(a 1, J, mm) VOI, IV. RAMSMJIIY, N.C. TUESDAY, NOVKMH Kit if, 182.1. NO. 17S. w i till i i . : i i k'l j i ik . i 1 , rairrte rraswata, ivsm wttf, Or MI 10 VIIITB. Tk rml of tltV V.'eaiern CaroKn'an will IUrrtrr b M fcllowi t 'W Ihlturt a year, navabhi in advaje, ' . '' Advcrtitrmr nU will he Jiacrtrd a', tfty tents . . xf squire for the LnUiicHuiJUAia lin'jf-.Ii ft tentt f.r ewclt subsequent on. Alt letters addrcsd to the rhof.nmit br jtl-putil, orAUry will not be attended ". Land for Sale, , Vndtr a deem tke CWf t'jpdtg f Rtwan "II Y virtu of sundry decrees of tli Court of J 9 rVpiity for Hot aa county, made at October terffl. 1B23, 1 will MpoM .to. pubhcaale. At Dm Ourt-llmiftd in gal.thury, on Vtediteadav )0(h of Decern bt'f next, the f'llowinjf tthiahlc tracts of LftiwV "m Ona'ract near Ah-xandrr l-onr'i mill, not far from tlut month of Grant' creea, containing j?8 srr i one other trsct adjoining the lands of William Smith tmi Av. I ruler fang, containing 91 frti i one other tmrt on the Yadkin river, below the mouth of Crane creek, containing 115 arret) three othtr tracts adjoining the lt mentioned trsrt, eon. taining together S'H arret ( alto, four lott ly. inx in the great north square of the ton of tfalitburv, known ami darr'bpd in the plan of aid town by No. 19, 20, 6j and CS i 1 hvr property brlonga to the heirt at liw of the late Aletaivler yrohoe.it. Attn, at die eme time am) place, a trett of Laml Mn(f on the wati rt of Hunting rn ek, in the F'rVtof the Yadkin, ayljoininje the laml of 8am iel little, Itaier Johnson ami othert, rm Uinin(r b ettimtlion 271 arret, brlonrin)f to the h. in at It of (ieorjfe llrandon, rlecM. Altn, at the ame time a d p1ce, a trart of Laml lyinjf on the Yadkin fiver, adjoining the lamia of Nathaniel Feeblet, Willey Kllit, Jan et Orel, ami othere, containing 25i arri-t, more or let t and hrlorjring to the hcirt at la a of Jothna Carton, dee'd. - Al-o, at ibe tame time and place, a tract of land I) ina; on the atero(hiteh Second rreek. V ' lMir-u u, mr litis "l .ti tun nm -', runii , e . . , . - . , j . . . . .. j .1. .f . .. . aV froni h.t rom Tomifiil in I'litlucU Ii!na the Treiler, and other, ami containing 7.1 acrn,t, . . r , , .'. , . , . . ,u i I. i i ' latet fn'liiont lrtr ihr frrbfiei thop of lrAo bo ndrdbv the larint of Mirhatl llonnii", John be the aame more or lett, belonging to the Ik ir at laa of John Haaniifer, dec M . at the -mer ami pW,--, tract of rrin-f on a branch of Meend oreek, com-l81111 r called the Walnut Ilranch. adjoining tlaar . , , u.u . .. Abw, Uml monly land of Ceorre and Ilenrv Kohiaim, comaininir 300 arret, and belonging to the heir at law of Margaret Robiaon, dee'd. A credit of tarelee and eifbteee montht will be )rien for the punhate money, on each of the above ractt of LamL Alan, at the tame time and place, will be aold another tract, lying on the Watere of Wethero'a creek, joininjr the Iredell Tine, ami adjoining the rmter,""and otbrnLCnn;jumij forty 4uLor fortw eig'4 er4, blunring to tile lirirt at law of Alexander Took, d.cr Thit tracfilllbe m.ld ! acreofit oTtaelretnontlia, vitbtrrtcnat'irm the time of aale. The purchateri IH be required to give bond with approved aecuriliea, in every intiance, for the pure hate money. CEO. LOCKE C. U.K. Ocfa4er25, 1823. 7t8 r IftAltla-Tinfla Fnv -Sa 1 V ....... , vnuer aecree .y me .mn y equity, jor loe . hitlierto favored him r and bepi I. ave to inform fwtif . Set. ' ,;t frieiidf nnd the public In general, that he rr obedience to a. decree of the Court of w ,t;) continue to carry on the almve businew Equity for the county of Stokea, there will j ;,, , j,f vtrimu branchea, at hi old fUnd. lie be expoeed to public tle, at the Court-llouac j irc all v. ho will fvor him wth their cutom, in Cermanton, on the eighth day of December ! (h,t their work tlull be performed in a faabion. next, being the .Monday of the Cmmiv Court, ,blc and durable n anner. Fint, the following tracU of Land, iHte the j -t bcia di termimd not to have anv inferior Eroperty of John Zimmerman, ten. dee'd. for the workmen under him, he f It confident that hit enefitofbUdeviaeeti f jpuiirtual attention to the nerforn.aure of hit The tint eontaininf jhree. hundw d ami ten promi, , mid the tupcrior ttvle in whirh hit erea, more or leas, Milder tmprovetien', lyinji w )f ftecuted, mutt merit" to him the m Stokea county, on the main road leading from Salem by Htgy'a to Sal'ubury, ahmit aix milet from the first place, on the aouth fork of Muddy reek, atljoining Henry Shore and othera - The tweond containing one hundred and eight acrea, more or lent, under improvement, lying in the county of Pavldson, on the above road, on Reedy creek, adjoining Doctor Mataw and thrs, at pretent in the tenancy of Christian Zimmerman.' s i' ' vi", 'i i-i ivinjr iii ne county oi iviutn, adjoining jacoo llnck, Jacob Crater ami others. Also, the following Ijtrtils, late the property . f John Htuter, dee'd. for the benefit of hit widow and heir at law,' First, three adjoining tracta, tinder improve ment, Containing eventy-i-acres- more or lei, j SattfflsanMLrciibirhiiirPt'WWa - ttothrrjcr and othrrr.TO,F 8 ectmdry;'! tract Toraimn tf - fiftyifire aeret, -nn-c vr ics, near inc aoorc. vn me wucra " ' , iimjr creea, adjoining i limp, ana mco. itoin Tock ami othera. - "All ihe'aI)ove land will be aold on a credit-of ene year and six mpntlii,, the aix month to car ry interest, the purdiascrs BiyinR- bond with ) approved tecurii v. 8lo'uld no tale be effected. the-first day, of the yvhole or part, the side will be postponed from day Jo day1, agreeably to law. Attendance will be given by the Clerk and Mas. ter of said Court. -;- Test, " ; . JOIIM C. PLUM, C M. E. ... zj&efex ttmtff, jkiL23 1823.-. r ii - ' ' ON Tuesday, fine 18fli of Noy:ember next, at the court-house ih'Salisbnry, Sndry valua.-p- ole and Lively Ajmj omtttiT' wf mniVitfHmi' , Aw-avnd ,Sl, belonging to tbo estate of Gen, ihttufttit, 4eelHw wwtyed it of e and fw eart.--piircbasers to aecure t!e payment by giving bonds, with two or more approved scririties, payable" ithbe airvent notes of the banks in tlie slate of Northaroli. na. UTh sale will continue on Wednesday, the 19th, unless all the negroenare uM on the first day. Additional tern will-be made known on the day of tale. -Sufficient bills of eJc wiH be executed to pur, ebasers. , A. NE8CITT. Mn'r.' OcfoATl3,1823. ' T- .5ta0,. 3IcrcIi:inU Hott J, Sign . fu frnrr jftnj Scrtti (IlAWl.f.i II. Hlri rrtpertAilljr Inform. J hit icnnalntanere and I'rartllert eeneralh, that hit vtUknoan ratab&thment ht been t n- aUrrally improtcd cm tbe bat year, '1ih rtudtiU alaa-.cau4urtaijUa iLf Jlau-Ui-h City. I't utitt'ion, beior in (he ertitre I hnrtnrtt. fetirlrrt H neHKndartV wntlrirtlie rat rtmi,Tc of Mcrtlian'a from tlie eountrr. aad J'LuiUra. . J h Hwie .utlm,M ULnarda U aia. ty iWBit, ami It liih and air) i the BUhU t art (Ire pHMif. ami are ti tutted on the oppoaite aiU f the atreeL nodi-r the dirrrtion of cartful rwtlerti the l thl- a ill alwavtbe fiirni.hed with the bet) the mrk t alt'urda, ami the Bir ith rimxI I jijnors ami an attentive Hr-Kteper. k.irry at Wniivn aliatl be fmnl to thoae ho eton at the lione. K. II. The fulnnil.ia and Augutta fUge oTiee it kept at tint nmite. CtBl ( Wirt, .. C. Srf. 22, 182 J. Hools and Stiitioiutrr. W, P. Il.tna.lW A'r Hvrrt, Cluirlrtfn, ft. C. HAH now rrreiicd h t.lall hiii!moI Hlt and SlulitiMrif article, nbtrli he ill ted on ac.utnmxlinr, trrn. tlrnl tnit, teach, era ami oelttiit, are invited to call. A new catalogue It now ra.l lur dthviry. He Lat j-it piibl thed the Country Almanac, (or 1824 ; wl4'h Cotitaint the uaiial niatter fmiml in AIim. liartj the ooth Carolina nmr t at ahrrr.l at the Lt aeMion i tilt North-CartdiiiB r r" and jfi-. ernmrnt the (-orjfia court and )f.errnn nt i t''e (iatlrner't ('altndar, and otln r im-fil ami in'ercttinir irttier, calculated for Noiih f-'an h. na bv Joliu Sharpe. lj' C(.ntntly on hand a flppl)' of I'biladtU phia maii'ilirtiircd Sn-'Jfi. J nt rr d a ronpnacnt of luvtna Srur. Octtbrr 1, 18J3. Gi81 Xi'yv FnsliioiH. riMK i!h-Kribtr hii (r erv Uu lv reee'urd 0 .11 irrlirmurt , of that city, i novi re:ulv to do . VkI V rk.ieJi..K to ; Ibe adoni bu, P-'frea bin lf Ut al .h ,Vm. t,,' TC"' " n"vr r "tk done hi the bint tle of the fa!,iot t of thr iinl on rcMM'tiali'r tern. Trav lit rt, and oilier, who ui.ii g-nni-iiit mwlc on vlioti notirr, can be acconimoiLti-d uith a whi le toit, on a notice of to da. Ordtra from a diitance ptinrtually attended to. I ItOMAS V. CAMIN. - SnlUbwMg. 11, 18.M. f)6 UuuRe for ?iAr. T M ILL at 11 nV Houae and Lot in S. ' 1 9 1 liiJitirv. fin airi-jin.itiiuif .nir fftiia. 1 ApptVfo T. t. Covm; fwi. or to wrv. if.'in tti-j ifn'ifh. There wa'gooil oflhee" orronm h tbej lot, convenient for a Iwver or f'hvtieian. fuiUilv,Mrtk B, 1823. '44tf Tailoring, at Lincolnton. iriTIE ubrriber r tnrnt hit' thankt to the citi. i J'titiM.ineidu'M.. forihe !)R,ron!ipe WtTh m,,ich (h.y htV ! confidence and fcvor of all hit friends. He hat ' hthero been accustomed, to obtain the laUit .Yhimmm from Charlet'on, and will at 111 endeavor ' to do au, twice a vcar, bv the mt rchanta who ;vu;, that fi'v. The ibcnher can atsure &H w,0 mv jt ,0 faVor nm, w;th ,i,Pir pat-ontpe, that be hat become master the art of cutting ' yaniicntt agreeably to the bi st plan known in , t(,e r,iited Matet; and, at toving well is the most estcntial part in n tkinir n garment, he cm also tHHiiic tnein, at Jir seepa none uiii goou wiirknx n, lhat pa part shall be aatistaetorilv per formed. All who are unaquainteil w ith the aub seribr, aa to bit punctuality, morality or work manship, are referred TO any' of the following merchant! of Lincolnton, who hae favored him w ith liberal patronage, vi : Col. John Hoke, Col. Daniel.' HokCiJiayjil. Riimt Hirfc(ac(tj .Uam, ' - ii'-T -' rl 'Vr '.: ,-'' :: 'C'.iem - -'-.''' ; ' T r. Ji. Mv prices aha'l be favorable, as the y tVmei;Ttr'trgrou'rngr somewhat" Suiter aiid mbre oi)reJiVe Pnckct KqoL LnsL T HE subsrriber has lott a common sized red morocco pocket -book ; he had it out of his pocket about sim-et on Saturday evenimr last, i in the town of Salisbury. It had about R2i) in money in it, and a number of notes of hand on different perosuii one it against Isaiah I hibotc, of Darlington, S. C. t another given by a Mr. Flcuit to Sa.nuel Futtin ; and others that are not remeniberi.d, There was a glO.bill in it, nnjthe' KanV oTCu'pYFV end torn off and I tuJerid wi'h either seajing.wat or a w afer. A 'T.:K;iijf''-il,cr' r-.s.ttf L.t vrft.-aitta'ltw-yiit;!' on its delivery to the subscriber, or the printer in Salisbury. - H1AMIS MUiA ao Km Ifarigation Company.''- A MEE1INC. ofthe Preaideiit and Directors of this company , wll-be hejd at the liouse of William If. SUuhtcTin-tbe Ton of JJalis bury, on Tuesday, the 18thl of November next. Also, a general mectjnp t)f the Stock holders will be held at the same place on Hiursduv, the 20th of November next, being the Tuesday anc Thursday of Rowan county court. . A. D. MLBPHEY, rmUlent. . October 22, 1823. 4t8J roLlTlCAIa. ra tea wiartat ciaoiiua. Ah, bLtfi lit following it extracted from letter to jft wW man In Yliit tow a. Tike r! Ut k $ renllrmaa of (Saiinctioa) In nr'ghbor inf ata'e, who hu Jnf Jled fxxl deal, cf kit. In the I't lion. Tliit, aith many idl.er oj) port n- n!tle ofJ(ilsIh,lJeiUf6"1itl'lnotfn "unBott and Jmb-jpeatlehee, entitle, bit jjnlont q nnjcb retpect. H it to I hoped, therefore, that the mofivte of the publither of tbii letter wilt be properly re gar Jed, nri cpccully by tle fiiamd that rote It. B. , , tlT'tfT. " In Ne Yo.k, I c ii(LK the corneal will be bcliatcn t Ihouiv and Adam and il I am tigblly informed, Il will be a closr ntie. , Crawford it fn the decline j hi forre, at tcat, h only a' out AH.nv. lie tannot t ny I'ale north of thf Polotnn but little Delaware j etui htr only, by the aurceta of the federal prt)f in their prea f nt ttrugle. I hit teemi a frute aup ki1 fur the sttutivf .'cfiutiticun ! ! am fit :nly cot) ixrrd, that your aile id f)hio fmw have the power .f electing the- Pre idrnt. If Ohio (of which tiicrr it a tttong M.ttr) tlHtild detlarc for ( all.otiti, the yv fern ttatet a ill jnin her ; for if v)Mild lc i!i to run western man without thti he fotiith' treat atatf ; ai,d I'alhoim i the titoiiil (hone in the other wetutf state a. Nlu.uid North-t'aroiina dcrlaie (or ( .1'ioiin, N'hiii'u who now prctctula to die (. ) would h..ve to fJtoi?, itit'cidol l ading hrr , are i pledjrrd to it from the very courae he h..t puitucd : h.,t. let me atk, it the'eourae, in justice, (i.dour tid cJelicacv. thr oiiy:ht to have taarn in the preient ronint ? H hat bud we riht oetprrt from tlis reut trute ? nrely .fter fillit'tr the oflire with her sont lot two and thirty ye..r, her wj'bf m lister.; wha had in the oi.n in.e iun to ber ni'linui wny jcniousy nr beni tnni'iv l ad a ria: lit to exp'tt in irtutn ml ;. modrrut ofnud digt.il y, n le;"t ! Wli'-cold tavc tkM-rt H.alift thin t e her ihni.i tin; herself itro Hie forrniost lucknof the oiitrai di irftin;; to, and ullinfj iiHyii. Irr sistcra ol the s'Uih in-in l r jit y arwtind l.er, ami Mtproit thr mn of her c tmii e. mrtclv because he hupiniicd to h.ne bren lieu' tten or lnin"wT4iin her Vini:t ? Tlie iinttiice oi i note m iru.r.H Wito are KK -l.ti;ioi-a Jipun HS 1 itt.va- rubly tbiai I he ctliti t muat be be twrrn I touxhern and northern man ; and Crawford It the it run vrU of the toti'h; from our knowledge ut Mt. Adams' chtr arter, of the certainty tiut he never ran unite the Republican prtty,aiicl of hitia yeterute prejudirct on some Mihjertt of ttrep tnte-t est trttbe-Dotrtbv more e-spri nl 1 on that (the Missouri question) which o recently threatened Ihr integrity of the Union, we cannot support him." Well, even admitting all thit to be true, is the rourse Vi'inid tukct adapted to berend Surely not. Instead of emmtnewg the contest, und dictating to others, tbe ouht to have shewn tome modesty and furbenr ance, by consulting and uniting in the wlshetcf htr southern titters. Sheouiht to bare joined with them in the selection of a candidal who might be the strong est in the unit, and the leaM ohnoxions to the hoi lb ; in other oid, Ui only man likely to succeed. How proud and eleva ted the station she then would occupy ! still wielding her threat moral force with her former m.iKTnni;iVity,und forthe sunic disinteiesttd .tiid nutionul purposes. 44 I his i the courae her first rate men wish her now to take ; indeed, they say their state is not pledged ; tht her (itofik have not determined. Ritchie, and a few politic irtns iibout Kirhmond, chiefly nirm bert ol I onreis. yrho hve been brought r fiy persons f ertttTiTlaiif to '-orwi'Sl'inal rtt!n$-; ftai!e " e Wintwm soon sec, in '' tpl!e"6Ttn'e tmcantiid lb!it of the Enquirer or. smothering: inforniatinn on this iubject from other qu;ntcis, that Crawford cannot be elected; that lie ran not, even if Calhoun wus out ol the way, and the nhole south were to join in his support, because he cannot get a Mate in the west, nor in the north, except Dela ware; they have all declared against hint. Calhoun's thance, on the other hand, 1 think better than that ol any other. I am rohfidem he caft"beaf aiiy 6rtTemnBinpe handed. He will gain ttrencVth as he is BetleTKiiow h tSW'iothjngtor, but on the contrary every thing to hope, fromi i4lKsMf"iwl -irtyet tiwrrofl t"rjtlitT" cat career has, for its JarutieFrt, br en. ceri tttlnly-tr-jrii1t loiis iio important nicasutc hat pa?sed in his lime, with which his name is not identified ; of most of them, h Wa been the author of a!, the active supporter; In his whole career he has not railed in a tingle imfiorcanl tnrptvre. Ife it candid and undisguised; his systems? measures.. unci opiyiionf are, as .they oubt to be known to hit couwrjnien. 1 hcte crinot,i he a better Ksl of mm, than the tctr, srnhet and ieriurf kit public life Compart Ihetty then, of Mt. Calhoun, with those of Mr. Crawford and, if sou !ee, with thte ol Mr. Adams. Mr. Cr ford wat a Senator in Congret. when Mr. Calhoun so eminently di'in. Vu I h r df l(fm sTe 1 f f i jr " i R e energy rni pwei ul bif uknta a.nd (lt munt of bit mea . sures. (whtn even the HlrhmonH Lhqbl rrr yielded trim the tribme ttf ipplaUe ) ct whal !nc lut Mr. Crawford !eft,lhat poMerity could know he was there U lid, to be ture, endeavor to renew the c hartrr of lht old U. H. nnk, wi:h all lit dtfcrtt and lorruptiuiis, aiwlmade bis ctcautst eflnrt tnd bwqreit speech Sipon Ibe occasion! but irjailrdl Calhoun, not long after, with a vie w of es jblUhlni; sound cutrency, and aldinc the fmunt ct of the country, proposed the present t bar ter and notwithstanding a powerful op position of talent and character, he ue fftdtdt Crawford opposed and tidieuled the act for the eaUbiihtvcM of a nnvr i Juiied ogam ! Calhe-tin was one of itt first Incnds and most ut'ive supporters j tud wat again inumimnt I ( raw ford failed in bit lix pt ttni. Hit pliti far civili tin); the Indians rcmaitit ( to be tried, net is indeed to be rariied into effect bt the blini bv t upid ! ! Hit views on the subject of intern il impiovemmt, he ttu cln.uslv conceals and even rrfWttORi'e the in on a rrtprrlful call ftoni Congrctt. he I'.tiqnirer -says he is not oblird lo Kte I lit-in like fniistaii, nr wnuiu not iye a ir-isou on rcnipiil.ion, if rrtsont wrtr as plenty a hLrklM tries. The late tbYuilMUett on the froiiiKrt is another tiiutnph ol Calbmtn's wiuioti and fore- ijs.bt. He rrcoitinicnded, ynu remem bcr, the iiisttiliuiioii of ini-.l' force on our western borders, to preset vt peace. protect our rtt'fi ns, and lo keep in cheek tbe-BitisIr tntWcrt. 1 ba-ratlical nrtrv tifictt rlbe pic u lice of Viontinrv, rejecled the itcoirniciidationj the contequence !i.is been the ion. of .niaiiy Ii v e s and will, ;iub..i!y coat the nation twenty timet at much us thr original piopositinn. Cal-j Imuit's pubiic life hus been trriet f aclt of iii.'IUk s.1 public utility, always and in every tphcie active tnd useful. What hate been Crawford'tr Merely gliding ion. office to cilice, reforming no abue. pioducin no amendment! fagging in the rotxmc, iid floating on tho current of bu wtnv-h-thtrclwggisJr tnacHvity of-i rut fihs wirhoor mmrng' a fin but for his own iinntcdiate advancement. 4 Mr. Adams wat also in the Senate S or 6 vrart, and how wat he distinguish rd. He wat, tio doubt, a very respecta hie member. Bui wat he, when oji thit theatre, surrounded with competition, at wat Mr. Calhoun, and considered a lead er f Wat he the actire and energetic pto poser of any important meaturetf Can Ins friends (at ran Ctlhoun't, point with pride tnd triumph to any such letuit in his pji li,.mentar careet Wat be, at a member of the Republican party , com mitted on any of the preliminary . ques tions leaning to the war I Wat hit politi cal fate linked with that of the aupportera of the war? would-he have-fallen with them, if the opposition party had proved successful in Renins the rein? of govern ment f If 1 mistake not, he hud very lit tle of Irs re4ponsibiritjr-Bpon hirn;He us f.ir ft on. partaking of ittchancet, and glooms, and peiiW ; be wat enjoying qui etly the luxuries of a foreign court. ' I am willing to admit that be it an able writer and negociiitor, und that he hat hud much expert, nee In foreign count; but it this experience Better lor the Presidency than a home experience of active service and acquaintance with tuf people? an experience of their habits, charac.t.er 8sidetrmtTire the-ffsrfff crafTcSidenT uo pofuix.pfedt nc ir valvar i4tiat ton v hK ta eTir ;ottJTi.! be hat nothing to do but lo leant the eti quette am) put on the drest of (he court, turn out his toes, and make bows at le- vcet." &c. a . v Front the Ualtimori Clirotu'cle.X . We feci, aa Americans the disgrace attached.to our country, when we hear that certain private and confidential let; tert addressed by President Adams In his cbTfesponcTentf hbwdFad,ihduTd De from the tomb of oblivion and .jjien the world "rntpiinphTef,'j(oMhe purpose of effecting the next Presidential election of !cxa:iir.i .we. know: ftolr-orlaxwf the si fgtttest 'tntitt po: eBuirefPresld'e'ht miams it responsiutc lor tiiw own wgios, bis own actions and his own motives, at the tremendous bar of hit Creator, and that hour it niih at hand. But this vio htion of confidence, 'this rapacity that even pursues and plunders the ashes of the tomb, will be marked down against us on the other side of the Atlantic. It will tidd.anothei page of lite English vo- lutie of Ir.vfctjre and reprnaeh, be ri'e l rsidriier'or our batb-rous niatineri, "4 we sh!l be rom p lied to crouch tnd I T the t ir; I t of sticn sr it rit y with all tl pml. nce of r I 1 pbi.ow.pbt, and with no other twisi,i.,'i(i '.it His that we de sr n'e, lur ti rej ronrhei. . , voc va m a. CAinonC . - We are very much pleased with the , 'tiind-of the henirtl-trrefal "lhr the r Crwfnrlitra cn bring to hear u; on ut. the ONLY objection that we have ever4 heard against Mr. CaH'oun U I Is yuih ar.'J thit objection It the mn;t falllous, in point nt fact and argument, that col l possibly m ronrelveoV To Ulk or a y.uf.V" of more thn forty veurs of sgr, it asy mrngthe absurdity of Snktpeare'stlownj ' tnd Mtlng, 44 your worship it a grive anj reverend yottth." ' But admitting the ny allrpatlrt agalntt Mr. Calhoun it It enough lo , lh.it 'd Braddock (for. Inst mce) tacrificed n army t'ne remnant of which wi saved by young Washington. Ytug Anol! wa one of the Idols cf the aimy '.Id Arnold wt a traitor. Young William Hull ilil- tinguUhrd Mmsrlf In the chivalrous tn- tcipile through the tsllderpest to Quebeo tld William Hull wtt condemned to bo shot at cowird, and tveprcted of treat h-1- ery. Ycung Mr. Croghan -saved tlie fort at Sandusky, ul Ibe rijk ofdisoheving ths ordcrt of hit old general Young Pt rry destroyed Ibe whole fleet of bit elder en emv tou? M'Donouch Utlo. Atnl . vovko Calhoun wat an efficient and (lit tiiiKuithed chairman of the commit re cf foreign relatlona, the most reaponsiMo post in time of war that could be occupied in the nation! legislature. . ,;. , A'cw for PaitkU ' ' "' KF.W OKK PONTIC!!. In New-York, on .Wednesday etenln the 13th rlrnht- dcmotratlc" 1-rput.rit-nt ' in the di fferent wards held mectiiivt to choose delegate to the general rrptibli can rommiitee for nominutlng nirmhi-rt of assembly. The ttippottera of Mr Cttwi-oRo exerted themselves to elect , tucb delegatei aa would nominate mem bert of tstemblv favoitb'e to the Comin- uanreof the power of chojslrtg preiidea . tlaleletlort In the ban of the legislature. the frienda of other-demtjerrttic" tahcti drfles for th presidency made r fforta tty" tfliiCl.aucJL jiomlnlon a-wwiM f-- vorable.Jo i8e trantfer of thai power tt . the firefile. They succeeded In obtaining4 a considerable majority h the central nomination tommi tee, who, It it believed, will name only member that will author , ite the people, at tbeit ordinary elections, to choose electors of Pie sident and Vifa President; Inthe event of inch chur.ger Mr. CttwroRD will stand no possiblt rhance of obtaining the votes of New York. Indeed, whether such a change bit . . affected or not, li ia. believed that a major ity ef the acxl New York legislature will be decidedly against him, and of eourto ' the elector will alto bt opposed to him. fronklin Utzette. GEN. JACRSOV. .. ' - Extract a tetter torn Aftrfreetboro ( Ten.) to a gentleman in Wuihinfton. . ' ' For several days nasi I have been at Ibis ; -' place, w her -our tgUia4ur l-ln -tea; -sioni and until to das, every thing hat r!" been warmth and" confusion. Col. vil-- ; lijmt had been 8 or 10 days before tht . Assembly forthe appointment of S' ntor opposed by Mr. Roller and Mr. it bee not content with thia state of things, tome f the membm determined tipon uting C : the name of Jackton i thit done, all reti- red from the, conteat except Williams i t- ;. and yesterday tht trial came, on, amidst , eventuated in tlvebolce vrn.e"'t;fAeriT, 354'3.Vr-Ymr,illfTrmrse'haTe-the riwkrywirtift that fiene ral Jackson was put up, by lha Legislature, after many, as they, alleged -. wat the tause, had promised the Col, to vote lor him ; and the clamor that Last fennetsee should, In obedience to long 4 established custom, have tbe Senator re- ' tide there, U ahould not produce surprise - -that the poll was as you tee it, is and yet doubtless you shall tee it insisted upon tbat here it strong evidence, of Mr. Craw-" ford Y strength. .in ; Tennessee. It it no ciixjimstanc forJiod Jac asTic was, been " presented' earlier arid beToro many members had become pledged, . . Sttit!Wa11l votes, and; these yvould have been-lost -on -- gecjapljindeinhat Eatt Tennensee hj the common long practice of tbe State ' was entitled to the Senator., ; , ' t Jar k son has been drawn most reluctant'.' ; ly from his retirement,. into public life ; ' but acting on his a vowed policy not- to ask'' .for, nor decline office, he replied his ' , fi iendt, that they might do with -him as they pleased though he would prefer to Ue.extuscd. ' 1 i 4 ?.',WT . . - ' 1

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