutenant Allen, ty Iht lllWftf.?f. MJrilOTi"3rdririTt .iicCu dred. - Ii ihtt b Ow d'Abt'tW, ccep I of 10 vi regrei. tvt n'll l,omMcofm;Hfdlhdrftncef lUJrv 1 rt etcry t r m..rr ta n.j, Uu .i t 1 1 L'ii rn lit - s.ir.isiuJit r TIT.MiAY tOHlc., jt i.t ?i, m. T rtiiiiMimtrt, C""il JtiwtV U feteired, and li unavoid ably eielu h-d until nrtt paper. jJrfo beer rtc lrJ,kiv) thai) hv place In I lie nest psprr. We hive on band severs) communications. tilth shall ti atte mld to la due tcuoa. NEWS most tPAt. Hit news from ttptin by tht Ut trri!s trt ( lay. ! l iff ft...) !l f ruiiiiitrtij ittt ( liifrl inl'trinill III In rrj Mo tion, of vim h h M rnlifrljf kiuimrnt. i fp y luif Lrm M- in rn, Mr Crf'ifi ) rii..rl,c ly tut r j pi,rct in ')iUiii it. l,iinrriir b iKtii.ttoi' of tir. ( Uf IM h i lilrtHlt, M IHil in pt., tie f -f tticw 14 ilirrri l!t piron td Iht pro t.!r to t).l iftirli nikit to r i!ii"uU'i , uIhmk 4 Hihmhi. A (Mi WWf til W. l.Uv IriMj prsriislni; fii'il M Ihit lindupun IM rIMfiunil) , MiM nlifl)r 4rirjr bltir b ir- pr, inj (In Mr, ( ifrl im fxL tUl tm hi.ik!. .J firttilw-r vr ty4 k'm ttpallf vf m fMluti tn act." jf ,ii hl,e m!,ii: , i i imt llnr i tit f ; ...i- 'i ( P'im. ircr srti iv int lu'in.icfj'i kj 2t'r J in . 1 1 a . h I . ii : i . . . i. . . - ed for tbe ontimcl, cf tho. tfUM , tPtKhfPW . """" " - - ... their rentroU knilctr to Mve tht plop rtf tl their cduntry mtfi ruth to ctetth bj ihe dieie Incident to tht porltcfCu ttfthtt fTi of Amerlcinif It wimi lmot tbt reii!cnct of deith, tnd t hop ihit tht Secreurr of the Nr will, . if ht contlouc4ouf tqurtSroa in ihoM , give potitUt and perimpior? intiruclUHit fo guard talntt mlkfortune to deep nd to ifuicunjr,. Mrn, Lhrtn. . ROBBERT Or 11IE MAIL' Jlulfimurt Poit Offlcr, ) 9 t'M A M. I'A Ju y 1833 J Urn. Jtat M'Lcak, Putmter GcncrJ. ' Dm Sir i I regret to hive n to nnoutire the robbe rjr, by force of arrnt, of the FterD Mil. coming to thu cur front rhiUde!phi. Ii happened between ont nd two o'clofk this moriiinif, about fo niiletbeiond me (iuipottder Fulla, nd tm perpetrated by : leait four arm d lufTi-m. 1 he (iiurdof the Mil, who at well armed, appear to ha e defended It brave lv, and, arcordinjr to hit, the only account I have yet reccivcd.it wn not tur rendeted until he had discharged hit blurt derbuii and pittolt, and w overcome fry aupeiior numbt-rs. and great violence to Mi person. The Duvcr, in the confu aion, escaped unhurt ; and the m-il for this city and for distribution here, aa not touched. The bijr containing the mail for Wash ington, and all houih ol this, was cut open ; but I do not deU it to ascertain the Cl ient of depredations upon it, at the stage is read? to take- i on. I he neighboring ; country is alarmed, and scouring the vi cinity m pursuit- of the robbers. Mr ticket left here aj toon at there was rea- on to apprehend that the mail had been at larked t nd, from him we shall soon hear further particulars, (n the mean time you mi feet assured, that every thing that can, l!l be dwt, to arret these dea per ate villmnt. Traces of much blood on Iht rround, indicate that tome of the twf y were-deeplyj If not ntortaily wotHided. Jieipecliully, your obedient servant, Jv S. SKINNER. From the contents of this letter there is every reason to believe that the certain ty of detection which has hitherto atttnd ed the attempt to rob the mail, will attend this last most'despente attempt. J he driver who eicaped,"came on here iih the Express . and the riOcd bt,aiii from one end to the other, has al&o arrived, "with its contents. From the examirwiion of the mails, there is ground to hope, that the alarrh 'o thr rnhSyrw in'ntr myl1iere are mapiciotis artt, that soma U the other coftstituliuflsl generals, art Itkeaiat eonncctrd with AlU'ial if an, the cauaa of lib. e rty la gone In fpain, and, Uia"ptna of Kaplrs will be playrd ocr aftin in the I'rnirwula but, if AbiW ! alone in his trraaun, thrn. iber art auo luipca tut Ua riybi4Aa aauaa f Ut ot pie- ' 0h I for a totr '9 'urse the slave, U how trraaun, l,ke a deadly blirht, Comrs o'rrihe councils of the brare, Ami htas llirm In the hour of might ! Iliv fifi ' unlilrwri) rup f'r him, tie dnigjr'd a iili treacheries to the brim. With hopes that but allurt to fly, With jora, that tanith while he ipa, like dia-l art fmita, ijiat tempt tiie eye, Dot turn to aOics on tht lips ! a Ami, whr fnm rsrtli bis afiiht flirs, Just prophet, hi the lUnm'J-one datll Full in the sight of parviiar, Bchuldina; hearcn, and feeling bell !w th thewt that they had not time to uke any thing of value fiom the Mail. he driver says, from the qiunthy of blood found in the spot where the guard fir ed .at ih firu ivil4DUihrc W-wiwnm bf"' "ileveliewss danireroudv wounded. The RrnnirrtJ), intends tnoi inc to Ta- leijti in Decemher neit On a late viait tolit City hr preached irrersl times in the Presby terian Church, ami jfare gf nrril Satiifadion tn all aim hear l liim " Un rylr, (uvs (he He fitter) is plain, prranicuwia, and imp-ralve, lia voi e clear, and diaiinct, Ids action natural, and becoming." The Hrgia'er contains ihe Biahop't patio al letter to the church in the Di. oeesa of North f;arolina, we will take an early occasion of pullidiing it In the Carolinian. A srrltefln'the f"!orence(AWama) Gaarrte, -1 1 H were icn to uic Alabama ljripris la'ure to elect a President, William H. Craa ford would not receiee 23 votes," althoci(rh "it has been conj.-ctnred that the state of Alabama, the ofTspriiig if Georgia, and so bountifully aup. plied with publit I'Slcers, created by treasury influence, would be alrong io support of th treasury Candidate. ed it Ai r linns before ht CuiU tii4kf limrtrll IWrtatUiiLle, iht trmr otttir rmtary was nrtt acttcltdby Mr. f!i.un. HimMf f ra (..r,l own raleula'iona, that he otcttrd 1 1 pity of even his oa n fnends 'r. ( alsniq f.(n.rld him wish Ihe c'ue by which lie rf nra'- d hiu w lfi arvl ir it i Intemted nnl indlv lo Mr. I a 'noun, is douhlv unkind to Mr. t raiford, tu itwluce reviviil pf Circiui s'anu.s so iacredilable to tht latr, ai d which rt dmiMlt, lie ever) other t lack upon him, o ihe honmnf the ("irmer. If Mr.- P.ltirirr jirgn;rTit were- l-nrf equat to ti inc I nation, ae thmk he waild eiihtr a led more jutlicuxia aal cf li feMlmir ln patron, it still more tflcctuaJh aim him bv rtn.aininsr t. - ' - w W't are authnmtd lo mnounce Mn CU- ment; e, at a candidaia Irrepreaenl Ihe coun ty of Ron an, in iha I louse it Cummona. .nee.moroi.M.Oc does not stv h M w m w tM -t.le-M. W in j-rr- ,w t-t- nuMcu jinn me. hub, uiai norm- . , , , j j . a ' T j Carolina aim, hi br.ak her le.din?airin. .nd awfotd Mid fvave efleeted. hereafter think and iu.li.-e for herwif i but how It was derived from at artful manage ever it may s'r.le him, it wilTbe' approved by i ment of the peclitur cir'umsUnces of hia every one who p wwu latidahh- state prule, 'friend and colle-i'iif i thia affair, A friend lo his Country comVlcd from mir Ust, i mat not he amivttothow Mr. Craw fnrd cross steps tin his mrch of self ag ktr.rnliiement. I cad the a em ion of ev a . . am cry nusen ot tne United Btatrs. Who floes nol wlh to see our hLhevt ofTki fillidhr that manowim has violated the as nl find. tid hit coopiry in taking away Ihe Inc ol a lellow Oeiig, wlthom a a any iiui Cfi've, (r itovoctin, wno nas deprived our otuttrw ol a teful and an honorable riiiten. I he mn who for hit own emolument, would encrcjie influence gained oer a wrak judge, tc surh a clis ex eat and imhalloaed degree, as to tie utive his lellow citizens of ike power of obtaining justice t the handsel the court. which utihaliowed pervcrsios of jumne waa notesenited over t(ihgert but t t . a over Ms lmniclaie nelghtnri and ac- naiotances, to the following article, torn the same. " It hat' generally been almntrd that mong Mr. raw fold's fitt Ulvancet to wards profrrstionl rt'uiinciiui, and popu lar favour, was his famous ilurl with Van Allen. Yet the advantage, though all important, which t'ra ford tr.Jnrd from thts renrmintrt, was not soinmeiii .te or direct as many bave iniagisrcL Su h asi it was, it resulted (hat t'rawfifd uiiiicccwaiiiy rn ins ii i rnierpne vi ne nut Oil Irrms cf uiviul Icii'', a man by wham ha had never been inlnrfd .towards whom he could enlrrialn no hot'Mry or rrtent mrnion whom he had no wrotigs to re vengefmm whom 1 had no gilevancti for redrcsvoitr and alove tlice conti clrrali tnuil is knoanih.t Van Mien wis hv(j kii4 aMn having lost one eye, nd there lora fought under great ditad tantage wild we apona that required Iht most clear and perfect eve slclit. Craw. frd'i fi:rrTm"7 tberifftrrrthder tii2hf1r. itjnrrt vlth t'lml io.n, diJ dot lntolve any great pf rtotul danffi not divfjUt AXa great degree of courage. The usual e fl'LllfttJiijioQoifjt.rAtiufL Uui. Mr. K raw ford's advantage, though re ruote, Wat ne veith less suie. I ail wat toon kfier rnadt judge, and the belief spread through tht circuit, thai he wat romptctcly under the rontroul and influence of Crawford. It wat be lieved thalall Ms jlecisiontjivrrf jnadg more' with a view to favour the profess.. onal reputation and interests of hia fiicnd. than topiomote the ends of justice. Such wat Ihe be lift that Spread through Ihe circuit and gained ground, until clients became convinced that nothing was want ing for the aucccss of any cause lu thai court, but to employ Crawford as an At torney. W hat grounds for thia belief ittrd, we do not at this late period under take to way ; his conduct wat alterwardt the suhjtct of legialati-ic inquiry. But ( ia lord was at that time a member of the bouse, and by a bold stroke of policy waa appoinied one of the committee to eianune the offuial conduct of hit friend in relation to milters, Jn which be Mm sell, was dec pi) concerned! Ilia heed- ess io say that the committee exculpat ed him. Hut it ia sufficient for our pur poae lo show, ihal the belief wat general nroughoui the cirruit, and that the pro. rttioiial tiusincss ol Crawfotd increased anisfiivlv under such an linprestioii. 1 1 at clients flocked lo a counsellor who, it wa .uppo.ed, had it alwava in his pow er io promise success, let tr-cir cause be ust or unjust. 1 hat such was' the. f-ct, e thins, inav be established fro n the fol- lowing letters Irorn gentlemen whose e racity. will not, we presume, be question d. I hey are republished from the Mo nitor, a newtpaptr at that time printed at ahinttiiii, Wilkes County, of De ember 1804, and may also be found in (jov. Clark a pamphlet. M Louiavdle. Uih Nov. 1804. Uiir fia In answer to the uueation asked n, by yourself last evening, 1 have i evuridjr c.ii.i,,fv in ih t it i! 'i I hit- It . i.k' ir. i'rd .Slate i f V.'i i. if. Clf,Cl4Sf, Such Claims of the Uu was ine live inj fr''tcr ttw Crswfjrd a rcpulati iri in his o a n 5iate. It, wai based on lh fruits (whi h i e n.r.rv ly reaped) of mothers I.UurMalitel with the Uood af a 'tnaiv ho hd neve f ioned Klin-nd tnioWifhcbi suioonrd kt artifice, innlmie an i 'ecrpiin. Ji this the man who it infill iha e it vt Washington, ani those sirtur.us s-fles whotucreedfd him, add wl,oe n.emotict wiH-1-Trr slan(fW,tmrf ujlUf -ri4 baUliiilai.i ar lm eMirs o M hle i',tt dl Ijj.liturx.xer.eiiloo t l (iod lorl ld I at a a . a ' rtsioog iciiow cinrrni, at we rtiakeeiif cholre of inert who ire ruiisLiLuoJia lut. iiitegr.ii, virtue, and pairlo'itm. to 6U ouf Digncti oinces, we may expert to t-e- out country, blest .with all the sweets ol do mestic felicity. , , " , " , urttry, aheriiT ofJVilket fWnly, , TI I T. und. rain nd Comn.iulom rt fur the buil ding a Court flow In Aliillr, UunrumLe County i do hereby girt poMie notice, thai on tbt fjr dav of fteplrmbrr out, at AUiville,. contract Will b entered into by said ( on.niia ioners, with an pfrtni who may become the lowest bidder, (who will give with bond sndse. eurity as may be reuuirrd, for building saij Court Mouse, apian a hem together with thaj apee.flraiiona ami terms of conr-ct may b aec) at any uma ay apphmg to aail romnuaaionen. . JdllV Mer-LHOV, JtMf.H M. AMITH, JOHN JAMHKTT, joiin tvixinm. "tHt ri. CHtN.V. Ptihtmb, Juf MM, 1823. iniiaai onen. V'. Wit. Tlos. I. JoYmscm. HA VLNC located tiimself in Chsrlotte, (Mxk lenbure counted rrartertfulle tendra kU services in iha eeteral departments of his pro feation to the oiiiacnsof th ViiUre and itaeow tiguous country. All calls will meet with prompt ami assiduous attention. Ilia resaltnre ia at lr. k. Henderson's Hotel, where he can be found, unlraa professionally rnrsrtd. Ckurt,i,t, J!, If, 1 8:3. 4vrt7 a no hesitation in Haling that sundry per f,..ma mana: m,t. "" "e nau. conversation wun me on .... TI1L. IHIlI.kl kr .Mf.l..l.IJ. 11'.. 1 I . ' i Jim suujili lu ruipiujuiK 4t-4 a lord. Laq. at Iheir attortity, and ttatecTat a resson that thee supposed and believed that Mr. Crawford had suth an influence and who would ra.hrn,p himself to prorate ; rhjr,f, tk(.. after Wade the interests and elc.ate the chatwcti-r of hit I , own state, titan bow to Ihe fancied siini-nori' v. or innierious pride of amUheri - North-frarorina I Vtiilce. TI1F.RE will be told al the Court House ia. "slisbnry on 1 Ijursdav of August Court the balance of unsold personal property bdonfrine; -In the Hon P. Locke, deceaard, vtj, Wargot, Geers, fce, and a fe w other small articles, tight -months credit will be given and boni and secu rity rriiired. . . : N. a All persona indebted to the estate, of asMl dre'd. are earnestly requested to make pay ment, ss loneer indulgvitce will not be given. All those having cbuma may present Umsw, and receive ptfU .ZTZZ.::.r ' r:: John scorii rrv. Jufjzsi-isn. j ;tcf LL Persona 'indebted to the estate of Daniel Cress, dre'd. art repuctted tw call and aes I tie their accounts, otherw ise they w ill find them - own state, in.-, bow to the fancied ,pcr.oriiy, r( . . pe e L Vl In f.ct, tir, that opinion tremt to be to t,.--- -M' i.- e -r. i . n. .- .1 . k. V. prcv ua wiiiiiii uirw .1 puwt-niu moral ami pii)sical j .turn, ws, noui nor ucihii "s and Charles with judge Tail, that they would always ln bmJ f offteere h h tuth day of Au. . a avsiaw as nw at -- v n v it ta a aa awiaSiWat aMinut ait as. . imi o him in n rinr lit in nih. S ...... ..... ..... ... , atloroeyr whilst Jude I ait, presided. estate wil bring them forward and rtccivw payment. resiMircrs sli. hai the elciwjite ol a rn at state and it is only requiaite to call tht m into action, to make her one of the most power- Ciil mn.X !t.R.t..ntul ni.M.k.M nflk. I'..'.,... 1'. .Kit.! .... fl'M v ... .11 1 IIIUII. Ill . . - J aim at rrnmnUluni- .n i.l.w rl an K. n,C.1 I Pl"tlllM 'f itwmrtirrvnTrnO r. an tern Dittriri of this State, I ait and Wm II. Crawford practising attornir at the bar. In the course of a July, 15th, 1823. E. CHP.8S, J. GAY. 3wt65 aayratil, in(rrt hnnnnliTcif 'pWiT feeling, I Allen, nude some observatioie which ex a atinlv not unworthy of the mott distinguish. 'cited the anner and provoke J the host i ed citiz. n, and it can meet with the sneers of j,y f)f J,, ,he lawver, it old teem tn(lt.a tnlV tL-llfl r" ritlfntl mawra-lv in nmnw, i . . . r. i VT 'ion-the other side. lie soon iiterent a ii'"r ii. Minna iiui ur hi inn aiaii-, utll w IIOSC ... , , . f rI -- , " svmpathica and affections are devoted to ano-j ljge tbXV!,?' d " f nford'r Mr. Van Allen reused toac A spirit of Inqurv is rapidly pervsdinr the i cent the challrnee he? had recjived Irom 41 h aftonfinnnf tho nannl.. fil.. ' T- . r. J '. n . L - li , ., .. - inr , i all, nr me reasons rauicrM in ine robbers, havini; cot possession of the mall, thinking na't. i awakened i and the remit ill'cn ..: .i.:.u r L e i , i i i , . .. . UIIUIHK lioic, w uit. n a nii vi , in poke of making their way fo tht bwt t to be, not only a change in our internal pohtv. i . ,, , . ,i.V that th inten,trl K h. utir m vm,i but in our relative standing with our sinter! jua ui uc tiiaucji I' airs, rvo one wno is si u ciinvcnant wjijx the nperstioris of the nunisn mind, who is not Pursuit. SECOND EXPRESS An hour after receiving the foregoing swrlUgence, the following letter was re ceiveri, which affordt the inform. nor micipated above, that the robbert are eetected and appiehended: flatimorr. Julrj 8. 182331 o'clock, To thePos-miiTiMi Curtate, Washington City, Sra : VVe are happy to inform you, that three of the 31. )l Kobbers have J"?JPxpbndeij5 party" te'ihvnrtW"irreif'ih6 rooof ry. I wo of. them are severely .wmied ,-th- femrtrw f a-fdufih, ha ot been heard, of. The Quard has de fended the Maif .bravely. Very respect iuyr Rc. STOCKTON & S rOKF.S, Per L. W. Stocetot. v e understand, from the last Kxpress, cnat the robbers are supposed to have been workmen employed at the Iron Wwks in the vicinity of the place wWe'the rob bery was attempted. .We leatn from the- Caltv&n Pretr of li8t ilt.inar if it qtrlVeJci. f t arid in the "vicinit of St. Ktenhma zetrs have all eaci fallen victims ; umontt "hpm are Fhakcii GaAvs. ln. Mr. yXwroD (brottier lo Wm. Craw Jjt-itt'.:TwbfE and Mrt. tiiEs, the wife of Major G. Seveil ei-trt were dangerously ill on the 2 1st. Sir: I recirved your rote yesterday, prevalent in the Uestetn Circuit, so far as hat come to my knowledge of the sen timcntsof the people, that 1 did nol sup pose it, would bejloHbledai-aiixlalkrtT trraulfTiTIv ihe subicct of conversation, at " I W t .S. a . a . .1 mm least in the county io which I reside. I It . last wgiaiaturet ine toiinty He reason, Sir, I have ao often heard .V.J4""4 L !?; p'n-ii f ts ivut twastuiif iiiisriis( tirvu wii 1119 KO WAJ UQillTftUlTH M ENty - - rtir rac. such conversation is I presume, on ac count of my havine yerif.ircquemlr rout ed amongst company', at is to be expect ed Irom the nature of the olhce 1 have the honor to fill. JOHNSON WEELBOKN. I am, air, your, &c. - Gsa. Cuts. "Louisville, Nov. 15th, 1804. svt In antwer-ro ) 0TXT7rplTcaUoii oT ! proceeds thereof, to KlhtIUlV,avi KTtirtf!trtimilfnffVmie "more central si. . tuation. 1 tie county court accordingly, have . appointed, a committee to ascera;n, w hat can be obtained for swid lands and itr.provements, V , and lo make a report of the same. The prrffii. St'Somaiits if 2U0 acre of land, the greater' part of which ia wood laml, andclftht or nine very good lor bouses i there i ftlw a snring of .: - eicellent water near the hcusva wholly ignorant of the imsiuible fore, -of pub- by iX,r rawford, I am sjrry to add that 'ploy Wm. H. C ne uniinun ina irec tmiiiir,. cm iiinioi mis i . . . ...... . . . . ip . ... .. and no one, in our opinionwho i. in tnith . ,lie investigation ol ."vir. T ooa s rase (.tin ne ia e againsi myse , in tv .Ikes friend to Hies ate.or who is not blinded bvim-ime ot lit r r in umstanies) should have ( County, lor a mayhem alledged to have proper attachments or selfish views, can wish it placed u below any gejitlcmao's notice, i been committed on capt. V. Allen, tinder . 1 . l ' i. . e ... . I ? . s .... a ... "1 "he subscriber will receivo proposals for tht this datt I can only say, thai I did em I purchase cf said establishment from thistimt rawford, Esq. in a case, iunw XDe w-.waaay.oi tne ensuing August to be other iac. Illiberal epithets may be, and have been, cast .i i. c . .1 i . . . t iicvn iiiuie w iki iiwcr mis sinni'i ouiennneiB ' j 1 t, u.. are not arimmeiita. and thev w ho use thr-m .! m ?"ur -"",B ,r" a ii-sihB wsu virtually acknowltdire that. they can wield nolP'e'1 br ?m" "wn foa'unant atidclark more nowerful weapons. A good Calise doica i heart : I tl ink it a clutv lowe to the com and ihit the infamy in that occasion an impression that he had considerable' should luve so completely attached itself, influence with Judge Tail; the iropretsi- now tb a ct ci it irf' 1 1 1 sirfti " . A rumour -is going abroad, but how estefisive- Iv'il'htS'rilTnhitmt vmimnttwtliat Ur. C'.l.v. .. .. .... -.' i . . . . r on the eve of the e rction for President, will lermt answer, i unow ir value m rna- munity and my' own IfHrtgs, to; te foatinc : w it b gent lermt; But ' I ; ilUt assure you whenever v on shall have wip. ed I off L t bJL I b f rVi t TI w K If kIv e y ou ViuiC- withdraw from the cooti'st and give his interest and. inCut? nee to Mr. Crauiard.i AlilxHiiflf do not at prvst-nt intern! to engage in the dis cussion of the Presidential question, vet we corf- sider it a duty which we owe to ourselves and thepublic, to correct any errors or niisstate- ments which shall be. put in circulation to the injury of either of the csndidatel. We do not heaitate to express' our decided belief that the rumour ts without the hast foundation, - Mr. Clay would hardlv he indudced to put himirlf in so ridiculous an attitude. In a eater where friend ship-and espeeted tpMl-iwst-be"ind'd-oii prnal merit and tWfvsin some measure on IocmI circutnstances, no man ol orainarv sense would think of transft rrinE that. support to an. flifv4wr.ftK were- pltgthert;ff'tren'W:rl.1ay and Air. Crawford are verv diftcrent. men. They Nin. rawforjvJdojibtedly:,may have many mutual friends j but j at Ion the question of the Presidency,.; he friends i of one are by no nieaiis the friends of the other. As an attempt -thus to play upon the communf. ty would Am&U.- --- . racier nd honor; but injhe mean time TxhTnrtddeTm It at nicl-c i IniDii per. fn addition to, the above reasons, to notice you, because the persorrwlorn ycu have to basely injured intends lo . chastise you for your pci fitly towards lim, ol which circumstance 1 tta sppiisrd and perhaps attending to yourcall might de prive him of that juttire wbiVh .be to jtistlv r.iimt. I would further obfcerve, i that ifhtjhwiW- ftOt"be a flaiwat-tw swerr vou may make an ocertiott 10 do yourself justice'. "A bewspaper controversy, very abtuive on all sides, wat ' continued for teveral months, between Crawford, Van Allen, and Tail. Crawford finally Wamo en-l ;ru as u ill, lumi biiu uic rr au 'lllto t brains out which tcrmirlated the) affair. 1 .. CtaV CaaaKr- on wat increased On account of teveral of my friends havine advised me to employ Mr. Crawford, and "gave it as a reason mai ii was inyi t kltrff facrrSirTtbij i opinion la at thia Court. Persons wishing to purchase, will siato in writing the price tbey are willing to rive. - and the tcrma of payment. THUS. L CUWA.N. ; JVy IS. 1823. 4wt67 v I Gave to David fi. Napier a note of hand for forty dollan, oatbe lUtb or lltb of Uciobet- lsstr"Art expect satdVipier wHf try to- trad" peraooa iuai. iiav.iuiJy aausnoa H oen atMl at amid note. There was An th not a Credit of lime very prevalent in the . coyntr wiiktt.; J am, air, your nost obt. iior. 22d. 1804. Gem. C la at, Sir : In answer to your note of this morning, I have po hesitation in declaring that I have heard frequently and believe it is the general opinion that Mr. Crawford has an undue influence with his honor Judge Tait, in courts ol justice. Yourjmqst jpjt. -..; ;..i : .vw&Vl.JSi!J.: 5W0iVSi!' "11kiaihT Ko. itlhi tnil bcr, lfi21hicbaaid Napieraajshe lost or mis laid. . I harejn my posicimon receipts to show G, GAINES. I that I have paid Ihe w hile amount. q. - - -ajapti IV tAiroty Jim.- Vwt04 Dtmdin Ctmty; July 18, 1823. H II 0 NORTH CAROLINA. STOftS COUliTT.' COURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessiona, Juno Term, 1823. Constantine L. Banner. Wobert L. WinstonOriginal atUchment le- . vied On thirty-five acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of tne Court, that the defeo : ; . dant Robert L,rW uiaton, Is an in inhabitant of ; I'notKcl goYeri pilUIIHUlfll UV UAUTI, f EllCIII yl viiuiwa for six weeks, requiring the said Ruber I Win e m , - . . - I roc sit weea rcuiunnir iiieaun nuutr in- -r'..L-!-?lW morning, I can instance a circumstance which turned up. in my presence, in Waikinsville, Clark county, to wit. as Mr. tvm. H. Crawford, wat walkinc by a number of gentlemen, it wai observed by one of them (who knew Mr. Crawford,, talMeTitLjf ece tAtVulft' if iht ffctttr Pleat and Quarter Cessions, to he held for the ' county of Ptokes, at the court house in German on, on the second-Monday in Heptemoer next, hen and there to replevy, pltsad, or demur, 0- herwisa judgment will be rendered against turn recording to the plaintiff's demand, i . . MAI I UCtV 1 HUUttX, S7. U. .frice adr, g4. ; ;; ,; fit7l