" i ) ciitlitra rocaua. KL1C10 BOOTIIINQ iOBKOVr. Jf ! retumlnr. tprinr;, ; With many op'nlnf blotaom, : JIat that, tit, egl' CM bring , t JVtee to the aiigv'thjd botomt '"'Jljtin t tt momlnf rty, JW'j?'?. tiJJe jIjft drparted, -. 1 Jut what tgain cm yy convey To lim iWi broken hearted I f At t 1 see the stars illume Tba canopy of beaveni, ' ' ','Iut what cao enter the hapless doom Of man to mit'ry drives r" 1 ' : ' lUIifW vo'ee ! hi power divine - More dear than p'lvmf blotaom, - t Th0 roornin j ray, Of ((art that shine, ' Cat south tht anfuiab'd boaom. MeanaaiBWaWaaBBSt r , - view rai itiwi mini. HEALTHFL'LKESS OF CLIMATE. " Ers I'ncle am from old John BuQ Hand torn himself away, .' fome men, with ample powers and fall," . Were pint to make survey. Twixt Carolina North and South They running were the toe, as has bcentoW by rnany a saouthi Vi lkb mad dam Dismal wbine. J?of near tht Co she bad a but, And could not UD at all fThea tb said En vaa run or cut Witch aide her but snirht fJL OrwbetherMtheyshonld puree . The eour they were directed, Tbey would aot cut ber house la two, , 'Aod lean her unprotected. . At length the line was cut or run i On the north side iha fcUt Her lace tu brightca'd like the tun i tier heart with joy did MtlL Tbanif to bind lrovdcoce," quoth she, fl knew 1 rouat.dk quickly, . If in South Carolina he , Rid placM Pe wbers tis sickly But in North Carolina 1, ',' My tear away can wipe 5e healthy 'tie I thai! Dot die. Tit TatwTOt mroaiPM. itJ)titirJwA"ibujJifi 4The la the fatal bmirUeoroe.'' -.-The.miu of ibe rnorning'stlll hung heavilv on the mountain topr above : the viUage'of RcdtlilT, but the roadi Which led Wwtrda it WaV crowded with the varied population of the iur rouodine country, from far and near. At;AIebury the ahopa were doe, toe nammer oi uie oucismiin miu up on his anvil, not a wagon of any de acription' waa to be seen in the street, nd tiUlhf i bM.pf , lh?ayerj.,wi. lotied. ana tne rer cone wun us pro- j pnetor towards the clifl, a token oi an lmDrtrtsnt era. which wai without a . paralltl in the annals of he place. And. save thit r.crc na mere a soma- rv head looWu through a broken pane - In same cldst i house with an air of .aud Uuc'nUliiLtbtVHsi of a liule nurslinj was heard, betoken ing that'-io the .'general flight, it had been left In UDslilllul nincr may hap here and there a solitary, tagged ' and illnatured school boy was seen, or , a n5t less iolitjrjr and illnatured dog, either seeming but half appeased by the privilefof a holiday', granted on condition of remanMjaJbAmj VfholelMeexhibited a 'pictnrc-' of desertion and ViienceV thatltatl fofevef liiireaiinkittJKBMire" "vBnrin prootioti as you drtwmeM' r the poncTerous lURs in the mtdst oj .jrbich the Uitle town of Itedcltff.was situated, you mingled again in the thick Lustle and motion of the wortJof men and. women and boys, and horses aod .dogs, and ,all , living, moving, and creeping things, that inhabit she wild deserts of Pennsylvania. - . The village itself Was crowded to Overflowing long before the sun had ' - gained a sufficient altitude to throw its E;..aay.. a Msf&ist-,..,...-;.' vy .' v was crowded, and the fumes of tobacco atid-.; whiiaeT1iaTxfWaH change, and the perjpetual clamour of tne throng was sufficient to race a prain . -. of common flexibility In the streets "'thtreTwaVthe greeting - parted acquaintances the bartering of horns ; the settling of old account the yj a- tht i .t ' . I I 411 III, BH'I in a t !!.-' tA tit t'rf.l. 1 O lor.k tll'Oa IhC ICUif to tniuj;!e 1 1 ft the Cfuwd t-i KnttO t the tyttii4li()!i, hT lu turvvy the tuutitf n i t ra if the i-n'ilrtl f iltiluJe mnu Ica'l to no 4t(il4Clian ol tne came for hich this rnats pf httero- rtneoua matter was congregated. - rWitiiin the walls of the old stnne gaol, at the foot of the mountain a dif Itrent scene had been that morning witnessed. There, chained to a stake in a mitrrallc dungeon, damp and scarcely illuminated by one ray of light, oow-ly the (Bnoia4e4 furr-( .e whoWfinal dnom termed (tear at hand. A.feirJouahefUc his wife and little daughter had been i h him, having frsvtlUd a hundrcd-jnika to meat htm once mare on the threshold of the gnve j they met. and from thai gloomy vault, the song of prsite ascended with the ascending sun, and the gaoler as he listened to the melodious voice of three persons whom he looled 'upon at jnosl desolate and lost of all In the wide world. blended sweetly together, and chauni ing that beautiful hyrad, . , , ' ft U the ford! should I dittruat Or contradict bit iO r Vt'be cannot dq but what it juet. And mutt be rifhteoni ttlQ It ia the Lord! who can auttaia, Beneath the.bcanett load, from whote aaaiatance I obtain ' To tread the thorny road.'' Almost doubted the evidence of hit senses, aod stood bleu in aatonith- ment at the massy door. Could these be the voices of a murderer, and a murderer s wife aod child f This brief and to be final interview had pasted, however j those unfortun ate ones had loudly commended each other to the keeping of their heavenly parent, and parted ; he to face the as scmbled multitude on the scaffold, and they, as thry said, to return by weary journeys to their sorrcwlul home The convict, worn out with sickucis and watching, now alcpt. His name was Janton Creel: his place of residence said to be Virginia. He had been taken up while travelling from the northward to hia home, ana tried and convicted at he country town, some miles distant, for the murder ol a fellow traveller, who had borne him company from the lake, who was as certained to have jud t large sum of money with himr ami 1io i was found in. the room in which they both slept. ", -i if i aui..C9ntrxjnnDsar,ivcagiU,iUi his throat cut.-Creel always had pro tested his innocence ; declaring that the deed was perpetrated by some one while he was asleep, but the circum stances ft ere sgainst him, and, though the money was not found on him, he was sentenced to be hung, and had e rn trmnveA n the nA atnng gatl t Redcliff for security, the county pris on being deemed unsafe. ' This was the day the execution was to take place ; the scaffold was already erected ; the xtAwd. pressed roand he building and frequent cries ol M bring out the mur derer,M were, heard. The sun at last told the hour of ele ven, and there could be no more dc lay. The convict's cell was entered by the ' officers in attendance, who aroused hi sn with the information that all waj i ready Jot- him without, and hid htm hasten to his execution. Thev laid hands upon him and pinioned him tight, while, he looked up towards heaven in wild astonishment, as roe new born, and only said "the dream the dream." And what of th dream Mr. Janson," said. the Sheriff, "you would do roe a great kindness if ypfPtild.jdrfant yoursf If and me pqt oOhis cursed " scrape!;""" I dreamed: replied the convict, that while you read t&C'!dai1t'w arrant to-tneon the aeaffwleli a' man came throT the crowd; and stood before ut in a grew dressy wi th a white hat andlarge whiskers, and that a bird fluttered over htm, and sung distinctly. v i its it Lewis xvfio murdered tne tra veler" The officers and gaoler held a short consultation, which ended in a deter miaation to look sharply after the man in grey with the white bat, accompani en with many hints of the godly rcsig nation of the prisoner and the possi bility of hia innocence .heingAssertedJ MlJPfflral gncy;iTTio pnyion doors wereF'cleared 'and Creel,, pale ind:fee!33c'lni thfi hylmtf Dck'lo his hand, and a mien all meekness and humility, was seen tottering from the prison, to the scaffold. He had no sooner ascehdedlt than hia eye began to wander over, the vsst concourse of people around him uh a look of icru- 1 !, . 1 v, !..!,- t'.c ?.:; i 1 t!.' vran tt-v t5'fiVi;l' 1,'!V f( , -A f C i i i in Uf4,c Le locked, and liArd ain tl.cn raied I i hanJl anj ers n nio men uuwsrdi lite clear tky, as if Ire ah mgaUst ej icuhtiun, when l I as he retimed hit firtt potition, the Very pcrsos be dficnbcd stood wr.hin sit feet f the ladder. The pritoner's eve Caugkt the sight, and flatbed with fire, while he called but, "there it Lcwit the mrdtrtr tf the traveller? and the gaoler at the same moment seised the stranger by the collar. At first he at tempted to escape, but being secured, and taken before the mjestrate he con fcttcd&e deed, dcuiltd all thepf tlco!ard Jie red" Up"part oT the mo: nry, informtd whers another part was hidden, and was fully committed for tf ial.-whiie Creel was twmed hose and haitcaed lik a, man out of his senses from the scsfdd.' .Three dayi had elapsed j Creel had vaniahrd Imrtediatcly after his libera tion, when thjpretrnded Lewis aston iihcdjsod xoifuundcd the-tnagistrate. by deilarmg Qccl to be her husband j that she had akumed the disguise and t j .1 i i t ! . i - penormrq tne wnoie pari oi nis airec tionsi that he pad given her the mo ney, which he lad till then successful ly concealed abut his person i and that the whole, fron) the prison to the sraf fold scene, was a contrivance to effect his escape, wlich wss effected, she was regardless nf consequences. No thing could Se done with herthe was set at liberty, and neither her nor her husband were heard of again. Mi. Wain : I waa much pleaaed with a piece in one of yoir paper, handed by a " Lincoln 8ultcribcr.MOQ the eubject of UtUnrtnnf, ta ken from Scttt't Family DiLle. At Uie prwent, when thre aetmt to be rreat fithiiif fur tb oflieet of public trust, from the chief mtptmtj down and when aotne of thote ho becken Sit public eje, under ami profct- tiontof teal r the rood of the people, nracti cally and habitually tioUte aAd trample urvler thrir feet tone uf the bett Iat vt God ami man, If you think tie following might be annihtt gutd hint I th frplr, jou will plrae to give it a ptace In youi piper i you may not cJkhm to call it divinit but !t it certainly sound moralitv. htch it next in importance to the true lujipi- nctt and pernanency of every dirittian rorern menti and fmn abich will flow. ai naturally aa the ttream fr.m the fountain, real patriotiim, manifctted bj a uniform and pra. tical rrgard to all the moral tnd aalutary precepta of our Ma ker and our ountry. - . - i tou nun N EXTRACT From a charge de'ivered by Judge Ruth to the '"grand Jury of Notduuupton county, ( PennayL vanhi) oil tut Cirtuit In the year 1799.- -.. It cannot be denied, thjt the pub lie prosperity of our land, depends up on the. virtue of the people, and that the practice ol vice, like a cancer in the natural body, will at hit extend itself lathe ykaltnf thevcountryid-cut-off our national exiatetace. If this be the case, we may safely assert, that no man lovet his Country who livet tn the hab itual violathn of anu rule in her moral iinc.f.: uccnw 'ay v naingrir cimiTi- butes his aid to accomplish her de struction. He mar call himself Fed eralist or Apti Federalist a Rrpub lican or Democrat or whatever he pleases ; it is certain, he is but a pre tender to the character of a Patriot. It is imposiVle he can love his Country. whose life and actions arcbostile to her true inttMts. Party and person al prejudices h may possess in ahun dance, which tothe world, and perhaps to mmsell, he nay cover with a man tie of zeal for tie public good : But the love of his Country is a stranger to his heart. Eiamine for a moment, Gentlemen, the orce of this qbserva tion-bv your o wnexperience in private li fe-Suppse;:oe of y oti r' ne ighbors, to pj;bress"a;;terd imii ind . lit toe aame3meio. mike. a practice of th watt ing your: views, and defeating the plais you had laid to pro mote your happiness, or your inter ests; there is no doubt, you would dpi3rhirprnlrssioTrvaridxallMrfra hypocrite. Nrr can he be pronounced any thing better, who tells you he loves his country, arid is, at the same time, habitually infringing those laws, on which" her salvation and prosperity essentially depend. Away with all such Patriotism J It is hail Master with the lips, and at the same instant a stab to the heart. I call fhat mtma dislirgabfzef, let hisMlIucafprrncTples be-what they may who is ; spreading through the moral world, the seeds of disorder and vice, ancuhercby sapping rh. tAtmHff.AM Jt fill AV.MltH.Hl HIV IVIUIUIliUH VI U. yUTllUUKttkl -A earnedntkmaaae-ltaa written on the &Hae of the tongue, atuibatrs them all to. the want rttt, ' 1 :.: ,;.ti.:J ( -fc,si r I.'t.(!-.!y Pi r. Ul t I I I r ' wttoa C .I- ia an txc tils tit Jiciufc lately j ,M.-,!ied, states the Iiiowing ettra- ordinary facts " 1 or more than thirty years jmt, certainly not a single death has occurred among the students of this institution (the college of N Jersey j) nur have 1 been able It ascertain that sueh an event has ever been witnessed So Nainu II.H.H Had such an event ever occured, it could scarcely have escaped the inquiries and researches of Professor Liodsly and it it, there lore, fair to presume that it bevtf did occur and yet it would seem almost miraculous that, in more than seventy yearsufcl 1 deathjihoold havetaken place? among to large s number o(stu dents ai Jurr. generally attended that seminary Trenttt True American. Orlfin tf the utrd Gentleman." Originally it wss written Gentile man, and given as a distinguishing ap pcllatron, in thertTst'tges of Chrfsii snity, to those persons who conforme to lha Christian faith, but retained their-Gentile customs, fashions and smuaementt. Origin of the word Ladi. For merly, when the affluent lived all the year round at their mansions in the country, the lady of the manor distri buted to her poor neighbours with he own bands once a week or oltener, certain auantity of bread, and she wa called by them the hrffdau that it, in Saxon, the bread river. These two words were, in time, corrupted, and the meaning is as little known as the practice which gave rise to it j yet it i from that hospitable custom, that, to this day, the ladies of this Country alone serve the meat at their own ta ble. Jndiutry it ih fuunJatim if Iiutepeudetue. We are informed by a gentleman o vera sty, that there is a boy in Newton township, in this country, who, during the last winter, spun from tow, and ith five needles knit himself a pair o pantaloons, with suspenders and stock ings complete. The whole was done in nights by fire light, for he is obliged (though but 1 3 years of age) to work in the day time for the support of his aged parents. His name is William Pickle; he has it in cooltmplation to construct another pair this winter out of wool. The independence 'of his mind, for one of his age, ll truly as tonishing. On being offered a present of sufficient wool to make his intended garment, he refused, saying he could earn it himself. Zanesville Messen, A description of the perton of wet cmirr. at it wai found in an ancient Manutcript, teal by Publiiit Lentulut, Pretident of Juuca, to the Senate of Rome. FATHERS, .ThcjeliveA In.Juda at. this-tinvs4 la at. this-tinc"' man oi singular conracicr, nnuic vaiuc is jesus Christ. The barbarians eaa teem him a Prophet t but his follow ers adore nim as tne immediate on sprin? of the immortal coo. He is endowed with such unparalleled virtue as to call back the (lead from their graves, and to heal every kind of dis ease wuh a ward or a toch. His per son is tall and elegantly shapen ; his aspect amiable and reverend: his hair flows in those beautiful curies, agreea bly couching below his ears on his shoulders, in 'shades which no united colors can match ; and parting en the crown of his head like the head-dress of the sect of .the Naaarites. His forehead is smooth, and his cheeks without -a spot, -siawe'tif'oTX'ldvcfi feu ma nese- mdu -mouiire o meo with xquisit symmetry f hfis beard 4 thic'n'cr salta1eto the rairof his h:ad, reaching a little ieloiv his chin, and parting jo trie middle like a fork his eyes are briaht, dear and serene. e rebukes with maiestv. counse with mildness, land invites with the most tender ana persuasive language ; his whole deportment and' address, whether in word or deed, being ele gant, brave, 'and strictly characteristic of so exalted a being. No man has ever seen him laugh, but the whole worlchas frequently beheld him weep ; :at&ftrsukivel:-are: Ka-tetwvrthat the rauUittldel cannot withhold their tears, joying aid sympathy with' TiimT He is modest, temperate; and wise : In short, whatever this phenomena may be in the end, he seem at present js man ot cxduisit beauty and divine per ection eviry way surpissing the chil drcn of men. t 1 - l V - 4 lit i4 J.-t 1 i. A--.; t. Wm. We i-lf r, I ' i A'- it. rr, 2, J!i II, A!rli-Ir, I! 'rt A" n, I t. Aft. i. rvm, fsmjilo Atrlin !, Jri.e Af.k, Jl It. A, IW.tf, lUbrrca Jl!r( ll), txii Hrwr.r, 2, tliw!,fih II. Hirtrr. Vm. U KK,ni firown, l!i(lteJ ll.nku, J ,ht lloudcn. C tkn. Ctmngiiin, Alntnlcr t;lry, tfn, f, Con, Diml Cli.i.brrt, Ira Cathmin, D.omia M, ( w krn, tVm. t,'mptII, Robert Cotkran, N.tliihirl Cunninjbim. I). -teJi-ne e Ih. km, Ltwil Llinkini, Mtrgartt K. Ihnkiiii, 0t rmh Dtnkint, Jane llm.ina, Jainrt Uinkint 4, Wtlirr Davit, John II. Davi'Uon, John I'ickry. f, John iiig. Jrrrttiitli FrtcKin, Jo. Sepb I'linn. C 11iofiki ())r, J.hki It. tioOtUin, Jot!.h Grflv, AlcianJcr trdrn. ' II. fcjt'ktaj lUrn, David H-rry, 2, 1 ippo I, llrnder ton, James 1 1 (?, M. a N, Pt IU, Reuben IIIIU, 2, David llawell, Jul.n llannoiL Matthew lliHr M-UuM-f, JJ,.IXiuUr. KV-xCV) t -KimLle, Jamet Kirk, 3. L liiut lhtrjt Julia .JJrtUv Wtm. latthC M-JoL B. Ms James M'Cienny. W, Staaon, ban) Stoore, Johm M.irrii. O. AiLline Urr, M.lion (W)orn. , p tdmafi4"Patror7 Mary rortirJoerptr Jr trrrU anee, Q. Cyrul Query 2. It Charlrt Rich." mond, Km K Kobinton, rcrmenia Rodgtrt, ftvklal Robineun. M. I RichoUlaon. S. I'JU alia Smartt, Dtvid Smith, Hugh mith, RoM t. IhOMT Mt'tStftit TfpMrifJliiii' ' Bin.mol.a, a." Cob atama. T-Wm, 1 oler, Charlrt F. Toore. er,JohiTye. W-Oolfrry WIUma, LeandeP ZTtTHtlamton, Tbomu It. witrimt. 36U WM. MIIH, P.M. lilale ot .Votl Caxonat Rowsir covnrt SUPRRIOH Cmirt of I j w, April Term, 1823 1 Janw Weaver t. Witlitm Weiver...,PtH. tion, divorce. It appearing to the tatiafactkin of the Court that the dtfrmtant ia not an inhabi tant of I hit ate, it ie therefore ordered by the court, tliat publication be made for three nionths I in the Wcftern Carolinian, printed in Saliabury. tht the ilefcndant appiir at the net 8upt;rior Court of law to be held for Uie county of Row an, at the Court Huute In Bititbury, on the se. coml Monday after the fourth Monday in Rep tember next, than and there to plead, aoiwer, or demur, or the petition will be heard as parte HT. GILES, C.5. C. Trice adr.gt. ,3mtr0 Stale ot .VottU UtvtoUiia, IBSDSLL COUHTT. COtTtT of Equity', Spring Term, 1833.'. William Sloan ft. Samuel Carton, Davil Camm, Andrew Canon, STiUism Canon, Eft aser Carton, Mary Carton, Jamei Scott and hi wife Martha, Jacob Weathetby and his wife Mar caret i Orif inal bill fur the conveyance of land. It appearinr to the tatikfaction of the court, that the above defendanu live beyond the Emits of the State, it ia therefore roVrcf, by the Court, that publication be'niade in the Wettcm Ctro linian, for three montlit tucccati vely, that unices the drfefxUrrtt appear at our next court, to be held for the county of ImlelL the Courl- Houte in Statetville, on tlie hno Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there toflcad antwer or demur, otherwite judf ment will be taken pro oonfeato, aa to them and the caae heard es parte. , r v JOUN W. HART, C. M. C. E. . Paid i 3mt76 Blalt ot eVoiUv Cat oYVna, EDRIL COUHTT- SUT1210B. Court of Law, Spring Term, J 8CJL : Catharine Cowan . 1'homaa Cowan t re ttiofpf djorc. U this caae it it ordered by - thfia that publiearioif be made for three) RMuhe in the Star, and Wettern Carolinian, that the tkfefxlant appear at the next court to be held fur the county of Iredell, at the Court Ilouao jft Stateiille on the 5th Monday after the 4tb Monday in September next, and plead, antwer. or demur, otherwise judgement wul be nad pre confetao, and the caute beard ex parte. -Jtmr,fMT Price adv. g4. 3mt71 NORTH CAROLINA. BURKE COUNTT. OUPFIpRCwrtpfv iTcrnvipj O LoticV FenihtWtJt.-L'iekitir Pembcfon j -i Petition for divorce and alimony. It appearing to the taliafaction of the Court, that the defen. dant in tliit cate residea without the Emitt of this State, it ia therefore ordered by the Court, that publication btf made in the Star and Wettem Carolinian for three menthe, that the defendant anoear at the next Superior Court of Law. to ho held for the county of Burke, at the Court-llQutw ,i . m Monranton, on the tourth Mondav ot Senrem- ber next, then and there U pkad to aaid petition, otherwtae th petition-will WJvaaed pAie, and decreed accordinfrly. Con v tett. W. W. ERYV IN, V. a. S. U. U Price adr. J4. 3mt69 NORTH CAROLINA. laanELL eouaTT. COURT of Pleat and Quarter Setaiont, May i Seision, 1823. Jamet Torrence w. Charles- ' n r.nnr ..Oriirin.l attach me nL levied in the handt bf Alfred D. Kerr, and he aummoned ai npniabr i 1an. nn one neero bov. ' Itannear 4ng to Uie, aatisfacti.pn pf the Court tbat the de fcndant in thiaue reaidea out oT Piia Stiieltt W-thr6rerdtL thtt rmhllr.ttion he m3fe.i.CZl. .taft3eJterB.Cirolinrtfn. wthreejmontns succeis- nrety, tnat trnteta the iienoaai appear o.ioro,.t this Court on the first day of the next terra to beheld fur -the county aforesaid, at Stateaville,oa the third Monday in Auguat next, ana repiery. the nronertv levied on. and olead to the Said , caute, the plaintiff wlll-be.-beard ex parte, and 7 1 jucipmem reauerea ayam aata aeicnuaui. jji" conieato. , Tett, H. SIMONTON, CFk. Price adv. g4. 3rot7l Xbtke. t nHE sale of the retidue of the property, be -X longing to the estate of Jetse A. Pearaon, cieceated, will commence at Mock's Old Field in the forks of the Yadkin, on Wedneaday the 13th of Autratt next, and continue from cay to day WiulidrjsialM astockofiikelv Cattle, Farming TJtenails, House- -hold and Kitchen Furnituret and a variety ...of other property." 'All which, will be sold without reserve on bberal terms which will be made , ' known on the days of sale. Ai KESBrrr, dm'r, , 4,1823. 5t66 ' lilanks, i kinds common! fF the various kinds commonly infuse, for sale J at the Office of tht Wisunj Caaoiwua' U 'X h -f . r ' .. V a 'A f ' -ft

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