11? ) r r : "w; VwT i : l I t j 1 IfiVaV s . , 'v.. w ... .. - N- VOL. IV. HALISIUJIIY, N. (J..TUKSHAY, NOVKMIWU IB, 1823. no. ifio; a taiaria aa ritim, srta wtsa, ISr PIIILO WJI1TK. Tka term of the Wester Carolinian Hereafter be aa follow 1 1 77.' JOw A tear, payable In advance. Advertisements tiHt Mfl a, fifty cents ., ptr square fr the flrit Insertion, and twenty-five . xrn ff eaJ l"j4t.uA , AQ letters addreaa-d tu llT.Jitor, Hiust be f.H-fl, or they will fvrt be attt-mUd to. . . .Land for Sale, l',uUr a decrn ike Cawrf f xijr II nan County. 1 V virtue of turulr) decreet of the Cmirt of J I rj'iity forHowan county, made a' October term, 123, I will expo 10 publtc tale, at the tlwH-llmue i Joluryr-oa W'cdttcjday the , JOth. of December next, U.e following valuable tract of I .and, visi One tract Bear Alexander Jyont'i mill, not far from the mouth of Gnint't creek, containing 93 aerei i one other tract tljoininr Ute lands of William Smith and tlrx arxlrr Long, containing 91 acres i one other tract on the Yadkin river, be bar the mouth, of Crane creek, containing UJ arm j three other tracts adjoining the bat mentioned tract, eon tajning together 39 icmi also, four lots ly. Inr in the great north souar of tba town of tfalitburf, known and described in the plan of aid town by Not, 19, SOL 60 and 6J ; Hit- shove property beloni to the hcin at Uv of the lair Atesamler I'rohock. AIxj, at the tame time and plac, a tract of land lying on the water, of Hunting creek, in the Fork, of the Yadkin, adjoining Uie lauda of Samuel Little, Ilaker Jhnatun and other, con taining by eatimation 7T2 acres biloii)rinr to the hrlr at law of Ccorre Brandon, dee'd. Als at the aame time awl place, tract of Ijutd lyinjr on the Yadkin river, adjoining the Und of Nathaniel Perblea, Hilley LItia, Jamet Om l, and other, containing 2J acrea, niore or e t and bekmfng to the brirt at law of Joahoa Cayton, dee'd. AIo, at the aame time and' place, a tract of land lying on the water of Dutch Second creek, a iia .a a a a oountieu oy ine unaa oi Mniiaei uoniikan, jonn rrexU-r, and other. aiM containing 221 acrti,! oeuie aamenMre or lea, ocHingmg 10 me ncir, at Uw of John ranger, dec d. Alan, at the aame time and place, a tract of land lying on a branch of Second creek, com. - Aonljr called the W abrat Brarh,-.adjrnirfre Linda of George and Henry Kobitm, containing SOU acre a, and belonging to tlie heir at law of Margaret Robiaon, der'd. . A credit of twelve and eighteen montht will be given for the purrhaae n.oncy, on each of the above racu of land. A In, at the tame lime and place, will be tolj Mother tract, lying on the Water of Wethcro't creek, joining the Iredell tine, and adjoining the land of Keil al'KaV, Jamea Houaton, l)av'nl Foatcr, and other, containing uny-aix or forty eight aerca, belonging to the heir at Law of Alexander Cook, dLcU. . Thia tract will lie add txerrair uf Trdve toonrhi, with Intercit from the time of tale. . - . The ptirchaken will be required to give bon.li Uh apprared aecuritict, in every inatance; for the purchate money, CEO. LOCKE, CM. K. Or(.Aer 23, 1823. 7t84 Valuable Lands for Sale, Under a decrtt f thi Cirri f Equity, fur the reunjr tfHttkn. , IH obedience to a decree of the Court of Rquity for the county of Stokee, there will be expoacd to publio tale, at the Court-IIouae in Gcrmatiton, on the eighth day of December next, being the Monday of the Counir Court, .JlVf Jhe' jWlowing,lcU land-Utei-tho Eroperty of John Zimmerman, ten. dee'd. for the m fit of hit deviaeet : The first containing three hundred and ten acrea, more or leas, under improvement, Iving in Stoke county, on the main road Icadiner from Salctu by I lag) 'a to Salisbury, about aix mile from the tint place, on the aouth fork of Muddy wreea, adjoining nenry Miore ana otner. Tlieaecond oontaininir one hundred and eirht acre, more or lea, tinder impnvement, lying in the county of Davidson, on the, above road. on Keedy creek, adjoining Doctor Mataw and t.tra, at pretent in Uie tenancy of Christian - Zimmerman. The third contairng fort? acres, more or less, lying in the county of Davidson, adjoining Jacob Mock, Jacob Crater and others. Also, the following Lands, late the property of John Hauser, dee'd. or tlie benefit of hit Vidow and beir at law. f First, three adjoining tracts, under improve ment, containing seTenty-ix acres, more or less, lying in Uie county of Stokes, on the road lead WK .njJSale m bjf JtjMeXsLo Jlishurjr,Mir. tUa.4tiwt..laay ajdjowiii.yrhiKa - Rmhroclc md otheTS". """ " T more or less, near the above, on the Watera ofj -rMwM--ceki- adjoSiiing: rhilipraiCeo. Rotli. rock and others. ' .. , , . All the above Lands will be told on credit of w yesr airrx six nmnths,' fjie itx months to car' rj interest, the, purchasers giving bonds with approved security. Should no safe be effected the first day, of the whole or part,the'aale will be postponed from day to dayagreeably to law. Attendance will be given by Uie Clerk: and Mas ter of said Court. Test, . . . . JOHN C. RLUM, C, M, E, V Stoke totmty, Oct. 23, 1823. 6t82 -Kcsrw for-Salr-- 0XTttes!ar;tltri8if bfniberfein'af the couii-hotue in Sulisbury, sundry Tahia. ble and likely tfegrtet, conaiiting of jnen, wemen,' tr'?$weV'?af 'TcseA'Fearsode? it of one and tnt ears,-purchasers to secure the payment by giving bonds,' with Jwo or more approved securities, payable with the current notes of thp' bank in Uie state of North-Caroli-na. The sale will continue on Wednetday, the I9th, unless all the nrgroes are sold, on the first htyr' Additional termt will be made known on Uie day of sale. 4 - 'rry - ..".'. oumcient puis ot sale will be executed to pur- chaser. A. KESBTrT.rfV. Octoier 13, 1323. 5t80 , fttato of Norlli-Curolina, UirtoiN cnvMTT. SUP it Pr.MOU towrt of Uv, Vs-ohcr Term, 8X1. Mary llonpcr 1. Joahtia llooperi petition ft divnree. It tpoeariiig to the eat' a. Union uf lite eunrt, that J (Mima llooprr, defendant, la nit M inhabitant of ttvie tnar, It i t bur for ordered bf ad C'mrt, that fdiM '"" b mn-le tlrte rti"t,' In the lujtigh Su'r !! W'ruicrn f'anJIitian, g'Mng (kfi'ict to the At fen dM, t!il h anrar at U next Bupr.vr CHirt of Cum U k Kit (r Ht4y of linntln, wt the cuiirt hMj inUricolnlurvon the fimrlli .lun da ftf r the 4th ItoMa In March Mr, then ami there to anawer, Wad, or demur to the aaid petition, other iae U wilt be taken pro confcai, ami aljHlx'4 accordingly, Witntaa, laaun IUndiMin, clerk of tatd cmirt, at olTire, the fourth Moinlir aOrr the fuurth MoMlar in Kep. tiuAmr, A. Ik. lilHf and m the (bKiriUb )tu of the lmlieruleiice the U. ftatea. LAWN. IIKMlf.RtON, Trice adr. 3miU State of North-Carolina, I.IMC0LK fOCJlTT. SfPF.HIOH Court of law, October Term, 1821. f.lixa Ilevint, t. slttiron lteingt Iirtition for divorce. It apHiaring fu the aatia. action of the court, that himron itrvirgt, the defendant, it not an inhabitant of thia State, jt ia therefore ordrrd by the cwirt, that publication he made three month i- the Italeih Mar and Wettcrn Carolinian, giving witice to the defend, ant, that he appear at the next Superior Court of law fo be held for Iineln ennrty, at the eouHdiouae in line nln ton, on the 4h Monday aOer the4'h Monday of Man h next, then ami there to anawer, ph-ad, or demur to aaid pt ti tion, otherwiae it will be taken pro conft aao, and adjudged acrorilinlr, tTitneta, lawann Hen.leri 'l, clerk of aad court, at offic , tlie 4th MoihHi) aAerihe4'h Momtay of Nrptember, A. I). 18.1, ami in the 4 Xhytar of U.e lnlren dence of the I'mtcd StaUa.' 3tnt91r LAWN. IIF.NDKItSON. State of North-Carolina, I wiLKra cul'KTT ptOfllTof Eijuity, Sept. Term, 1821 ! Pill f-r j r,monv ; Nancy fox, by her nnt fiirnd - ,ot. rii.lttt, aeainrt llraxton Cox, and Joa. VttJlbom, alminja?rat'tr. It appearing to tne aatiafartion if the Court, that the dtftlHUi.t, Hraxuin Cm. tl tTtnn-TrsidrTrt of this ttalei nf ther. forr ..nk red bv the Cour. tliat imbrication be tiii.de in the Weatrrn Carolinian fr three ntrtntha aurceas'trlv, that unless the said defen dant a:"-ar at o.ir next Court to be held for the rounty of ilkea, i.t the Court-IIouae in Wilkes b.ro, on the at rond Monday in Match next, then and there to plead, ar.awer, or demur, or aaid bill will be taken pro confesao, ami hiard cx parte. . . J. liH XK,ir..CJU:. - Price adv. f4. 3mt9 I State of North-Carolina, -tt-eetMHH TN Equity, October term, 18 28 : James IUird, Mary Sweet, Wasliington Baird by bis guar, dian James llaird, William Crook and Rebecca hi w ifp, John, Agnew and Catharine hi wife, James Thompson and Margaret his wife, John S e I, Uilliam Fullerton and Catharine hit wife, Jamea Steel and Jane Steel, afrutiiJane Trip let, Thomas Steel an infant under the age of twenty-one years, 1 bom and John Itaird in fanta under the age of twenty -one vears, WU rhmt ftah-d, Peggy BiirdrJairc tltlndrand Tho-" maa Adams and wife : Petition for sale of real estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendants in Uiis case are citi- sena ot anouier ate, it is inereiore oruereo, . . " - t i .... . . ... ... p . .1. . I icntuuua 10 amu-iir i uiir ire. vuu i in r.'j.iu t, w be held for the county of Rowsn, at the court house in Salisbury, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and plead, an swer or demur to aaid petition, otherwiae it will be taken pro confeasn, and heard ex parte. GEO. LOCKE, C. ... Oct. 28, 1833. (Price adv. g4 7 J.) 3m89 State of North-Carolina, " STOKES COUHTT. COURT of Equity, April term, 1823 : John alon Clements) n. Acliillcs DcaUiragei Original bill to perpetuate testimony. It ap- S caring to the satisfaction of the court, that the efendant, Achilles Death rage, does not reside within the limits of 4his State, it is therefore or dered, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Western Carolinian, printed at Salisbury, that unless said defendant appear at the next Court of Equity, to be holden for th rAiintv of Stofcpa at the court -Uouae in tier- mantonfonthethjrdjlpnd dratnr- rfc full u ill hi" tat p ii uro coiiliiH&o. and i ffifi cause M atir Ootvaiur bearing expane, .rv: VVliJ iiU.U ffftl.iuv. Vat, . .L J011N.C. BLVf, Octimr ". " "TPrice ivd. S?J "6t8X ttatEJvTortli-Caroli . . KAfOl.PH COUH.TT. . - ; COURT of Equity, Fall Term,, 1823 l&aac Pennington, w. Charles Johnson, and oth er : Bill in Eqtiity".ir annearing to tlie satis-' faction of the Court, that Jamee Harris, and" Har dy Hall, and Mary bit wife, (heira at law of John Harris, dei'd.) are not inhabitants of this State, it was ordered by the Court, that publication be mad in the. Western Carolinian fur six weeks, that -tmletB the-id-Jme-Hiri, and.Jlardy Htmd' Mary hitwif the three fin davs of our next Coiirtof I'-quity to be held for the, county of Rando'lph, on tlie firaJtlQnx.ajrithe, fourth. Monday M wh ffeaJand. sllfew 'fitiste' nil)' '-they-afialr nct- fee made parties defendant, and answer the" com. plainant'a bill, thitt the same will be taken pro cOnfesso, and heard ex parte. - . A copv; 11. ELLIU IT, C. U M. C. Price adv, 1 6t8'2 ' The: jMilitia. Laws. THOSE Militia Oflicers who have expressed a wish to be possessed of the militia Taws, can. now oesuppuea witn ine juien reiiiwu vi Uietn, by applying at the prbting-olHce. 7 , -; ni;w AssoirniKNTj rTIHK avihwrriber hat ery recently received aV Irwm 1'lula.lrljiliia, an aaaonment of Dry (jootls, liunlwure, , Ctitrrv mn4 Ihmmila t which, vlth the taaortmem hvperia to rc crn. in an on lirnr, py rnaoie Mm 10 acll at wWaftory price. , Ike puhkeare rvarectful! invited to cal ij4.f,xmif)e for Uirnarlvct. ' r.iiwAHU citr.ss. The roiipcrtmithinr, and Tin Plate buaineaa heretofore tntnaaded by I). Crrtt, aen. will in Piture be conju,trj by Die, at tlie tame place, Vhoac who favor no with thi ircnatom, marlc pf-ml on having their work done with neatntaa. dnrabititjr ami dtepateh, T.nwn. ntr.M. St'llins uiniHintllv IiOV, TtlF. aubaenbrr ia now remving a large a a ortment of DHV f.C)0iS HAltU-M Altf, LL'TI.r.RY, DOME I ICKH, l . from New York and I'hiladclphia, a. hdrd by hitnat If w ith ewre, and bought on thf beat tentit. Ik-ing anx lout to aeeiire a eont'nuance of l i prvaen rea- pectable euatom, lie haa come to a determina tion to offer hit citenaive at. k of (i.KxIa in - I ahnry, at prircl whirl., in In. opinion, will be found at low at the price of thoe w l.o advertiae "aellii g off at coat " Mia ruatmnt rt ami the pwhlio generallv, are invited tu call, examine, and judge (or thamaclvea, JOMV all ltKUY. iVewan Cannf, M C. Juf. 1823. '66 Tailoring, at Lincolnton. bacrihrr r turns his thanks to the riti- ns of Ijne.ilnton and its vtrimtv. for the very I Ural patronage with which they have hitherto favored hiiii id begs Vive to inform his friends and the public in general, that he will ill continue to carry on the above business in all it various branch, s, at his old stand. He aaauret all w ho w ill for him tb tlieir custom, that their w ork ahl be performed in a fashion able and durable n am r. As be is determined nt to have any inferior workmen u id.r him, he ft t la confident that his punctual attention to the iiert.u nance of his promiata, and the auptrior nle in which hi I, ment h.m the ndenc and favor ol all his frienda. He baa hitherto b tn. acct.totned to obtain the lit tat fashions from Charlcann, and will still endeavor to do so, twice a yi-sr, by the m-rrliants who visit that City. l'he scbtcrlher can aaaure aO ho may w ih to favor hint w Tth their patronage, that bj has become master nf tlie art tSf cutting glnnenta agTeeablv to the bt flan knrwn in the. .I'nifcd. Vaia Hlf vmj wrrtt is the moat eaaential part in niaking a g-nent, it can alao aaure them, as h- kevs nm.e but gfod irk me n, that part sJrwfl'l- w'Vai tot.lv pi r- fofmed. All who kre luiao.tam'td ' ith the aob- smbrrr if tnttrpr manaliip, are retrrrrd to any of- the f wing mercnams or i jticoii..n, v.ro r.vvr uvrrrd mm with liberal patronage, vir : Pol. Jn'in Hike, Col. Daniel Mok?, Dav4 tt.ifr-jnr,-Jeh vtami tour, Robert TT. Burt&n, Jhc .T. F"nu vran.T.laccb Hienhardt, Laqa. DAMLL SIK.I.K JJnilnt, (ht. 27, 18.'3. 7htf P. 8. My prici aha'l he favr.b'e, .is the timet are growing aomtwhal duller and more Opprewarve. -- Wtmae fur ftfti. T W ILL sell n.y House and IxA in Ka "19 1 hahnrv. nn arrn'iinui.li.t'na' linn. App, t0 T Co n T or to ,f in ioi, convenicni lor a lawyer or rnvsictan. JOHN rxcKvuni. Satiibmy, Mirth 8, 1 823.- '44tf Caution. NOTICE ia. hereby given to theptihlc, that the aeveral notes of hand given by ftrice and John little to Mrs. Hart, for the house, mill and lands, at Bea tie's Ford, ill not be paid, if traded awav. WILLIAM LITTLE. .JVt. 3, 1823. 3t80 Yadkin Navigation Company. A MEETING of the Pre sident and Directors of thia company, will be held at (the house of William II. Slaughter, in the Town of Salis bury, on Tuesday, the 18th of Koven her next. Also, a general meeting of the Stockholder will be held at the same place on Thorsduy, the 20th of November next, being Uie Tuesday and Thursday of Rowan tounty cmirt. ' K. D. MUUPHET, Pre$iJrnt. October 22, 1823. ! 4t80 - -:bejlx.e: cocnty. "r tOt'RT of Ttew aTTrHttraTter Stwnttp J tember Session, 1823,..HCharlcs M'UoweU William rJTckson 1iTr1 tfht of hi wife-Margaret, Athon A. M'Dowell, William Paxton in right Of' hit Wife Sarah, and Jame R. M'lauw H, lieirs at Taw ortliarlet M'Dowell, deceased, ve. John M'UovelL William W'hitson,. Samuel Whitson, George Whitson, Jamei Whitson, I homas Whit son, Joseph Whitson, Ann Whitson, Polly Whit son now PoBv Ilardin," Rcbeckah wife of Tho ma 1 M'Entire, Thomas L. M'Entire, William Smith and Sally' his wife, devisees of John M Dowell, dee'd 1 and John M'Dowell and Jamos M'DowelV heirs at mW of Joseph' M'Dowell, dee'd 1 netitionfor nartition." It appearing to the aatisfwetion-of the c6rt,thtMilliam ttltit. son; "Samuel whrtsoni Cleorge v tiKsonr James Whitson, TUomaa. WhittonJ Ann "Whitson, Polly Whitson. ("now Pollv Hardin.) and Martin I lar din, and lliomtt L'. sfEntire, reaide without tfie j court,, that publication .be made tr ir weeks, at the Cotirt-Ilbuse in- Moganton, and In Hie Western Carolinian, that unless they ippcar be fore the Justice of -the' Court' .of Plea and Quartet Sessions, to be held for aaid county at the Court-Honse in Moj-ganton, on tho fourth Monday in January next, ami plead, answer, or demur, otherwise the petitioner's petitiotfwi.il be Uixen, pro contesso, ana iicam r pane. ; Attest, J. EUW I N, CM'. ' Price adr. 3 00 - - 6wiBl .... " 1NTF.UJ0KNCK. "Tilling of war, and of adventures new." fHOil JlCHOPR. The ct'lior u( the PLil-rlalp:,! Nation a) Catettc h4 rerelvrd a f.lo of llie Ctl! nt tpatK-ra flurry f..ft nulan the Bih . r f i . . i '" bi rveptcniner Hirnuive,, nc Iiu.ni-tjr lw the 6th (he autet) tontairn an uffn al ar tllei dsled hc t!jy tefgrt i.wl iih calli, in thf namt ttf the king, Pvecling of Ifje F.Tturdfnary ('orr, to be held crt the 6th. for thw puipote of drlibrrutiug upon an ripoviilon f the State uf the Nation, l.Uh the e ttecu'lv Uaticli of the gov crnmrm bad to offer. AfcordinlyiJbi.Cwilf.rcTc.o;cDtd on the 6ik, and the President of the per manctit committee delivered Bftuit ad dress, in which he atated to them the ob ject of the convocation, and mentioned thui csusei and eenii'hlch it would be superfluous to specify, had brought thing to A irpiiful tr'teit) but that the fault wai not theirs, and their rotiMicncea would remain undisturbed. The oath prescri bed by the Constitution was (hen taken by the members then present, of whoro we nave counted, on the list oi names. upward rfuna hundred, comprising Ar Ruelleit Galianot Vsldex, and the most re aolute patriots. A committee was ap- pointed to wait on the kin; with the noti fication thai the Cole were installed. In the evening, all the ministers of State being present, the following mes sage rem the King, was read to the as- aenihh by the speaker: J. Grntlr'mrn lirhutirt t On that impor tant djy on whiih the. ordinary Cortes of the pretent year closed their session, I announced to you that if circumstances should require it, I would seek In the Extraordinary Cortes, a ineana of safety for Ihe vessel of atate. An exposition which my ministers are, by my order, to subrhlt to you, will shew that the Tetael of s'ste it on the point of Wins; wrecked, if the Congress do not exert themselves to save it. . What is to be laid before you will also palpably evince hov imff'ttutd fiuve brrtt alt tfforti made to ebtutn an kon- orabU finite t because the enemy, bent up- on purtuing his purpose iotrfcrin gatrrt-wi-njmrni tne atuirs oi tnis kingdom, persists in not treating but with me alone U ft tonmigo- ao.or y libre) ard will not consent to re rd me as free nrtrmr imm1 t1 yyWaWVy4 i HtU. Inconceivaule and ominous free :om,'whove sole basis is the disgrace ( i if . ir . j? ; s.. .l. qeuvcnnij jroujrse.u. L9ls.vt.eji9njiiiojn5 lianas of or ene my I " Make provision, Gentlemen Depu ties, for the exigencies of the country from which I ahould not and will never si patate my lot i and being .convinced that the tnrmr holds as naught reason and juaUcr, unlns they be supported by force, examine quickly the evil and the reme- After therearling of the energetic dia-.iaiw-arler'tuie exposition spoken of, must be considered in secret sifting ; and the doors were soon after shut. At the re opening of them, the speaker stated that it had been resoi ved to make the exposition public, which communicated 10' the' Cortea the lamenta ble tondiiibit ;of the national' affairs the Mfps taken by the executire government since' the invasion of the l iench;' the means which had been repeatedly used to procure an honorable peace the futility of all the attempts, owing to the obstinacy of the enemy' in his purpose the partic ular situation of the. Isle ot Cadiz; (he dearth of resources, and the necessity of 0 vigorous application by the- Cortes of all attainable means for the endi of, the cause maintained in the present struggle. We obberve bv the proclamation of tne 4wUtaryMCu ariiiTr,' DtnMniiA tti liiA 45, was to present bimseil within three tional municipality, to be irraed. snd em' bodied for the public service that wjuH sitionsrwere'tssued' fof.- forty "thousand sand ljatj t and for provisions' and mtirfl- r ' J !.S - - I !- tions of every description 1 and in .short, that every preparation was' on foot , for holding out to the last extremity : ' : t ;Ve infer - from wna't we have" read In the Cadiz papers, that there was but little probability et d comftromine. t is known that Cadiz had not surrendered on the 19th Sept. . : '. ,' .i' -'"' ; The Boston Commercial Gazette an notinces the arrival, at Portland, on Thurs days i.rom ru Lucar, tnear t.uiz,j wnn accounts to the I9th'ofSeptcmber fur nishing gratifying intelligence of the suc cess of the Spaniards in defending Cadiz and the fause of their country. ;v 'It is stated that, on the 26th of August, the French attacked the Cano Frocavdaro. a smalf iland used as a Navy Yard, and WRE REPULSEP, rich the lot of One Ih'bMtnd Pirn, in titled and wundrd. H waa Intetidrd to he glvtn tip by the gov erhor; Lutthe garrison n r 0ly ifrmdt ihefthcf, but hung ufi t V e; ivtmor without trrrnoi.v, u en m'f.ri tt ttoilvrt ! 'It ta rtporud It ', J.urar thit the " Fici.ch ti.sd v lc a-i f.!:,tk on or near St. Petr, tlie rratilt of which was. that they - " Ii.T"0u r c p: ti ti Ikuis want., r.e frijftitf ma tcriali'y injure I, and a rUrt.lirr of Iir f w , lut."rbe'Sf.Xui:ratui.iit8Coi.fiwn tho - t . Tall of I r'Ha lciot.l Ut Sv it W4 ol J to the Frtnch for 70 000 tellers, 1 his, of ' count, l dct.lcd l tl' French, who af , ' firm that t ts carried by the talor of thsir tniops. It waa teporteJ at St. I.ucsr, Sept. I6 thit CinrAMirftud frllrrd to tlie r'asti of St. Sebastian, for fear of being shot by Rirgo. It appear! that Alnar was one ol the Commissioners sent from Cadli to treat with the Duke, In Ihe absence of'. Hie go. lie bring on the borders of Mai . aga, and heating the clrcumsut.ee, pro ceeded in has e for Cadiz, eluded the French, and arrived In SaTctyj and, by harranging the populace on the subject of their liberty, telling them it was tiisgNee' fill even to ntTef any terms, Ihe negoiii ( tion was broken oITh Aa. Intel. , ; '''''- -,, 1 .: LATEST rUDU IFAI.V f Capt. Ellis, from Mai jits, arttrtd s .. Dostorit Infoimi, that the French (roups . left that place in the night, about 4 days previous to his sailing, (the 2 1 st Sept.) It was not known where they had gunr. Nothing was known at Mai a era rcspettln; . Cadis, as all communication bet ween those places had been rut of. Capt. K. states, , that he was in the vicinity of t'adia for several days in .light fogy wrathrr, and hesrd a continual firing of cannon. ' Jus ' before the trudmi Irft alagt' tb American Conul gave to CaW.EJIis paper, of whirb tbe following is a ropy 1 . Newt has just reached us, that KlB oo ailer iing tbe'Fietuh comt'kte -1 beatmg in the atretlsxf Jaz u leavuig 700 . of them dead, besides wounded, pi or re drd on his march, and was In a phtr rail V f d La Cron, rapit'l v marchttig toward. Madrid, and was in expectation ol joining ' with Marti, the Empcrhiado 1 and but ment, within a few leagues of the capitafof Spain. Tho ramhotliies of this placed spread a report two days alnce, that be aa captui.cd 1 but if was mtrfl.to'dc": fefven0drinriindleep fcdTfetTi" hope of the- servile more properly eall ed the Banditti f Spam., -If the- Government of Cadit-Temain firm a very abort time longervihe face of aflTairs in this unhappy country will wear a different aspect, and Furope may havs to thank Spain forsaving all tho Conll- jnent from despotism.' - - ' - , u I he conduct of Kiego while In thia : place has been reported in the Gibraltar Chronicle in a base and shsmefuUight- false in every respect, and a tissue of lies. He acted like a gallant aoldter, and a firm uninl'en" Palrlbf i aiiidi 'amonar "iff tn fienrrals In Spain, he has proved himself capable o( acting for his unfortunate coutv try in the.true style f the old Komaus. ' lUloga, 20th Sept. 1823.", . - ;: LATE FROM ENGLAND, if: atzw torn, iovf. 3. 1 be racket ship . . Canada, t ap'Macy, artived on Saturday . from Liverpool, whence she aailed on the 28th of September, having been detained Ironi the J6th, by adverae winds. 1 . - We are lurtdshed with regular files to the 16th, and part of those to the last dates, including a Liverpool paper of tho 27th September. I hey announce aom operationa of the French army the most , important of which ia the capture of Pum peluna, with the whole garrison, consist -ing of nbout fiWjfoptr including mill-' ittpsfto wer 'marched lo7Trat.ee SQthi that thelJiQpcaJJDdC trwUuvurleaiuB'a-unio Pampeluna,- proceeded immediately for Lower' ' Catalonia, rand tZiut the TjIT er Ke uis and Lerida would be tbe im'meduto restjit." SUBRENDEU OF PAMPELUNA, ..' , We are without the official paiticuWt ' of. the attack by Jarsha .eurr'won upon ' this place. It apprars that the operations commenced on the 3d of Sept. und tho date of the capitulation is the 17(1. A private letter from the French camp. da- t ted on the .1 7th, ssys, After the affjir of the ,3d,-oar trooria had;" by a oesrwrsteTit tacki, taken': possession of the advance posts tend suburbs of Farnpeluna. 'Ihe trench had been opened, And the bombs wnlcn were thiownvlnto W Tow ri-Jire); ; quently set it on fire 1 but the flumes were promptly extinguished, tnd the town,' aa ; well as the citadel, answered our cannon' adein such a manner as made it presum able thatlhe enemy would hold out long but during the night, from the 15th to the 16th, the Angoulemp battery -made ' breach, and ha fire was so well sustained and directed, that it silenced the batteries -1,. VIST'S XttSVUi.

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