a ; u t u t in;. a Fr ill .Vt -t - '" i'u'tx'-; l( T.K, I "MKI, Afchnogh fnii turn, .ih jirl.l t'rt CQt cwW f nj ta riliUi , The IX. t ipport'ii g svil i TLa Iliaattr tuithamlry OTUtn'd, Nr can lit pro'jdm It nut-jitM Without the I nf f'i toil, 1 A liffl, In Hi sifilrit ltt Wia Q tn :4ovtJ to eulUat The toil which gave him Mrtb, would tuppoae hi sinful race Would txA e ttm k durace l a till lL fniitJ earth. ' ttt many bU and brawny lout Won't tOop U :t himaelf about 80 nolle an empk)incnt! la doing, niix-liUl, doing nought, And doing niAhing which he ought, " , - la pLccd La wbele enjoyment. Some dolt , a ttu pid t 1 Hump, ' Have Lad th lipjiioci to thump their pale against I Cotlrg - Can construe, powtbl, ffd' f And therefor think tbematUe jreat sage. Quite prodigies of eno le tig. let being gtnllrmen ftmde, - -The will nut touch an sx or pde, But useful Lbcr shunning, . ' . The lounp about in buy band, Through tippler shop and tavern atAnda, like twttlcnakct a tunning . And tome th learn'd prufnaiona crowd, l Who ihallow pate are not allow'd To take in Uo ideui Their feeble wiu for yean the taik, Zrt pride will suffer them to ak ' . What nature's fix'd decree i.' A3 theac, a poor misUken race, Think husbandry a diigrace .1"' Though Washington tticxight not And hand which empire' rod could wield, Bit been employed to till the field, Aad bleta'd their happ lot. 1 KoW the our lay are not detijru'd Tt andmalue men of mind, . -Mwrfroiti of intellect 1 - The leart'd professions re would fill With wen of science, aenae and akil), ' Moat worth high respect. StiuV these prwfrasiona, tie allow'd. Art aaxlly 'cuiuber'd with a crowd A nice but needy train, . OUijr'd to tax their brajni. with doubl - A comtfcjn farmei'a toil and trouble, . r.i A tf eUbood to fai'iuIT -J - - Merchant are uaeful In thehlac, t But If society enibracet Too many wf the cut, A tur u naa' to trouble bom. Straight thro the amall end of the born, Some must be quees'd at Ust. .HeaderA!don,t pretend to mrL But that jwur emineney may Be blctt with part uncommon j A better head and heart, perhapa, a Than commonly aiitc Adam'd hipae, , . Are twn'd by man or woman. It doe not follow thence, however, Tour hand, to delicate muat never Perform Uboriou work 1" That you ahould loiter life away. And vegetate from day to da, , . A buy aa t Turk. Tou are, perhapa by mother wit, Aa well aa education, fit Some famoua part to act " ' But h ia potable there ma Be Other great men in your da. As good a you, in fact. And if you've reason to suspect , The highest toils of intellect , ' Arc not for ou decreed ( Tour hands, in useful labor plied, . llay, with God's blessing, still provide """"""Tor every Twfrneed.- -Thea iwinif the ase ph -tb)aJav- Or work at that 'inechahic 'trade ?;v" " hlcli'auTtibur gemubtT Become a tinker, rather than . A mischievous or idle man, w . A nuisance or a jert. T- And shun tltoae imps, with pride elate, Vho cannot atoop to cultivate ..... , The life auataining soil, , ,". ' '.. . -. And contravening God' commands, Will fiotVmpIov their heads nor hand In any useful toil 7 ' ' . Revolutionary Anecdote. -vk the - thundering prbclaixiatibhirnade its Bp ; wearaoet the subject vra rntntioned s in' PhiladelqhHy a"mernheir ;if Goii gresa who wa present, turcing to Miss Livingston, aVid, " VHV miss, , ate ; yoa nt grtatlv terrified at the roaring cf the British Hon f" "tot at all, air, ivr I have learned from natural histo fft that' that -beast roars loudest xvAen most frightened" ' n iri'i ( 1 ) i j nr. a 1 m "li ! !i 1 iU 1 1 1 ' A H I hot I Ji. ',( k III U..1 I.' .1 I. 1 IMI 1 (via r(4ix, A ductor, a itKoclmittr, and a printer, are thru as prmiMrnt escn tula in the etuUishment cf a village of the Crit class, at 1 'squire, ft tavern, aod blacksmith, an to cat of the fourth or fifth. The printer in the primitive times of our country wa m ually left out ) but riper age and the general diffusion of lif,ht, brought him gradually, into the tervice, ind incrca ltd. hit character and .estimation so muih, that he has at Wait bcome"of aa viul xonsrqutuce ai either of the others, If time allowed of comments of this tort, I might be led to aay that I view this symptom of the geniui of our countrymen aa trail of great and unquestionable promise ia a political aad moral, point of view Iiut with these things I have nothiog to do, and therefore leave the subject as I found it. In respectable village, which was growing into notice, and which was located sot many miles from the Sus. quchanna', some veara sgn, the inhabi tants, being stricken with the prevalent sentiment, erected press, and procur ed frcm the city 1 genuine graduate of the type, to lake charge of the con cern. This was the first introduction our hero, Will Sutton, had to the coon try. He waa young, and withal an honest and ingenious youth, of a mild and gentle temper, and but little skill cd in the intrigue and deception so cur rent in the world, and which his hasty transit from the shackles of appren ticeship to the post ri publisher and an editor, had allowed him no time to shake hands.. Flattered by the blaze of what looked like the openiog of a splendid prospect, he, soon after he en tered on his new duties, relieved the original proprietors of their burden, and assumed the responsibility cf the concern himself. - . To become popular, in other words to please every one, is, perhaps, the first aim and the freshest hope of eve ry inexperienced and virtuous mind. It was so beautiful in theory, and the read appears at first so plain and easy, that he never dreams of difficulty in succeeding in the practice. -Will de termined therefore to take every body's 1 .l I ' 1 1 ' 1 aavice, ana, wnerever aavicc cmnea, to choose the medium between the two extremes. lie commenced his paper by giving the greatest variety possible, and pro! fering the most liberal terms, a much as to say, pay me when and how you can 1 people were pleased with the first numbers, and many' good folks took him at his word, and sent 10 their names. lie set this down aa ample promise of future auccets, and built abundant hrpes upon it: but sundry printed, written and verbal lampoons soon roused him from his dreaming one of his brother printers not far dis tant. had lost a subscriber or two through his agency, and, as his body waa out of reach, his equitable neigl bor contented himself with a desperatt attempt to slip the noose round his cha ra'cter, and hang it up to infamy. This was the first move that honest Will saw through, which staggered his faith and weakened ma credulity. He rubbed his eyea and looked at it a moment, then concluded sagely, if I offend but this fellow, whose motives are broad and palpable, and who can not deceive others, I may still accom plish my aim t I'll set him clown as a cypher. , I'll still be popular. Two or ttmc&efft:ap to hum upon ms ear top much of this too'muCrftif ihatand norenoughirf another description of matter 1 he lis tcced he waa perplexed it was the 1 per medium he had been pursuing; how should he now act ? He at. last made up hia mind : wholly excladrd the de scription of matter that had the fewest advocates, ana increased me quantum of other kinds 1 a dozen or two were still left complainants, and aabe.could do nothing ith them he &e t thtm down as cyphers with the printer 1 with these mcrrtinn, Next , came tn-one of hia worthy neighbors, with a lampoon in his hand for an- enem of hw, and politely ref quested ita insertion. Sutton saw a dangerous predicament ataring htm in the face. If he published it j he ahould make a powerful man and a host of connexions his enemies he reasoned the matter over with himself, and con- cluded'to refuse it an insertion. " The autl-rlfcame cutretuj j lc st.J lis frirnJ turned their laces aii.?t the printrr, and poor Will was s.rj com pelled to add at leant a hnlf a dozen r ) f l.trs to his slriady lengthened raw. lirl-n this circumstance had becr t t 1 1 n e 1 t t t on nit mtmotji a iioca. ci uih flew across the village, and the rpiniooe f the people became divided tn the question, whether they were wild ducks or wild geese Sutton published the fact, and gave his opiaioo that they were ducks the geese party called him a fool, a catch peony, straggler, and a puppy 1 ia almost despair heJded a dozen aid a half cypher 10 the account he.was keeping. Iiut when he looked at tiut afewnfr eveo itow,-it bore a small proportion taTihe populaiiori 6f the country: and be concluded that he would at least eventually please ma jority of the people if he could not sue ceed with all. Even in this, however, be was unfor tunately disappointed f, election timet Came 00 1 there were two candidates for governor, and Sutton was put com nletety at his wits end. He knew nei ther f the candidates to the matter of their politics, as they were both represented to be plain, honest, ster ling patriots, he could not conjure up an objection, and umh parties deman ded his exclusive assistance. What was to be doner lie stood neutral little while, until he found himself ra pidly going out of favor with both par ties. The crisis demanded a change of policy. He accordingly made a bold push, and sided with the strongest party, consequently he broke with all the others, made a few warm friends, and very many bitter enemies. Will saw now the blighting ef all his pros pects 1 he did nrt change his resolution however, but confined his hopes to the pleasing of the party whose cause he espoused. Surely, he thought, as he sighed over thete vicissitudes, I shall keep these for whom 1 have made this great sacrifice, in my interests, and en sure thrir good will. But the time now drew nigh, when, to please his creditors, it was necessa ry to collect all the money due from his customers. He owed for paper, and ink, and rent, and types, and press j and these must be paid for. 1 he eel lector was rigged off, snd sent on th round ; two weeks brought him back with about ten per cent on his accounts and with the news that Messrs. A. IS and C,cc. including a hundred or two names, wished their papers stopped i thryw ere ro be iiunric & in thTs way . ' ( Alas' said Will, as he sat down in his office door, in utter desponden cy, " is this the end of all my care, and mortification. In striving to please al I have offended all." Ilut honest Wil Sut ton's is not t solitary- ease . Th i is brief chapter of a printer's trials wi be recognized at this day by some o the craft, though Dill is under the mar ble, and his ffice turned into a huck ster shop. "So say (we) all." From the London New Monthly Magazine, Modem art q ATateh-mak'ng. Being one of those entiabte young men who have "every qualification for making the marriage state happy," I was eagerly seized on as a proper victim of the s? st em -tic conspiracy of mothers to get oft their daughters ; and I soon got a pret ty near insight into the whole afijir. Ve ry few houses indeed are opened to a ret ular ball, or even to an early dance,' in which there is not a daughter or a niece to be disposed of. The money lavished on gaudy decorations, snups. wild fowls, ices and Champaign, is therefore merely put out at usance to be returned in a good settlement; insomuch, that. the more ap parently wanton the profusion, the closer may be deemed the calculation ; seeming hosDitslirr wrrir tKthinnt-btit wltllItedlrapL . vn inese crcas'oiis every uuuy is "i ''torwmt WrPose"tldrdsTlfaf6nets,&c for their titles ; , dragoons fof their regi mentals x frightful old women , in blue gowns andlilver tissue lurbaBSj fonhltr sons snd heirs handsome married ws men to draw the men ; ugly girls as foils, and pretty girls because the oau cannwt ro on without them. Some are invited to make tip a card-table for the rich dowa ger mother of an bair at law ; some be cause they have an air of fashion, or write A Jbanv ' on their eard. -Ever 1 hing in short is measured, to the minutest par ticTjIar'thaTc event which js the mam-spring of the whole. . . ', . Although it Is a part of good policy in ba w k in rr'rrttwa to f!v he t t irl-fiener- ally at all young fellows or old fellows of decent fortune yet she has, for the most part, some individual, in vjew,'who is more' particularly the object in pursuit j. and it is truly astonishing how uniformly that favored individual hnris himself, in pite of himself, in contact, with the young lady" who has him ia chase-r Tsll, tl!n,r!e firlt sre rr.y airman I yet fr two rtionih 1 w MgMIr riun'td ij such a sptttre, who Mud m to sk ler ia d.nr a kv M raeeiln tn ee In sn sr- I. heur of the debits' by tUritiitii herttlt inlduouklr at tn aide, and tngajing ra in a Mtie tf Innocent iiuttioris at the first breparstc-rv icrspe ol tte tiollns. Somehow or ether 1 wss slwsrs obliged, too. to bind her down to sut per, and con sequent! to lit beside ber at the table, From this persecution I fertunsttl im ped by a tut V fyufityur, which seemed to bint thst I ws cngssea to s gin in tnc country, hoi estate join ours 1 and lh hxt evening, I hid the rmppintst to tea the atstcly gny besr down on another prise. - .. ' ' , It Is a curious lut a rnaUncboly sight foUlc7diheT Ionzf6s of otsrdresied girls, mmy ol thtn, 1 nope, unconscious of the purpose for nhirh lhy ire'Thbi launched an society with theit fidgetty anxious mothers, settling from time to lima their hair and dress, nodding disap probation, er smiling encouragement (as the puppet contradicts or favors the pur pose in hsnd by her csrriage and demean or) anil having no eyes, nor eirt, but far the one object of painful solicitude. Still more melancholy is it it witness the list struggles of an unfortunate ubaniunataf whose tenth season is pssing in vsin, ith u nobody coming to marry her, nobody coming to woo 00-00 !" ( I hope the rea der can whittle the tune for that Uil de sponding monosyllable, while eich cause less giggle, intended to dispUy at dimple, bears evidence of another acrident in the " hnmsn fre divine," which 1 forbear to name ; and a profusion of finery eclipses chsrms, that is no longer prudent to ex pose to the broad glare of lamps and wax liKhts.) When a gudgeon ), observed to rise freely to the b.iit, he is asked to dinner. and engaged 111 ndiog parties in th morn ing. A luncheon alio regularly trt out as a rallying point for young men whoe appeties sre often more ductile than their pasuons. Hearts arc thus ensnared through the medium of cold tongue and bread and butter, and a aure love notion is Madeira and soda water. W hen all else fails, the good old lady herself hints very plainly her restonable expectations, and strives hard to carry an hesitating swain by hire faced inuendo. K fasliionable lounging house in London. PATRICK O'HAKFERTY. NEW-TOKX, OCT. 9. On Mondav last, a huge rabble of the proanum vulgut, consisting of ai least one hundred and fifty persons of all -ages, and as many colors at there msy be from the deep jet to the trans parent olive, "tame pushing along thro the streets to the police office, con-! ducting a poor young irisiiman, who was charged by the clerk of one of the markets with stealing a string of black fish, which Pat "then and there" held in his hand. As he ascended the stand in front of thejjar, he vitt inter rogated substantially as follows : Magittrate. What is your name ? Answer. Patrick O'KaiTcrtv, yeur honor. Af. Ho w long have you beeji in this city, and where did you come from I A. I have been here five days, and came from Donegal, by way of Nova Scotia. M. And why did you steal the fish? A. I did'nt stale it. M, Explain the circumstances then by which you became possessed of the fish . Ans. "The fish, your honor! Why ai to the matter 01 that, I was doon this morning upon the wharf, and I saw a man come upon the wharf, and take a little net and then he opened a little bit of a trap door; and he put dowa his net into a note little coffin, (a car) and caught a fine mess of fih. And is that kind of fishing roa in this country, said I to the man, and he told a tine mess 01 black hsh would be very d upon an empty stbmach and so 1 toor homd of x: (the-net) "and when I put it down into the little coffin, T caught all these fine fishyour honor.'? poor fellow wept piteously up- on being told that he had committed a crime j ana it was evident to tnc magistrate, that he had Been the" ob ect of sport bv aome wag, and was ut terly unconscious of having commuted any felony ia taking the fish, but only a -tree pass irr using theiiefc Ite wa? therefore dismissed with a suitable monition promising very faithfully never to fish in the little, coffins atraia. '''s-:-'..ife.':.;... Jev-rik meruun. sssstcr BEKC'iir ijOVBsr Being in love, like being in debt, is to be in a stat? of apprehension. From the first development in our hearts of that sensation which informs us, that an objection is not indifferent to ua4tV the inoment of ce'rainty there is 4 perpetual, initatien that maltes that rr.jy U ntjlej tie fttcr tf t! . paisioo, whitli, as medical men wtu'i say, takes a Variety of character f., the slower kind of temperate thrr.:t a I I . m 10 111c iniense paroxisms tl UtLiC; ones, the nighpirited tr.ao(utr!1 in eonititutioa aud full of ardour, gtoerally find love 1 tropical affectioa, while the lover if thin diluted blcbj will be scarcely sensible of th imidU ous advances cf his disorder Vi lome, being in love is merely a matter of calculation and contracts with eth en, it is a register cf slgha and tnelai. tholy, of romantic seotationi aad im practicable expectations. Part af the anxieties cf tr ie Important period ia' human existence, arise out tl the cn- veottonat farms of society, . The state f trattrre knows nothing but pbytiul i . e . a ... . V 1 rem reticrmcni. nccoruingiy, it most whimsical things have prevailed in lote afiairi, invented, perhaps, to eaon -the approaches ol the lover with variety. One man advances, ia certain, that love expires with the first kiss t he therefore prudently a re ids saluting his mistress with his hps fof a dorcn years. A second confounds the means with the end, imagines the state of being in love is the happiest, and looks upon what the lover of pas. lion hails as the summit of his wiLi the potsessioo of hii mistress, as the first step of lovefs decline. Another if so fastidious in his views, and posses t r t ses so mucn 01 wnat pnrenoiotuta ricranium, that being in love, with, him, (and oftentimes bending at a shrine at which no mortal being but himself would feel inclined to bow the knee,) is an act of complete devotion.' Thu, much of love depends upon imf agination, rather than any thing posi tive j for there are instances af being inlcvc with an imaginary object, as,ia, some singular constituted disposition witn a statue, like the fansial girl wbo fell in love with the Apollo fJclvidere, The epoch of being in love, not withstanding all, is the most agreeable in the whole course of life. The sou) has then no craving to gratify xV tence is at its highest premium, for' it is then we art farthest from iedif, ference. He who i in love cherishes life, but enjoys it the better for little drawbacks in other affairs, which only heighten love'a relish when we return; itrltrJi radbetten ind rpleasanterr thiog thsn money-getting or mmti'PiL or sullen studyVnMaddecin f awbi. -tion, br a thousand gasping desires fhar engross us wholly without our feeling satisfaction in tneir pursuit. 4 nets, are solitary objects) being in love it participating with another, and there fore it is a more social pleasure. Til romantirtgeTrhichnftesjroloors our conduct is an agreeable characteristic it increases the attraction, and cob fera a hallowed charm upon the pas sion. Being io love is a restraint up on evil feelings a situation favoraUe to virtue. The love of women is a corrective of our perverse nature', and, while its season lasts, alwaya mcadf the heart. Let an unbiassed and dis criminating centenaire answer,; what part of life he could look back upon' with the most kindlv feclinirs t what portion of his departed yeara he most cherishes, in his remembrance, and he ; would doubtless . answer, the time f when he was in love. The memory of that delicious season, its, little ad ventures, its hopes, fears, and enjoy menu, always come over us with 1 rush ef pleasing warmth,' a sunbeam piercing the cloud of departed time, . and irradiating for moment our tot tering steps and grey hairs. Being ' In -4ove-minrlea - try wfthr-the-better Knng'"r-ttteji neepa-Deaoiiitst iorv pfpetUaHyiheforeE pleasing dreams, elevatea theepirits,:. and exalts our views. It tern pen our harsher dispositions with the gentle: nesa of bean4cy7andTObdm?tmrproulr:- est pretensions, to the government 01 tears and caresses, tf mildness and persuasion. He who has never been in love is si miserable blockhead, who is ignorant of the highest ioV this dis tempered life possesses for mortals.' Hejng it lote is, in fact, a.&ort of m''. lehnium far above all life's other gooo. I would desire no better statetban that of being in love for thousand years 1 and , -94 -Qin wi shed he ha d ,,a4nOU!j,,. from EnHand Nova Scotia, and eve ry iach'of thewapalatethat he -mh fully enjoy Johr Dory, I would dc maud the temDerament of vouth, fro seventeen to twenty-five, for the abeve; space of time, and all its ardent sus ceptibility, to heichtea my loos seo ' Qf innocence and" happiness - r . t London fafcr 4