h 1 i'O) TTV . W 4!1 vLlto VOL. IV. SALISnUitY, N;C. TUESDAY, OCTODKU 29, 1823. NO, 177. r i i u -s fWVTIB rf IVSSt WS, St riHLO Willi E, Tie terms of the Wcttcm Ctr'.'.n'jui v. ID Jaesfter bf M follow I Thm LsiUn per annum, p7.1 yearly la e)v.aC. . ", ' Every paper sent t a distance, will be aeon. Wd anet Hit tin hs etpired for which it "kws been pall fur, nlca the wibscrlbcr la kiiown to be food i in lb Utter rase, tin piper will be lint until paid for and ordered to be atopt. - Advertisement ill be Inserted at fifty centi per eur fur the drat Insertion, and twenty-fir entt fir each subsequent one. Advertisement f-om t distsnee must be psid fnf, or their pay. stent assumed by responsible person, before they can be published. AH Utter addressed to the Editor, rmiet be ti.ftaiil, or they will not be attended to. List of Letters Jtcmrtnint in Me Pt ttyet at V.k.trltte, A. C. a (A 11 ifay . ((&, 182X A PAWS ALEXANDER, Mr. Alexander, William Atrxander, Rebecca Allium. Joel V. Ak tsnder, Pphrsim Alexander, Lswson II. Alexander, Wm. H. Alexander, Ezckicl Alexan der, B Joseph L. Black, Matthew Rain 2, Abnrr Bnxiki, Jame H Rise k, John High am, 1ibrt lUrohill, Wm. nirUam, Hrrams or Conks, f.kil w. Ileatr. t Alexander Cmckrt, John Capps,Mr.. Jane (aid well, H m. T. Crow, ell, Nat'ianirl Ctinningum, Kleazrr Cochran. DLewls Dmkins, ( t. E. DHls.m, Itoht-rt ttavidaon, Mr. Martha Ismail, David D-xigticr-ty. Wm. I iigU, Frederick Dinkina, nugar Tdin, Jame Dink'ns .LHicharJ Daniel. F Hennr Foster, John Fridje, Knbert Fains, 1 ho maa Tinnt-y, Samurl Fer. G Joaiali C.rajy, John TMlinore, Win. (il. II KUm Hunter, Jeremiah Hinaon, John llntcr, Xeckcriah Horn, Alexander Hogm ?, .tmr II. Ilovir, Kllr Hughe. J J"nT 'rn't, Barbara Johnson, M id, Jonea, Julio Jone Knbert Jamison, Mrt Febccca Jnnrt, John If Jamet; Ihomat J. J. roroe. K Miaa Mary . Kirkpa'rick, A. I). K&rr 2, John Kcndrick, I ugh Kirkpatrick. Ho prt Kirkpatriek. L I niamin IJmli.iT, Win. Lee, Janice Latta, Hen li. M Alrxan dr M'CburU, UaridMol n, Benjamin Morrow , Elizabeth Mont(romcr, ph M'Hum 2, J. k 8. M'ltum, Jtniei M'Hauen John M'Cullah. Kmith Miller 2, Maater Chareain, F.Ii M'Call, Jaa. tnd Vm, Miller, Thomi, M'Cippin, John W. Cord, Wm. MT.r. JohiM'Ixi. N Joseph Nicholson, Jaa. Newell, n. H. Neel. OM win J. iHtM.rne. P-M I'arki 2, FJitabeth Trice, Mmund Palmer, 'J rabe'h I'otta, H(o rau Park and Itobcrt CaJ ell, loct. Wm. J. folk, Wm. B. Poiter, Wn Potu. Q Wm. C. Q'lerj, It Jofc'ph lUeil far. Petrr Kapc, luao Tlowr, John Rerj L'liarle Jtkhmond, Jamei Robins n, W m. RaVrd. 8 John Stew. . swt, Joha.Springi Z Jvha tiig. Gamer Sanders 3, Thomas B. mlUl, Wit .Scott, Hugh PneU, John Smith, Adam A. Alexander or Jafccott, Andrew Sprstt, trah Stephens 1 bo na. Spratt. T la.. G. Irrence 2, Abraham Taylor. V David Vsncelw -Godfrey W i. Gams, John Wesver, Th( Williamson, Wm. W. Walker, Abner Wires,obert W ilson, John Williamson, JohnJWolf, MiOane Wallace, Job'i Wallace, BenjniA Westing. - 3t7T ' r w yMTTTT, r.M. State of NortlCaroIina, BUtKtt COt'TT. f QUBT of Tlcil ind-ftulee Snv Kp-4 J UmlMrr Seawon, lirii.Jrhsries M'PftweL Athon A. M'Oowell, Wilhanpttton in right of kts wire Sarah, and James Kl'Dovell, hem at kw of Charles VDowelf, leased, . John M'Dowell, Wilfism W hiUortsmtir I Whitson, Ceorre Whiison, James Whilw, Thomas Whit, on, Joseph Whiten, Anir W iaon, Polly Whit, ton now Polly Hardin, Iirbeh wife of 1 ho mas L. M'F.ntire. Thomas L. lEntire, William Smith and Bally his wife, deWs of John M'-1 DoweD, decd J and John MiVcll and James V'Dowcll, heirs at law S. Jrph M'Uovell, dee'd i petition for partition. I appearin(r to the satisfiction of the thWilliam W hit son, Samuel Whitsox, Georffe hiton, James Mi hitson, Thomas hitson, AtiWhitson, Polly Thitson, (now oily llardip,) id Martin liar din, and Thom I M'F.ntire, Me without the limit of thi state.ordered, ttrfore, by the court, xYai publication be niaddr six weeks, at the pwirt-Hoiue ii Mogant and in the Westell Carolinian, tha unless y appear he- .jbre the Justices of the Courf Flea and QiartVr" Sessiotisi to be held fonid county al -;Kb-G(Hirt-Hou iMoetntiMi;t'thlClouM Monday ih'January" next;- and knswer, or dewMTrhewiseeprtHi be .,. uueen, pro comtsao,. beard r r-rr3qKtet, EKf,' ffrrih Priwa6V;gl"r'" Vt8I State of North-Carina, "VtLtES CuUMTt gnOURT of Equity, Sept Term, M , Bill for J alimony i Nancv Cox, by ben-xt friend i ho. Tnplett, sgainst Braxton tl and Jos, weHborn, administrator. It appear to the satisfaction of the Court, that thtfendant, Braxton Cot, is a non-resident of thute i it is therefore ordered by the Court, that)lition bo made in the Western C'aroliniatjr three month successively, that unless the U defen. wdnt .appear ,atr oarniCam1, to WliiurxlM county of Wilkes, t the CourUloiueivilkes boro, on the oecend Monday in March tt, then" and there to-plead, answer, or demJor said a. ' . . ' m - t Din wiu. oe. tar.cn pro contemo. amitard ex parte - J. UWYN.jr. 0,. T"yr-.wii -I'v-ar w -w" swn--n r t r-iW " T.Jit "1 3-. - " rnce aar, s- imia - A LL who are inddbted to the-etate iober; J Baird, are required to make immeife pay. tnent. All who hare demand agninst tUtate of Robert laird, are required to presithem for settlement at or before the 20th of Nikiber. 182J, or else this notice wilt be plead lar'of wcorery. WJLUAM DARBEIt, JV. Vrl.18,1823, SC8 NEW ASSORTMENT. fflllF. KiWriber h ery recently rt (sited JL from rlulsuclpttis, an SMorimtnt of Dry CJoodf, Hardware Cultrrv and Domrtilct t whirh, with 0 sstonment be expect to re. eta in shon iit w Jl enable tin to sen at aatiafetory price. Th ftiLlte are rr.n'ttttilf luviud to call, and eiawiirt for tlitfmnl it. fta' CJ)W AHU.CIf The Coppenmithinr, and Tin Flat bua'i herctAifor tfansseted by D. Cress, sen. will In future be conducted by me, at the same place 1 bose who fa.ne mo with their custom, mar de petxl on tiavlur their work done ith neatness, durabikiy and de.patcb. EDWD. CHESS. Belling unusually Iow. f1IIF, suhscriWr i. now reeeivint; a Urge aa- M. sorimeni W l)r f iKJIjX, IIAKII-WARr CI TLF.RY, UmiKWICKft, kr. from New. York and Philadelphia, selected by himself with tare, ami bought on the best terms. Being anx ious to secure a continuance of hi. present res pectable custom, he ha come to a determina tion to offer his extensive stock of Goods in Sa lisbury, at pnees which, in bis opinion, wilt be found as low a the price of those ho advert'm aelling oH at oort," His euttomrr and th public generally, are invited to call, examine, ai.d j ldge fur tueoiscltca. JOHV MURPHY. Rtvan Ctuniy, .V. C. Juf. 1923. 'W Carriage and Windsor Chair MAKING. f IMIF. subscribers have the plreanre of inform 1 ing the citizen of Lineolnton and the country at Urge, that the liberal encouragement they have hitherto met with, enable them to con tinue the above business i snd they will endeavor to accommodate ail those who mar call on them, ami their custom win be thaiiVfuily received. They also keep on hand. High and Low BED STF.ADS, of a .upe.rior quality. The subscribers wish to employ one or two journeymen, at either of the sbive branches, no are not in the liamt or intoxication. MARTIN C PIHFER, W M. Cl'LVERHOI 8E. Sfptrmhrr 2?, 1823. 3mt85 RAN awar from the nhscriber's plantation, in the Pork of the Yadkin, ltooan county, NorthCarolina, about the first of Jury last, a Aejr By by the name of J.1COB, about 18 years of age i 5 feet I or 6 inches high, some. wUfct on tha yellowish order, smooth round fftre, on close exjuiiination one cheek appear to be somewhat larger than the other, when surprized be assumes a wild look, he rtoop a little when walking or atandinr, i.eery artful snd cunning. Also, bdoui Ue nrst ot September, two other negro men made their elopement i one by the name of JVtWen, the other A'rptuiu; each about 22 rear of age i Payton i about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, keen made, very stout and active to his size, very black smooth face, ami has a sly look, and very plausible in his conversation, and puts on a quizzical smile when he, is appre. henslve of being detected of a fsult. Neptune is s stout, strong made fellow, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, black rough face, a down look, ami a smU impediment m hi apeech when re- proved. Clothe unknown. They have been hirking somr-wef kijurihrough, fee different pzUoi;tU.Frksthwiadkint and it WCbft-' Jectured that they have been with a yellow boy ot Gem Pearson's in the neighborhood of Mocks ville, and Col. Kelly'i-quarters, snd perhaps in the neighborhood of Salisbury. As I have not heard of them for several days, perhaps they have left these psrts, to gel to some place where they can be better concealed i and perhaps may try to pas for free men, or go off with some white person. I will give the above reward for their apprehension, or pay in proportion to that sum for each of them that are delivered to me at my residence in the Fork the Yadkin, or lodged in some jail so that I can get them, and all reasonable charges paid. JV.I7ZW.V CH.1F FIN. Oct. U, 1823. 7Jtf State of North-Carolina, rowan covvri. BY virtue of authority in me vested, I will ex pose to public sale, on the third Monday in November next, at the Court-House in Salisbury. the following tracts of land, late the property of frinr heTorth:'?de' tYftrSouWTaaktni containing by-ettimsrion fiw twndred attd-erphi za Pearson, Jleph- Wiliiania, and het'"Hfme othef " tract adjoining "the" abov e, and "contain about one hundred and fifty acre. One other tract, lying between the South Yadkin and Third Crericprnd contain by clt'ifflatioli 6ne tliousaiid sere. One other tract lying on the south side of Third Creek, and contains by estimation four hundred-and fifty cre( on which there is valuable grist and taw Mill. On all the forego ing tracts,, there are valuable low grounds, Cart of which is in cultivation. Tho aforesaid inds will be shewn by Messrs. Charles and Rich mond Pearson, to any person desirous of pun. chasing. -1 be term of credit will be ' made known on the day of sale. -: ; u; wmwmz: -6cii6r 3, 1823. 6wt79 - JAMES" AME8 has theTleasure of tnfimnmY' the citizen of Ssrlsbury. and the urrotind- irig countrj, that he has located jtumaolf in the village, and that his utmost endeavors shall ever t . . . a st we ' ne to accommouaie inose wno can upon mm. He first became acquainted with his profession in the City of New-York j and the knowledge of hi business which be received while there, con nected with his experience w iliuuolry, will enable him to execute his business in tho most neat and fashionable ityle. , Shtitrp, Avg. 18, 1825. , - . '67 niualh BnU r GOODS. , AT AUCTION. rpilP. ock of Good of the Ir.te Km of CON. I O V EH st C;o will b sold at Audio to the highest bidder, (without reservt) in the Town of Chefs w, on the 0th day of hovaber neat, consisting of a choice toJVctioa a was r exhibited Jur sal In tttia ttsUi aarf w men ere . fwrfne Xl"th aftsl Cassimorew, t . ; sitinntay bii and Hlu TUiii, " Flannels and Blanket, Domectie Khirting, and power loom (J. Irish linens, Diapers, ' "" Cetico, Giftgtom, ' - nik. and fig. Silk and Seersucker, Umbrellas, Merino Shawls, Blk. and ni'd Canton Crane. . Bilk and Cotton lldkfa. of every detcHptloit, ismuncxi na f anibnek Robe, Elegant worked Flounce, A large assortment of Ribbon, Cord ami Nun's Thread and Cotton Ball. Hosiery of erery description, Thread Lace and Edging, Tortoie Shell and Common Comb, A large and elegant assortment of HAIID-WAUK, consisting of every article in the Trade. Heine wine, 360 pair ldie best quality More and Sa tin Jean Boot and oboe. 46 pr Negro Shoes, 2t) do. G-ntlemen's Boot. . ' French Brandy, Holland Gin. Jamaica Rum, Irish W hitkev, Madeira, Colmanar aid Malaga Wm, "55 Obis. Country Gin, Rum and W hiskr. 3 llhds. and 35 Bbls. Muscovado Stirw, 900 lbs. IW (Sugar, 28 kegs assorted size Cut Nail, 13 Keg first Ameriesn Powder, 8 do. (ii caniter each English Double little, 10,0(JO Best quality Spanish Cigars, 4.0U0 do. do. American do. 3 i on Swede and English Iron, A Urge assortment of GLASS-WARE. Together with every other article tttually found in a Country Store. IP.RMSof Sale approved erulorvd Notes, payable 1st February next or 2 per cent di. count on the bill for Cash. 6t78 Sept. 11. 1823. HARVEY WILLIAMS. New Fashions. THE subscriber having very Istelv received from his correspondent in Philadelphia the latest usntons from the celebrated shop nf RAb U H'intbrmnrr, nf that city, it now ready to do all kinds of work belonging to tho Tsilorlng bu sincas. He pledge bimself, thst all those who may favor him with their custom, shslt have their work done in the best style of the fashions of the dsv, ami on reasonable terms. Traveller, and others, who wUk garments made ww short notice, can be accommodated ith whole suit, on a notice of two day. Order from a distance punctually attended to. . . .- THOMAS Vu CANON. ... -SuTsWy, Jf. 11. 1623. M Tailoring Business, L.vco-vrav. x. r. TftP, undersigned inform hi friends ami the public in general, that he hs opened shop of the above business in Lincolntoo. N. C where he will be ready at all times to attend to the business or tho who msy favor bun with their custom i and from hi long experience in the bow neat, and hi unremitted attention to hn cus tomers, he bone to give general satisfaction. and still to merit a thare of that patronage ihich has too oliberaIry-eTtendra tjhint hereto rare, in th? western part of North-Carolina. He receives the latest fashion every ix month regularly, from Philadelphia and Charleston. He (pent part of last winter with Messrs. Sehrirtf ami Ferriwm, the first Tailors of Charleston, where be made himself fully acquainted with their rule of measuring and cutting i and he in tend to spend part of ! time with them occa sionally, in order to make himself acquainted with the latest and newest fashions. The business in his absence, will be conducted by a Heady gentleman, and a man acquainted with his business. I expect, in a very short time, to receive from Philadelphia, cards of directions for measuring, which I will distribute in the sdjoining counties, In order to enable gentlemen to send their men sure a, and have clothe made without the trou ble of attending in person. " ' Should any gentleman wish Cloths, I will at. tend to the purchase of them in any of the stores in Linoolnton,or furnish them myself, according to directions.. The Merchants in Lin colntpn, .jkUlgenerally- ke p. excellent uppHe' gicioini, 'ilis Dtuuftcss wrill also be ttmdtrctrd.'u bete. toflw;1ir;A PattonV mlcr ihe-rirm Tf faytm t."Jfrwi ;ii?r'rri'plMwo Those who are in the habit of getting their clothes made in Charleston, I would recommend nrS--Isivim, m 1 know there la bo. hrst rate I ailor. N. B. The merchant of Asheville will here after keep good assortment of cloh and ca imere. DAVID CLAYTON. JtheviHe, Sept. 26, 1823-, 3t78 The undersigned have been long acquainted with Mr. Clayton, and have uniformly applied to him to do their Tailoring business. They feel no hesitation in recommending htm as a man worthy of every degree of confidence, as a man of unexceptionable character ami nwrsls; and as a mechanic,- he ha never fWed to ohr Ithoa I ede to attend to all order with promptitude, and to execute every thing in. tho line ef hi otiQca . wiuincaine ana ue.pavn. - - - james ranoni en. ueo. u. rnuiips. J. Mi Smith, . J.MD.,Caron, , It B. Vance,... . John Psxton, - r A. L. Erwin, W. D. Smith, ' Js. Mj Alexander, f1homs Forster, . J, W,-Cafotit , Isaac Craton, P. OlitUiii, Geo. Swain, t Lewi Chrisman, Saml. Chunn. SlierilTs Deeds, IJIOTl land .ld by order of writ of venditioni . eatponas. for taJe at titr pTirttiof -PtJtti POLITICAL. tea ta vstrsaa esasusus, Mr, Sdittri I havt read that raatlerly plect, ih concluding; number of Com, won Sent " whertin ha hat ripped tf plaualbla argument of tba Conyentlon aiiiu of ll their M trappinc and til dint I- Iff rift frw. h thi pfcrir'wdfl pi hi vaniry, eitlalm in th langtist of Uvldl "I hi how finished work, which rtehhtrtba angrt of Jove, nor (Ire, nor ittti; nor the tunsumlnf leeth of tlm tha!) bo able o deitroy." Ha will, no doubt, depotita manuKripl coprei of hit riling among tr archlvel of tha team ad locletlai In the United Stattt. and per hp In Euro pa and thm ptrpetuata hi fame to diitant generation at "fame ran twlna no brighter laurel round Mi honored hrad." At a politician, thlt writer. In hit own estimation, it no doubt a rival of Mr. Ourka. I am Inclined to believe that ha it an obacure tatelliia to tome of ibe Eat tern demagogueat, and that bo hat infe rior aatentiet revolving round him. to hetr bit valuable productlont read. And who would not derive Instruction and ptetiure from hearing or reading tha ef fusion! of to transcendent a teniut from a writer of tuch brilliant talent t To bo mora terlout, any person might a well attempt lo darken the light of the un with a candle, at to ttopthe progrett of tha public mind in favor of a Conven tion. Any person opposed to a Conven tion muat be inimical to tha best interettt of North-Carolina ; and be ought to be held up for the hand of scorn to point her slow, untnovin g finger at." - RUSiMat. P. S. The above turned writer hat at- ed the word mr, in hit postscript t from thi I infer that he it a broker, or money chancer perhspaolthatdeacriDtion men tioned in the Holy Scripture. ." FOt NT) DOCTRINE. Taowi r.sats having lately written an able pamphlet on the " right of tte to alter or annul charters, snd the decision of the Supreme Court thereon examine d," a copy of it was sent to Mr. Jsnsasoa, from whom the following let. ttr has been received in reply t - . " - ------- - FmutUn Caiettt.- Extratt pf letter front Thomat Jrfferton - U Thm Earlrstf Plutaietfihia doled Month tllo, Sffltemier. S lr 1123. M.Yrur. letter of AttgUat 28, with the pamphlet accompanying it, waa not re ceived until the 18th inat- Thst our Creator made the earth for the use of the living, and not of the dead; tht thovtwho uhl not can hare oq 114 nor right in it, no authority nor power over it ; that one generation cannot fore close or burthen itt uae to another, which come to it in Itt own right, and by the aama dlthe beneficence j IharritreeeoT- if generation tnnnol bind tucctrdmr one by itt (mi er eontrae(t thete deriving; their obligation from theeiUtlng majori ty, and that majority being removed, another cornea in ita place with e will equally free to make itt own lawt and con tract!. Thete ire axiom to telf evident that no eiplanation can make them plain er. For be it net to be reasoned with, who taya that non-existence cm control existence, or that nothing can move tome thin?. They are axioms, tec hrernant with tahitary coneguenee$. The laws of civil tociety, indeed for the encourage ment Of industry, give the property of the parent to hit family on hit death, and in moit civilized countriet permit him even to give it by tettament to whom he please. And it la alto found more con venient to Buffer the lawt of our prede- cei&ora to ttandon.our implied eaeentr aa Hw;MyeIr.M:sn Mi jorit yZ6uueIe . 5k pottf them. ;fiut this doe not Jetsen-the rlcbt of thxf tna- joniy to repeal, whenever change of stance, or of will, call for it, Hahtt alone confounds civil practice with right Of the merit of the pamphlet I aay nothing of course i having found it ne cessary to decline giving opinions on book, even when desired. - With my thaoka.for the pamphlets be pleased to accept the aisurance of my great respect - r - ; THf JEFFEBSON. To PHnten n Itaac W. Smith. Whd occasionally worked at the printing busi- ne us. will make known hit address to the he will bear of something to his edvan- ) - ' ;' " ' Mithiran Election. At the late election In the territory df Michigan, for choosing m ucit atc. tu represent ii in v-ongres) M r. Gabriel Riehaur1. - a Rhmcn CathaUr J'riett, war elected. Thlt it probably the only instance of the kind which hat ever occurred ,o tie United States..--' - - sqs fat tatstsa ra. We are Indebted to the politetitu of e, gentleman of ill city for the fuUowhg citrsctt cf a letter, from hit corresn dent in Crtvcn county i Mr. Civyt t....tl-f jwi Ut of 4 a vast majority A the )wplc In thi quar er. ' We look with anitet lo the .move dmenU 6iTii;'n5'TkIld,re X(K uuu . .. . . .,.. .. uentuiqQeition lamtaiuntdihatt taw ford cannot oM.ln the Tet of thlt Mate. M I am candidly nf the opinion, that lt would b i reOectlon i"wpon ouffrnVtilfali" nays our mrBthiraeter,lf Noruiiaroll na should contribute ber mle tq tut li the pre tenMooa tf tuoh man Wm- l. trawiord. MJudKina; from appetrancet, If wnrjlc) teem that Crawford cannot be the l'rl dent, in any event, if New York votc lor Ctlhoun, he it tale- msm rat atwrve euir, V cannot forbear rcniatklntr. thlt the only objection which ht keen, urge 4 ae-aluat Mr. Lilmoum la want 0 ore t he hat kern ineerioglf called the 'yt"ij Mr. Caikovm.". Now, with all dun ret peel to the experience and better iu'iic ment 01 tne sage routers wnq rrwae uaa objection, It It, In our opinion, a qtuUflca lion which ought to give hlm'q r)yMr tage over all the other candidate, ti, h been Droooted. If he wit iot In active life during the time when oli.iJ excitement and the tide o( party wer t the flood, ao much the better. He i the more likely o bting. with him to the Presldentui cnatr e mma un'.ii'ica whk tho orsiudicet and partuiitie, ice animosities and afTeclkma, the icri ie .a and the bitter recollection. 01 that iimou lent period. He it more like I to puiiut an elevated, magnanimous, rrputnicti national nolicv. uninfluenced b any mo lives of gratitude to old political f.veiiiets o or vlndlcfivaneii towardOl4liikaJ" adversaries.' Extract of a letter rVom touthXtrofiha to tht) Editors of the Kew.York Faviot. I have been e date observer t( pubi lie aentiments on the subject el tbe Pre tutttcy for some ysrsjst, snd have en loved tolerably good oportumtiei l rorrdT .a a er a. jcprreclpw1w .9. ne .UDJev,.-. ' J"1 Stste it kl unanimously in Lsvor nf Cal houn. I believe, t Tennessee ii et lack tent and as consequence, I as much opposed to Craw ford. Under po posttble ' circumsuncea un Crawford obtain toe) votes of this State. This hostility to bin. has not been engendered, because it mf be considered he is in the w? of Mr Calhoun. Long be Tore Mr. Calhoun wat) announccijn fuundd4iBhjLiiis JjUndat tbia State wat hostile to the elevation of Mr.' Crawford. Ha was looked upon intomfiettnt, previous to the eVelopmenl of tbe views of the radical faction, and ht) wiTconiidered it I3emlfic -with; that facw twn; Vnct ai Mdrig'Ms'nopet "Upon fti' success, so soon ss it received the form of aa organised body. There are a few. but very few men in this Slate friendly to) Crawford. Some have supposed thV be cause Mr. Lowndes was once nominated bv a letritlative caucus, tbe friends of that distinguished statesman were unfriendly to Mr. Calhoun. , But it is tot so T hew are equally hostile to the elevation of Mr, Crawford. In Georgia there Is great opt position to Mr. Crawford. Bt I mkj no doubt he will receive the vote or that, States becavte its electors are chosen by the IreUlaturt. Were they chosen in ditv tri tt, by the fletfdei there it no doubt he would lose many votett nd even it It it , I believe he ewes his support there to State feefing and State pride, M Not that they love Mr Calxou let, but t hap they lovwtotoit",moTr.-'i ftwd.-fwni" corjver?ing;wit :.ATJ-:WwtojrremMf. witlir many of ' whom i etn very intimate! Itrengtb la, tbeatste-ot. 4Naoia irt which, if he f-iU lent induced to think b will be abandoned sltogether. Great ang ietr is '-felt t to the-cmrnerthsristatrstir uiumstciy pursue. . vvo most aroontif wish thst the two States will be united en the, great question, because we believe -that Mr, Calhoun will be the most e ffrient President t that he is the most national, and will do more to unite tbe feelings of the great Americso . family than any eth mr tvtaB." radical party speaks much of tho necessity of concentrating the public voiced I hey are now fully, Understood. Ther hope,by intrigue mangemcnt,and prom isesjjta goveraihe small bodies by which such concentrations mtjr be ittemptcd to be made.' We, too, sre the friends of concentration, buf. the deadly foes of thji attempt which, junder the color of conv ctntration, would fix upon the people of the United States, as their Chisf Magis trate, one who is odious to at least ninei tenths cf the whole community. , " , , - t , f 4 1