a - V t : - ; 1 1 n l ir M 1 ",l It :t r lit !1 , i ' I . . h 1..ur t ! I t ! ..i lr miii' y . . i! - , !'.,: ,f J the '.:i:iti,Uui. lUc'.f ? w.i'i tub n i.!, i wt ;i at Were ii n--t Ini T.mIIS t St. prrt If .'irtof ttf having 111 the rM i ! r rd t Mitir cjrnntd fere ly" whit h would (;arii lc a few at iht expense a the neny f Or wf haidnfj in tentkma'ly MJ th fundati for the erf ; Ing evils which actually resulted from the ublime, though human, and nc cetsarily Imperfect labour f Were It nl the grossest sacrilege, lr. word, to lm pule to those great and good ruen any prospective assent to that odious rcult af ..- .our Constitution (altogether woforrieeo to them) which hat finally rUed toine . Hi fr stwv the majority of the people, and Invested them with unlimited control wtr'ik liberty smd proprief ne American can here either think or fed tUffcrently from me, I would bluth at hit hardihood, oJ lament hit degeneracy i iroclslm the thimefat enormity, "Tell t not In Math, publish it not In the itreeti , ofAskalonr 1 npe it, no manof ordins . tf comprehension, whether be hit ever teen the Bill of Right or not, can be de luded Into en I Jet that the lllustrlout frt- Inert ef our comtitu ion,-tt ell Intended that t miooritr, however organized, ; should govern a majwlty. Such en Idee li at ar with the genius end character of that Initrumenti It wholly Irreconcila tie to the dictate of common tense, and import monttrout libel upon the aaget I 76 The proceeding! of the Legit let u re immediately and fur tome lime af ter the adoptloq of the Constiiutlon, when that body wit composed principally bv the identical men who framed the consti tutiont tatlsfactorily thew a solicitude on their part to etttblish the principle of equal representation st'tbe earliest perl- od epon t eonplcdout and firm founda tion. For at Itt first teuton, held under the constitution in IT77, we find that bo dy dividing end tubdlviding man of the original counie, so st to make them J more equal la population and representa tive weight. I hit equitable policy wat pursued, session after. session, up to the year 1789, when resolution passed the General Assembly, recommending the Calling s Convention, with limited pwers to adopt the Federal Constitution, locate - the seat of government, and allow the town of Fayelteville a reprcsentativei on the tame principle t with other represen tative lk ought in the State. But when we reflect upon the inauspicious timet in ' which our Constitution wat framed when we call to mind that it originated Jn 1778, at the commencement of the American Independence, it it s matter of rreantonicr snd'tdrniriTiointiit ruth an instrument, craueu amiusi similar ne lilt. amid4 the ajroniet of TevoJutbartitd th-4urmoilt of 4lien-hoDcresJ cootest. ihorrtdfceiiprTfecTM hliisnd marred s by tV few 'practical - defectt-T Nevertht 'Jest, from the causes mentioned and the absence of appropriate lights, in both an ' cient and modern history, to guide our ancestors in modelling -the plan of the C'ot'uuUoo t it hat filled Ut antmeziome ' of itt Important ends and duct, unquct. tionablyi to great extent, operate on Us oppressively. Out the framera there of wisrly engrafted the 2 1st seitiontf the v ofivh CptiLMrjopw.itiJ. U.al a nrqueni recurrence io lunaamen tal prln iplct, is absolutely necessary to preserve the blenings of iibtrty; This ' they did front a conviction, that after the storm of war had subsided, the sariout . changes in the Condition of the people, consequent upon tho reign of peace and proiperltv, in our ijncwouiu demand a rritificati'n,at times, of their fundamen tal charter i and no doubt from iferWa alon that when amendments thereto be ' came necessary, the people would alWavs be blessed with public men well qualified for rerurnng to the nrst principles and ' framing those amendments'. But, when : peace succeeded the toils of revolution, t 4 Hi ! r jf lit - the minority ol Nortn Carolina, in con sequence of their superior facilities for acquiring uomunun, atiuaiir uiu iaac an power into tbeir own hands, and uniform y retained the same, to the stern, uncom "promtsm nrwtrarjr pfttiei-ereateertty ih!a-mwrMae,ss::itritrater?a!tMu 1 .l."n, WIJ.Vl'V.JV!Ly.MJ,,JMIftT cd no resolution for calling a Convention ttT-t-Ccntefltionr this -pn-weT" woultf be laid prostrate. . At long, theielore, at 4ewuwlt4nhe-ay4wreT- - wH ' rter ODDose the convening of a political hotly t before whose indignant frown it would be unable to stand an instant, with out cerium 'annihilation. The effects of a Conreniiotvir one had seasonably been Called, would have been putting down the minority, whh all their appendages of a ' ristocrtcy, many years tinimd theret- ' thution of .t'hejmajoritwjoheir inherent " aTHja'-wWnae, in the great . foully dcmonStred,! " stttulpn "Is" vltTited I " Ity .tetious rlefectt which call for efficient and Bleed cor " rection- J-L " '' ,. V - ; It must be tha wish pf every patriotic "ind "ReneroujTfiin(f io ue The nerosiry '. i -..it ..t . ji ui...i.i r-...s . tution renovated its primitive elements once more brought into tttion, temp r- ' t' . .1 ir 'i'S t,( H 1 H i' df ',. t'.r i v i . ! a I"' 1 4 ri f,l: , I jtit I d i' 'i i h' i t U-.I a'.'jnietin.e it thiir su;'e'.i';n ;,t vt t:r.i'u:it I'Uf, tiir.t'Uty oi f i ! ' i r,! im!itiios them io sntli'n the j-fud wfl:u.t:ijc Vuw wii I ol fcr tht.r f u,i..',(.l re; crciti'i. Ourprcvcm system tf t( jireciitj Ln It altogether re pugnaiii end suV.crie of llio tiered principle, u;.fi which alone ft Can bo le gitimatelr graduated. It It excloaivr, not lix lu.ic lr itt benefits t nay, ills s dowtiri.ht mnnmxAf of priilrg, rather than a compound of jusucdnd fairtqua lity. I, am alo eonsrlmlniit that Vprth rari.Hria"owlJ lias rnfh"7 sliced by precedents as by neeesaify, in alterirtgif r Cnnstltutton tt a proof of which,! should refer you to both ejiclejiitjmdrn'Mlern his IbryVanJ partlcuTar eianipiet wliico fcavV been afforded her by a host of her sister States, touching the nationality end the Safety of modifying their respective local Constitutions, by merely designating the states which have actually amended their Constitutions. I do hope, without addi tional rettoning, to dissipate tit prejudice. which may exit among ray fellow eli te ns, against renovating our own Consti tution on account, of the novelty anta crilege of the undertaking. According, then, to a complication of the American Constitutions, extending, in point of time, up to the year 1818, which it now before me. tnd to documents touching the subse qucnt Convention in New -York and Con necticut, furnished by the public prims of the day, it appears that Connecticut. New-iork, IJelaware. Maryland, Geor gia, bouth-CaroIina, Pennsylvania and New-lfampshire, eitrht out of the thirteen of the original Slates, have respectively changed their Constitutions ; that the change in each of these States has been for the better. I cannot, for a moment, question that their enlightened example Mill h.,e its proper weight with ihe freemen of North Carolina, in deliberating upon the con templated fh.inges in iheir own Consti tution. I will not despair or aut re ts un til my hopes are sadly frustrated by the event. May we not, moreover, most sanguine- ly hope from the lights ol the age, and the resistless march of lilxral sentiment over the .bunion of the civilized woihl. that the proud era is at hand when the people of North-Carolina, yielrting to the cclet'iil iiiflutnre of reason, will Hand up In all the ctrctnest and deomn wtm h they should assume, and proclaim their determination to be really free, and uni versally honored. Civ us a few amend t l I ! f f If . ments to the ConsiiMi'ion. airrh athavrl'ine rlivisions in Persia; but the latter pactwutartxrd jve to the body the people the same -immunities indit cnratnatclv. ana -Korth-Catolins, tmong oeifatilitreT"of herhew 7testiiiytTriri no longer tlraln herself of wealth and tnt habitanii'ld augment the prosperity of other btates. On the ennuarv, her re sources of every kind will infinitely mag nifyher wealth and population will soon arrive at an enviable pitch in fine, the etts-tn4 srfcneeerryrmHVslens- ery spur to physical and intellecturjl im provement, will speedily exalilUs State from comparative obscurity, to the pinna tie of national grandeur. Under the in fb'eive' searwfc.-ornpiapt- trsaosiviijN and deeply impressed bv various other considerations! whir.h the tompast of the present communication has ex eluded from notire, I am bound to be oi opinion that all the enlightened citi zens of the East will unite in sending Delegate, equally irpiesentiiifr, the free men of this State, to meet those of the like kind fium the West, at Raleigh, on the-wrond ' Monday in November next. for the purpose of proposing arm ndmenta to the Constitution, to be submitted to the people for their ratification, A CALM OBSERVER. Jttcting ham Ca. June 21. 1 - 'ii' i , i INTELLIGENCE. -2',lin war adventures new." "" roR MOAT. raox itXDOiv nnsa to rat Jrn wax, bi- XWlf-'BitrrAi.'f stored and. .the Courier remark s t hat hit apeafaocOie.rouic such as to impart the hjghet gratifies tlonVt" HlSwMiieaty givo audiehec to thc-j Dutcll Ambassador on the same day. - - - TheHiondon' Getette-ofi ttins'a proclamation of the King of Eng land, prohibiting his tubjectt from enlist ing or .engaging, in any manner, in any foreign service, tinder the penalty of fine and imprisonment. He also prohibits the fitting out or equipping, in any of bis dorjtnions, vessel for warlike purposes, io pe engaged in oenaii oi any loreign povtc. . - - -. Outrages still continued to be pernetra ted'fn lrelani" Mftirder, robbery, and hngstiM kock ana nts party. Marshal Da v oust, Pnnce of Eckmuhl, died at Paris on the 2d of June, of a tlis ese of the Inngs. y trDiifahde Alarefiel is coming to the United -States as minister from France. ; I he celebrated north country pedest rian,; Ralph Abcrntthy, recent) walked' been oart?fuhrtxrd--Give to the bodv ofls'ourt does not seem'tobe uneasyand l,i ;,.,' i i 1 I... - - J ' ' " Im la ;J I 'J tiHriU'f S 10 ; - ' U ts. letters from Hi. J'cterar-h renew t!e repris that the tomrnenc ement of bos li.'nifS brtern the HussUnt at.J Tuiks is nut Ut dis!af.t. There has been a talk of rcal'm the nutikUn MhWter at Taris, M. Capo d'Is lri to !4t. PetersburKh. Lieut ennnt-Genrral Baron Toil It tp. panted Adjutanl Cenersl to hit Majesty and Ueutenant General Ilowaisky com (under in chief of the Don Cossackt. One hundred tnd six foreign thipt bad arrived tt Cronsudt, up to the Itth. tttEWCS, TVfilCS, AND rtUSIANS. The Aorfsborgh psptr of Miy?ff3yi aUe learrw front itcrct thai, lioin the 18th of April to the Jh, Tutklsh, troops pasted every dsy thro' that town, march iriz UKtme More 4 . Utteis from the tsme (own, of the 3d of May, state that the freeks ol the Isl and of Ihasot bad attacked and complete lr defeated a Turkish ditMon proceed Inir alonir the coast towards Salonica. It is also stated, that at that peiiod, the cila del of I arissa had fallen into the bands of the Greeks. Lettert from Bucharest state, that 500 houses had been destroyed by a fire hich lanlv broke out there. Almost all of them belonged to Jews ; it wit not known how the fire originated. 1 hn plague wat in Bujurkdere, but the contii;i"f had not spread amnif ine furks, A-inrnins, and Jews ; but It hat begun to spread into Alexandria. Can dia and Tsrc still suffer from its ravages. Advices from Constantinople are to the 36th of April, at which date that capita eniuved entire tranquility, which would be sid further cpnfiimrd by the sailing of the Rrea'er part of the fleet, the crewa of which frequently commuted excesses. 'I he fuMrcttcs of I'atios, ( oririth, Lepan to, th casilrs of the Morra, Ceron, Mo lrn. Nrgi 0oni. and Carito, were still in p i session of the -lurks. Ihe govern men's of Ochii and Elbessan had been litcly added to the Vice Hovaby of the I'ortr, which would enable him to make (frr,t armainrtits for the approaching campaign. I he rendezvous of the tf oops to act agaiust the Greeks would be at La riksa, in I hcssaly. The report that the negotiations be tween Persia and the Pone are broken ofT, Ix-cause the lifter absolutely refuses to rede Ihe districts fjrmrrjv belonging io Persia, and which it seized upon dur ing the intenial treuhles in the kingdom, is renewed and asserted with confidence. It seems thst the Diyn, in resolving not to icld lht point, defends on fresh inlet- uneasy. ha given orders to prosecute the war with fresh -s-jgor. - Its Smii hern-Army ( w hich had lenonsiderablr 'rclfifyrced, was expected near Bagdad, the Pacha be ing ton week to resist ; he has applied to all quarters for aid, but bat received very few reinforcements. It seems that the Southern Persian Army is destined to penetrate to Syria, and the Northern to take possession cX-Arruaua. A general lew against the Pertiant is expected in 1 urkey in Asia. FRANCE AND SPAIN. lokdok, (Sundav evening,) jue 8 Pans, thC journals of Thursday and Tri-, a vessel at Lisbon. On the 6th, the day Lst. I he Regency which has been ' Ring, accompanied by the Queen, who installed at Madiid, to govern during the), an active part in the restoration, en- captivity of the King, has begun 1o exer rise its functions. One of its first acts hs hem the appointment of Ambassa dors io all the Courts of Europe. It has aNo endeavored to brand with treachery and cruelty the successful ...resistance made by Ilessieres and 'Kis TolIbwer ' The details ol this affait, as now publish- rd, have, we suspect, been exaggerated and colored, in order to throw odium on the Constitutionalist and their cause Oflirially, we ure informed that the troop wnirn were tn Martrid and the neighbor hood, under AbUbal and 2r as, have re tired to-1 alavera and tstramadura, leav ing the road .of Seville open; and in a hri.vst letten it is stated that two c'Otp ortne, rrcw;k army , were to jut Madrid on..Uia.jsiL fiL.Juneiuidet. UeiMural Jioud- 4 i aoult and liourmont, proceed- to A hat '4tt:inff-1a-dajot.T-Ablaai;itTy aiuuai pytn in his resignation, nd remain in pnvacy tn vnenerghborhooo; ot Madrid E-UVE8PO0L-Af ARRET Monday, June 10Cotton. The mar ket has continued exceedingly lively, and notwithstanding the extent of business done during the last three weeks, and the recent large arrivals, the spirit ol speculation has received little or no check the demand from the trade has also been very animated, so that the ag gregate transactions since our last report 4- weeded 3, 7,600 .breaihe effect of these transactions on' the currency has hccn-aoreabanceoieni -Hf-.ciriftdvW Uow eus, Alabamas, end OMeansj ,d. to d., otj Maranhams and Pernams, which" were much sought" after by the trade. Irt other qualities, little or.no yariation can' he nouced, except in low and middle quulmes of Sea Islands, for which rather higher prices were paid. A thiblic tale on Ttiday of 523 bales of Demararn, !.;:!c4ii0tV-tcr.t.M , j rat .'erfa. trrtir Ittrly at Turpentint rocs full rati I. loo-) bids. wcro' taken from the quay at Us. pr cwt. In tr n talct of cooseqtience have trantfired. j"Pir, Ut . The transsctlont In Brl tish Plantation Sugart amount t hhd. at very stead; prices. 3"tJff--The piincipal demand bit been for Virginia tnd Kentucky leaf, 40 hhdt. of which were taken fur the Irish msrkeVtnd 3J hhdi.' for liporl at pre vbut rates. The manufacturer conti nue to buy In limited quantities tome small Inyestment be, however, been made ifi Virginia temmed.of the t)ew to, to IU ttttnvtf jmLt2J$Ell little yriatjon from the r.urrtnt prkea. m'01TTld5lJa.XX3iaCClL rMitaDtirnu, ivir 17. Ctpt. Shecd, of the ship Factor, ar rived at this port, 33 day from St. Ubes, stales that Portugal had remained per fectls tranquil without any apprehension uf disturbance, until about the 27th cf May, when 10,000 men, undrr Gen. Sa peiveda, revolted and declared in favor of the King. Gen. Spcleda hid been one of the strongest advocates for the Consti tution, and had brought the revolution to it height in the most secret manner, it not being suspected until the troops re volted. Our informant state, that it was supposed to have been effected chiefly by bribing the soldier and non-commission-cd effirert. After he had completed it, he waited on the King expecting to re reive a reward for hi fidelity, but the King would not receive him. He was afterwards severely beaten by his own iroops. On the 30th of May the Intelligence reached St. Ubes. when one regiment immediately joined the cause of the king, and compelled the inhabit ants to illuminate their dwelling. On ihe following day they sent their Colonel to march in the regiment commanded by a corporal to meet the King. st Lisbon there was an entire stopprge in business. A division who had been in f.ivor of the Constitution, were afrai l of their live, as the King's party were prin cipally soldiers ami disaffected pet sons without a commander. I he inhabitants having no means of defence quietly sub mitted. On the troop leaving Lisbon to join the King, the different prisons were left unprotected, tnd the prisoners, amount ing to about J 000, to seek shelter for themselves. In one prison in particular, St. George's Castle, the prisoners, to the amount of JOO, bad, by some means, (sup posed by the sssistance of the soldiery,) iofintothe prisofs about 300 ball catridg es, together with a quantity of arms, and had ..formed a . wH dif;etfdLjti tr bum Lisbon, and lake-possession, tf the. pta. perty tf the merchants and the money in the vaults of the lmnks Ui(, fortunately, the city guard discovered the plot in time to secure them. On the third of June, one regiment marched into Lisbon with the young Prince at their head, on whom they con fcrred the honorary title ofXTommandTF in Chief. The town of Lisbon was quiet ; I lew respectable peopio to te seen, anu only the rabble and soldiers shouting Viva 1 rt Fey. The Corte had adjourned on tercd Lisbon, and was received with all the honor that could be expected. When forced, the King issued a pro clamation to the people, informing them, that they should again have a Constitu- iP!x!L.raodj&ed- is very unpopular with the higher and mid dle classes of the people, and many will leave the country as soon as practicable. They fear and say, that it is only the be ginning of the revolution ; and a number of provinces will not submit.. The far mers are all for the Constitution, and where it will end no one know. There was very little sulci about Spain. The French had entered Madiid, without any opposition j' and itTtf as re ported that t he rtrolmlor frPoH'u Spanish eeuse-ljie embargo had betr'"ould the moulds in atugap-dish, buried in the TJfJLJWmmiazmv-jwcr hr-Hjobert -Vilsons stated to have r- rived" it Oporto on the 31st of May -if this' belrue,"we "may" safely cohefude thai the patriotic General finds that it is all up ! On the 6ih of June, the order for pro hibiting the entering of French vessels of war into Portuguese ports, was revoked and commanders of the forts on the coast were ordered to render such vessels all the assistance which they might wsm and to treai them as those of a friendly and intimately allied nation. By an or der of the same, date, ail persons impri soned on. account of thwr. political opmi ons, were to be Unerased immediately. I iy flnjger;Oi , els were to jbeikllowed passports for ant j of the ports of Brazil sssstataaHMataaaQBjaMBaMea-ww . - The, Boston Daily Advertiser states. that there are now building in that city about two hundred houses, a large pro portion of which are large and elegant I dellinj-housc,s " ... .. v 1 t.'f.HIi A Y HOIi.MMi, Al'O, S, llil. Tt rciaiiMiatiT. meHean" l On f!e, and will prulallv bs pullidifd, In a f. weeks. "Jatinii la en a a.ljrct, and In a thapt, that Bay lead to coinBiunifationi of a dlaputa. tiou nature fuhts we would wUb to art'u, pajticulaHy In iratter of rtfigwo, -Jwtit la ca our taLle j but w e have coiv rhulrd to dlacootiiiue u'tlldiing any more of W 'i 4giiMUkal i f t " gerUyn tliey art not of I character lJ luUrest t.any of our readers, fewef whom will perplex their brslm longta - '.I .1.. . t L I lll. - ! eompoun-led of 3 7 cf a bark tooth, and 24 of the treond meal of the day." ' In fae, there It as little ingenuity, u there i iotcrtst,la these nr!iiimed tnigmsa. Hnijtnt, to a young I -ad w atering her f.lant a,") L. - lit . L... - - - . I i I t I, iiti iiami. ii, hit, lir c, ucirmiincu what to do with him, whether to transplant h'nl to our mnta'a comer, or to let him rtmsia in the gsrden, and vegetate by the aide of lUx NaiW)' watering-pot ' - A Tmfve" rings too loud on the fitter nity of Justices! A good Justice ol the Pckc, it blessing to hit neighborhood there art some good onti j and for the take of the good, we ahouk have some mercy on the bad ones, " llrtrmado,' riles very wtU j and we should ov jim oi niicorrespoiMjenee inaa.iieremsT)ij but at present he cornea in somewhat "a ques tionable shape." Were w to judge from tha manner in which he wield hi prn in irony, we would aay, that he need not shrink from meeting his friend "Common Sense," in point blank ar gument. To such a course w would advise him. The communication, without a name, on the practice of electioneering, et altera, come to hand too Lte for this week's paper. The senti ments contained in it, art good i but they are to much l.ftcd up on stilta. After applying to it the pruning knife, it shall appear in our next A CAUD. " Ta PHntei't brvif presents his compli ments to M Appleton," and begs that io bit next -communication he will rrmamber his srafci, ret-' ital and iptVinf, otherwise it may be difficult to find out whether be. is agsinat or for Mr. Craw ford. WIDOWS. There are, at this time, not lest than 34 arid, owi residing in the tow a of SaLabury, and mU n$ widow er. Ihe tact is a curious one ; but it. it easily accounted for. . . . . .. Aetf Civnltrftiltn &ra np"." . A friend srnles ua from Lincolnloa, that oo the 27th instant, certain persons, by the name of I)aUd GOtam, Mn Poiecrt, Ckriitian Rhodes .Michael flhym and others, were arrested, and brought to examination on the charge of coun- mittcd to bail, and the others committed to iaiL n the course of the examination information h akrd out aa to the place w here their apparatus for coining was concealed : a party set out in Gillum Towers, they there, by a curious acci dent, found tw enty dollars, manufactured prin-" cially out of pewter, but very badly executed : they also found 15 more concealed in a piece of w oods not far from the house, these last were in a very imperfect state, not as j et hav ing received the impression of the stamps. It remained yet to find out the moulds, and these were also brought to light in acortOuf msrmef " During the time, while the party were making their search, they were regaled with many gen tle oaths and appropriate epithets from the La iCe$ of GiUam, and David Power : at length, Mrs. Powers, in a canting way, said to the party, " that they had better dig up the garden," the searchers observing signs of alarm in the coun tenance of the other fair one, at thi unseasona ble remark of her companion, determined to take- her aLher jKird they commenced search" in? '1irth 'uVnTn4'4avai7'Ae' ime,- "eannrs - pewwif - 'iuKt -mtiy-OTOcrWgTet. tnti necessary to sirrzsii tlie tradft ooiaSg dollarcy In the course of lie difTejnt.rcbei,- about 60 dollar were found with the party. . Our readers; we have no doubt, would be sur- prised to hear that all this has been going oa in the neighborhood of their ok! acquaintance, Abraham Ctllint, and he has no hand in it but let them check their surprise, for old Abraham, and young Abraham too, w ere there : they were implicated, examined, and com mitted to jail young Abraham it a grand-son of the old one, and, from all acoounts, bids fair to be worthy of the atock'frora whence he young one.ia about lo years of age. iTijeeat.ecma who joae.lime Since, . discovered tha Silver mine iu Lincoln : it w. now ascertained to be a trick of theirs, to cover their counterfeiting operations. . . The citizens of Lincoln) and its vicinity, de serve Well of the community, for their perse verance in detecting title rang of villain -tbey spent 4 daye In searching out arresting, and pj,,, jvtie, unta eauncdVand eonmiitted-

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