! I, v. JA vv iu kj -- r-J: ,01.. Y. tt.UAftlUnVi, Jv t). TMV.SUAt, .UJtlVftT 0, 1823. .0. ICS. f jEtf V tl mtm CrUnian, At the sir v( tlii rtuLKthuxnt art trpnninf to bear rdu.r a lavcrte ratio to th , ntetpit, th IJ.ior m cn.ctikJ to .Upt , plan that protniaes better rrj for hit Ubor 1a fulur. , 1m practice in 11.4 ollke, tuUtcrto, hu LccR too carilcii, Px ra have Uea tent to a mat many Ito ar u t.k no n to Ui I. or, ' ':.trtr-pmo!i11y w by rtjwt they pay 81 , , in advance and it Renn that U hi! aiany of them (4f buul.U pay, afWa. reoelviag U-jif ear, tworand tltrc ) tart. ' In future, lU Urwt - of the YTeatern Carolinian will be u follows t TkrH&Bart a year, ptyabUyt arly In advance. " Tverr paper acnt at I cudnce, will ba discon tinued after the tim ha expired for which it hat bee paid for, utile thetubtcribcrU known to la good ( in tba latter ea, tlia paper will ba . tent until paid for and ordered to b atopt. , Advertisements Kill be intcrted at fifty cent per aijiura for tba first insertion, ami t wnty-five oenta for cacti wtbtequent one. AdvcrtittMient from a diaUuice mutt bo paid for, or thrir pay tnent aatumcd by t reponibU) person, befure they can ba published. AH Icttera addretted to tba Editor, mutt be PvIJhuJ, or the will not bo attended to. PIULO WHITE. Sign, Couci. tuu Uimse GEO. W. GRIMES beg Irava to inform the citizen uf Ualitbury, and the eurrouiiiling rountrr, that lie atiU continue to execute all kind of houae, tijrn, coach, and ornamental Fainting. Havinf procured an ample aupply of maicnau, ami navmjf, ior a number oi jean paat. devoted alino4 hi whole attention to ac ijuire a competent know-ledge of thia branch cf fciuintM, he frcU confident of being alletogte auataction to tooje who may be pk-aacd to la vor mm wiin oracrrm me above line, tiihimg and Glazing will alto be executed in a neat man. acr, and on rcaeonable tcrtna. He aluo keep nana, tor aale, eopaJ and Jpan Yumtih. Wanted, aa an apprentice to the above huti e, one or two bvla, from 15 to 16 year of aire. of ateady ami induttrioue habit) to whom, if hey prove tnemtclvc dcKrvmg of it, a good ooance win te given. SaUtburj, 1823. WfttcA VettTn, etc. TAMES B. HAMPTON retpeetfully inform w me public, that he occupie the old tliop formerly owned by hit father, on Malntrcet, a few door aouth of the Cotirt-lloute, Salisbury. where ba ia now prepared, with a good act of ioom, to repair ai kind of . WATCHES fc? CLOCKS: -JlCMiurci all Lo amy tvoriaw.'wItIi tkcli euttom, tliat their work aiiall be executed in at good a atyle aa at any other hop in this part of - the eottwry. au ktadaof old Jewelry repaired, ond tome kind made. Job of every description in hi line of buainctt, will be thankfully rccriied, and executed on a hort notice. Feonle- wlm Vetide at a distance, by acrwling, may depend on living their work a faithfully attended to and returned, aa though they were preaent and oy the old etablihed Saliibury pricrt chartred. toWry, .hs. U, 1S2I. 'Ut'tt 0 V Tuesday of next August Court, there a ill be offered for Mle, that large and conve- Tlien eitdWitfMVnl ia- -SaUa'H'1? t by d"ne si uuui inc (inn iiu'lM., uic (in'prnjf ui iiic late Barmiba Krider. The houte i 63 bv 30 feet, with every convenience appertaining to a pub. lie houte i it i well known a having been oeeu. pied at tuch for about 3J year. 1 he eatablish ment is to well known, that it would be utelets to tay any thing of it convenience, &c. Venn of payment wiil bo butde to accommndate the purchaxr. . THOS. HOLVLS, JACOB KRlDKlt, . jrtnlrr-l 84,4823. - - Yatm lor Sie. TTSHERE w ill be aold,on Wedr.etday, 13th of X Augutt next, if not previously (old at pri vte tale, a tract bf land lying on the water of want t Creek, containing about ZJU acre, join ng John Litaker and other. A great part of the above tract is of the tint rate woodland, with a good meadow of about ten or twelve acrea, the balance of the land now under cultivation. A good dwelling-house, atill house, barn, and other out house. The' above plantation i eight mile wtt of ihity --"--'-rrcrrrr: v'"Tr.4"ib'6ve Bn(t belohrt'to the WateV'of Bar- naoat nrKier Mea.mfc;i,exnis , will bejnjade 'Inown on the 3ay"of.tJe..l'.".... "... .. Tht "tate vtli takt place en the fireminf. JACOB RKIUEIt, Saliihury, June 24, 1823. Ri'rt. Police. THERE will be told at the Court House in Salisbury on Thursday of August Court the balance of unsold personal property belonging to the Hon. P. Locke, deceased, viz, Waffgoit, CJeert, Ikc.'and a few (other small article!. Eight month credit will be given and bond and aeca rity required. N. B. AH persona indebted to the estate of anKi aec d. are earnestly requested to make pay. tneot, a longer indulsrence will not be civen. alt T a'numa rnay present :Ucm, and celyfpayr"- '. " - - Ji,,i833T : ;..'r t68: - Uouse for &ae. ? A - I. WILL well my House.and Lot In a i'sbury,, on acommodiitirar. terms. Apply to T, L. Cowan. Esn. or to m t L in Ra leigh. There ia a good office belonging to the lot, conrenicntfor a Lawyer or Miysician. ;. i -JOHN BECKWITfl. &5t?t7,.,!farcA8l 1823. 44tf ; JMlJL Unci. Thus. , JtAnwm, 1 TAVIXO lortted blmatlf m (htrloHr, (Meek 1 1. rtibur county,) mptctfully Under hi Krvirea in tba aeerl dcptrtintnt of 1U pro- frMion to the et'uen or th Uhig and it con liguou country. AD etlliil mertwith prompt and aatUUoo attention. H i retidmce U at )r. . IfemleraoiiS Hotel, where ho ran bo found, unlet profcMimklly -ngtirad. , "" oVew Arrungtintsit.' fll:iE public are rMpcetfuIly Informed, that -V'tho -.ttrmHtite hvm'ni' which ttt hrrn for a number of year tranaaeted by Danirl Cre'ta, acq. f Hditbirry, will in future be con ducted bv me. In the aame buMme-1 where e. Lera&tdWtfftVoif and p4rt17iiUriy will bo pen, to rrn'Wraatiiiitcuim to tiioac no may plcaao to favor ma witb thrir cuttmn. r.nvAui) citrus. StUtbury, M.trtk 28, 1823-47tf T1e Copt)ermm.thinr, and Tin rie biuiiwM, hreUfore trarMclcd by D. Crew, n. aid in future bv cofMiuctrd bv nir, at the ume p're. Tlop who ivor me wi'h Iinrciitmnt mav dc SrM on Iisvina; their work done w it It ticatnc, iriSitit mil dttpatch. Mi U. FhW A III) CREMK. FltiiK tuhtcniiei respectfully irjorm their 1 friend, and the p'tbhc at arge, tint the) butt ocitrL undrr the firm of (Iriimt 0 Cifrr, f r the piir;tNK of ram ing on the above biinrM in all t branrhrt. 1 hry are writ pre- f)vd to make t'l kind uf Wiixtaor and Fancy Chairs, from Sr. to R12J prr t. Gentlemen w ihing clcjfan' chuirm, or trttf-et, may rely up on hviiig 'hrm t '. nantlv niadr at the hip of the aubwriSrea, at al an mher in Ihe Mate. Oi l chain and kl'ni rrpairei!, at a rcatonablc rate, and on hort (iukr. The aiibttriher re alto romplctcly prttiarcd, vtHiti god t(n k of I'nAn r, to u.a' ail loud of Ha'.'tetiit; at from J to 2S. i.r.n v. fiRiMF.s, 1) Ju'lV CHOI'Klt. NORTH CAROLINA. kTi'lC'" COLST. fion ; it DCRTof l'lea and Qiuili r Scmiom, Juiu- rin, 18'.'3. ('niitiatitlne L. llanncr, vt. Robert '.h W inton..trigin:J attachment le. viel on tlnrt)-fivc arre of land. It appctring to the aativliteJitMi ol'lhe (-iit, tltat (!h tleten daut Robert 1. V inxton, n an in inhabitant of another government, it it therefore ordereil that publication he made in the tVettcm Carolinian for lix wet ka, requiring the taid Robert I.. tVin ston, to be and appear, at the next Couit of Pleat and Quarter Prtaiont, to he licit I for tlx county of Stoke, at the court houte in lu-rnmn. ton, on the second Monday in ?tpUn.U r m x then and Utvrw to replevy, piaaii, or umur. o therie judgment w ill he rendered against Inn according-to the plaintiff's drmmttt.- - - vsrmKvr t.rvxyrmrrrT-rr' Trier adr. '"" ' f-D IBfBt tL COl'klT. STPKRIOR Court of l.w frying-Term, 180J. Catharine Cowan t. Ihotnai toaan; I'e tition for divoree. In hi cane it is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three month in theMarand V est' ru t'arolinitn. that fhe delendanl anpeaT at the next court to be held for the county of Iredell, at th f lourt llnutc in Stttville on the 5th Monday after the 4tb Monday in Stptember nett, and plead, anawr.', or demur, otherwite judgement will be had pro coufctt'i, and the cum heard ex pane, Price adv. R4. .imt'ri Slate of tVorlU CaroWna, mrpr.n cocnty. COURT of Equity, Spring Term, 1823 Uliam Sloan t. Sanmcl Carson, David Carton, Andrew Caron, William Carton, Etc a2er Carton, Marv Carton, James Scott and hit wife Martha, Jacob Weathetbv and hia Wife Mar- it appearing to the tatittac.lion oi the court, that the above defiMKlantt live beyond the limits of the State, it it therefore trrfered, by the Court, that publication bo made in the Western Caro linian, for thre montlutuccessively, that unleta the detendantt appear at our next court, to be held for the county of Iredell, at the Court- Houte in Statesvdle, on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead antwer or demur, otherw ise judg ment will be taken pro confesto, at to them and the case heard ex parte. . , JOHN N. HART, C. .V. C. & Paid 4 3mt76 7 MVrft -e-otf n-T-y ,.. O rjPEMOtt Coiirt ofliw, April Tcrni, 1823 1 O Jane Weaver, vt." William AVtttt,er;.;...Peti tTohVdtvorce". "" It t p$tiMiirmVXeiiii&'m of the XJourt that the deremuint it not n inhabi tant of tint State, it ia therefore ordered by the court, thai publication be made for three moittba in the vV ettern Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Row an, at the Court House in Satisbury, on the se cond Monday after the fourth Monday in Sep tember next, then and there to plead, antwer, or demur, or the petition will be heard ex parte. . , III. tilUSS, C S. V. Price adv. R4. 3mt70 T wVotVct. IHIJE.iaJe.of. the Residue of the property; be- JL . longing.to"tue estate o.f Jesse A. Pearsonj deceased, wiH commence at Mock' Old Held in the forki "of tlii Taih," On Wedneaday the 13th of Auguat next, and continue from day to day tlhtil all ia sold,' cotisisting of NEGttQES, Home-, a stock of likclv Cattle, Farming Ctcnsil.i, Houses JlQlAjni .KitcJieji.i'ttrnjturs,, and a variety, of other property; All wlucli, will be aoid without reierve on liberal tcrm( which" will be made known on the days of sale. A. .MiSlii I i , .vain r. rJVy41820. 5166 ROWAN fOOR IIOLSE ESTABLISHMENT, VorttivU. f) T an act of the W Ie'!tnre, th County If Court of Rowan. i auilmr il to aril tht fitt four HmiM l 'l)'l!imr-t, hdltbtl. pmcteda thereof, to porch other boda. and treri ether bu.Hinr ia torn t).or eirJ i- i.u'iort. Th county court tcconlnrty, hare .,iirinted. t. ccnimiite ta. .Kerain, hat evi be 'obtained, fur aatd and improvtimrnia, and to Dik a rrport of the aarnc, . Ib pranii. aracona ata of 2J0acrea xl land. tf frcHcr pirtof whah la wood-Lnd, and eljht oraJn t" Hf booae t tbrr 5 akoaaprinf of ctrriimt wgtcr near tuo houkft. The fihtciiber a ill rccclr propoaJ for tba purrh of aatd eatabUahment from thia tlox untd th WcdneeUy of th tnauinf Augit Court. I'cnona wUhinf to purchaw, wdl al in wrifinf th pric ttcy ar wilUi)f to jive, ana we tcrma oi payment. 1IIOB. lm C'lWAS, Julf J8, mi. , 4wtt7 COMPANT. rn.tKE NOTICE, that a fourth Inatabnrnt of X I en Dollars on each, and every altar of ttotk ttibw-ribt-d, in Ui N. C. Cataaba t ompa. nv. m rrjiired to be patd, to the I reaaurcr in ( htrlot'e on or before th flrt day of January, i ls.tf. Hy order of the Board. Dt'NCAN CAMFBELI, Treo. (kt.UrZVS22. 4wt3 10 Wart Whh fKOM the ubrr bcr,kii.g in 1 the county of Rowan, on the ?4th June, negro nau named lu.voi tl.iabov formerly belonged o (en. J. A. Hearaon, dre'dj be ii well know a bia carriage dri tr and tenant, lie it tktl in !ir"wu Mature, cf very black fon t lexinn. ab.t twciiiyne yeara of age, hi clotliing not re.-oiiecicd. I have no Klea where lie n gone. Any person riving information to the ttibtcritx i , at Mock' Old Field, or securing him in jail, or otherwite, to aa be may be again in my puMM'ttion, thai) receive the above rwrded. E. M. PEARSON. Htn wlwnx IJUOM (be aubtcribcr, on the . nigt.t of the ITlh MarlatT, UENM-S a negro &n, twenty eight onhirty vear of a?e, five feet ix oraeven inrhet hiifh, yel low complexion, say a mulatto) baa a tVnt in bis forehead urea tinned bv a blow , uhrf a far on hit hind from a hurt. Ha a good set of teeth, bold appearance, high note, and w ear a pair of linker, lie look wild him vaho'it rhnhinr, ,j 'id ohtkined a pyrhiit to pat to Mr,. UlUitw , frirtV" Aiiv person apprdtcndiiig taid negro andcoju finf htm in any aJw jail at tW-tmwl t4ia,4 o that I get him, ihatt be' lRierally rewarded, and all reaiumuhle exjiense .paidJiy : Ultir. gil ing iiifurniaiiow to Mr..iicnjamin Colquctt, f.reibrHig, iico. Hcnnia waf purchased by the aaid C'olqUctt, ticrf Fredcrkkttown, Ma. nland, twelve month pst. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, .1 30. 6wt68 ITtROM the tiibtrriber.on the 4th July, a mulatto fellow named RILL, 2j or 24 yeara of age, 5 feet, 4 or 3 inchea high, with a remarkable tin- gular mark on the right aide of bia note, rather of a purple colour, hit clothing not recollected; he ha brew in the- jatf-of tntonTyr"""'' I will give a reward of 10 dollar, to any per on who w ill deliver the aaid negro to me, oe se cure him in jail tot may get hinij or 25 dollar if tolcn, on delivery of him and the thief. If he ha a free pats, I w ill rive a reward of 50 dol lars, for the delivery ol him and the person w ho gave it to him, upon its being tatitfactorily pro- ven that he it the person, I purchased aaid ne gro of Dr. Isaac Philipa of Rockingham county SAMUEL Gl'Y. -.Mrtt CrtrWjr, 4th My, M33-.---6?tf . NORTH CAROLINA. BUeXE COVVTT. SUPERIOR Court of lav, March Term, M23. Liivice Pcnington t. Ezckiel Penington: Petition for divorce and alimony. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defen. dant in thia rase resides without the limits of thia State, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Star and Weatera Carolinian for three month, that tbe defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Rurke, at the Court-House iOon her.nt;tfteairad fli otherwise the petition wijl ejtud ex paitc, and decreed accordingly." . Copy teu? rW-.-HTlOlWCC; C; B. S.V.L. PrW aJ,.g4amt63-i..... NORTH CAROLINA. IREDELL C0OJTTT. r COURt of Pleaa and Charter Sessions, May Session, 1823. Jamca Torrenc w. Charles P. Connor...Original attachment, levied in the hands of Alfred 1). Kerr, and he summoned aa pmiibee ; also, on one negro boy. It appear ing' to the atitfaction of the Court that the de fendant in thia cause retides out of thia 8tate, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for thre month ucca aivelv, that unlets the defendant appear before tliii tourX oil Oie L'Rrardaf oMhriiext term To be he U for the-county aforesaid, kf fef afisyilJe; on the third Monday in August next, and replevy the property Jewed en jvdjle cause. the olaintuT will he heard ex barte. and judgment rendered against '(aid defendant pro CotitettOt .', .. . . Tett, "1rice ach; 4.' R. SlMONTONVCi'. mtn; P the various kindt commonly in uJe, fofsale tbe Ofuce of the Wmiiut U4cmtaa. tnm tkt RUj J?frir, T 11 rreemen of horth-CaroCna, J-'tllmCitixtmt A fret rltlien of tout tialCiUkr ihli met bod of aubmittin fWi out M many weirdly rtawsni, vbicli demontr-to the iualtieai and Bbtolute lircetalty of th amendment comeiutila ted In the Conniption cf North-I'andma. llrtt, thft, at rtaprctVIU presentation t W 31 and ' 3J icctlcnTcif tie fwi 'ci-iJ Conathution f!erlaici,lhat Mcach County th all t entitled to two Rcprccnttlvti ana on Senator, (o L choim inuutliy by btllor .without regard to the rclatha population cf the different counties i while it wa evident even at that oaily pe ilod, (hat a rrtat Inequality did ciUt i twecn tome of the countici, to point of population. I hit inequality, front length of time and many other one nil re cuo, neve grown Into in alarming magnitude. and now pretend the anomaly In rrpubli can government, of minority of chizent circling a majorily of the tncmben'of ihe ucnertl AemiJy of this atate. Our General Aembly it compoacd at tlu'i time of 196 member. if If we take one county, lay Ilockin(-bam, tar . i m m a auorainjf a tumclcnt population lor three delegate! and apportion the rrpre acntaiion in the other countlc agreeably thereto, we ahould only have 16 J mem ber in the legitlaturci 34 leai than there arc al prcacut. There woulJ be i laving tu the atate by the reduction of ihl num- ter olniciiiucrtol ft J. o(o annually. I lie federal ix pul.noii of North-Carolina, a I, recti v lu the ccutua of tl0t ia 556, 693. One hundred and ninety two thou taitd two hundred and ten woula coaipo , the populatkin of 32 counties, which tend 96 member a majority of three in both hotiiei viz. two in the Common, nd one in thenciiitte; the consequence is, that they engross lo themselves all the mo mtntary power of lent-ilJiion such for ififctjiift as those of pasting laws loaned your lives, liberty and property. Alao, (he power of conferring appointment oth executive, judicial and military. And respect the Niter, of promoting brought!) the gradations from a Captain up to a Major-General Neither should the primary powcrof deputing our Sena tor to the United Mates Congress beo mined in enumerating the formidable pe ogativo exercised by a mere bardful of tht people ol NorthCarolina, through their ageiifs Irf the Central Assembly. lkaidcs.1!:.: counties aboye.spoken, of tTrere it-3t oihcrs in jhe state ihat con. tain a population of 364,483, but repre tcwicu ouocr toe prcacui aonaiuuuoo oj only" 93 Tnembcr in" the Icgislaiure. 1 hese 93 members are the reoresenta tivesof 172,275 federal numbers more than the 96 to whom they stutsj opposed In other words, it is obvious that a mine yf aoirretbinr likeuneThird of thepo pulation ol the Mate, governs a corrts ponding majority of two thirds. As re gards the revenue paid into the public treasury by the 32 counties that are re rt,r4Jftj2u:robrav.kamaiuuiM. only 20 825 65: while on the other hand the remaining 31 counties that have a minority of 93 member pay 45.763 63, winch 1164,112 33 morelhao doU blc the amount of the contribution of the , former. To continue the contrast which we are drawing between the political im munities, we dUcover one county paying a revenue of 8 1,935 13 on land and pole, silhcjamtrimeihaiiifowberswRet er pay the inconsiderable sum of 8137 10 on the like property. Notwithstand ing which vast disproportion, between the five separately, and the one large county, in regatd to the revenue contributed by them, the former are aggregately repre sented by 15 members, and latter only by 3. 1 he citizens of the five small coun ties must consequently possess five times as much power in governmental affairs as tbe citizens of the large county. And when id freemen of North-CaroUna are tslicio tryr the one oul that payi enxcjcisf : re Ycnuc,.oy$onliopve nye9li)f rs, mRst in addition to other intolerable grievan ces,' furnlshamtich larger quota of miti (ia than the five together. .Neither can rte presenrtHoTlefT'epmeTnaTldnTD defended on the principles of territory I for we there find as great a difference in the different counties, aa there are in, the revenue and population. But ahould any ene be of opinion that the 33 counties with a population of 192,3 10 federal mem bers are entitled to 96 representatives, their present number) I would ask if the re mainlng 3 L coUnjtiesi IaUon; principles of equity and justice, equally fjititle.d;tA.J.8emb;rcsiii.p9ce:.b 93 tnetr present numoert ur in outer weru if Washincrton county with a population of 3,319 federal numbers, is entitled to Ihxee repjcseniiiiiyest RocVlogbttn. witb her federal population of 10,284, is on the sfame -principles: entitled to in place of 3 her present number. There ere moreover $ or 6 counu$i whose revenue d net par thrtr Immeiiiat rrprft.t lives. 'The deficit consetr mly, coraes out ef the pockets of the iliizrns oC the larger Ciuntlrs. Ho thai, ftlluw-ti le h, a msjoriiy of you M totn tiled tft torn ' penvtte, by w of Ux-tion, a poil'.n of , JeglsUtor who are n ior immrt'iate , servants who know hut little of sotir In terttrfrrd aerHifmiw, nd earrwiiil Irs-' alout litem." f trt s on are nude, in a morsl fo.nt ol view lo acanowienga your Impotence and lecivta!o aglnvt your own sovertlgnrf. Upon the whole, aft rT maturely eontrmplaiinir the Oelerls n our eilsting Constitution have, with high reverence for the ronsrr.rsied mrit of - the authors of that Instrument, and with a due sense f the dingers eonqint unon innovation In lontr established lostl tutioiis, adopted the solemn sod unequi vocal belief, that as rrtpr!s one leature in the rotifctltutjoti of North Carpl'ios, vix. annual sessions of he LeiclsUturi, they are of no adrquate benefit to the L State, and should be ahrdithed. 1 he va ilous reason for this deliberate conclu alon, I will not attempt to nir w ithln the limited coinpn of n address like the , present. SufJW it to Sav, ihrt the mind of man 1 too artlve to remain tmemploy rd. That to afford it a useful and iligni - fied developerorni, vou most both in pri vale and in public life, restrain it within sphere where the objects of the stttn lion are neither too numeroii, nor too fitniliar, A regard leKivlation, a mub tiplicitr of subjects re too well calcula ted to beget embarrassment lo adopting measures, and j proportionate unfitness in their operations. A perpetual or fa -miliar recurrence of the same mailers, .. leads to superrerogation, or disposes an . assembly of legislators, lo tamper IX cesslvely with every thins; that hal sire dy been accoinplithed. Such are the ef fects of inuliipltln and rendeiing loo familiar the object of a legislators attcn ' lion. In my estimation nnul session! if the General Assembly infallibly lead to the evils just intlmsted and there- --1 tore it is that I deprecate lhm,and greaU -ly prefer biennial sessions. I prefer the latter because I think that lecislatios un der such a system would keep pace with and not outrun the necessities of the states I prefer them because I am convinced that witb biennial sessions the legislature would be betieficlally.employed.in .mak ing hws for the ictaat necessiiies of thj r community, at they' realljr and s nccessive tf-presentert tncmsetres ; tnsteett oi linir their lime and the public treasure, in n l endleis round enacting ffpeat-ZT ing, and reinstating the same as fs the " case under ihe present Constitution-",. Aa one argument in favor of biennial sessi- ' ' ons ol the legislature, look at me ex pence of that body In its session during the-rer" 1 8 1 h Tht,r-etstftrr-cot tbr state 883,419 91.,. which expence mar , be safe! assumed as Ihe average expence . of the legislature every year hereafter . as long a annual sessions shall continue teJbcJeWL44ferWhsre be-eorr-; encd once in two years, instead of every year and the making our law will cost but half what they have heretofore done for example, the session of 1131 produc . , ed by way of compensation to the mem bers and printing the l. exacted by .. them, an expenditure of 33.49 1 J tak ing this expenditure the nnu..l cost of . th leifiUtuie for ten vear onlv, the kr.(b of :- time, would under the prese t rnnstitu tion sink to the state the sum of 419,- 98,. If there be certainty in arhhmetU cat calgjufions, snd no additional extra " vagance of official compensation was to follow change of the constitution (sn v event by no means to be anticipated 1I ; ennial sessions would cost just tin If ot the above named sura in ten years, and. lesve the other moity as a handsome sur plus to. be .vesteifby. the ovcrnmr pt .ia nw iin nf the - laudable "riroffctS' now on foot Jbr advancing internal improvcmcDt V . teriari ior.i.pporUonbg; .representiitioft, and allow, two. commoners and one Sena . which comprise the present population of ; ,. Uockingham, we sfiSuTdTso curun the present fiumber of representatives as to dispense with 34, snd thus realise an ad ditional aaving to the state of about g 600 each session, which in five sessions would amount to g8,000 1 the latter sum added to JS 1 67,099 92;, the gain in ten years by : exchanging annual for biennial sessions of the legislatore, presents a ecoivomical. and salttutr .,teuwhif,a..,,. , would certainly attend an alteration in tne ' tonslitutjbrUn.e fcpve exposed, according to the mode aug Rested. I am of opinion that I may as . sume, without the least temerity, that the ' r framers tjf.our constitutiort DYtc.iptend-.. ed it to operate as it does. I would ask, if it be possible for t rational -mind to suppose that such a constellation of re- publican sages, could have wi.hed erds ... -.'a. ' . . .. .. -