r i 1- M!' i.a i i n r ric),.. m'ain. Tta Mjf Cuih'tlnt K-rtrt, rrictl at New.Yoik, In 3 J t!i dom Gibraltar, tiingt papers of that ; lic if the 2d of he I'teniWr inclusive, front wl.kh li ap pears, that our doubii rrsptnin; tl. tur render of Cerunna la the liench, were well Tuundedf rotwlthtum!H'gtl.eerfitUl bulletin, in the Turii pspcrt, announcing I Jut convention had tteti ifjnrl oath I4ih of August. Corunoa i well at Ca 4ic continued faithful to lb Conuituilon down to the beginning of September, the 1'rcnch h4 made tame attempts against - Cadli on the Jj'b August, tut they cr XomcUcd.tajeJklikft)n'u,tul,Ului-l. A tnecjinvof general ofJiceri end other persona of nt. -mSmit to be htW. it ' which the Duke del InLnisdo wit ex- ptcted to be present. Nothing it said "about ihe bombirdmentr General Lau- tftton't division, which had procicded to Tano, had tuttslned torn loea, which . rendered ll necessary tut him I retire to Attaint. A private Icttr dated Gib raltar, September 3d, ttatet ihe Ion of the trench in thla repulse it too men. The writer add, M Malaga it fa dread ful atate at pretent t the commander ait inade i requisition of g 1 00,000 of the nerchantt several who refuted to pay, tare been tent to prison, among; them the American Contul, end several hate been shot. The English filiate Tribune it to freceed from here to brine the English jnerchantt from that pkce.- Sir Robert Wilson left Gibraltar for llalaga on the 3d September ( and on the precedinfdiy Gen. Zayat and the the officers, who had been arretted by Riego nd tent on ibip board, arrived at Gib falter. ' It thus tppcart by the Ufett accounti Irora the Peninsula, that there it no tea too for believing that the Ficncb will auc eed in their attempt to subjugate Spain iMi.u.im: . - Uo the contrary, the brave and determi Dad reaittance which they meet with at every point, juttiuee the opinion we have all alone maintained, that the cnemiet ol , the Ceutiitutional tyttem will fail in their i object. Their career of bribery hat appa rcntly been arretted, and unlet the Duke Angouleroe it possessed of more tki than the former 'generals of France, we hould not be turprited if, in a few days, lie had concluded s treaty disgraceful to thote who had placed him at the head o the expedition, or retraced hit march rot the Ebro .trn. Pct. tw YORK- OCT 6 We hive received by the Catharine ""Ttodgertrr letter from Gibraltar, dated Sept, 3, which states that the French had le en. resulted .jat Tariff, with the lost, it wat reported, r 100 men. 1 he write dde1 Malaga it in e dreadful, aute at - pretent i the commander hat made t re : - quisitioncf 100.000 dollars of the mer chints severs! who refuted to pay, have been tent to priton, among them the American Contul, and aeveral have been ' shot. The Englith frigate Tribune it to proceed from here Jobring the hnglish merchants from that places Mer. Adv. OCTOBER 7. Wo yesterday received a letter from Gibraltar statins that the American Con lttI."monirothi:rT,-,wittmprhoTit4 at Mat- ' tg'a, in ccnse'eience of refuting to pay a ... euro of money, required by the opanuh commander at that place. Although the , letter came from a gentleman in whose "-. atstements e place great confidence, we could hardly credit "the account; but find there are other letters In town which not 1 only confirm the fact, but add that all the foreirn Consuls in Malnea were in pus on. , The sum demanded of Mr. Barret!, -v bur Cousul, is stated to have been 3000 dollars.' Of the Swedish Consul, 8 10,000 Was demanded, fcc. ' ibid. OCTOBER 9. Portugal A gentleman nf this city has received a letter from his friend at Lisbon without tignature but known by the iSan,dwiiiing, dated Augutt If, which gays" I in sorry to ten you, inai since .1- ;.ir?llI?iJSlA!l laUe nieOa" OZZ fiiehd Wroad.rw hich alJuda. lo. the. poll-. tics Mbit country in Tact one cannot open nis"m6uthT"It was'Tor thislreisoni - 1 tald in my last, I did not wish to trust to the casualties of letters. Asfie, ere , long, to be able to write and exftrtt my inind at targe." . Ibid. T A public dinner was given at liverpool -oh the 35ihof August, at which were pre aent Mr. Secretary Canning, Mr.Umkit . aon,. Lord C Bentinck, Mr. IIvohks, : Charge dAffirs from the United States diwinction. In the ore of the even ing, Mr. Canning proposed as a toast, the Jielth of the rtwcacrjtatJye .ctObflJimec. X kan Government; whbasrVcniiW'hii a it4.n ' Th toast was acrom- t-wftaafjonx. .--!'- j-t.iirt a o?r'-utf Tk.tvAM. aAArmmm. r-i....-...pjjj ."Uy A,Pir.'.V Hit Blllfl T' .W.w-T higbl?.' complimentary tothe JUf.State'a. rit appears to me. laid t Mr. u that " . 'i : the relative? position u6f two such' Statei, f f alluding toHlw- UninscFStates and Great ' " Britain is not w hollf unlike that whith "t'KixtaMonall occur iii families wiiere a . child having perhaps diaplcajsed a parent, ; . ( . daughter for iomance, in contracting tea ixi .:fprf c 1 1 psui.l'tffti in;; , ytne eitrjsctun.t wuulj tut a i.s!t rcievtinlf ennie ; but f:cr a Uj t t.f time the liiatiwii it forgotten, the fwrie fef Uafid.tiiJl previil. at the rUrhter and the mother suml toj;tltr a? irM the wmlil." Thctoul W4tdrnli with grett 'aplju, and Mr. lltvur.i. afttr cprcmng hit tentlmentt on lha occasion, propod ts a Uat, M the Ton of Liverpool and the United States el America i their Trade and their Fiiend ship i mi; thty all go on icreing.H On the morning of the same day Mr. C Mr. II. and other pertom of diitlnttiun, had accompanied Mr. Hiauta on a tiit to the American thip Canada, Captain Macey, In whkh he hid arrived a lew ntOit IMYRNA. PmtDitrnu,ocT.'9. The fait sail lig brig Terpedo, Captain Chandler, ar rWed here yesterday afternoon in the ihort ptttage of 47 dirt from Smyrna. To the politcnett of the owners of the Torpedo we are indebted for Smyrna papers to the Uih of Auguit inclusive The paper of the list dite announces thai that city enjoyed the most perfect tran quillity. Capt. Chandler ttatett that respecting the Greekt and Turkt, there were d-ulv repori in favor of both. The Greekt were in enure powttion oi mi igrri, eiceptint the stronc fortress of Fetrat, In ihe culf of LeDantOi where there it at present a numerous turkish fleet. The Greek fleetf were at Ipsara and Hrdra at this Utter island they were to meet on Derate attack on the Turkish fleet, and it wat tuppoted that a great numtxr of boats were lobe sent in along with hie ships. There it no douM th.l the Ureeki arc much more lorw-.rd than ever. A few dayt before the Torpedo left Smyrna, there wat a report that a 74, two fiiatei, and a tloop (English) had arrived at Cor fu with three of the chief Gicekt on board, from whence it ii .id they were going up to the Turkish fleet. TROM TIIK nitAZIH. The ship Far.lhee.on herpauage frtm Rie Janriro for Blon, tpoke on the II th September, the English bHjr Khamiwk, from Fan, which reported that one of the Brazilian totiadron. under the orders of Cochrane, had arrived there, and Hated that nearly all the northern provincet had taken iidct with the Lmperot.in cotise quence or the new, from Portugal, of the drTi nf Ihe Cnninlullnn. SAlTlMOftKi OCT. 8 By the sehoonert Col. Ramay, Smith, arnvrd here lattjihe eastern tedlon of the ttite, there are, evening in 33 dayt from St. Jago de Cuba, we Tearo that Can. Moraioi and his Irmv were still at that place, and that a con tribution had been levied upon the inha bitant! for their aupport. Amer. It it lUDPOsed that unwardi of four: hundred sou It pemhed in the gale at . . . : . Valparaiso,S. AtnerKa,in July last. NEORO INSUKRECTION. Extract of a letter dated St. Thomas, Sept. 4. 44 You will hae heard before '.his of the terrible 'dost irVttVrtlfas'lieetfln'tJKi island of Demerara. 1 he negroet roue to the amount of 3000, and pave regular battle to the King'a tnopi J they made a desperate attempt to cut oft a detachment of the 31st regimental it wat coming up, but they were defeated by the very gi ant conduct of a lieutenant who com man tied the Iinsion. Ihe 2 1 tt west India ... --- W . a. a Reeiment and Geortretown Militia of Cavalry, were all engaged in the affray, ana oenaveq uncommoniv wen. meiu . 11 j L ,u mult wat not quelled when the express left Demerara, but there is every reason to hope that it is so by this time, as a strong reinforcement was immediately I mnaraed at uaroauoei lor ino scene " inn " I A letter, received in Ne wTork bv wav . I .,t Kt TK.mit. .tat-a tkt on th. 51ft nf action took place in the East wen armeo negroes, ana mo iroona 01 ;n ."'i"''" -1 ' l.a .ft. w,U.., W il.v.liWl. 50 in killed. -AfrBeh, ttate the failure of M. Belzoni'i intended ournev acrott Mount Atlas to Tombuc too, ' Br a letter from mat traveller, a ted Gibraltar, 20th Junet he states his having met with an unexpected stop to his progress Trout the Emperor of Mor occo, through whose country he wished to past. Mr. B. attributes his failure to some inTrignei, but irddif,- tnerare " wd" fullr ihlstaleri who think Ueretlfttrfi me back' with one blow.' The only ton ..XMMUtSf.rie J9ttauoug40. &.tubtt&thtemii9;j wnai 4 nave -gaiocreo oi i w . t .r - r . 11 shall neeiiin another Quarter t m.--W- i 1 V - . J iou wiH receive this. I shall nrobablv be ohe-third of my journey farther south than I .have been in my last route. I Cam. Qire. U accounts irom Georgia, it appears i a. . .:.. i.. that an ienmense quantity of cotton will be j drUtoyed in that aute by Ibo ROT J teqnnce ojt,hij XSVerse Is, .lhaloiBK.lolis,CiI,Ms'oem -&fisburyv But saw as caoaev. aetva-saua ip- Octobcr.28, 1823. PIUMON Of MQWAJf. Nothing more strikingly eihibita the ill.Vnl jeilouiy of our Eastern brethren on ih Convention question, thsa the fact thai almost every member from that tec itlft of Jib ejfcaie, fhtUOttd JbUb, tflVA !..aa a f fl A aw at a Ik at tat ft 1 1 llta 1 if , , V ...... elrction, nn the grounds If that oe. - it.- J.. vl. I Tk. n.Ar.l. rf liww uui . tins ,w uiwi'iv Rowan had urged their grievance! on the Lr gitlature for nearly thirty yeart in me et Ion, with univiiling eforts. The wettern memhert, it ie rwe, always Toted for their petition! but the power retted with the eaitern men, and they alwiyt lurnerf a deaf car to the voice of juitice. At the last teuion, however, i number of the bett informed end matt liberal of the etttern representation, acting under ..... . . . ,. , . f ,K- M. of moral duty, voted for the div . ' ion. They einected at the time, that they ere furnihlng weapons for the illiberal demaitoKUri at home to work upon Ihe jriorflnl mth , hu, lk honeil Ugitlators, "Msr of juttiee. I heir espectationt I were realized ; thrir vote on that quet (fort were tung throuKh their counties in,t hrm,,Bfl ,hey Wfre tcn at the , . lcr,,on- " "M rmerally only the otet of the ignorant and prejudiced that they lost ; for we learn that tfK-ir public rnnt11(.f u. annTMrA h iK. .r.nk.n.J v -r - ind liberal minded part of their fellow ci'tzens. An honest man would rather fall in a rood raute, than iie in a bad one. These gentlemen were too honest m imother their tense of justice and enual t,htu ror ,,- uit 0f ,n cnhenietal non a ularity. With minds capable of bearing "P !?" " h f"ry infatuated prej udice, they have pure hands and clear consciencei. Their constituents will suf- fcr n)uch mort , h f their I , vices, than they will in riot going to the LegUlalure. In the representation from every tessiona number of men of talents, intelligence and liberality ; the others are mostly pertinacious and illiberal in their prejudices. Those from that section who voted for the division of Rowan, were of the forme i class 5 and we will venture to say, where, an exchange has been made, it is for the worse. When we see uch consequences follow a vote for the division of a count v, what can wacxpecL from our eastcrn brelhrcn on thVgfeaTahlTTp6tht7i'uctIon of the call ef a Convention f t CASUALTY. The coroner, Mr. Howard, wat called on Saturday, the I6'h inst. to summons a jury and hold an inquest on the body of a female, found on the prrcedinr Fridav, h , unoccupied dwelling houte about . ., . t . six milea below thu town. 1 he corpse ' appeared to be that of a woman of fifty years of age. It was found by some pro pe wno were examining the premises with a view of removinc a familv there w. . . .1. .. 1 11 PPa ne poor woman naa Dicked un some rirs, and made a bed (or nest) of them,Whkh: sh.e 'hadTeen Jv 4k- . . M f. l., " . have writhed and struggled a good deal, during the paroxysms of suffering imme- (diarely" preceding the extinction cf lift No traces have yet been discovered, that are likely to lead to a developement of the name or character of the deceased. ';- WIDOW .,..magain. The American Recorder, printed in the town ofAVashington, N. Cwncntiont that thr aref erryjbirr wrdowt m that towni which contain! a population of only about lOGOouls. -This beats Salisbury. But iff nvpioertMa-iwct jtnrly-aBorrl' Mown, ir is the natural etiectiqf anex .. . . . M ' i. Itraordinary union of causes ; and as such, j, M deserving of publicity as any other curiam thing. .... ,uj t, u.,,v st . . ar. ,)ruye t0 notice the procecdinci at the lto j meeting of the Bible Society. tui.si'sr, AST. ll.uri!f, the o;h of S'overnVer next, hit been act apart by the Gtnenl Aiiem blf of the Trcibytirim Church, at a dajr ol public humiliation, fatting and pri;er. "C031MO.V BliXSC." ' ta vaa witnaa fiMiiau. JIK Lkitr i I Uve aotictd l voor piper, aevtra iuee5e eimi cm Uit tJJtrt ef tht trntim, aignrd twmnMMi aen," I'rofO the try grarv and p At tt Diattncr la whkh the writtr lirtrodueva himach lo the puklirt It waa ia We hern Virected UiU he had aome. tlunz Mm ami ivimxinf ir ht. iitRTrwi, now tJ ihU. wa litA cmw'ulrraliW Mrtof vhl J WUa aii.l U ,,,iUffU.yir,U cation to Ihe mliifcti and the rt uf hi r -ifwlaajbre nilrwtiViicf whuhaa etiofteh - ; before brea wmI, aun;, ami wriMra in the Tt - ' . . . 4 . . W ,t. . a 1 ... ..ri.l - rrnttilion of tLt old (mc-ricK. W rnifilr ":,,', .. f .1 i t ; iriJ I'HIHv 1 1 V I.I vil 'IIM IIIW i ..h m new l.btr. 11if writer, ty wiy of tnpriung th nrA of the grtat work be lore him, open With the In formatton, M that the tubjtct tt the Convention la the onler of the day, and thit it rrreiraHy enrrotaritbe atttnlion of the emniutiity.H Hut uMortutiitcty it would teem the community it entirely wrong, and it remains for his superior wisdom to brii g them " to a correct umlervtsml ini." lie very imnlciily sdJ, further, "tht the current of public opinion is strongly sgin a," and tint Ihcrc is great clanger of db being rem helmed in it i ytt tie dori not rrgmrd per sonal contrqucitre, pmtJrd h only can save " hit country in this her d.iy of trial." G ner. ous martvr ! ! Ma is willing to he oer he lined by the tide of public tenUmeut, if he can only write i m Cdm'd iv onJIkii lmri, I writs." And whit lias he written f After hating thus inlrcnred himself, with ts much solemnity as though lie were about to re veal to die benighted world the nawlyJiicw. ered secret of perpetul motiuii, he enters up. on the great work hefotc him namtlv, to prove that the rtmwtiiury is altogether wrong, ami t.'nt II K i riehl. ' In all controversifs, whether written orverhk much time and words may be ued by putting aaitle every Uimjr that doe not strictly relate to the point, and by coming at once to the ques tion m dispute. I-et us endeavor to uo so will the lucubrations of " Cmmon Sense." 1 He first ground thut " Common Bentf " takf for the nunos of showins; otl Ins l'VlC. 11 1'' inequality tif rrprt$rntatin , or, the allrgalion that minority, under the existing Cotistitiition can rule the majthiy. 1 his he aenies, and ad mi ts. in turn- We will state him fairly, by riv in(f his own words : he says, " Ht fore entering into the merits u the proposed s.llration it would seem nrcettarv to examine at me (Icteit aimtxd to the existintr Constitution. Anions; the most prominent of these is thr following, via : 11ict under the existinir Constitution, a mi nority may ard c govern a majority, which is held to le hirhly anti-rtfivtikcn." &c. &.c. is the sfBrmative of this proposition that is as serted by the friends of a Convention, and "Common 5ense ttstes'trfor the express pur pose or refutation. . How does ha Uiaprove it by figiMTS,aot, and argimenta? Not 'ake his own words : It is oitmttitil, that in theory a minority may govern a majority 1 but in practice, it iaesmt ended that it very rarely, if srer, occon.1 first, then, st to theory i Even tins writer, with all his prejudices, cannot deny that the aristo- -".?-i5 i r t craucai pnncipie oi wejem joveroinf vne aiu ay, docs exist in the present Constitution. How could he deny it, when the late tentu stares him full in the fcce, and shows the fact f When that cnuui shows that the following1 counties, to wit : Washington, Jones, Creea, Chowan, Hnins wick, Columbus, Tyr.-el, Martin, Lenoir, Hyde, Gates, Carteret, Beaufort, Hinder, Bertie, Cam den, Currituck, Franklin, Hertford, Moore, Northampton, Nash, New Hanover, Onslow, Pitt, Pasquotank, Parquimana, Warren, VTsvne, Per son, Richmond and Ashe, in number 32, ami all csstcsn csun&a but ane, csntaialng only i42UQ souls, or less than one-tluM of the free popula tion of the state, send a majtrity of mermiprs to the Legislature j while the other tw o-thirds of the population send the minority. A rain .- We see there are 12 counties in the West, thst con tain 144,000 souls, cns.third of the population of the state, that only send 36 members, w hile the same population in the t'st sends 96. Other examples could be multiplied, were it neeessa ry. But aavt " Common Sense," this ia only in theory, and rarely occurs in practice ; that is, he ailnuti that a principle does exist in the Consti tution, by the operation of wlucii the minority of 14 can control the majority of 2-3 1 but he puts in a salvo, by saying it rarely occurs in prac tice. To unprejudiced minds, this admission at once gives up the question for a Constitution ..... f i is an instrument nxmg lumiamentai pnnaplrt; and certainly the instrument must be defective and anti-republican w hile it contains a principle wnich gives toe minority the control over the thit ellution u perpetual motion mty lLU.nLVtry long-rnce there ahheared. in. our,, cotjxy. Tivn a ytvMblihswtJtsm. 'er with age " whtfiiai returtiingfi om hit miuiunary Utbort among the $avtigett fur the fiurfiote, a he tuid, mttlcing known to hit white brethren the revelation of a great tecret front Heavepthe Ung hidden tecret of perpetual motion ! that Heaven, in a virion y had revealed tt to htm. - a proof of tht mtracley he exhibited the plant and draxeingt of the tecret j and at tton at he had removed alt doubtt of itt dixine origin, he propotedxlXUm.on very advaniageout ttrmt.Jt gompan of a few teleel friendtt and lie purchase made. The great ditcovery toon took wind, and fieiinTJloeked 4gouijk2t and prttiihYjpockid in to examine the mon - ttptXtuMa l he huh tht reputed-evttor Tif we onej all believed that it came from Jfeayen j thert were othert, however who tUspected that it came from Kedneitter ; and tome were to dtttitute of M common sense" at to believe that it came from the .' Perhaht bu thin time our friend u common tense" tan remove' ell doubt tt and ' bring the fcoMMliilTf Ta o correct under ttanding . ;, fcsj'irtty, It ta t argument to j t! tl , ritiua t4 Hit prim pis tut rurw'f t....,( . free people, JraUms if Ihtir just l ,'.". h f B"'i;;li to know tint a tliaiotiiy mat f ' , J ta th miiiwityj fi.r ths inty w cvrry '' tesrhf s os that power ner ytt (.as rt& j ) In the hsmls of the few, but tU nsny Ui, i thi ahtiaa of It. Comet pnncijilcs sr tf thing la) Covsrnmrnl, It Is Just as in . for a correct practice to follow inemmt i , , pies, aa It la ror a pure ttreani to flow f..', mudl source. Reason and experienr i. in this tnt'h. trne it was, that our ktL j, dd not tli row en" Ut ItriiUU yola so axtrt account of the oppressions tbey actuallj f, because tha Dritiah goverrimcnt luul a prineiplet unjust and dangerous in their a- is, ft wis rxt lor the pitiful tsx of U a, the pound of tea, thst the war commeocrd . (, not one nisq in a thousand, at that dy. i ...... "a wt wawlprpiiwrmtyrliK wirBniH 2 urana ica I dui it was souwt tut pnnfi,i, fl - J cevtoraat Kiinnr-mead, iUxaI chjI iriM he. m m a . t . W (Cwn ai niiim7i.riiiuMi m mftin Uxf rant John, anj wrung- from him the rhirvf strument of Marnl Chsrta. And it u fur tipla, that the people of Kuropa art now stmt, gling arainst those mmti'imi that hold txl wtlh in iron grsprtn short, let the" pvykm any nation give op ptmlpU, and they win a. hsv but little remaining worth conteodinr la I te .i i.i . . . , s I ii, mrn, wa wm nvi I'wiu w aingit tiff. else of this unjust Brinriplv, si ill the rtssotUls spprcbensions for the future, would amply (j, fy the W ssT in drnismling a Convention, ta rj, piiiigfl It from the Constitution. Rut t eas show examples where this principle has tsca, practited where the minority hsvs ruled bi majority. - Imlced, lliis writer doea nut petei4 to deny the fact j ha only "strongly doubts k If it he true, at report says, that Coitsa Scn" is from tha pen of a person who bat ksl some experience in the legislature, be certtia, Iv will have candour enough to admit, that then do exist in that body two separate and dkiaei interests, called the Ikuttm ami lit item i the Eastern party hart a majority of snenbrjj in the Legislature, thwgh they represent ajy shout 1-3 of die free rtople of the Bute, n4 thst the Western ntemle rs compose a minoriH tliougli they represent (early or ipiite 24 of (bt people. Further, thst these partici on cerUii oecaiions, sre as distinly masked as evee wen the old tiolitical parti. Now no man of eas dout and of common ktelligrnce, fjt,ef j, Kait or West, will dnV, thourh "Coouras Sense" msv, that nt 4ciion has elapeed, aucs hecloe ohhe w ar, iiiwhich aome one or awes (piestiirta have not orrrrd on which the tvs psnies acre array edi gainst each other, eack toting together in a btlr. That a people nuy e agrieved, not onHVy the enacting of unjmtVxn, but slo by therrW ml on the part of UiOniajority the Iegitsw ture to pass proper out, is a proposition too ev ident to require ilhistrion. 1hen,csn therti, ter in ipirstion deny tkt the eaitern party kw oftrn rrfuvrd the paaafT of measurtt esan&d to the interest and hapiness of citixens of lis) West? Take, for if ance, the division! ef 1 counties; and fur a pfticular example, thttsf an adjoining eminty, feowan. For now .ussy years in succession diiot the people of Kovit petition the Ia gisUtre for a rcdrrst of their grievances, both of aocal and political niturt The Western menibrt alwayi vott-d r, (kt Fstern always agoini their praver. 1 his eas) does not Jose its fori hefact, that at fia. last session our sistetoun'y w'aa divided, hi well understood.- th tha result was brwugls about by a COuibinahn of dreumstancet, tli may never again cW. But we have not only seen the members ehe East act together at particular measures f legislation j -we have at ten w itnessed the ate spirit prevailing ia (bt elections exercised f the Legislature. . Cat I be denied that thesenatoriai election, at tin last session, was cJ-ied on eastern feelings! I he votes of each emidate Were known, an it was at the time aartained, by actual calcula tion, that those w) voted for the aucccssful candidate did not rtresent but a fraction mart than 1-3 of the peoie of the Ptate. A rain i I comes to the w ritefd this, from good authori ty, thst a high milk office, at the last tctsioa, t w as filled on the sac principle! with this pec I liarity, that the oRl wu in the West, and tkt voles that filled irw-m the-cast Agwhrr t- will not tcThspntJ. -ttnrthe"ypetcraf Mf House of Commoif at the but session, was saw appointed under t Influence of eastern feel, ings and prejudice and a few weeks will shew that the nresidintffhVer of the next Commom w ill be. chosen olhe ume principles. - Wets it deetm-d neccm, atill further exatrolel could be furnishd but it ia prcsuoied these art sufficient J I w ill n w leant to the candid reader to sav. whether 1 haTeit ahowa that the eu'sm'y the Leifislature pea control tbeasomVa not only in theory, k in practice. Indeed k would seem from the low ing quotation, that Cois mon Sense" b'elf almost rivea un the ary - mcnt j for he idently trie, to Justify It bv a similardefcctipenewConsfsution. Ileun "If, however, h an .occurrence (viz, the mi. noritv ruling! majority) baafcrVen place.it will be east' torove, by undeniable facta, that the same thinnay happen under the remedy proposed by friends of Convention ts cure the defeCT; vB the" prlnciple br federal auni'T bers." Uere.ired, is something newt 1te nxt-" Constitution it be baaed on tha principle teW-' cral jJUBoberal Xt it prme4 Uot ihatttUeei I of Commowense". must have received thit f - iinurniauon iii ms inena ioe iiiuian Mission is ry8 for erf it sw that the proceedings of the " f such idea, i though be may have made thit discovery tH'lh super-human meant, he'll sttH- plettedf oner intangible reaswtit fur it" Let ua, theire how he proves tbat the princi ple of fedeinumbera is to be the b.tsis of the new Constiton. Ilia argument, nearly in Ins own wordsirown into the form of a n Uosfism, is at touo " The lendi of Convention, in their meeting! Kaleirh, recommenced that the deleft to meet in November next, be -chosf one -for-tvery 5 000 federit - k w But, In arranjeinent baa been highj a extoP by tnany" of the, correspond' ing conjmees." , : , , ; ErgtJ I hsczird but little in asserting that it iht intended base for the future repretejiion m the Legislature of Nort Caroli Jf there are any who suspect that this not a fair representation of bis arguni, I ask them to turn to tb first No. ofComtnon Sense, in the Wes; tern Qliman oi the Utb July ahd ex amintjr themselves.; These, then ar his m deniable facti ; It ia a loc weatluBl to that br which Jack, th