101(1 uf f f B It til" irr new. rwlLSEI If Kli.alCUlT I. Ciptain latent, of lie Mli'ier I em t irividaltU l.ijurettu, e-.lkd from Ca 4?U, en !'. 3?J of Jne rcpom Ihil the King of Sp.ln U I arrived at Cauii. refund I I'avi tkvL'le 01 Mf X ci vat taktn by Iht Ciritt e a private individual It the ttknJ ;J 1, and there ffhutattdei K'nf. The msl inbabitsnls f Cadlx were erraW almost universally, with the ftsolutiofi of defending the Con . w'aui'iou t some f Ik Wffsud. soldi. Cd wiib tbt following InicreitinK citrcii. Frunkltn ClaxniK ... Z11 btltr, JultJ CcJtt, Jw4 U. - m Tb French, In thort lime, hivt gdrinceJ fr Cordo, my Mf without ftrinf bot t and with th ume litUitTi Ihef will twobi'jlr prewol lhem dm before Cadiz, ihcy did in II 10, t m . L J! J ! I ft in tut with this difference, Out Ihef have f.ot conquered the country. On the ton. trtrt, they will find greater rethtance. in proDoriion a the ptople get ere that their anioni do not corrrtpond with their jromlie of happineaa and protperitjr, vhicli cannot ro band in bind with the e;ttem of II Iff, nor with ibe lnquithlon, both.cf .which, they enl their allies the actitut, re-etblih wherever their do . tnlnlwi ettenda. Tbe KJnr,, Cortet, and CoTtrnmtnt, were obllfed to leaTe Se ville quite prrtipitatcly , on hearing that two thousand French horae were coming dowo full ipeed with the deaign of carry ing off tbe ling and bit family, through cout it malti, and aided. by a number of ' traitort, among whom was tbe famous -Ceneral D. who ii now imprisoned ) but the enemy was disappointed, for, although the King declared that be could not, in Conscience, more any farther, the Cortes . pronounced him f, and created a Re ftocy, compelling his Majesty to come to Cadis as a private individual. He en ..teredjhit city on Sunday tKej 14ih i int. "with the whole of his familyTaccompani d by upwards of 6,000 foot and horse j tut Ibe moment of bis arrival here, ho as reinstated in the royal dignity, and Oiercisca tbe executive power tbe tame mt before. To-d.f tbe Cortes have opened their tetslonl In Ihia city, which la so crowded . - . - j w i i . a t. w m w, , intf via vav tt I iw . jrk . nc . . - - - - m .. . yor,u J m af $n onflf onbfe chirKtcr. I wt M (iu I luokinf irt nukf i lIUwMtkotouifrtloclcdfcji French , ctotkMd fchwlff. i fj- 04 tod 4 frig. Ut, Cap tin hum ! wkm , i(wJ jf f J,, lned Mrenl dart by Ihl blockidlnj ,n,mif tUck,miii3r.flimwufrtorieii " : Vith peeple from all parts, that it is with great diaicuTty they tud lodgings.' -frovl.ious of ll fctnds;and of whkh we - Jae but acsniy supply, base aiscninxnJ ..Tu io i jer cenir ana proof ne iw ufliciency of our provisions Is the per , xniivlon given by our civil authorities for ' importing foreign rice, beef, pork, pota toes, sbad, and brant, on very moderate 1 slutiet. Even new tariff of dutiet it in print flour, wheat, Ice. will be equally admitted. A letter from Clerona fja Fretich letter cf course! JeUi us that Mwa is shut up in La Io Ifrgcl, and M must toon perish of fat.il.ie. hut It appeara the "famine may yet cling toe very different person ge, for Moncey's proxhlons and 300 mules and 1,500,000 francs, have been seized upon and captured by this starving tunawiv. beaten M tna who reall y seems fo possess the vi'ality of a cat, and after . a est (very defeat appears to bare gained some scvantage. " But it Is unnecessary to warn the read- Jl.ejir agulnst nMiggeratedandfJIse state: tnents, ofikUl as unofficial, in the Frencb Papers. l her ' frequently furnish the means of their own confutation. Thus, while they boast of conquering Spain, and 1' being received by the grandees, tbe peo ' pie, the clergy and the military, with pen'ertns they are demanding more men and more money. Chi. City Gazette. i Ireland continued to' be the scene of -tbe- greatest disorder. In an auray ... be "tweetnbe" Orange: ;md' Ribbnn men, at a. ZZZ c6tit-'iyrs 1b lAtjheend.pf i . fne Ievsnt, was again the tccno of riot and bloodshed. A Turkish tegiment of 300 men, Just trrived, tprerd themselTea over the cilv, and fired upon' all the? . Greeks whom theyvcould discover. ,Se vera! of the latter were killed and wound d. The Pacha interfered sod caused the t Tegiment lobe tent sway. ' . When bt new Turkish fleet was on the point of aailing from Constantinople in April, the English and Austrian Plen- . inn.nfi:irlit near the Porte, went an nboard,the admirrirt - ly.exJiorted.tfie Mptain Pacha to practice 4 'forbiarsDCei'iihd bWriislfffyWartfs ttio Je ""-luded Grrektwbrch the Pachs tftd most Solemnly firomitet- , ' , -" " 1 The daughter of Creet,c.led tya tar traverted the islands in the garb of s, warrior, and' called upon the young ' men to enlist under the banners of their country. . f he recruited, by her sctivity rt snd enthmiastic eloquence, sixteen com . ; jfaniet of 50 men'eacb, placed herself at ' their head, and proceeded with them' to lie ViMe of If xiif frr, on ibt f',. rif iwt tiirr, fit r l' entrsn. t into IV Onurb, In the Rule tl New-York, hi prvruMf hid the most rpM frowtb cl any lon h tho LVned r tste s, as the f.il blng extract will show. Kleven yesrs go, It wist wildemest where now Ho chtifer stands! rfmUiin t Jit'itttk ftrtUmt hit lee etnlel during the pis! . k in taking a census of ih v.iUg, ami ha pol.itry furnish, ed m Uh Iht following rcviU of his Ubom 37JI inhabitant i 33 dry foo.1 and hards are atortii IS fmctry an I pro is. storesi 3 drug. pitT lta' awl leather flttr) 3 SOuiiintrS 1 Mil ftorjr 1 1 morocco Anuttt i tin- iters n4 curriertt I brtckeni 3 tn4 erv- die nctonct t 4 bkert i 3 roorin 7 barber i iir millei 7 mwruI1i 1 pner oiJIj 1 il mill 3 cardinr mcliine i 3 uMan tnd x4l n ff1o. riei 3 Irlp bimri 3 fure I brewery 3 diitlflerlr 1 3 etmie tnd rrthenwre faetonrt 1 burr myr fmrtorri 19 tmrerei 11 ihv eianai I trerni 19 chU t 3 liit'rrti 572 fnm deH'mr Houmc. By comptrin the i . .4. . I r.i I t . atxwa w'rth the aiatamcflt ve wtrki tiiwe, it will he seen thai the Snrrrstr f K'KMatrr since-1114, bu eonattlrraUiy eretcd edSOOOf InlBUthetewasiwnllatHi here. 1 Mvnil Hputti(9 MORE QUACKERT. The followintr singular caution Is from the Keene (N. II.) Sentinrl. We are reqf sled, by Meisr. Joshu Copeland, and Jacob Ileal , of Washing ton. In this county, to caution the public gainst employing a woman, who is tra veiling ahourthe country, with from to IS butfiels of herbs, 9-IOihi of which are the most common among us, such a Tliistle Briar, Clover DraVe, Elder, Sec She pretends to have lived with the Indi ans) to tell by the rotjirMflflf, every dis ease incident to the human frame. She gives the ume medicine in every com plaint, unless she has more than one pa tient in a family, and tells of performing cures, which no person would believe who ' . . a. does not believe in witcnes and nobeon lins. According to her ow n account, and from other information, she has taken recently from three to five hundred dol lira, In the towns of Alsted, Miilow,Stod dsrd, Sullivjn and Washington. These rentlemen state that they were deceived '. by her, about a year since, and paid her two or three dollara each, which did them no good, eirept to learn them to beware J of quack docior$. "DO TOU TAKfi THE NEWSPAPER f ' " MrrfiidgeTT During- rretlevria e enrsicm to neighboring townI-iell in fompunTwfth two persons, arvdoverheard the following rnnscrsation, which I con sidered of sufficient inportance to be in aerted In your next paper. AW OSSCRVRR. A. How does it happen ncignbor B that four 'children have made so much greater progress in their learning and knowledge of the world than mine f They ail attend the same school, and for aught I know enjoy equal advantages. B Do you take tbe newspaper, neigh bor Af A. No sir, I do not take them myself hut 1 now and then borrovt one," just to read. Pray sir, what have newspapers to Slcijythjhejtyucjiicinjpl B Why sir, they have a vast deal to do with it, I assure you- I should at soon think of keeping them from school, as to withhold from them the newspapers. In self. Being new every week, it attracts their attention, and they art. sure to pe ruse it. Thus, while they are storing their minda with useful knowledge, they are at the aame time acquiring the art of rea ding,. &c. I have often been surprised, that men of understanding should over look the importance of a newspaper in a family. A. In truth, neighbor B. I frequently th ink il efcouW We ttf take them but J cannot afford the expense ft. CanYifford the e xpettte Iwhat, iei me asa, is ine vaiue oiyivc or atx aoi lars i" year in comparison with the. picas- ure and advantages derived rrom well conducted newspaper. ! As poor aa I am. I would not for fifty dollars a year,depnve my ael F erf-t hw naptHi ing and hearing my children read, and talk about what they have read in the pa per. And then the reflection, that they are growing up intelligent and usetul members of society. O, don't mention the expense pay it in advance every year, and you will think no more of it. -A I believe you are right. 1 now I will go home net ordeir the printer tosen msbifpttpcr - .POPULATION LOWER CANADA. It appears by a census of this pro vince. taken in the year 1822, that the number of inhabitants amount to , ' 365,546 City of Quebec, by the tame - census, to 14.880 City cf Montreal, to ; : . Town ol Three Kivers, to .2,873 ' V" i'- ' . n.f.:-.r,cr'in Ltcls it.e rjtcw. sometimes atuik oirn in Ilriigolin is very sinrular. It f!unj;rs itself into the waves, tnd after being completely drer.ehfd. roni ittcU on the thore, t ift winps are Quite covered with aar.rl It then rises into the air sod hovers over ift victim. Wbertlote to It, iS.krs its winct and throws lionet and sand imn the eyes of the ox, while ii CAmpI?tea the lerrtr ei tne animal vy ' ... t rn blows w ih tspo"' , n blinded oxen run aWt quite raving, and at learb fall down wholly exhaust- - - . - S) - a f- t i ew ed, orXlatJlJhrmseives 10 ue.in wy fallinflr from anmer cltC eagte then mangles uuiTii'tu'rlcJ t!.?Tru"tt of hitvtcterryr - Itv to tatth n Ow-A western pa ner mentions the following at an easy me ihodoftaklnr owlt. When you discover one on a tree, and find that it is looking at you, all you have to do is to move quickly round the tree several times, when the owl in the mean time, whose attention will be so firmly fixed, that, for getting the necessity of turning its body with its head, it will fellow your motions with Itt eves, till it riags its head off. fudg e ! The same paper proposes s method of tsklnz rabbits, ecuaily easy and etlectuai M Place (says the writer) apples in the parts where.lhey frequent after spr inkling them with snuff, and when they come to smell, the sudden effort to sneeze whiclt they nuke never fails to break their necks, and even in some cases has been known to throw their beads a foot beyond their tails. Vttto OIL. A recent disrr-.ery is said to have been made, that oil etraced from cetton seed will answer for painting, lhat ii is found even superior to linseed oil lor this pur pose. 'I he machinery necessary lor pick log the cotton, it is slated, msy be easily converted to the purpose of making the oil. A patent has been granted to Mr (ieorge P. Dcrges, for securing the ad' vantages resulting from this discovery, and we hope our planters may eventuJ ly find tbe value of their cotton seed some little set off for the low price of cotton itself- Augutia Lhren. From a Northern paper. We observe in the report of the Pitt dinner at Edinburgh, Sir Walter Scott was present. His health was drank of course, to which he appropriately replied. But presently, when perhaps (he wine had begun to do its good office, the health of the Amhwr-of Wavrrly- was also given, with mneh deservH compliment, and ma ny nods and winks, and cunning siirmi see, which the circumstance of the pres ence of Sir Walter irresisiMy provoked. The baronet, however, was proof against ine, good humor, and compliment; he said not a word, but appeared to join hear lily in the applause with which the toast was received. The annual meeting of the CnroTine Croxo Company, (Va.) was held n the 14th inst. on which laudable occasion 762 crows were produced and burnt During the bonfire the following toast (which will serve equally well for the p.libliihMS-Dlxiews--papers and thesler ert of crows) was drank with loud huzzas: " Addition to our subscribers, Multiplication to our exertions i Subtraction to our enemies, Andrrtuxniontoenrrnefigence. Why are the community so much mbarrassedf Because Banks lend money, that ave not got it to lend and Because people spend money, who ave not earned it to tpend. REMEDY. Own the money before you lend it j Earn the money before vou spend it. . "TECt'MniT. MaMiMMari!- " a short time of each other. The six chil dren were m good health a few days since and were teen to cry in concert. " The JJen tnd the IjimoftVrc. eWekKlstoi1tHrald Itatet," upon the assurance of a respectable gentleman, that a ton of Aaron Burr, and a son of Alexander Hamilton, both write in the same office at : St. Louis, Missouri, and are upon the most friendly terms, fjh will be recollected that A. Burr killed A. Hamilton In a duel.l . ' "T ITiirthir irTnWtaffoiThirUW'ff. John Jtidd,.of Citicrnnati, bequeathed the sum;'ifJWjP0f3jrM wnich is forever -f dboappfOpritea W wwrds the tducation of the poowthildren of that city, on the monitorial system. NOBLE EXAMPLE. The master tailors of Hartford, Conn. hiive resolved not to employ journeymen who are intemperate in the Use of ardent sDiritst and to forbid their annrentices ,15,905jrinj?ing njr Spirituous liquors into their shops roUMUNICATJONH. ,avs wttnaae.amsi. rouiTiTvr JULT, TTT,',0,' ",f ! fsle ry rnitift if arrti gt mmta, fr ibe pul LiS e aWtrm. turn of AB.nrsn r1 jrm1rfe, at K0f4- .a, atan esHy bour Ml'ndaylbe 4:h, arrest eoncourseof peoj.le aambUd at UoVUk, ll.e process, itmirr tirtc,mt uarr.snr.ai of thedaj, Col. r..Ilrysn, rerr.eve4 from Ilia i:esirtJlesiaf to the Aeaderr-y green, in the M. lowing orderi 1st, Capt Wwnra r.flacorpe of Ituiberford volunteers i 3. Presulenl, orators and eUrgy 3. ladieai 4. Mn4.itirary hrorS ii v.- rmr-ir m-nrirfnltkr, . -i . i - i. . - . mnnm m krir biitnricml t!tt of ll.c I)cc.lirtiMi vt Ameww IruleperMleace, Mr. W arner read J.irUHle air of - llsJ Coton.bla,- eas aung. ae- they will bear. Supposej you In-rotr-Mhird bv inatrvmenisl nusie. and a nation. Urease the duty OH Madeira wine fil it aJ astute fired ky tt tn.i.'ary. leeitiiena then aal down to an eiceDVtrt dinnr,reidby Mr. J.llloweii,leh.su-y.ly GMlattte. After the clmh was rceioved, ibe .;', iom.. n ere drank I.-TW At fiawJU-ir. "CJuaLla. Columbia, lo dorr an-." lie. 3. MoVnrf- I he IW in war. rne first in peace, and the firv. in the hearts of b.s country men. 3. Patrim 70 Their memories shsll Ami- ri.h, stf.if the sons of Columbia be free. H b. inton'i Mtrch. 4. 7m ttdmti CnttihittA pro.nl moflu- rr rnl of ratiunal libertv, and tbt safeguard of equal relit . Yankee Doodle. .1. ITtfSmtt JSnh.Corinortthhftn republican virtue ill never intrigue fur ap pointments. ft. .itnmllMTt, Ctmmtrtf, mnJ .Van factum Three Ires in one stool, inrre cheers. 7. 7e NrprfrnluhvrflheprpftUyhrf pursue the good of the people, at Ibe risk of inrir uiijiirisiire. 8. HfrttomJ frhnrh friendr interrcairse ami be'trr acqminiance will remove prejudice. fKi produce intii.isi coiinaenre. - m m ... " ,w . 9. fiur .Vin.jp I he pride of our country, and a'lmiiaton of the world. 1 be rr ipanflrd banner. lu. The FrJeral t'mn t'nited we stand, di vulrd e fsfl. Hail Lol.imbia. 11. Inttrnul wftr-vewwi The eure Index of national irreatncsa. 1?. ArJwtioory Learned and irHlrpendcri, the a.irrt Mlrgtianl of civil liberty. 1.1. IT I MMtlf .rtk.( artthnt. 14. The .trmi, In peace prepare for war, li. Jm-heoH Sfirnce and hlrruhrt Crr pruli ctious and atta.nnicnu command the res- P"oer-Let him e U the north. avM.th, or we.t-bv the independent sufTrsges of a free people, and not by the In trtjpita uf a caucus faction we hail bun aa the mum IT. Freetltm o the Freti A tain-aiater of I oeHy 1 8. 7V fiimdi tf Rcbtibtiton Imhtutitnt in Merit toy their labors be crowned with suc- (M 19. ratriott fSitJlmtrie May they soon celebrate tbe day of rteir iufipnal Independence. -vrr -M r-iK-jrA -r i,.i s- letrrrnre ..f r,ulnwliv. ;it.,r- .! Willi wr V"l'l" WV Va "I I'M K I II 1 . III equal repreaenation, and unfold the resources ana enerirs ..i onn i.aronna. 21. An honest politician The noblest work of God. " 22. StMtin Msv the Cod of libertv nrotect hrrlrt'm the machinations of tyrants, and guide her to prosperous freedom, under her new con- stitutinn 23. 7 A Greek May they soon be free, and when independent, may the God of freedom use them to emancipata Europe from tbe curse of the Moly Alliance. Bnice s Address. 24. Tia American Fair Durtinpmhed for iwaiiiY, accompiniimeoia ana virtues t lue friends and ornaments of their country. me tbs wtiTiair caaouau. Mr. White : In looking over your pa per of the !7th Jone, I observed a piece headed "the Tariff," and underneath sign ed - Lincoln,- with a lengthy extract from the Trcasaret'i-B ,833 appended, in which he tays the subject ot the Tariff is much spoken of in connection with the Concessional I t t w j Election, in this district, l hat one of I ...c oncuuaies is m lavor oi a small modi- .L.. A'.A ; 1 e sa I fication of existing duties on certain arti. cles, with a view toantnerease of the re venue, and the other altogether opposed to any change. Now, sir, I for one, and I doubt not but that your readers ce- nerailr would bave been glad, that Lin- coin , had- have..enterecLrjiore i minutely into the subject;"" and have told ut the nr posea, wnat the existing duties are on I those articles, Bmi his reasons for believ ing that those would bear an increase. It It hta th&f ttt-t IniTtsftlJl nf Halt tar, ias wav. I . i iMiStfi nn in &rnriati m luvurw ih.a ssuiii i ' J .a as. ... " - tsw vi smuv is vi r 1 vfr llvif ain tWt"'v1tWiieAt) i fc aW v4tstiawtw havvnrv as s ul,v. v.8 i- reaay ao high as to lessen the quantity .cu, vnu ior argumeni saae, wouia they do so, the revenue derived from them Is unimportant,! and upon luxuries, it would be impracticable to make ud the . a I v.v., . ,c ,,, i. ai,u lor prpoi oi me .vm -j,, ...u .0 ncrc . rsicr muvos- ues ana neat amount oi revenue derived m 0 " a I l4fTv sVkrVvew. Ki-J srlalewav tafid Mmnaeavl "-5 r w i them with sucb at art not esteern m Itr-lata m. . b.ti.i. il. .s- a- . S ..., ..uuuo wu,., .sue rcacn oi every - nn. cc, T ,m.ii r. v.i taoeire wine, t.A there . is.s duty tf onfrdollaf per gallon j I K aw Vast la lmriAUil O 0 A DA -..If . I. J . f -" nS ea.Mwt 04VtfS-ava uii cnctiuc iU r Y al, the duty is only forty -cents per gallon, fof ano the duties received tntnth-Ti-a. I and the dutiet received into the Treasury of the U. States is SI 78,327" 20 centa, 60 cents difference in the prices of duties, and the one yielding a revenue almost double the other. Again, take the arti cles of teas, the imperial tea nsed only If tie rtrSsCl ffoff rf lufttr.'t, ; ;;j arncnutf.f rJ04,33J 0 rr.-.n, (.,;, hyion t40tts. yirMs?,574J,Ji 4:nci,ti the ImictUI trail sold in cur let. iliiorts at f1 1$ lo fj 71 t er rtit,l, wl.il.i u, lysonls sold at 8 1 50ogl7J. An, sir, take Splrasr Mi'nicp, the slut Ii ( rents pcfpout.d, tnd Ibe ainounl rritirti ji ha Treasury is P, 1 0.71)) cit.namcn, 3Jcenfl wrrwimd, aiauunt received fror- ...,,, f, oyjo fli .s.-, .i,, . . V ' Y ..... .- of pepper, duty I cents, amount of duties received, gl02,705 40. From tbe above statement of facts, it appears lo me that a moment't reflection WM only ncccilsrv, creasing the dutica on artklfi of Juturr.-- la make Ills iba Ardritntm . m ,itil 1 Liruf illlii Ajph ihtiiifn imc '.tt I .m er,) and at tbe tame lime be Conclusive, cents per gallon, or B I J" rents, which is cxtrivagaOl in the ex'.reme, would the) t M u lhit the I.igh dutv ,,' , j 'j , e ' "odd. c!ude the articlue from tbe coun. l"f altogether, and tnereby fleprlre the government m tne sum wnicn is leceived and derived from that article I It certainly -would. It Is s fact, that in Itlf, th cotton manufac'.urert at the north, by ihrir complainia, to far imposed on thw Kood nature of Cent rest, as lo obtain ars increase of the duty only 3) per cent on , the Calcutta goods, homhums and coarso muslins, inducing s belief thai tbe addi tional duty would, if the quantity Import ed should be lesi, make secure to the go . . .a a.' vcrnrneni me amount nereroiore ootain , ed on those goods, although the additiors lo the old duty wn small, yetlt did ameun to a prohibition of those goods altogether l the people were without those articles and the government lost tbe duties. Lin IUII. T (Hll "lilts ucuv.il U. VIIV million" (it is one million two hundred. and fifty thousand dollars,) can be raised ' only in one of ihree ways,' by loan, by in ternal taxes, or by an increase of dutiesr on certain anklet of Importation. INow, sir, thcic is e fourth way, which I think piefc.ble, and which 1 believe would bet ter suit, and meet the approbation of lb people, than cither of Lincoln'a three f ib-t is, to economise and to retrench, to ki off all useless expenses, (which is ?!" : 'Ji c,,,1,na uninenuiy 10 inc i arm, ana is oppoaeu to an increase di outset.) oup- ' niM r .Knlllil .AMMhrA Bilk r lrulA V the daily pay of the members of Congrsisr to six instead of eight dollars a day, which. is high these hard limes, and the mem bers up to 1813 or 1116, did very well with six dollars ; there will be in tbe, next. j Congrus in tbe Mouse of Representative 3i3 members, in the Senate 4, soakinw i-atriiing from tbodasly pay I ... ... ..'. i tWO dOlUrt. Would be S SaVIDSTOf OVO hUn dred and twentv dollars per dav, and es- timatlnir the lenelh of the hrst session at i an .i--. fa rAlil ike llailal 1 1 fWS A rxf fal 1 1 SVS e' i ive uaiM aiuvui silts uaueia usssv vi taevtai i c. ss would save to the government 78 .300 dol lars; and the second session at 90 days would be 46.800 dollars, making an ag gregate for the term of two years of 135 100 dollars. ,1 here has also been created. in each department of tbe government, many additional ifjkerr with salaries i nerallv frvmJOOO to SOQO dollars i ihossu- adrtitional numbers might have been ne cessary during our last war, and for some time after, but certainly by this time,tbo business which eVe cut of that war, is atfjwtsnrtTeTl leFIedl! Then, a consldera- bie saving might be made again: the ar I my, although small, there it a great dis propoition of officers, tbe organisation. beiug 35. to constitute a company , and it is evident there must be a number of these oflicert unemnloved. and of course. " - we v iv ny a vnubi eesr evi vice whatever to iherrnvernm. nt.and wkv- o ' f ao. continue those, when we ara told that in 1835, there will be s deficiency of. upwards of one million of dollars 1 by rt uining only such as sre necessary to tho government, and dismissing tbe balance, , some 2 or 300,000 dollars may be saved t this sdded to the saving from the reduc . lion of I he pay of--the -members ot Con eresClbeai&tontkiUance rtrra uiTTnc cmr nsi. .imuicr iviLU ii.aiir .. ... .Ll. ll;. : " . . k i m:.. U 1.-An otners wnicn mignt oe maue wimoui no -ft, i.l-i . , . .L . least injury to government, and thereby Uun.. inl-rn.l n an tnereSiA bb wau wma aiai aarava aiaaa ri ub bb aa. mmm At till lava 1 Tm i 1 t.flTT 1 fttlFtlawri OI 4ffl , a w-a w a awav a a a 1' 4 VI wwlw. . - ...... a...vw, , . . . . : . I", v a ' . w ' . a a ra 0, country, ana one on wnicn .ner. Uhould act cautiously the northern Mi: eastern people have at all times been rest i... .n itu..iiaRa.j .lib. ik T.iiri fee quent re,isions have been had of it, and .k ..;.,tnn. j.S.. .r- "'' .tim-s IV1V 111! vsb"""VW " w a V"- V higher than they wero some twenty-ire ye,r, tincc t further Increase may Ieaa lA nn..n.nra. ..,in. , .s.- . .n.,,hcm tV ,VII9lfJUlls.e 4VIIVUS 9 , UVW evn. . ' i. ... .. ... a . ' people cait ncf cr occomo inanui--v;.uicit- - ft ,w material. .nH find -it mnre eempeual am. r.iiir, ".I .n .ntoHt. ia ai tend toggtfcol.'uWewfHbw greatest . "? .s consumers, and any act increasing tne 11,11. a. thawrssKs. tnriaeinrs that hrtri 011 Uli bv us consumed, would be un. equal ana uniusi, ana its enacts wowu . . : ,. ' uk. if not directly, indirectlyr to enrich the few at tbe expense of tbe many. , .A f AJ 1. .v- . JupitU 1833. :H

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