15. j i it incfti.wf Ifi? Gtnrr.t AnMj, .ball 4T Jittrtj l.i JirM from and pro if it a;aiei f r reo!ff( which t ma? iVmk irjuriout t public, or any UdlvHual, tad bevt tht ret gem t KU d.aunt toterti an tf.e jour- (a tiff 45. Hal neither Ilouif f lit Cea ril AiitmU tl.a'l proceed opoo pub He butiriMt unless a majority el 11 th members of eutU Ua ire tctu a!lr MeifDti ml thaf. upon motion ma4 and tceoodcd. the r f4 .... na,i,:upua any, queiUefl, .ir1l te.lt Yen and entered 08 the iodratUl ltd tW iSa Uurnalt of tht oroceedinei of both Houses of iht General Aatcmfci abU fee printed, and madt public, im mediately ifter their adjournment. rvrKni vn'mM U ika Mrtrnt Ceaatlmtlot art It brackets art propcd la bt U4. t ttrUtct (ml. rnoposto kew conjtitutio. 7)k ContHtut'm "or Ftm of Gevtrnmtnt of MrthCartUna. StCTitt I. TM Legitlttivt author, 9 1y ahall b vetted to two distinct branchy flxua oepenieni on me pjj,, w, Senate and etr of Rtprttenlativtt, - Ste.3. Tbtttbt Senate ihailbttompo ad of Re&rtacntaUvet chosen by ballot, ewrrt; It yrtra, it wwwmt htrewafltr reeled. Sac. 3. TbaUbe HUtt of Eeprtten- ttiivtt ahall b eorapoaed f membera, tboten by UiVot, every two yrtra, It oa- hiTrinaflrr directed. See . 4. That tbt Senate and Houat af Jteprrtentativtl, wimbled for tbt pur- post of legietaUon, thai! tt dtoomineite tbt General Aascmtiy. 3te. I That each membtr of tbt San w. . ttt aAafl 1 trre eaAire attm nn. v Ae tref Jlelee, aAoi ttaiti to tht ojt p twenty vr frantHni thall bat usually rtaided to the in wwen nt 1. ! ' f ... t-,l!.i-l. nrv. I line ahall bave to pot acta, In the - . .1 .1.. .1 ... .....f , VV. j Vv.. Aie tun. e ttuien of tht Untied ttatet, tr.Vn hill baetutually rttided to th,e, county to which be la chosen, for one jear immediately precemng ma aiciuu,,, tnd for tit enontha ahall baet poateseed, - "tnd emtinut to posaeii,imbt county " " bicbKt re preaenta, not kit than ont iJiunarea acreipijangnjeaw .!.. ttrni of bil own life, or e freehold of tht waue of three hundred dUart. Stc. T. 1 bat allrrr white men ef tht ' - t?e of twenty-one yeara, who have been . lnhabitanta 01 any one county within the f State, twelve tnontha Imtpediately pre ceding tbt diy of ary election, and poa tencd of a freehold, wiihin the aame . nl hl, irm fil 1100. or qr me value 0yjiy dollar t, for six montha next -ielbt t and at the day of election ahtll be entitled tt vote for t member of the ben- ' te.' Sic. 8. That all free vlute men of the ge of twentr-ooe years, who have beeo Inliihitanta of an one. county wiihin the . . . i .iL. I m.IiiI.4 nrl. Cing me oay wi auy m" - . 'have paid public taxes, ahall be entitled to ; t ott for membera of the House of Befire ' tentative, for the county in which ht re sides. Sit. 9. That the Senate and House of . Refiretentativet, when met, ahall earh ' have power to choose t Speaker, and oth I er their dicers s be judges of the quali- . .. .. . r ..J -Ull ficationa and electiona of their members j alt upon their own adjournmente from day to day and prepare bills to br pasted into r Jaws. The two llouaea ahall direct write j of election, for aupplying intermediate ' : .: -c-- ,i,v .Ttr n::Tvnirmifc:nai1-.ifeM- TSCinciri. - . k ft...... i..r.M. iV,h '" paa'a into la i,"and be iled bfThe Spea iters of brb IFjuscI. . ' Sfc. 1 1. That every nerson, who shall j. be ci.oscn t member of the Senate or ' Hcti-jf ft lrfretentativt, or tppotnted ' tn an b.n a or nUce of trust, before t- Xliig his teut, or entet Jng upon the execu ticn of bia oiT.ee thall take an oath to the " ' Stnte i ard all officert ahall alao take an " oath of office. 1 Stc. 12. That the General Aaaembly : " t thall. bv joint ballot of both Houses, ap point Judges, of the Supreme and Sufif .,. , . . . ,,,,. -f I -ntu -liviii K.mntir.- and - an ...... ..... ... I L.-1I. V.... ...... m !. c?lucs tiui it';;" iM 'hehat lour. State thull be vnttd in a Governor f who ' thall bi tlrcttd by joint ballot (J buh Hvtet of the General Mcmb!u, and thall hild hit ; iffce for to yeen; He thall be at teatt ', thirty ytart o a dUnen of the United State,t, thall ht re idd . in ttie State for Jiyt- yeart immniiattly jircctding hit tiec- tiun, own uni jiotstit in the. Slate, a JrnhMofvi leant iwD thousand dollart in ' value? at I no per ton thud be elected Gtv erntrfer mrt that to ttnnt in kccm. t, . SI T'M !fl If I Seal 4l ... . H 1 . 1 . I - ,1 . I'. trti',-i r4 :' I T Mart etln may f.n.ihai and a'ull 1-a tailed the Crttt Rail of the Sftt ef North-Circtira. If4 U fcC.i'-.l t ail f rami and towmUilona. iic. 15. The Cititemyf for tt llmt U!nr Mt bt Ctptiio Canertt and Com mmdtr la Chief of tbt mlNtit and la the nctiK'f tbt Ocnartl Aawmblj, a!mli kavt povtrto trnbtC; il.t mtuut far the bubite iitetf . Ste. Id. Tbt Ctrcmor fr l!it time katnr abill bat Ner It draw Gif 4 applf auch tuma ni rwmey at au na o led br iht Central AaatrnWr. frrla . - .Hi eontlnteneSet if fotanunant, and 1 1 1- touniiUi t4 wtm forut amt i nt-tii bate the poer of sranttnR pr4n and rtprieta titept wbert tbt prt-ecuilon abill bt carried o bf ibi Central Aa atmblntr tbt law ahall thtrwiw direct j h bleb cia bt mif In tbt rtceaa t rant a rtnrittt nmil tht ntH alttlnf of tht Central Atiemblfl and may eurdtt til tbt oiher titcuiift ptrtof foeern mcnt, limited and renricied aa If thli Cnii'nnKW la menlontd, anj acctnflnr fa tht Uwi tf Iht Statt. And en bit dealb, Inabiliif, w abciKt from tbt faU, tbt Speaker or tht Senate, for int nmt otmK ndin tat thtrt bt Sfinktr e Iht Jm tit , ti ear ate, Iht iht fitrn e we htt Sfifke if tht Srnlt, tnd in ft 9 kit dfttk,iitiUity,trOenttrtm me oare, tbt Sntaker of tbt Htuat of Refirttnf tivet f and in ftae Ihtrt tyftier a Ikt llftt tf FefifttrnlaUvet at tuck Itmr then the fiermn wh0 wt Utt Sficakrr nthr tluuttf RffirttnMivti, ahall eiercite tbtDoweroftOTtnjatient.afieraucbt'eaili, or dorinf tuch abaenct tr Intbiliiy of tht Goeernor.t Speaker, or peraon at afort aJJ, or unul t new nomination la made by Iht Central Ataemble. StC If. h rrry raaf, tre tiy ef f er. the rijrhl tf apAo affimnimmt it vn - jMmklu. r in ike Gj , . . f- . e- .3. tf rf'tA. rftmoiin, rtmtvot, er eVr mana. ir Vftaii dHnf the trtttt 'tf iht General MtkUy,the Guvtmnr thall have fiovtr it -OIC. II. t Oat la uwfci iiwr, 4 uut 1 ui and Equty, end Attorney Central, ahall . " . , . . ' rrrr . rra.. Wrary 0 W,, -ec.10. TNtthe Gwtrnor, and other ofntera, offendinf iKatnet tht Statt. by iMaifcg "any "ipirt of " thla Consthution, ii)al alminitrttlon,or Corruption, may be protected, on tht imtttchment of tht 7our tfTtifimmtltVtf. Sac 21. That no peraona who bare heretofore or hereafter may be receiyere of public moneya, ahall htre a acat in et thtr Hjuat of General Aasembly, or be eligible to any office in thia State, until aucb peraona ahall have fully accounted for or paid into the Treasury, all eume for which tbey may be answerable and liable. Sac. 83. That no Treasurer ahall bare a aeat, either in the Senate or House of Reprnentaln t t during hit continuance in that office ; or before ho ahall htve finally settled hie accounts '-with the puplic, tor all the moneya which may be in hie hand attheeipirationof hia ofRco, belonging to the State, and hath paid the tame iote ihe handaof the succeeding Treasurer. - Sac 23. M officer, eithtr cM, military or mvoU in the twice 0 the United Statet, or eny ofArr Slait or Country, tha.l he en titled to a teat m the Smalt or Jhute of liefiretrntativet: ." " htc. 2. ffo Judge of the Supreme or Sufietiar -Count of Law and Equity ol thia State, thall be entitled to a teat in tho Senate and House of Jiefirecntativf, Stc. 25. Ab Srcretary 0 State, Comp troller, Attorney General, Solicitor-General, Soiic lort of the Sufierior Courtt of Liw, or Clerk Of any Court of Jtecbrd in thit Staff, thall be entitled to a teat in the Sen- i;ii"3TltWtlergymanr ? thr the Senate or House ot Rcpretenta . .,,,..... .. .. ti..-.. ... tivet, white he continues in the exercise of the pastoral function. ( Sue. Sr. That net Dcnon who ?hU 4z. ny the being of God, or the truth of the Protestant Ketigton,or the divine author ity of either the Old or New Teataments, or whu ahall bold religious princtpica in' compatible with the freedom and safety of-the State, ahall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit, in the civil department, within this State. "Stc. 28. Juttket of the Peere' within their tttpectivt'countie in thit Attj thall be appointed by thcGovernonb-j and with tht advice and content of Ue Senate ; entf commhtioned by the Governor, and thall hold their efficet during good behavior ; but they may be, removed frtm effice for cor: ruhiion, mitdemeanor, inability, or abtence from the State, by the General Jttembly. Sec. 29. General officer ej tnt-militia thall be appointed by tht Govern or, hu and with tht advice and consent cfthe Senate: Field of cert of the mli- tis hali ee tieetea ty me regimen r theijlehnri 6 ,f 7 li.i e7trt rac y 'f Mniff fa v AiA lAfV snj and that . . ... . i . i 1 laiJ cjVrri it affitintra man it tam mhmntd Im tht (hstrnm Sic. Srt, That there ahall U fo etiV llthment of anr r-nt relitioui tVurcb or denomination la thia Slate, It prelereaca ta anr other t neither ahall anr peraon, on atif prctrnct battoettri be compell ed la attend anr p ",n'P onr rj to bit tn fiih m Judgment, nor bt lAlltad la nar fur Iht Kuftbtlt tf Mf laU, or tht, bulldmi oi anr ntuit 01 1- - ; r - .. . onhip, tr tar tht raajntantoct oi anj 1l!.!.ir. er m'iniir. -cantart ,tt vbal l,a be!iVa riabt. or baa eoluntarjlf and peraonen enriJtd to perfamf -bul alUBW, immi l,.!i .t liketia 10 tttrclat their ! ..nmod. ofworablp , Protldad tha, noih-j tog berem eoniaintd ahall be cona'meo 0 exempt prtacbert of irtatBH4 or aeli- tloui rftcoureci, from legal trial and pun- - Uhment. mn. si. Ttit'nn oeratn in ibe State tball hold mote tbn one lot'ttite office at any one timei Proide that I no P nlarmnt In the tntlilla, or the fTice III uidct of tht pcact, aball bt totuidered Sic 32. That al! commUaiona and frania abll run to the name of the State of North Carolina, and bear tttt and he tha Coventor. All "riie ahtll run to the aame manner, and bear teal and ; 1 .j . .k-i'l-rfc.of the raattective I be tinned br ihe tlerla 01 tne reapecua Courta I Indtetmente ahtll camciu.ie, 14 tKintt the peace and dignity of the Si.tr." t ., Ste. JJ. That there ahall be a eherifT, coroner or coronra, and itnstablea, to etch rounty ttiihin thia Sttte. Stc. J. f hat the perton of a debtor, where there ia not a airon pietomrnion tf fraud, ahall not be confined in priton, fier delivering up, bona Sae, all hit re late, real and perw.al. for the use of hit crtditore, in urh mnar at thall hereof ler be regulated by U. All prttonere ahtll be b-iuble b tufficient turetiet, un Irtt lor capital " tBaiiTe'tT'whtn the proof b rviaent or he pie-aimption great. Sic Si. I hat t achil or echoale tki.lt be eiblMhed by the LegWaiure, tor the convenient inaini'tlnn of youth, with tuch alam to the m-nera. paid by th public, aa may. enable th'm to instruct at lewpricee ami -II uieful learntng shall be duly encour.td and promoted, in ote or mote onivertiiice. Sac 36. Th.t the Tuture Legtslature of this Stale bH reajulale entails in such a manner, at to prevent perpe tuiiiat. Sac 3T. I hat the Declaration of Rights is hereby declared to be ftn ef the tn st'nutioti tf this State, and ought never to be viola rd on any pretanct whatever. ! Sac. 38. That any member ef either Houte of General Atvcmbly, shall have liberty to d'utVntTrbm -nd proieiragttoK;-' ant act or resolve, which ha may think injurious to the public or any individual, end have the re.ton tf hia ditseot enter ed on the journals. Sac 39. That neither House of the General Assembly thall proceed upon public business, unlest a msjority ol all the membera of auch house ate actually present s And that, upon a mo'ioo made and tecot-drdhhe yeaa and n.ysupon any question shall be takan, and eulcred on the journl : And that the journals of the proceedings of both bous.es of tha General scmbiv sb-H be printed and made pub tic, Immediately alter their adjournment. SC 40. The Gmtrai Mtrmbly of thit Suf duillconvi i' at ihe S-f qj Guvrnment we in encru :wj Vh' ; but may be con ver(Jofien r by the Go vernor of the State, i, tn hit of.imun, the public mitral thall require it. Sac . 4 1 Prprrtentatirr thaV be appor tioned aviorg the trveral eouuitet and townt uceorriirtfto their rttpective numbert, whteh thall be determined, by adding to Ihe whole number ef jree white pwont, including thune bound to trrv ce for a term of ueart, and excluding Jndtant not taxnl, three ffth of all other pertont. The actual enumera thn thall le-atcennrn'd by the ctntut taken in thtM State btlhe Untied -taiet,. unlett nrftfnrimrvdirftied by hUie, JLtjtit!alutj.Mtut itrmiinr ffifihemdlr-tctiW oirfWrffWoyr)eaiaa I ienrett ery four thoutand in each county or luwn ; but earh county thaU have al itati one Rep retentat've : and until iht taking of the next miKU Of tht 4-cImnW enumeration under the authority of the Le gulature, Me tevera'l counties thall be enti tled to elect thejollowtng number cf Repre tentative i the coundet of Aht, Utaden, Brmtwick, Camden, Currituck, Cjarttrtt, Columbut, Chowan, Cybarrut, Gatet, Green, Hyde. Hertford, HaywotToWetrLenoity Martin,: Afooret Ontlow, Patquetank, Ptr OMinsunt, Richmond, Tyrrrty )ah, Craven, Xew-Janiver and U'-a'shingi6nthaU be en titled each la we. Representative Thtttun tiei ofJnuon, Buncombe,' JJurke, Beaufort, dett, Franklin, Jhtuten,- .tnitwnerj', 'erthamp. Ion, ., Per, Hockingham, Jtaudolph, Rtht un. Sum', Davidton, Zanpn M ayne, Htlktt, Cwtberlnud and l'erer, Aa each be entitli-d tt tiet ReprettntaUvet The ctimtiet tf iiut'jord, GrmmL'e, Habfax, Meckkmburg. Mutberf&d, S(tea tt &kf end lltwoa tkaM be entitled eaeh to Ikret JlrpreientMivei , The. cetmljr tf Lincoln tt four JietmtenlntivttJttmtf Orarig4 to. Jvt JtebretenhiHvee and tht Unetu i!mngh. Jtevoem ana r ayenenm, ' f y "a'f tmeh to one JlelnwntaKve? tit. 4l. 54 iUii A"4" A- '1'" a A.U a ay . a A"'' "w".r J a ""n, h lax A.. ar t"t i'm aiiM '"-"' ' iliAiy t,yum,4 tkl U4 tid puUe lr. Yi 1 4- mmh. a ana frrtkttiter in w y. a r.ra trhff Uml, f prfJr4 mif, thai in lh 9Hmu y nmmorr,, ,ju i.)iiMiiH iiaiil M" a anHifcrf a rrM-e- mkm, WIaW emmdertd al lUgig ar iar.41 hJt 1 0flrti'd I 4Ht . U,t,rnlnl, art 0frmnrJ. I ht $Uuent.MMttw "l Jt iX JT m, f..(y . Aatf w(lJrj, sir, tht Kmhtrd M w .vntaiw tht tmnU tf.uht endmiitt it e rat Indrf we uKf At t iaan . -f a i A f if tAmrmU M firnofri Ihtttrntg JtowH fW :OTrfMy,riadithr.Wfcf - ,4. tMtntm tt lkivdfn tnt StnaM Muting. im tnt Sinit, H'ktt Htmtt , C.wli tUori Cumberland ,M Sxnaltr i fix kuf wui Mr tnt SrnakrTt Qrnngt and rrrn thall H mblltd It tmt nar brnmtllr tnt Senator H kt tnt Sna$ hhnntn tnd ft aw va ,.r , irrrn . ' 'V Vaataa and AWA a Siwai'i tkr, ILnfird ta .wut. , and Mat. Aa t enUtieU to iwt wuuTt , .Ytrthamptontnt Senator i t Woaaad Uottttnt (tr , Camden and Currituck tnt Smamr , Jtran jvrt, YAgetmbt and ttt tw , It fhtng - ton, TfTtU ana nynt tm Senator, Green, Lenmr and Jtnet tnt Staler, Carteret and Onekw tnt Senator, .Vn-itrr and Krmntwitt tnt Smator , Velmmbnt and Rth. etm me Senator, and JUndrn, hupln and Smf,. ten thall be tnMlcd It ret Semato'1 , and tnt etunto ike be enHed tt mere tUn tnt benutor, nfit afto tKe nert tnumeratien, Stc. 41. Ihe House of Rrprtltnta tivet thall have tht tole power ef im peachment. Sic. 45. All Impeachainlfhad le tried bu the Senulc ; and uhen fitting for that purpoie, the Stnatort shall be J .,' 4 tr V. on oatn or ajjirmauon. jv ycittn thall be convttttd without the concur rence of ttrO'thirds of the mrmbero pret ent. Stc. 48. Upon conviction of any of ficer liable tt Impeachment, judgment in tttch caset thall not exiena junaer than removal from ofjkt, and disquali fication to hold any office of honour, trust or profit under this State i and tht tarty convicted may moreover be liable and subject to indictment t trial and punishment, according 16 law, " 5.c. 47. AU ofuert new putng any tfjkt ar appointment, thall xonlinue in the exercne of the rienis ana amies or their retpective offices or appointments for the terms now by law avthomrd, i i ... .....: . ' .' . . . L unit at (nj mis coTiiitiuuvn it i &icr twae- directed: And all laws in force at ihe time of making the several amend ments to the constitution, and which are not inconsistent therewith ; all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims ana con tracts, of any description, shall con tinue as if the said amendments had not been made. Sec. 48. The City cf Raleigh shall be the Seat cf Government of this State, and the unalterable place cf holding the future General Assemblies of the same, and the ptace ej residence cj the chtrj officers of the State. Src. 49. Popart of this Constitution shall be altered unless a Bill for that purpose, specifying the alterations in tended to be made, thall have been read three times in the House of Represen tatives, and three times in the Senate, on three several days in each House, and agreed to by two-thirds of each Houte respectively,' and when any such Bill shall be passed m manner aforesaid, the same shall be published at emutng.electienfjor -membw.-ojJhtr ofdnffi agreed to during the first session there after., by two-thirds of each House efi iht-Genrrel Astembhjj-aJ terih shall have been read three times, in three separate days, in each House, then tht same shall become hart of this Constitution. Provided ahvay, that nothing herein ' contained shall be to construed as to prevent the exercise of the unquestionable right of a majority of the free people- tf this Statrto alter ayainendthis Constitution: " ' ' "CCTThose parts which- are t(t&'frii,-arethe amendments' proposed to the present Cvietitu- CIIANCELLOR RENT. ..... . i YVf have tht great pleasure to atate, that the trustees ef Columbia -College, at a meeting of the Board thia morning, have constituted a Professorship of Law in the College and VKAkwocaLT elected the Hon. James Kxirf, L. L. 0. late Chan cellor of this atata, to fill the chair. ... IN. Y. ivtning Past. 4i.irtr, awa raeirr, iriiiun, TtT.iiur, Kovr.Mnr.tt :j. ibii. T catttrf aitTt. , ft titrt ot l'ad t number of eomr&iHurt. Com, aW a gmd dctl ef otUr nutter, Intend. 4 fur tint week's ptrr, ahkb wt art obF.pd te defer for want of room. -- - - - - - '. - ---- -i--- i,. .- a- i--js.5 I wajajeMBa) rry yf i r 1 1 tir rt;1cn to tTe euJa atgt if thit WfcV'a pSperTor'. foreign 'tews. u4 maw- tlumattk anldca of ktcreit.lL.ia U - m that the law edvlea- frtm Ef Irtrf -liult doubt but that CaIla !im fJlct inio tltt btndt of tba Frrftch J' and ttiat, coiwqiienily, the Bpaniih ptopla muit again bend tlieir tecki to t devpotjim aa revolting to the cnligtitened pHnclplrt of the aCe, aiHia tyrannical a.id cn CI u ua jJWiru uirimi'rn wt Dua the emnM-fet will again be liffatcd up, and (ha bartaroua. blood Inqutaition be rcrirai throughaut thy beautiful country. 4 cosir.xnos. Tolty ft pretcnt our rradere with tht r Mitt of the labor of tht Conveat'en delcrta who mrt In Italeigh on the lOtli int. The oU, and tha proposed new Conatitution. IU be Iwmd on the first and tt eond ptgrt of thit pat per. We hsve only given, this week, a tummt. ry journal af the proceedings of tb meeting t the three first dayt of their eeation, at we vert tatitfitd, frwm the eafrrneat with which thees. tra tlieet we aent out on tTedncdy, the 19uV intt. wu sought aAer, Uiaf the public anxkrty a a greater far a tight af the amended form of the constitution, thtn for the mere jturnaloiikt mf rtirg. We tlitll ne it week publith the r. mainde r of the journal, tnd part of the deba'eti tnd in the ueceding ptper, trj to complete tht hole i for bjrthat time wc shall be eontidera-. bly prttsed with the proee clingi of tha Lerie. Ittmr, ttt1, tn aAr, Uh4hoat'Congrttr - tt e Jiftrr to little iptce for remarks Uiit reek, that we can do no more thtn barely felicitate eer follow-cititene an the eupicioue rcmilt of the conference of their delt-gatei j and cxprcat eu beticf, ttal the tmendaientt they have prnpotel to the Constitution, are auch at are absolutely demanded, in order to secure to the people eatf North-Carolina the bleuingt of t repre eentatir government. AH htve now t fair view tf what 7 the friendt of Cnnrention with to do. Tbey noir have thr' tmendmenta before their eyes, 1 and ran compare them, at their leisure, with the old constitution, and see which they would prefer ta a charter of their liberties. ' t TOE PBESIUEXCT. rctiTer will find In our columns oftoljy, extract! of letters from various sections of tht Union ( which would teem to afford eonclulivt, evidence, if any were yet wanting, that the rad ical candidate ia indeed " out of the question. At there never wat a prospect of Mr. CrawfortTl succeeding to the Presidency by any other meant than the management of hia partizana, wa, have aeen them, ever aince the year 1316, abet thry made a desperate but abortive attempt tt foist him into the executive chair over the ahoub ders of that patriotic HeroluttonarT- hero, ihv- 4 Jlunrme, resorting to art, intrigue, and corrup tion, to carry their project into effect. Their patron hu so slender a hold on the good opin ion of the people, and their task has coalequant. ly been so difficult of execution, tbey have been constrained to use means so manifestly barefaced, that the people are beginning t discover their real designs, and to mark the tur pitude of their actions. It is no wonder, then, that Mr. Crawford Is fast losing ground, for bit popularity was of a doubtful, spurious kind, it was ftrxed upon the people by the misrepreeB tution and management of disappointed office, seekers, whose native worth, talents, and patri otic services, they knew would not entitle then to places of trust and honor, and whose only hapes were, therefore, to push a man into tbd Prt'sidentitl chair by intrigue and corruption. who would reward them for it by conferring ot J ihro.luasLUva. tppointnientt,.. At the,uuhoiy. designs of these men have now Wen developed to theeophi, theyi their tethowi and the maft Whom theyirrtended Jo palm trpan us as chief magistrate of the nation, must fall before the majesty of public opinion! StlCIDE ! We learn from a gentleman residing in Surry, that a very mysterious suicide was committed in the neighborhood of Jonesville, in that county, some time in the month; of September l4 A young man, aged about 20 years, by the name of Anderson Siak, eon of Jesse' Siski" Esq. of very reputable family, of unblemished" charee terr and in easy circumstances, hung himself wfth" a; brldleYttfa hook,iri aback piazza. ; Tbe dtcd was committed en Sunday. His'ptrent snu menus anew ot no cause ma comu iv this world irksonie to him.i he went, with cth era of the fim:ily, to preaching on Sunday mom ing, and was apparently, aa free from grief ami melancholy aa any one around h,im i be .imme diately returned heme from preachings;1 hefots Qie 'exercisea of the day began j and when the balance Of the family got home, they fofl him euspended by a bridle to a hopk, wha it waa tseal It ang up hartaaa. : - 1

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