!; ,1 A IN w iYJ! i VOL. IV. HALHUUliY, N.C. TLJKSDAY, KKPTKMIIKU 2, 1821. aO. iGX tira rt tui vat witr, lbs Urmt of U4 Wiittm Carolinian hereafter bt m follow a. r Tare JWUrt per iniium, pa; ablt V'sHy l advance, , , lrry paper sent at dltUoct, wJI kt tfacoav afler tlit iino h expired fr whirl) H , 1m been pal fat, unlrM tht mbatnberU known imioAM: onm: its. Ur.UW.UtTRRS "lirASHIN'GTOM BTf.RS, f. having te I f tppoiMtd Aid t4 th B rigaber Cenrral of the fth bHrmdt os Nonlk4.rGM M.Liia, villi the rank of Major, will bt obeyed and res- peeled accordingly. ,V.,tdi f.wi. fttvlnf b-, appoint ed Brigade, Itctor of the 7th brigade, will b oketed and respected feoMihgly. mi m vuriM (iihiiui, BIBLE SOCIrVTlKS. F.xtracts fa m adJrcas to tht tjtiieftS Burkt tountv, ky the lUv. Chauy lMj, U port but hithandi give ZlC, last year,! re to the Bills Society. ' cf i I associated teeetherintdt the ..i j i .1 . i... :hl. . ;t ..'.. "Ml . . f ... . i. IOpefwxjifiiniivrrrp-, vn.jrwiiiwjt Qnkffer Mxtrr Of the fin brijrmd, Knt uiitil pad fur and onlctrj Ut be aUfU AdvcrUarmrnts iU b married a? fifty eents per sq-tart for tht tint Wrtkm, and twenty-art cent ft tack) tubeetpicnt on. Advertiaewteirit from diatanca mutt bt pUI foe, or their pa? met aaaimcd by rtponbLt person, before tbrf cm b puhfuitti. - AD trttcn xUrrMe4 to th Editor, mtut pU-fJU, or they V'n not W atteiwW to. nt we will now tlnfie ill our prt tty. I cf tuch tiroLt. 5u... i nt lor ut it t!.e Do you ttl. how iatuch tryinjcir.plMur of dain? too !, t!l thi we cumitincf i, be can do to much I The I cannot give yoo we w ill net give you, niHrlar1iin anft.vK tia t.lkiit mi a mH txttw kl.tr St taiik i mi BiUle locUty, ItK.r- r rr fw inHwl.l.n! In f,n I that all frlin rv.! rilf,n Al thecommencerneoltf thUiocle-lcouOtrr. who micht not Jo n much, arnear enthuiiaiticf We will oot thta tyf the malloeit of the aumbcr hoj0rmorf if the r had wiah equally confine your attention to the few thout- eU'irthtrorj,, Aod do it too- without the anda who are ferihinjr for the want of i itniinnrar indrrd. lki the blintmr ol i IU. flir!mKt t f..rn..r.';.' I iti f t,f tn il,;. rMMf TL., i P , lU VI 1 1 l I IVV4 U IIIK tVUIMiy "V ora'iA of mairard iredt but. ilrradr. Ir.f1t!' ' TVi1.r!.f ,MK urnrnr.t. .', .!.n; . u . r.rr If t O ' . v .. fl. Illbll VIUMIUUil . W W I .V l I I I . H 1 H lH " 11 J we eee flounabiBf htrbi aoj it our u redeeming ipirit. while it tlciici ourtharity to commence ui tficcta at The CflJof.fi comiMndinf the Flnt Bowm wnoae leevea inau neai tne mai.. ry day fact Brfimrnt. iU uum xwopt nixWr hit com. diet ol many ein-aick louliy while we that we da Rul top.m.d far ri.wM ln.Icti fctiine with heavenly joy, beneath he who ca M en ton tuiuble lell at or ir H.hibflnr, hj .. . ,. . . 'ii.'.V. .. , ,, 'clk, H. on th 3d to, of October neat their coolinff ahade. All the trana. cWrui State of North-Carolina, U ht of ripVHl l heyed ftnd pect4 KeorOjntly. wiihca. our prayers, and our Ubort the tiecdr. it aJwavienrichei iU ioa. home, we do not intend it ahall tx i t i can prevail, we anau aooo oenoia a tenor. Inipiratlon. reaaon. and eve. rend itself here. Jitn are manr The Colonel eomnwndiiif the rim Bowm ir,te 'lM leave! ihall heal themali. ry day facta ao abundantly prove thii, thouaanda of our fellow citizen a in that we Co not hentate to aver, that I other countiei, anu to other atatei, kn cat! influence you to jrive I the same deplorable condition. Many . one dollar or the circula-l provinces of South' America, have be By aet of AMrmbly, all the mluata KoM actiooa' of the patt ) ear have been tohjon of the Oibldoes mote for your I gua to rend the .veil tf ignorance dnd eoMftry worth i of Yidkiii Her, re ttehed Ul deeply interestinr and proEtablei benefit .more. to secure your family pap.l suncratition, wiib whhh they -M. inra .l.,, ...!. Um If .L,. L. u . ...II I I ,4 .-,1 ,V. TOBft roiltTf. . tM ru.M r.m HlllU'i rM.hu. mIIIi:. i. ""7 '"S"1 'l VJ r',',',"'tl"H wui, ium IK wug inn iwiui mil mvumi ihm ii j nuw - . " . . i . . r. . . . . . i . l ... i i l. i i ii . , - - i . . i .1 .i t't. aOURTor FleuftiKl Qucrter SroMOM. June I be orrwiiied with bt rertmcnt on U br of maime tauw in woito wiare cogircu, oouara into your nanui, I cry 10 ua to acnu itero ine urm oi me. Robert ! WiMtonMMMOririiul attachment It. None but tht vied M UiirtY-firt acre of land. It appearinr brinde. will So the Mtiafactioft of the Court, that the defen-1 General erneel dant, Robert L. M'inaton, it an inhabitant of on or before tht another jrorernmrnt, H m therefore ordered that I By order of tht Bri jvCrr (ierteral. ftublication b made in tht Western CaroliniM or ail weeka, renuirinr the at id Bobert L. Win aton, to be and appear, at the neit Cotrt of rleaa anl Quarter eetamni, to nt bekJ fur tht runty of Btokra, at tkt court bouae in (irnr an ion, on the accond Monday in fteptcmber neit, then and therm accori , iia a gooa cauee one w men every is mere no neceitity lor uoiog it 1 1 toe oaricnca trtoea 01 Attica ttrticn tat rtoM Herment In the rthl.t..:.,:.. ...... I ,ts,i. I k'. r- -:!- .u. n:i i .v.:.k..i. i .V- :.t ..i. , f , - oc reriewea Una araaoai i but the I .... . , . . . I . . . ,. . ..... I ' .. , . iretumfrom.n therrwftU,IPhiiamnrop:it must appiaua one the Bands ol our neighbors f Why sea uo literally " wait lor the uw d - 53th of October neit. Iwhichcao be rece I vtdwith indifference I then did God rive it to us f . God." Not a breeze sweeps across the tJOflp WASHINGTON BYfRH, J If the Owrrttor tf Xorih Corohna. A PROCLAMATION. Price adr. 2. 6t70 State, of North-Carolina, fRKDCLL COURTf by him only, who is void of refioed If it is not Decenary for them, it ocean, from any point of heaven, buiQ fej-Iing one which can be appeased, certainly is not for us. Let us then bears on its bosom the err of ttjinr orceosuredby him only, who is an cast away our Billet, and pursue our millions, "tend us the" Iiilile or tre enemy to God, to man, and to all that journey through this world without perish." Do you apVin ny, let thrm is good. And they now fall us with them! and how, do you thiol, welsupply themselvetf WehactrH-uuus thould steer our course Fur informs-1 for mure Uaa eiphtetnr ceMurie, and , look at thote who have done I still it is not done, and it never will be out them. Would Vou be pleas- done. Wc may search the scriptures .I a I . . . . . .1 . . . . ,1 mencement ol labors, lnis commence led with machine of helu like the I and examine the records ol Uoti a pro h d'TIn.TT h or'red'fT I to c mcnt hil Pr0ed lhs,t TtrT much may Hindoos, car of Juggernaut, to roll videncr, from the beginoing of tim-. therrfore.I. G4aiai,iiiii.a,Go-ernorof tht estly be done, and that very much ov n wriisruv ib E. j ii. - i.aj aralKJKKi i i r i there to renieTY, plead, or demur, o-l iv '-n'-na "i " i nope nope ior (rreaicr tuine, aina m Judrment wdl he rendered arainM him f Aaje ntr oi .aro.,na. entitled - m 9Qi Th. .,. h , nr to the plaintifTi demand. actto proewie lor the aaie oitne Lanoa uteiy ac- o , r " I 7 V .. . IxlT-J . .7...- h. Tr.. fwn ike (rhk irJw on v a vear of preparation, and com-1 with i new Am aiwnc- v. I . . . . ' : . : J whieh have been aurvryed and remain unaold,1 flute aforrtai'l, do herrby declare and make I must be done. over the heads of your devoted sons f and we cannot find a shadow of rrasoa. . a ... ' . " mm """ a . t a e Ihe two hundred lii- Would youlikr their sacrtbeesof bloc d to Bone that it ever wuin none tne us to D. Conner Oriiriral attachment, lericd in the mrM-e t witroeivifie in the count of lUvwooiL ,ru n OD' somemmgi oui it it lwun to oe naruenea tne tne cntnese, sppiy tne, uetytuiri .mu nuiury tand of Alfred II. Kerr, and he tummoned at on Mundar the 22d nrniabet i alao, on one nerro boy. It appear- the pinerintemlance t fnr to the tatiafaction of the Court that the tie- ted for that nurnoae. iViwUnt IB Iki. emiiae out nt tkU fttaln. it I U ft aa t9 iruitfiiel lntat I jatjfercfofcordm&tliatpub place, if auch adjourn-1 call their own many whole families Iwith the thousandi, mangled with par I in poatetsion. Six hundred millims uje nemm croiunaa ior uiree monua -uceea- ment Loiid be coe:ierca aaYaw.one who-fiave ncmeta-thetr bomet, and cms hands, -dragged to the bosom oi of our fellow creatures, whose aouis sri'iiTT. 5JrCCrs;K t,d' l,'rom rr WoM ""y6o"r1;!,' btheM for tht county aforeaaid, at StateeiUle, on and bond and aecuntr for the payment of the UO not, except by accident, see the beautiful In VOUr eyei, eauippcd With 0D US for this Law f II we Withhold l, tht third Monday in Auguat neit, and replevy balance, In tht foitovmg; mataimenta, ii t . blesaed volume ! ! a Spaniard! knife, bathed in a brother's they will perish, but their blood will the property levied on, and plead to the- aaid eithth Dart at the expiration of one vear. one. ir rn . !- . . L ti.j n- k. ....:.4 . k.t cau, the pUintiT win U beard ., parte, and fouHh at tht e.piration of two year oneourth K. " Z?? "l"' Z'.Jl"l?!lK.A " 7 "tL IT 1, judgment renuered againataaict defendant pro lit the expiration of three rearm, and the remanv CtS2ffiSM j'-rTr "i"5 i7 kJTn.,h'1 ' f bo,'mf,n,iofl- bles and Testaments already distribu and their funeral piles I Would you Dible plainly iropoies the duty on u Rrtaton, 1 823. Junn Torrenct . Cnarlea ed landa, arretablv to tht aaid act, ahall com. , , , ... . . I . . . , . , r. ... . . I , ' . ' f . , D. Conner Original attachment, lericd in the .. w.,;fu i ik ,nnt.f it.v.wt cd have done sometbingi but it is with to be hardened like the Chinese, s pply the destitute I and hut . . ... T. .." .1 ' ... . ' l , . . , , r , I , , . , . I l . . 1 . .1! .1 - .... i or September next, urwi r tne opinion or inn ooara, mat even to mat you couia wsik witnout cmo anewa ui inai a peopic uiu orvrr yn t ofaC.mmiionrrBr)p.in. DUW not one half of the people of thia tion or concern over the bodies of your receive the law of God, until it was 11.1. country have a Dible which they can fathera and brothers, and see them presented them, by those who had it a, to aIjoiirn the aalr to any ,'.,. , . . ,.k L c:i L..-J..J -tit... confetaa. Teat, .Prjct adv. gi. 81M0YT0N, CTk. 3rat71 . Stale : of Nofi-Carolina, SCPRRIpR Court of Law, MarcTe"rm7l82JJ Lovioe Feningtoti Eaekiel Penington : j Petition for divorct and alimony, ft appearing; to tht aatiafaction of the Court, that the defen dant in thia eaee reaidea without tht Dmiti of t hit deliberately exhibiting all the shocking the Arab't cursed halbert, and occa Has the object now become so great, ing fourth at the end of four year. The aale I feature t of this horrid picture. The tionally shesth it in a neighbors he ami that you art ready to despair, .because. tacomlntje one week, and no longer. I hare inundation of the fact, that it ill The ae are tome of the oleaaurea oft WC cannot accomplish iti Be not dit- - Attest JJ. WcirtlThMW. to, wp enough lo produce-" i chlU like thoie who - have not tho BibleT and heartened,:!! is not.upf cted that this ; . J, of Augtut, A. D. I83j.' . the ahiy cringe jf death on lny bosom without' it ire should toon bt pleased little band of near, recruits w ill do it; . ; , :s.:tiwst;. BOUIXS' vbkh is susceptible of tender emotion with U.inesJike"thcic.z:FraDCtot.ct lloneJiherevtrt.ulti en- By. ""f'o-.-ur:- v.. But. brethreo.it aeed oet be so, it thought she. could do aa well without irajred, who would bv oo means allow. " muat not be so. By a little exertion we I it, and scarcely had the ashes of God's I ut the honor and pleasure of doing if - ana House rainting. may wash the blood from cur skirts, book been mingled with the dust, be The American Bible Society has now state, it ia therefbrt ordered by the Court, that Tames AMES hat the ptraeurt of informing and put into their bands the means of I lore that dust wss drenched with the 1 360 auxiliaries, from many of wr.icrt eatern tf tne c.uzeni oi salary, and iht wrroumi- cleanaing themselves. In order, how. blood of her citixens. Scarcely had more e tivdant intr country, that he hat located himtelf in the . n . j. i:..i. .v. I -Ik.... -:.k .Vl . ..A .k. appear at tht next Superior Court of Uw, to be u"7" v.,m,( w ....... v publication be made in tht Star and W Carolinian fur three montht, that the defendant fficient aid is reatonably expec than from us. The British and . held fur the county 6f Burke, at the Court-Houae he to accommodate thoM who call upon him. The Board of Managers, who are thit llody of the sacred veiper, before it was Foreign Bible Society has 291. auxil i w . it. .t. .. i ... . In. 4 . I .:.k i.:. - t. : I -h .1 I ... .t . ..." e - .t j I ... I I I ft.- If! m atorganion, on ine louna .lonoarei oc pi em ber next, then and there to plead to tald petition, otherwiae the petition will be heard ex part and decreed acconlinelr. Cflpr (eat. W. W. ERW IX. C. B. S. C L. I enable him to execute, hit buiineta in the moat Price adr. g. nea anovuaninniDlc.t ic, hop K..n,tBH.1.i,i wiui in. inncwwi i q.v io oe cuoseD, win expcci me co I atriisico oyme cries oi a inouaana i lanci, anu ua uraucoca, ..me n .ntheiir7oiw.orx,and tne a.nowiedgtoi Brrnamii We. aa a Board . matrona. whom the tmnotine had made berniao SocletT has 113 auxiliaries.' e, hit buaineaa wnicn ie received while tnere, con I , , . . 'I f. .T . I ' . , . , . m I nrcted with hit experience in thit countrv.wiu I cannot resirn our place, before we widows. Let our Bibles be castaway, The Itussian Bible Society, is in eve- State of North-Carolina. uxnxLL C0CWTT QrPERIOH Court of Law, Spring Term, urge with. -importunity all our fellow and though we, perhaps, might die in ry respect vast, its resources, the . .. cmxeMtakitbxksjdtvhT becoming peace, yet our sons would probably number of ita members,' and friends, ... ..'" . iC I'l ' . . J !.- . ..II Stolen active members of the Society.- InlbehdaracTorm presenting thia request, we are sure roamed these forests. The shores of are wonderful." France is also learn. better to nave tne uite, s precepts t she h.is her igton and Warren, serve only as fur j society, with about 30 auxiliaries, and i.hinjr stones, on which the sons we are happy to state, that the same I glory, andyou would, with us, won- might edge the knife to scalp the crip-j press which was once employed to der how a rational being could possi pled fathers. There would be nothing! print the blasphemies of Voltaire, and .1823. T?ROM the nibacribet'aho.iae, on the night of that we invite you to a work jrreater the Atlantic micht agtn be lighted by ing, that it is better to have the 1 nt Pe-fA the 14th intt.hia coat and hat, and bit poc-.nd more rlorioua than was ever be- huntinir fires, and the tombs of Wash-i and to obey its precepts i she h.s her redbv ket-hook. There waa a note on Geo. Bullep, I , -. , . .,..:.. v.. vv. .. r, .,!. .k. in .,.-,!;, r. O Catharine Cowan vt. Thomaa Cowmn i 1 ITIAH ffn IIWAffV In till, r. II M AN1.M1 A. KCI4IDDK. I llcrC H M I11KC UCD. nUIIFn. I . . . v-. --.".r 7' . t... l-. l - i .I.. 'JO lore uoHered to vour attention, ioulinc tnt uourt, mat publication oe mane ior mree '"r j, m uie pucaxi ow, nu n, mincn ---r- . - ,1,... ' .. , t i ' -. . . -.... . -niontha in tht star, aitdWeatemCaroimian, that Riiw, in favor of Danl. Crett, aen. which t had heed only to see the magnitude and buhing stones, on which the sons we are happy to state, that the tame .... ... .7.1 Til . . I- - l.l.t. 1 A . - .1 - I I 1.1 ..'i.e... t. I 1. ... .1 Ut deteiKUBt appear at tne next Court to Dt I aaen up J a dui ui tot oic wwnm niraru held for the eountv of IredelL at the Court Houae KacheL a tax receipt, c. vi noever win give me . . ... . . . . . .. ... I r.i .' I 1 ...I t . .L.n :W.S?wj' ? "e .--sin. Monoay ancr w .j www www ita, m. itt j .c. . l!. A.Zlit u k:.L k. i ..J k. k. luiv .sav '.nave-me excuaeu. itc ijcii ia prevent mi, vr cvch wuiac umu uuvuku wmt.it us wuu nm ue you poor? This is that which 41 scat. this. We'haVerdairy-piwf,thattHejwouldu herein, and it tends to riches." ' jnature of man is continually inclining done, is now engaged in printing th Monday in September nexVad pTead, anewe;-,! receive firedoHarateward. or demur, otherwiae judgement will be had pro I conieuo, and tee cause heard ex parte. WitneM, Price adv. 4. R. WOKKE, Crk. 3mm Avg. IS. 1823. JOHN FRIDDLE. 3wt69 State of, North-Carolina,, IRtOKLL C00UTT. lVan-alwax, or Stolen ww T7R0M thetubicnber.ontheithjulv, J; fellow named BILL, 23 or 24 ycare feet, 4 or 5 inchet high, with a remarkable tin- itto. Bread cast upon the waters here, tobarbarism it presses thither with a word of God. In the United Nethcr- , a mulatto returns increased an hundred fold, force, which nothing but the spirit lands, io Germany, in Bavaria, in ofage,5 Those who. in this way. water theirs, which operatea through the Bible can Prussia, in Denmark, and in Sweden, kable tin- .. . . .. , ' ... if .t ... .L.. .l r..i !..!.. ...t.k .k.!-. snail oe watered also tnemseivcs. irciiar. ii men, u ia ao neccaaary uixii mere arc powcriui aoncuca wuu wicir . I i .i L. . J f l . .1 r.T of.W. Spring Tenn, 1823..,.. are th(! nromuM of Jehovah, we nreaerve our Bibles, is it not also auxiliaries. In those countries alao. . nvi ivvmvmii I - " r - ' . I l ' - w ; r V I . . r ... rM V I .1. ..L.'.tL l- Kl!l 'I 1 ..I ' y miiiim tin.. .m...i n.llof a purple colour, hit cloth Canon, Andrew Carton, William Carton, Ele- he has been in the uil of Balitbury .,-Mcj.Carson; sry,O0TJanie --wife Marthai-JacoH-Weathelbvand t Ofri bifl.fottht CORTtTance rt appsiTing-To-thr tansfactloirottbe - trie afiflv "newnilatita' tiv nnit h hmtta of the State, it ia therefore wrJeretL by the Court. '" that puldTcatlbn be rriaile Tn the Wettern Caro-1 Rfe anrl thev never fail. - The Jewt. bvlneceatarr that our neirhbora be sudI which until of late, have been covered. - ne Scjnt and hit -liH t.t reward I of jft dollara, to any per- chceifullydcvptine more that . one plied ? More than two centuries have with the pall of moral death, there ia .societies. J 'wltttileBvnajlejix vttik'kknv. Afat,Amtm Km ,t, th limit nf I oat a tret paat, i wiu riv a reward ot au.io J-:r-..tk,. im. ,nrr.HJuij4mt-Jnufnrwr ot4K4eatit.iir.fla every vear l anrinoina un jilanff ttheranores OI Ifia ...71 " v.w ' m. u.aw iumtik U'W lm, 1 W waiw aaaaaaaa maa. - JT. . . a luuaaaia. tHIO m miiv m wv- t vhj -mm . 1 P" - m J r f- r- rv I " rt " - - . . T - ihicourt, Parable, Are you then poorl -This, of ineremdTbey never : wlli-4o it- Medtterraaeafirin ::.r riTCl" -'lrZ'lS17'tJ X.l Ji:. ve that he ia the neraon. I ourchaaed aaid ne- itself, ahould rather be an inducement thtv never can do it t ii it it ever I in IN e w iioaana, anu in many itianua , the defendanu appear at our next court, lo be rf Dr-c PbAP " T. Do done, we must do It; , of the sea. These all enter into the , hflt fnf th- rniinty fit frptt, jt jbjrjot.rK Iloute in Statetrille, on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead antwer or demur, otherwiae judg ment will be taken pro confesso, t to Uietn and the case heard ex parte, JOHN fi. HART, CM. C. E. Paid Si - 3mt78 jou wish to remain poor, then refrain, Do you think, as our enemies some work, with a spirit peculiar to those this will have a tendency to eiiect it. times TcfiiMyia57ft,isTiU r scheme who are-juat emerging from tUrkncut r. , ... l .... - e t. . nrk j: t .1. . I M .1 ,L .'f State: of North-Carolina, tfrB Cnnty 4f Jirfyr 1833. 62tf- State of North-Carolina, vkcombx eocrrr. OUNTY Court, July Term, 1833- JTae. If. not-b received at'tuch" by the wise, uonJ She aendsus Bibles, which cost commencing the great work now, we, Ale."rt!" B' liit'hn it will not be received as such in the one hundred dollars, and worth to us I as a aociety, enter the field with more. nth- til- But do not plead this poverty as an for speculation ?" Who do yon think 1 the number as well as the strength of excuse for the neclect of dutv. it can- speculates f Does the parent Institu- those will rapidly increase. Si that KOWw COUllTr. tachment levied on land. It appearing to the k-. -UK t !a Yvd. Wker thia ar auch of vour fellow citizens at vou Minna of Bibles. With our aid. and' m .m Mm, Wi V . IBHV ,aw WW -aw c.ywwa : .- V hIW tww -m w - J ----- - j - - m - - - , - if tBe- tcflwai-tiw witaqsw . A .k. -r .i .k. k-i .k.. ut.k '.!.. ivPeti- theatcaaesUVes without the finutacf.tbis State, win exisu, me meant ainevxinramnpicm-w . a.t n . .. . I a11.B- .L:..a. ST I. . . I u. . W MM.-a.lA -Asm. All Ika lk.a B -.II l.Ma.A. Io I 'l.tk the treat obiecta of benevo sum wan yourselves, do au the labor, lallv lormintr, the number thus distrib . vuini mm me uci.-imni is noi, an inuaui-1 ot enreu mi umi uiccih uw .b ,n inerannn. receive ineir i ana pive vou every vear an account on ntea win weariv,:fncatei-:.-:vv e"(aiirirnr;r-"-' ...ui: .4 l. :. iv. w.rf.M r.tel . i ' . r-...-, . r - , . - . :. . ? . . Sa2l5ieSS Courtto be held for Buncombe rich. The ... . a. ,k. i i - j . r .v. i StTERlOItCo Jane Weaver w. William Weiver.....:teti.lthea eaaes rjtdivoKe.3 of I ao that the ordinary proceaaof the Court cannot tng; . All mat tne derendant is not an inhabi-i be aerved on turn i lttneierorc'praerea.-uiar -tTrt fliim I pMciaayftSMbjt Caitoliiiian cwm, mat pttncion be mad for three month ts wea tuceeativ ' in the Western. Carolinian. trinted in Sariaburv. I near at a Countv Co that the defendant aonear at the next Buneriorl Countv at the Court Houae .- Court of Lf w to be held for the county of Row-j second Monday after tht fourth n, at tut court House tn Salisbury, on the se-ltember pext; then and there cond Mondav after the fourth Mcndav in tf r-1 olcad. anewer or demur to th tember next, then and there to plead, answer, mands, otherwise judgment final will bt render, gnite. A poor man in Iredell coun ty, or demur, or the petition will be heard ex parte, ed agreeably to2ui several eoraplalnta filed. i t- , t-.iv.j . .ten f..r thirtv i iiv r:iiri r x r nr..t- ' " innv mii.i.eh. CPk. wno naa not waiira a p lorminy Price adv. g4- -- 0 I ' , . 6(71- lyeajs, tad who hat no cntaut of tup. ..iic.u.s, ui. year expenaea, are moecy, to a grcaiiwnom jqu an possioiy n " f mMiiirt: made un of the noor mans These we Will not now to remew ana -r ----1. r .r--- -i - it niainuff'a de. earninES. and the widow'e hallowed, erate. But, if yoo think the charge.) try to exon- their busi ness- is lucrative in any other way than (To be concluded in out next) A bookseller at Genoa, has announced for publication, a quarto volume ofjnedi- - 1 : . .. . - m.r- w 1 yihas been stated, why then do you not ted Documents relative to Columbus puV 4cheerfully engage mttf As aa lnduce-llisheabyorderofthtmasistrstesofGenas. .. . a -- . '

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