?T3 VOI, IV. HAUSMJUY, N. C. TUKSDAY, OCTOI.KII 7, B23. NO. 170. tBISTSB tVt tl lll.S, m riiiui u in i r. The terms the ,tr stent tP..'imo tercaftcr t m folio i ) t 7V ltlUn per annuoi, J syatla yearly U 1 advaae. Kcfy pIr lent t iEitne, in b dlcoo sjntted aAr U tint liu spired fur wlM k baas paid fr( ail the aubsCribcrU knoM to be roo ( in the latter tf, the paper ill be 1 1 scut uriia Jala fcnfii.tmtrtti ti'f r fTt-r ' Auvertis-ment mill be inserted a: 6(1 cents per ure fr the f ni nn-nipn, and twenty-five rnti fur each suW'pient one. A dyertisemeirt from a distance mutt be paid fr, or their pay. meot aa-ximed bf a reponJblc person, before ihry can be publiihed. AO letter addi-esard to Uk Editor, mutt be tti fnuJ, or the- .will not be attended Id. State of North-Carolina, IRtDKLt COVMTT. COt'RT of frmtr, Sprinr Term, 1821 1 William ttloen t. KsiMirl Canon, Jlaviil Carton, Andrew Carton, William Carson, Kir. ai r Carson, Mary Clraun, Jaaire Scott ai'l lilt wife Martlia, Jacob Weathe'by and liia wife Mar- rret : Original bill for the convey ance of land, appearing to the aati.faclion of the court, that the aloe drfrndanta be beyond the limita of the State, it it thrrfrr trjrrrj, by the Court, that publication be mule in the W tskrn Caro Lnian, for three moniltaanrreaaivrK, that tinli-M the di fendanta appear at otir nrit court, ta be teld fur the county of Iredell, at the Court IIixim in fttatuvillr, on the fifth Monday af r tlie fmirth Monday in September next, thrn ami there toplrad anasyerordrtrtir, otherwise judg ment ill be taken pro confeaao, aa to them and the caae heard et partr. JOIIX N. HAJ.T, C. .V. C E. Paid fc 3mt7f State of North-Carolina, Wit IH COI WTT. COt'RT of Pleaa and Quarter Peaiona, An (just (ii aaion, lo".J i William Railv v. Duly Johnson; Original attachment, aurarioned W al ter It. l-rnoir and Ssitn.tl f. PaMirson, garni ahcea. Jt -apocarinjr to the aaiisiactioM f the Court, that the defendant it not an inhabitant of tlii. State, it ia therefore ordered, that public tion be ntade fur m weekt auccew.iv I), in the M'cttcrn 'Carolinian, printed in Saliibun, that the defendant appear at our next court of plea and quarter at aiiona to be held for the county of Wilkca, at the cnurt-houae in Wilktboro', on the firat Monday in November next, then and there to plead, or judgment will be taken accord ing to Hie plaintid'a tlemand. Test, KOBT. MARTIN, f'fr. Paid $2. 671 Stray Horse. BROKE looae from the aubarriber, on the th inat. on the tnain road from Kockford to Iluntrvillc, 'Surry County, aix milea from Kock ford, a entail bay Hone, with mane roached, twitch tail, and one of bia hind ilioci ofT he w aa tax. en tick at the place from whence he escaped, and by rolling on the ground, the akin was nibbed orTin a number; of placea, more particularly on liia hipa. A reasonable reward will be given to any person who will deliver h ru to ill am iM "lerj', "of Surry county, or Peter Clingman, of -' r . . -. . f HuutaTtllc, Surry county, or give nilorniation ao tliat 1 get him again. , tr .IIF.NUT" A1XEM0NC. Suliibwji, Sept. 15, lHZi. ' 71 Sfgirafid'IfbusrPdifitingr TAMES AMES has the pleasure of informing If the citizens ol Salisbury, and the surrounding- country, that he ha located himself in the Tillage, and that his utmost endeavor shall ever he to accommodate those who call upon him. He first became acquainted with bis profession in the City of New-York j and the knowledge of tin business whicn he received while tliere, con nected with liia experience in this country, will enable him to execute hia business in the moet Seat and fashionable stvle. SaKtbvty, Jlvf. 18, 182J. .. 67 Vlowse for Sale: WILL sell my House and Lot in Sa lisbury.' on kccommodatinr terms. Apply to l . l Cowan, Esq. or to myself, in Ra leigh. There is a good office belonging to the lot, convenient for a Lawyer or Physician. JOHN BECKW1TH. &il.oaTf , March 8, 1 823.' fys Friday, the 19th iitsjnmikDijir v.nce 10 me siioscriner at me nauing dusi y IM',iat.ly.tha nm of JtAujugiymtXlp n$vn& " S feet 10 or II ijicIim Ti lias lii t Jajane ; hatl. Jfes,7n3 'I-t .with. j. h.eayyt awkward, swinging" gaitr -Whoever will apprehend said appiN-ntice, and return ntm. shall receive ,1 rca sonable reward. All persons are forbid harbor ing, trusting, or employing him. GEORGE. MICHAEL MURft. Sali$biirti, Sept. 20, 1 822. , 3 wt74 Twenty Dollars Heward. y Tl AN AW AY from the sul A bert plantation, in Mecklen V.ii w jfurhu I I : Xl man. iy . lte .j)annof.; PuriJU . . '.- e.. v.; . year i ni tcci iiiii, nieiiir- "l" Ing i littfe W the yellow t jhas i' imoil rf.eal of white inf biaievea. 0;wSk and haa scar above one of his : wnnoV'speaV but he Jaad afur TiaT and a lTi)e cotton coat, and hu got a pass for,i months, by some means, and will perhaps attempt to pass for a free manv the above reward will be give for the appre hension of the jaid fellow, and lodging him in jail, ao that 1 get him, and Information gwen to roe by; directing a few lines, to the Wbite-HaH Post Office, K.C. - ' Viyi B. TAYLOR. sk. Hani. Stork, on "Crrdit. IlKrV MX Share Cap rear lUi.k ftlotk. aen'r. decraKd, will bt tuUl, at PutiU Kale, on credit of ail month, ta Tutidaf, 0 7ik (kltlhtr next, IViiwi, who two approve! eta. ntlea, wt'! lc require 1. AW will be K.ld. at pubfio tale, at the aama time, aikd -ame conditiona, aui rjrgnt bay fig ml iMfiiiii i r . v cm., s SuUtluy, 3'pt. U, 1823. 7 Fa)etteydle (Hiarrrer, will pubLth the above aJvertitemcnt till day of arde, and font ard their account to thia office lor payment. THE lubfribcr having ry U'tly receiyed from his correspondent in PhiUutrlphia the luteal fob ions from the celebrated ahop of VW4 U H irvbrmnrr, of tliat city, is now ready to do all knwu "I work belonging to tne i nioring nu sine, lie pledges hmiaclf, that all tSoev who may favor him with tltrirruatom, shall hate their '.i i ..i r .i i .t- wota none in tne oet aitic oi inc ianions cm tne day, ami on rraaonable Jerna. Travellers, and others, who wi.1i garment made on short notice, ran be arrotiinMxlated with a whole suit, on a nniiep of to das. Order from a distance punctually attended to. THOMAS V. CANON. SaUthurt,, .Uf. 1 1, 1 s.'J. '66 . Tailoring HuVutf. . flMIF. atibriber having etablialied himself in X the above line of businen, in the loan of JTinfiH, Davidson fount , revpectfully temlers his services tn the rilicnt of that place, and the aeirrtrtiiiibng ctxintn. He invitee all whowih garment, niade, to call on him, and give him a fair trial, lie intend to make arrangements for procuring the ltet laohioni j and will itrive tn do l.ia work in the mott approved and durable sttle. frder for work, a-nt from a dittancr, wIIJ be punrtually executed. JACOB ItlULIN. Hoot tS Shocmakin HiisineHs. FIIIK aubkcribrr w iihrs to iaform hi friends, A. and the public at barge, thai he haa re mo. ved from his reaidenee in the countrj', to the town of Conconl, where he is well prepared to carry on the Boot ami Shoe making buuurts on a large scale. He has gtnxl leather, and em ploys good workmen, and will therefore be en abled to do his work in the best style, and on the moat reasonable term. All who want gtMd work done, are invited to call and try his shop. The subscriber haa also on hand, for aale, a large quantity of sole and tipper yoAer, ahich he will dispose of on the most reanonable. tertna. lie wishes to employ seven or eight journey min shoemakers to good workmen, and stx ady men, he will give good t-a, and steady cm- pJy'--" - ' - ASA THOMPSON. -CneoeAV. C. Srfn. 2, I82J. - 69 Cotton Saw (Jins. . . t fflllE subitrrilter has now on hand, for sale, a) A his shop in Salisbury, on Main Street, Cot ton Saw Gins, of his own make, Which he will warrant to be as well made as any in the State. He will constantly keep gina lor sale; and will do ja.ll kind oi' repjijriiitji.jltojLJVjjtire, nH reasonable teni.l. SAMUEL FKALF.Y. SaSibury, .hf. 18, 1823. 67 THE CELEUIUTKD HORSE ril-L stand the present fall season, at the subscriber's ilantation, seven miles west of Sa isbury, at the followinr low prices. viz : seven dollars the season, five dollars tua sin gle leap, and fourteen dollar to insure a mare in foal. Mares sent to remain with him, will be furnished w ith pasturage gratia, and grain at the market price. MICHAEL BROWN. SaHtbmy, Stpt. 30, 1823. 4t76 Carriage and Windsor Chair MAKING. THE siiSscrtner have the pleasure of inform ing the citizens of Lincolnton and the country at large, that the liberal encouragement they hav e hitherto met w ith, enable them to con tinue the above business i and they will endeavor to accommodate all those who may call on them, and their custom will be thankfully received. They also keep on hand, High and Low BED STEADS, of superior quality.. "Tbc subscribers wish to employ on- r two hwe'Ttot ftrtlfe "tafiif of Inwifcitton: MARTIN C PHIFER, WM.ULVBHOUSJEL. nouses and Lots. ifTrTPT"asOrt .fAftaaj. tlia' flfi1 pittas ftf ftllf ll Superior Court, in Mecklehburr county, at the court-house in Charlotte, ttill be offered for sale, on 12 months credit, one of the moat valu. able Lota in aaid Town, beintr the corner lot heast of the Court-Rouse, having -a store bouse in and uor a dwelling house,' kitcnen, a.c. Also, a valuable plantation on M'Michael's ererk. 7 or A tniln from Tharlotte. containing an excellent miU scat also, one sixth part, of aa l:..:jJ . . .ui fy I - ?! uiiuitiucu iraci, on ine vamucii eew, "'u'3 from town, good stand for public business. All belonging to the estate ofCapt. John Springs, decL and sold bv virtue of a decree from the LCflurt of EqwtVs-Bonl -and approved seewity-, will Wiuired,iancl ut Ies made, of ' - ''' . -t-tt--rTvt -ao r"rlf T Yadkin Navigation Company. A "general meeting oAne StocTtnolJers of this Comnanv. will be held at the house of Wil liam H. Slaughter, the Town of Salisbnry, on the 9th Iand lOtWayi 6 October net, being on Thursday and F nday of uowan Superior court. . A, P, MVBFnx.lL. rrttidtW. rPV r ts warrias liLlirti. ' mm Extracts from the 0rt report of the IrsdcD count BiLU Society, Jiace tr.t crgiDltnio) ol thu so. titty la Jan. 1622 J5J3d hu beta rccrircdioto iu Ueiiuryi "Th'u turn hdi been railed by annual and life lub- icripticn. hj donatiooi. tod by the le of Uiblci; After having Uifrayed the cxptne of r rintipi tht conttitutiop, ana iwv uqtctie ty tne public, and l transporting Uiblca and Testaments (rvitn New. York to this placr. and after having remitted 8 1 00 to the parent Sxicty, J518J atill rtmaioi io jour trcatury. Though a reipectal.le number t i uhtcriberi waa obtained aoon after the rnizatin f thia Suciety, it waa not till the following Uet ember, that we received any Biblea from the National Sotiety. bevcral ciuse united for a time to retard our operation", but car ty in December bit, we had tht h.p- ri to receive liberal donation, ol 50 Utiles and 50 Testaments Irom the American Bible Society. Some of your manager will not aoon forget the Icehngt and hopes which the arrival of this supply of the word of God ex cited. This timely donation was con sidered as the presage of a more am pie aupply, the commencement .f our abor of love. The rapid circulation of these copies of the aacred volume, produced a deep interest in, behalf oi the Society, and brought more distinct to the knowledge of your managers e wants of the destitute around us. In May last, we received another donation of 50 Uiblea and 50 Testa ments from the Parent Institution. I'he amount of both these Jonativna at first cost in New. York, is 8120 10 ct. With this last-donation, wc ibtained on a credit 200 Biblea and 50 Testn mcnti, valued at 2 152, and nuking a total of 300 Bibles and 150 Tcbtamcnts. It was thought that these copies of the Holy Scriptures would be enough to supply the destitute id our county 7 but they are nearly all in circulation, and the call for Biblea continues. to reach ua from every direciiom - A coniide.rable jiurnber of Biblea and Testaments have been circulated among that class of Society, which without the interposition of christuu benevolence, would, in all probability have remained destitute of the wordoi IjOcI. Une ol your managers gave a BlMrioHra"&.Msci 60 years of age, who had been the pa rent of 14 chudrrn, but had never owned the Holv Scriptures. Another families, in his own immediate neigh borhood with Bibles. They were ready to purchase the aacred volume as aoon as it was presented to them. But if it had not been literally brought to their very doors, they might have lived and died without ever having posses sed a copy 6f the Holy Oracles. - A third manager, who haa either sold or distributed 25 Bibles and Testaments, writes thus: " I find the common ob jection against Bible Societies, that the people are able to buy Bibles, entirely unfounded, for most of the persons J have supplied with them, would frank ly tell me,-they were noi able to pay for them, and I have no doubt buUhey told me the truth."- - f On ? tlvead ppelitiondweverj, thl waa able to purchase one, still Bible I Societies would be an incalculable blciT sin g to our - countrjy -sineibe world f through the medium of these benevo lcnt institutions. Bibles of a superior quality are obtained on much better terms than they can be even of our city booksellers. Is it desirable to purchase our English and West India goods on moderate terms, then why not equally desirable to procure Bibles of an excellent quality on"the same terms -Are people prodigal of "their mouejr because it ir ripraded n reli gion, objects WhyihriijQlhey part with it so reluctantly ? And why rJL tneyma than afford their liberal aid to benevo lent institutions? , .' ' ; '.:. l"Zsi AW the Bibles which your Society has received, cost in NewYork, 272 10 cts. but they could not be procured at our stores in Western Carolina for less than-g-400, making in our small purchase saving of more than Si 00. Bciidcs, your Society hat, since De. (ember, bttn tht honored though un worthy imtrumcnt for putting into cir culation 400 copies of the sacred vol. umr. But it is perhaps very question Lie, whether, if we had no Bible S. cieiv !! the merthanis would, In six yeari, sell so many Bibles. One man iruciodcraie . 4Kumtartceo- lxuglit of your man4geri, 4 copiel of the sa tred vhimrmnarkrpf;, thatewtfrh ed every member of bis famtltali a Bible, It is devoutly tn be wished, ih it his cxambU might be followed by every Christian parent in our country, and in the world ! " In view f what this Society has al ready achieved, and of what it has the prospect of accomplishing, your mso agers desire to rxprets their unfeigned gratitude to Almighty God'. Oppoii tion, if it has not wholly subsided, as unable to urge one plausible argument, that has not been again and again abun dantly rcfatcd. " Noisy declamation" aod " confident assertions" will never pass with the friends of tht Bible for sound argument. They do no credit, either to the intelligence or candor of the man who employs them, and on reflecting minds, they will ever raise doubts respecting the goodness of a course w hich is unsupported by better argument. IJibic Societies are, under God, indebted for their existence, and unparallcd success, to a benevolence too disinterested, and trio active to es cape the opposition of men, whose lives are at variance with the precepts of the sacred volume. But an Al mighty arm is stretched out far the protection and advancement ol their noble iiisliluiiona. Who can cast an rye at the astonishing success of Bible Societies, and not be deeply impressed with the belief that they are destined bv God to diffuse the light of Divine Truth over the world i The British and Foreign Bible Society, has, in 18 years, published the numerous number of 3,563,974 copies of the script ures . " Yet its last rr port states that die demand for them is extending, though -three millions of - Biblts and Testaments have been put into circu lation" .The Russian .Bible Society was expected to print last year 200,0003 copies of the sacred volume j and they were preparing the Mandjux Testa ment for the use of the northern hall of the empire of China, a work second rrrrimpcnrtaBtirT.tyTcnh version of the holy oracles The American Bible Society has, in acven years either published or obtained for circulation, 323.777 Bibles and Tes- '. f , .1.1 r . I vt ..i-.r ,.t. t ... J -.... ,jM.u,w laments or parts of the latter. It has nearly 400 auxiliaries extending from Maine to New-Orleans, from Florida to Missouri, and from Missouri to Vermont) the field of its operations is constantly widening, . "To(a mind that appreciates, in any degree proportioned to their infinite importance, the glorious truths of the Bible, it must be a most cheering spec tacle to contemplate the stupendous efforts of Bible Societies, Juvenile, Female, Marine, City, County, State, and National Bible Societies, are all embarked in the blessed work of cir culating the word of God among the destitute throughout the earth. And whilst the affluentfrora their abundance ceintVHjuteritH treble KberrrQo lence, whilst our own Wllhingtont dinotS;- lott4wttfy4hwtandi-'itn& while the princes and sovereigns of ilwope urctclv-outastUl more mum 6. cent hand, the members of the Iredell County Bible Society, if diligent and self-denying, in performing theirhum. bie parti will not be overlooked or un rewarded by the God of the Bible. Confined as- we are to a remote - cor ner of the great field of Bible opera tions,7 and" precluded by our pecuniary cTrtiimsiahteiS of splendid deeds, if persoriaUy inter-, estej in thejs may cherish the high bope of mfeeting hereafter in mansions'of eternal rest, an, Owen, the illustrious historian cf the British ad Foreign Bible Society, a martyr who translated the Nev Tes tament into the language of Persia i a Milne and a Morrjson. by whDK nnited labors a version of the whole Bible has been made into the language of tht Chinese empire and trn thou sand others ? kindred spirit." , , H. SIMON TON, ") . TlltW. ISHOW UtK, t Vtmmiut II. COt LI), '?, Kept. 1 1. l.M, . POIUCIHV AV IH)ir.8TIU. si ii'. I.. j. tmtwm .' - Iran mm m inr mtm t 'Tl'linjf tit '"' " s-l'Sftture new, LAl tir IKOM M ItOIT.. Ut the aial ef the shift llas Snd' Amrrita from IJipool, at Boston we have rerelved frem our cotfeirxiiJ.nis . of the Patriot. DU silertWer end Statesman, slips containing London date i to the Uth AKut. ... The protected movement ofthe dnk d'Angoulemo towards Ssviile has Iskca plate. "' A letter has been rerelved from an of- 4 firar In the French army of CatalohU, hich aars Whatever may U the (io- rallon of the campaign in the ret of Spain, that in Catalotila it sure to be a Ion one, for Mina completely out gen erals our Marshal, (Moncey.") An important naval movement his ta-, ken place in KhRland, from which we In , lertli.it the Iiniiah rattnet isahout uklnt? a serious art in this I'e ninsufar war.' 1 he f.xtrmoriiitnry Cattttt of Madrl!. announces that Motillo has been bcucn by the revolutionary troops near Vljro.,' . Arrivals at Trieste from Mjrtelcne, ' June 3 1 l informed that the troops Untied at Cavlsto by the Captain Par ha bavo been cempletely routed by tht Creeks. The Greek fWt of 120 sail is In pursuit of the Turkish fleet. .; WtnatD, ittt 34. Pampeluna and St. Scb s'ian hold etit obstinutelr ; the Rarriton of the former hat made many sallies. In the last, whilo two columns of 500 men each, protect ed by artillerv, enau'ed the enemy, on one side another, column ol ioo me-n cut -down the corn on '. t other aide, to carry it into thr fortress. Cen.taiilleniinot has V. H i yen povl iye orders to besiege both pla ces in lorm. . , r -raitroiT, tvtt Hi? " It is generally Suid in our political cir cles that the present situation of the Pe ninsula will give the to a new Kuropean tonSrM lo ):..hld at Vienna fn. jho. month of Oct. next. .. t .7 It is also added, that not onlf the pew ' " t n of the Jint ran k. but Jlke viae those r -the second and third will assist the ap. proaching .Congress The object of ibia ' : general' assembly " will bcto form -Into - -statutes the great maxims of the Holy Alliance, giving them the form of e code which will be rccognUed by ell the states 5s establishing the public rights of neons. Extract cf a letter from ' , oinaaLTsa, aro. 9. Siai I have already written you by thia . opportunity since mv last things wear a tion that Ballasteros had been corrup'ecl has been thrown back in the teeth of Ida accusers, and there does not appear to have been any foundation for it. , We bad rumours for several da a that ...JL . the Spaniarda under Ballasteros, and the- ; - ' French under Morillo. have at lemrtb ' come in contact and measured twords at Jean, and that the battle his been most sangulnaryt both parties claim the vfcto- i rv t but that Uallasteros bad taken tho French artillerv. I have ta d.v a lertep from-, at Malaea.ln which he a.va M The French and Ballasteros bsve bad ' t i dresdlul battle and we believe that botbj parties have suffered In a shocking man- . ner j as the Fr. have acknowledged a vast number killed and woundedbut the ac counts from Ballasteros have not been re ceived with details. I Torrigos writes the SJbcliilT lutAuu u M.tuHmT aim sooner inin -is exoected. The reliant Mina ir Iti The accounts today are that Morillo will neither recognize the Cortes nor t ho '--New Hetencvi and that hia irmr. indie- nant at his conduct have denounced him. and he bas fled. Quiroga has assumed the command of his army j who 'are la" " ' Rood spirits arid 3000 Stronir. " The ene- . my have not met in that quarter with any success.' r - .t ' mtsiAkmttiitxi. GibitftaVtJug 9, . " Cadiz will doubtless hold. out, and r. ceive daily supplies of provisions from tms piacaJt lngate which pursued tho boats loo t Dear lite coast, became a. nrliit . .", .'. . to the Spaniards bf beihg becalmed wttb-"" " in ine rcacn oi tne guns ol aan redro ' General Uallasteros has beaten tho tHe . French uuon the . coas.tatntl-ialLira . 2000 prisoners! and it is said a great part ' of their artillery These circumstances, -v. . a - .a st . . -"j,' t--"--: who, tne addition oi hir Kobert Wilson . beine at Corunna with a conldfnhi ' - force shew that Spain is not yet to bo despairea oi. filore Trench troops bivti V .-v . (-ft fi ; ..ft 'Tr . .. ... ' 1 !(.. r .

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