V0 ttliriS CtUae ! TtllPif. tr i inLu vwinr.. The Ifftri of 'n Western Carolinian will lereaf tf ir m Mown 7" pr w- .very paper nt at uisUmi, ill be Tron. after the t'unefu et.ird fr Which it Th baa palJLr, utdea U aubocnUri known va b gooJ, l J '"' PP' 'H bc . cm Witi patj f rr sn4 rmicrrtl to be ttapt.- -AJvertWiiict'ts'will be bwrted a, fitly cent per uar for flic f.rvt inatrtion, and twen'yfive -er ntt for etch tubt-riifrnt orrer" drrrtiiemrmi 1 from a distance mt be paid frr, or tbeir pay. rnent assume I by revnonwble person, before tbey can b published. , AO Wucr aUrvd in the Editor, must be pttt.pald, or they will not be attended to. 4 feign. CtmcU, and Noust VVi7AT.Vt7. G I jrt teio to Inform the cit'xrtit uf Htriurj-, tnd the to mm ml in a rountrr, thtl ht trt til continue toetrrui kimU of botite. vrn. roirh, and ornamental Fntinf. Il-injt pnt'irr J an ample topply of Btatrnalfl, art tl"jr, pr a number of jer iat( iltvnltd lnot hit hl at'rntion to C iiir a enprtrnt knnleljfr f tho branch rf budneta, be freb cotindrnt f brinf khU to Jf' amtLffrtinn to thnae vbo mar b pkaird to fa tor him with onlm in the ahove line. (. Idling ami C!airt wUI alo be executed in a ntat mm. Bit, and on rrKfiMo tcrn. He um Viept on hnl, fr l C"pl inc Japan Tumith. Wantrd fniire tn 1y alxrvr bui pr. on or two Ma, from IS to lo jeartol of atrady anl imluatrimit bahit i to whom, if tltejr pe thcmtcUci tlticnlrig' of it, a (oud whanre will be K'-n. Au.., rtb. 3, m; -t9 m 11 i i ! n i JAMKS II. HAMPTON irapectfuHy inf.tmn the public, that he orcupici tha M shop formeTljr owned b bia father, on Main-eTcet, fctf door aouth of the L'oiirt-llouar, Salibiirj , whrre he i now nrrpared, with a food act of look, to repair all in.la of WATCHES V CLOCKS: He aaaurea all who may fat or him with their vuatom, that thvir work nhavll be executed in t KooJ a ft) Ic at at any other ihon in tUU part of the country. AH kukli of old Jewelry repaired, ami aonie kinds nude. JoLa of erery dearriptinn In hia line of biiainrai, will be thankfully received, ami eiecuted on a abort notice. People who retvle at a di tanee, by aendinfr,, may depend on binjf their work aa faithfully attendee! to and returned, a though they were prraent and nty the old establiahed HaFiabury pric a clairjfed. XU.hw, ;4nfTi iX nti: 'ttfrjet - . -.v0Ucc. TUF.RF.'w'ill W aoHat the Cowttfrmje iff aUibury on 1 hurailar of Aupitt Coar the balance of unaol t peraonal property belonging -to the Hon P. (cke, drccaaed, tii, H acjm, irrr, fcc.irfrrafrw other tmall article. t;ipht tnontha credit will be fien and bonJ aitd accu tv required. K. D. All perwna indebted to the eatate of lid dee'd. are carnci'ly rrqueatedto make pay. Itient, aa longer indulgence will not be gien. All thnae having tUunia may present them, and receive pay. a JOHN SCOTT, Fr'r. T,iTrttrtS2S: NORTH CAROLINA. ?TfiXl-COtTr, anOlUT of Pleas and Quarter Sesion. June J Term. 183J. Comrtantine 1 Haimer. r I Kobcrf ! J inVorf.: TJHhal atticfimenf le:1 - ied on thirtv five acres of land. Jt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defen. d.int Kobcrt L. Winston, is an in inhabitant of another government, it is therefore orlered that ! indication bo nude in the W estern Carolinian or six weeks, requiring the said Hubert L, W in- ; aton, to be and appear, at the next Court of . l'leaa an I Quarter tfesaUms, to ha held for tli j mini, nf Klnkra at til rnupt hniiu in Irfnnin. ton, on the second Monday in September netj then and there to replevy, plead, or demur, o-' therw iae judgment w ill be rendered against him according to the plintin s deniaml. MAI' I'll EW L, MOO HE, C. C. T Vricc adv. g4. 6t7Q fetaU ot eVortta litwoWna, IREDELL COl'KTT. s I'PERIOR Court of Law, Spring Term, 1823. Catharine Cowan r . Thomas Cow an 1 He- tttion for uivorce.- In thi case it t onler by - -the Court thar-rttbllratinn he made for three : thotiTTia ;U xhitiM, aaJ.Kwu ru t'linTaiibat jTvj)i!n( out. of thi,.s.utr. it, rd!cMltK.waitp4 MousAlAteVettteJa CajroKnUn'lnr'hree trwWth attcreai '"ill "tttXtcsville-on tlie-50i Monday afhT the 4th i -WcTrdaytnTepfeWiDt-r ext,' m or rtemtir, otherwise judgement will be had pro ; conk nan, and tbe cause heard ex'DaW. -WitntasJ R. WOKKE, CW. Jrict ndv. S t. . ir3wrtVl ' oi VoYlAjaToUivav IREDELL COUXTT. - A 1 GOt'RT cf Equity,' Spring TimfTimzL William Sloan r. amuel Carson, Darid Carson, Andrew Caraoii, W illiam Carson,' Ele, met Xarson; Mary Carson, Jame 8cott and his wifii Martha, Jacoli Weaihetby andhi wife Mar jgarct : Original bill for the conveyance of land. It npnearing to the satislactioii ol the court, that . Hie aime-Mvdant beyond the timitatrf tJie Male, jt thererore erJerefii.by the Court; liiiian,ffr three monthssucieasittelyihat unlets - I?1? eocTarBji uppear aV cmr next'eourt, to be' Iwld tfjr the county of Iredell: at. thr Cotitt llouisc in Statesville, on th,e fdh Monday after the fourth Monday in September nextthen and -there to plead answer ordemur.'otherwiae Judg tnent wl be taken pro confesao, as to them and tae case Jieard ex parte. t ' - . . . - JOliN X. HART:. Jf. C. f 1VMP. iirMl"rsjrne1 fwnimi dinners for the bu'k 1 dng S Court llmiM U AaHvitle, Buncombe County, da hereby give public nonce, tbat on il.r f.rt d Hrn.!rr , A'ii"". , contract will be enter 9 Ut0 by tail Commis Sonrr. with an perm' who may become the Jk4titLulltr.il wi till m.h kt tl aaJtt- nwii a Mfih rquirrl,) lu annUaA ewtd Court I loonc, r1n wherwof, together i'H tbt prf "'' and (rrmi tf ci!rait, ttr be -U'fcfl t any tune bjr sprd'tr to sid Cofniianrr, l'l:i tirri'Hlll, , o ' . jamkn u. Mmf, .johs wootmv. KAMI'M. ClllN. J DunttmU, Jul) 1RA. 4 67 , ink Htock, on CreAU. OV TburUthe 3lt r.f August mrt, (bring Thurwlay of the f 'lMinty IHir1.) one bun. dred am) ninetvwir Hiaris htack of th Mate Bank of Korth-farnlina, and fif il nhare Mock of tU Hank ef Capa frr, behmging to Iht eatate of Daniel t nS lata of Sahabury, dee'd, will be sold on a credit of ait mouth. Honda with at least two good aemritirs will he required, arvl other particular nifcle known an he U Of sale, by the eircutora, MVV AIM) CHRSS, jo.ih'a my, AI.KXSHKII (;KHAM. XalUbun, Jul Uih, 18iJ. 6at67 ON TuewUv i4 neit Acguat Court, there w ill be oflVred fi.r sale, that Urgi and cotit-. nient ea b!iment ttv 4ahnun. three rt.r r,im thi f u'ri Mfxiac. ! air.rt ol the la'C lUrtiaba Kridi r. I In bouae is Ov by 3u U t', with every Cudm n f nee appe rtaining t a pub' fiehoie it Ja well kww n at hatit'g been rei' pied a such for about 3u ti ara. 1 h- raablikh ment is to well known, that it would be uatleas tu aay any thine of itsconverirncea, kc. I t rn.t of payment will be made to accomniMlate the purchaser. 1 IIO. Iin ;f., JACOU kililhtllt, tlrrtMitr, Salibnn; June 14, 1823. 81 66 riHEKK will be sold. 011 U edi.es.lay, I3tb of X Auguat ieil, if net nrvMoutly aoltl at pru vate sale, a tract of Iju.d lmg on tbe waltraol Grant's Creek, containing about 2J0 acres mg John liiaker and itbt-r. A great part of the abwvetrwrt-tsot the first rate woodlamt, w ith a good nuadow oi about ten or twrhe acra, tbe balance of tbe Luul now umler cultivation. A fHxl d riling 4iouac. still houtc, barn, aiul other out hnuas. 1 he abue pUnUlion it a j lit ttiib s west of rialbury. I be above Lnd belongs to the estate of liar. nabaa Krwlcr, dee'd. Icrtn will be made known on ibc day or Ute. 1 HO. MDLMRS, JACJiQKRHiehV SuH6un, Jin 24, 181L Vre. 4 LL Persona indebted to tbe estate of Daniel J. Cress, dte'd. art requested to rail and "el ite their accounts, otlicrwtw they will find tht m in tbe hands of officers by the luth day of Au gust. And all those that have claims aint the estate, wi I bring them forward and rtcive payment. E. CKESS, , J. GAV. 3aTJiT r fttivte of aVorUi atoWna, ROW A N COU!t I T Cl'PEKlOH Court of I aw, April Term, 1823 O vlane Weatrr t; Wii!m Weaer..Peti. t'nm, divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of e Court that tbe defemt:nit is not an inhabt. Hnt of this State, it is then fore ordered by the court, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, printtd in Salisbury, that the defendant appi ar at the next 8upcrior voun 01 law, 10 oc neiu mr tna county or now. an, t tlie Court House m Paiiaburyon the se COIld MimiUv after thp fourth MClldaV in Sen Member next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or tbe petition w ill be heard ex parte. II T. GlLE.-, C. Price adv. $4. 3mt70 NORTH CAROLINA. IMrDKLL COUWTT. c Ol'P.T of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Session, 1823. James Torre 1 ice v$. Charles I). Conner Orijnral attachment, levied in the hands of Alfred I). Rerr, and he summoned M pirmslee t wo, on one nr'gro boy. It appear lnr tortheirosfaaSoitf xlit CouA sivtlv, that unless the defendanteppear before of tbe next term to te he w t" tne county aroresato, at 8tatcviUe, on the third Monday in August next, and replevy the property levied on, and plead to the .said eaosef the plamtirT wii bv heard ex partem and judgtnent rendered against said defendant pro confesso. l est, R. SIM0NT0N, CVk. i Prieeadv. g4. i Smt71 NORTH CAROLINA; . ' BVBKR COUKTY CJ UPERIOR Court of Law, March Term, 1823. O Lovice Penincrton v. Exekicl Peningtons Petition for divorce ana alimony. : It appearing to the satisfaction af theCottrfc- that the tkfen. dant inuthlcase resides withoutthe limits of this SrafeVTt18 therefore ordered, by the Court, that 'pubgjoftJ Carolintan for three months,' that the defendant ajrptWTnneeperMwr Court of Law, to be held for the county of Rurke, at the Court-llouse in Morgantbn, on the fourth Monday of Septem ber next, then 2nd there to plead to iwid petition,, otherwise the petition will be beard ex parte, and decreed accordingly. Copy test, ' V. W. EttWI?, C. B. S. C. JL Price adr. g4. 3mtC3 AiocLToii.l. 3Auuin4 nATINO loca'e Ibin.arlf in ll arlotte (Mrtl lrhl.nr tuuiitv.1 reneftfullr tenlcr b srrrtf ri In tha several department uf lis pro frwion to h titisrn of the Vi!!a g am its eon. iWiout country. A'l Call will meet witprmpt and aaaduoit attention. li( rriV Art is at Ir. S. HrnderWs Hrl, whrf be mt a fwind, iul. h, nvH: 'uun. tr-gi, , .r Vr vf aV ttnstnt vX . f jlilK publie art reaiHrctfullyinfurnied, flat L tb Mtrttuaik Bmint a Iks has barn tor a miHitacr of rrwt trainactrd byrtnnlrl L'rtaa, sen. of haJitburt, will in future be eon ducted br me. in tbe aama budding 1 where cv cry neceaaary attention ami particularity will be given, to render satisfaction to tftoee w oe maj pleaae to favor me will tbeir cuatom. f.UWARD CBESS. Sulitbwrf, Marxk 28, mi-'? eaaaw ConntTmUng. Tne CopperamithJi r, ami Tin Plate bo'm, herel.ifire transacted by I). Cre, sen. will in . . aa ... . future be conducted py me, at the same place llioae who favor me with their custom, mar dr peod on having their work done with neatness, durability and despatch. Maw 14. EDWARD CREM. .VoWce. t HUE sale of the residue of the property, be. hmg.ng to the estate of Jee A. P.-srson, aariL illcon nxncc at Mock's Oli Held in 1 irriifi! the firt-as of the Ysdk.n, on Wed'iJay tlw 13th iS Aurviat neit. and continiif from day !1 da until all is sold, coosistifgof ftlEGt'f t Horse, s wk f kk.l, tattle, Farming I teva.lt, House bold anj Kitchen Furniture, and atariety of oihcr property. All w hich, e ill be dl without rra rve on liberal tertti 1 which wil be made known on the da) of sale. A. NESBITT .fdbV. J',1 4, 1823. StS KOVtAN I 0OK IIUt'frE r.STABLUHMENT Yor little. KV an act of the lat tg'lature, fte County Court of Rowan, is authoriied at sell the preatiit Poor House Establishment, aid with the proceed thereof, to purchase other land, and trrrt other building in some more central at Uia'ion. Ti e county court accoialfigl), have apfioipted committee to aseertair, abat ran be obtained for aaid lands, ami imrroyemeMa, and to n.ake a report of the safoe. Tlie pre mi ai tc..i.a.U of 2u0acrei of land, lie greater M.t oi which is wood-land, and rliit or nine very (rood log hooaeai there is alsoi spring of eri ueni ws'ernear tne nouses. 'I hr sulacriber will receive proposals for the piircli-ae tf aaid estabtiahment fron thi time until the Wednesday of the (usvmg. Augtist Court. PeTtoi'i wishing to purchne, will state in w riling- it (.tvMi tlwy ar willing to givw, and the terms of payment. , TllOSl LTCowan.- 18, 1821. " - 4wt67 ihr IROM the subscriber, living in A the county of Row an, on the 'S-V. . lAlW June, a hm man n.m. rl Jkmii this boy formerly bt longed to Geo. J. A. Pearson, dee'd 1 he is well know at his carriage dn ver ana servant, lie ia tall in stature, of very black complexion. about twenty -one years of age, his clothine- not recollecKd. I flaTC WO ldothrre tie If gone. Any person giving information to the subscriber, at Mock's Old Field, or securing him in jail, or otherwise, so aa he may be again in my possession, shall receive ur above rewarded. E. M. PEARSON. "June 2i, I8. ' ' - "-tO--- TVart Auy IJtROM tbe subKriber, on the 1 night of the 17th Msy last, DENMS, a negro man, twenty- eight or thirty years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, yel low complexion, (tay a mulatto) has a dent in h'm forehead occa sioned tyblowT alstflTM-af on hit hand from a hurt Has a good set of teeth, bold appearance, high noae, and w eaf a pair of whisker, He took a ith him various clothing, and obtained a permit to past to Mr. Matthew Harris Any person apprehending said negro and con fining him in any safe jail in the I nited State, so that I get him, shall be liberally rewarded, and all reasonable expedite paid, by their giy. ing JnformaUqrt, lo,, jfln. JBcnjamin. .Xolquett. GreenaborougUr-Geo, fjnni Wat ptirchssed try the wltf Cbuelfrnea'r'Fre M rviand. .trelve mmm'"'' WlJXUlIiAlXXAXntW, IVan-wVwft or feioltn. J TJHOM the subscriber, on the 4th Jul v, a mulatto a. it uow riamea o 1 lo or years oi age, 9 fiet. 4 op inches hurli. with a nm!irx&fede nln gular mark on the fight aide of his Vote, rather ot a purple colour, his clothing not recollected; be has beeif.in tbe jail of Salisbury, svxrr.'.r, l I will give a reward of IQ dollars, to any per ton who will deliver the said negro to me, or se cure him in jail to I may get hini or 25 dullars if stolen, on delivery of him and the thief. If he ha a a free mn. I will rive a nwanl of 50 dol lars, for the delivery ot him and the person w ho rave it to mm, upon Uf Dew? sanaiacioniv pro ven that he is tbe Derson. 1 nurchased aaiid neJ grttcf Pr. ltaac Phwp fttRocktngbaro county. . - . ...-wv. . i , SAllVUi bl.I, . IrrdfttJJuntt,, i!h Julo, J823. fJ2Jtf, I WILL sell nry House' and Lot in 8a liabury. on aocommodafingr terms. Apply to T, iZ Cowan, Esq. or to" myself! in Ra leigh,, There is a good office belonging to the lot, convenient for a Lawyer. or Physician. . JOHN BECKW1T1I. Salisbury, Murth 8," U2i '44tf 12V si 1 1 II ACRICl'LTl'RE Or hORTHAltAUN'A. Lttttr ril-Tntimanirt It the UltUty J (ff) giial Survey t. ToCVartcl J'ther? f.t-j, gecretary of the Ruean AgrkuHuial Itxeiy. SlRlIlt Iht forfgt-lnj Ixttfrf tHti bctn'mf chjett lo showlb! noi'ohT) firrtrttty bm)rrm(nf,aiyrilaKC Ht to le ctmniltrd by tmrA2ricjtturl tlnr)r U 1 ttiU"w tmght not Witt jch no- wcMmpwaneejji . ifnclur.lUlOTlJI: tTare" ctop"'iw' to loot lmproement bUh slsmp an addition! value upon our oil and territory Ittrlf, and which will Id to the wealth ind convenience, and muhi'dy the retotircei of all future pe nerstion snd that lo the Doard of A grlcultire, these pcrminent and general interests of Iluabandry and our Am, will be etpccLlly committed j thai hence, the discover of certata minertl subitjn ret. It 10 be considered at adding to the native rlchrs of a country and to the value of Individaal eiiaica, even when those subttancea cannot be Introduced im mediately into uie. Still further to il lustrate thi point, ! hive endeavored to show, in tmer to the inquiry, What tub ttanttt doit iht M Herat Xingdmtfifd it AgricuVurt and the Artt, tht a great number of these, at Iron, Gypsum, Salt, I.imcstoari Coal, Free Hone, Taint, Ore St u fit, SIslss and Metallic Ore, convo lute the very soul of both Agtirulture end the Mechanic Arts, and sre frequent ly, sources of the greatest wealth to a community. I trust it hit aUo been made clearly manifest, that N'ofth-Ctro-Ima has strong and in many casestTw ar inducements, tu turn her attention lo this subject .and Ihnt nothing will so much promote the discovery of these useful ar ticles as Geological Survey, and nothing conduce to much lo extend their use at to have a detailed Report retpecting them made to the Board of Agiicultuie ; both tu luinish materials of which to mka, V4't their own pUu uf improvement and to be through them communicated to the public. Although I cannot but think ttut tuxb reasons have been offered, in connection with the views already exhibited, as will address tbemtelvctin a forciable manner to every liberal and candid mind, yet I am aware that with reapert loalmowt -every subject, people entertain different views and where a proposition Is new, it 1 lia ble to the iukpicioo of Urng" sitionary." Alibtigh aj "oner' the: ttV6T.l8i; seems l;ttir.ictory. yet I expect there 4a some fclfcejr In It If (lie advantages to be gained were at great as is pretendede should have heard of them be Tore we mtrst make great allowances for the par tiality and enthusiasm of the writer he is too sanguine how many of the fine schemes of improvement we Sure aeeu come to nothing 1" -H 1 hee Lettcn are not intended for the perukul of those who are either imlifTcr ent or hottile-lo PoWie Improvements, nor lo thoie with whom it is sufficient to say,. do not see the ue of it," and theitfore .inier ihat.thrre is none but sliil there are many who are cautious and slow in admitting whatever is proposed lor (hrjr ssient,- though they examine with candour, end when once convinced, embrace with firmnett. Such claim our high respect, and it is principally out of regard for them, that I now procedto exmbit such testimonies in favour of oJpgicalhiuveyusaAUilerlktdliomih lessons of experience or tffcrd by the highest authoritiea 1 he&e testimoniea ate gatheied from the following source! I Ac Brtiuh Board Agriculture, 'i he Fr'tnth Government. " The Government qf the United State$. The opinion enlightened Statemen and the practice q exiemive ' Land Jhidert m rht nd America CTe.ifflWgVty .oJL J Jis 'aiTiaai;oA a D':'it;(i.ciiievL' TUK" I iiis bodv exhibits an examule ol the greatest ctlort that was ever made to improve the condi ton of Agiiculture, whether we conaider the princely funds with which It was ehdowrrl. the Intelli. gence aod high steading of ifa members, the zeal and diligence with which its msesurca were prosecuted, or (he great and important effctta which tt produced. At its bead was a gentleman who had en joyed the highest epporl unities for ac quiring the lethons of experience, having travelled tor the purpose of gaining thu experience through. every part of Europe, and i -fearing tcBginted himself to n aiij toniabiny flegtee ttt mmmenesrwi$ikll Ibe different modes1 of 'Ilusbandiy. prac effmir Bfi- lfeUil.b, exainpie .f iioutd to 'liberal ' in it? constitution, and to rfneient in in measures, will,. so far as our circumstan ce correspond with theiitv afford a most useful pattern fur imitation. What then was the course pursued by the Bi'uish Board of Agriculture I Tbtirrtt object wss to acquire ill the rvtl.le in forma lion rrlatiiiit tt thtlf Jtirj.tr, and tha tt tond wss ta tlifTue it to tbe grratest pos sible extent over the f omniunfty. In col lectlng infointa I'jfi. the fir.t lw ot jritl spcriSed wen Hie fiiliowltig I ' . . I. M The rith-rs to l er.t.taiiitfl from the Hi'artttt ihf n4'i.rial trrrl'ry f iS.xaBU.svaa utt wUL-U-il.e -tuMij la. liwitMcd tw..:;.T-r.' r. ' .'..? ""(J ieriei embrirln the fitimereaf t fit.. .nrlinr otili-h the deviled infnl tniiion, were printed i and as a speci men of the teal and industry with which they engaged in their enicrpiNe, It ii Stated thai, during their first session, 80,' 009 papers containing their queries, hsj been circulated t nd I list within sis months after their second meeting 7 4 Re ports of Parishes and Counties had been rendered in full to 'the Board. If In a country socI known at the kingdom uf Great Bitten, it was' recrnary to lake so much pains lo collect sod diffuse sts tlviical information, the inference retprit- . ing ourselves and our unexplored territo ry, is plain at noon dy . II. I m FeascM GottgMMXRT. Il . it well known that the r.mperor tf the French, took, the most unwcailed piini - - -"- sources of hit empiie, and nn these pre dicated all hi fUn f featnet. In deed can any thing be mote obvious, thari that every cfToit to imrnove the rondiiion of a country, ought to bo preceded ty an extrnaive and intimate kpowlrctgeol i; state and retonrcei f Snch was the op' nion of the French Emperor respecting the utility of that branch of knowledge, which is now more paiticulailv under conidertioh,iht betook, spcrial rare o have It tlioioughlj taught, not only In tho Universities, but alo in all the Military Schools of France. Whatever opinion ma be entertained respecting the, moral character, or political detent, of this ex inordinary pcisnge, no one will que (ion that he exhibited the most iril.iunJ and judicious slews of interne! policy, or that he Was a consummate judge of whate- mm rAntrlttiltiirf tn k(t tn tli trKp'r wealth and glory, or multiple the retour- es of France ' .. III tt... tbo Stts. Uur own government alsj fumiahea aexanilwof tlie sameenlight-- encd kpirit, of bringing into vntko4bt hiildeo lesotircts of me cotntryfc, Tho .t..r;r r f!....i u:l- ." .S."a.-.'i'-.. ' rtr, -pf-t eM tr.i,pp cf Xe L and.- Llarkelip Ibe Missouri totb,-4 behere. pivjvvitu vj ivutu, vcucrtuii I'liu aw- complithed under hia adminisfraiior. j the expedition of Governor I'aaa to tho Nort h-Weater n :ier rUeryt -a4 -of t .a I o. lAjng io ine nocxy mountains, suppotitcl oil a most liberal scale. 'bv the War De partment) each and all of these .enter piites turnish examples of the.eame spi tit. I he two latter expeditions were un- -i : i . i utnuwcu as a I,'"1 tspciiaei inai i ViO vet nor Cast-conistf d ofJS pewinVn- eluding an escort of aoloier. be hook craft's expedition p. 73 ) I have seen rro statement of the rmm. r,( iKi .nl.p. . ...1 1. k... 1' ' . . tl - ; t wui n iiiuai inuM cvinrnuy navo been very gieat, aince the compnnt was .....ilinnlu r.... !. I 1 . . L- ' t.vvvMini; wi, lumikiicu wiui every , inmg un, promote ineir conveni ence or further their object, and they were without doubt well paid for their aer vices. '.Yel 1 tlu hot know that any ono has disap.oved of this expenditure of the tmblic tnonetr nn vt!e tontrarr it has arriiciiiiT iisrc it a:iniktiiiii atv itiiiMiiaai ase a Kighjjetillglitened administration. Tho plea for incurring such an expense in ex ploring the territory of the frited Statea . Ooubtltssis, that the discoveries made, raise the value of the lands i this is pre-. ciaely in accordance with those views which l'have endeavored to exhibit, res-, pcittng the nature and tendency of such V . t a . - .a swryjrsv-vm?-or inr'pTiftcipaf obfectt v tonlcmplattd-ia.ibese-eapeditionv wat, tt''eip)oe:thtMuxa; i Q&fttt'i ta -of the respective Jcrdtoma ; but c-:it bo ; more important for. the United .State to investigate the internal retource a of her tertiioueaaomecf which will remain tin- inhahited for arp tn Ann, V. ... 1 1 '. f . the State of North Caiolina to extdore ihove native rubea which lie concealed within her own boundary ,! her own door, and which she ' need foi immediate and daily use. ' ' . . w-.;, ...- i IV. 1 HI Of lSjfONS OF., tKLIORTEWCD tTTrTM AD OTHER DltTIMOl'itHKol individuals. 'I hut the most distinguish ed poihkianti have generally taken great pKhiiyttwtt sum WOTStW Bllj flTSJ VWlUlfll ItTIUTIIlyVf VI I HQ respective countries whit h thev governed. would be cat-jr to show by numerous tx fltplesr- h tsr rn' the ' kflowiedge tf these that they lound their great plans of improvement', and it is by means of these) that they kre enabled to carry those plans into execution. It is only beiessary to in stance the late enlightened Governor of the State of New-Yoi ,who, by lit ex

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