i.wr or ,mi;m:u:ih Of ikt first ti.-itr il . f.r ', f,i I H- ('(,., Hit, r-.,. -1 :, :, tvl , , it! L'iti,,!ir JJ. M'M.'Un a .tJo.1. , Hnirr, I!. .t .n W il'mn MatVil, t j Jid a Cordon ' n 1 J h Whiv, V, j Jiif Jum lI.M'l'oati!, 8 j I'.i.re CwILn it im l!i,nf, (', lUnl. I M..jma, 1 1 Kbrrt Mcltin and Sul n Dans '. Vji (irorjfK n. Outlaw, S i Kimon A. Dry. , ' Frwudfc Jolm c. lUker, S Jacob W. Ltonard end Alrrd Moore, C, JWJ. 0. K. W il!lm. t T. W. !l!ca ledic end Wyriott OrrntmL C, JJuc Philip llriltain, M James Lowryl., , ami Jamrs H hitakrr, C. j! C.mVtanJ-!.. ivthune, l Ncill M'Neill end Samuel P. C, 4 CaArrWoliB Wider, 8 1 William WLcan ami C. Mrkbor, C. - - ' -CtfJ.UfOeil Yancey, 8 t D.Brown uu1 CJnH-CJcb Petkint, 8 1 W. B. We btr and Tito! HJInt, C. Cai.-. dham Bullock, 8 1 James Bkinner no joaiiua born, C, . Cartrri-Amrtw Wilaon, J 1 Jaw llcHen nd Mward ll.JWiLC,- Cnrt John II. Bryan, S( John II. Bryan niuei vtniirnura, u. Ciaiw RolxTt Marsh, 8 1 Ambrose K, JUmaay U ,!Jiam Underwood, C. lurr,trk-. Thomas C. Pert bee, 8 W. D, - Barnard and John Forbes. C lhfM Jeremiah PtamJI, 8 1 Stephen Mil - r - - icr, ir. arvj wuiian K. rreaertct. c. ' Wd Alexander hVCahklrugh, SJcm iur(rn and wiij-ara Hoaenbamer, C, . . tdgtA Hardy Flowers, 8 1 William Wit . jun aKi mom-i Baker, C. Coi Abraham' Harrn. 81 John Walton nd W JJiam W, utedmatt. C. Cw-Jea 8peigbt,8 1 Charle E4anUand , H L UP (fTiT, I;. CraMo Winiatn 8need, 8 1 Robert Jeltr bc Win u. Bowera, C. j. Parker, 3 j Samuel Hunter and Iartd Worth, C. ZTycItevid Gibba, 81 Littlejobn Pujb and W tiuarq (H W. Bokfut Thomae Durfe, 8 1 Willii Abton ana iiooert s. Jonca. C. Emfardl). z. Sumner, 8 John Vann and Jamea COP'land. O. jrd lltomu Love, 8 1 Jamea B. Love Bd ullaJ KdHMMMbon. C. , IrtAeO Alexander Tarrence, 8 1 Aa Ik all - and itmrt L. Hill. C. - n Uurant Hatch, Jr. 8 1 Riaden M'Dantel and E. Jarman, C At John M'fod, 8 Robert H. Ilclme ; and HUlorjr WiHef, C. - Lmdr Nathan WhitHeU, 8 1 WUnam KlllpaU TrkkandliaadCrownTC. . Daniel II. Forney, S Olirer W. , .; B'tllaitd and Daniel Conrad C. Lewellin Bowers 8 i Lawrence ... Cberry and Gabriel L. Stewart, C. , V illiam Jackaon, Gideon Sea we II and Amriu Martin, C. JUrtklriurfUchte M'Leary,,8 Mat hew Bain ana mot oat u. Poik,c , r-MHt mnrw Jamea LegTMtd, 8 Joho- Dur- rn and Hantr Uwrnn, c, -s Vrrtap John PeebJea,.S-JU B.Gry : ; -.rr JVi JZiinr Tiiomaa Detank, 81 Stocklry --JidbnTT nt Jopa A. HilW C i onl.Jd.s vM.i)oMi:hiit'. " 1 1 ii,i- i.l f. ami (if a'.vri.iiiri lift." (UL-w. W. Hoddie, r Thorn Nr Mann " and Edwin O. Whitehead, C. Owi D incan Cameron, 8 1 Junes Mebane and Wm. M'Auler. C. 0Um Edward Ward, 8 1 Lewi T. Oliver and EK W. Ward, C. - 7ri Itobert Vanhook, Si J. G. A. WH- ILimaon and Tbomaa Webb, C. ' Paiq uttank John Pool, S 1 Carter Barnard and Thomas Bell, C. ' en. and Theophilua Barrow, C. itf Iik-AIbriUoiva) John Cherry ml 1 Wilkei Rrooki, C. , ' ' Iioiran Jamct Martin, 8 1 Charlei Fiaher and Jobn Clement C. ' r JtieSmmd Stephen Wall, S Tryon M'Far- land and Jobn II. Cole, C, , JJuJtiA Alexander ; Gray,- 8 i- Abraham Drower anl Corg Hoover, C n . . ifwMrr".r.i-Elaa Alexander, S Jamet Gra ham and John Canon, C. . JttlriHfham -Nathaniel Scales, 8 Robert Martin and E. T. BroUnax, C. ' JtobettnHf. Hurphy, Si Uessrs. noren and Alford, C. ' - , ' &imou Charlea Gavin, S t John Sellara and David Undrrwood, C. ' iSe John Hill, 8 1 Augustine II. Shepperd and Joseph M. Flynt, C v . SHrrjr -Solomon Grares, 8 1 Mr. Wright and E. Thompson, C. , : Tyrf John Bea&ler, 8 1 Enoch Hassell and Ephraim Mann, C - ' ,: - . ' t. rVji Thomu Cot, S j Taj-lor Walker and Samuel Davenport, C. ' : Fal llrnry Seawell, 8 j Samuel Whitaker . and James F. lavlor.C. , iWWC-Mlcaj Ji T. Hawkins, St Dsntel W I.Airil ENGLAND. arw t or ( 1 arrt. 23. Hjr the srnvil i,f ld (f.ld line) Ut el Shin st'nlty, Cipt. Maxwelliifi ilAr from Uverpool, the UJifor cf tHt Nation a Advorst lus rtceived London paper to the Uth, and lJvcrpol to the Iftb inciuiUe. The arcmjiiti from SpIn continu lo re err tinreriain and contradictortr. tcltrrspMr despnich has been received a iit, which am ounces that Ii4Uitero has ubrntttrd to the recency appointed by the rrthrh, end (he terms of capuula lion will be found amone our rxtNtu TMs U 1 tad tlowt tliuub the result of th ute action mf have left no other al ternntive. Dar'cclnns, Osdizi St. Sfbas tiin, Pimpliins,Corunna,snd a few otb cr fortresses held out i ana! if treason does not ;et within their mUt Spjin tnj jt be lived. There his bern some levere fixbtiss; In Greece, and much sunering amort)? th people. appears tha the Greeks have Ksined triple victorr, and totally (feranxed the puns of the lurks. The Captain Pacha, after doubting Cape d'Ori detached thirty transports, escorted hy some ships of war, for Pa'rss, while he himself with the main force, made for the bay of Corystos, in the of Kulvra. Here under protection of the batteries the place (occupied by the Tuiks) he landed 5000 troops, which he ordered lo Rain Attica by the Strait of Neirrj4int, and thence proceeded lo Phocit, in order to favor ihe entrance of the I urks from Thcsialy hy the pa of Thermopylae. Ihe Greeks defending the pss would thus have been placed between two fire The Pacha, however, had scarcely effect ed the landing of the troops at ('oryitos when a Greek squadron, which had watch ed his movements attacked him. The rombal was long, and well suttained by the lurks, but at length the Greeks hy their skill in manceuveriiitr, and their fire- ships, blew up several Turkish vessels, took lit, and put to night, and chased the rest of the enemy's fleet. Abdulhad Pacha has sent 13.000 men from Solenica to the Gulf of Volu, in or der auppresa -the- insurrection. -The ins'uients took refuge in Yrikeri.but the Turks burned no less than 24 villages. and massacred more than 3000 men, while women and children were carried into slavery. There is reason to believe frem move ments of the Russian Cabinet, and dupo tuioft of the army, tbat tome interesting Il Jt cert-la tint, since O.e li imti'. the King is more free. We are on lbs fe fcf treat events. We shall am, lo ffi'f row at C'orJova. The DuVa d'An goulc me has let otT pot lih part of hit liomelieid, and will arrive on i!e 1 S h 11 Puerto Santa Mails I and if Cadu duet not lurrender cn tbt 30th, ihe batubard . .. t . i . mrni win cornnienre immeuuitiy. AWar, A1 13. A-I1'"f loo place the diy before sestsnlay at Darce lotia. I hi plan was le do awif with Hottrn i tevemmenti but unfertunstely Hie plan wa bid, and victory declared for revwluttonisti. Numerous trresti and unguinary exscuilons followed the luc tesi of Kotten. The Ursl French vei sets of Ihe Marine look on board great uum r of the Ininbiumi concerned in the arTalri the were pursued by the ene riy'e jun oats., . .f- ... --Sr' - - rmt lartk, - Dy t arrival last night of the fast saihnrsbip Union, Cipt. French, the ed itor oi the National Advocate his fscaiv ed London P'peri te the 31st Aug. and Uvrrtool of the 93d,bciag4 days Uer thin by the Amity. It will ie seen hy our eifracts that af fairs in Spain are in great confusion, and statements very coatradictory are made on all stdrs. The army of Ballaateros did not join the r ranch j he had been suspected by the Cortes, and preparation made te dopes sess him ef command, when he petfidi ously joined the enemy. Ills armv is to be commanded by Gens. Zayaa and Kic -go. A letter has been received in London from the arent to Llevd's, dated Genoa Aug. 7. which says, that " A vessel arri ved this morning which sailed on the 2d ins;, from Sn Felicio, roast of Catalonia, he master of which reports, that on the 27th ult. 3 divuiens, commanded by Gen erjls MiUns, Lloberas, and Mans, attack ed ihe French near Manresa. that a ver? obstinate battle took place which lasted 9 days, in which the French lost 3000 pris oners, and a great number of killed and wounded, and that the Spaniards aet fire to Manresa ; that on the 29th ult. Gens Mine and Rotten sallied out fron Barcelo na, with all their forces and attacked the -Vench on the 30th. near Mataro ; that the battle was not ended on the 2d inst. when he sailed, as he saw a great fire long the roast, and on the tops of the mountains, so that the final result of this action is yet unknown. ' - The Iyndon Courier of the 20th, says " Nothing more is now said about the freedom of Ferdinand, the certainty of S. TU pre tent decree sWI l printe J, an t nulJ kn wn all ocr Ihe orIt Given in Ar.Jajar, the S:h of August, II3J. (6nedl iot)U Atoik. Jlcaftammd qviuimmot. By irrirsts at New-Vork London pi pers to the 37?h, and Paris papera to Ihe 3?th ull. hiTt been received. The most prominent artirlei of intelli gence, are disastrous to the Spanish citjse, and give us feari thai resUtence to the Invaden ii nearly at an thd. Comnna and Algesirn folk taritvhtrd i ihe frrnth on the 14th August, . The hit advlcei from the Uuke tf An goule me state that, 'on Ihe I ttls of- Au gust, h wai holding Council U'ur un der Ihe vdSi i Cadit. Privious1 report! ttated that he a"n1ef, arslVMifWH the reih, and immediately sent flag in to Cadil with propositions for a negotia tion with the Cortes but Ihe Cortes.it Is sdid. declined to receive any proposition except they came through tho British government. The defection of Manio.ene of Anna Cenerats, it confirmed, lie had joined the French with 43 of his troops. Billasteros carried with him 4000 aiLiiai sr, iovii errr, inirttiiitu, BIM IW " 1 1 m Our rrs4TS w ill have observed an error in laat Week's paper, which we take Occauuq t enrrrd. 1l No. of the fjcr of . 7th (k, aUouU have been 174, instead of 173, aa k worked ef. ' troops. I he Regency at Mi'lrld, it is said, en deavored to pioture of the Duke of An geuleme a modification of his decree against their autheiity to imptison the Constitutionalists. But il appeared Ihe dcrree Wat put in execution, and upwards of 600 men had been released from pris en at Madrid , There are reporta that the Greeks had obtained further great victories on land; that they had encountered and nearN de stroyed the grand Turkish fleet, only 10 vessels escaping, and that they were about to undertake an enterprise against Smyrna. The Pori Pius MI. died, at Rome, on the 20th of Augutt.agcd 33 yean. Hs pontificate was 33 years, one of the longest recorded. A letter from Bayonne, August 1 9th, says a courier passed through that place on the 16th. reported to be the beater of an order from government at Cadiz, to the Constitutional Generals, forthesus pension oi hostilities. Another courier passed through Bayonne, with news of the death of Mr. Belin, at Seville, the agent of the house of Rothschild. al VtllllK I , wl - I nt. -K..t it.k. til..,. !n ncKocmion, or me Fpet.u.i oi an im , k.t t.,-1,:-. I mediite aurrender on the part of tbe Cor it r,,mnrA 7n rnd .hat th. on the contrary, we arc told If B,.j .,,...nu n ,k.;. I Cadit doe a not surrender by the 20th, k-H ti--.i-"" I the lombiirdfflint of the city will iiMikii lunaiui Tbe report of Captain Parry having effected the North West passage, is posi tivelv contradicted. No surh intelligence bad been received at the Admiralty Private Corrrfiondencf. ''MADRID, avo. 9. Midnight. city will com mence.' The Liverpool Mercury of the 33d, states on tho authority of the late advices from Paris, that the Duke d'Angouleme ! had actiiallr dissolved tbe rerenrr of , its a community ol more moral and Dhv &iol strength, in proportion to its num NEW.YORK CRAXD CANAL. Extract of a letter to the editor of the Nee York Statesman, from the western part of that &uiai W aerr M4 The Coli.m . .Tbe editor of the Columbia, 8. CTclf sect, aila 4uvM'Cd' i,Mhom swnae;taaa4 tl editor had committed the literary charge of ka paper during a U w otoiitha abac nee, have had - faDing out," and much angry language fcje paaard between them. Jdr. ICCord eontead that he alonr, at editorial manager of tbt papa. w as the omoer conservator of the aJinM.i I , u errrfa of t!ie olTice i and Mr. C'line. the trmr,r- i tor, thougtit b-, by all means, was capable f keeping kit secrets. I'poe this,' tlieirqua. rrl is fiHimlcd. Mr. M'Conl piibtithcd a spisr fill article, announcing bis withilrtal from i panic pation in the eatabUaliment i and Mr. (.line has come out with a long exculpatory pirce, in which he a mare Mr. MCord ss ith ba tra)ing the private confidence rrpoacd, in him, ami diaanpointingthe hopes which therftiztnia Columbia, and of KuMibarolina, had clieriaEcd of the rrrtitudr and orttMdoiy of the principle he would promulgQ through the cokimna of tLa TtleKupe, Hy Mr. Clinr's statement, it appearsthat.sonja. time lat spring, wishing to make a viait totha north, he was anxious to get an me person to take charge of the editorial department of hit paper f that Mr. MTnrd, who was a young gtntlcmu hom the citizens of Culunibia thought to be of one promiae, applied for tle situation, sliki vr given to him, he drsirlngnootfirr' remit, nrrm'ion than the privilege of writing fur and managing the paper, for hit own amoaement tad literary imtrurtion. Of the effects of Mr, Jl'. Cord'i editorial lalors, the people of Soutb-Ctf. olina, and a great many in Nortli-Carolina, as well as oth r Htates, have a melancholy erj. dence. For sTTbr eiglit motiths pit, the cot umna of the Telescope have been prottitnted te the vilcit purpoaet i publicatiwts of the most irreligioua, dcij'.icil cait hare been tent forth to the public ; among the moat flagitioua bf. these, wrre a aeries of raaays under Uie aignature of " Tht GtuU." These publication vorr natur. Madrid, and made other great charges. Corunoa waa still in possession of the ally caused mnchxcitement, and met with reneral reorobation from the nioui anil mnnt I have had a most pleasant excursion, portion fArm rnr .m... si. t .r. j t j .l-r- i -.. . " 1 tout iar, aim iwumi mr uranu vanai nai rln. vrrr :llfi;r;n,i. ,i,.,.;.,i ,,, , ... . a I S j " J vsifciiiiiiivn. aiiaaif Half III history will represent it to be the most h . - - r: -!. - splendid and wonderful work of the pres- m rj ujJ.":' entage. I he whole western country fills ' ' me with astonishment. That portion of . a UK'n inc le cUxrSe r h' busmesa the State of New-York, which lies be- ,nt0 "', ovn cr management," and twecn the Little Falls and Buffalo, exhib- P'dges himself that his paperthall hercafterbe conducted on pure and correct princ plea. Eve ry well-wisher to good society and rood rcvern bers,than any that has ever existed, either J ment, must rejoice at this event,, for it is incsl. in ancient or modern- times. cvlable uhrt a miachTevou."d;anin;7;irrnllir I. -n -ence tuch licenjious publicationt as the Goats, A Book has lately made its appearance I &c- llTe ,,n "e morals of the community. Tromn:heB6ST6n"tres5nHtfed"CMTrf Ai ih. mnm.nl when the news of the Constitutionalist! on the 10th August. deTiveranre of the kin? and the disrerionl The French bombarded it at intervals, of the Cortei was received at Madrid, the hnd were in P"'on h heights publicTcnHceslmJprrvaTe-W ,rom wn artillery ouW.pliiy uun. without exceptions, covered with tapesr ,ne "Pf' "uro,ac rnvec at Mdence tftWffn the Hon. John AJamAt putting weapona'Into the hands of others. try. In the evening the bust ol rerdi- B"U" UK: (atf preident f the United Slattt.andthe which they mar, at pleasure, turn airainst hia nana wai tarncu in iTiumuH niiwuKu uic ru,n ,c wiaun .uunrr, stur. late 4t iViam lunninvham. Ana. bcrtnninf ncwonal character ami n..n:., r .. . .1 .. . ........ ' o ' ' J v - I J ..nn.li. i. m itreeti Dr these memuera oi me i,mrcj ve nave received tne loiiow.ng impor-' , iao3 and ending 1813. Pub Uhtd bu find that the resnon.ihilitv .t-.0' -l. "I. I. T1 IL.l. 1 " ... I IM UllUllUHIU" gawps, wna were n me iy. n was ni uczmx isjyeq oy me uuae a An- j m. Cunningham cn of the late W'ifc cident to the eituation of an Editor .re aufiV - in stain k t ftkaw 1? aw iwas new . ttltn riMarlerl nAn!am is l 1 at kas rl.nsi . stasaa . At1,iS.ii w sr ss I ' aulSr ... ..... ..v6v..v7, ." mv i. Su. ....uuja., iiam ,unnwgnum vq. rew puoncations eicntly harassing where he has tbe sole msna. ef in Robert tt.-Jone o.w"' .... . -r ..,-.,.-J-.- - awse-i-Kicnam Wt-'-naicih -r irosno-riaw " 8nii'anitttTihMramTrhrc and WiHiam tIortonrC.""- ' . towns.'' - James Iredell. PJentoHt ; rayetttvill . . Kobert Strange. : $t9c Ar aByniintV" H;iUboru, " Thomas Clancey. Ji'cvhern, ' . John Stanley. StiKtbttry, ' - . John L. Henderson. -- h'llminrtit, - - at. W.Camnbell. - ' (JThe above list ia complete, with the ex- cenuon of Vtlumfiu county, from wbicn we have not yet seeft the returns. Frie Canal and the uw. The Cor ""tidraftiotrof "Albany, and the-tititenr-of that city, bj general roetunj? aeia. on , - prancr ceiesrauon oi me passage oi . me - firtib.vtf (chrti ihi; Gteat Western Canal into Iludson'river! at that city, which joy; ' ful event is expected to take phc in ten or twelvt day AT. forrcf . . -t -: contribution toward! tha purchase ef an organ eras made at the rev. Mr Park- ma'n'i meeting house on . Sunday last when S1S59 75 cti. was collected. ' It h intended the organ shull b&vt American jT xnarmfacture; , Bolt, Pat. ' some tumult, endeavored to persuade the on the 8th inst. ' We give it, as it has people to await the confirmation of intel-l reached us unable te define precisely the ligence, to which they themselves did not scope of its practical application, or even attach the alightest credit. Nothing vouch for its authenticity. Supposing il, however, could restrain the transports of however, to be euthenrfc, it certainly in the people, which continued to be mant- dicates no very cordial feelings aa sub fested till a late hour at night. sistinjr between his Royal Highness, and " Some individuals well known by their the Madrid Regency, for to them and their opiniona and conduct, had the impru- adherents, its article! can only apply. dence to shew themselves in public, and There are no other u Spanish Authori became the victims ef4lhis false intelli- tiei," to whom such a decree ceuld be ad gence, which, but fqrthe prudent dispo- dressed, for it would be a ridiculous as sitionsof Marshal Oudinot, might have sumption of power to pretend to exact compromised in tho most serioua manner obedience to it from the Constitutional- tho tranqtnnrf tf the c4tfjUneperson j ists wa WHerhwt trrn have produced greater excitement than this appears to have done. The cause of the excitement is to be found in the fact, that the Correspondence now divulged was of the most confidential nature, be-1 twecn connections, and perfectly without rticrvc On the one hand curiosity is excited, by the disclosures contained in ging of his own business," without hkvirp to aft swerfor tbe aberrations of irresponsible persons itrw haTrombtf "gavestb'tbt'news arc uleted yeate rday t- - A letter from-Seville) -elated, -that 3ma fyrenees, c. &c; - - - 'Constderirtgtharlhe occupition 6f CalatraTa had, on the 3th inst. a long Snain. bv the armv under our command conference with Gen. Bordesoult, in the place m m(hr lh; inttist)gn58ble obliga- . ' ""c 'a'. anC" TsTirionrinhTc larirDopitvlnrtecnrl tfir cgl8ia .a aw a . a a a s. I . ' ' its thia tUfai swee anlf air f awn at aKTaw 'at eala. - I 11 w Wl w tas wiling sj v i v aw w iauiuij j i the Corte! and tha members of the revo- thlt Kingdom, and the lecurity of our lutieniry government, emoaraeu on uaarai troopS hiTe comn,anded, and do com Enelish vessels. On the 6th,at day-break, imand as follows! thekinrand hu auguit Umily were, they i. The SnanhK Authorities shall not said, at full liberty, and at tha head quar- nuka an nrisoners without authoritv M T " - - J tera of tha besieging army, Cadix having froni tbe French commanders of our surrendered amid criel of Vive le Roi : troops. " theDiItp.pT. cannon, which continued firing at the mo- corr)S under our. command shall demand men! when tha courier tfepartedT 'fT". " tf,e refease otairpiisVne I bich imprisoned In ' njf 'arbUrary winner From theEtoUe evfoTJ. 1 bxien imprisoned in njf 'arbUrary - CVie, - Jtug. I i .wA " report- prevail l j fbr Ikilit this morning at the Elat Major, that they that they may return to their homescx- nave oecn ngnung i ne sirceis oi v,aaiz i repuog sucn wiier uoerswoB, hb give The commercial part of the town wished cause of complaint. , that the Kmtr should be set at complete! 3. The Commanders xn Chief of-the liberty, but tha small number of militia Corps are authorised la seize all such who remained in the town wished to op-1 persons as shall disobey tbe present or- nnta it. r I Gera. . . i i.... I ...... .I...' .. . . . . The most vfolent partizanS of the re vo-1 4. All publishers and periodical wn ution have taken refuge Iff the Isla of I tings shall be under the direction of the Leon. - - iommanacrs oi our troops The TCtort of the KwTeigTiRepater, propoae, on tbe 18th of next month, to commence tha publication of their paper t ice a week. We wish them success in this enterprize ; we are- the Letters ef Mr. Adams r on the other, willing to grant them the Increased facility they indignation is roused at the violation' af I wi" thus have of Inculcating sentiments faTor confidence, involved in the publication of I able to " their man," for a prospect of hemf. them. ter receiving a more diffusive report ef tla AV e speak without relerence to its con- proceedings of the Legislature. tents, when we express eur sincere re I . .. . i. : . . i i . l . n-ntay-oQ sunerea quieuy io sina into r u , ,x. ?r r ;w.r,t -i a rt;:" -f . tI JttiusmcaajreTrconmends annrritherthmgs, t: swiaia-iMvi siaU' aititiss us ir.easwiui. a nir . i . mat tiie-otttxs or tnatatare resume ine piT?r ment of, their notes with specie on the 1st oft wv r n mm .a waaww . 1 uuu, lafa a alv 1 1U.N. April next, tbe dav fixed bv a law of tbe Stato A few days since a large New-Founc- for uat purposed Put it is thought that the in this place, waa sold at constable's sale for twenty dollars. This is the first case j of the kind we recollect to have heard of, egislature will extend the time.' Key iret-U is stated in the -National Intel Whether Cats are not equally liable to g"ntn, in consequence ot tne unneaiuu. execution, might perhaps be a legal ques- u,c T-a"ro" l 'P51'" ' lion worthy of rravo discussion. Those and that Com. wt has volunteered his st a, of tha W hittington breed would probably j vices to go on a special mission, under the or. ;T sell well where rats were plenty, and ma- kr of the Navy Department, to-the statica : hy'pefsens i wouTddly perhaps ie'ec ven 1 eobmaoued by Corn. rorter,""to1examine tha the rata themselves'disposed ofbjr-exe' causes' ottfie' tnaeaseanviulina; iliere, tH- ttflt. cutieo a&MTVlz&rfHStttt Chrtmtclc. rcportlo government whether hia etjWedientie.- - remove" the re ademma ib. some liiore hesjttny. . The remains of the lamented comma- s"t'on. Four of the eldest physicians in tna - tterShiWtwjer navy WiU aceom-pany fionCI&dgeja." 7 7 the tomb, in the burial ground of Christ . . -. : ,w church, Philadelphia with miliUrf hon- " 1 e pubhshed last ors.amidst a Vast concourse ofcitirens. r",romUl Wenton Gazette, it was naieu 1 h reverend clergy, and all the civil and J that negro p effy wasconuemned tebe rtccureot military authorities of the city, the officers ot.the afmy and navy, and the sailors aa well aa -citizens, attended onthe mourn ful occasion?" Franklin Gazette. this, it aeems from a later paper, was incorrect Pc-lly waa acqnitted. But negroes Cbarlc , Jack, and Lsvina, were executed on Friday, the, 2Sth ult fcr Uie murder ef HuMvy WVwsf.