!');. J'lii , r J-?, "' 1 V-' !,.t-i Adtttn !.! ', trait;:. 4 l! rvigU, On f, n.t ,l,,rn J ith row, Thr .j the ,tl wj.nl, t UJ, We K the rt ai4 11 111 ft M, N Curtt cruVd bcnca'li our lr-xj , No thk from Lcrte h t"i hath tt Ij Ml dcjxaJ r-who joj'i dr-ruJ, la awrrvw wrsp-t and brokenhearted. This th it U J'7 1 Tie Joy supreme, 1 o dcU on ywjtltfuj dji and yran, -. t'ntu.gM iU crin.euiMoU'4 ,ih ur Of t'if.Oy JtiUt U M OUT JOMtSjJ lie ( U vf innocence rl truth. 1i this Out U the boos of Heave.' Tor to I we a!o rouat decend- bill aduaa our coum we bend, And all the pUaaaiit grovee and bowers f t urea si Joy, aoJ &aU of . ' Youth's mcy Verdant mca-la end groves Grvt(y ofpUMuv, bowers of lores, ' 4 Will, if pursued In UesmisiLng, Be found or downward course attending. . 1 ttcq bct we reach tie vale ofyeara, YYiib peaceful tyes, sutdim'd with uaisy,,T We caimly vw in yonJcf mead, ' ; ' The city of tb dead) , -"VVitb pleasure iu manwoni view Z1' toter, and become a tenant too. ' rmri. ImCTATlOJf AND VANITY SEDUCED. Said Ann to Iter mother, (affecting to pout,) That impudent nM I dctctt ! I can't show any &ce within doors or without, , But I ttt the full (u of that pert! . JWtrtgiiLiok my dear ma, that a few bouritp, AAcr paatlnf him (would jou bcfiero h ') U turned l.lmclf fouwi, and be lUrtd at mt S . i9 ttenLr oont cm concoWt It?" " B cautknii, my thiUltLere tt company here ' , And jrou Btajr fur imprudence b blamed'. TV1 (WJ jrou of all tliia Impertinence, dear f " Why 1 aaw it, and wu to aabamcd !" I "Bcwtro alTtctation, and rinity too," 11 Biother replied, v-ith nnile - " Hbcn you tow bin to $trali!j lookinj at you, . tnj where did look all th Lile P , , .' 1 EPIGRAM. . aiBU ivi noDiaa rririMix. AA'iai they tay, pOMcte'd th art, of old. Of turning wbafJoc'cr b toueb'd to fold i Tb'u, modern ttatctmen can rtem ith mm "!fouca tbcai wUaWoV tiy'B turn t what jn FOUENSIC ELOQUENCE. MULUPB AND BROUGHAM. r ;The crf hort tketch we hare f their ipeechea la the ollovin; caae of aoduc Hon, jive a u a vary inadequate Idea of their at vie ul ipeakinjt but it ihowa u how kdroiily Mr. Broughan hat turned Mr. P a. weapona againat himtelf. . We were never the cathuaiaitic admi- vf M r- P'a." nyle tf U60Ucr.ce. It wi too elaborate and extravagant; too wuca iboondlnj lD metapbon and ana the vis. Mr. Curran waiaufficientlr eu raiive and Ooridin hie speechca on some ,. vxasJcfia, oo Ktftb 0 T bUtMKPhiilipi,' in copying Curran, enlarged inttead of . retrenching the defccriof hia treat ori final. Nor wa? bia atyle alwaya auited to ; Ins subject. It was lofty and turgid, and therefore frequently bombastic, wbatev - ever was the theme whether it required tn elevaled.style, or would have been con- ' tent with a low one whether he touched the roajmificerjt plains and K'uantic ambl tion of Boniiparte, or a Cinimoo caae of assault and battery. 'The best speech he ever did deliver was probablr bis satyrical ettack upon parson Vlall f the mock be roic of which be was ao well competent to express. ' . ' ' ! ' . ' ' ; ' ir, Phillips is indisputably man of fine genius but of bad taste. Judging from Mrt Brougham's iiif ff upen : - SM4ea3ss0Ueppiel attuinAheratoffetiicrMr-UvCoatriies : .': lo.reT(dcyjherfr ndjc of. the Elrokcsioo must bave been pal pable, rii(! irwe:tiiar judtre. by the 1iuTntTcTTftich "heft biatedly rulsrcPaT Mr. P'a. expense. It would be' fortunate If this genUeman could profit by the les non he bit received be might even bleu the t,3l ire, which corrects himaelf. Iu truth, some efour young countrymen have? themselves been misled by the speeches ot Mr. PhiUip forgetting those-touch worn out lines t - Palae Klooreenee, Uke the priiti ; riuiiudycolort sheds" oWiVery blace. ' But rue eloquence, like the unchanging tun, v Shines on all objects, while it altera none. .. . ; ' tHAW8TirittilMS.'l ' ' ; I This, was an action for. the seduction of the plalmifTs daughter, whereby he lost vheraervicea..,c r .w , ;. ' . Mr C.'PhUljpi (with whom was-Mr. Patterson) stated the case for the plaint iff, and in an impassioned address to the jury, ! ' , ' . r ,.1 f V. .1 t.-t Ji ;.f "...f.l . rxrw l!!HiiM V t ,f a ft. 'tt t't I A J i;,tt i,rtfle tr-IfiHn tf ti c jiUtil.T's d-tsj-.t.ttr. rt.e ciailtne of the lj f l.rH rt, that tit J,!'iitjff wu a rain ii rr;,' t!-! iuiu'.'iUun of ,f, snj b 4 hrti-(tit u;i tus ct-ulitrf tn the j 4th of virtue and iinKrtic. J he litftiHlanl wtt the aonol a wcalihy ferine r, rci!irt inCrtenwkb. Mii t,liw and the Jcfcn thr.t were row atwut the same age. In Ihclreatly Infancy they hal gone to the same school in (rcf na ich, but their can nexlon and acquaintance bad ccttsd, un ttl it was rent wed in the year lilt, and then (he defendint meditated the ruin which he afterwards effected under the circumstances which would be detailed by the yeune UAt liersclf. j The Icarotd Counsel wrged the jury to express their tense of the defendant a duhonoraMe con tJutrr by fcMn "luclf images as would Clrd the father some eompenaation for ih irrtpar-UIe loss if daughter, scdu ced from the paths of Innocence, and abandoned to the world, prey to acorn end mumy. Jjnt Shv, the platnttf' daughter, was then xarlcd. Her father rived in Green wlch road, and she resided with him in 1118. She went to school with the d fendant. His father was man of con- alderable property! her father was i car pcotcr; in II II, being tkea seventeen years ef age she wis bound apprentice to dress maker she was In the habit of carrying out dresses to her mi stress's cus lomers. .About the month of August, 1 818, the defendant renewed hisacuuain lance with her. lie was about four months older than herself. In that month she was going home with some work, when he vnet her, and asked her if he should accompany her, and ahe replied in the ne gstive, but he insisted upon going with ber, and Accordingly went to the house whuber ahe was going, and be waited out side the tloor till ahe came out. lie af terwards ailed her, If ahe Vrpt company with any body. She said she did not know what he meant by thau lie requested to knew whether be mlht meet ber the next evening but she said ahe did not wish any such thing. About two or three evenings afterwarda she met him again as she wss going home with some work He asked her if abe would take a walk with him, which ahe refused. In Janua ry, 1819, he met hernear the Limekilns, in the Greenwich 'roadT'IIe said he had aomcthing to ssy to her. He got off his horse, and made her take bold of his arm. They walked to Lea Grove. He solemn ly promised to marry Iter, and offered a piomise in writing, which she refused, aa she trusted to bis honor. In the begin. ningof March, 1830, she became preg nant, and in the foltowinr November she was brought to bed. Her father knew nothing Of the txhactfon7 unfiTine cEiIJ waaborn. She ew the defendant about a - month- afterwards he ; observed: she was onttoo soon, and he feared ahe would catch cold; he said he wanted to see her father her father had maintained the child ever since. Previous to that time ahe had devoted her earnings to the main tenance of her father and mother, and since then to the support of her child. Cnti-tiamintd Her father hd DOLTt tired from business ; formerly he kept a . ..1 t . : i . public house, but hot now ; he was once a carpenter on board I ship rher came home about six years since ; her mother never slept out of the house during her father's aoaence , ner lamer lormeriy- ncpi sue Duke of lork public house, and after wards the Rose and Crown. At that time she used to sleep at the house of her fa ther with a girl about 15. Iter reason for not wishing her parents to know of ber acquaintance with the defendant was, that the did not believe the defendant meant to perform hia promise of mar riage. Ht-txtniined--She never received any relief from the parish fur the support of her child nor any money from the defen dantAfter the child, was born, defen dant told her he would marry her when be came of age Her parenta had no child but herself. ' Mr. fforton deposed that the defendant ...... r . H . was a young man ot very excellent cir- I curnstancew-and poncs&cxl af xonsidera- oie nronertr. " HeiVtrplanmff,STwraxrosetT. -HF rpjSihK Trr srrwdhe-ry;fr the defsndpnuLtUs leamed friendMf- P) to wards toe conclusion of his address, requested them to forget every word he hrnnired- request Ilia! Wii 'lisUally made with the expectation that it would bt refused and which as usually, the op posite counsel would gladly know was ac cepted. But on thia occasion the ton verse was. true on both sides. He verily, believed Mr. Phillips was perfectly sin cere that he would gljdly think, that hot I one vestige of his eloquent speech re-f maiiied on the memories i whihe he tMi1 Brouehatit) entreated, for the -lake of the iustice.of the cause, if not for their own merriment, that they would remember fef fireiftney fcj? whiefW feartti ed friend had attempted to deccrale this extraordinary law cause ; for never would they find a more amusing contrast than between the statement and tbe proof, the Jowers and the, facts, than on that.com; pamon in which he bej-jred them to in dulge, What cow had become of the retired tradesman, spending in retirement ' -i li l..t i 11 ' -p I " ; ;-.,(: J a W.th?, tn-n, !. hi I Urn a rjrr.i inj a (j-j'u.itr, af A stilt woike-J at tl.t ct)r n!ln:ti.!l trade f hp pro iiKotTtht dilne art f eloquence was the skill of the ctstor more shown In ncjtie was the skill ef the ernlnrnt ritor whom they hd bird mere evinced than in the selection ef lories which should be pressed on the attention tf the hearers and accordingly he lift oat the stamin (though he fui jkt Lave furbished some fiutcruu Iq the hinds ol iklUul irUst) pemion the pirates occup:ce, running in he left out the Hose ln4 Crown, though, hnrltonlai direction about 1 20 feet, be iitc a Cower, the rose might have bloom- from six to seven feet high, ind about the ed In his periods (e laugh.) He left out same breadth, so intensely dark within the Duke of York publia house, and left that we were obliged to light several em it to be proved that his client and hia wife dies tefei e we could discover objects in kept gin shop, where they strew by dsy u. recesses md windings of the recks, and anored by Slight, while they left the A large tree of llgnumvit grows at the sweet blossom of their hepes, " the ntrsncet csstins; i deep, shade aoynd, day light vf i heir eyes,'4 the joy bf their adding eiUi grester gloom, to the appear hearts," to sletp ins housw far from them, ince ef this romantic tpot-:1 Several other where there were none but children'- What would men.who kne the world which enten it the top of the cliffs, which who hsd travelled on the broad highway we descended into by ropes to the per f life hardly, indeed, more beaten than pendieular distsnce of fifty or sixty feet, the read to Iee church, where the fair ee- end finding room be lew capable f con dueir was tskerP-ssy to the stery ef this ulntng nearly 100 persons J ill hive tri flower of creation, the fleshy speech in ces ef having been occupied. In some which ahe had been painted in ihciroo caves article! of clothing were found, aop tlce f Here wss father, who allowed hit posed to hsve been thrown in by the pi daughter to go through her pregnancy j rates in their retreat I Innumerable quan and auch was his, watchful care, that his titles of land crabs inhabit these caves, suspicions were only awakened by the cry and which have the power of crawling of her child ! Mr. Phillips had appealed along the side and roof with the esse of le them as husbands and fathers: would flf. Ther retreated before us j col they as fathers have acted thus careless ly f If when one of tbem retired to so lace himself, from the care of 'the world, and called fur his bottle end pipe, he should hear the cry of a child and be told that his daughter waa become mother, what, said Mr. Phillips, would he say f He would tell them i he would exclaim " What an excessive its have I been to go on for months, and never ask a question , , ... ... I d.scover the evil till the fair flo.er which hat blossomed so long produces iru m due set son. (Mutk laughttr.) - What was the former character ef;tbls fair victim 1 She pretended ahe was so inno cent as not to knew what keeping com pany" meant a phrase which even sn earl'sdauzhter miirht learn from her maid, and which tbe flower of Greenwich must have A thousand tiroea!. and yet she, who was pure even in heatt who did not know what evil meant who. preserved an in fantile purity in the year of womanhood gave up her priceless virtue on being asked for it not in some sequestered spot sacred to Nymphs and Naiads, the crea- rures of a more etherial world, which we resd of w the poets and Mr. Philhps apeechee-btit-in the platn , highway I- . i"!.MwV V, WM J?P0,!lS1?.;?- j r : .1. . li. dv ... i remove ner j woum oe as naru so re- move Mr. Patterson from a way which he I Mpatln tat. tama t.Mlh ikara Ui caoeiWweuay to deviate from this well known spot. There did they meet the faithful horse held on one arm of the seducer, and the " tender fkwer" hanging with all her ten drils on the other Hepeattd buriti laughter.) Was not this the conduct, he might intuit- aar.cif nnn nf the mnstabai doned of her sex ? Could any believe that up to this moment ahe waa even innocent mrleid i -Oh ! but (said Mr. PhiHfmLryt.., ',... . ' she could prove eive the defendant the most solemn DledirrJ Sne' human beine Could tive:anor and when they expected some awful ab- ju ration-that she would take the horns capanie oi aiscnarging meir respective he kept them constantly at work. They of some storied altar, or produce a bible functions. Such involuntary, motion, Ire m'09t eio,,, wotken in win to swear on it turned out that thia fine therefore, says Dr. Wiiucb, greatly r .u, f. ,v. : aim iuyu iiiuaiuii uicniu viuy ium ua i went and swore tbe child to the dant before a justice. (Grrof oitfAtr.) Inthe decline of ancient eloquence, when Etta nmm.m.. tm aJtaivtwa WMastasw Wa warn Sf fine occasions for display were rare, it was the practice of the Roman orators to spin out subtile disputations on the tiles animal or aubstante t and It was reDOi ted I that thus a very splendid hsrangue was indited on the subject of d?rf. Thus had Mr. Phillips-not in the decline of elo- quence, for his speech proved to be flour ishing, but in the absence of a fit subject for his own powers taken the course once Dursued h Jess able sneakers and caTnisnea nutwunincornaineniaoi oncnTmrsnrm3rr?irty- wked ihemtcrtsmtarehat address wfithi the evidence to ihtflk-on the conduct this yprlrand of the parents who had waMnscd wnhr8onic5 icq tor mrce years ociorc nicy commen ced proceedings; "he was assured they - u-milsf oiih fiti1 a vrrrixrt far tn rirlen- v. v..v. ....u - . . .......... . ""fW.-M"." l,Am? !IYC tfe plainuff something, would tender him Uo juwesi aiiu oascav loin ajuiuui ui worthleMhessindlmpudence-asthore. ward of this moat frivolous and brazen faced action. ; - ' . i-i::..-r .1:: ,. j...v : j told the jury that if they believed she wa as ready as the defendant, and had - .. : . . j i t.i CMJJ asked, whal damage, would carry coats V Mr. justice Best Informed them, th,t any damages would carry y damages would carry costs b this form of action. Tht jury found a verdict for the plain iKDamagc$ 4Qa. Sht.tkvn ttrnttmnt A U : r from er oe htti the U.S. sth-.ntr (irr hound, ifstr f,SlfiJt tt e tJrT.it t,t the Tirstrsat V? Crtn. lives tha fo!!fing description of the caves of these free hooters. A cave, in which was found various ar ticles of plunder, female dresses end some human bones, the history of which, could it be known would doubtless chili one's blood with horror. It enters it the base of perpendicular cliff directly unded the caves art near the same place, one of lected in the extremity f the caves in such quantities, as to fill up large fissures in the rocks. DOUniX TONCCEP LADT. Brighton (English) papers mention that there is at present reading in Brigh ton, a Uij of great beauty and accom Dlishments. vosstwi of a rjuaHtr which mitt nut nf at! fli.tinr the fame e( the I uruiuar T ano aiiiiiuiur muni imu iitoii. ,. forrnlon of tbe t07ncue, whlch here etarnaUy, . ' . . h . h . ioncitadin,i direction, and actually forms a double tongue. Not the slightest inconvenience is felt from this exubcrent gift of nature. With this desirable and admirable addi tion to the organ of domrttic comfort, this lady is enabled to afford entertainment to ber frienda beyond the power ef any ven triloquist, er indeed conception. From the personal charms she possesses, as well as a highly endowed mind, she hss had many auitors, none of whom have re tired from paying homage,-owing to the effects of the extra tlapitr hung in thia . e -xceedintlv clear, sweet, and . v ' . - - - - ! h,moDioul, ,H0Wing her to sing .with Kreit effecL; thc other so exqulsilly tbrii- Uag, thatjt. JwJ he been bestowed. on hef for no olheP rorpo,e lhn t9 Uip the ..;,t .m,n ,ft!r. ftr i ' wlth ,u. I T T . " a, pipiDR un a ouiiu-jtu, iinrwi si a canary. What is remarkable, her mo ther was deaf and dumb. yawning. . . . , , . Few persona imaging that this agree- abU-exerctso-tMmportant-rrrvjf tne animal economy, uoernave ob. aerves. that vawnint aDDears to be de . . . t . . -. a . - . . - mou",nrou u7ut "'c ,lcm con!e- I a . . t S7 l "B" c v'.ou' rau".' niiiniiii wa-a wan nav wnaw iririniii mill i a.aa i tvuuuici iv uiuui) uui t tv utioiuc oelen-jhabiluDl, or be too often repeated, es. pecially by persons of sedentary lives, jt will be advisable to inspire a large . ' . . . potion of fresh air. Yawning ;s per L. . l mnA-n oll ,l. v. formed by extending all the muscles, . ' .. 0rnon.an,0lI,.ft, ' : " " r i . "cm Dyexpanaingutcmngsjoy siow. j inhaling a large portion of air, and expiring it after it has been rarified in the body t and lastly, by restqrinjr the i j; li . I muscles to their natural position. t .. ; '.' .. . w. .- rnet-t"a . v. -.wauLViolcnt commotions We wouia wuh a larger one m tow, propeUed ex. P5 rad4 Vht fAllf - nrsthAiit earsw ra iKIea es vatvtv arasv 11... :. . .: "li . .,1 macr. wirnrmr invvii Die Hutncv eirrm thecurrentactingentwowaterwheels, mA - boat 8tippbrtedr The Edil . ' . o ' . r-int two water wheels. -f . - Ct.r. ?rfhe. Ncwfork Statesman says, his ia a patent .nyention of Col. Edward C arke Member of he Acad- -k.. : yeirailuggeated; mto tUwhirlwtnd ur which thould firesent a ereater surface10' r . . . . ; . : 1 'rsttfcUnnoproPelthefoat ofwhtcb theory wauffiqent tomduce hini to ma" f"" l,l ?I3hica Pr- vea successful , and in 1815 he con- structed a water wheel which worked a pump by the influx of the tide on the l5f1iire, ',.k!i t.c it is t. ! it lus I ecu in s.Htf. Jul r rrration t ( the wtisic!urin ami the lavr r,'...r oflVre to g israntce the pisse of Ui! wiih liis machinery up incline d j hnts of ten or fifteen degrees. A machine which rrorrls a body ta stream by a force derived frcm the counter currtnt of the water, we thick is about as wonderful as the Ion sought after perputal motion; and we shall not be astonished if people with hold their credence till they have the ocular proof. Vrty, Cat, - i ' 4 YA.VK.tC This ter0 came uito Tornie in Ea rope It the comaiVncernent of the rev olatioti that rTc indrpendtrite t) the" OnitcxJSutcsof Amcrici. ..Xhe word Si derived from the Indian epithet Tanhti which aignifief In the Indiatj language the qailitjr of SovincWe courage and was used by one of till chief Tribei of Northmcrlcan In dians, at t name to designate then at being free and triumphant over the surrounding nations t and it was alan used as the name of the chief or king of the tribe to which the terra applrtd. raow aw aaatiae rarsav The parish clerk of a village in Dev onshire was directed by the Church Wardens to give notice to the congre gation that Parson H and Parson C,' would preach there alternately! for which he read thus: the congrcga lion be a desired to take notice that ROCK IIONEf. " lit mA hm U ruth kmry lie racl." Deut ami. 1J. Suck horiejr from a rock? Hosf" could this possibly be done f In South Africa the beet hare the habit of de positing, or plastering their honey oaj the surface of rock's to clirla f which,"' for its protection, fhey cover with a ' layer of dark coloured wax. This, by exposure to the weather, becomes hard, , ' and of a colour which cannot easily be distinguished from the rosk itself.- Suppose a penon roakina? aa iociiion, tn th.s inghis ceed. t . i r . i outsiae coat ol wax oy appiy mouth to It he would easily iuc ia sucking out plenty of honeys T .. J . viewing mm from a Iittrar UISWOCC Q ODSCTTing W distance and observing some of the? , j 1 k. .i:- f,n I., fl. , ,. ' u,XrV ine Dees irequenuy cover treea ta thff time manner, saith their hone , r .l: ai "v anu wax. a nave seen me game cbj 0f , Dutch farmer's house Utmd over in the same way' It proved W h; i otn.e.uai mntr0 e Uoniv. for he I..J - i !.J . i j- F OOD" na w"7 Uha the excavation he had made Al his SU) VAWAf (ailWU i necessity required continual supplies, climates. : j MORAL REFLECTIONS. The serenity of nature, aod the atea-f Kv operation of the lew a that; govern inanimate creation, strike the mindf with aininilar lnrr uihn rrtnti-aftCxa -.t. i. r " T '7p";-I, .xt with the turmoil and confusion that , produced by the angry passiom of man Voud tnd presumptuous, we thtnt. tnat thc veI7 naents should be aHec ted when. we arc moved, and that they L too should raee when our bosoms iwell lhe.ftthat rtUfthi Such, however, iS!not the appointment, T . - - If . - en, however, is not the appointment 'w a I " alt'; w. . . i- . . Hraven and mirnrid it humbled , - . . ... ? . ... urc ui uimi 7 Jircar iu , ui uaiuiv, tn4 xU harmony of her , hJl arVurged by an angry j vehemer,ce lhat deran , Jr own foX "" huw-. mi wia aw you have, spend less. Poverty-is an ! pCat enemy to human happiness jh certainly destrova : libertv. and makes . ;.. .ltKers ""i"wuw""' . ?r i i , extremely difficult.w--.2?4iwriri John?, ?n. . ' ., "X

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