til Miei tf iKe fur irAn. enJ it e wrcithid,wia --hi ''J ru'aJ of tba 'j f . 4a Ut" hat bfld D"'"" C fur t0 luhral.t to fcltctid ttif CutiVraiion vxriinf tilth takes J-Ua in Raleigh on the Jatli lust. 1 ha raJt follow t t JtMm Jonathan Manlove. Jarncs K, Dodge. Ilt-TMI, MT. 18. ri.nt!fiirofifrvmtl.cniMoil.18ihrI. The erupt in thePitUhef Iber- d. u iraJ bales i From N. Caroline 33J, f. C. 4A Vl-rnas 37 toucans 5J3, Lrg'ia 2J8, Uiimra I, llm. 24-17UI. Not kss than 10.CM) bain have changed hands ; the lOlh iiMMiw al an almost Uilv advance ia pnee, so that the itutrtH it aow l.uhtr tun at any pre- '.!. n.L a. vunuvj-enud of ine a- wiu. aduwuj,.! w rooieo, ana .Lit augu.cppwil JjrjrcOtdipt f , arv4 laU l7it ' lkrtMrf w ,T 10 con"ifcrl,.,f9fin .he txopl i-.L . " un tn monitnif alter in r.ie. the There'll na ko w..M.i.frnr(ii.lkih(nii.itu(yrr.lprottrated on the trround, fence t and tinta lo Kale,. that the market la well aup.! t.lied with lrw-Gi, JLirU-ltantnd CuiUrf.l 11a atock of Urtmt wA larp, but no rM U tirctcj in anv or tn truck: enibraceu un j. .1,:. i.... i . Ki.u tla aaMirtmatit bttur auiud to tha market Thrrt ia no reaaon to eipect a rite In tha price T lUtt, aWe tl qdotatkma in tlie peicet our- rent, wliich, rt will ha obatrnd, are the rttail pnert of th-aartla. Cmim con'inuea to ha in hnk demand, The late rna h.r made the river narinhle fcr mull Uoati and Hata. W arc alto authorial b the Committee to y, that the " Prict Cumnl pobUird in tltia t.rcf i(aml re tHibl ahrd in the VVrtrn C.ro. liman and eurrrcted weekly under thir in- apeeii-Mi. may b oVpr.-l-d upon, at eihlbiting a correct atitc.ncnl of 0i pn, a of Merdian. d.ie and Produce, at tha tune of their puLli- kUon. tiviaeMi, airT. 8, 1823. Sir t The demand for cotton wat rood lait -week, and clixcd on HarurJ.v, tha 6th, with m at brnknrat, at ahovr advance. I'o-day, iluiKlaV, the inquiry ia very great, but few hold er ill apare a bale. 1'h'j ia a great chanfre in tlie tone aiw tccitnfr or tne martet wiUttn a lew diva, arI it oaring to the very favorable view of we pnnnrxi. w iot. .. an an.cie apecuav mr7lbVi; 0 m p r , "MEETING OP niK WATERS. We have before ut a New York paper jonmmnjpen .cecum, aeven ana a nan afiliinme l.i I a t rwff K f t k a aaaamAniaa .1 I Ainany on tne orcetton or ceieDrannr trie a 0 - . completion c-i tne worthern and La.tern eectiona oi tne Krrai vv enern v.anai, ana me p.ttaee oi inenrti Dot irom the ut ter into the Hudaoq, on Wednetday Uat w -i prwB oay, no, oniy lor ew- York, but for the Union.- The celebra tloo waa accompanied by riplendid mill tary end civil parade, together by a ane- tv oi iateret.i.g ceremoniei.- i ne morn 4 W oi tne 8 ii . era otnerett in 6jr tie ruiKiuijp', ocjift ana orinj ol cannon. - t v t r trti ta a 1 BVW; . . Aafe",sr' "T' ii r ouocrn me eieRmi canal Deal, xne unwM yunw, appearco, wun cojprt Bvinir.anaiuperoiyornamenieo,ontoarfl of which were the ('anil Coramittienert, end other distinguished pcrtont ; and fol lowed by four other boatt, filled with la diet and jremlenren of "thcHirjr reipctta bilily. On the arrival of the Dewitt Clin ton, the New York Committee were in vited on board, and the ceremony of lay ing -l L Wt I I .L ll ine topsione oi me v-anai, oy mo urana vnapier oi mc aiaie wi cw-ior, com rnencea by an address to the l itrone o! or., oy mo, ncT. or. acy j acr wmcn the alone was placed agreeably to the ru.ra oi masonry, Dcanng me loiiowing l - r . inscription i ERECTED SEPTEMBER, 1823. Dewitt t iiktoh, PrttlJent. Stephcn Van Rinsselaeii. Samuel Young, tr,? Commitiionerf. Myron Holley, y H. Seymour, Secretary. Wm. C. Bouck. Benjamin Wright, Chief Engineer . ' ' George W. Young, Militant. t 'Peter Stewart, BuUder. . This ceremony being completed, Dr. Sarmiel L. Mitchell, of the New-York Committee, poured into the Canal a bot- JJjfwaterJrorn tb aWheVfrom VKe AtlanticlPceani and IttiereupiiiiMd the novel ml interfatg'0cea8toniIZrr.rZ 'htctwir boat De wit: Clinton passed through, towed by 12 full manned barges. At the mo, tacnt of her passing into the Hudsoni she s saluted by a general dischurge of ar tillery, and the lively huzzas of thousanda ef persons who. witnessed the. spectacle, Mucn feeling was. excited by the fact of the Boat being piloted into the river by v;nvwgge;i, wno ia now eigbty-touN ujpon tne monstrous aniraai, veiwrc mcy years of age,, and who acted as pilot to succeeded in taking hin. If ever a ten the French fleet under Count de Grasse, ant of the ocean lost his reckoning, tins in Jn&.war of Independence, whetrit mn-; one- ait leasts wherr 40a miles- from-lhe cljored before York Town, "previously to sea, rnust have found himself conaidera thrtaptate bf Lord Cortiwknis'ana me bly out or his Iatitua Onecrrtlf fcrmy under hit command towed by him '-40 miles in 7 hours, before -' rtZ hbr:omtld:m:ihoie The number bf people assembled on and ultimate capture afforded great diver- iic. Dove occasion, is supposed to bava won tamousanaa oupecuiora.. , , te , been upwards at forty thougendt ; 1 - fCaTciffo Car. . - The stores were closed and business : Munificence.-A gentleman of the city lotpendcd at Albany, on the "8ih inst. in of New-York, haa presented the Theo Older to , give alt an opportunity" oCrwt logical Seminary of.Auburn with the aum netting the celebration of letting the wa- of Jifleen (koutarid dollur$, to eatablitb a ter irom, the Canal lo the Hudson, 1 rMOU.I (.S 111 I'. I!:'-, i! i.uiti. A vt t severe ti,im oi liumiane, t CterSe rued al NewOrir.ni and ill heih Lurl.ood about lhe n.lj i!a t-f hc(ciii!eri by whuh considerable damage had been done io the Cotton ti Sumr crops thrj-e. and, in tome Instances, lo Ilia thlppin Jk hhe ,.tr. The B.liie Tucket sunk, neat the Point during the norm. Huih titmice hid been dona lo the plantation between Bonnet Carre and Bayeu Sarah, frees, fences, fields ofcorn and cotton vera prostrated Ufora tha ii, were represented at iiesrly rained. I ..)..,,. ... -lift... ,f ,. . , . . f ' KB.e. 'A1 .. ? "nd Wowo off like itra w. Ccn. Hampton's auar house wsi uo K ...4... i..t..i i iirpn . rrniiB in riHirm nt i rnrn ixh J I TL - I 1 I ah'a'le treat were blown down, and the forctt eibiUiad one continued ruin. , I CharUtton Courier. i na irrcai ouuaw juu,wno rouroer- eo Ford two reri tince) and tHre of hit principal attocUtat, lure al length me( ,he fata they daterrad. prty of ,oun cemlcmen from Clarendon, un.ler j? i "l VeMr'-, Mjorg nt iUn ninr, having received information ret?cl tnir their encampment, concerted their I meaiuret ao at to invite tba atlaik of ncM d4rjnf oWr.j,, , . . r?fn' wh,n lLh ,b" At the mo itxmt io plunder a rier b', ,nJ' re turpnted and dea trored. Joe a head ha been pUced o a poir, near the mouth ol the baniee La nil. Scuthern nirHifcncrr, PE.VNSVLVAMi RLEC110.V. The election it over, the coniet it at at end, peace it proclaimed, and the ran quished with the victora mutt be content to obey, and we trvt: willingly reipect the thief Meiriitrate Prnntylvania ha rhotcn. We pretume that no nun in ha. na.ny doubt that Mr Mi u I re i elected. Our opinion it un ahaken ; we are now, at we recorded it til month ago clearly ef opinion, that Mr. Shulze a majority it not lett than 20)00, and that the whole vote through iine ltito it 1 30,000- DfBio. Jrr. The New Jerter General Election took pl,r, on Thoraday last. T he contett wat chiefly between thote who are in favor o continuinrrTilercfnr.aathe Irralrate of inlerert i th ,u,et ,nd hoM who tre for io.tring i; to x her tmt. Aa far M.tj,e returna hare come in, it U believed that the Six Prr Crrrf. Parry hat jrained lhe ,icl0, Here u , niw di4lincUoo of party .-Baltimore Patriot. Vrr The hou.e of Mr. Todd, of B4r,ie CMMfi n ,hU Sutj WM bumt Q .,he, on th. , llh ujt. nd (wo of hi, chi, dren otmhed in the flamet. Mr. Todd had three children; the youngest waa in the house when it took tire, the other two playing in lhe yard -the eldest of whom ran in to aave hia little brother, but was burnt to death io the attempt. SAnrttnr Orrurrrnrr. A Ultap fram a - ...... Udf n P(,rUt Qnetdi county, N. Y. to her friend in Whiting, Vt.) atatet, that whUe four ladies ere taking tea together ne,P thl, pl.ee, two of them sickened and did at ih i.hu. .nrl ih nrhr A,A I" , ... - lbe next morning. On an examiation of the tea kettle, it wat found that i hard worm hid been boiled in it, the poison ol which was the caute of their death. A duel lately took place in Charleston between the editor of the City Gazette and Kdward P. Simons, a lawyer, in which tne latter waa killed, rour shots ware exchanged without effect; on the fifth, Mr. Simons received a fatal wound in the abdomen, and his antagonist was shot through both ihighs. A letter dated Valparaiso, June 1 9th, sjatea .. tacked it that fjlace by three soldiers, who bid hfm stop or ihjllS cutUWfpiil clf .aoa vered. .tbe, iumn1olfbfM6inetnirm wounding another mortally, while the third took to hit heels 1 Mr. Smith be ongyd, to he; Macedonian. Rare Sflort Indeed. The Inhabitant! of Montreal,' on the t St. liawrence, have been amused by the novel appearance of a whale in that river, and several attacks ! Prolesaorship m thalinsutuUon. 1.1' . ;i n t Colrif I Norton, of L'j ; f r C.'ui., Itrn conviitcdr.f Marilau,.-ri- lir, in killing an ln!i.ri in a dud, ton, we believe, It an ii, ho W.i ' Kated l London. Ia. e7nL A Urije collection of people la Up; ,c ( ant'la have bren sadly dltappoimed, It caute two poor fellow were iiot ciccuted it the ippobtcd time mi. saaaiaVBa The Georgetown Metropolitan aifii A tremleraan left niliiroore tettcrdty nioininjr, and arrived here before tha opening of the baiiki. Thut the Ipirll of pppotuion eo.hlet iiaee owner to cu nondert In tha of tratclilni;. We are ftirjul, however, that the rood old timet, when a man could rat el to Phlla reeei era Uott k of w in with tit coin pa Ing Aw may hap pen i for we hear thai a reiponaible com pany lately mad propot-la for tarrying the mail, daily, In ttagas, between Blii more and Washington, for one dv'Lr fier tnnutftl These who could do thia could certainly aftjid to give the pattengcrs a bottle of wlneeich, for the honor of tbtlr comptoy. W have .not yat learnt whe ther this proposal hat been accepted. It wat certainly the lowest bid at. Int. lion rat aeeatrria, (a.i ) TtLtea.ra. - The body Lf Captain Samuel Currier, of thia pi ire. wat found in lhe Crnetee river, below the Carthage fall,, on Friday In'. 4 Mr C. it appeared, had berome weary of a life-, whu.n I him had yielded mora of sorrow ttun joy, hnd evolved up on the rah esprri'vicnt af going uncalled into lhe pretence of hit Creator. He it tuppoted lo have dcliarately taken off hit clothes, which hung jimn a tree, and plunged in'o the liver. He had been the huthand of rvm wivet. tiof whom ware buried at the mouth of the Genesee riv er, ami all of whom be has now followed to a world of spirits. Mr. Rothtchild it sid lo be the richest mm that ever exitted in England. Re port states, thai he is unable lo estimate the value of his own property. How then csn others do it f But an assertion has been ventured, that he can at any moment- command - upwards of - fifteen millions sterling! more than sixty six million! or dollart ! No wonder that tuch man should be the main tpring ef the stock markett tod a tort of arbiter of the politics of Europe it ith. Cwni. A verdict of damaget, to the amount of 300. aterling, has recently beeo given in r.ngland, agatnal ao attorney, who in a transaction in which he had been intrust ed by hit principal with a sura of monejr f 1000 pounds) to be loaned on the security of a mortgage, bad advanced the cash while the land wal net in fact worth the amount loaned in consequence of which hit employer lost about the amount of the verdict. Savannah Grorpan. A Water Melon waa served up on the table of the Cincinnati Hotel, on the 8th Ult. weighing ttxtv-ohe fiovndi. beinsr two cet eight inchea in length, and three feet and once inch in circumference. Thia we believe to be the largest melon ever raited in America. Mammoth Sumtrtin-A symbelin was raised the past season, on the plantation of Major Thomas Donoho, near Caswell Court House, which measured S feet 4 inches in circumference, 6 feet lcogtb- lie, and weighed 120 pounds. A Pear was shewn to ut yesterday, which was raised near Milton. It weigh ed two and three fourtha pounds. Match -these, who can I Milton Gazette. Coffee It is mentioned among instan ces of the extraordinary production of plants, that a young lady el Albany, N.. ately gathered from a single seed of the coffee bean, 93 coffee berries or seeds. aaaasfsjaaxaw STATE AFFAIRS. ; " A countryman in England being re quested-to - Jielp a member rparluu acciucct ally fallen from h.t 1hQrBe,,re-! lied, that he did not wish to meddle with state affain. - FJrETTEVlLLE PMCES. Oct. 23. Cotton; 14 to 15 1 flour,fine,5i luperfine.Sli wheat, 96a Kl i whiskey, 40 a 42t peach brandy, 50 a 62 i apple do. 40 to 45 corn, 40 to 45 ; ba. con, V a 10 j salt, Turka Island, 85 a 90, per 100 buahels molasses, 40 to 45 1 sugar, muscovado, 9 to 10; coff ee, prime, green, 28, to 29 2d and 3d quality, 26 to 28 1 tea, hyson, 1 25 1 flaxseed 75 1 tallow, 8 a 9 1 beeswax, 30 a 32 j rice, 3 50 to 4 per sou ids, j iron, a to s, nr. iuu h. i iodscco leaf, 3 a 4 manufactured, to 20 jpr.ewt, -j!MkipAiPfka-, Cotton, 15 to 15 ctf. t Flour, ne-w per barrel, 5 a 6 old 4 ia 5j i Corn, bush, 45 to 50 ctt. Oatt 30 to 35 cts.x Peai 155 to 75 cts. Wins key, gal. 40 to 45 ctt. i Apple Brandy, 40 to 45 j Tobacco.,3 to 4t .BteswaJt, lb. i0 cU. i J'-llo, cttOTcts.jIUcon,9t612itt.i Lird,TtoT0ct, Butter, lQ lo!20ct. i Bagging, 35 1 40 cU. t ilrou, 5 to 6 dols. t Bait, bush. 1 dol. t Sugur,' 7 to 12 dola i Conee, lb. 28 to 30 cU. s Twuie, lb. 30 cU. Molasses. 40 to 50. , CaftanThis article is Coming from all quar ters i there ia a large quantity in market thia week, which brought generally op the average, about U cents. ' en tnu: tray rr.tr: v, o. t. d. . i.u.. I. r:l i,i ; i, . .! ,, 2 t,, 4i.ir r, l' !..), !,.,tt , f pnii.e, 4 1 ii.f. r.ur I J t I. i , (Prun) J4 to i4 t N, K, K ,,, Ant.lt llfi.1r, 3J lo 31 rte i TuLac. 37 In 5.1 C'i, a.rritutk)r, mrpa, l"a,cttcv.llc, fcr, '.' t t l!rrat, 33 ! 51 emit, Tallow, f to8 !'.;,; ii.xrt-M, stru, 1 Ni. 1, 9 1 r.rima k No. 2, 6 to H Mukarrt, No. 2, i t Na. 3, 4 lUfwn, I to V eta. llama, 1 1 to 1 S i Uril, 10 to 13 1 IU-yg, Ihirxlre It lnrrr. (ii irl.) 28 eta. i C-gmae Uraml), 1 20 to I 3a per gal. i llf!ami (.io, 9) to 1 10 eti. per gallon Iron, RMa k l.lta, 4 to 41 1UU IU.I EnjrUh 3f lalt, UverjMiol eoar-M-, 6? ) eta. per boalrli lark, Turka Mand, ii a IS i 8u)rr, Havana Wliite, 13 to4i Hraan,tto8 atuarHailo,91to 01 It. Croll (nrtme) 1 1 1 N. Orlrn, prime, 10 1 licrior, 71 lo 8 Kcftued IW Hut', 19 to 20 1 Coffee, beet green, Uj Inferior to rV to 24 1 Ifvaon lea, Vila 105 eta. per lb. ( am.Jm-lCa We4a., Waet wd,i rMolal. S ( W. 1.1 20 to 38 ctM lllack Ptpper, 20 U31 1 Punento, 28 1 30. , ft. Carolina Hank CDa, 3 a 2 per cent dia. i CeorglB.fa Jldo. ... , . f'o. H ia ratimated that ahont twelve or thirteen hundred bales have already reached our market one half of It Km been slopped to Northern porta i moat of the balance Laa beea purthaard for the European market. Price I have declined about half a cent In the pound, since our Uatwe now quote new L'tUimti at in. iai . 1 fa iikiu, . g" 11 111 . 11 ..... . ',.... . Tailorini?;, at Lincolnton. THE anbacriber rvturne hia thank t to the citl aena of Uncolutoe and ita vlcinitv. fur tlie verv liberal pa'ronare ith a loth tliey have hitherto favored hinn and bega leave lo inform hia friemla and the public in general, that he rill rtill continue to ramr on lhe above buaineaa in all ita vario.it brancliet, at hia old vtand. He aauret all bo ill favor him with their diatom, that their a or k ahatl be nrrformcd U a faaliion. able and duratle manner. At he ia determined not to have any inferior workmen umlrr him, be fet la confident that hia plinctual attention to the pertrmance of hia prom. tea, and the aoperior at)le ia which hi work will be executed, mutt merit to him the confidence and favor of all bit frierxlt. He haa hitherto been accuatomed to obtain the latest faabiona from Charlealon, and will atill emleavur to do an, twice a year, br the mrrVhanta who viait that City. 1 be aubacriber can aaaure all who mav wih to favor him with their patronage. that he haa become master o tha art oi eutUug garment! agreeably to tha beat plan known in the United Statrai and, at teaing well it the moat essential part in making a garment, he can alao aaaure tliem, aa ha keeps none but good warkmen, that part aha!) be aatiafartorilv per formed. All who arc unaijuainted with the sob. acriber, aa to hia punctuality, morality or work manehip, are referred to any of the foltiVmg me reliant! of f .rneotrrttm, who tmvr firomJ him with liberal patronage, viu Col. John Hoke, Col. DanUI Hoke, Dark! Kamaoor, Jacob Kam. aonr, Hobcrt II. Hurton, Jacob Forney, and Jarob K.enliardt, DAM FX bl.ir.LK. LtnctlnitH, Ott. 27, 1823. 7otf P, M. My pricri shall be favorable, aa the time! are growing somewhat duller and more oppreasiva . A CARD, TtTclToV & Hong, (ImH Ptravol O Miutn,J INTOItU thair country fmmla and cus tomers, that they have removed from their old stand, to Nn. 335 King Street, few doors below Boundary Street, Where they are now opening a large ami exten sive importation of fresh and genuine Drugs cj Medicine. Jihn, Point, Oil, Hit, J, CIom, UaUero andV "uimiali, withe great variety xif others articles. Ckariffn, Oft 1823, 3t80 Caution. NOTICE i! hereby given to tba public, that the several notes of hand given by llrice and John little to Mrs. Hart, Tor the house. mill and laiida. at Beatie a Ford, a ill not be nauL V " if traded aa sr. M IU IAM UTI LE. Xtv. 3, 1823. 3t80 Pocket Book Lost. THE subscriber kaa joat a common aixed red morocco pocket-book i he had it out of his pocket about sun-set on Saturday evening last, in tie town of Salisbury. It had about 20 in money in it, and a number of notea of band on different peroanai one ia against Isaiah Duboec, of Darlington, 8. C. i another given by a Mr. r leuit to bamuel rultin i and others that are not remembered. There wu a V) bill in it, on the Bank of Cape Fear, with one end torn off and fastened with either sealing-wax or a wafer. A reward of gli will be given for the pocket book, on ita delivery to tlie aubacriber, or the printer in Salisbury. FRANCIS FI LTIN. fcaaee 2T, 1823. , 3t79 Thrtlilitia-Lawsr JS. a visa to b poaaessed or tne tniliua laws, m . . . ... .. . . .u l - exit mw-be tfppfied-U uiem, oy appij nig ai uie priiuing-onice. Yadkin Navigation Company. A MEKTING of the President, and Directors of thia company, will be held at the house of William II. Slaughter, in the Town of Salia- bury, on Tuesday, the 18th of November next, Also, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Thursday, the 20th of November next, being the Tuesday and Thursday of Rowan county court. . ' A. D, MUBPHEV, Prttident. Oettier 22, 1823. 4t80 . -TEstate dr-Robertr Bairdr ALL who are indebted toj he estate of Robert ;BalrI,""are required to make Immediate pay. ment. All who have demands against the estate oT UoliSrt TJairfrafe"require for sottkment at or before the 20th of Wovember, 1823, or else this notice will be plead in bar of recovery.' WILLIA M BARB Lit, .JJin'r. JOct. 18; 1823. 3tf8 Military Executions, I?OR sergeant! of militia, of an approved form, are kept for sale at the CartHvian Office , for sale ai sbii Ofllctvt . ' iUtl f.ntl ft: -.n r. II V 1 n. rrc itcj l..l.: i I., at.1 ...la tin an "i.iii''ii' tern, Y tC., 'I ai.h rn an.l Sirf:.ciita, art i r I t t tl. A new ril(pi a hoar yea! I..r dil.vrry. lit Jut publ'th4 tha Country Almanac, for !H2l j ttlthh tonialm the Ufrial matter f il in Alma ra(S tie Houifc Carolina Caoniaa iltrmt at t!, Uat araMoni lli Nor li;h,l,i a ro-iri a I emmrnt tlie fWnrgia iturti and grr ut tha tiarxlroer'a Calt mlar, ai wUrf unl r an t Intertttliig matiar, calculated fur North, trol. na by Jiwltua Btiarpe, CJ Cuaaiintly on hand I tupp'y of I'lillaJf U itna manu(.turi:d .... J Juat re'd a rwir rmuit pf Havana AVore.' (Mi6rrl, 11U .CatBl ; Jlerchnnli IIt)ti'If" Mjn of iht ti.mn Sun, trT atio J (J jaoaaOJf ' II fit, (Ltfittm, .V. V. CIIAttLP.i II. It Min fetprrtftilly inform hi! ac'inaintaneea and Traveller rrn r!tr. that hia well knowa eatabliitiment has becwrofw aiderably Unproved aitvc" the Uat year, wliith renters a aa comrortable aa any House in the City,' Its aituation, being in the ecn're (f buwneaa, renders il partkulaHv worthy the paU rnnage of Merchants from tne cunry, a' 1 Ptaliltrs. ' Tba llooae contains unaanlaof aa tv rooma, and is high ami airy the HaMis are fire-proof, and are aituatei on lhe opposite slila of the street, under the direction of tart M oatlrrsi the Table will alwavsbe furn'uhed a ith the beet tlie Butkct aflorda, ami the liar ill gimd Liquors, and an attentive Uar-Keeprr4 Every attention shall be paid to those ho atop at the house. N. H. The Columbia and Auguita KUft oflire ia kept at thia house. 6(81 CkaiU., H. C. Sept. 22, 1823. unusualhr erla now receivli Low. j a W fill IE subscriber la now receiving a tare sa , tllEaubacnb 1. aortmentof lHY titXIHK, IIAKD-HARK, Cl'TLEKV, DOMT.S l lCKH, kr. from New. ork and Philadelphia, ar let ted by hirr.arlf a ita care, and bought on the beat terma. Iking ant. ion! to secure a continuance of hit prttrii' ri - , ectable euatom, he haa come to a detenn'ina. lion to otTer hia etenive stork of Goods in lisbury, al prices a bich, in lis opinion, will be fouml aa low at the price of thoaa ho advertiae . "arllinr off al eot Ilia eiiatoOiera anil ika public generally, are inritetl to call, eismint, and judge lor tncmaclvca. ' JOHV aJCUPHY. 1 Rrman Ctuitty, M C. Jug. 1823. ' f5fl , iir. it AoouniiHi..v a, flllP. subscriber has very rcCehtly received r I. from Philadelphia, an aaaortmcnt of ' Dry Goods,- HardTrarc, CMtlrrti una Domrniet $ which, with the assortment he evpecta to re ceive in a short time, will enable him to tell at ;. aaiisfactory prices. Ine public are n iiectfullw . invited to call, and examine for thcniKlvea. ' F.uwAku chess. Sulitbury, Ji. 16, 1823, 47 - ..The Copperamithing. and Tin Plata buaineaa. future be conducted by me, at the same ptaoe. Those who favor me with their euatom, mav Ie ' pend on having meir wore done with ttcatucsa, durability and despatch. . EDWP. CRESS. Negroes lor Sale. A FAMILY of likely' AVrrsea, conaiating of. a man and woman, a child four jeara old, and one two ) cars old, oay be had for notes ncgotU abW ia thetat Bank, or one reasonab'ewitlt. 1 be man ia a tolerable shot maker, and the wo man acrustomrd to house-work, washing, ke, .. Apply at this office. . ,..' Srpl. 1823. 73lf " -. Catawba Land for Sale. , SlT-fTt AC,EHoB the Cataaba, two mrlea 0&$JU north of lleatieaford, inferior to none, on the River for the production of corn, cotton, wheat, and the various other produelions of our country. Also, another email tract, ol about 139 arres, whereon I now live , on hich there ia an excellent cotton-ein and errrws.- Foe terma apply to the aubacriber, two and a halfniilca aoutb-west from Beatietrord -; " - '. . BOBT. ABERNATIIY, Jr . OffsarrlS, 1823. ; St79 Cotton Saw Gins. f pilE aubacriber fiu now on hand, for sale, at al hia ehop in Sahabury, on Main 8tr tf. Cot. ton Saw Gina, of hit own make, which he will warrant to be as well made at any in the State. He will constantly keep gina for ealei and will do all kinds of repairing, on short notice, and reaaonable termi. SAMUEL FRALF.Y. SaUtiury, Ar. 18, 1830. . ' 67 . Tttilorinjf liusincss. f H E fobacriber hag-eatabltahed himself 1 -JL-tl tijkbove-hna of business mne fbwn'of " ia44jmvidiitnoimty;w . bis aerviceatothe cUizena of that place, and the surrounding country. He invites all who with prmenta made, to call on him, and give him a ' fair trials He Intends to make itrapfCTnenUfbr fair trial. ; He ji procuring theli do hia Work in at est fashions i and will strive to the moat approved and durable atyle. Orders for work, tent from a distance, will be punctually executed, JACOB R1RL1N. M C. Sept. 9, 1823. . 7 State of North-Carolina, " , : Jl:.S.aXa-C4VT -X-i-,- COCRT of Equity, Sept. Term, 1823 Bill for , alimonv r -rrtr Coiby her next friend Tboa. Tripleit, against Braxton Cox; and Joa. Wellborn.. adminialraWr. 4t.aipeariijr to 4 he- - satisfaction of tfit Court, that the dtkndant,, Br4xton Cox, ia a non-resident of thia Mate t it it therefore ordered by the Court, that piibHcation be made in the Western Carolin'iau for three months successively,' that unless the said defen V uant appear at our next Court to be held for the rounty of Wilkes, at the Court-HouM in Wiiket boro, on the second Monday In March next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or said bill will be 'taken pro. confewo, and beard ex parte . , J. CV .N.jr. Q.ME., Price adv, 54, - 3mt89