.;.V..-Urr.v.') t- fv.:l.if!, tf SY hi! tn S V"i"lfJ, I be rr tent. 10 be secretary cf I ! nsvyoflhe II. Kutti. vice b. I hotnn.on, rciUnrd. Mr. Suytbsrd rr r ! in Washington en Mendsy, snd " luf?f entered on t. ,.f-rmanct of the dunes of hit of IVf. which bsvc been tsmporsrilr dia '.argsd by Cm- HoOgtn .Nj. r. , The m Arr. of the that 'jlace ha fata onueually healthy ihie km. f 0!fi Itale opened the county court f.r erimi. Sal case at Motile, 0 the ! it. 1 nere was fcut till business, U, throiifb I be IncnVleney athe prison, lb prUoaerl effected a volun tary eod "pnrral Jail dcnvery," without the itr!p of either Judge, ehcruT. lawyer, Jury,.eoe stable or hangman.. Tfittnino&'i Island, arrived al iMs port n Wednesday last t and has since gone up to the mvf ysrd. In coming; up th Potomsc she estmcd Mnont V ernon, tht ruit sepulchre ef Gen. Weihington. Jc U said the fatigues suffered on bosrd tht amsll tcssels, on the above atiuon art so great, that many of the officers who arrive heme are reluctant to go back gain. rro. AFRICAN COLONY. riTKaiai-no, v. tarr. 26. So aaxioat art many cf our fret color d people of repairing to Africa, snd joining their cemrsdes there, that tinct . . . .... - 1 I! ! I . I -1 me return 01 mo mamuuai wnom we ai Jaded i a few dsve sgo, no let than ONK HUNDRED AND SIX pcrtont, resi sicnti tf this town, hive entered thair ramet, and are preparing to emigrate to tht establishment at Cape Mesmraeo. . Thit number, e believe, comprise about one-tenth of our free colored population Hrjmblkan. Ql'IROGA. It la well known that tol. Quiroga saoramenced and led en the revolution at Cadiz, which ended in the establishment f the constitution. Hit reputation it at intimately connected with r, aa that of Brutus ii with tht expulsion of tht kings. - Hence to many attempts have Veen madt to corrupt him. These fail In;, the e.fTbrt hit been made to blacken kit reputation. Whatever stigma could ot thrown upon him, would re-act upon the constitution ; wiih weak men, it might extend bit own infamy to tho tout -MeeJf Which he had tupported. Moritlo it the man who has made the attempt; am Sous at he It, hat only to strengthen the autt he hat last espoused, but to bring atown other men to bis twn level. The following letter from MadriJ throat con. aiderable JigU on the Duke d Anjoulcme'i journej to Seville, and alio account In very atlifitctory manner for much which wai before obicure and unintelligible. The letter (tayi the frYrw) appears to ut to bear ever' mark of au thcatkity i "JHiubiJ. July 28 The Duke of Antroulcme oegan hia march this morning at day light, for Seville and Port 8t. Mary't he takes with him what remained here of the gtiarda and other troopt, in all about 4000 men. Gen. Molitor is to join him at Cordova t ami on the-20th of next montn It U pretumed Ibey wniarrive at Seville The Duke of Riggio remaina here with 3000 man, and ben. jurcda a uivuion will come la s aoon u the men are clothed. "The decided object of the Duke's journey to the south, it to enter into a negociation if powible, with Uie peopla of Cadis. The French are now inclined to treat upon a liberal basis. Six months ago, nothing would do abort of a urrender or the Kinra person, ami the aisso- lutiott of the Coverrfuient j offering on the in- suae, merely to guarantee the uvea and proper i. ty of the Members of the Cortes (wit!) certain ' sceptions) and other Liberals j and proposing to give penuens to tuCn or them at would choose to reside in France. But now, that the intrigues and plans of Russia have pretty well developed themselves, the eyes of the French tovernment lave been opened, and its policy towards his country has undergone a visible change. 1 "The Duke of Angouleme has had little or BO influence with the Regency. " The Russian Ambassador seems to direct all their measures and operations, and it is evident lTlJO&be.en, .doing rfigmirl IlEIChf I 4a . :r !. . . it.. .i i r .v . ,i ma u ii were wiaiijr inurpcnaeni oi uic . ain troop have been made for the purpose of esuDiisnmg ui absolute monarchy ana the Inquisition.' : The French beirin afco ti feel that thei et are Inadequate to subdue the Peninsula j they dread the resistance which' r.1ii k cans. ble of offering, and the delays which would arise from attempting to reduce, by mere block idea, the other fortified towns which are in wos- Icuion m tne constitutionalist. , More than ail they fear that if thr continue much lonirer ta he BV'olved th tlio Constitutional party in this which Russia has ,m contemplation, and afford - her t me to eonsummtte her pTahiC " ITii'w re aons bie operated, with so much tartx oponthe French Government, that it has been, resolved Via rtbld,' to nKqvettngTand to step in as SeeM1tmnffaenrty' Seliete4 wai an arrangeineni win iKe place si soon as the Duke of Angotileme arrives before Cadiz. I imagine, however, that his Royal Highness will first what be can do without the nter. position of GreAt Britain. He is sanguine enough to believe that the Government of the Certee will have confidence in bis own ffer and in the promise which be will make them. t You mar rest assured that bis Royal Highness " 1D find himself disappointed in this respect The people of Cadii must hare some other gua- tuAtn if thej treat at all j they .must have the i fannMi-f r.h,:!n,1, tn.! 0 ' ',4 aT'-'t ftnty ttirw.gli thuf Misiln'i.H., ! n ti t.n ! for i.U a Irt'tttftiirt sl.ntl ktttr, "Hip srrimri.u al.ii u are lAflta 1 fhrr. ii are the fulhtmwtt Aa vtpf ClisniHrr, or rtlhrr prrhsp a rnil. sftrr ll tiUa t4 Amrrirs i tlia Knr to hate an t,.lui trin, an4 the Pi4 Artii U uf the f:.mtitMtnn to be paswd Into s Isw. The 71A Artjclr, tnuare saarr, rirrt to a qutLfiratitMi In pn.icrty to entitle p rsons to brtome ranltutna fur a avst in tin Jsgitutiirf s lut as tha Oi'Hutmn now stiKti. it m suwifnded at to Its t fleets. ' It more than these conckits be demanded, or even if thtse be not nrrtHiatcd for throucli tht interpositiofl of KnriL thry will be da msndrd in taia. a4 "try at'roi.t at Mgocta Won will be fruitleas until L'aUa 11 reduced to U Uat esiremity, either by famine or bombard ment from tbt aea." Sitkneii at Katthcx.An citract of Utter from ajfentleman of NetrYtrk, to hit corretpandeiil, dstcd Nstchet, Aug. 31, tits All it buttle anxojofubaitft (he v'ellew Tever rtjlng with uneism pled vtoleLct. Same, who wert well at breakfast, art In thair Coffins be fa re nine t'clock at night. There were about 75 catet reported yeiterday. The inhabit ants art removing, and are tiptcttd to go tut en mant to-day . THF. rr-STtLENCF. FORT GIM0N, M. Alt). 21. To ttCOrd circumstances evincive af the increase of happinets among mankind, it tht favor ite duty of the journsliitt j but thit week's tak is a painful one. The yellow fever, attended by the rnoit appalling fatality now rages in the city of Nachec No pa pers have been received of later date than Saturday last, from which I have extrac trd every thinp on the subject. I have also been politely furnished with several estrscts of loiters, reenved in town yet terdsy morning, whirh sro subjoined. I have converted with several persons, whe fled two dya after the alirm was given. They compare the confusion which pre vailed on Thursday and I'riday Utt to such as would be'eipeclad in a city en veloped in flames. Every avenue was thronged with fugitive, with a portion of their property, escaping at lortheir lives. "Xatehrz, (Mit.) Mf. 26 We have wretched timet in Na'cher eight to ten dying dily." Aatch'z, Mi. Jut. 55 At present there is nothing out death and destruction artund ut; the dealha and attacka are much more numerout than when you left here, and it hat already become very alarming." " WaMnrtm Mg. 36 Natchez is nearly deserted ; there have bean from six to ten deaths per dsy since the alarm was given and there has been scarcely an in stance of one recovering who was violent ly .tracked.- Manufatptiti There art in the Slate , t . Hew Yorkr 204 - incorporated manu facturing establishments, whose capital amounts to 820,250,000. There art al to hundreds of manufacturing establish ment! not incorporated. American caucoes. An establishment for printing calicoes will bo shortly in operation at Taunton, Ms. A large one hat already been set 10 operation at Chelmsford, Ms. It is said calicoes can be made here of as good qual ity, end sold as cheap as those made in Europe. Water-finqf Cloth. A. proceta has lately been invented in Glasgow, by which cloth may be rendered water proof. It is reported to consist In rluiag two pieces of cloth together by a wash of tautthouc (tr Indian rubber) dissolved in the miner- si oil produced stthe gss works, and pas sing them through rolling press. It is said that t coat may thus bo made per fectly impervious to ram. Baltimore ratrtot.' New CYor Jt The Paris Journal det De- bats mentions thst M. Leroy, Clockmaker to the king, has invented a clock which can go twenty years ss long as it is not worn away without being wound up. Ju. TPm"? PtJMflSi jaoejofreiena to hare discovered the perpetual motion? butJjois athat ienti useful aruYle. of fur i'ure as low in price as' tht common time pieces. tamanttitrxjttnaitviei ua saiu r day last. Mr. S. B. H . Judsh, the writtr, and Mr. Solomon King the publisher of the libelous work under tho above title, were called up to tbt bar of tht Court of Sessions, in the city of New York, to re ceive sentence; After an able and inge nious appeal to the court by Mr. Judah, in which ho attempted to JostifJhimsf bjradduclhe practice, ot'editori ,of newspapers, in their daily attacks on their fetlow cMMnaTDarFcuTarisiriff tlio editors krthNJIrmatli rii A J..il... 'V. a Anln.-ft It. ka m a fine of 2400, and stand committed un til the fine was paid. Mr King was fined gJOThis fino-wo have not a doubt wilLbe doubly: refunded by the extra de mand caused by the prosecution, and ex traordinary curiosity, injudiciously exci ted in the public mind to see the work. I he sentence ought to nave oeen ten times Ihe sum, or riotmn. , aniiiNis tij know khnUr it ,Vn. Of (h,i, fcn.t f.lnn.inf, li m tiu'irr I ti ca, tift (Jr rwlrmn j In the Uu UlU pinit vl setting i opemuon tut parptul mouun ! I I Oot know.) , (avian'. JJ'rifrrn Siatf-n the wtitsrn ststes, as It appears from their papers, the ceun try it particularly unhealthy, relativity ts tht towns. A Vinccnnct (Ins).) paper mentions that In tht months si July anal August, erumtxr or ismiiiei bavt rt moved from Illinois to Vlncsnnes, to re main during tbt sickly season. Tbrct years since tht town tf VinctMti was I shonnad aa an lofcctas! (Uttrlct. , At PeniscoTs,froni jl't 14 to the 9th of August, there was no d:ath In cense ouenct of an disease, i&d DO ssriaus irlorcitfTbt Charleston Courier tf tht 19th bit lays that a ungulnary bght took plsct yeiterday afternoon in Waih ington street, between two White Men, in which one of them bit tflptrt of tht chin snd undtrlip of his opponent The offender wsi arrested, and committed tt prison t while the mutilated part of his adverstrv was picked up, and conveyed, together who its owner, to t surgeon, in order that they night be ajain united, If practicable. - Prttident Cltth-K end of blaetltth fill yards.) being part of a piece msnu hctured by Win. Hirst, of Yorkshire, England, was sold al auction in New York on Friday last, by Messrs. Beggs, Thomp son k Co. for 17 7J cents per yard. It is understood that the emperor of Russia, the king of England, and the president of the United Stares, have each had a cost from the same piece. CountrrfcUtri.. Tht names ef sixty two counterfeiters tf Lee's billiaus pills, have been lodged with tht worthy doctor, for prosecution. They should be com pelled to swallow i dozen of the spurious emission ss a punishment. They will work wanders National Aixoeatt. Foca Aim tai At an honest Hibemisn was passing t street auction is this city he paused a moment to witness tho sport. "Going, going!" exclaimed tb auctio neer, who held a book in his hind 14 go ing, at two shillings, two and thrte peace ! two snd six pence! two and nine pence (three and three ! going ! go ing I gone ! ft is yotjrif air." " Mine, ! sir," replied the Irishman with unaffected surprise" what is It JT M PCAonfai, sir, at three and" three. No no, my dear boney. you don't poke-it-on-to-us," replied Pst,aad walked off. C HT I" W It ia tht opinitn of thsj lata -DrlllxaT tcixL, that the non-appearance of spots oo tho sun, it a sigk of tho scarcity of luminous mstter in that body. It has been also said that the state of the weath er is influenced by these phenomens, and that when no spots art discovered in the sun's disc, it is, ia consequence, some what colder. ' tt is said in Calcutta papers, thst during tht Isst festival of Jurf emasif, in Hindos-tan-) there were to few' pilgrim a present, that they were unable to drag the Car The Brahmins called in other aid, but no devotee could be persusded to sscrifire himself to the Idol, They now talk of removing the Rath to a more central th ualion. . . . ... MARRIED,- In this county, on Wednesday, the 1st inst. by the Rev. i. 0. Freeman, . Mrjmzi AtCinn, of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, N. C. to Hiss Harriet JltCtrkle, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. H'Corkle, pastor of Tliiatyra congregation, in this county. M No truth more jure than this ; That, when this life is o'er, Man dies to live i Snd fives To die no more. Cwgetr' 61 jrtfafl'ao'uome' .ijtojiJBafemaixc much farjented. IWn exhibited aaexample. wofc. thy of imitation. Her best eulogy may be found in the inconsolable aorrowa of her family, and thrtleep snd unlversafTigTeTorher numer out and respectable circle of relatives snd friends. Sometime before her death, ahc became deeply impressed with the necessity of a personal and experimental " knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesus." In full assurance of an Interest In the "great atoning aacrifice,'' abe gently fell asleep in Jesus t and her family -land friends find consolation and support -n4htv ammating n victimtithat She hirgohe U a;rp'ale-of, tat toWst,-which irmains fwfeo:plittodr son'bf'Vic'aer'rownV'il of tins place, aged 5 years. This'is the second time these afflicted parents hsve been called to moum the loss of io- ?ahrsons, of unusual promise. V'b.o, that has witnessed their sorrows, does not unite in the prayer, that as their day ia, so may their strength be i" and that they may .yet live "to see good slayat-tccocding to the days In which they have 'Seen evil.":': ' -TT' .H-'uXx , tDtstf ow, sfT. 1. We Irara tntt Negro 'eA'y ihrreJ with pouo&mg tier tnaster ir.Sumurl Siinner, of AVaihiertan county, wi tried last week at ilertie Superior Court, found fcuilty, aad sentenced to be executed on the 10th ef next month at Washington; at which lime Levins, her sitter' nasi accomplice, will be tie cuted. Cairtte. frtcrtburg, ft. Srfit. U-Ont tf the fret colored pertans, who left thit town for Africa tome time tgoAreturned turt oojrldsy night for his family) Ut sposkt In 'the most enrsptute4!erm,0f tha.a" tlvt "country of tht Ulacks, dcicrihing as tht gardea spot of tht world, whither every-frce nun of totor lhould Immedi stely repair. This ststemeat we t.ad from tht person hlmself,"whd ls an Intef ligtnt man, and pttsesscd of considerable property. Rrftubfitan. A barrel of fleur, which eviJetilly had been in the occsn ttvsrsl years, i it was completely covered with barnacles and grass, wss picked up, In tho South Pacif ic ocean by s whsling ship. Oo opening it, it wss found to bo in a state of preser vsiion, and not mora than an Inch of It in jured by tht wattr. It came to band timely, aa tht ahlp'scompany was in great dtartss for tht want of brcsd. Proverb-Lcsve a dog, and amor talker in the middle of the street. rAir.TTr.fit.hr. prices, 21. Cotton, 12) to 131 1 flour, fine, 5) i superfine, 6 1 wheal, 85 a Wi whiskev. 40a 42 1 neach brandy. SO a 621 1 apple do. 40 to 43. com. 4i to 1 ba. eon, 10a 17 i salt, Turks Island, Ma 90, per 1U0 bushels i mobusei, 40 to 43 j sugar, museovsd 9 to 10; coffee, prime, green, 29 to 31 1 3d and 3d quality, 28 to 39 1 tea, hvsnn, 1 2J t flax-seed 75 1 tallow, 8 s 9 1 beet ax, 30 a 33 , rirr, 3 50 to 4 per 100 fta. i iron, R4 75 to 5 25, nr. 100 lb. i tobfccui leaf, 2 75 a 3 50 ( manufactured, 5 to 20 pr. cwl CHERA1T PRICES, Sepl. ZO. Cotton, 10 to 13 ctt. i Flour, new rerbirreL 6 1 old 4 to 5t Com, buah, 50 to 60 eta. Oats, 35 to 40 els, i Praa, 65 to 75 eta. Vt hiav key, ral. 40 to 4 Jell. i Api.lcllrrv!v. 40 to 43 1 Tobacco, 3 to 4 j Bees ax, lb. 30 cts. i Tallow, 6 to 7 cts. i Ilarn,9 to 12 cts. Lanl,7t10ctS, Butter, 10 to 20 rt.t Ragging, 32 to 35 cts. i Iron, 5 to 6 dols.j Halt, bush. I dol.i ursr. 7 to 12 dols Coflce, lb. 28 to 30 eta. , Twine, lb. 50 cts. Molasses, 40 to 50. CHARLESTON PRfCE. Srpt. 22. Cotton, 8. hhmri, 14 to 30, stained do. 1? 10 16 ( Santee, 19 to 20 1 short staple, 14 to 16 1 Rice, prime, 3 i inferior to good, 2) to 3) Whwky, -tPetm.y-33 to 33 CtSTi w. F.. Rum, 37 to 38 1 Apple Itrandy, 33 to 34 cts. j ToSsc ro, Kentucky, tieorgia, Fayetterilla, ke. 2 to 4 1 Deeiwax, Jl to 32 cents t Tallow, 8to9i ReeC Boston Mraa, Its No.L9rfcrim & No. 2, 6 W 7Jt MackarctJio.J4Co.4r 34i Bacon, 8 to 9 cts. i Hims, 8to9 Lanl,9 to 10 RaiTSrinr. Dundee k Inverness. (42 inch) 32 to 33 cts. i Cognise Rrandy, 1 15 to 1 25 per ral. I llolland bin, iuu to 110 cts. per gallon t Iron, Russia k Swedes, 4 to 4 100 lbs, i Engtiah 3 j i Salt, Liverpool coarse, 621 cts. per bushel i Turks Island, 55 a 60s Sugar, Havana Mhite, 11 to 13 1 Brown, 81 to 8 J j Muscovado, 7 to 9 1 St. Crois (primej 10 N. Orleans, prime,. 9 -to 9) i Inferior, 7 to 8 Refined t-oaf Sugar, 16 to SO i ColTee, best green, 25 a 25 J ; Inferior to good, 22 to 24 1 My son Tea, 95 to 105 cts. per lb. Rum, Jam. 87J eta. i West India, 65 1 atatasaea, (WIJ 2a lo30cUBUck Peppery 20 to 21 1 Pimento, 28 a 30. N. Carolina Bank Bills, 3) a 4 per Cent bit. i Georgia do. 3 a 4. Csn The few parcels of new Upland that come to market are readily taken at 16 to 17 centa for the northern manufactories, . A load of new niton received at Hamburg, S. C. the fore part of August, waa sold at 15 eta. and a load received at Augusta, Geo. about the same time, waa sold for 16 cents. State of North-Carolina, 1 ftOWAW COrjSJTY. . T) T virtue of authority in me vested, I will ex. 1 J pose to public sale, on the third Monday ia I November next, at the Court-I louse in Salisbury, the following tracts of land, late the property of Richmond Pearson, sen. dccd. to it j One tract lying on toe north side of the South Tadkin, containing by estimation five hundred and eigh tv-two acres, and ed loins the lands of Mrs. Eli- u Pearson- Josenh Villiamt and othera.-; One b6t)JSd;pbilng Jbe al abrnttwo bandml nH fiJl::aa;-wCue other tract ly ing between tie South Vaktaan4 Hunt CieavanAewtaina by estinratwn one thetiaand acres.jOne.othejr tract Jyangon-weaotito-'side of Inird Creek, and contains by estimation four hundred and fifty acren on which there is a valuable jgrist ami saw Mill. ' Vn all t fnrgft. ing tracts, there are valuable corn grounds, a E art of which ia in cultivation.- The aforesaid nda will be shewn by Messrs. Charles and Rich mond Pearson, to any person desirous of pur. chasing. The terms of eretlit will be made known on the day of aale. , -:' . - D, F. , CALDWELL. October 2, 1823. 6wt79 Negroes for Sale. " A"' TAWLToCHBr XV man and woman, a child four years old, snd I onetwoyesrs' old, msy be had for notes nesrott .j . - .- -s-t able iHhe Slate Bank, or, .rejssgnshmrvdlt Ilie ttua is a tolerable shoemalteT, and the wo man accustomrit to iKHiae-work, washing, fce Apply at this office. ' ' " Sept. 1823. '. . . 73tf . . IVahtin IJtROM all persons indebted to the subscriber, . as Guardian of A. J. Worke, on or before the first day Of November next i otherwise they will find their- notes in the hands of public offi cers for collection, without favor or affection to any person, as the money must come. t .. ; ALEX. TQKHENCE, ' UretUU Cntnt, Avfr lm-rltffTT- Eci Urn iUm'UmxfU M W t ',t Ctmtr.t, .V. tl I, l ;.l. i joiiNir.Ai r.xAM)r.K,M,n;ia AJiua, J Tlt Ars, It ThumM Hiion, f"U oman Bumea, Brvbas, An lrsw I' , ( harlrs katMrr, Jiwepli Il.ler, M illiam nell, ftter l"rr, t Noh Curi, An.Jrrsr t:or4irt, Jplin tate, ALls Crit, I tter l'.ltr, Rdwrt CampUlt, tieorj-e CajfU 1 M il!imj W. Ihir konti. V-fan! rarti!irt,1bon.s tr. Win. f Abraham Fot, Catharine I'urr. Jfib Frrese. G Robert CUm. WUlUmU. IUt, ria,Ntlly Hudon,l1iwmrunlIurit, WilUam llr. Via, Joac-ph llotl, Stary ln!e, ImHcIU Hunt, f.Tge llmir?on, iVnpsey 5iyeu, Dott. trharWi lrn. J Jul.u jUntr Jelm Jrrt, John C. Jim.ton, 4 ui Jinatoru fci UJrt Kirkjialrirk, Lair )rk j-sjn. k, Cnt, I), Kirf. fAJrt.8Lerry. M-Jir, HUlrr, An.fr w M' Cunlv, W Illiam M'CUIn, J..hn stiamhimer, Jo, aeph MTJellamL Jarob trrf, Wil,.m Mt;raw, MargtrM Mf ocWn. lJc4j.n H'llriae, John Caleb, lluss f. SI 'Caleb, F.raseno MprrKuv. Joho Slltchn K VniHam KtwrL O-fttt r fHrereab. P Georr A; I'bifrr, John llott, Ko. bert Prnians, Rev. Waher . Tharr. R r .-an. cis Bum, Darkl Reese, David Rusat Wne Itn.' Krs, John Kichry, Jane Ruml, James Kdt C r fb gers, Jane Rust, Slareus Rerse, John I' ' era, Jolm RtKL t HaHwell Spain, t'.Ktab, ih He phenaon, John Stmbe, Alexander Nott, Martin Htough, John 8eaman DavUl kliwtrr, PUilrs Ihits. W Julu W. WtdJinrton, JosliJl P. wyte. . 3t76 D. ITOnitF, A. P. ,'. HivUinj unuswtllT Low. rpilR subscftbee Is now receiving a hrgo 1 eortfheM of DMT ti(M)), IIARIVtVARC, ' CI'TJ LfRT, DOMF.H TICKS, kc. from New. York and Philadelphia, selected by hlmsrlf t Care, and bought on the beat terms. Being anx ious to secure a continuance of his present reft, portable custom, he haa cono to a determine, tion to offer h estf mive stock of Goods In Sa. Ksbury, at pnees which, la Lie opinion, wilt bo found m low as the price of those who advert!) -selling orf at Co." glass euetometsand ! puhhe generally, Ire invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. , , JOflJf MCITHT. Pwcn ft,'?, N. C. Af. 1813. 'Cfl . NEW AKSOimiEXT. T'lE eibacribet has verj' reer ti""reIvatl from Philadelphia, an asnrfrtieut of my G oo3" JIanli arct Cutlrry phf t)inritt I , which, with the assortment h exnecta to re ceive in a short time, will ens'de bim to sell at satisfactory pric-. The publicare resnettfull invited to call, and examine for themselves. ' .- EDWARD CRBSS,--' - SaUibHrf, Auf.'WttZi. iy The Copperamithing, and Tin Plate bus!nev heretufore transacted by D. Cress sen. will in future be conducted by me, at the same place. v,-. Those alio favor me with (heir custom, may de pend on having their work done with, neatness, durability and despatch. - , , , F.DWn."CHF.M. Valuable Sale of G00l)8sZZ rplir. stock of Goods of the latefimof CO?C X OVER h Co, still U aokl at Airetioq to : ' the highest bidder, (without reserve) in th Town of Cheraw, on the nth day of November T nest, consisting of as choice a collection as waa -ever exhibited for aale in this state i among ' which are - Superfine Crotha and Caaslmeres, Sattinetts, White and Blue Plaina, ,"!'.. , l1snnels and Blankets, - ' -' TVomestJb blilrting, and power loom o. i Irish Linens, Diapers, - " -J Calico, Ginghama, ,-- - - 1. Blkvand fig. Silka and Seersuckers, - -7 Cmbrfllaa, Merino hswlsr""; ', " Blk. and eol'd Canton Crapes, ' ' ' ' ? Silk and Cotton Hdkfa. of cvcry-descrlptlosv Cambricks and f ambrick Bobcat t . Elegant work r d Flouneea, , : . t ' , , . v. f A large assortment of Ribbons, ColM and Nun's Thread andtoUon Balls, .:'..I.-.-- Hosiery of every description, -. - ; : Thrcsd Ijieesand Paging, ; ; r : " , " Tortoise Shell and Common Combs, 4 , 4 1 f s A large and elegant assnrtment of ' ' -- IIAKD.WAItE. ' consisting tf every article In the Ti le.; ' Seine Twine, ,t 360 pair I jwlies best quality Morosco and 8a tin Jean Boots and Shoes. . . . . , 36 pr. Negro Shoes, '. , '. . , v y 20 do. Gentlemen's Boot . , , French Brandy, Holland Gin, ' . ; Jamaica Rum, Imh w huker, . - Madeira, Colmanar snd Malaga Wines, ' 25 Bble, Country Gin, Rum and Whiskey, 3 II lids, and 35Bbla. Muscovado Sugar, :900lbe. Loaf Sugar, " ' , 28 kegs assorted sizei Cut KaflaIiU, 13 Kegs Best American Powder, .,hiujMv viuitiiry eiama vigors, mn jJa- , . ' .1- A- 3 -Tone Swede and English Inffi," A Iar sjsorrmeirt of "r ' GLASS-WAllE. ' Together with' every other article usually found ?namniry Stoie. 1 , 1 " ' . 1 . TERMS of Sale approved endorsed Notes, payable 1st. February next or 2 per cent dis count on the bills for Cash. " , . , " . . - MAKVEY WII.LTAM3. 1 Sept. 11, 1823. . - 6(78 ' Wool CartlingJMachinc. , milE I jncoln flottnn it:iniifi.rnrlnfTnmnn " I I take thia opportunity to inform the pub- f JV3 that tbek Machine la now in operation at the from yncfilntdn. and attended bv- rood hand.- p"n. w uiv cuuia fni, two nines ... .. . .. ..... . v. ......... . ....a.. All reasonable attention will be gieK to tecohis'- erjt6mvr It Ufeniureaof those who bring wssl t be carded, to rnek sndpil it,ln the proportion of one pound or bird or oil to ten pounds of , wool. ' 1 -Also, the Company will have their Ht MB in "C"' operation in a few- days. The company wi'j s; purchase Flax Seed, for which they will give ' ' cash, or take i in payment for oil, or carding 1 -Wool. . JAS. BIV1NCS, or the ' . - Lincoln 0. Jlf. Company - Sept. 16, 1822. ' - V 3t74e , rrr-T-fTot-ikle.atI2s0nice, T

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