( : ''.: 1 ; :- ; fi I , V I 0 ""'S" 'W . "MI4B V---ai4 "..0 W - iffir- '-nnifcj W. VOI-. IV. FAL1S1.UUY, N. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1823. NO. m. 4 M I I V 1 . . aim rrsn.ma iriif mitt, fcr I'lllLO Hlillt. ' The trmi xi Wetter Ce-oUniaa wIS LerJlr b M follm. I ' . " 7r JW per innum, payable yearly l aJvar.Ce. Every paper tent at t distance, will be Eeon. tjnuea TM tun iw no.j-T r- hM been pai4 for, unkai lb subscriber U kaown totroo4lnibUitff rp, lbr)iriUbc MM Mltly pHl Kf OTtMMTU W U Ub Advertisements iU b ineerud a, trty ccnti per square fir the flrtt Insertion, and twenty-tlve eetoUfJ? each aobaequrnt one. Advertiaementi from a distance must b paid fir, or their pay rnrt iHtimr4 by g responsible person, before they ran be published. All letters aJdresscd to Ute Editor, must be fn-fxud, or they will not be attetvteJ to. NORTH CAROLINA. ITOIO COl'MTT- TtOURTof Flea and Quarter Sessions, June J Term. 1 823. Conttantine L, Banner, r Kobert L. VVinaton......Origiital attachment le. vied ON thirty-fire acre of Land. It appearing to the Mtitfactio oft) Court, that the deleft dant Hubert L Winatan, an in inhabitant of another government, it ta therefore ordered that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for ail wreli. requiring the aaid Robert I W in .ton. to be and appear, at the neat Court of Flees an-1 Quarter fetaioea, to he hM for the county of fttokea. at the eoirt house in German- ton, on the second Monday in September next, then and there to replevy, plead, or demur, e thrr ise judgment will he rendered against him according to the plairitifTa demamL MAT . MEW L. MOOKR, C. C. Price ad, gi. 6t70 NORTH CAROLINA. IRIOCIL COL'STI- NOLTIT of Pleae and Quarter Seawona, Mir j teaion,lS53. Jamee Torrence w. Charlei 1). Conner...Orifriral atUchmrnt, levied in Ute handa of Alfred I). Kerr, and he wimmoned at prniabee i 1, on one negro bey. It appear ing to the aatiafaction of the Court that the de fendant in thu eatiae reaidea out of thia btnte, it . ii therefore orderrd,tbatfpublication be made in the H'ettern Carolinian fur three month auecea. aivcly,' lltat unlraa the defendant appear before tbb Court on the Grat day of the next terra to be held fur the county aforeatid, at Stateuille, on the third Monday in Auguat next, and replevy the property levied on, and plead to the aaid cauae, the plaintiff" will be beard ei parte, and judgment rendered agaiiut aaid defendant pro confeeeo. - Teat, B. SIMON! ON, Ctk. Prica adv,g. .W71 . NORTH CAROLINA. SUPETUOn Court of Uw, March Term, 1823. lyovicej Pcmngton . Ezekiel Pen'mgion : Petition tor divorce and alimony. - It appearing to the aatiafaction of the Court, that the defrn. dant in thia ease reaidea without the limita of thia State, it i therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be nude in the Star and Western Carolinian fur three months, that the defe ndant appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Burke, at the Court-llouae in Monranton, on the fourth Mondav of Septem ber next, then and thare to plead to aaid petition, therwtae-4he-petttto--wtH -heard ex parte, and decreed accordingly. Copy teat, W. W. ERVVLV, C. if. S. C. L . Phceadrg4. 3mi69 THK ri.ISSlDKyCY. ra v at waaraaa aaaeiiaue. Mr, U'htttt n nif Utf I Sin antl Ifousc Painting. TAUr-.a AUr.lhuibaplraaureof inrorminr the citiiena of fcliliry, an-1 the aurroinil- riJU.re..nJ th.th1Utmoaten.le.vofeallanevar ,f "' f ''t 1 nirl6jk Ke toaemitiodaethoaene!Uiihtw- how 10 feur ftidefl, ho Mr. Craw lie Krat biir aeouaintrd with hit pro-aofl I ford, hu It it aahj M till ontf poor, tut in the City of New-torki aad tle InoivWge ofl now ( ritht acquired hit wealth. hi. bn,H-aa,rfh he received tih.ietbere, con- ,hi!n.w fntm Mm rtmarki from e7.M.ki7t H neat ami faahionahle KW. ppwtaf d c!xumeBt,, end the elec- Knti.hut. 1ft. IH21. 'cr umieenntr icncmt ri the secniarr oi in - f i : " a. . Trrnvrf vir utni "writemtiTtki, mm ' M 1. - ...I .L. r I ill r.Hft WUI vw puhj in uwn i tuiiwm mil t i " i i I J.v 'L ' ... n,..i..i-,- r.-.KJ I conrelti ihrtn to ,U conclualve rfunul I tM-mmal troiert behmrlnr I Opon the W'lnl Of Mf. Criford ditbM to the lion. f. Locke, deceased, via, H argot, oraLU intrigue with iboie batiki, lor. the Oeera,fce. ana a lew outer an.au antt a. r.ignt I purpose cl lunhetlBg hit iw 00 the month! credit will be given and bon J and ercu. 1)r-.i,f.h,,. 'Thalir.Mri.nf ti.mrc fifth W5 perM Indebted to the etate of PP?1 hUtntMf .ppe.r.nd Mr, ttWdecM.aieearnetyrer,ueatedtomakepay. - rnwford nncf Ift tdat uppreilion ment, at longer indulgenre will not be given, win not re oouwefl, except VJ IBOte B AH thoe having claima may preaent tUein, ana are wilfully blind. receive pay. 'I I ran ac.rrela wAnder at the Irrltahi ite diaplayed on the part of Mr. Crawford! fileiida. toward! all attemttta at the Inret t I I. . . . r . . . rantr& .l5ftt'. tiKion of hi political, or oCitial charac T wiali t a infrm the public, that all the notei ter. ZKrunny dot! hot fator Ml lUCCCIIt 1 bektinar o the firm of Jamee 8. Byen k and the itrhl of truth will Llaat bla Drot . T "... 1 ...... L ... J.ll. to. ana aiao a numoer nm nave pkh irmaru ir ttti fnr.r OV ne idotc linn, rrt nu.wi'n iruui ni nure- hn.il on tha 29ih of Julv. ltbout mv knoaU rde or pemiii4ion. I therefore for arn alt per-1 44 1 anna thna indebted, from paying their notei to jtk of Miiaouii. had CiDltal of 210,- any otner uan myacu. 1 000 dollari I that the StockhoMeri drr w out of itlon plrdgei of atock, 184,33$ dollari. leaving nrilv 33,663 dollars fur Stolen ihe further accommodation of themielret, T?ROM the anharriber'ihou, on-the nirht of or othcri s thai upon thli l!t lunii lit I the Uth in, hii coat and hat, and hit poc- real bnkinir Capitkli it diacotintfd end ket4ook. There v.aa a note on to. Bullen. -n .... Ar.t,. ,n .v.- .,r.r.i .f 2ia. Pir m, w uic uncut uwi, wiu I pj, nine vi tm J-ll ... . . !. L. Wl. glHin favor of D.nl. Crru. en. h!ch I had 345 do,,jr 4 C'M' ,.h,t, 'h.e wM ukni.p,abillofmIeforaLlack m.mtannamed "mount of ill dlicountl, intludintr pay- mention our drain, wai 430 61 uollail 43 rrnti ; that of this mm. the Director! alone were reiponiible for Sv7.492dol!in 13 renti, if, as n presumed to be the cae, thcT were charcratie wiirt over 'draft! to the amount of 11,620 dollar! 27 IJEfl'tS WOMACK, an ipprcniice to rre.al 1 ceM that l t I TlvMprd bat! permlHed i the ahornking bnainea, hail leave to fm he nublic monrr to accumulate in it, to tho Poor.Hmie on Ute 5.1. Jily, and au fr0Tn I02.U0 dollar 26 cent!, to 706,031 iteAr'fe'Xi J L'? WI-r. 90 cent, in Ihe coune ofnioeteen VaUlMlj lie ttmm imiuiT iiwir wit wkm llnntCH. I . . 1 i a i" Lewi haauken hia brother, the aame age of ' montni, enoinr wi.n tne iiioi himaeir, with bim. 7hev are both unaeemh, aepiemterf iaiy ; ann mat h waa aiiow blubbrraced bora, both atxiut aeventeen or led a permanent drpOMte of 1 50.000 (lol ' aaklK at eaar a 1 1 ae. mm ta ai a. a .III axctarA tuli f 35,1823. JOHV 8COTT, Kx'r. IVrritlltD DOCrMBMTt ippean that the highly favored frtdrC fa. JuU V), 182. JAS. S. BVKRS. 3t6Rr Haehrl, tai reeeipt, ke. W hoevtr ill give me ttiformation n( the artirlct, how taken, Uc. ihall receive fire dollar reward. john rmnni.K. Juw. 18, 18?3. 3t69 One Cent AlcwtttA. eighteen yean of age. All peraoni are forbid den to harbor, trust, or employ them. jtmN'KtMnr.R. Sn.frW..ftf.1T,18?X 3to8 IJtHOSt thevwbac'riberon the' night of the 17th May W, Stale of Noriti CatoWna, Tt t V r tft trVKTY?"" " SUPERIOR Court n.aw, Spring Term, 1823. Catharine Cowan rt. Ihomaa Cowan i Pe tition for divorce. In thia caae it ia ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three month in the Star, and Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the next court to be held for the county of Iredell, at the Court Hoitse in StateaviUe on the J;h Monday after the 4th leV 4 or ,ncn' h.V' ?',:n I "0i Mondav in September next, and plead. anewe; i KV'r nwr "n.l,,e r,K,u ?,u.c.u, or demur, otherwiee judgment will be had pro conteeeo, and the cauae heard ex parte. Witneaa, R. WOKKR, Cl'k. Price adv. S4. 3mt71 Slalc of Vor UaroVina, IRKDELL COUNTY. COURT of Equity, Spring1 Term, 1323 . William Sloan rt. Samuel Carson, David Carton, Andrew f arson, William Carson, Ele axer Carson, larv Carson, James Ticott and his wife Uartha. Jacob- Weathotbv and his wife Mar Ve4fgiiiHdK it appearing to the satisfaction ot the court, that the above defendants live bevond the limits of ine-wate?- it wtneretorewrrreo, oy tnefmnrr, that publication be made in the Western Caro. linian, for tfiree months snoccsaivelj', that unless the defendants appear at ourncit court, to be Ian, equl to 90,000 dollars per annum, for tikiug care of ihe public morej. Lti u now look little into its pa merits, for the ptirpoe of ncertiining whether addt- uona! indulgence nd fcrt M.iwiriert with a due retrard to oublic interest, were night ot the irtti Maylast.t- , v - .i.t-,. .a,,:n..t t-vwr . C a . I " w aiviiUH W rvia- ava 'rwawi.t Mfxm hwh. itg iinai . - - t . . t . 4gh thirty yara of age, JP.y.be eful to ; keepjn jmhid T the fatt. reel aif or acveninrhel high, yel- '" cenam iupoi - coirnnantiea a pro low completion, (aav a mulatto) mium of four per cent," ai mfhtioned in hua dent in his forehead orca- the uppreied letter D. No. 21, Irom th aioned by a blow, alao a scar on r,v., n..v nil ninn imm i nun. nu i roon kx oi iccin. . . ... ., r hl.l .nnr.nr. hih , .,! . n.I, f " "rkl intimitlon CITCn DT Wf. VrtW rhiskers. Me took with him ranous clothing, frd, concerninr the pa, ment of the very and obtained a permit to paaa to Mr. Matthew large turn of money in that Bank, beyond "ms I the amount of the permanent drroatt, V lawaa a.aaUMa4ia. Mf r4 wtmmrmm mm A easm -4 v- ar- r " " TW "X"A7 Tw' " ,.,r.n,,..i:,!1u,,,1v,, n h ,et(er it 5f c, ,ne aid June, uiuiiK .iiiiii in iit Mtic iui in i uc t. nitcu oiwc I t o I n I ,r. A I.,... f VT so Uiat 1 ret him. ahall be liberal! rewarded. ,819- ,n I,,e UPP and aH reasonable exnenses naid. b'v their riv- 0i h Preildcnt T Ihe Bank of Ml ing information to Mr. Benjamin Colquett.l iouri,of 10th August 1819, be become Greensborough, Gee. lennia was purchased more pecific,and referring to hi desire, Wheai.U;.4,Mffie f rederiekstown,-M.f TflTThOfc'eHu' ttOTMit U ,mtffTtnirSi'i for the public service, he lay 44 1 presume that by this time lurh preparatory mea sure ii were deemed recemry for that purpose, have been marie. I he whole hf the sum will not be Immediate If required, however. I anaii tnerelore instruct ihe Treasurer of the U. States to draw on the Csshier of the Dank of Missouri, in favor of the Bunk of the U nland, twelve month raw WILLIAM ALEXANDER. 6t68 lVaiwlway, or Stolen. ROM the subscriber, on the 4th Julv, muh fellow named B I LL,21 or 24 fears of age, 5 of a purple colour, his clothing not reeollected) he has been in the iailof Salinburv. . I will give a reward of 10 dollars, to any perl States, at the expiration of sixty dais, for son who Tin aeaver me saui negro w me, or ae- 2 10,000 dollars. Al Soon SI I im Inlorm curen.m injwiaoimavgein m;orao. t brinchei 0f ,J,e Bank bf the stolen, on oeuvery oi nun anu inc unci, ii nai,. 0. .,, , . . . n . has a free p... I will give a reward of 50 dol- U- States, It will be desirable to the Bank lars. fwthedelivervofhimandtheneraonwho of Missouri, that these drsft shall be gave it to him, upon its being satisfactorily pro- made payable, instruction shall be given .1 a L a t. j I ., ten uiai nc ia i lie person, i purcnancti twiu nc-i according V held for the countv of. Iredell, at the Court- l'.use in Stat'esville, on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead answer or demur, otherwise judg ment will be taken, pro confesso, as to them and the caae heard ex parte. JOHN S. HART, C, M. C. E. Paid 84 3mtrSiv Slate of tXorUi i3aYonva, '-mv'ifr--cowwT'T Strpr.CTOTi courf of t m?irfnWrm;:-iMM J.:ine Weaver ,t'. William Weaver......Peti tiqn, divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of .iie-XourLthat Jhe dfifcndiMUjLaut aiiJahsJkv: f aitiC "tl us Stjla, it is thi(reforerdred b'v the court, that publication be made for three months in the Westem Carolinian, printed in Saliabufcy, hat tho defentlant appoar at the next Superior Court of Iaw to be held for the cohntf of Row. an, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the scJ corjd Monday aftcf the fourth Mondav in Sep tember next, then and ther? to pleai, anawer,' dxihur. Or the petition will be heard ex parte. "H IJY. GILES, C. A'. C.x Piice.aJv.g4. v smt70 gro of Dr saae Pbilipi.of Rockingham county. rgCwnWAi4,M,.1823 . 62tf. ... i'or Sae-. r T. WILL sell myJIouse andLot n 8s- i; A leiirlw There ia a good oflice belonging hit, convn'i"it for a IrS'Vf r or Physician pply to T. L. Cowan, Esq. or to myself, in Ha- , f . ., r. hrli. Thereiaagoodomc belonWtothe dvyf for 60,000 dollars, kc. JOHN BECKWITH. Salithtry, March 8, 1823.'44tf , Iii the suppressed letter B, No. 14, of the 9th Octoher. 1819. he savl to" the 15ssiag5tmr.i 1 bat the Treasurer of, &. will be instrttcted lo dra w on i you vt Uypt of the Bank of the Of tmt You 'may theyefory, proceed -st votir convenience. lo place fundi at Louisville, to meet it at its presentation there." Thus we have an account of three drafts, amounting to 480,000 dollars, The letter I, No. 6, of the 9th of Aug:. 1812, the Bank of Missouri propose to 14 cause to be deposited in the branch Uant oi the united Mates at rayettryilie NORTH CAROLINA; BUKCOaiBK COUKTT. noiTNTY Court, July Term, 1823 J as. M. J Alexander v. John B. Craiget original at- tachmeht, levied on land, Geo. Swain vi. John It. Craige original attachment, levied on land. bwam 6c Gray it. jonn b. craige l onginat at- j nu,lt ,k. Sin .f V.nt, tachment levtedwlanAltappeA -r--."rK" affefaetiiwof 4 Court-that the detendant in I --,-v--- w. these caseilivea without the JimiUof this State, note ; "and fn ihe branch Bank of the so that the ordinary process of the Court cannot U. States, at'Wushington city, 50,000 in JtejsejTed.jBix.'itJktt and of fwoiiwam oe mie w toe six weeks successively, for the defendant to ap- vnn "j.i,m nA In rwt aJI nr.t a fonntv Hntti to held for Buncombe H0'000 do,,ar in 8P1' nd 49.'000. County at the Court House in Ashevflle, on the 1 boles a.nd within thirty flays after seccid MonOay after the fourth Monday in Stlreceivinsf ah order to that effect, in the tember. next, then and there to replevy and! Branch Bank of the U. Stale at Louis pld,-answer or demur to the plfintAO de, vne, or hny other Bank inTlhe Sfate of manas. ,'rn Kentucky, 275,000 doll-rt, viz i 87.000 'Teat, . JOKS MILLER. W. J pilars m note, of tl dollart, iz bf the Bank, ot the United States, and its branches J 103,000 dollars lo notes of lb r.tate nnk of Kentucky and branches 1 1,C00 dollat in the note of the liihk of Viucennci , nd T0.0OO do larl in r tetof the Bank of Tennessee and of t! e If inch bank of the Ui.i'r States si Cincinnati, or any other bank i Llnttnnatl, 35,000 dollar in UUo notei I hue parmcnl thu tropoHd to be made, imouoiinc to 37 J.0Oo, dollars, n chiScd. aliln 34 J61 dollar! o( the notei of local banks, eiclusivo of It own hie h were lit posesiionjf the Bank of .SSismuri only sevritd"ajr Tifure. Ii "i i be re lor latrir presumable that those 34.161 dollar Had been disposed of la the mean lime, or that they were of tho bel kind, and that all those of the least talut were included In the offer. At the time the efferi wrreTnade.the bank had in in ti union 109,645 dollars in ihe note of the Bank of the U. States ard lllbranchci t 261.211 dollar 59 tt in specie i and in th Bank of Washing ion, and branches of the Bank of the U States, 28,671 dollar 61 cent) amount Ing in all, to 398,131 dollar 20 cent, being 23,121 dollar 20 cent more than ihe whole turn proposed to be transferred (See bank, return of, August, 1119, No 119.) ll'Aotf m.nrv wet ihit 1 44 II may be proper here to remark, that In hi late letter to the iccond committee ollovesil ration, apeaking of the 44 collision end Ir ritation" between the Bankof the United Stales and the Slate Bank, In th u lumnof 1118, Mr.Crawsotd says, " at the same time It (the Bank of the U. b. declared in determination to receive from Ihe land offices nothing but Its own notes and current coin tf the union, eicrpt at iirdut ttrfiontt. I he experience of the batik had, about thii pcrn-d, led to the rontiction that It was impracticawe to keep its own notes in circulation In th western Hales, and order wet cone quently lisued in the course of the autumn or in the early part o lllf. lorwdainjr it western offnesio hsue their notes rvm en a drfiotiir tj tfitcie." And hence it may have been, that being aodesiroui 44 that the large turn then in the Bank of Missouri might, as soon as possible, be made available, when the public aervice should require It;" be appear to base ls italed about receiving such a large a mount of unavailable funds from that bank, a Mick had in its vaults so much good money that belonged to the govern ment. " lr the KirpresaedlelieF iVyoUrof the 9ih September, 1819, alter remark ing (6 Ihe) Bank of Missouri, that- row ttdtrtrig thffirriattCuritaUtfmtratt In Tin ihnTrexcrfiiriii Ihe pHatipoGlUtTtl ttWt be an eel J irudrtice mot to retain thetr notei tor.ger ihun tehal it btolutehf nreetxiry" he salt, 44 1 will thank you lo inform me if the amount of the note of the State Bank of North Carolina, is comprehended in the turn of 50,000 dol- ar w hich you proposed to ccpoaite in the office of discount anTdeposite at Fayette- ville. Also the amount of the notes of the State Bank of lennessce, which sis romptc bended in the sum of 70,000 dol posed iodepoiite tn"lienitfclVr7ielame infotmation is requested s to tha oiher a. a aaAa .f F lenntsse bank.-' ine propouuon ot the bank were not then acceded to, but were held 44 sub judice" none of the money paid, and eicbl day before the dale oi tne letter, tne wnoie wi inv roiea of ihe local banks, eidushe of it own, in po&ictsion of the Bank of Missouri, were reduced to 281,445 tioiian, leaving only 3,445 tloilais, beside tl.ose which were proposed to be paid to the govern ment (See tnnk return of I at September, 1819.) In the letter I. No- 7,ol the 27th September, 1819, to the Bank of Missou ri. Mr. Crawford savs I "The Bank of the United States having declined to re ceive, as cash, the Vincenne nd . Ohio notes' mentioned In tour leltern Tiavelo . t Various others of the suj prnsrdUtler relate to ihi lubjcct, in one of tl tm, fl No, 13, of the HthOiioter, 1819, fum lb rroidrnt of the Bank of Vi.otirl, be sat to Mr. CrawFotd, In relation lo the note proposed to be p'nl to ti e govetn ment,4 jMircmtijilUnce with Ihe irijucst of litis, board hul hern lliankfuliy hotlft il bf ibero.'lnd they will, a far as pratlkf lie, folio yovt ifriticrtl r.e, tc. V Tl.e'dtUrmlnatlrjfr, however, -to tfrnr the Erst draft of 2I0O0O dolLrs wa chin geor"'afV(I" dr iTTofJOXiOO Y ft I r payable at the branch of Washington, and 1 160,000 dollars, payable at th Bianch Bank of Loolstllle, were lubstltuted t the place. - Fund to discharge the tint of these draft were transmitted from St. Ltmis,onthe t4th November, tit. (See suppressed letter B, Nu. 15 ) Ihe other draft having been protested at Louisville. on th 8th of Ibc aame mnmh, was lub sequently settled at this yUtt, (see tup pressed Idler B, No. 16,) and thui, the first proportion of ihe public money r quired by Mr. Crawford' letter of the 23d June, 1119, to be transferred, wis paid in about five month there after. " ' - The lerond draft lor 2 lO-OOOdoJJars was transmitted to IWuvillc, but Ihe Branch at that'place would not receive tut b note the Back of Missouri insisted upon pai Inr, as appears by tne lupprested let ler B, No. 21, In which it Cashier say to Mr. Crawford! 44 1 hate iniwcred V demand of that Bank, (the branch of Iuistillt.) by (it inr that upward of 70,000 dollars, (principally lennesiee 4 notes) now, and tt all time heretofore, assigned to th Treiury , mutt ro towrdt thefisyititnt tf the debt tailed 'fur by that "" draft. .;; i .'. ": ' - It beihg, therefore, found Impracticable to erijmt this "affair at Louisville, agteea ly to the wishes or the Hank or Missou ri, it determined opon the eipedient of ending an rtnt lo Washington, to n- got iate with Mr Crawford liimaelf tipoo the subject -. .. " In the suj pressed Ittler B, No." 17, the Ptesidentof the Bankof Missouri, refer' ring to funds lent to Louisville, (which ' are hot described) lo 2500 dollars uo- rurient note cnt lo Raleigh, lay to Mr. C raw ford e to pettorm this busi ' ness, our intelligent director, Col-.JRed-.. dick, las given bis service a VVnd. after ts pressing hope that -Mr. Crawfotd' 44 would not again require of it (the bank) avUftrol.tij.t.".It' fuBd,w . nf'tddsa i cnsposTtlJri fo)"IJ the public lerrlce, and reipect'for yotir kidicednns as poliiklafl anddrffr,llHftduce the 'di-" " ' rectory -to-make eoy eienLojv.whlch yog , may require, ftmided it doet not endanh er Iht finfiertw ttid inttrttt of their Stock- hifderi, and the safety of the institution. bat danger ia too imminent not to be readed, and the apprehension of it has tffected e determination not lo encounter it.". he bank being: on the safe tuir, by hav ing the public money In its posaesMon, it would aecth iinot altorell tj iiucr siue of ta power, In some measute, tn dictato- it own ternus Ihatit jud io with enure mpunlly and ererf advantute to iiidf ' i i - m riv ' eTttiatnaa - -tt-yi umH Mair imapn aaa a- m nereaner sr own. - . ' (J be fiuluded swrt tr.J J mttck far the tat t,ry. The He ad-" ing (Pa.) Chronicle, states that a circum i stance vfurrej on lbs -4th itist.'that nif cettainly becalle'd" worider",-and" will" stagger the sceptics, and wlil be . good food for the cieduloua. Whilst a youpgj man of that ptace waa sitting where it ree men were at work at the canal, near Mr. Laii's house, there suddenly appeared; Kwo crows, and directly ahghtrd on one recnietTfhsryoTiwilNepotethe former itTeBank oTOrV'c in the Bank of Chillicothe - In eonse- quence ments, by the State Ban ot XMonn uaro- ina, the Bank of the United btates will not receive it note at cash." lie, bow ever, agreed to receive them, and re quested that allot them, included in the 50,000 dollars of aeuthern notes, should be deposited in thSuteBankat Raleigh. Respcctintr the 1 ennessee note, ne ars 44 instructions will be given as soon a I receive your reply to my letter of the vtn irt.t." (a "suppressed letter) None of bJnioncy.y,et , pId f. andjiune day 4u;tf er the date of this letter, the whole's- mount of the note of the local bank, in he possession of the Bank of Missouri, wai-264"294: rioirarlcss than the amoufit of thosepio osed to be ptid to the government.. (Set nk return of 1st October, 18 19 Tbi- deficiency, however,' could easily sup plied, since nothing could be more prac ticable than to make the government t gooa rnority available for the purchase ol bad- of the shoulder of the woikmen ; and continued for s few seconds to nuin'ain1. their scats without any apparent shyness. , and disregarded the man, although be put hi "hand np-Jto drive them off nor did fttrr fir f ntrtS: StJfiSJP flTTtf FFo aliKhtecliimmediately - became pensive I know .whi.l.Jhy. to ' dofw. end left .the , . .-' contract, although he Kad but that porn""' ingorometitd-umUnglalfc.TbcLL other men looked upon the event as om- nious that he was guilty of some unknown crime, and Challenged him accordingly, jfe neither ownednor denied the charge, but went off deeply affected. Well, and what then? ' - . POST-MASTER GENERAL, j "ZTne) new1 Poblmaster KeneTai, Mr. Me- " Lean, enters on the duties of - his"o&ice " 'says the -Tienion Entporium,) with considerable cjipliiy of energrimf TJeci sioiyr He ha'slstied: rculr: "pxisffi masters and mail contractors, enumere ' - ting various causes of complaint, end giv ing the most decided assurances that prompt measures will be taken us correct them. lie says the department is going behind band to the amount of 240,000 per quarter, owing to the delinquency of postmaster. " " t ., -. ......, ...r