i r.M.H.n.M i;. .-- - . " i i . . I'l -I Sr iili-ii , lie ." rui.il' I ii( I.M.f.AM). km lout. ul r. II. Tie p'Kkct ". JiUI VVcl i, Cjt INrtU, wlikh left Uveipool Sept. I th.ar lived evenhg." Wo have received Myer't Uerpwl Adieuitcr of (he Stb hkh contains nothing "new on the suii j'ct of market and liridon papers of th evening of the lib, and rooming of ifn 7ih i; ll. which are altogether barren o . newt. . ' ,' ton dow, itrt Tbe Parii pipers of the 3J h.vo trri red, but ere destitute of Interest. O ' ' the anticipated operations Ulore Cadix, . we have io further ialurmauoM. The ft .. T. ported failure of ibe attack on Matagord has been cvlvc'dand It is stated that the aturk was adjourned on the 3Sth to the - Sl'bof Aogv.- It itwlso reported that nothing further will be done el ladix un til the arrival of Mr, Ward, who it said to be charged Kh dcipatcbei from Eng una, t ( i ; .. , ..." -. .". MApftio. AVO 31 Our advices from ladix are to the 23d in at. The Squadron bad just been rein forced or 13 iiiKli-t more vert com In from Corunoa. When thee arrlt tbe blockading aquadron will consist of 36 vessels. I be flu ilia built at heville and St. Mam, coutista already of 16 bomb vessels, 7 howl xer boats and 33 gun . boats. Admiral Villavicencl arrived at tha Grand bead quarters on the 23d. We juat heard the death, (by a disor tier tn hit lungt) of gen. Couchy, who commanded tbe blockade of Ptmpeluna ' The ship Alexander at Philadelphia from Liverpool, brings Liverpool papers to tbe Stb or heptember and London pa pert to lb 6lb inclusive, with Lloyds lists of tbe tame date -being one day later than the Intelligence brought by the ' James Cropper. 1 ... he tone of the London Courier It ' tirely changed, whlck certainly indicates that the cause of Spain ia by no meant considered desperate in England or per jbapa Freueh Cold doei not flow at cur . rently aa it formerly did, which may ac count for the following liberal remarks , extracted from the editorial column of that paper of Sept. fi t Halt, Amer. The situation of trie affairs at' Cadix is " such "as to cause cohsideraLTe uneasiness to the French Government. Every at tempt at negotiation, hitherto with the Cortes, hat failed, and there is no grounds for believing that better auccett will at tend ant further proposals The letter of the Duke ti'AngouIeme : t ' to Ferdinand, was transmitted by his " - Boval JlighneiiV AH de csmp: -on; the -- . 91st tilt and the result- might have been ;7'- known at Pari bjielegrxph,. long before Wednesday last, which is the latest date of the French Journals that have arrived. Tbe aid de-camp wit received in Cadix with every mark of civility, and we are as sured on pood authority, was admitted to the presence of tbe Sine;. Hit Royal Highness limited the period for reluming! an answer to his letter, to fivr days, at the end; of which time. If no reply was givrn, or a hostile one aent, - u ti taurait ce cu'it await m fairi" This communication, aa we bare already sta ted, reached Ferdinand on the 3 1st, and :. from the total. silence upon hew subject in all the Paris papers, it well at from other causes, we have every reason to be Here that jno favourable reply hat been given. 1 In the mean time tbe war lingers the summer is hastening toe close - end there ia every reason to expect that matters will remain thus undecided, nil . the rains set in. 1 he French ministers es my be supposed are - fully sensible ol the increasing difficulties of the 'con test, and anxious, if possible, to effect i speedy termination of tbe campaign. . A great deal is taid, as usual, in the 'Paris papers about what the r ranch arms intend (9 do with the fortifications in Spain; they are Jong, however, in carrying these intentions into effect, as all the strong holds continued In possession of the con- ; ttitutionalists. Nothing is now jai4boj)t -T -Haliastero or Corunna i . . ? r, ... . .... ' ... t 1 1, , f i,i. .-'..( l Mj I I! i ;'i l.ii ri.-i; H- , i-lt () !. ,4 4t, 1 i.-tvl t.c i J ; t! g 1 1 I t I I'.t Jlulji, it Imn ti the .urr of n.J V Iji.!, wl tto he wiwl I rtur l.ia army tnimtA tliere, whiili i ii4 la atiKiunt fiO)00 troojx, conHiun lcti by tlie grand Uuke Coiutsnilne. OUXfCt. - There ire soountt from Zante of the I6tb July, givinj such minute details of the defeat of the Turks at Thermopylae, in the esrly part of that month, as to re move all doubts on the subject. The firt shock Is represented to have been very violent, and the carnage great on both Id but after two heurt hard fijjhliriag .(OAiji(DaiurfUjyf'j cUVtiff uttWAei tt rt, aT4 ckj, Novt rnbt r 1823. lAUsnrnv Kilt ioctmt. A nweiinf of t!.a Itrctrt tt( lhw thirty I..II at TutUf enSnf, t) 2M u!t. !: t'rts frm artnia, directory aivJ wthrri, Ulit .. I ttn-y bl done tnarli atl!u. ttJ dlttr.lutitif tlci, eutlfctinf fttfvli, ic. arte rct(cJ. I La cvulriKca atitaaon tliia occon, and uth trt l.ub have latrl beta elicited, aflurd ua a fl luring prtaapttba f.lil7,tU jrjr ity, a.J tae eitnve wM A the ancicty J" - 1 " 1 ' " ,,JJ"IJ 1 Tb rria U were at 3m ikrptical f tba I ha 3d No. or A I oovenlloi.lst, was wiUt kuoM of llu kiml, art beaming received so late, that we are unable to In-. to are and U t! mst muni ali'tntiret to a serf It this wrck. " " aa ; Omvmihn Srntmtnt, in Iht tt'ett. , eomnttnit, from a gewnd dJTuio of tbf holy scripture!, , Vague imhu ait giviitf place to practical conviction ( and the Bbl M alow If, Jtthe RakUH negiiter,iflrectly Jnde'r. K"f f ft .kle I . the lurhs were r-puUed, and amigh. sal. . , aee mis aned - Truth,- is con-,.mm "m " , " tn T "V- ' , Mllfd and 90 jriofierv btaidct SMXl ' i- j-" i. - r flHrt. S .JL"K u wounded. Am on the Drloners weie t ! credited In Ihe Last, 4ll ter- crtek,snd I n.ty co,rrnit, maaitlat much men the Drtoners weiel " " ... treet. sihi i n.ty eoi.tT raiwtA Bekin Pacha and 17 Beys. The Greeks jllnly. mUlead Its readera. This writer intitia behalf of our society. Alargtnum. uf they neter made so greit Capture. iayeT" " " " ber ofttbtei bm beer j'ldktouify CUpiwed of, the whole oCl he Turkish artillery, am- M I thi k I may with tnith tey, (list from W and eorwklerll amount of fuwda culltctcd munition, nroviaions, and a number of Hia beea able to ascertain uf tlie optniona of tlwre. Among tbe many intfancct of pioot lib. Camels, fell Into the hsnds of the COiique- the oeolcoftli.atae, there Its large najwlty ,it rf b be5ec4tl furuka in lhe rati. agamat any alteration in our coiiaututtoft. I tut ' ' , , , . . ,1I1T acr.tim.nt U rot confined to tbe peopto of the rongrrg alwna, c feel a pkawra in naming ibe OBR4T aaiTtta-. fMt of the counties in th treat of Wlowinf t Miaa Mrrtt lUrr, (rww Mm. Johu The competition among the Bteam the IM ate, and ae vend who Jta drb-rara ia the lluua.vnl Mlaa Klixaboth L'ullH-rtaon. and Mia boats on the Clyde Is so great, that some b held i i. kukigb, are aV . g, Uni cortU.l from or 20 young of them c.rry pa.seng.r. upwards of 100 M b-i,. of B Jk Creek, i bl t rc.k, ...d UnitJ miles for half dollar. If.then,-D.' our other eastern U wffe f(r A frmaU robUt In the neighborhood f. tends, are to wall satisfied In the opin-, . lhcJr pu(0. tlie ef. j. kil. oi wnaon, was carrying on rer fltprt k, th.t there it a large majority a- 5 P.tmk, a member for lite of the nlMr, -Bible dationt on tbe highway, to the great a . ,. , , . ... . .. , . larm of her sex, of aome rich old nabobs, 4,n,t ,njr ',,r,,l,'l, ,n lh tontiimtloa," iet, , a,l l. vy Mate, of Mr. k,l. a. . , . L t f a avkSM-L ' on.w,.-.!!... h...L . A. a., at and youths, whom she had eased of tbeir n" 1101 grtuiv mose wno are in nvoroi ui.i cash and watchea. ... it, by permitting the Question, Convmtvm me "? uU! M trsclcn ... . I " . I I J J Uettert f.om Antioch to the 30'h June or No Convrnti.n. te be tubmitted to the " .c aun",on " nm State, thst earthquakes continued almost . .. .. .. . . .' ! weetora oftke Seacly wiH nereafler daily to be felt, and many shocks were F . 1 ai w.. .saea, mect oncc . roo.,d, rejt.Urly, on tbe 1st Mo most alarming and calamitoua in tbeir ncn w" 1ue"on' on lormer occasion, day emung of eacb owmb, at the place which consequences. was oeiore me Legislature. Ann surely 1 may be appointed tut the pr)er uiccUng uf that I be harvest in Ireland, though back-lit is a very reasonable request from our week waiu, ws III VIIIISIIIII l....... limlir.a 1, I. r.a. t-A The Dublin papers announce, that the I. l . . . general state oi Ireland, notwithstanding I the occurrence of a few outratrcs, is coo- collect the ,ote- Ui ,he q'iM hen, slderably improved. No cases of atrocity JlCO o the people; and if, as" D.ays, hlV Of late come before any of the assixe the matoritr are onnosed to a Contention. JSri&vs: '" - ' a-. ssysU ing proved maiden. . again, FUfiSI BUENOS AYRES. f HiLADtLritiar oct. II. By the brig Clio, Captain Burkhart, we I unheaitatinri nronminr that lli mil mass of the people have nothing tocomplnin of ,or ,n,t Pper, and of this, he makes agsintt our mate Constitution, aoU that a Urge use of such civil terms aa imhoiilion, bane maiontr would ote artmst an chaiire." . . - , . " Ji-Jahtbvd, kc The very languagi Surely, after this opinion, so " unhesi. i f . . ,. k , f bare received able of Buenos Ayras pa- Utingly pronounced, the members from I ' . k f ' H a t pera up to August 13. ihe Congre,, Dr ,he Sn come forward and submit the ,T ,v Buenot Ayret hat authorized the Execu- h . . , . thst cannot be mistaken, it is said of Satan, that, to deceive mankind, he some times assumes the garb of an Angel of light. Perhaps in imitation of hit old ad versary, this writer thinks to disguise tbe true character of his piece, by assuming a name the most opposite to the nature of ita contents. But this veil is too flimsy not to be seen through. After dealing in such decent terms as! above quoted, he seems to clasp his hands ! together, and turn up his eyes in wonder J IZIIXrnETerdinan4;prade(UhfOPg streets of Cadix in coaches, on the 3d of 4 August escorted by the military of the J- citvr and followed by an immense con course of people, who preserved perfect order. The Cadix Expectador of that date asserts that he. is under no restraint : from the ministry or Cortes ; that he has ' put hit constitutional negative upon some of the acts of that Assembly with regu lar ef&ct, and hat privately declared to b bis own the sentiment of the. patriotic proclamations, to which he has affixed his "ifrnaturev To procure him credit for bis sincerity, they revert to the boldness and candor which be exercised at Seville, in r:xpressinff'hit repugnant 10 the remo val of the government ta-Cadiz. - " , Wat. Gazette. j " . ,'v ,, BDSSU. --.i . , , There appears to be some object of im portance contemplated by the Emperor of Russia! but Whether it refers to fur key or to Spain, is Dot very apparent. Alexander is stated in tbe Paris papers to live to ratify the Convention concluded W ,he peoP,e ' !f do not u with the Spanish Commissionera on the W,I ,how ,h"1 ,heT h"e hut '"'"'e Wh in 4th July last, and has also adopted the rn opinion of their friend M D." Again project to support Spain in its struggle saysMDi" agabst-therrancli lnvasbn, with the - Tja tii rR.ieTgrmeetlnTwm tkl sum of 20 millions or dollars, to be fur- their seats aivtmdfnr to renresent tin rushed by the independent states of South I in that meeting, who did not get one hundred Amerifa. as ioon aa thft aaM rnn,mi!nn loutof a thousand voteamen who know-tlie shall be 1 ratified, and the' Independenco of -Jfu the Statea shall be acknowledged by the .. , . mother country. . " " 1 """"r n pen The finances appear to be in a prosper- j OI T writer wnose aim is to commum- ous state, as the revenue for the last sixlcate the truth and is justly worthy of (he months of tbe current year exceeded the hand of mianom.r." Nn- .,hir xpense. by aeveral hundred thousand j ejlner m d or Editors of the Rei?U MFTtrn . I ,f r' t0 how any auch instance as a Dele- It is ascertained by Mexican papers to eate going to Raleigh who did not get ICO the 30th August, that the voice o' the out of a 1000 votes. It is true, that in provinces has been unequivocally ex-l,nm,r fll ... . r.. prcsscu in iaor ot m rcuerai nepuouc. . . . r . , . . Santana had reco-nid in Torm th. S vo,e ukeD delegates. , But it is easily rcme Executive Power of Mexico, and ,cc.ounted ,or ,h,r WM "u,e or no P in an address to that body, he signifies the position to any candidate for delegate pleasure with which he learned that the ind we have all seen, often and again, ral .Dinion. sr.a emnlored in de.ermLn lhat here there h no PPOSlUTO for. any the basis on which to organixe the nation Pl ,here 8re 6"Uy but few votes into a Federative Republic. In several J n. But if the people of these of the Mexican documents, strong detes- counties were opposed to a Convention, lauuu ueaprcssca 01 int rrcnen invasion I ,k. .n . :. of Spain jin all of them, the principle of p the sovereignty of the peoplf is empha- Where the Cventton orM tically proclaimed. On the 35th July, Convention, was taken in tbe several com paper money to the amount of 200,000 1 panies of these very counties, in most of oouara, was puoiiciy ournt in toe city oi hhem an unanimous vote was given for Mexico a&. Patriot,. . j . u .t . it auu whoi-o iiicid were any Qgamt u, at . ' 'm t a . aa rtTtRSBPao, oct. 21. u7 were - lew, ana iar oetween." fcven Br the .U.S. schooner Fox, arriyed at j in Cabarrus, which this writer says is op- Norfolk en Wednesday last, from T. I. prised to a Convention, we denv that auch which place she left on the 24th Sept, h. a iV'i WtA, thf .tl 'wi f. wawast-'4'aM'':'4lV'r"l.JK'j:l,' ft; -"" tT-Jf r T . ' among the rrx suK(r.thelWh;thetlst P1" on wbicbwmJP. left the Island".-1 Those rww nM oppiraeo to tt: who were sick, were generally recover- But if the election is the criterion of the lag Republican, r sentiment of that county, bv a paritv of An English cutter, of 14 guns, captur ed, about the 1st of September, a pirati cal vessel, with 14 men onhoord, and put them all to deathr - - -In Chpr V.I1.. IK. Y. tVw daa . - i - since, between 6 and 7000 panes of glasa were broken in a hail storm, and the1 Presbyterian Chureb was somueVmjured : ... J.. t. - i l. r ' as iv renaer k vvriess at piace- oi wur buijj. i evca a:iu inc sibca ui uunviii were bruised and indented by the hair. By a "letter 'reeelvid tn New-Orleah from isatchex dated tilhun. it seems that the fever: was still raging there. Subjects having become scarce in thetio- dy of. the city, it was now attacking per sons in the out-skirts of the town; a frightful number die daily , considering the ew inhabitants who remain in the city and immediate neighborhood. 4 - reasoning!' we can justly aayTrrarCabarrus ts'lnovorof a Convention, for two out of three members from .that county are friends t the measure, who attended the meeting in Raleigh last winter j they were elected by a large majority over a candi date who declared himself . opposed to Convention. IIjs JlaieSgh nrgtsier cf tl ;'M t teems ti atutid In matter, lt, which it to . 4-n the Contrul(,n,i: to put p Wm. It. Crswford. A ,tf in that p.jer of tbe atme date, b0 r himself A CI Uen.ta)!! Mht Lj, tors of the Stati and Western CarolM have been pleased to represent Mr. Cl beun as the trtmJenilal -nidtduit tf Jrjftrtun Schorr' school, we an ft, tain, in which A Cltiteo tnaver u, bia degrees, After thia, he goes oa give at wonderful account of Mr.Ca!lxA&, 1st. That when In Congress, he edtx ted continuant e of .the tyttem tj JDn-rrf and Internal Taxet l" Tfue,oh Klng.ks didf but let us hear all the clrcumsiiaui H Ic'nTIaTrrylogoti e jua'and rlgij. loos war in defence of our national rlgkii and character, e largo debt was ir.currt It is true Mr. Calhoun did wishte ketj up good faith, and pay it, or such parts at were becoming due. lie therefore a opposed lo the repeal of the internal c lie until our commerce could fagm ft brkf ui in a revenue adequate to the fiurfibM As soon, however, at this .was the cite, Mr. C. was no longer for s contlnuanct af the system. This wss his plan, and that cf Mr. Monroe, too. They were not rocs, who would shrink fiom their high its- ponsibilitics ; thru never acted the Bah the J-abic t but . ' " Stood by tlifir eountrj 'a glfry fast, -" And nail'd tbeir colors to the nnurt m 2d. 1hl wiitrr says of Mr. Calhouai 1 be hu!e sfope and policy of thia g ntla, nin, since he became fitcrtlary of Wtr, bat hern to licrvJit tlx ALL tin and to rain tht rrjmtution of ihe rrfuUir armu. Ills Kriortt M ConirteM sliea thai, with him, the Army it ntr) thing, atid the V)il:tia ntthng. Docs this writer think thai no persoi ever reads reports to ( ongress"butbii learned self? 'Does he retollect, that OS the 4th day of April, 1818. two reota tions were passed by Congress, both ia the same words, one calling on Mr. Criv ford, the other cn Mr. Calhoun, to report at the next session, " a plan Erie the eppli cation of such means as are will in the pot' er of Congress for thepni poe of open-" ing and constructing such londaand Ca nals as may deserve and requite tbe aid of government, with a tiew to military operations in time of war, the traiuporta tion of ihe munitions of war," &e. 1 hit call, be it remembered, Mr. Crawford kttV jitr e r conxlc scendf d. I lo-nis e r irthi 44 Burke Farmer hat told lu.vfav Bui Mr. t"alhoun promptly give in bii report," as was his duty to do. ' Nowf if " A Citk ecn will recur to this report, he will soot see thst be has stated, what is not the' . . a a t a i ' " s.a . i. " that the very atonet do not cry out"-in j ,rmn 01 i,r' H'.noun f.40 "wus.; favor of Mr. Crawford, we nretum.. I. ! VVe iU m,kc lho quotation t " Tht. deed, were tbey to begin, they would 1 n?ce,i? f Jyatdal iatill more make a most terrific noie in Surry. here, TKn'U if w ,ak lnt0 consideration ths' no doubt, there are a plenty of them. Af charac,er tof cur P'i maxims and inv ter thus calling on the stonea to tune up t,,,u,ion" 8 in ptinctpie f a krgt for the radical chief, he tells us wha an "atldinS reliance for dtfnet important man be is ' that he has a per- be " lkt m'V''"'fl' 0 be tultfd out- sonal arau.int.nc with mm. f -K. l-J. ' Vuentl? fm 0 diotance, and under ing persons in the District 'pf Ashe, Surry, Wilkes, and Iredell;" and that he knows a verf large majority is in favor of Mr. Crawford, Now we pretend not to say how it is with ihe atonet, but we must have better authority than his to believe that auch is the fact as to the profile. That there are some persons for Mr. Crawford in Surry, Wilkes, and perhaps Ashe, we sre aa well aware as this scribbler ; but we know they fall far short of a majority. In fact, in the largest county in the District, Iredell, it is not known that there is a single man ho is positively for the Rad ical candifiBteT':!;5: : rV": ' ', " But this scribbler makes another1 state ment, which more" plainly 'exhibits his barefaced effrontery. He saya" Mission aries have been sent out from Salisbury,' A UHNOMEK! In the last Raleigh Register, is a com munication over the very unapproptiate signature of M Truth," nuking statements which the writer must know to be un truths. In alluding to a correspondent of the Star from Iredell, as also to the edi Com.-Porter about whom so much so- liciUKje has justly been -felt.,. in coue- quenc'ejpr' hit having suffered severely with the fever at Thompson's Island, put into Charleston harbor on the Uth ult.in the Sea-gull, in consequence t of head winds, -bound to Washington. He had almost entirely recovered from his sick ness. He tailed from Charleston in a day or two after for Washington to electioneer for Xlr. Calhoun. This as- sertion merits a short reply ; and we give it to him in hii own words t it is a bsne- full falsehood.' How wretched must be any cause that requires bolstering up in (this way, and by such writers as this pseudo" Truth." "By tricki 'and Hps, as numerous and as keen JU tbejieceasiticsheirautJiPfs fcel.?, - We last week received the first No. of the Georfretovm Gazette published in Georgeiown7 paper is printed on a large sheet, and the mechanical part of it is very neatly cxe cuted j the selection, and the editorial ar rangements generally, are very judicious. The Gazette will, undoubtedly, continue t6 be ao interesting and useful-journal. the pretture of an actual invnt'on." Mr Calhoun, in his speech on the gen eral policy of this country, delivered in. 1816, tayat "Gentlemen had spoken in. favor of the Militia, und against the army,' In regardto the militia, said Mr. Calhoun, -I would go as fur as any geuilem.in, and ' considerably further than those w ho are so violently opposed to the army.' I would . arm them," &c. Again 4, I know the danger of targe standing armies ; I know the Militia sre the true force, that no na tion can be safe at home and abroad, t wlkh hasnot an efficient rottlili ZJigw "i Our defence, on hnd, ought "to depend" on regtilardraft from the todf'of the""' pceple.-p"--if But, really, it is time and words thrown . . away, to ixpose the ridiculous blunders'- of sue h 'i wn ter as "-A "C rttztit."' only a few weeks ago, that he charged Mr. Calhoun with being the cause of the war with the Indians up the Mjssouri) when all other intelligence and informa tion manifestly show, that had Mr. Cal-1 houn's plan been adopted, there , would have-been no necessity for a war-witbtlie , Klck&,rJndian.Jl4d h recommena- tion been acceded to, and a post been e- I tabhshed at the Mandin VilIaKet, above the Rickaras, the exfietiie would have been. actually jess than it has now cost Eoycffl' ment to send a special expedition againsr . those Indians ; and the blood spilt and lhc lives, lost among Gen, Ashley Vri would have been averted. The tpiih 4 our slaughtered countrymen cry uo; their grsyca against th murderous ; ,

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