tf " " " di'-I li i j J'.irJ It ltd ty j U. lhi irvirr I jtU luf tern fotj;-hi in rti!ofii. I Ii brni.hri! were. tm l liiu'f tjr MIN'A. In Mitt Utile, tie Jlurtn ' wt to tetcitly Mutinied in I'r hfcat .'! iMhd II. at be wis Hot .' 's to resell V'ich. Jltrmigt wat alto soun!rd, and lh ttni;uiary 7rro fane wat killed. The destruction wst crest on both sides, but we rrt walling (says the writer) with great Impatience for the official accounts. The Spanish troops covered themselves with (lor. , Ctrutithn jnwjr-Tfc number ef executions in tbe Marehai't efhco in Ji Biilcii In twenty years, was no lot I tun 10,000, and their amount 32.300,000. of ., t. Jamaica -currency, or 8Mo6,Qoaeer YZL duflng that time nearly half the. Ctlatai to the. ialand changed bandt. Latttl ram Thomfittn! Uland. xoaroLE, tirTtMatB 19. The brfr Wrren,Cept. Owen, arrived at thlt port worn i hompton port f.rnn rhempaon't Itl.nd, left tbera the lib InU. LUutciant Doarman t and Wall, and Mldihipmen Shaw and LeggeM, baa coma home in the Warren, In conacquenee of iU health. Acting Lieutenant bulliran bat alto come p tcngcrin the Warren. The intelligence by the Warren it a week later than that br the beagle, and it of the tame mel.n ' chollr catt. The fever bad not abated the tick lit! wat augmented, and acvcral ' new victima bad been odded to the litt of dcatba. m Commodore Porter continued io ill health. ' ' ' ' inSTOWCAL DATA. . The following uatful table of the vote wivcd for president and tico prcaident, at the electiona aince Gen. Wathington't retirement and of the number of votet each tta it' now entitled .toit taken from e Ute Dumber of Nilei'a Regitter. 1796 Preidnt Adamt, 71 ; Jeffer aon, 69. Vice Pretident f. Pincknej, 59 1 A. Burr, 30. I UOOPeflerton, 73 j Adamt, 64. V. P A. Burr, 73 T. Pintkney, 63. UOi-r. Jeffcrton,H2;U C I inck ney, 14. V. P-G. Clinton, III) R. King 1808 J. Madiaon, 123 ; C C. Pinck rtey, 47. V. P. G. Clinton, 118; R. King, 47. 1112-P. Madiaon, 138 1 De Witt Clinton, 89. V. P E. Cerry, 138 ; In- ertol, S7. 1816. J. Monroe, 187 r R: King, 34. V.P-l empkina, 113 j oppotiuon cat- taring." I -1820. J. Monroe, J31 j PPtion,laBi-tf,enrtir. that' vou Rave bad r except I vote given from New JIamp- WreV.Pfonpkint,31 euvwee I - i ne numaer ot rote tnat eacn atate is am m .a. ..Tl entitled to in 1834 1 Maine 9 N. Hampshire 8 North Carolina 1 S South Carolina 1 1 -CaoreU 9 . Mattachusetti IS v Rhode Island 4 , Connecticut 8 . New York 35 Alabama Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee 5 5 S II Penntylvania 28 Delaware 3 : Maryland 1 1 .Virginia 24 Ohio 16 Indiana Illinois Missouri . Total 5 3 3 261 1 ; FEMALE LOYALTY". : !. - . sttw Toiirserr. 6... Last evening' we witnessed the inter- : cstinz ceremony of rearing a cross .on the beiehts of Brooklyn, dedicated by t ladies of New York to the cause, of the Greeks. It meaaured a boot twenty feet, I ' - with, the following inscription Sacred 4 to the cause of the Greeks," and wat Jcfl to the disposal of C;eO. Swift, whoLf tallantly planted it, in the pretence of preat safeguard of public liberty, found to aeveral ladiea end gentlemen, at the bot- exist jn th preaent constitution ; and con ,tem of his garden, in a conspicuous situ- tins an invitation to the freemen of North- .. . v . t ;. !. r. i. . i . . . ""O.n-MIWt-'iiX' n.ucr.,i naw .liuM..hvftJ. IBA MMIill ll.HK. A I TrrT,v.:.r.T.MTMT...!irr-iWB;.Bii(..,fBW. ' - ' forward. and tbserred to bir'fellowcUrti jrcns there rt 'tut ireAmejttf.Qije Jisplrauoa Tof,nd prospect ffmancipa lion to tee ureens to rejoice in ine iF v .KnTrS break thosethatnsot the benighted Turk, which had for centuries enthralled tbe tleccnaaMS oi Arisuaes, ooion ana .pa - minondatV thar it was doubly gratifying . a a. l o . I to know that our mothera, daughters, and stiters, are wremosun on ungm me no- ble sentiment of which this.crosi is a ken and an emblem, M Sacred to the cause 6f the ufeeekii. " SOMETHING NEW. ' v - I - it fic dollar! "to any 'person who will, within six months, devise the best plan for f rnerchant to keep his -atock replert- . ished with well regulated an j fashiona- bte assortment of goods, pay for the same, eupport his family, and satisfy the physi- , ciaD, bis priest, scbiolmaster end printer, ' without resorting to the unpleasant end "-J" disagreeable task of dunnimj bis , custot men. COMMIMCATION. io A J'.Jtur H'ulfrn irt ni4n. In ioir paper of the Oih Inst. I fin J 1 1 following irrtiitktl "Cum mm Seine J Where It ht I We are impatient to tea hit dt-te. In it, !. Us premised to lay tirg to the remaining strong hold of con t eniion, to wit, the proposition of a bien nial meeting ef the legislature. This pre jeet, 11 h tcrmt It, it to be stripped of Mlte gilded trappings, end brought down to the level of common ham. fJut why it ht not at it f Why docs he net atrip awayf At yeu appear very snslous to know thl reasons, which bare produced thit de- ay, I leal -willing to gtaUly sou. Iht incettant firing kapt up io four paper en be tubject of convention, previous to the i second, J pursday 0 ridsy la Augut ! added to the usual turmoil of election, produced an extraordinary eiciteinent in the public mind. Under these circum stances, I thought It advisable to aufTcr u,,i"i '? ftr " few Vr Un," ,n' "T """m migni, w a great degree, auktide, and be tucceeded b e ttate of mind better tuitcd to a (lit pattionate view ef the tubject. Indeed, air. I knew not hut that your own indefa livable labora M in furtheraace of the great -!.lJ J - ". tautc, migoi naco a nine retpiie. A great portion of mr time for the loot tlx wecki,hai been taken up in attending on the kick. I hope, tir, ihete reatoni will eatitfactorilf account for the delay which hat occurred. , You further remark, " That he may rett attured, that it will require a more eipert iaundrett than hit writing! have hitherto proven him to be, to ditrooe thit project of the frienda or Convention, and expoae itt nakednett ; for be will find it enclosed with more vetturet than wat ev er the grave-digger in Hamlet." 7uy alarming ! Yeu go on ; ' But eriouIy, Common Seme, we thall begin to'tut pect you have .ingloiioutly tlung from the great tatk you gratuitoualy took into your handa, unleaa you toon purtue, or rather finiih, the tubject." Be city if I OU can. tir. -t nil khall have an nnnrti ni,y 0f dafonding thit ttrong hold of ton- vention, which, upon a fjir examination, I fear, will be found to exist in weakneta. But it teemt that " it it already whisper ed, thathonett conviction had butaamall share in prompting the estaya over the signature of Common Sense that the author't sole object, and lupremett hope, did not extend farther than to throw dutt in the facet of the people ; that while they were snuffling and toeeung in the confu .Ion. h mie-ht walk in at the front 1oor 0f their mantion, and take to himself the most comfortable vacant teat there" It Aer and.inthedenthof vourwiadom thought fit to-givo ft publicity in the columns of your paper. I hit whit . - - per it utterly deatitute of truth, and con taint e base, unfounded calumny ; and I hope, tir, correct motives mar have in duced you to publish it. If popularity wi TOy"TOle-objeeri- the td-of-con- vention wat best tuited to attain the end in tlew ; at en that tide ef the question, I thould have glided smoothly along with the current of public opinion. The fact f fy-tntpung to- oppose Ukt-urreRtT It ample evidence, I trust, that popularity wat not my object. I have adopted tuch a course aa I believe most conducive to the best interests of my country ; and if I have erred, it was an error, of ihe judg ment, and not of the heart t and thall con linue to pursue it, the vhifier published in your paper. notwithstanding. ' I ahall now, sir, examine the " remain ing strong hold" of convention, the bien nial meeting of the legislature which, according to your account) is " enclosed with more vestures than was ever the grave-digger in Hamlet. " This propo sition necessarily involves the destruction tkft nrWinln f annual election. th cvotiDt - WmlftlsnThliTIchrTn their vuc lt iw Tcara i auu . - - 1 .v.....--.. ---t- ?!;?; turni ihtothe I'baYidsf hepcople onee iQ and everv rear t under the con in tw0 ye,ri. the fathers of seventy -tlx hhouirbth most conducive to civil liberty. ithlt ,n 0ntrol ver future legislatures Lhduld be oossessed annually by the peO; e- ' pef erder, forctoth, if they should a- VjUse tnejr power, the necessary correc o-fat coum De annlied by the neople. If unwholesome laws, oppressive in their louerationi were oassecLJibc dcodIc could annually turn out of power those who VO' ted for them, and elect others whorwouW ver oppressive the acts or their law-givers migfct be, the people must bear them for tWo;'earsttbcltbtlt oTjsdtess in their own bands. ; To what ea;use are we to ascribe the happy: political condition of the citizens df North-Carolina ? I presume it will be conceded that tbejr possess as wholesome a code of laws, enjoy ts great a portion of uvil and relifioua ilbertyf Dd aae as lisht- !f late.l, it ti e t! utnicf moM uf c :r i.iHr fcfiics. fo tt CiUe, then, art we to asctiUe tt:c blcstlngtf Printl.llf, I prenjfne, tinier the imiles of Laticfj cent providence, to the ptlntSle of annu al electloni ThUtnp'n in abase of poeri our. rulcn Cannot to great, under the ftparation of thl prlntipa, in asmuch at that abuse Cannot Lie continued against the i!l ef the people lungar than one year i and IhU, added to ttie ta.utart influence of the second Tbartday and I n day of Aueuit, ever th dtlibcialtont 0 the Ifl.I.ture, bat preserved the body n If tic in rood health, If disease kit at any- time "uized upon the tyitem, ike principle ef annual election was adequate to lit cure. Out change tne constitution hrre the duration of power in ou ruVrsVand dirnlnltb its control in the handa f,Jhe poople, tad poaurity iny mourn the fatal deed. But an there no other evils eibected to result from thit change I Under ike outline; cnnsuiuuon, grievances wnicn admit of legislative redress, can be annual y remedied i laws which are found de fective.canin the tame period be amcaft ed or repealed, and new ones enacted, if necessary; Out alter the constitution as proposed, and those- grievances which ex 1st must remain unredressed ever oppressive to the people, must con tinue in force for two yeart ; and hove ever salutary to the interest! of the pub lie, the enactment of a new law may be it cannot bo effected for the tame period Dut how are the people to be comptn tated for those expected evils t 1 hey are It seems, to be made whole by a great ssving of the public money, drawn out o their own packets, to the amount of thirty thousand dollars biennial!,. A large and tempting sum of money I eonfeas. I his I presume, air, it one among the many " vestures" with which thit " strong hold is enclosed." Surely, the people of North Carolina love money too well to resist thit bold temptation 1 . Dut let roe ask, it it certain, or even probable, that thit great saving of the public money will accrue f The ralcula tion it bottomed on the supposition that the legislature will continue no longer in session to do the busincit offit-o yean, than it has done to do tbe business of one year...La the practical coocoroa of life, to do more business requires more time : and it is altogether probable that the bicn niel sessions of the legislature would con tinue longer than the annual, and of course the expected saving would be di minished. The sessions might not be twice as long, and a small saving of public mo ney might accrue ; but the lota of power to the people, and other evils which would probably follow, would be more than equivalent. to -the gain; and the saving would '.urn out, like the Indian .gun, to cost more than it would come to. . But it ia alledged that too greet intta bility exists; in our laws; that the legis lature too frequently pass laws at one ses sion, and repeal them at the next. What law, I ask, really calculated to promote the public interest, has been passed at one ses sion, and repealed at the ne x t ? None, I presume, can be adduced. That laws at variance with the interest of the people, have been passed at one session and re pepealed at the next, I admit. Would it be better to continue such laws in exist- once lor two years, and let them grind the people i Such would be the practical result of the biennial meeting of the le i ; i gislature. I have thus endeavored, sir, to give you a common sense view of your remaining " strong hold' of convent bn. That some benefits would result from its adoption, is not doubted ; but that many evils would also flow, is equally certain. Whether good or evil will predominate, is left to the good ' sense of the people to deter mine. ' But is there no daneer that the transcendent powers of this convention may trample down other parts of the con stitution than those specified, and thereby endanger civil liberty The aame power which can alter one article, can alter two, three, or a dozen. Is there any security ain3tU5kdangeriThawisdojnanel virtue of. t he age. if Jbeld. to be. sufficient ; safcltiSimft hgh''aTlaifftoefllie?'ro experience teacnes me, tnat tnose ami aWe" quifiuei'bw norance and corruption ; and that the best men may and often do err. Those difler- the hum,n "acter, .nr find int. th. ,ftn,;ftn. wilFfind their way into the convention, and form the materials of its composition l be consequences to the people may be serious. It appears to me to be like risk ing a large sum in a lottery, where the prizes are but tew and small t and that we have much to lose, and but little to P.S.Tbe retntrkt ef Hodlbtas,r ere toefar belewaH toineritre ' It is stated in a Liverpool Gazette, that any person who may swallow a pin, or the bone of fish, will n,d almost instant re- lef, by, taking four grains of tartar emet ic, dissolved in warm water, and imme diately after, the whites of six eggs. The coagulated mast will not remain on the stomach more than two or three minutes. So effectual1 is this remedy, that it has been known to remove twenty at once. ' (DiuiiLU!riUixy3 laiiiauav, lowan county, v. c. Of lober 7, 1823. "One of lie Lamb, aliall be putJUhed next week, or tbe occk full'ivitf. CONVENTION DELEGATES, In CumUrlini coutilr, Julm A. tame roe aA4 John Armitrong, Ej. art hred df Irgttrt. ,ta.iftiaaa. county, Walur t, Leake, Eacj- is cUctcd a dclrgate. MmliJi errepnlM in AahvWIe, combe county, infuma tiiaT a man by the nam of .Irrinpii, from Tennciaee, was stabbed by Wm. flayers, to aerertly itli a knife, (hat ho instantly died. Hie affair took place tt the h oiim at Vim, I). Bmiib, in Buncombe eo'intr, about 20 milta from Aahrille. Dover had been hanging round ftmitb's house fif mc time, ami had become rather troublesome i Amnion ami Hmitb wrre trying to iikluce him to go oil", Lrn be atabbed the fimner. Hovers' frienda a4 eonnexioos are said to be very resperUhle, and a plra will probahlr be ai t up that he was not in a rational a1 ale of mind hen be committed the fatal act. Hut it it saw! tkat the otdj momenta of hit irrationality, were when the fumes of liquer operated atrwijtt n hit mental ftculliet ! ! INDIANS. Tbe number of Indians west of the iitiippi and north of the tliasotiri, ia said to be, 33,150 Between M'.nwxiri and Red rivers, 101,070 West of the Rocky Mountains, - - . 171,200 Between Red river and Rio dr Norte, 45,170 Total, . . . 351,70 The yearly anauitr paid to different tribes of Indians by the t'nited States government, it, at thit time, 150,375 dollar, t'pwardt of 74,009 dollar of thia sum u limited ; o that bv the year 1834, the whole annuity raid to the Ind ant by the U. ft. government, will be reduced to 90,000 dollars annually. Keprit.. tt astonishing howr rredulou some people are. They will give credence to, and aomctiwes Editors of paper will publitk, the moat improbable and extraripiat talct that can be invented. Ity last w eek'a mail, we re ceived accounts which had been act afloat b some paper on the seaboard, that the United Statea steam boat Sea Gutt had been captured by pirates, and that the whole of her crew had been incarcerated in tbe boiler!' ' But no soon er bai Uiia report got two or three dart travel into the interior, than authentic Information w as received that the Sea Gull waa lying aaie in the harbor at Thompson's Island. COMitOV SENSE. Our readers will perceive that the casual ar- Ccle we published" on the9th ult. directed to the author of the essays under the above aigna & i a a a rare, naa eucuea irom mm a repercuaaive, spir ited communication i in w hich, lie baa not only continued (and we presume finished) tbe rubiect I matter of his former communication, but bssde voted the three first pae-ea of bis manuacript. with a kind of indignant humor, to our ow n per sonal aernce. We hare but a ery few words .y th' wek, on this or any other matter, for we are called upon to aerve our country with other weapona than those of f'ie pen and the press, Our object in publishing the few remarks we did on the 9th uk. waa to induce a speedy ter mination of the discussion the author of M Com. mon Sense" had entered into i for tbe first num bers had created so intense an interest w ith the people, that respect for their feeling demanded of us to break silence. In, doing this, we used tuch language as we thought the occasion re quired. From our knowledge of the hit-h per sonal character and public atandingof tbe author, e fell penu4dcd,iron.tho fwvf 4h intes. .5 :.bew fedehorodni oerae..,.,Aa, la, tto,.ff wbioperajjBgaca'rf i'mmm : totfought 7. ti t. thankful t u fi giving him a hint of their existence, before they were swelled into more injurious aspirations. If - we find leisure, in the courarofTWtrof three weeks, we shall attempt a cursory review of the constitutional principles the author of " Common Sense" hat been endeavoring to in culcate, relative to the call of a Convention to revise the Constitution of North-Carolina. By a general order from the War Department, it appears "-there hareteen seven promotions in tbearmy, from 2d to 1st lieutenant, during the last year i that Capt. Douglass Jtat beenappoin- tcd. proffeaaer '-Sngtneey.thQxviiiittai Acldemy irWfCroih sbr of MathemaUca, G. A.Bibbly, parmaater, Alfred Wakina, assistant surgeon, Lieut. J. A. d'ljignelL W. .jCoIquhouni and John K.. Wfl cox, aaaisUint comm;aaries of subsistence j and thirty-fire the Academy at Wesjt Point, have been promoted to the grade of Sd Lieuten ant hi the army. . Comcuua P. Van Km ou been elactod Gov. crnor of Vorntontt . . s. i mm til aw im,r ttatt, 1 I!a4ica!dni-K leading fiien.J of J,f r Crawford, who It a membtref the Jh,i ntaiet oenaif, uncquivociy asurtt! one day last week, that the rnen.beft the LaUnct, ana all tdicers p;otnteii N the I resident, who are favorable tot!, present administration, will bo reman if Mr. Crawford succeeds I He denounces Mr. Calhoun at I wild, tlsifmarj to(i (aged 41 1) whote intemperate teal wo i have bankrupted the nation, if Congrtta had not checked him!" Tbe appoint, menu of Judge M'Lne and Mr. iiouuv ard were made villi a view to proinoit the Influence and interest of Mr. Calhoaa, kc. Jtc. It Is really unfortunate for Mr.1 Crswford; that, hit friends are m injmjj. ciout ; lor we cannot oe pertusced that they pek hit tentimentt, or f-Irly rtsrt. sent bi Tiewi.- Such wholesilcittm of I the first men 1.1 the nation, mutt, weiltt his strength, and will aerioutly dinunSik hit The troth it, Mr. Calhoua it an emreent and able itatctmao he bat been a uniform republican, ani U wd qualified to terve the country in hi high. est oiiicct. i ne oriy oujecuon to mm It hit e, and on that account it it Ihoujjdt hit claims should be deferred, ret that bt it tlisqualiCed frvrrt that eause, but La cause a premature elevation would render hit talents, in a mcature useless, who they hud reached their proper maturity, A newspaper hat been commenced Worcester (Matt.) under tbe name of lit Maitathutrltt Yewan. In hit review ef tbe talcntt and Handing of the varioaj candidates for the Presidency, the Editor, after reverting to Mr. Adams tnd Mr, Crawford, thus proceeds I " But there are other candidate and among ihem there may be one who wifl prove a successful competitor again both, Of these Mr. Calhoun pot sestet the rrratctt share of those qualifications which the people, in thit quarter, cootie1 e r essential, ilis talents, hit candour, bis unspotted Veputation, hit enlarged s4 comprehensive views of the national poli cy, hit acquaintance with the feclingt ant1 interest of the North, where he was ens ealed, as well as of the South, where Lis home is, combined to recommend fcia here." It is very elesr to us, and will become to, on the tlightctt reflection, to our read' ert, that the Register at Raleigh, is inteo ded to play the part of erAo to the Nation a1 Intelligencer. Ve are sorry that the LrafArr thould bate tulftred blmtelf to be involved in the rath and ruinous coarse of the ton. We have been informed that Mr. Gales, senior, attured a member of1 the legislature of North Carolina.! tka- latt session, that "he was applied to, nt should oppose Mr. Crswford as Presi dent if to, we are sorry he should hsvt tuffs red the example of the Intelligen cer to lead him into tho inconsistency of now declaring that he will continue to thto w.inJbia. mite jutt.IaTD.rjDt JM d .Cjac ford. We ttill more regiet that thit mite is to be a mite of falsehood ) since the Register avert that not a tingle one of the pretent reprcrcntativet in Congress frMftJJteJtatdUl This statement we consider to be as muck at variance with truth, as tbe assertion of the other North Carolina paper which supports Mr. Crswford, that the Raleigh Star is 'the M.tolilary (darnhm" of .Mni Calhoun in that State, an assertion which a momentary glance at our present joar nal will at once refute. Half the paper? ef the State have elready declared thenv selves In favor of the natitnal Condidcttf the man of the leofilei and when the day: of trial shall arrive, we confidently proi nounce that the unanimous vote of tbe State will be given in favor of talents, principles, and services. ' . It attungton Jtepubucan. The Camden, S. C. paper, of the 17tb tilt mentions that a man by the name of CoodaH was fou'nd'dfcedTnltre Waterce rivet; finjtla inir at one of the public houses' in Camden, for I "r .T . .... i t . K more man two yeartj ana -naa not "oeew ct- walkmgiDTtKe aett nrore than uSree oflbuf, times during tbe whole' of that period.. In Indiana, ithe people have decided by ae overwhelming majority, against altering their ' constittit'un to at to admit ilaverg into that State. And in 7?un, the vote of the people bat been taken for the aame purpote, and a maje tjrtif tnewu found against the aumuaon ekvery. -.- ,-.;,. ' '"" ' ' v. ; ..--... jW iay, Xaq. t, clerk in tbe departmeittf , of State.WashtngtonCity, h been,kctea-r- a,repre!8stivje m Cws -h'om..lUt tiur iaIalachusefta' Tormcrry represeMeilby'Co'' ' f Euatice, by a majority of 100 votet over Jola ( W. Amea, ton of the late Fisher Amea. Mr Bajl .vsiH be qjiltf convenient to hi avocatioa, bile diacharging his duty as a representauve . of the people. ' Dr. Holyoke of Salem, Mats, the oldest physician in the United State, and lb oldeat graduate, of Harvard, M new b; 94th year. , ' '

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