U i1. I i" h. I J f , I. I i tl.e it- m ' '! !.',: frcrri.cn, t!. ( fc '-f eojir .krr the r ;;M ' If 'rnmc.nt. It M t'l la fi !, ti tt l! f i.j'uiil n' f'iM tS the Uu, fit,.'..'. 11 th tfTut of V ihiv log It v'ue in In rt tnai'on if m; f.W t 11.U U wrong. WUr U n t tc w iJ. I.i , u taute ltfWt fiom tvery I..II that iwellt In tb landscape i th light i4 Jusvrn U not let glo. rioul because U aliinc riially huf thou Id W esteem tg' ur saffn'S, brc.use w art eild to their tXerclacoitcw in firry ycsr. Ilul Jhoacver much we may uudcrv ahi , it, there are part of the world in wbUh rte people '' ! fforfhc'SsniernirilrEt witbaHth fsrvowr . tLu lover Lugi,.r the uilt w Li darling Buttress. It was for tUb Out France poured out bcr blood In rrentsj Hut ata t to m pur. pM i It w lor ibis, idm uevoiea npain it now etrugg Cnj against the- leagued tvrsnts of tl eld world. t'pon the wise, discreet, and virtuous eirr CtM of O'i fr.hia, d peiwl, n era titan noun all other ctutii, the coutinuaort, of tL Llr sing of a IWovernnient, ami of jrotid Las very nian, then, when be, goe to the poll ahoulJ go till pure band . and an upright heart i be should keep In mind, that lir it vo ting not only fur himself, but fur 'la- e mini mily t large i all narrow views tJ nlfnh fc'clirg aliouU b cut to (!( wind i and be shuu'd let bi vot respond to the question " Wlnc'i it the man brat qua) fled in khm, and virtue, to acrve the public V But, ajai ! ibiet not rot. mm observation, ahow ui, thf there arc manv wrbo act upon different priiK plct ' Men who, Ike poof Eaau, Bell their birui rtjTit fur inrtti of postage or a pot of ttron drink S Theae mrn in to be nitied. and were thev rr.ore numrnxic to be f,ad. But if the vnta irr a l, hilil khil iiill r thftiirht nf ih.- U. r f They, indeeil, dracrve the eieera'iona of all honeet men, ami tbe aeverett p naltirt of the indignant law i let no auch men he tmrej. The man that would ne anithrrout of bit free suffrage, wtmld, if opportunity wat fi'ting, cheat bitn out of hie property, such mrn art- only restrained in their conduct by the fear of justice. Let u pray -that none auch will rite Up among ui. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION', I.N' 1801. Our reader will all remen.ber, that Mr. Jef frraon, at hit firtt term, wai elected Prrtident f the Cnited State! by the lloute of Keprt eentativei. At there U mme probability that the next Preaident may be thoarn in the aantc ay, we preaume that tbe following brief histo ry of the proceeding on that occasion, fiom the pen of a participant, will not be unaccepta ble to our reader. Xxtratt fnm a iimlar trfte latt jLJletuUtttn, i. datri Ftbnory 2ttA, 1801Ar ihm A'tfiiZ-V-;-' .7.r; "' M On the 1 1th instant the vote for Pre tident end Vice-prewrlcnt of the United Sulci were counted in the Senile rluni ber, when ii appeared that Mr. Jrflicrtoti and col. Burr had each 73 votei, Mr. A dam 65, general Pinrknev 64, and Mr. y one. IJtc Jluuie. cd-Ucpcc.M.tuuvv immediately proceeded to choof. I, states a Prciident from the two liihcM on the list ; on the firt ballot t i;ht M..t( s voted for Jffiemon, tix for Hurr.nnd two twwt .rliviJeel v.Xbe. Uiir.s.tbtvow4 fo Jejtnm, are If ew-York, Kpw Jersey, 1'ennri Ivania, Virginia, jv N'ortlU'arolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Those for Lurr, New-Hampshir, Mattachiiat'tt, ltbodc-lsland, Connecticut, Delaware, v. bouUi-Carolina. Kentucky, . Mar land and Vermont were divided. We continued to vote without, sepa rating until 9 o'clock of the nexi morning; the result was uniformly the same ; the house then suspended further ballotiing until 12 o'clock ; when, on trying it again, there appeared no variation in the votes; we continued voting from clay to clay, without doing any other business, unti the 17th instant, when, on the 26th ha' lotting, ten states voted for Jefferson, four for Dutr, and two put blank tickets into iha basv t .Mf Jefferson, was Ahen uedar-i . etf Presidetof Jtbtf United States,- from the 4tjbj of Jklm hJit&U , 'i btviiiltJaUstl Btipported coJ- llurr - and the tJemocTJftt those ttlrrncn are accepti.bJje.Jto theiie derali-ita ;. but of the two they prefer col Burr."- roa thi wtsTEaa caiourux- Fourth July at H'iHeiboreugh, J'. CartEna. A gTeat many of the inhabitant of Wiike and some of the adjoining counties, tnet at YVilkesborough on the 4tb instant t Gen. Stokei w a appointed President of the eVw, and Ha- jor John Finley Mce Prcwdtnt ; Col It. Brown J r Marshal. The Militia comsniei T Capt, Van ..nl..CApLLYi:ell -Mofbepaar when the" ' declaration of Independence wsi re and -an igpjc eloquent oration was delivered by Hugh M; Stoke, esq. to the grost gratification of the atulience. After hear ingth declaration read, and the oration deliv ered, 'the company with the militia marched in proces'ion to 4t cool spring on a Branch of the Yadkin river where 'si elegant dinner had been provided by Capt, VaMoy, and wbert the !'..!.. ., ... r .1 ., ! .(; : .1,, .! jr. i r. i U . .tt j.an . WH t'.iJtili.ih'r, rrt ,!. t.r a l . !.r(;s tf HnSke'rT ffuu (";(. V.'. II. 1.rii'acti;iaijr -.f!tr lkh the ton;.i' i4Tik4 in t!i jrt,', ,( hifim.njr. TIIK I OAS IS. . Irt. TA ii tttfhrtite. Mi ii inul f. tafu b grtri'J by Amt-rani, a pfitiroi n I b,'i a Uiw 1t, inl tiino )i Jl m tiu nwifti, 2.1. wAf ! I h brro af 76.1 b gk. rr f Aoirnraua, at !hm ntms tyrant tnift- unammoutcHoko of a frrai an 1 fne people. 1V brat barrier aiwt only aii(Vrird f our lib. f rtv My il blctainn tliKctxl to the latest Iarify. p-trtrr n..r w rr rir.iT.Jp.nnT7aTofpo- a tiw aHl arriiotial ptJodirri he furftt'fn, and the tpirit f toleration ami union fpiide our choice. 7th. J ?r(iW.tAi''a Hie onlr fife. ufi a five an. iniM-rli ni nation May we nrter Iim a w jl.mrton to command thew in time of iUnjr r. 1Mb, A'irrf ito Vnttri 5fW-1tir priile ami gl(.r A Mail of Are around her in tirt.et or ilanjfrr, t'lh. rriln tf ikr !atiCxtrvd be the brad tS p' i. and plic d be tlr arm hkh it pot forth to wparaie them. Iirh. Iitlmal mhrtntmmttThr liirh roai to Nat'onat wraith May North Carolina there 'iiermjL'e b-r tittrr Htati-a. i Uth S-uih .firo Firtt iwltrd in the f rU "f r nnril in tin- botom f di tpnt- ... , . .7 -.." :7 ,T." " . iirum ur uc mucni iiuc ui liiifnj ami ei'ia!i'y. 13th. Fhain otitrndinr for arlf rernmnt "hr 'be g"d it'i, .if ncry friend of lhi ry io ,l,p uu Utr Me- ' !' V" PrU '. V,U,:d S!au ir.uul ft .-1 . . m . . HM.i.ii.t. k . . . I nn.l ..... ' . . . .. .' . . . triotim, urtivc to the jtt nitcritj. roa ti vimu rooiimi, In my bit, I rn.ied to give )ou a view of the prariifal n-tult i1 f.-d. ral numlers at a bate t4 cli;iiUti'in fur th. fcia'e t4 North Caro lina. Ur fed. ral iiumhera i meant the free pt- j pulsion, ad-lcl to thraoilth of the Maet. 1 Ih.itifa (inn contain 8X)frtepeimt and 3X) lUe, it fe-leml nun.ber would be rlvren thousand. 'I be i.nnriple it npted br the ciMurntion who tmmed the oreaent ennttitu. tmn of the I mted Mates, at a compronnte be. . .l r .u i is ecu uic jaing liui rtlii i me ic a. mi mm. - , ,1 v . , . i . . . .I i alavf. hnldinif ttatea. 1 he latter eontemlrd. I that larnrhmild not be takrn into the ennn.c ' ration at forming the bate of reprrKnta'ion, while the former contended that they thould be nxrn HUH IIIT- CII.'lllf.lMI. I I ll t.MlIill. tl interett prwed nearly fat.l tothe L'nion of the Northern ami Southern State. At a nutter of compromise, it wa agreed on that three-fif hi . of the s'ave thou Id b added, and the remain. inr io-niirs eneiuaea. nence me nnnnnie lAderal number., and whether it i.!ic.U'ed to impwe tbo n pretenutionof the Mate of iorrn.i arniina rcmama io oe seen, n nas oct n ' represented a a prirriple of great equuhth and j fatcuTlitcil to correct the eaittmr mermalttr. Tbe . kind of equably which it will produre't North-ramrin remain to be een. It has bet n ' slull attempt to show v.ki. The rates of 5000 applied to the aeteral counties in the State, will give the following reault.- In the coiintirtconu nosing the first Congrrikional district, there w ilL be fraction our the rates of fi,000 8'h district 5,000 2i..l dNtriet r.ooo ?,h ip. a.0W4 TrT 4th 5'h it . "7.06O 10th do 5.000 do. !o. .to. do. 15.CHX) I'l.'JOO l?.0OU 13,000 11th do. Uth do. loth do. 8.WK) 10,000 13,000 81,000 C'h 7;h 4 . -.. i. Total, 123.000 oer the rate, nd of eourae unrepresented. 'I he r. porta made to tbe latt Legislature on the till j. ct of cnnuTciional dis'ricts, and presumed to In correct, furnish the data from which the foregoing calculation! have been made. I hope tl.ey will prove to vou that conniderable inequa lity' w ill exist in the representation under th contemplated change, and although a imall im provement may be made, ill be much losi than you expected. Anoth.r inequality much more serious to the Mate of North ;JparoIina, will follow from the adoption of federal num bers a a baae for representation. The general result in practice w ill be th ,Jr-That represen tation and taxation will bring in an inverse pro portion to each other. 1 bowe counties w hieh bear the greatest relative burden of taxation, w ill in return receive the least relative power, and those which bear the least relative burden of taxation will posses the greatest relative power. Establishing the doctrine, that those frhopsymo pay least bsN Tecrre most; I hope to be able to imyrejhat.fwyh-'srill. be.ibr.TtallJsiVai theoretical --Ttraaotwng bot from 'r tindeniabe .hGUjXkt foltowiaff counliV.witb Ih -federal a numbers annexed, paid into the public treasury 1 ttre atrms sperrtitd, igftekoly To the omptrol UVa report, for 182lv Fed. No. Do.. Fed. No. Pol. tirrbirnt ! t,f. '1,390 "Stolter 1 3,1 51,3 Caswell 10,773 1,460 Surry 11,774 993 22,512 2,850 24,927 2,326 Cabarrus 6.580 920 Iredell ,12,877 1,049 asSvilSSSte 12 645 Wi - g ' ' U ' 20,806 2,724. 25,522 2,024 Cabarrus , f5,680 920 Burke 12,877 975 Caswell 10,773,1,390 Buncomb 10,126 776 ..JChaJhM burp, with tbefederal number 43418, and payv ing TM heave1rx?rf85,,574 under the rate f 5000 would be entitled to 8 members, and Stoke) Surry,- Irerleirtittl'Burke.ith x federal noteb'er of 50,449, and paying the least tax g4,050 would have ten menibers. Cabarrus-County, Vith a federal number of 6,580 and tax of $920, w ould have one member, and . Burke County with a federal number of 12,645 and tix of 9?5, would have two members. The people of Ca barrus, County in proportion to their numbers would pay nearly double as much of -their, la- i bour Uito ilia public treasury as tha people of , 7' ; V , '"7"" "7 fmmrT' I f the p.iM, b mlr ,n4 l r. Will Itgbteneih et r m m.- J or, , tpmibkaouie tiuita, wbo sever alinink from 1ai- ... .-..n,., ' w , K . Kl. , . M . , . w utm ,TV ,IC',, nv ,ur,, ' I ri(4irM l'i irrilal en n tat . . , , ,i aenW JjW . . J 'lilt-' i . I ,'f ,. .1 , 1'unliil f f If 'lid t.rr. nl ' ' "I (I t'liii r .t. i f cr? f Hi t f -rn a htw rn.-, wmil I Jl4 fhlrf a '.t(i il arw ii'l.n In Inch t!i fii.Twi 'I' Onl hm f Ul.IiJ,. lll tlfiMi C'mn'iri h aliuuM rv ri( Juml, I . . . . . i .i : l li . ihi'i n i'irr, an.i niitMviiu n I r ihmi l..- ftr h.,Hf. .r m.MUib.tt. l'Twnr i f .jrrrfi nuniiirn wwi 1.1 rrprr arnUlji.fi. IUp m rr.iuifil pti!iril to lli otdrr teinn ,( (tin hti ill pruduc vimH Urrrault, It it ,l.cr. Hmt asji rtli ruan - tira arwatcrfj'.a!iiwi!l bpr..i ir.j,ur. ipita tftfit.nrt ftitu k tnrA.iftt.ttf kilt 1'u V r j . 1 j ' .7 a romr,ar.;rU ,n..ll mIu rf ih. iwU J Nnh ar..lina a ill antiain tbe rrtr mKiiiw - I ' e - - be t tDrmnerd from the eonttmptated cl.n in rrprrtenUtUm ia Icfl fur your irood u nu to U,pt te atrip U f th.rh.4 trapping itb liuti it baa bffd turwountmL and nrrarnt it an ill genuine ftHurca. COMUU.N bCNSK. taeret virrta(uiifU'. " I've oA a rn with anted heel, A wijbt bettiiile 1 WOirtOn ral. Ma. F.Pirea t In your fiprr of the SiL over the wgnarure of Antl.lu.Lcl, there ap pcan iKrthinr tar the vcnomoui attacki of an electionecrinir orate. wboat inconaitteot aa-l arrtion n-rre much to divthpe hie Illiberal ' vKM.t in,itonpol.t ealhor;or- The right of in im diction of the conduct of civil, ai atD ai mili'ary men a rigid which haibeeo held ao I ered. hrre the amaJleat Mrtkai of rat tonal I l.brrty haa been enjoyed, Kcma, in tbe heated I 1 i !.. II .K. J r imaginatbn of this, a well at other modern ne erornancer, to be tbe mere spirit of what ther so emphatically denominate HdiCrini i though Ami anertt, tvmptoms of the ftction (oa be t) U them) begn to reveal thcmaJvc at the cloar of the Seminole War, when they uai.mcd the name of rait. I would know of Anti wbe-1 ther they aMimrd that name, or whclher it was 1 a rrmlinaiit appellatiun, which seem to muchlh! p'ce, as H)y pCl lilanciit retlJcnce, to aflict hi biifb toned rit bility. I he hb a he I give of Hadiralt appear nothing, except the inflexibh patridiam of the prtunt tL. The ..,. ilA--r nf ,fflnB. 1 ' ........ . . trtmt ln uf ,ne P01"1 gos oi Jacsaon't ririIa campairn, where he states the Indian , aemiJeila. were umm led on br two F.nr ' ' . i i ,i e ' I ." ".I . I lihmen by tli name of Arbuthnnt and Am ' bnr wefcton porrte them, overafce and aitiirt i them, with thete two men, and a Fan. i t,- ih- nim. f Trnc th nmnUi . w . J ..... I w"uM rrm,nd An"- men,on- fe t"rr tenaciou to permit us' to obliterate the proceeding of their trial with it wicceedinir c,,eiuencei t and this late period'. not the .. , . , , , ... 1 ... ... t. .i!.,.j ,.r t,.h,.,.. . r ,,me "'"T'f the Jun.prud.nca of ibe ar. set, is divested of eer? h4fur U event .' Anti, however in future, ahoul.l beU party question, or of an interest scp- more caution in hit tperiftrntiont. On tint more ramioua in nis spcrinraiioni gallows, ha ait a, the RndkaU . , , " - , : brP" of owrt"mlnff h nim.sti bulTl their itrsfton, sni hanging the General in hit turn. It, I beliee. w a never w hispcred with uclr a phrenty as he seems to intimate i his conduct in the inves tigation was never pursued with the spirit of s bae faction, but a stern and indelible inreati-j Pt!L0ni he was acquitted in the House of Representa- tive( the Senate referred it to a committee whose report censured the general j the report waignedbya Mr. Urock, but it wasgener. Jly WwatflberoaatbepOT-cWni.' ford! But I would ask, v vAm w it k:it f lie assails Mr. Crawford merely with aaacrtiona, and seems to have forirot that Mr. Adams ia an avowed enemy to acts that vest arbitrary an thority in civil or milit try men. Anti conceive i the people ignorant of the political maae he en deavours to unfold to them, and digresses on it, flla aMlssesaflfal AaMlawaaa ff Kia. Vafc4rt lAtt . aaa enthusiast he envelope, kid ckrouiin. ina vmi me uurr i ot um trt-tipmi I . . a ..... .1 over the head of those he conceives will be made his own proselytes t he might have, had . n.. lit. k..a ll.... I.- . ! Ml t I he continued l.U numbers, made us all politi' cian of bi ow n school , but he made a ukm, on awful pau indeed, prophetic of hi nd. API'LETON. SOB TBR WttTSB CaaOLIHUK. NEW EVIDENCE -.0 QeXl VammuHi-u,ithtkSL Some dais ago.l;wii.creidj!ilr..ln-I torvned Formed oftrTwrfilngQlar'tfricuti l"'ttiaBV''hiving"1aToreTihWK Swn-acatHrhehe ' 4M4 tSlf-ll ; - ni.-t Kit a. ' eWnri limat twatl t W-b MVHM ww v m BUUIt 1111 9 ous to his exit, tvan Hute, a citizen) a . ... a of Chatham, county, related it to a near I rrerghirortrf-TnineTtheT circnmstatlCei af iW as follows : , ft Lt.l.a tia a week or lro mtm. a M. .. . i . i ethodm preacher ,jvaa rid.nela cir. i m tvi m-4 In tb last round 1 he then wiis expecUng to take also,, near the end of his circuit. The preacher attended a rnMtin not far from wrl ere ITnio w .. . - ,i , i j I livtngt to Which many people Kpaired. tairr man into tne grave-jrara 'orra-xnow- e him wlVee Kr'vVdforbuned;- 1W jbintihat bf 2ahouM m Jive de ou, M, circju, , W IkJ hjpja- rections rcbtive ti Other tiling. -The preacher then went home w ith this roan ; and they took their afternoon's repass as usual. After dinner, the preacher arose r , ,, . . . .. ...i ".i :,.t,-,,i, I from the tabc took a eeat, nl iiistcnlh sunk down Mid expired ! 1 Q, transient! t)4Mffe4l , the duty of attending the musters, pain J O,' h;ppy death 1 Dut Low rancl land otlut places of , public cesert, fci.Uj pur- f; ra l.., ti t'.i ;;' t!,t !-e n - !',,.? I l.cio i 1 t!.m!t I .tit ilut it ii I -i t Mf wo all tti!cujtir, to 4re afur it 0 I iiuy all aiUo f. cm tl.atlutt cf ll, crth, herecf were mmlc (u.tn tin low itene tt t),i rnorttt life fitjiu il.r I ptUT I urUUI cl ff l0itd fi eUjr ruruSii cfll.ii otM, r.l act mui catrn I where the itr- Irenif J, tjr the Grace tf CoI, through Jciui Chrht, liU U!orJ Son. real fuic 1 f r more, Amm. Mf Wl.all c tt tbr I,d, tthiUt he miy be fuund hlltt In I .1 - . . .1 roniinuci inc eiieralloii cl ! love on nuf nfd, Walk, Mlt VC haf af a . . a ,n iK"t ' ' the HtjM o I l.rl.t. Hut er- e ell eck the LoVd fur ourulm'i aw) J 10 know hit truib, it it in JcMiitiur Vl...!. . m . . V 1 Kr",VDU enuurem lorcver. Loie I J 8 -U- A FRIEND OF UANIUXU. pastoral i.r.nT.n, . To tbe Clergy and Lijf cf the rrotctlant FpiacopJ Church, In the Dioct of North-Car Olinai Dttlrout st I im, mv Rrcthrcn, of ex ndiins to all parti of the Diocctt, car Vl poiUe, t!ie ministration of that ia I a a .Alaata. aa crea "rer, nn wnicn, u our can 1 h,r 'l1 invcited, I am, , nevtrtbeleai conttralncd, by varioui but iniperioui fir curuitaticcit to pulcir, for aihuit scaion the lonlinuaiion cf my prcttl.l jourticf It it my puriiovct howeer. with the Divine priniWaioii, to retura at early in tbe month of AulmiU ai my other a(I'-Ir will permit, and txtend my vKit (o the wetletn prtof the irate, o at toenibrace M many of the toncrriration in th-tt qiar her a pokkible, loRellicr with tiit.li otbera in the south-wetitni section is the ne erswry preparations for my removal to U umit. 1 k . t .Mt aniitty lur a personal knotaledtr ,oU ,n' urethien, Is crv Rteat. .My erm' of the aw ful te.lKiiuMliiie of my station, precludes all minor conMdcr-tioni of pcrtonal case or intrrest ; and the pre sing demands of tbe churches stimulate me to every ekertlun for the general sat itfactioiii and for the advancement of our Zioii. Under the united influence, of these motitet you may rest assured of my most speedy anJ gealous co-operation . ..." in every incisure islculated to promote the great, because Crrna, interest com milted to our trust. Ccnsidcied in this light, the caUie, in defence of which we rate from the great interest of the pies ent and 'evfffastln'jr welfare-f-all-otir. kind while if Is not divested cf the Influ ence and effect of those outward instiiu lions which, as they are coeval with Christian hope, so are they, by Divine ap IHiintmcnt, the ground on which we must rrtt for assurance in the entertainment 0f ( Invested with this heavenly character, u. ug, mf Brethren, cherish its holt comfort! in our heart, and adorn it in our live, that we may beiu living ep'lS; lie of Cbritr ta be read if all men.' Thus shall we 44 ador( the doctrine ol Cod our Saviour," and best rccomrftcod our holy religion to the consideration and ademtion of all around us. Thus shall the thai interests of the church of Chriit be promoted, and the fruit brut; unto holiness, the end be everlasting IHe. Such information as may aid in the ap plication of my labours to the interests of. II U III 111V VIV Ol tbe laiif awft UCl an tntercI in in. ' t - . . . . spread of pure and undcfiled religioa in the waste places of our Zion. I shall fix myself in this City as early as I can get possession of the house which I have rented, which will be some iim in thi m n nth tt I liTa-nih-p MYf.tfaai! a . a as ax. I Direct, for-the prcent, to Doydron,! Mecklenburg county, Vs. or to Salisbury, . .If - 1.V ii 1 N. C. to be left till called for. xVar'ivtrcaiooate JrieiM iiad: pastor JOHN S. HAVENSCRUFT. .T,,.;MMOT-.t-..... A - - , a a f. gr a mm . ba arw-waaw; arwaiam . si - arv 'W mTr vvuviv;.xixu vuuiuj. The Corresponding Committee for the conn. 6f BathelfoflrrcSfirsrmTtyToIh remiTionltte adopted br their fellowcitixens at IUJcigh da nn loc wle cuvn oi uie uegisuwrc, aiw -tLla jl - 1a A. H nuuicnuiu ua tin tuui vi niiuiuuT uiu 1b, nmn,.A hmai.ive -'eat in to th. .. u.4i.. ji ii,. mk .r i...... i ..J v.. chair John Moore, bq. -wkT appointio, Dr. Charle. L. II. ScbieffeW their Secretary, aTnunt. Dp 01 e,r wuienB oe ng preem. i nc forewd soluUotta having been read, James urmuani ii. nuuici mtuixu uic hjiiiiuiiicc W1,b . illccict and comnrehenaiva esnlanation i i v t: . t . l .1. - impcirea-w meir adopuon. i he committee then proceeded to adopt th foUowmreaolo. Vrt". .!J5iSg,S; county of Rutherford, be invited to meet this" committee at Uutherfordton, the 2d Monday in May next, and there to express-.the opinion of ",e,r, "' l ujevt wmun reform I and, that, in the mean time; the n,.m1l.. 'f r'j'y, ,,m;:fc.k ' 'I if , N, i -I l l.ll.f I ".I I . 1 1 . 4 t I tl9 ... i . .! t. I If t -1 . .11 1 i) I ' I :, t,f V.v. Actiifii.n'i, en the T 1 ' f fj, a fij. ny fcf ll.t lin.lli.it, e f 1 t I . ! rit .f !liiB t. rt. Ifahi.it Ih4 tl. t l,ir, in i!.f f . in t of ir. liH.rt aJ tl.t inimn.f 45 tkl ri.rra l aiHUd in, ii i( torn a; jnfid n. I ui1t tlit.r tratt. lr, Jmra I Trml, n i f. the ilrlr Kta, re td tlnl ..! !H forti ! Ml friiitl.e eomi.i!tt, A'r lili, o'.t if the f t title, n'n .f thr ri.n i ! i..i thr j.i rpoart for tiiiirh tht t4 brtn timin. Uti'll pitiif l iih rt'pirt thai any UtmUr pntrM ttoiild tmtr the n.rnirg i'b I mi.Mm i.U, i,UM!ly n the enbjrct. l';i"il h b Vr. Urr a 4 tirvdth mv'i: inr'iriJf ..n.tixtii'? the fn at tu'lnn. r r f..M.,.r, t,r ilrlLlilr-... .bl. lt i1lri) Hit l lni '..l.,.tlr1 ltict t'.i Sifi !. liverrd h aentiitru' p o)j uin to Jb mrndmeiils, par'iin'.r'v thai if h v n'.nif the AtccUr.jpt id ih J JitUatunv--m rv4-U r Vrried tmrht lre(iitirlv to have; Hi.r lc, gidaliv ciMinc'd In seaaton, to hi r rt.l f rdf a ' grievance, without fo miich wticklifg at tie ttpeua., 4hat when th ajertitigt uf tha lo giltiire wert prormturdtu 4 Kot priioita, bu. s.nrM acitmulatrit, hi kii.4 became .hing ami temtius, grxativ to tr. v-tnmen.t t-T the nn.brr. ami rurf In nv grrt ib-Kr hwn, if aatfiiati, aiid iru'aia cJ.Dk. Eai.t rn ftJattl who huld annual, jet short sctfonjuf their ! fcia!turr. . ". ' ' ' , JWph M. I). Canon, r sq. then addressed the meetint;. The vote of h UeKtcatts was ll tlrp, until espetlirncy of amciwljnf, tbe Coiu litutin the r In It was, 41 in th uirmajite, ami 1 in the oegaiite. f . . . ", llanairerawrr then appointed to stpeTu)ttr4 the t hrt'i.n nf dehgstts to Di'tct St Itlc'gti in November next. tj wit J' '. 1 1 ' At tbe (?ourt-ltotu, Dr.C. I- II. khirfTclln ant Capt Unlit. Twiltv tVatton'a. M.J. John IkU ky and Mr. Iltieh Vt a' n i vVhit-attlt's Mcwrs, AffM Green and A aaliington Y hiiesidctt Mum fill's l'oe, Iter, pcmnnter Morgan ami sir," J. William i ll.tN. Joel C.tkiid and riala. Hannini llurh rbn), Her. Jeaaa Kichanlwin and John M ail, Fapi Irvtntvilk-. Mr J'hiir.p Uiuwoairand the ttt-r, R. Hirkii Duhrantftclo, JoM'ph Crren ami John Marr.II, Ftq. t Miufmd'a, Mcsirt. McFarlamJ and l.blifll Coiprr Spring, Daniel Carton and Jma Hcnton, tj. I he mrrtMit rbn a.ljiHinK-d id tlie.TUetJJy 4 July Court, 4 o'clock, P. M.- r , lursday, JJth of July, the delegation. met according to adjournment, Mr. M ore in the cl.fir. " ' ' ' ' On motion of tha Rev, Henry M. Kerr, ?. lft4 that this Pretitir Wominste, by baJloL two canditbites to represent this county at lt k-'nch, in the grand committee, to n.i t in No. vtniLcr nexi. jamrs Grsliam and Joseph M, I). Carson. F.wik were ' d tlirnated, w bM name are rVipeetfiilly tendered te the penjile, HrtfL Tluit these DrocaedLiat be pubuab . ed in thr Western Caroliulan. The mcctliij' tK'en" i IjouhtedV " JOHN MOOKF, CsafWWM. fCIllCt'LARJ Gtiistt PnT mcs, . frtiy, I82J. tt Sit t It 1 believed that many of th inrrKulariticxjind Josua ia tbsuransmia lion of letters, prpceed from the frfquenf examination of the contents of the mall. betsieen those point eHrhlc n dttribtitmsi: nIT. . ..i.Uuk.J In tmtimA In f,i v...vv .v ii.wii.iimi . ft Kii n ... -f ture agslnst such trrtgularitiei hd loi. Z. ei, you are required to procure, with the) least possible delay. If your offlre Is not . already furr.ished with them, Wav-hag'sj made of subttantial material!, nd of suf ficient sixe to contain all the lettert that - are required to be distiibuted ai the inter mrllatit ofTVra. hrf n Oniir rifTlef) tA the next diktriiiuting office, ao that iho principal mail thai) in. q lpstaDce.be. x,... . , . aminedt txtcpt at the dutributing ofTicea. lam, very reipectfully, jour obedient servant. "jdiiN McLean.' Cloctc foir ftoAc; i FTItST rate Cra Clock and Mahogtnrcasei it. for sale bn moderate ttrmi Apply kt thii ' ' Office. . : ttifvti 5, 1823. aVnn . j j ; i. i . - ''l"nocicocomTfuomriiorincouiu B J . f ,1 a, , umrtvoun iiouae in miuie, uunenmna County, do herebv rive pull e notice, that on the first day of September next, at Ai!n itlc, contract will be entered into by. said .Commie loners, with fcnv person' who may bVebme the lowest bidder, (who will give Such bond and ttt I curity as may be required,) for building aaidj - " - "-.PL' . V1' .v.iiv.Viu, swirva -1 it tar wist Rt,i vr swarszil at any time by applying to said commit-iionersi t ; ions MeELUOVi .I.UV4T u aun ii -t .... ....... JOtlX JARKKi n Vi .JOil ttOtHiFI-V-4 J IStmcimie, July lth, 1823. 4'67 VoUcfc. t i Persona Indebted to the estate of Daniel 1 ilCgMi dfcU trtlcqucsted.to U!laadj thajr accounts,' otherwise thev will find theut in the handl of officer by this iOth day of K it t. , gust. Ami all those that hive clainu atraimit the eftate, wil britiaT-thetn forward and ftcclvat.. . payment fe, CHESS, J. GAY. " 3wt5J " M'i if h. .823V Bank! ftitjck on CrciAU. 0?f -Tfeitrsdftjf ' th Ststof AwgusttreiC tVinfc": ." - Thurtdav of the Countv Court.) brte hun. ; '; ' ( dredaltihft.vir Sh of thefitaf 't ' Bank of Morth-Ciiiv and fuS-aix Share "crs Stock of the Bank of CapoXI'ear, Drkmiring tea . , ' . the,e4taVof,'WI Crea late- of Sabsburyv'- ; dee'd, will be told 'on a crediof six months. . Bond with at least two good securities will b ' , required, and other particular made knon oik ' ' , the day of sale by the executor. - ' ' . . - EDWAHD CR8SS - - . ' JOSHUA GAV, . ' ALEXANDER CTt.IUM. " SaStlunJuty Uth. 1833. . 6wt67 tt.'i

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