' " ...... r you. iv. .gAMBliUKY, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST ID, 1823. XO. 107. cr riuLo w in re. The term of Ut M wfm CaroEalaJl i8 bmAer b M follows, i Thru Vtn f annum, psjslle ft?! la ajr.ce. ' . i '.' try ptprrrtrt ri. 111 .di"?-. jjjfiutd afrlhe Um.hai tiplrtd for wh1 it 14 p4 for, tt2sTue eubaut'.tttrls Itt&w'ft be rood i In the Utter ease, the ftr idH tent end pi4 for end ordered to b etopt. ' Advertisements will b Inserted ai HAy cents pcf square tut the first insertion, end twenty-le crnU kit ttwh substfjuer.t one. Advertisements from a distance must V paid t(r, or their pay. ment unnd by 4 retpotuible person, before 4ley be am stalled. All letters addressed to tL Wto, nut b pl-pvJ, or tbry will not be attended to. NORTH CAROLINA. STOICS COl'DTT. COLTRT ti Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1823. Constantins I. Banner, r. Robert L. Wiiuton.... Original attachment lc vied cm thirty-five acre of land. It appearing Co the satisfaction at the Court, that the dVfen. dant Robert L. Winston, at an lit inhabitant of another government, it la therefore ordered that Jiublication be bum! in the Western Carolinian or aii weeks, requiring the aaid Robert I. B in ton, to be and appear, at the neat Court of flcae and Quarter Sessions, to he held foe the county of Stokes, at the court bouse in German, ton, on the second Monday in September next, then and there to replevy, plead, or demur, o iherviae judgment will be rendered against him according to the plaintiffs dYmatxL MATTHEW L. MOO UK, C. C. Trice adv. fti. 6t7u NORTH CAROLINA. IRtDELL COVHTT. COUITT of I'lru and Quarter Sessions, May Bcaaion, 1833. Jamet Torrcnce t . rjiarlei D. Conner... ..Orirtnal attachment, levied in the Land, of Alfred D. Kerr, and he summoned as rarniabee awo, on one negro boy. It appear. Dig to the satisfaction of the Court that the d. fendant in this cause resides out of this Male, it is therefor ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for three months succes. aively, that unkss the defendant appear before this Court on the first day of the nest term to be held fur the county aforesaid, at States ilie, on the third Monday in August next, and rrplety the property levied on, and plead to the said cause, the plaintiff will be heard el parte, and Judgment rendered against said defendant pro txmtcsso. Test, B. 8IMONTOJI, Cfk. . Price adr. gi. . , Ant7l NORTH CAROLINA. " ' ""twit" eatniTT.- SCPEIUOnCottrt-of Law, Marti Term, 1823. I0v4c Penington F.tekiel Peningm t Petition for divorce and alimony. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defen. dant in this case resides 'without the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by ttie Court, that publication be made in the Star and Western Carolinian for three months, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Burke, at the Cotirt-tlouae tn Morganton, on the fourth Monday of Septem ber next, tnen and there to plead to said petition, otherwise the petition will be heard ex parte, j rui time 9n i.f.ApHinivIv I and decreed accordinjrly. Copy test, W. W. ERWIST. C. R.S.C.L. Price adr. g4. 5nit60, State of NotU CaroWna lar.DELL COVKTT. SUPERIOR Court of U, Spring Term, 1823. Catharine Cowan v. l"hamss. fowan ; Pe tition for divorce. In this esse it Is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Star, and Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the next court to be neM lor .lae county of Iretkll. at tar Court House in 8ttesville on the 5th Monday afer the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer, or demur, otherwise judgement will be had pro contesso, and the cause hesrd ex parte. Witness, R. WOKKtV Cf. Price adv. &4 3mt7l State of sVoTih OnroWna, IR'DELL COU1STT. COURT of Equity, Spring Term, 1823...... William Sloan u. Samuel Carson, David Carson, Andrew Carson, William Carson, Ele. aree flarsoni Mstr Carson, James tscoit arid hi '-we Martha Jacob Weathctbyandmr wife Mtri raret i Orieinal bill for the conveyance iifland. '" tlie above defenaantt live beyond the limits of the 8tate, it ia therefore fdered, by the Court, thAt publication bo..made jn jh Tmian, for three months successively, that unless he defendants appear at our next court, to be L j, --.Sv -I I A Hou n Statesville, on the fifth Monday after the fouih Monday ia September next, then and there topiWd answer or demur, otherwise judg ment will be uen pro rfcsto, as to them and " the ease heard ei.'W'te. JOIlV N. HART, C. M. C. J5. raid , 3mtr6 State of Xoxt CatoYina, L... . JlOWA COUNTY. .. . SUPERIOR Court of Lew, April Term, 1823 J&nt Weaves twr Wi&aa VVcavvT,.,.leti- tton, divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of tn Court that, the? defendant ) pot an iitnaw "ht of thf Stiter, X$ therefore ordered by the court that publication be made for three month W"eietre'& that the defendant appear at th next Superior Court of Law to be held for'the eounte of Row - an; nt the Court House in Salisbury, on the se cond Monday after the fourth Monday irt Sep tember next, the)l and. there to plead, answer, or demur, or the petition will be heard ex parte. , HY. GILES, C. S C. Price adr. 4. 3rotfV-r . 2tVs elrrincrtMt. t flllR pubi c are respectfully lnfw.e!, that L the JfrttmttU wtdrh has been for a aumber of lta transact'! by l)intl Cress, aen. of feaRury, ill m H dure be Con. dueled by ate, U tlie same b'uUlii r i hrr rv. ery at . taary aaei.tirn and panieuiarity Will be given, to render satisfaction to thM Im ) please ttrftvor m ?nh tha'ri,''m.' : t OWAIUI tsltnl SmXtimy, JUk 28, UU'Vit - - Copf'aihllitio The Coppcssmithinr, and Tin Plate bualnea, hentufiire Uansacted by D. Cress, sen. w ill in futnre be conducted by me, st the same place. Ihoee who favor me With their custom, may de pend mi laving their work done with neatness, duratiility and despatch. JIM U. EDWAK1I CREf. ROWAX rOOHIIOLSE E.STAUUSIIM LNT Yor tttte. BT an act of the last foglslsture, the County Court of Rowan, U authoriird to artl the present Poor House lUtabilalirnrtit,and with the proceeds thereof, to purthsse other land, and erect other buildings In some more central si- t.iion. ilie county court accordingly, have appointed a commit tee to aacrrain, abat can be obtained for said lands, and improvemrnti, and to mskr a report of the same. I he un mi- set consists of 'X) seres of land, the greater part of which is wood-land, and iwht or nine very good lg houses i there is aUo a spring of escrllrnt water near the bucsea. Ihe subscriber .ill receive proposals for the purchase of said rsblihir.ent fivm this time until the Wednesday of the ensuing Aug).! Court. Persons sialnng to purchstr, will rstc in writing the price they are tilling to give, aixl Uis terms of psyntrnt. 1IIOS. L. COWAN. rv 1 SaM.hury on I hursday of Auguit Cotirt the balance of unaol I personal property belonging to the Hon F. l-ockr, deceased, vis, Wsk, dfrfi, Sic. snd a few other small articles. F.ight months credit ill bs given snd bond and sccu. rity required. N. ft. All persons indebted to the estate of Said dec d. sre carnesth requested to trskr .a arm, as longer InduTgcnce will not be n!vn, All those hsving claims may present them, and receive pay. " - JOHN SCOTT, f-r'r. July 25, 1823. tC8 lVtvn slwfty "I7HOM the subscriber, on the X uight of the 17th May last. DF.NMN, s negro man, twenty. '.' -Vf Ct' thirty years of ag, fvf ftct six er seven incnem nist ttl low complexion, (sv a mulatto) " has a d-nt in his forehead wea- stoned bv a blow, also a seaf his hsnd from a hurt. Hss a rood set of teeh, bold appearance, high nose, snd wears a pair of linker, lie took with him various clothing, snd obtained a permit to pass to Mr. Matthew llama' Any person spptrhending ssid nrrro snd con fining bint in any safe jail in the Tnited States, so that I get him, ilulJ be liberally ressrded. and all reasonable expenses paid, by their giv. irwr information to Mr. Benjamin Colquctt, by h dD.iqtt, near Frederick Wn, Ma, . 1 Grcenaoornugh.Gea-Drnaia.was purdiascd n land, t she month past. 1LLIAM Jl30. ALEXANDER. 6wt6S AVan-.''VVft, oy Htoten. I7ROM the snbsmber.on the 4th .tulv, a mulatto 1 fellow named RILL, 33 or 24 years of age, 5 feet, 4 or A inches high, with a remarkable ain (rular mark on the right side of his nose, rather oi a purple colour, his clothing not rccoUvctcdj he has "been in thejaij of fialibury .. I will rive a reward of 10 dollars, to any per son who will defiver the said negro tome, or sr. cure him in jail so I may get nim i or duliars it stolen, on delivery of him snd the thief. If he has a free pass, I will give a rew ard of 50 dol lare, for the delivery of him and the person ho gave it to him, upon its being satisfactorily pro ven that he is the person. I purchased said ne- gro of Dr. Isaac Philips of Rockingham eounty. SAML fcl lit Y. frtdrU County, iih July, 1823. ,62tf Uouse for Salt. T WLL kIh ;Jbtewim.:ii.- aecomroodaung, terms. Apply to T. L. Cowan, Esq. or to myself, in Ra- loii wmveniem ivr tavyer wr v iiywian. JOHN BECK WITH. .Voorry,farr8, 1823. 44tf; NORTH CAROLINA. atiaiisa4vaTr- lOtTXTY Court. July Term. 1823 Jas. M. J Alexander vs. John B. Craige i oriirinal at tachment, levied on land. Geo. Kvain te. John B. Crsitre t orurtnal attachment, levied on land, Swain k Gray tw. John B. Craigei orip'nal at- lacnmeni icnea on isna. ii appcanng; 10 me satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in . .... .. ' 1 1 1 1. u these cases lives without the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of the Court cannot be served on him a it is therefore ordered, that ftubGaruMri'criir'vrittra' OsWlihliR six weeks iiiccessively, fr jthe defendant to aj. pear at a totiW Court to be fceld for Riinrbe County at the' Court House in Asbeville, on the eoond 9MldgfWm-fhttPtp tember next, then and there to replevy and ftlead,. nswer oi;. demur to the, 'plaintiffiJtijle. Bianos, omerwise juugmeni niuu win oz rentier ed agreeably to tue several complaints filed. Test, , . rjvttn Miitx l . . v : - - tn Blanks ikindscommor ff the various kinds commonly in use, for sale the Oflicc of the Wiitisw CaJMuaiav'. ACR1CULTLR8 Of Kf)RTff-CAnLrfA Isttrr Till -'Cvnt'uUon. To Clark I PW, rq. i.eretary i4th Rowan jjrca3turml oc.ety. 5 t f lruMlthsshetriilrrdhwn tM t.tologUal Surtry cf the Stale niM hrrt ereiterulirncr to.idisnca iu, iattieitt cfgfituItuie ajMlaU the uwcfut Arttio multiply th resources snn enn.nre the permanent end mutate a t.tta a fame ci inajyruuai estates, ma coose qiieitily of l be htsie at large. Out what ai enterprise U it that prom isetao many benrfiti to the community, and recommend! i'aelf to our attiniton by to many unquettlonsble au,thofl ltii Isliooe. nkJt demaada (real-prepare tion on the part of the State, and auth ral expenditure as to threaten m with bankruptcy f Uke the road over the Alps, tike the Duke of Bridge wter's (.rami Canal, or like our own efforts lo open the navigation of our stubborn Kiv er, doea this undertaking call for appro priatioii that threaten to einU-rrsss the nnnrrsoi tie stater jo l-r irom re (filing any such prrpafstiona oreipeii (inures, the whole contemplated ex pence of the enterprise, though a matter of some consequence lo an individual of smalt fortune, is almost too am.ll aura to ask t f 'he Legislature of a great Slate an expense so limited indeed, that It is lielirscd the Hoard of Agriculture may sus'oin it without curtailing their other objects, or certiinU with such aid aa they niii(lit e.Hy obi-in. Silll, if the enter pi nt is worth undertaking at all, it should iltitiirtlettbeprojeciedon no mean scalcuut on a sc. sIFh irmly extensive, lo cone! pond tsiih tue m.giunimity ol the object in tie, and to rontDott with the diiftiitv e r ol the Sine. In an application made on il i subject several years ago to the Uoaid ol I"icriil Improvements, atnfling sum w.s n.mrdj but this, it it understood, (lcstiincd merely fur xhc purpose, of a small eipetinif n(, to enable that body to judge better roperiing the value of the object, and it! beating on the peculiar interests committed to their chaige. Jt it said that the Board were unanimous in their opinion respecting the utility of the plan proposed, and that great part ol the roetnbere thought, that tu object fell jfXictitlw witbiuL their DYoinc. to wprrim the ir mskipg an appewpciation hx it ; but, owing to the scruples of a few it wet-thought-best to reeommend- the measure to the Legitlature for apecia patronage. It was accordingly eu'miitted and w.s adopted in the Commons, una nim'iUly j bu" being introduced into the Senate during the hurry of business quite at the close ol the session, it was thrown aside without much consideration. On the whole, however, this ttial was tuffi cienl to show, that the proposition wa regarded in a very favorable iiJit by the Board of TnteinaT rmprovemehurbrthe moat numerous branch of the Legislature and by the public. I he small sum that was named .f mat time (which w.s only one hundred doilars) tannot be. consider 4uVbjo.wetrt-- Wr dilution, byJ.Mch lo eitimatc the expenrea of the under tdkincnow tonic npl ted ; since tbat sum as the application Use 1 1 declares, was in tended merely b way ol experiment. A f.iier esum.ic of the pruUtbie expehcet ol the. eute.ipiixeftttftUnipUteds pseaent,. may be mde out Irom the tallowing state ment. In order to m.ke vuch a survey of the Mate aa may be tutiit unt to accom plish these useful enda proposed, several years will be required ; though it is ho ped and beliesed that tmmtdiatr benefits Mill result, and thut in all cases the be ncfita will be conmiensurateiwith the part of the enterpnie already accomplished But we must reflect that out State is equal itv extent to some ol toe-mosl consult fa.- bttr IciTtgtlortn of rted; svorkij nibracirrj TtearlT'SO'iPQtJ ...square, milt. 1 c,.l,rtWkc; would imply immense labor; but to make such on rm.naoo at would have a great tendency to bring to light those useful substance! before enumerated would not requite 'ihose Wlnuierotsemrtdniwbkl. t would be necessary to a complete and scientific turvey. To iccomplish . this, however, it would be necessary for. the Geologist to travel into various parts of the State to crosi it a number of timet from east to west and occasionally to blast rock! and make excavationt. But much also might be done by a correspond ence whh men of intelligence, and much jbyjEoUeo Ventbled from Vaiibut parti of the State important conclusions, without the tie seyjfif, personal expenses then would be such ai would ac crue from travel, including an attendant from tuchf ocsaiional operation! a! ex cavattng and blaatingxand from , an ex tensive corretpoodenee. Sir ; John Sin clair, In collecting materials for bit Sta tistical Account of Scotland, carried" on a i correspondcrirt with 900 different per a.a . tons, ere ihe business lobe Commit ted to 1 f Professor of ChemiiVry and Min eulogy i i otr tnivertlty, fiowhcm I seems most iMtur.llr ti fall) it It fcbtioq that not more thanooe fonrth part of thr tear rouia r employed in ertirJons although a general e'frntbvi mlcht hrnhs. bly lie given to the subeciV itV throws y of fewspfTtrt ifjfj theaoITccllarrcTfpi rjmciiit.ibruughoui the yiai.1 ha em ploynientof so much time it Would bt necessary to tnaki these Investigations, nd to digest the result of them in i de tailed He port, might demand so-ne com pentation i but from the tenor ol the lei ter formerly adJretsed t that gc ptlcmm lo the Board nf Internal ImDrovemenii. 1 infer that he would not be solicitout or particular with regard to compensation for Ms personal ten ices, expecting to Bnd bit reward In re small degtee in the advancement of sclcncei of the interest! a. ... . . . " . - of the Uiiiveriity, and In bis own im prove ment aix gmiScation. At any rate, I (eel assured that he would te willing to letve that matter entirely with the Board of Agriculture should the Krport of his labors be msde lo that bodytbe com sensation to be predicated on their opinion of his personal sacrifice! md the meilt of hit services. -Leaving then Ihe payment of personal serviret out of the question the actual capchtet lo be defraud might be from three to four hundred dollar! a year, the appropriation to be commenced under the expectation of being continued for teveral years, but still tubpet to be withdrm n, if at any time it should appear desirable to the proper authority to do to. V'idtr uhoir dirrelion. end at ivAoit tha'get i fiu! I the turvryi tf carried on t I concur with you, sir, entirely in the opinion, that the enterprise ought lo be under the direction of the Board of Ag icuiiure. I beg leave to oiler my rea sons in order. I. It ii piopotcd to giro to ihe aurveyt Sis quest such a shape ai wilt be peeu liarly adapted to the objects of the Board, namely, the improvement of Agriculture and Rural Economy. .' . a 2. I hi bod y it, in in conttitution, well adapted to such a purpose, being com posed of tut h at will probably be petu liarly able to comprehend the relations hich aueh lurvcyt bear to ihe ttecUl interetts committed to their charge, of such aa may. inspire the hope that they will be governed by no local or narrow t,- but wilt bendthetr-exervMMvtse- wards those great and emmandTitg ol- -..aa ? a -a .rt ircti wnicn involve tne interests oi me community at large. Even were the Lo gislature to extend their immediate pa tronage to the proposed aurveyt, it would ttul probably be best to have them con' ducted under the direction of toe Board of Agriculture. 3. That Board would be the most suit able organ through which tocoruroofii fewte-th practical remits of such labors to the public. Of a variety ef matter that might be presented to their notice they would be the best judges of tbat which would be mott important and utclul to their constituent!, and that they might DubirtV'tri their transactions. Matter which thus came recommended to the community by their sanction and autho rity, weuld acquire more cosfidence be more extensively read, and more fully re iu4j4w oraCHKe, than whatcemei treat a single unsupported individual. With regard to tieir meant of defray ing the exfientet of the undertaking, I have no doubt of their ability to do that, thould they be disposed te engage in it with vigor and perseverance. It mar be doubtful, however, whether it would be tale to rely on any aid from the County Societiet. at you propose. It would pro bably be diflicult to eflect any general uMertmong"tem bution srotrW operate up tairty vBut f bef .IW.mcfioJttAtM Aeceaaare. I hey wilt find the funds placed at their disposal ' more than adeqtl A lo TheT at complisbment of those sceptic objects mentioned in the act and. doubtlett it was not the Intention oflha; act lo limi their view to the few object! enumerat ed, but to commit to their direction the general interest! of Agriculluse, and the useful arte. It ii believed, therefore, that e portion of their actual fundi may be appropriated to aurveyt, in perfect con- ormity with the ipiiit and design of their ppotntment. , if, ai y m suppose, tne State Atnculttt by the late arrangement!, end the Board: of Agriculture 3. itt iegiumateauccettorri tee no obiection to its beine also invested 'with any regaining fonda f the InaUtu- ( tion, to be applied at auggeited in your proposition. - -.g:" - . But should the Board be unable to sup port the turveyt by either or both of these resources, may we not hope that they could obtain special sid from the Legisla te e i It is believed by man good judges that the Legislature weuld pot fniiie to lend their aid to the tntcprite.lf f.lrlf brought before tl em fitm any qtiiritr. if the fact be so, it c tonot te r'tultesl that the proMt) :ion would t tcriiln to tnstt lih elevoraMe rr(,..h, If l.id tsfore ihem by the Bo-iri of Aerirutttire, 2J"fttfiJili,"l-l a!i tj, (uieg;atia esViifa-. rfi'Mrrth Hoitd fi u rf uMir-wUciilr fSTei7ie i Tuixls iii fjiiesiJon ht pilvatc tuW tcjlfaioa.... Such piwf 4st'ly ter mended by thfir atithoiiiy, and to be ex " etuted under lhlr walth and cMreriiona would be entitled lo special confidence and would have ireally the advantsee over ilniilar propvsliloM whin brought forward by e private incitlrfual. I would even indulge the hr pe that our Rtsie em braces more than one wealthy tlilten'i who, like the distinguished tiilxrn bf AU bany, neniloncd In my hut Utter, wi-tlj gLdfy take tuch an of pottui liy to show that h!i patriotism ant public iplit were commensurate wltn Ms fortune, rrbnt the forr going considcrailons, ! cnr.r I but think that the Board of AcHrnfure i j ave It In their power fo support the ci' penses of i.eologlcal burveva, on any scale thef rrvav choose te sdodt Hut hat particular expedients they might think most eligible for raisins the nccrt sary fundn I weuld submit to their wit. doin todetide. . . r- . . . 1 have now, sir. concluded the cbwrvt. tions which were tugrettrd to rriy rolnrf. by the propcsiiion offered to the public U Ihe Kowan Att'icul'urtl Society. U appeared to me that eur mloersl rttour ces sre treat, but ther remain lor the mott part useless, becsuse they are so lit 1 tie known 1 that thry arc In their nature . bf Terf 'kr' practiral utility In rrUlori " " to agriculture and the arts, and Is prosed, both by actual enumeration ef the tub stances themselves, and by the most res' V pectabie authorities ttht the expense equired to expluielhern it incor.sUera. bit, compared with the benrfita likely tl tCcrLe'lfoW'such an enter piite f--tha," - title may be tuttaitied by the Bo.rd of Ag tlculture, snd that Ihe undertaking be most advantageously conducted under their auspices. 1 have heard it suggested that the publication of these Letters it prematurer that it ought to hate beet deferred at least until the organization of the Board of Agriculture, since M what il committed to the perishable tolumnt ef newspaper Soon etoka itie oblivion end accordingly! the consice rationt urged re PttnlpeJrtT making a Geological Survey will be fore gotten long before the meeting of that body." If, sir, any such want of judgment it implied in calling the attention of our; 1 citiient to this subject, at to early stags) of our operations, to Improve the Stats) , of our Agriculture and domestic Arts,' I mutt impute the blame to the Rowan So ciety, by whose proposition, ss presented by yourself, my remarks have been elici tedr But it seemed tome deirab!e,iliat , the public should be made mere explicit- . , ly acquainted with the nature snd desigti , . of such an enterprlie, some time before -those who are entrusted with its genera - inlf It!.tliJhuJdJbe called on to act in be half of their fellow citizens. If the British Board of Ar'r,arei hich has been established about 30 years sre admitted to the pies that their pinna Aarvr not had time to be fuUv rles c loped. - then surely it would be unressonabie.te expect that all the advantages which our tfferts.to derrlope the resources of th State and te improve the rendition of itt agriculture end arts are toprnluce, should ' be apparent at the vf ry commence ment of those efforts. We show that Geologr bat s great tendency to lead to useful die coverlet j but we do rot ster that all the discoveries it has a tendency tomake wil( appear; at refflcew would jwjAb, Jo.uard .eiriat wiatwut hopetand'JinreM may -t.l l---onneetiy chance bf maklng"Tjseful- di5coveriee thia State unusually ,:fkiJrboth.Jbecau.i.- it! mineralogy is so rich and diversified and because it has been so little explored But, ereft ew-Uceerie to be-v it would be e sufficient reason for investi gating the resources of ' our Geology.' should nothing more be accomplished, than merely to ascertain the" extent, and detcribe the various practical uses, of cer tain minerals already known to exist! amohg us, and it may deserve to be dis tinctly remembered, that theexpentet ofi the; underteking would be refunded 0 th communityr witb.extravsgapt intmst by the discovery. ! do not say of the use ful iubsuncea before enumerated, buio is single "bed w vein H XJaAtt iht impressions, I thxll leave , the subject to be prosecuted bj these who 1 may feel convinced of its importane, and bd disposed to lend a hand-to help it for. J Ward, if any such exist among us, or to sink into cblivion if no such signs of favor appear. y JKesptctlully yours, ' VaLTEH lULElCff. . , ' . . " : .' ' " f ' . : '. V