t.. Vm-Wv, fa Til i?lel riT. ' , I roae wldi t'n ilat pr-ars wdf.ft Trrn tie rx-f f r ti,ts:wt, ti ttiM ff . atii , (IfarV J'.at ros monl'.i.f wl.lijxrt'l irt V' fm y depsrtest fn tMMvM t yt - lit brook, Thta lk t W the gwes-rfW t! fl.U y And enjoy kf the U Une, Ut Ut 1-oL .Th fl avert to the gsrJea wera sweeter and ...Krtt,','."-,'."" river, ; TU U vtn mor d pWul tttfl The pott u mors pW kauri, At thrush's song - rarer , ' TIe UW wort MgWulaM deafer tttrl Iw Jrrp tb ImpressHm in; tw art from Uic took, ' 0i the morning t jtt them iW1ut Vxji.' ' Yet ft feting, tow kindreJ-telA sisters of nad k. Tra.kd my WiTm renrt aset mjr tie I Ufur I had iewcJ them and heard tbem - Ikrt tbei I approached thrm to bid tbm alien To cut on tboee pastures, tb wi and the ' brook On the bom of rnrchiMbood,a la la Vwk. " JJjt the bD of old brmdle forret BheU I neer Tb Sell which ao oft I wilh (jUasurt had !h ard la tbf paature, lh frore, m the Lanka of the lltef, TW.le eeeklna; tt even the flock end 'he herd JW seemed to return with i knelJ as I tout Of the Urn-yard and brindlc, mj lest lut look. ViUt bead ahal! dictate, the a, bat pen sUH ULte tTnat pencil pourtnj the emotion's cicest, JLa, with tears falling fast," and with voice fruiter Inf quite, . Mf mother approached whh hrr Wet but kit 1 Tbii heart vibrates jet with tb emotion thook 11 tol,M ebeftve me the UtU look. . O tomt fmtrt theme, I tUre not purwe thee i Tbie lamp, which tt best gmi fire -ft fittt, .WiS be queBcbcJ vitb gritt, if I further renew thee, And vnp ft poor leu lo one dark mental nlfht. U take of the theme, e that mominf I took ' Of friende, home, and ptiturei, a lat latt look, rmut. tPlCWAMIC PUN .1 new rm. The bom mibt do, eava I to Net!, . Tho rather Ion j and aomethinp red j That moet mj curioue notice' catchei, JOn ejt'e aaq'iint thej are not matchea. Matchea, eejre Ked, obaerrinf nifher, .. .fTl tlltbxy are notxfcir bj mj lire, .... , ' .TT.i Bof woufdfft the m both on fire, "LlteTOT ExltatU &C. riOM Tat atw JteaTBLt BaaAiiai. 1 SatuitU JTnnen. Chanca t Fmalt ; npintu - CintludcdfrvM vr latt.) One chance of "aingle blessedness" ! atdl reaerved for these Celibates. Their affections, unclaimed upon earth tbmctimeaetarexipieithe skies t responding to the manifestation ot Civiue love which tney ee en every aide of them, tney draw down religious UehtntTijr direct froot- Htaven, w hile tt eo tret-k ton j&ttoT ;s r hjctl Only "gtiibV it towards, tnc eartn. a ne uevouon 01 the former, at it is founded upon feel intri. may He unioquiring and have teodemry to enthusiasm, but it will be cheerful and happy, because eman ating' front the heart the latter ap proach this subject with their heads process which not unfrrquentlv makes them sceptics, or bigots, or hypocrites. . But let us suppose the happier case cf a young woman,' "who, from her beauty or fortune, is sure to receive offer that is to; say, who will attract fools' or sharpers, and be taken as a jiecesMrx WieT--EveB IlSioElKaWeClCto J.'-ll,i jmxtne perhaps two, but if th.e third be, merely free' from positive ohjec- V tions, prudence urgeahisacceptance,re- ' 1 1 tattOTiS ICCOnq nruaence;t-yntrTirTr-ma r-r - . i . i . 1 tie a man because he afford her no ... godtl , excuse for bating him. The - Circassians of Europe have little more choise than their namtsakea of Asia. The happy palr";begin by commit t tiog at great mistakel-they withdraw s v themsclvc fromthe world to apend theJhoiey.m , product uiisU much ol one another at first, lind 'the rl???i!eottoa'jind ennuh ,Sbe Wbo:ina1rirta-aadleiwbo", will hang, upon her aociety tilt he is weried, and , then V recreatjocnelswhcre, has not, so manv chances of happiness, as.the woman whose husband is compelled to tear himself fro br c6tupaoy (for his duties, and gladly return to it for hi. enjoyments; ,:" --r'':''t.'' '' A man love generally dirormshea afteriaarriage, while a woman a increa- r.tl'J.thave ?m i !,' t:i ri mi i inn l.rm Min.ciMti!, for i'.iu ; ;itte(t t- thcr ftf erirt or put, whitb ib lit! IrfOiiirt I o ofun dijniftfi with the name of hve, d'mppcr with J ,)mrnt wl.'.lc l!ie Hrt.If, huf ! tfut, fttvJilbem impcrccfiliUly kioii U d ly i icnie of datv, by ihc toocioui. t her dependence. nd Rragfy cation prtd ixjvcll bkh I tt lout chang of life invariably rtienu t the outlet. Awakening from thii trince. the h leiiure to dltcovef that ihe hid rode over q ntr ira efjom! ter. trictly ind faly J dfiguifl pot onlr all her preicnt poiieHioi, but ill iff fwlureriiwtauuni. U tjut ihe my ever jrn by her ulcnut the hti not become hit ierTnl,fjr iiervanti, if ill uted, majr dep'.rt, and try to better themecWcf tlaewncre, uot hi aerf. hit l4e, hia white negro. wh.iio. Jtcordinir to Judi IJjtlcr, ifbimieira mariird mi) he may cor ,tb rrci with a stick of the Mine th.ikneaa hit thumb, hater may be ita dl mfni n We hear'of roay fetuia, the .kn chaioi of love, theifl yoke f t llvmen .bat who it to bear the ..ui-Krir.dmjr boudcr of d'ulikc, too trtnpt, hatred.' The laimaJ bv m-n, and ihereforc flagrantly in u orovide no remedy t if the i weapon, the tyngjc, the pruclaimed a acold. a ahrewj and reminded of thf Iticking-tK.I if the make hit own houie uncomfortable to her huabaod, everv bodv'i tUc it open to him; he may violate hia marriage vow, and i till a marvellout proper gentleman i he may attotiate Hth profligate!, and hit Iriendt exclaim Poor man! he hat been driven to thta by a b4d wile !" If the deierted and injured woman meantime teekl relief fr.nn hcrsorrowB in the nioat innocent recreation. Spite, with ita Argmeyca, keep watch i.pon her door, and Calumny doge her foot itepi, hitting at her with ita ihoutjud touguea, and spitting out lies and poi son from every one. Let no tn.m choose me for umpire in a conjugal dispute. I need not ask who is the de linquentmy heart has decided ag iinst him bv anticipation. Such, I shall be told, is the result of uncongenial unions ; but it is a mistake to suppose that men seek congeniality in their wives. In friends who are to share their eports and pursuits to ac company; thm. in shooting, hunting. lflinlnff f 1 J?u r reugton I over a bottTr j they naturUy sctecl sini- ilarhy.of taites; but vomen are tndo ntlllling ni an una, msj ait vuu "i their domestic duties, and as these are petfectly distinct from the nun's, he locks out tor contracts rather than urn formitv. Hence the male horror of Blueitockings,thesneerwith which ev ery blockhead exclaims .' Our wives read Milton and our daughters plays!" 1 ihealcruv-titlwwhich-hi -assurnr that such learned laditt must necessa rily "make sloppy tea, and wear their shoes down at the heel i and the convin cing self-applause with which he quotes ( a Though Artemiaia talks by fits Of council, fatheiVcIaMica, wita. Reads UalbranCbe, Boyle, and Locke," be, - Let u imagioe.-oot a patient atoik fish, like Grutlda, but an accomplish ed woman, "paired, not roatrhed1 with "a sullen silent sot, one who is ever musing but never thinks, an an imal who, like London small beer, gets sour if not soon drunk ; or unit ed to a drone and a dunce, who loun ges all day long before the fire, spit ting into it like a great roasting apple or submitted to the caprlcea of a man who ket pa his.,cpod h temper for compf tfyintl ittafcoaoVotftt smtiinoTomaiB5-it-ioT raLIkSiIe sour; or tormented with a profligate, who " But I must have done, al- though I have not half finished, far 1 might stretch the line tq the crack-ot a a a doom. When I consider all the hard ships and trjal to which the, fjir tex are subject by those unjust institutions of society which exact, the greatest strength from the weakest vessel j and reflect, moreover, that Nature has un kindly imposed upon it all the pains af can only repeat once more; that I thank Heaven for not having made me a wo- Antthtr itcom Boat eeci4ept.rJhe steam boat Beaver, Fuqqay , while descend flag the Red River from Natchitoches, burst her boiler en the evening of the 17th Inst, four mile below Alexandria, and Kalded ene man to such a depree that his life is despaired ol. The captain and a negro servant-were- also severely scald; rd, but not, dangerously. . tmr ?vr.. T!lt r.f Rrttluve a ih cr!d mty, we never experience in nJ thing h.'.f so ttu 'Ihe oljtt be loved the iccond time may be more amiable may be nvre-dcicrving tl affection, but in l fi' ihera U a velty of drcutnttancet ai d fctlirg an untattedcupolj't n,tn -" u-.n fails short! in , a n . We are, ii a itcona autction, going over a path aireauy w"i firt, we explore a new track covered with wilJroa and spontaneous luxu riance, th d-ffute's od'Hits, whichJUe j. their Iretbttets on being again ex haled. Vlays know we are1n hve t".s second time, from our former expenencerThe firtttrme wt arerm vices, and receive out maiden impres sions giblcd by brighter hopes, and hal lowed by a sanctity "that casts almost a religious holiness over them. Kepei li n of love grows mare and more aen ual I it is in TO'ith's first affection on ly that l ive, like that of aogels is ex changed ethereal, unstained, lucid with heavenly Duritr. First love is like vouth. virtuous, full of generous impulses and exalted feeling. In sue- -' - ti ! . bm . .Arm n. cettive visnaiiona u iah"hh wnf ted. at in advamtog years we get more and more the creaturet of circumt'ance, interet,aniltheworld scustom. Vooth is infinttely nearer the optimism con templated by moralists and philoso phers than munhood. " Love," too, it has been observed wisely, "it al- w.ys nearer allied t mrlarcholy thn to iol'itv or mirth." The intances recoided of the purest anu most exai- j : . . . .1 ted passion, are among the aid te tern ncramenta. The souls tint feed upon themselves, that keep lu. k from thr multitude, that cannot put up with common place, but a-pirc to idealtits .' r , ' .1 I nnft trn nnsof tneir on nrsr nr rcncrallv the earliest, tc mot dura ble. and the derpest imprcss'n.n In-m Jove. a IXIRACT. trrairr. TTTF. GOOD 0M TWTT. Old times lei o'ltcrs pric pltaa ; I'm rlad Uiat I M bom in t!uc. Many neoole aie Constantly making a disparting reference to the stite of things lormeriv ; anu even in v ir8u a day, it was " Olim mtmn'utr jubarit" I am aick of this cant about the good old times. If thescfare not the gulden days, they are certainly the d-ya to live in. Let us weigh our wealth and compare. bur comforts wiih-'ihose who . a . r lived m the "oUen timet ana sirixe a batance and see whTch is the gainer, 1. Knowledge used to be acquired by profound study and deep research. V - t;e J i... t. now U is sirnpuncu oy amuijtis, as lections, beauties and elegant extracts 2. With them a good man and nn able statesman wjus a rarity, Iow we have them by doaens, in the city and country. 3. Tn the good old timet they wasted their' strength digging for 'gotdrmd searching for the phihtopher's itone or ehxer of I'fe. We -want no mines : paper, mill .upp.U-tht- jaceflf one, aud the- whiskey null the other. 4. What was the st..te nf their ma teria medico 7 Had they pateit medi cines in every comer, those universal ahd'hevef failing remedies for all in curable complaints I 5. Had they their tteam hats, cir balloons, flying ttaget, and corsets for dandies t 6. Then, the greater the truth, the greater the libel. Now ,we may tell the truth, and shame the devil. Then old women were drowned for witchcraft, and ojd men for being qua kers. Now alt ur young women are btyr itcMrig, and the quaker? are -net-, jfrerit JetJBerljjre were all federalists, lMimMtr1tWi are,the Lord knows what. Formerly we asked men to receive teffice, and they uerrtoisorfcr-tyThe distinctions. Now all want offices, and nominate themselves for them. Formerly it wa asked, is he hon est, i he Capable. Now. who can command the greatest number of votes. Formerly we bad few law?, and those well understood. Now we have many of the first, and too many of the latter. MOW-ArDAT. vae Tai xisctLLAisors asarsTti. learning, and waa supported by com mon sense. Kenned nonsenshad no advocates, and w pretty generally kicked.out of door. Fortu veart eeo, men ct nronertv abour and wear homespun to church. Women could spin and weave, make butter and- cheese, whoe hus bands were worth thousands. r, r.'., i fsn rrtf.OicrcwtreLut few rrfi(!iJirtVtntheCuntry,frwinsf.Jvfnt drMofi, snd very tartly a pertim im hf'HOi.ed fr debt. fry yeart Cg0 the young ladiet of ti e Cfit rttpt ability Earned mu- tic, but It was the Humming i ue -,ts.t. andlearred the necessity Slept of dancing ia fallowing It. Their forte piar.no w a loom, tneir parasoi a birH.m, and their oovtls the Hible, Forty yeart cg9, the young gentle nn nrii rem. ihopned wood at the door, and went to school In the winter to Uara reading, writing t ana arunmc- 'Vnriu near! rsntoere ww iomi rrstM-et naid to old as-e, to the minister of -the parish, and -to Sa)dayr Fortu ueart cro. there was no sucn thing at balls io the ummer, and but few in the winter, except mow balU. Forty yeart ego, if a mechanic pro- ... A . i nnr wnrlr. sou mieht trie- pend on his wotd, the thing would be done. w nrTfli'l JONATtlAM MRICS. Every body that sees the name of the late post master general, exclaims, Flxeous! nai a naiw, To !1 the sneakinr trump of future fame ! This sine ilar Christian name, we ran atture them, had the following orioinal. The crandfaiher of the pott- matter cmeralwat a sober pious Y-n- kee.and hitname was Jonathan iieigi. He had set his affi ctions nn a fair dam sel in his neighlM.rhood, and, after a telioui Imgih of years spent in court ship, he plucked up courage to ask her to be I is bride. I he damsel was tear lul of seeming too bold, if she consent ed at once, and thought it best to pla the coquette a little, and gave him a prompt denial. Jonathan thought her in earnest, and did n t dale to repeat a a a a a 1 Ins r quest j hfdf parted, overwneimeci with discontent and drspondencv. Surprised at such simplicity, and, per haps actuated by some other motive, which may be left to the ladies, the icy heart of the damsel melted ; she. went to the door, and perceived that her wretched lover was still lingering about her habitation, in fond delay, she ex ilaimed " ar.Tuae Jonathan !" Swift and true as the arrow to its mark, Jon athan did return. He marritd the lovely coquette, and in proper time, in grcatful commemoration of the happy termination of the courtship, Jonathan carried his first-bom eon to thebiptis real font, and gave it fora name those blessed words which had called him from" despair to unspeakable joy. The commendable desire5 which most fathers fed to perpetuate their names, may be supposed to have had some in fluence in the selection of one for the late postmaster general j and unless fame is a very liar, the "venerable an cestors above mentioned has witnessed the armrooriation-of this romantic Chnttian name to his decendants of the third or fourth generation. .AVw- "England Galaxy The native nations of thit continent, it is true, were ferocious and crul; and, in this character, I have more than once, in the progress of these re marks, hd- occasion-to-atigmatii them. Yet it is an interesting, and at the same time, a melancholy occupa tion to remember, that scarcely two centuries have elapsed since this con tinent was occupied by its original inhabitants heroic, lofty, free as the winds, and ignorant of any foreign masters. Now the sword, and that still greater destroyer, which all their courage cannot resist have almost ex terminated those once powerful tribes, many instances, told to the white ; toldl. for what consideration!. acre! for beads and penknives provinces for blankets and empires for powder, baoVatkl rumr Have tbeyre tired be fore the wave of European population: and do they now exist in remoter and more happy regions, where trader ne ver came, nor white man trod.' No, those who once occupied the countries which the whites now inhabit are an-. nihilated ; the blast of death has with- eredaheir heroic thousands as -n t- tionr they have sunk for fcveHato the grave, and their dutt is mingled with the field we cultivate. ly in the Atlantic cities, they are now almost as rarely seen as a white man in Tombuctoo j aud the few who re main are miserable, blighted remnant of their ancestorsrparalyzed and con sumed by strong drink, squalled in po verty and filth,- and sunk -by oppres sion and contempt. '.Are there. any tribe that retain their former eleva- tlofi? A fewef thcrd ttr.n'a in .. forests of the wett and cftr et nh, and tome of them find their w?y to ti e cities of Canada. In the strict cf Montreal we aw d u rr.be r cf the?e pcotle, who had com duwd from tU norlh-WCtt anu ineir aj jaiam. m thoujfheven they cannot rcfrala front intoxication) i uch, that ni wl 0 . a as had never ceo any but the rniserati. being who staggered about our Atlaa tic towns, would hardly conceive that they belong to the amt race. Most of them (female a well a males) art I . - I I... ...i.I.a.i kiiI. urrsseu in utue sioti jniwvui . . . i . i . fully Ivcr"rhf Ihodlderi, and brltel with a scarlet or party-coioreo prate round ,lhewi'uf, with tace and feather, and bate I su perior port, a if till conciou cf some elevation of chrcter. -But-these ill-fated nations will become ex- . tinct, notwiihstandirg the efforts f benevolent individuals especially -as-manifested by the establishments forrs) ed in the south-western parts of the United State, to Chriadanii and c'h -vitixe them j and a heavy reckoning rests on the heads of the civilittci' communitie in America, for their cm- -el treatment of the American abmgi ne. Sill i man t JaurnaU FASHIONS. London and Pari have their month ly reports of faahions, and why should not our own dear little City also, oc casionally, announce the fathioo of the day. Cowper, or somebody else, tays Mvar'.ety is the vcrypice of life ' that gives it all it flavor, 8tCH So it U with dress, the frequent alteration m the tyle of our dress, is all important to the fait one, and the beaux alto, as w ell tt to the mechanic. Some ftftjr year ago when, 1 wa a young man, it was commoo enough for wise school madams to put their little girl into I sort of leather harne, by way of im proving upon the natural anatomy el her patient. Since corset have been the rage both for belle, and that ooo drcript, ycleped a dmdy, the fathioo. has added aomething to the lumber trade. But the dandy corp Ooa. found out that they were like a Kpigb. in armour, when overthrown they could not rise without the aid of their Squire. La me! how well I remem ber to have een my grandmother, dressed up as large as a hay-suck, with a crape cushion on herheadjf large aa TBag "orgfain,hbop like a Daucoi. and. stays as tout a a meat catk. HoL times have altered. Instead of a crap cushion and powdered locks, curls and leghorns as large as a corn, fan deco' rate the fair ones head the tately stomacher has been dismissed for the Zephyr handkerchief, the hoops and substantial striped linsey-woolsey, fof -rm.ta tYt vmi cnuld nut into Your ftohaceo-boxr-The-itays, novr only- exisi in uc vawiiisia v Vw. and even theheahh destroying corset, is giving place to the comely leather zone or cirth. suih an one as tuted to confine the saddle on horses back. Now I like this, because this sort of h .roe ss costs but a trifle, even if made f mnrnrm leather, and the color may Ua ' TrrA In suit the comDlcxion. it cheapness recommen'ds tt, becausV v... nflAi rnst more than six eentt 0 piece, exclusive of the buckle; and an - a I Ik.aAsVlaa Sat old fashioned Brass narnesa o. quite the dandy, aud they being out of f...k; Karnss. cannot coat more than nine pence a pound. An old strap from a worn out harnes will an swer, if it is brushed over with Day and Martin's best varnish. Thi fash ion ia on scientific princlpJe, for it w tTlprevent the tesplratioopf toomac am thTsot;etthe edly prevent perspiration. & " " ""-v4 '- cittfKil7 K'toV-- t box tbb ajtsaicaa f aaiaa. EXTRAORDINARY, ALLIMTOK, N. J. JUWE 18. ' A few dava ato. in uassiue a flock. of sheep, at some distance from roet l observed something of uncommon ap pearance moving amongst .wsm wa owing, I found upon approaching rearer, to a lamh. foUowine its dan), - . , av ' f ivatthg upon pfforefeet't mti ta pe- J. . . I.- t-flj r f waa tftld upon inquiry, and. leg a far as the gamhTH, wefer frozen " wa lambed, and very soon aiterwr it acquired this extraordinary kind Pi -motion. It ia three month old j cjuitC fat, and of ordinary size for its ' wholly UP " rn UeTfnre ft. with Ita body 10 th position just mentioned end wul walV , li not urgca too iasi, a nuw. j- mile at ouce, without tnconvewenvr 7

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