' ,-" t -.0 i ) i. i-. V '-"'Ik' M - . .4 v - 1 VOI j. IV. - . 8AMH11UUY, C TIJKSUAY, NOVKMHKlt 1, 1823. NO. 170. 0 7 A rnvTta as cam Ivor ws, Ilr PI1II.0 AVIIITIir 1 The terms of the We m CainHala) will Jkreaftar be u follows i W!to a year, payable la advance. Ad'r wlH be lnaerted . fifty cents per aquar f"f th Brat Insertion, tml twty-fite events for teili ubaetiet one. - All b-tter eddreswil to the Miter, nu4 be ' pttjxuJ, or ibcy will not b BHe ikI4 to. - . FT? - i - -1 Valuable Lmdi for Hale,T" ft aVcrae 4 , Crl iSffiaty, ar Me rtvnty &kr. , , IN obedience ta a AecrfjJt ibe Court of Fpiity for Utt county of rUokea, there will be eipoatd to public le, at tli Court-IIouse fa Ormanton, an the eighth lay of December 'steal, being th Monday of the County Court, , th folio in j tract of Land, (at the Eroperty of John Ztuunersnan, sen. dee'd. fur thr tnefit of bia devisee i Th nrst containing three hundred and ten mart, mora or less, undr Improvement, King la fttoke county, on the main road leailing from 8 Jem by llagy a to Baliabury, about ais miles front the fir place, on the auuth fork of MuuMy reek, adjoining Heart Rhore and other. The aecond containing one hundred and eie.ht acre, more or km, under improvement, lying in the count of Dat'idaon, on the above roal, on Reedy creek, adjoining Doctor Mataw ami other, at pretcnt 10 the tenancy of Christian Zimmerman. The third containing forty acrei, more 01 IrM, lying in the county of l)v Jtoo, ailjoining Jacob Mock, Jacob Crater ana olncri. Alio, the following !-anl, late the property vido and heir at law. rint, three adjoining tracta, umler impmve tent, containing arvrntyit acre, more orleM, lying in the county of Stokr, on the road ! axt iiir from Salem bv Itipnel'i to Hafibury, four Rillei from tlie trU plce, adjoining Philip Koth rock and other. - Secondly, a tract containing Bfty-fire acrrt, more or lea, near the above on the watrn of Muddy creek, adjoining Philip and Geo. Umli ovk and other. AH the above JnU will be eoJJ on a credit, of one year and aii month, the tix month to car ry rntereat, the purchaarra' giving bond with approved aecurity. Khoukl no taiv be effected the fint day, of the whole or part, the tale will be postponed from day to day, agreeably to Uw. Attendance a ill be given by the Clark and tn aer of aaid Court. ' Teat, -r rjorrx c. ulum, c.jwt e. Suku crunfy, Oct. 23, 1833. 683 Iinds for Sale, ftiuUr a dcrt (JU Curt of Equity f Rtwnn BY virtue of aundrj ilecrca of the Court of Equity fe Itowan cointynnde ft Octobejr term, 113, I will expose to. public aide, at the CouK-Hfflite n fl;atiry,:- on Wcdneaday the -'J01 oflkeember ne,thi following valuable - tracta of Ind, vii: One tract near Aletahdef Long'i mill, not far from the mouth of Crant'i creek, containing 98" aereif one other tract adjoining the land of William Smith and Ale. ander Lnng, containing 91 acreii one other tract on the YaJlin river, below the mouth of Crane creek, containing 115 acre; three other tracta adjoining the but mentioned tract, con taining together 59) acrea i altu, fmir lota ly. Sng in the great uorOi aquare of the town of -i., , i .. . . . IT - iT 10 on 4 ' T 45V T vmw iu. 11 uj pu a?, v, uw 'ivj v 1 . iic .hut. PT0P.fJ!tv.f '?rL!aJih- helrsatlavv of tbe late Alexander rrohocc. Alao, at tbe aame time and place, a tract of Land lying on the water of Hunting creek, in the Forki of the Yadkin, adjoining the land of Samuel uttle, (taker Johniton ami other, con- aimng by eat.raation 322 acre, belonging to the hem at lav ofGeorge Urandon, dee'd. Alao, at tlie aame time and place, a tract of Land lying on the adkm nver, adjoining the land of Nathaniel Perblea, Willey Kllia, James Ortel, and thT, containing 350 cre, more or let 1 and belonging to the heir at law of Joshua Cfcyton, dee'd. , . jUo, at the aame time and place, a tract of I And lying on the water of Dutch Second creek, bonded by the land of Michael Hoffman, John Trexler, and other, and containing 221 acre, be the aame more or lean, belonging to tlie hcin at law of John IWingcr, dee'd. Alao, at the aame time and place, a tract of land lyinir on a branch of Second creekreom- ( roonly called the Walnut Branch, adjoining thoJ v unaaot George and Henry Robiaon, containing 200 acre, and belonging to the heir at law of 4 Margaret Hubiaon, dee'd- A credit of twelve anI eighteen montlia ill - e piven- for iht-wtrchaae- rnonev-o each of f;:.0ifCt.a i . ;: n Awtv al eaaiie Uiue anil place, wiil be aold j vherct,-lTmgon-lhe vnvfVftm't Z IStcry joining &e teuJllIw4yn4 aajoinin g the hnd of -Ned M'ltaV. Jamea Houston. David Toater, aid othere, containing forty-six or forty- igiii acres, belonging to" the heir at Uw ot Alexander Cook, dee'd. This tract wjll he nlil anETCdtTTirtwelfe moiillis. uiLli interest From the time of sale, . Vs " . The purchakcri will be required to give bond with approved aecuritiea, in every instance, for tbe purchase ulOTey'."" . r r" " : V GEO. LOCKE," C. M. t. Oe4ef25, 1S21. ; . n4 ;ilNegrocsrfori6aIc. rkN Tuesday, the 18th of .November next, at J the eonrt-honse'm Salisbury, aundry valua.l,n.,l!i e! " Me and likely JVVrae,, wi&ting of mmenT" Ven? n7 na pru, De longing to the tatate of Gen. Jesse A. Pearsoo dee'd, will be aold on a cred. l.thepaymt by gwngoondaj -srWi twirtJirffiBfa approved aeourities, pavabli with the current lwles of the bank in tivjmert-JioeiMbMMi--The tale will continue on Wedneaday, the 19th,milcsa all the negroes are aold on the first dy. Additional term will be made known, on the day of .aale. . . . . Sufficient billa of sale will be executed, to pur. chaser. A, KESBITT.iWr.-, .October 1833, , . 5lS0 Ktatc of Nortlt('arolina, , dOWAH CH'TT. IX rVj'ity, Ort4ir term, IK 1 1 mr Italrd, Mry Bweet, Mafcliliigmo f!rd by bia giar dUn Jmti lUirtt, William ( k and Krbrcra hit wife, J'iIui Agnew aid ('atlirine hit wife, Jame !1om aon and aUraret bia wife, John Start, W ilium ri'Htrton ajul Catharine ktawtfa, Jimri Rteel and Jane attal, eaWJane 1n let, 1Uoma Bled an itdUnt kuuUt tle age at twenty 4Hie )rars 1 hon u and J'Jui llatrxl in fill' under the age of twenty oi tear, Wit iian Iturd, 4'rgy fUied, Ja Uaivdi- awd-'lW maa AUma and wife t I'rtition fur aale of real riitm . Il anhriii in t lis utitf-t un tii l,r -i i- a ; " court, that the defrodanta in thu caae are citi- ataa-of efwthef atte4 it W therefore" erderca, that publication be made fir three montha ie. ceatively in the U catern Carolinian, fur aaid de- fcfxlaiin to appear at our neit Coirt of r.ijmty, to be hrld fe the county of How in, at the court boiue in ftalWbury, on the aecond llonday afer Uie fourth Monday id March next, and plead, an iwcror demur to aaid petition, oheraiae it will be taken proconfraao, and beard tt parte. OKO. MX Kr, CM. K. Or I. 28, 1833. (friee a-U. Rt 75.) 3mH9 State of North-Carolina, (TOItt COVNTT. (lOrm of JVputy, April term, 1823 1 John J aton Clemrnia, i.. Achil'ra Deathragri Original bill to perpefnate tettimony. tt ap pearing to the ttifctim of the emir, that the difcmlaitt, Athillrl Dealhrage, doe not reaide within the Im.itaof iliii Mtc, it thertfore or dereil, that publication be rra-'r fir l wrtki aucceaivcly in the W'tfirm Candinian, print. A at Salisbury, that unlraa 'aaid drf odant ap(ear at the nel CiMirt of r'.qmty, to he holdrn for the county of Stokr at the coorl-hmiae in Orr manton, in the third Momlav af'er the fmirrh Monday in M.rrli neit, and plead, fiurr or demur, the bill aill be taken pro cimti o, and the Caiiae be ( doun fur licnn ei parte. Copy from Minute. I tt, JOHN C. BI.t'M, CM. K. Oct. 33, 1833, (Price d. $).) 8tatc of North-Carolina, R t aDOLFH COVK1T. (OLRTol Kquit , fall Term, 1823, laxae J I'riiiiingon, t . t'harlri Jolmann, and ot li en : Bill in Kquity. It appearing to t!ie aatii faction of the Court, that Jainca Harri s "d Har dy Mall, ami Mry hii ifr, (heir at law cf John llarria, d.- M.) are not mhibiUntt of thi State, it aa ordered by the Court, hat publiration be made in the W tilern tUi-wliiiian for aia week, that unlea the iid Jamr llarria, anl liar v Hall, and Mary hia wife, eome forward within the three firat davi of our neit Court of Kquity to be held for the count of llandolph, on thr firtt Monday after the fourth Mondas of March next, and ahew rauae why they ahall not be made . partica. dclf mlaiU, anu aiu.at 4k pbunant'a bill, that the aame will be taken pro conlcaao, ana IitarU es tiarte. , A copy, B, J&lUQTT, CUJkL.lL Price adv, gl ' 6t83 Stite of North-Carolina, Bl'RKK COVWTT. Ol'RT of I'leaa and Quarter Peasiona, Sep U teniber Peaaion, 1823.... Charira M'Dowel, William Dickton in riirht of hi wife Manrartt, Athon A. H'Oowell, William Pari on in riglit of kia wile Sarah, and .Tamci It. M Do ell, heir at law of Charle M'Dowell, deceaael, it. John pi iocii, ' 1111am n niiaon, riamuei v 1111011, ktt. .It li!lt 1'L . .ml?. George M hitaon, Jamea Whitaon, IVmai Whit i Joaen aon, Joaenh Whit n, Ann t liitaojv Poll): VkhiU aon now Holly Hairdin, itcbeckah wife of Tho- ma I.. M Entire, I'homaa L. M'EnUre, William Smith and Sally hi wife, deviaeea of John M' Powell, dec'-d 1 and John M'Dowell and Jamea M'Dowrll, heir at law of Joaeph M'Dowell, , the wti;faction of le courtf that wuw y, nit. aon, Ramiul Whitann, fleorge Whitaon, Jamci Whitaon, Thomas Whitson, Ann Whitaon, Polly Mhitsnn, (now I'ollv ilardirt, and Martin liar din, ami Thomts L. M'Kntire, reside w ithotit the limits of thrn atate, onlered, therefore, by the court, that publication be made for six weeks, t the Court-Hmne in Moganton, and in the Western Carolinian, tha utlcss thev appear be fore the Jmtices of the Court of I'less and Quarter Sessions, to be held for aaid County at the Court-1 louse in Morganton, on the fourth Monday in January next, and plead, answer, or demur, otherwise the petitioner s petition will be taken, pro contesso, and beam ex parte. Attest; J- EKWIN, Cirr. Trice adr. g3 00 5wt81 State of North-Carolina, rowan coiiNtrJ 9 "II Y-iirtuc of authorityv jn ine vested, 1 will ex AKSt'plaffl! Ittmcbxiii Korcnibcr next t dw Court-Hciuse IrtTSTisbu'ri'T pMtojWZ trc.t BfJd,iaXalW pperty of j Richmond J?earann, ien. dr c'd. to Owe rat lying "on We"horth' aide of tne' South Yldkin, containing by estimation five hundred and eighty-two acre, and adjoin the lands of Mrs, Kli aa Pearaon, Joaeph Williama and others. One other tract adjoining the above, and contains about one hundred and fifty acrea. One other tract, lying between the South Yadkin and Third Creek, and contaiiia by estimation one thousand acrea. One other tract lying on tbe aotith aide of Third Creek, and contain by estimation four hundred and fifty acres; on -which there is a valuable grist and saw Mip. 1 On all the forego ing; tracts, there, are valuable low grounds, a part of which is hi cultivation. The aforesaid lsndswiilbesheanhy Mcsi.,Charf.aJulRkfc desirous of pur chasing. The terms ot credit will be , made known on the day of aale. t ffiail!,""''. ,,,4w&S - K ;T WILL sell Bty Honte and Lot in Sa , -I ..liabiirv, on accommodating term. Apply to T. L Cowan, Esq. or to iriystlf, in Ita letgh. . There is a good office belonging to the lot, convenient for a Lawyer or Physician. JOIIN.DECKWn'II. Salitbwj, Monk 8, 1823. M Itf ( niuahU Salt cf GOOM, AT At'CrriON. f HUH atotk of f ;.! tj the lata firm of CON. I " EH k Co will be aold at Aoc'mn to ttie lih'tieat bidtlrr, (without reaervei In th Town of ( haraw, Mt,lhe 6tH day of November onaiMiug of aa choice a eoUeCtian him ever rthibited for tale In thai at it I among a lilcli are NjKfflf Cliithund Caatimerea, Kat'M.eHH Y lute and Hlue I'laina, ' Maunrli and lllanketa, t'fJnmntle Miirtlng, ar d ffower loom do. nan itnrna, uiaper, Calico, unghama, IUV. and fg.Bilkaand teeraueker rmbrrllaa, Merino Hhaa la, Illk. and col'd Canton Crapee, lilk and Cotton lldkb. of every deacrlptSon, Camtinck and rambnrk Eobei K.lrgant worked nUfcr, A large awortmetit of Ribbona, Col'd and Nun'alliread and Cotton Balla, llovierv of every deaeription, llirvail Lar( and iMging, Torioi.e f hell and Common Combt, A large and rh-raiit armcnt of IIAKII-WAUe. eon;ting rtf rvery article in the Trade. rine T. w ine Vii) pair Ijulir beat quality Moroeee aod Sa tin Jran ll'Niif and Mioca. Mi pr Negto Mm, 2do. (i nllrmen'a IWiota, Frriirh llrandv, Holland Gin, Janmiea H.im, lrih t hiakrv, Ma lrira, ( nl nanar and Malaga Wine, ZS I'.M. Coii'tn Gin, Hum and M bikry, 3 HM. and 3) Itble Muacovado Sugar, ' 9't Ha. ijmf Migar, 2d ki g aaaortt d 'e Cut NaT!, 1 1 Ki ic tleat Ami-riean powder, bi!o. J3cni'rr af h) r.nfliah IkMible Battle, KJ,iXJ lit at quality Hpaniah Cigara, 4,'x) ilo. do. American do. 3 Ion Pardtt ami F.nglnh Iron, A Urge aaari'.rn of (tI4.A8R.WAnK. Together with every other article uaually f mnd mat oumrv autre. 1 KKMH of Kle approved emlered Nntea, payable lt Frbniary neat or 2 percent dia count on 'lie bill lor Caah. 6t78 Spt. II, 1833. HARVEY WIl.UAMt. Tailoring Business, LLVcoiTav. y. c. FriflE undersigned informs his friend and tbe -1 - o-iKlie in crneral. that tie till opened kh6h of the above business in Lincolnton, N. C. a here he will be ready at all time! to attend to the businea of tho who may favor him with tbeir custom 1 ami from hia long experience in the businesa, and his unremitted attention to bis cus tomer, lie hopes to rive reneral satisfaction. aiMlatiMuanrUaaWof that patrensre which haebacn so liberally extended to him hereto fore, in tho western-parts of North-Carolina. He recei ve tlie lateai burinon every six month regularly, from Phibidelphii "and- Charletton. He spent part of last winter with Messrs. Sttirtng and Frrnitn, the flrtt Tailor of Charleston, where he made himclf fully acquainted with their rule of measuring and cutting 1 and he in. tends to spend part of li a time with them ore, aionallr, in order to make himself acquainted with the latest and newest fashiona. The businesa in bis abaenee, will be conducted by a steady gentleman, and a roan acquainted with his Ixiaine. I expect, in a very short time, to receive from Philadelphia, card of directions for measuring, which 1 will distribute in The adjoining countiea, ia order to enable gentlemen to send their trtea mirea. and have clothe made without tbe trou ble of attending in person. Should any gentleman a iah Cloths, Twill at tend to the purchase of them in t$y of the stores in Lincolnton, or furnish them myself, according to direct iona. Tlie Merchants in Lin coln on will generally keep excellent supplies ofel Hha. - . Ilia businesa will also be conducted, si here tofore, in Asheville, at his old stand, at Mr. James Patton's, under the firm of ClagHn (S r$im, where pranipt attention ahall be given. Those who are in the habit of getting their clothe made in Charletton, I would recommend to Sebring & Ferguson, as I know Ultra to be firs', rate Tailors. N. IT. The merchants of Asheville will here after keep a good assortment of cloths and caa imeres. DAVID CLAYTON. Mhnitte, 3t78 4. The undersigned have been long acquainted with Mr. Clayton, and have uniformly applied to him to do their Tailoring business. They feel no hesitation in recommending him as a man worthy of every degree of confidence, as a man of unexceptionable character and morals 1 and ;al.ttiec fcdg ''ifr attend 4o all-rder wrth rwptitiHjei ami to-xene" every Tnmg m .the hne ot m busincaa w iUineatfiea and dcspatrk::.: : v James Patton, sen. Geo. D. Phillip,. Jas. M. Smith, J. MU. Carson, H. D. "Vance, J. W. Carson, JUta-Taatun, ' lsaso Cralana A. I-. Erwtn, W. D. Smith, laa. M. Alexander, Tbomaa Forster, - P. Brittain, Geo. Swain, Lc ia Chrismaft, -Saml, Cbunn. - New Fashions.-' THE subscriber having very lately received from his correspondent in Philadelphia tbe latent tashion from the celebrated shop of Hobb IS. ff'iiuhretmer, of that city, is now ready to-do alt r inds of work belonging" to the Tailonng tm 'uu si. He nledsres himself, that all those who rony favor him with their custom, shall have tbeif work done in the best style of the fashions of the dv and onr mmonabte- terms. "Travellera, and f ottvmtttf wtsirgiwinrMiiaoif homibiice; can be accommodated witlv a whole suit, on. a noiice of two ky punctually attended to. , : ; THOMAS V. SnUtbnry, dug. 11, 1823. . '6ft, . Sheriffs Deeds, ITtOR land aold by order of writ of venditioni . exponas, for sale at the printing-office. . rOMTICAIa. saaa-tsi wicsTa aircsucif. MIL SOUTHARD. Tho ippolntment of Mi. Southard, at tecrattry of lh navy, is mother evldenti of ih purity of our repubiiein Inititmlon. nd.of the mrf btittvid on rr!t, however humble In tHgln. .MrSoutli trdai no petrkitnTiriaito toirtlfiind hai rlaen soltlj "f tb forct of tatt nt. But few yeara tlnct, he wai private tutor in friljr of mt f otir ticlgtbar Ing countlea J ana! It almost dcGca crtdtf llty Iiaclf to observe with what msgle art h!a mind haa made Its war. Lot ih pu rity and Impartislity which haa marked this appointment ever prevail, and we may with aafetjr aijr to our country, "Lire for ever. We rannot here help relating an anec dote of Mr. Southard, which occurred la earlv life. Trifling Inddente often obtain importance from circumetancea 1 aid the anecdote allude! ta, had Mr. S. remained a achoolmaster, would probably never have been told to e aecond person. .When about t yean of age, Mr. S. n in uih ar in the academy at Mendham, N. . at which the editor of tbia piper, then a email boy, waa a atudent. Like moat of hia achool fellewt, hia head waa fuller of frolic than of atudr, nC hia proncneal to mischief frequently exposed him to the ferula, which the principal, the reverend and truly pioua Dr. Armatronj, used aa we thought, with an unsparing hand. The arrival of Mr. Southard wai happy event. Uia disposition acemed conciliating, and e hoped to trenigTeii.wiiB. Impunity. We were aoon undeceived, however, for the birch waa adJed to the ferula, and on one occasion the editor of th'i paper waa brought tip. It waa hia Erat oflcnce ) and the manner of the usher denoted a eum mery punishment. Takeoff your coat," waa the first animation. JIow he Dcr- formed thia ceremony, those erdy can know who have triad hi however, at lat the coat waa 'off. Stand up here, that I may jive it 10 you fairly. " These were the very words 1 although uttered eigh teen yeara ago, 1 remember them aa well ai though it waa yesterday. It waa an snxiou auapenae. On one aide were the eye,f thirty forty f ray plavfeUowe, ready to witness my shame- on the ether a - w the uplifted rod of the .vindictive usher It waa torturti The arm moved. I im agined the blew already on my bark. No 11 leu narmieaa by hia aide f and with a cool 1 ale your aeat, airr I waa dia miased. I waa afierwarda the beat boy in the achool. Had sound whipping acta ally followed, it would have been regard ed aa matter of reurae, and the circum stance have long since paaaed into oblivi . .1 m . . . on. uut ine manner 01 tne usher waa every thing t it can only apeak for itaelf. 1 he princtpaf ef the academy Ttmatfia at ihe head of an acidemy .aiillrwhiUt the usher la become head of the navy depart ment of the United Statea, and one of the cabinet councillora of the nation- -- TV ihg EAtir tf thi Kaihingtm Republican. It is a fact, which Drobablr mav not have occurred to you, that the manifesto wbtcn accompanied the bill declarinr the late war against Great Britain, (on ex tract from which waa published in your paper 01 1 ueafay last, and which haa been emphaticallyatyted the aecond Dec U rat ion Qf Independences wai written by J. C. CiLHoua.aaChairmenof the Com mittee of Foreign Relations, at precisely about the aame age that Mr. Jefleraou waa when he wrote our firat Declaration of Independence, which affixed the aeal of immortality to hia name. It ia equal ly true that the devotion of Mr. Calhoun to republican principle a and the true in terests of hia country, aa la fully evinced 'Mf'MCIl JTreet patrtottwhoj raa desorvodly tiTOTnmatedheriffan ofthr"peeple.'' I he coincidence in the early part of the public career of these atateamen it aingu iirJjralrikjiig iBd-itthere-be- fna titled to the above impoaine appellation aa that of JeiTeraonian . Candidate," which has been claimed for another, that man la John C. Calhoun.-- Wath. Reflut, V The late refusal of the French Admi ral to permit the United States' Frigate C.ongreaa, having on board 4urMiniatr le. jjpain, . to enter the port of Cadiat baa given rise to a good deal of comment, in a two-fold view 1 1st, A regards the right of the French covernment to act thua te- aVd-.l1o- wtin8K-ship of a neotrai -na tion and, secondly, as regards the con duci tf-Captf Jioijit,' in turtbs ' aside from hi object. , , ' On tbe brat of theae pointa there ere variout; opiniona. We incline te think that a resort to written authoritiea will sustain, ihe French government! whilst reason tin) comtesy, as welt aa tbe gen eral practice, are against it. TUMiih geivarament, a tenacious fits prlvlt-esi ad ai presuming on its strengthj ai t iS-i other nations, and hli toat h -1 ability lo maintain itl cotistruciiona cfna tionsl lw, hs, en two ot.ca.ionl, permit -' ted o-jr national as, with Minitterl on LgafJ, le pss Ihtough Its blockading ' v;7fdrfmtintoboi;orctpoii.' With ' out having eaimlnrd the atihjct,Jefp!yi. . . we shoati think That IniaVondocV lif thi ", French Admiral oUghl to be, and proba bly till be, disavowed by hit ewa govern Aa to the ther aubjeel, i think tomaj of our prima de great inmsfice 10 CapL UlDDit, in condemning hit conduct, iih out having the meant to form a proper ea . limataof it, . ihere it no danger oft' waot of spirit In our Naval ofTicc rai Thd danger ia tbe ether way.' We have ntf doubt Capt. 0.' haa done Mi duty fully, ' Thereat circumstance! cannectcd witH tbe transaction, we have reason to believe j , which, when known, will exonerate him from blame, even br those most chary ot -Ihe chivalry of the Nation, and of the Na vy. We auggest to our brethren, there fore, to defer the eapresslon of an opin r ion on the conduct of this absent and gaj lant oflker, until they have before them - v the materials whereof to compose one. Ami. Jnirt, ' 4 " OaaassataaaWBwa ZXTtaCT. ', ' ; - It has set onlr been the tomp!a!n ef ell agca, that life la ahort but Uat ' it ia also luU'of care and anxiety,. Man, taya Job, h lorn t$ trouble at ' . the tparhy vpwarJt,. WhaTj ihenj , ia Ihere ao desirable IrT life, that w should be thua fond of it f w Doubtless j " it hat its pleasures aa well aa ita painaj Fhough we aometimes meet with ihn$ and briira, yrt, in rn'oy places, the . way ia strewed with flowen. It ia fot wiae reasons, that the love ef life is tmplaotedta man, and though its iwceti ' hay in illov of.bhternet yt I therd is enough of the former to reconcile him to the latter As this tn'utnre of ' good with'eiril ia Intended to mate him. aatiafied with hia condition hcrei to on 10c wmer ninu, tnr uienaing evil wittl the irood ia desirned it nroof f tbi"" " imperfection ef hit present ttatelnd It r to. remind, him that hia time here but t.pilgrimijej where ht hai TfZf: continuing' city t but that he haa tc ierfc inother, not made tvith Hands t eternal - in the heavent. ' ' 1 ' . Physical Anomalies. K gentfemar in Windaor Cc. Vt. whoae hearing i. perfect, can amoke for in hour together, ind puff the amoke out at the tart, liter nLe!fi Jherti tbladtamuhi s--aame place, who hai but cine turbinae;, tedbone to the riaht noatrU f we hate - ' repeatedly seei htm put I nail, 3 in-" chci Ion j, into hi mou, and push it out it the nose with hit Vmgue also " 7 put' i cord into his mouth, and with' , . draw it from the Dote. . ,. , , r j : i-V. Bum Mcii InU . . ' , . . . . , . .- . i - . ruV!ly la the name of a pamphlet late . . ? ly Issued in this city, front the preaa of: ' Phetpa St Farnutn. It purport a to be con- , ducted by a clubhand is to appear peri' odically. . The ingredients in the first number are sufficiently tplced with bu- mor, pua aad repartee, to make it palata ,. ble among the derourera of light foed Wo bepe it may prove to be the legitH mate successor of Salmgundi. "".'V , ''"' iZii'-'ilL .tz!ton Cabxy - An experiment by carrier-pi geona haj recently been made by k company s at ; aria aTmed" 'at ;liegit- eistane;er jrf eSS!fSp: ety-ve tagaa; "4 flight waiI06ed irCoblehtzVr tlu&nH of thirty leagues i tw f them reached home in two hourt and a half. ,- rTZZTt k I. A Mr. faux haa pobliahed a book' en- ' ? titled Membrable Daya in America." ' l"he following is bis noted recolleclion of T: one of those daya r Slept this night 6$ V miles from Columbia a dreadful tempeat ' II night I Ibund my bed alive with bugsi H"i fleas, arid other vermin f rose at two, t shake myself, and en toy aert of respite -ii-l-" rfrom hese citeptngnormw iows Un opening my window I was an- : noy ed by frejfs innum e rable, of two. ape- " w cJetMltutlQtttUKwbjatlte like EbKlUh-irrew;; others. bitterly lamentine, like thousanda - . of "chickens deserted by their mother bent othera bellowing like cowa In tor f - t row for weaning calveaj v. Tbia cortfubiori 5s fi-om within and from without, from above t and from below, apoiled my tiight'a rest, and teemed to carry me back a few score) '-' of centuriea into Egyptian plpgucn.- :L il . 3 i 4, &:

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